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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1902, p. 8

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COUNTIES' COUNCIL. YULE-TIDE WEDDINGS. WEEK OF PRAYER.- ANN-ONE.The Week of I rayer services will be held as lu this connection we may belpormait- A verv quiet we-ddinig took plce at c th nk l O r iends tedto say that having now served one the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. Selb.y, Wednesday, Diseiple's church, .Home andà year as Countie; Commissioner, we Newcastle, on New Year's Day when Schools ' nevBnGreenway ;Thursday, method- have learned to respect our fellow Miss Maud Bone and Mr. E. Mann of is hrh TeeWor" Ru J ,Yur""nbOW ANV LL members and have tou-nd;thelm general- Oshawa, were united in marriage by den. There will be no meeting monday aeu-n lvery genial and worthy men. We, Rev. T. J. Edmison. Newcastle. 'A in. The Thursday evening meeting will be aind customers for their lib-"Y ýo1e;tio innad of temwo:Ewiää:e Leil.m have been made of which we strongly osbawa, where tbey intend to.spend a tihe churches on the previous Sund ay. yeetings disapproved, but oni the whole -the short honeymoon. wal be held at 8 o1eloek each eveniug. tldbusiness has been done in the best in- A CARD. eral p&atronage and sincerely t aulttofn t"tes: :f. r A er p orau vet o ,lace lat We the undersined, d o hereby paih rs ndmaeanceo f h ol the epniu Otreidence of Mr. Richard Richards. agree to refund the money on a 50-centA T whih b reerece o te epenitue otaro S ,Christmnau Day when his bottle of Greene's Warranted Svrup of dhsince the June session will be seen to daughter Edythe was united in marri- Tar, if it fails to cure your cong;h or hhonb very large, and to our wa.v of tamik. age with P. S. Rombough, jr., Oshawa. cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent W sh t em a H appy oiiii g. unnecessar so· Don * fadl to The ceremony was performed bv Rev. bottle to provo satisfactory or money readtheexpnseaceuntin ur extW. J. Jelliffe, B. C. L. The bride was refunded. Sold by, S-ro-rr &JuaR and paper and see if you don't agree with attended by her sister Ida and Miss M. J. HIGGIsNoruAM & SON us. At the last session a, purchasing Parson.Oshwa. while the groom was P ros erou N e Y ea s'°"2"'hRom'b oeghThe bridBITUARIES. elgents and Boys' Tweed Suits Will be Od t$.0 e reponibleforthe utly net yar" ling suit of blue cloth and white silk RicHAim BRAGG , less for all Suits above $5,00 and for $1.0 es un r n white s!lbrwismsandge a -- 8s. 5.00. This applies to any Tweed Suit in orsok HJMISS BROWN'S FRIEND, ^£ter the cerem ony the guests sat down R.ichard Bragg, the subject of this to a tempting spread. The bridai notice, was' born in the parish of Py- '--couple took- the evening train for Osh.. worthy, county of Devon, England, nl s a - A Ham.ilton Young lady who is very grateful awa where a warm reception greeted April 9, 1831, and died in Bowmanville, tor a timely word of advice and per suasion, them at the, residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ontario. October 9, 1901. His parents, Dysepia s o rspcto o pesos.P.S. Romhoughi. The young couple with their family, came to Canada in D aysppsa sno res apec or fern. e the recipients of many handsome the year 1813, and settled in the town- O D . ali "h isdoafuli)eialnul an a "rl-nd as avidne.s°ahot'her nettler°s. To keep our tailors busy We Will take 20 oran distressing disease. There are fewnmen WHærT CAUSES PAIN?-Most pain and at that time, he may be regarded as dýUit ordereddun'thsae CU PRIEF R AS and women to-day who do not suffer aches comne from oexcess of utire acul one of the pioneers of the settlement in uigtssae C T'R more or less from stomach trouble in poisons in the blood. due to deranged clearing the land, and other labor ONLY. 0%vM a iv le somte formi, and much of the worrying kidneys, rheumnatism, backache, lum- necessary to provid,3 the comfortable illness of emildren is due to thé, very batgo. pains in thfle sides and limbs home, which become the family hom- sanecause accompanied b bade urinary stead He was converted at egten 6606ncd andal 00 0 6fW6Î Miss Maggie Brown, of Hamilton, troubles, are wýarming too serious and rears of age, and immediatelv united Ont , suffered for six years with -D s anu