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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1902, p. 7

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N7,EWRL Â1YO Ak" i May Look Bright Nw B ut r.o0NOtL i V 'P P n nr l.TTl j heu, Those werc fiýghhs for carîl- iy croxvns and tionriinron. but tire tg' iglît thar. noir goce on betiveen ailh V the alliet' armics,.of Ilcaveni anti al ,- thc alliedati mies of bell te ta sot-. IrTH teileiCOD OR SATAN.; us h ha'Iva posýsssion 0f du- plat. Ohye - qlier t Jsus Cut;i-t, xvw hewr0lf sovear antitd ~ JEPP I I JJ~ LUUi~V~U. ~ ictors ro-L in the odrs home on ~e un __________the 1hcaverly eghspch there jA d ptc rontWshntoais tyerhad Eer osibl,' effort, cr of siiulamriuo n 11e. L. almgep2reachuIi Iromthe w 'il! be mod 0to mak you thnk creascd hewarîrsfo Critin lolwi ct:-I. 1irîgi- xx , IL, wrong. The young man wilo gets cartbIly combat! Sme ay ive may j Le lo hmthat girdetn ion hi- bhar- bis head fillet' ivil yu notions bc in that. armory an hear the ller- a ness boast hintself as ho that puttoth about God, about Christ, about .c-tlko oi hy l git the good lit off.itesul about the great bayond, is fight of faith and sec tirent wth Itýarnýesa le the obsolete Word for already captured. Mie icars of voun5 ý;icrever heaied armor. il; means harniess for tLe PUT ON THE HELMET and look at the we-apons of ofience Dct 3ar Sinturo of man,flot harness for th-boni-t; lhai- telthtioiajse n and defernce with whîch thcy becamne ns for the battle, flot baïns foitr echin. Think ighand mryhaooqîuos nta tue plow. 'Ille ancicut arneor co irnrgh- Utoîver of heaven as ithe woapons of si-ted of helmet for ticent'u, bro-t- wIl acf. rI:ýht. Vei-, breastplatc, for the spiritual clitare examined paoirn-d shiald fur thoeîheur. arthtustomi- i-St: ,ard may point ou, to us the grass o Uc ct 'hetetr aksportant part to be defendeti. That aro vt hc aavisd ~eoPacS!cri V/e r~ei~. a compari-on betîveen a ninliîîst- decides ixhat you love anti what you Ephosians to equip ,eeve and ilig for soute iar andi a veteran ro- tne htYi roefrat htSay: ' That leis ; i-eltiof faith. Tor vi-f ~~ ~~'turt-iog, the one putîg on the ar- yudsis hr ecdsertryTa u h ebe t uvation. ~ mor nd Uicothor uttîî it oh happinesi- andi eternat destiny. Keep 'ffat fis the gird fti Ta ~~ t~~Lentat', tac king of iSyria, 1, i-rtprat'I1ele xi e~ thc breastpieco f ig cù'ns i thouglit he couic ti esiiy overconie the pore,. have thc heart corrupt, aiihose arc thir aileci shosa b invhiclr V I1ILLking of Isruel. ladee,the -yrrn your atoswl ccrut Oh, they vere shod w ivithediapropara- FO~~ LU~~NES2, ktog - ~~that al of us i-nighit have a newltonf igopl 'heendna 1TT~ ~ TOPIDLIY~. was i-o sure of the iîctory ihat tCheur oced wt tîiyienu r aof h ol.T ic conci thle. !spfread an antebellum bt n XYr Wth ca ôvrd wt a iin Wr a ecuthcrirs e PiL~ ~2TPT9. thirty-tivo kingi-liha was celebrating wought breastplatc! Yege stiveon f.lhe day when you euh-sted in ~ ~ALL~W iwhat they ivure goirig ho do. 'l lharo hect oîuî ugru Christian confliiet and the day îvheu T~EOLP~Xî~ iere in ail tttirty-threc kingi- ut tier-catis arc we coirpelîcdtieto îalk. you cloii t inlecarthly fareîveil anti caroosal, and tliîor condition is dc-, many pcopir- trcat' on sharp iilaenly salutation, aed the hext, scribeti in thc Bible, flot as convivial prongi- of teropiaton and go lame- which-has so Émuch meurîing for uý or stimulated exa-litation., but drunk. ,îdlmiî i 'crit0 hi now, iili have nmore maang for us 'iheir giit'cd antid arreipaviliorri- tays, Jr-on mailictishoe for rIre foot. he-lLet flot lm nthai. girde;ýhon 0 UR 51K EA DAC HES. were surroudet' byhîi mett et' Wc boit' oor brealli in hoiroir as bis hiarnesi- boast biielf ns lie that -~ -... .