o engetd D.Caswith the Bible Christian societyin bis Regular 50e and 60c goods, for 42c ah pepsia, which combinEýd with fearful Kidney Liver ills act directly and immediate localitv. The ene and headaches made hier Ilife one of much speehfically on the Kidneys, make taem testimo»ny of his co)nversýation was clear pain and misery, active, vigorous an Pd thoroughly enre and positive, andwihu wavering so The balance of our Xmas Slip-per stockwl esl Th ormstpyscan retdMiss tea et n2e o n i d 1 r at cost. We are also cutting prices of itrBos Brown but were unable to do anythmng world of good. for about thirty-ílve years, and SundayRubrec to relieve or eure her. rhey pronounced hier case one of the very worst forms of---easHeaotoknacienert Dyspepsia and absolutely ineurable.CANNaOoPE or ~She tried many medicines but without Avr laig vn okpae tt 1 tea ec ,ad 1 7 ~~~~~any benefit and she was constantly get the resideniceo ýf Mr. Samiuel Hooper, tasatuteo h hrha rv ting worse and worse till she had given TNrone, on N1,ew Year's Day, it beigdne n nhslaiota eg-36 inches wide, 5ý oz. to theyad worth 9 o c HEAMERICAN MONTH LY P EVIEFW OF -REVIEWS a nvlde fee.en ntinou h araeofhseds agtr borhood to reside in Bowmanville, ini is commended by Statesmen, Professýional men and thousands of','S s eondo Mr W.J Cann D ulngt 18,hneam rse oehds Only 3 Dark Grey Goat Roewrh,.0 ewl others prMiiinent in the world's activities, for its fine discrimi- sàitb su ces porsn oce emony pe rmed v chureh -n thetownfayd 4r ei ned1sell for $5.50i. AllRobes, Rugs andHos Banes t naition in siftmng the actual news from conilieting report and the presen,- sae e otyateteto hsiS culn hi atr sitduin and gave It his influence, also aetual cost price for cash. tatonof urentevntsinther ustprporio. .he comet o is emedy, and to h er surprise her head. by the juii;or pastor, Re.J G. Brown- trie union of th.e Methodi.t churches in freedom from daily-paper sensationalism Ail men and women ww< Ie adal iaperdadt e ebride a sitdb e sse h ion eliealo i en wan.-t to know what the world is domng find it an intellectual necessii, ahs Alalydàapardad h h ile th tdbylir te b etwn elbeal f i en to judge from -the letters received from hundreds, Its editorials are other unpleasant dyspepsia, pains as Aiceo n A e e omwas e ite e cupaited the us of tetn r u an comp,,rehensive, and labor saving to the busy mani or womran thitsseoA - inI l C 1Hewa timely continbutions- on important topics are by the best-mnformed ln a short time shte was completely iyeatetvle ua o hiemrid n nteecagn 0 dfo writers. Its reviews of other magazines give the best of their best restored to perfe(-' health and. strength lege, Gueiph. The bride was very be relations in family Ilife he was ever thOe2- ponsor1.0 Best Yellow, 22 poundro,$,0 wor. t s rousey llstatd.and hbas not -3n had any return comingly attired in cream peau de Soie kmnd husband and father, and souight Yok Tes letteselwillusnaledaltogtu e.n wmnt ug dceso e ypon fsilk trimm d wth chiffon and arpsie elfale of his famuily.toHe o eave a hs r nyafwsmlso h a,-isw r I'he bridesmid e-was d-cressed in -white loss. The sons are ail occupying honior. Offering to clear before OUr annual Stocktki Ti PREsiDENr " am a connsa'nt reader of the Dodd',.2 ,ýspepsia tablots if used org-anme.and carried pink roses. The able positions in life. lMis affliction, •ý " i know tbat through its col- ' Review of Reviews, and appre to.directions will do for anv bride's going a way gown was of castor which caused his d eat h, was borne with i the best time in the whole year to -get abagi.C m uims ij,, iw-Iý- have been presented toi -giame it very igÉhly indeed. 1 inink dysl)epti, wat thG>v did for Miss Brown broad'cloth with turquoise blue satin Christian resignation. IIis testimony noW and'We Lguarantee to save yon money. mte utht conh! not oither w se ha ve it 'a very inportant' panL of my, and her fi' nd They instantly relieve and brown velvet trimminigs. The was assuring, "I have no fear. " Spek hda cess to; because ail carnest library. and praruically a niecessity and perma7..ntly cure altStomach, wedding' march was played- by Miss igo i prahn ees n andthogifnime, n muerforon inpole fetf.B. troubles and Dig-estive irregularities. LillieMcan Bowmanville. After funeral; his'".expressed -vish was,"Say how idely their ideas diverge, are Foraker. U. S. Senator, Ohio. the nuptial knot was tied the guests buît very little about me, but extol the ý, -ieni)ree iuerance in uis col..