------ . ---~~ hurses, rîighlintindcýia Ling and1 once lii a whilc ive irar of somne pattetti it off." DI.T. OTR hit (hi' to chariots i-oean as iîdugs inO, cither by accident or suicide, go- 4 1)11 L*POTTIX.rod- ru. Benhaclud sntsofcers over ing over Niagara Falls, but the tides ereai,! r4icerr-r.bruSt .oppait'tT-itv to tac king, of iucfI t'ciantling t1 the Uc t'ptlis, tiheawfui i-urges of in- Cci l pit. i!a]l lti emavle 550 uiete ftect.syn,"buteitperance are ovory Irour of evcry DII.~ cair. t'liter nme tby sili-er anti thy day rosi-n scores of iminor tais Di.W . i!AIX K gol d andt ty wives aaid tby hcljt- down into unfathonied abvsm. Sir - Grarcie c Tot> bi3qit; D. M- rrn anI uter-wnrt' sentis otîrr,Éli-cides by the hundretis of thousands! N gîoîactIuicNwarl.11 tLcers, saying thre palace of thc kirg Suicides by the million. Beivare of j 11155 I'HL ioîrîîi. will hbci-ca chad ant i.yîtbiîîg Iltn- thecucp out of whieh Benhudati tranl .~I1î-a sru iipAt'lli. at'ad ivarts le iili taka iitllootIperi-onal anti natlional tiemolition! 1> !. ii- luix i ina Srah gaocaking. Than the kng of hIsr-aecail!- Yi y iiict hýlave full armelr. hîli l.'oý,nrrori K11, c, ea'ii r et' a cotncilcf ivar, anti word us .teut There are> temptatr.ons to uimpure I-rzto 12cr hffad at' hsurlxol thut*l thi lure muitiplying a lui- ublo ,,nr--iwill lie resir.ted. 1 n 1 ensiiying. Plit' in private anti M1. J. C. M lTCHE M: li, Bobdiisntsrn aber nesaeto du-senset' aftJerrvard by the refînet' U iliElOf.L-, GEOF ý,t'liYrft0fAiýS thking 0f J-moiac, a mjessageIlfou f aniceatin parlonrs areclioks, 1 i7,(ri-0-arooorae, nrgrnc and blravado, paill oi-îli rn id Lu lit' iith i- liierdaer.Euokî!in. 1 syug: 'XVa ill destroy yenututc1r- purities. Loose enaractersiru(dire iy. LTivili grind Samaria loto Il e nuvel appiaudad by rhcr.orical pens AE eLAIduINtis, liut lureiîli net ba dist .and proprieties of life caricatured as Scîelt, it'Cea .~ iiacr.015r-oug h, to maie c-atifrl for (,uco prudery anti infitieiity of liehavior ss JOS JA ET ~na c a- -iîs-o bej-eo4lr f my troopi.- Thon tire king <f put inaa xay to excite sympathy12t16Yas i-ruel ropliedt'eho Jlehadat', racti- anti haif apîroval. M~y Wouder us b 1mdewho 1 rdo. Sad itOlrFRI' YOCNU1. V.. - culy snying : "Lot me scec yon4donflot hiat i-o rrany go ni-tray, boy uîy To ho ati rti on r -aî Wx FYCf WEbT l)tJIHANI NEFi hat you i-ny. ijiWonder us that ten thures as Imny fng cla '.3~~~~~~ 1 - 1iee îirt r i -itctwl O OYLBAOJT are flot dabauclet. There are inilu- Conîifortalile bous;e or breakfast Pioc tr dtu'A. reIicel. or h a.. agatitcal!-, a O30 RiOYAbeter ae o, , nces ah irorul, whicb. if unarrastet' ja.ckets tiraI ara tasteful anti atrrac- e 4c àr-.1ieiy olj 0ite Dil1 l-lied' .-ri 4by yu aqutpspoe'iili turn our cities iinto Sotiomi-andti ive ah the samne titre ci-ieniai yourbanuetuntîl alter the outtie, Gourorrahs reatiy for tihehll andti t a Young giri's ivartirobe, us they tr l'. 7-- fnset f sprent'iug it Lefore i lic ;ire anti brimatone of God's indigna- arc to that cf ib1er inuotîer'antI eider --------------- -- lnîte oou 1zz.a toc i-con. LaI l tion. sisher. This pretty iesqgn r- simrple AfTGEIIEESM.A not hini that gir1'cthu ri S Ia-to Yes, you moi-t have ful armorer no nýia idt-antigirlisb, and carlie bcmatie snug ~rr-. --ur ar'igeLc~nîa loathimi-ciIf as he tiratputr.etbil ureacai ie epatosto or icît boose a casio tenrantir £elri.iao:Crittie rreet 011. - IAs i-lo%,-o the mae >iu pick Frenchb - ~An avalanche cý f courage ar-rd I GAMING PRACTICES, oine aii riîîi f narroir îi X Li.AUX. riglîteouSüci !- , tcl-ru&rtýhb 1 yciîter 1in gamfurnig bal-li lack wasl, niblion, brrr.Scoitch flan- 13 1 bMSO, i HA. .CtAl ame donn on Býenhatintianti triS or un the mocy marklet, buy- nel at, icette, cashmnere ant i Ienri- 1>'iltan Slraaai-Niaciueie i-a r-bot.It n-rs a andîti o liant' lifg wheat they neyer pait' for andti la rclthare, aqualiy suitable. n t'cî,. tri at i. Ueriuatvlecad saii>iuin 'nn yî seiling irlut therc an nlier or tietiver The back lao plain ueross the, shool- foîbia-forticOtrlu ani. Piv e Bnliadad, on borsaback, g-te i'.uty ni-I lorrowrug what thhy cannor.tiers anti draiv dow n nrowxs of ga- nrî.r!aaet eiraea i~re xilh sorteoï fthe cuvnlry, but us returînanti stealing irbat .hec aui- ther- ut the irai-t fina; brutil-e Il. P. IIUNTEIZZ, io iiant foua -redO~t not burron-. Alilehurs cf tire day fronts are gathere t tMire necul, anti :iwhich 100000 Syruin iiiftlnrtry n-Oit anti ail houri- uf the nintht are vast fuît in becormmng foldi- rt--hi rarrbc Ai grcat mniýy famers have railu fences w'arb idl viin-ot turn stock anti :%iidli gii'e the oryrer- a groat tieai cf tr'ouble lu heeping rails ru the jence anti the italics ib utie grout. hn, Our sectioni we bu, e soivedtisf pro-I blemi by the use of a little ivire anti i-croc ingenuity. iWe have matie out of our oit' rail fonce a uerv fence %vi icir -ill tLirneny kind of stockt and irbicli costi- îcry fittle rush eut- ]uy comnpareti iitît other fonces. h hulieve it r- te ireeny fence 1J know cf thut, you licgin to bltt frorir the top, says a -irriter, bu preface t. th. folloîvîng directions: Toou-.---A pair of x 1eprucers or piersmi, a grubbi---g ho,- a ýirackulmatli cf 1 liy 3 srpa6,?- ec rail, ho hotti your top rail ai lastlýy. but moi-t iiîpnrtapt, a alrieoÈ No. !2 bine!- mi rc as pliblbec"s yoo cao get. M~tuia ---1.Th( i-taules sueultilie six aunti a hait fec-i long, matie of 10- cist, onît, rînnur. or eny- tituber tira i vli bast. l'hise stakes do not have hoelie perlectly strajghx-, as tlib is the g -oat ativantage of this fonice, ho use irueteri l hat cennot lbc tiiet' aryivherc eci-e u-xcept ifa nwooti pilie. 2. Tirabica , x lich are wireti 10 tihe centre cf top, rail, andi cx- tend hoeflic groonti hetircen the i-taules, shoit' ho six unît a haif feet long . Mke thenit ro.i aaythrog fri nr tîvo lte breincla-ies riniliameter-. They nreeti nof. be put iii the grount', as your rails iii hoidti leni un plaîce. 3, Rnai can be triet' froru the ol erce, i-re iglt or crooket'. When you ta"lea rail 10 xr'rre if.tetofho brîxces, if ft leaves a liole bi. t ic.e You can put a piece in the fole. Wu j viii loi-c too rîrucli tirne ho select o very rail, fluilding,-Set up twio itaules anti 'viro together xvher tlîey ecrass, then i tig holes for t heru b go in to about for apatrt. Tis us ycr lic-1 grnnîug. 'Temporariiy bruce these st,,,i-tues xrha bruce cf rail. xtvlieh siroulti te us staigt cuti us sounti a oneo as you eau pick utp. Noxv use your ruolz for holding tht'e et' on tire gi-clnt' xxliia ou t'ig Uthelîles anti waire the other- itaules. Put the rac ablirt txro fect fr-cru-thre eut' of the top rail andtihorn .sot up your itaules P-gainîst thre top rail. DLig lioles for t'hein opposite the îuck's feet, pot the itaules in, wirn-etogatiter irbere Chey cross ulitier tho top rail, thon put on another rail, lappinrg about ei-hteeu inches, anti no ont until You bave put f.hbs riai about han or tirait-e p;aes. Thon go bacul anti put 0ou vour hrucc ro lt-e-p the fence fr-oul pughing buculîxar-tianti orward bengtliirxrîsc-.1 1 Wlien y ou hvere put on ail yorr brnees, liogin ut the liott onr ho put on tire other ra i, tic nith wu-e 10 the bottorniof the braces, bnp the rails eiglît te hîvjelve inchos,_ layungj liottoia rail util you ar-ut the ent' of yor itakon, then corne bacul, taule lire rext rail, anti i- on until yoor I.' 1 Asthialene Drrigs L-stcetnt Rolief and Permuanenit Curo 1n Ail Cases. SENT ABSOLUJTELY FRE ,ON RE-C1,,IPr 0 (%FPOT Write Your Name and Address liny t ~brïiugs instaIt rlilf, evt'n iný the woîul Ci- te.I ure,, wlîêî' ailt fiq' 18 1 lie1Rov. C f. ."ELL's, of Villa Ridge, - A sa% s: -Yoir trial botuleof ioa telereceived it.1 gEbn(leonditin, i anuiol tel how :hanlzftil 1 (cal four the gonit In. ri% t fomn it. 1 I i g1 wh ec ainet wit f îîutrid sore throat amd A,?tt jna -kor!vii 'car-. 1 desp1aired o!of er h-eing cured. 1Itýaw vournîadverti.,tneiit for the cuire of dits dreadfLal ai-fiet<rineiiti1 deurn Asitihna, aud thaugut youi hai o% e r ako S your-elveq4 but rai-olvetd 0!o lt a ta i, To .-v astoflisoiet the trie i actM4 liLu charin. Send me a fuit size bottle," jB.abbi of the con-. Vinai lIsraei. NEW YORK, Jan. B, 1901 Dn8 TAFT linOS ' IIi2ne CO Giffltemon: Your A. thmalene a 1 an Pex cellerut reiiet' i for A-thma axid i-ay Fever a-nditi-comnpos-itionu alle iii es al!troubles rCvEfY fI;11 wh'icli comn wi wth Asthnia. Ils SUCCCËO hi sou~ tq-g andI wowlee fui. i' orhavhxg il catrî4ýultyanaý'l' od, ie car' i-tata thal; Athm-!0 cou.rtunu opIuw, iUUuiIÀU, du# u r tL~o ,Vory trul *v, ours, 11EV. DR MâOIIIN ECIS[R Du. TPT Plnq. IPT)TrNrPAvoN SaNSÈRA, N. Yz,Feb, 1, 1901, Gov.tlerî":I un wite Ibis reQflmonteRl (rouia pense of duty. havinK toQted the i ndoeal e-ffet of vouir A-thintleo for thre cure os Asthmna %y withla*' hoîî afflictet' with i-pasi>nodie a-thwa for tho p4st 12 vears Ilaving exhau-ted my owx i-kill as weilai-mativ ollîcrs- 1 harîed b ibec your si-n Ptipo tr windows oit 13th street, Noiw York 1 tI i-toce ohtai11eil a Ubottti(1- A1thrnaone M.y wife conrinerced taking it a4out the firg t Noornher I1 'erv snon tnticene at radical irnroumeît.After usig ee bottla ber Act0im ia àaradawt ieaid e.1itIy frst-efrom ail 8 1 ous Ifef-I Ihlat I ci-nli -mîie1tly recornwaed tho medieinu to aIl who are aet1ictyA with thhri distreâbLzg deaso. Yours resîroetfuily, 0.1),PEIELPSý, M. T). flar TAýýr Bnio. Mnniîn Co. Ph5 9 Gentlemann: 1 war rroubleti with Asthnia for 22 years. rI hav fi dttiuïer- nus remedies, blut thev have ail fsiIs-d. 1 rail acro4aur auer i-euuar srarted with a trial brottie. I fînuigd rplief n~t once. T have i-ince pmrchnseil rotir fulI.ýize hottia, andI I arn îerv grntefut. 1 have farinilv of four chaîdrMt% all for î4ix veari; wa- unairie bu work. I am n ow In bei-t (f health antI amt duilg buste uess avery dav. Tht- te.,tiginv >ou clan make Ùse of as 3ou i-re ft. Ilome addreas, 2M n 1ivington Street. S IAPAEfJ, 67 East 1201h i-t , New York City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT 0F POS;TAL Di n-bt dlav Write nt once., addraisin. DLb'. TAF £ BIt03.'EIC CO., 79 E at 130th St , N Y. Ut y. S--oId bv Ail Druggists. 'u

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