-~-~~ ~ were invited. to the diing 'roomt whereo'race of God,,by ,wich 1I am served" umn." Teodre ooevet.It is one of the best and most TYRONE.; sumptuous su pper was done ample ifueawslrgvatndad EX-PRESIDNT at actry pu ic ons t e .ustice to. The bride was the recipient, his remains wANe laid-in Bowmn nvill .... ... .e "I consider it a, ver y valuable sen iana, BINDER TWINF. of mnany useful and costly gifts among cemetry in hope of a joyous resurrec--- addition to my ay which were a check fromt her father and i, .. JAMiES OSBORNE. Begiin to tallk ovrwacpp>n GrvrCleveland. "1 do not have a great deail of Don't forget t o order - FAiuiER s a sunburst of opal, pearls and dia mavie ou wnnv92wihyu va1e have someýtimnes found Pdeasure in saynog that the ' Rev le given, PETER n Enay, Agent, Tvrone bridesmaid -the groom gave a gold James Osbor ne, late night wateinnan in furnish in'1formiation threve hpoat anrineeIf Reviews' is among the nu 1r-tf canbrclt here were a large e twddonTursday, Dec 12th, in If yo ae erou1dspptc(r whoh sont ototeris hvewhc 6dsa lace on1 My le In the Center of Africa the fame of number of guests among whom were his 64th year. He had held the position Carter's Little NrePl yppi disovere.c-Geonge P/. IHar, U. S each mointh."-Yimes K. e. Pain Killer has spread. The natives M.adMs re ooe of night* watchman for abou ihenmksyunros n evuns smato, Masac /metts.U. S. Senator, A rhasas, use ir, to cure ents, wounds and sDrains, Mr. and Miss W arne, Peter boro; Mr, A Disease That Has Long Baffled .vears, being off dut y scarcely a single makes tymu a rpep te;ete n edr Sedfor particulars>as to how IL can be had with an invaluable set asWweII as bowel coulaints..Avoid and Ioskin ight during that time, and it doubtless yout.misealadte- iteplscr for 0 cnts moth.substitutes, there s one Pain-Killer, and was the exposure to all sorts of weathe- both, of boos forso cets a onthPerry Davis'-25. and 50c. and Mrs. C. Cooper, Brechin, besides which eventually broke down his A-lal - tt CJe dhirdof nÜtitûio (0mpally Iloliday visitors:.-lr. May and the mr r nae ap Mr. M A. Gauthier, of Buckingham, health Deceased was a Canadian, his distance, is a co yo Ts rr a 1 3 ASTOR PLACE. N EWY ORK Milsses May at the Parsonage; Mrs. Jhn tn' I •an vciit . Gives His Experiance for the Ben"- birthplace being the township of Dar- for a year. IL keep hmpstdo l Staples, Guelphat her son's Mr.allace MBDICA ScIENcE ADvANcES -It1s not fit of Other Sufferers fromt this lmngton, near Bowmaniville.Hehdtaisgngnatom.avsltr Staples; Mr. Russel Umigham, Toronto more than hiait a centuaryi ago that been a resident of Listowel for nearly writing, and will ivmoestfain Junction, at home; Mr, and Mrs. Robert physicians considered a surgical opera. Terrible Malady. thirty years, He leaves a wife and than any other prentotntisit Awde and son Russel, Toronto, at his tion withits risk expense and bansFrmtePtBckgh ,Qu family of six children, thtree sons and vailue. ~ From now ni aur,5c father's, Mr. John Awde; M iss M. E. the only cure for piles. To lay it isonly M'e venture to-say that in our town th freeduers ar agrAmon-upfaicyn A Nagging Coug rvs le n H o id g e , T o ro n to , M r. A sb u ry W ilso n ,- th e o u t of d a te d o c to rs th a t th in k o f su c h ot,0 0 i n a it n s eebs n e s m e y a o r m er smarri a g , A o re e h i n o f o t a a . Y u c n o e t w t Gaànanoque, Mir. John Mc Feeters,Guelph, treatmrent It is cruei and extravagantof,00iabts'ewuinsmn and obliging 'officer than the late Mr. All ' I By. T'ake th-e G. , T.". System for aillSOWMANVILLE, JAN. 8, 19011. with friends; Mr Will Stock, Georgetown to operate for a ditease which is far air the ourthann b stlino' Osborne wouild be difficult to find His hard breatb ng Pn blerie at Mr 0. Stock's. ... Mr Frank u ilbur more certainiv cured by the application butcher cf Main street He wasn't death is regretted by all our cuizens, irritation of the thra.Gv!tfel MT. VERNON. sailing on Lake Huron.... Mr. and Mrs. skeptical, but for proof you are referred however, as energetic or as hustling a sympathy. The funeral took place on to te chilren. .-A. W Clemens and family spent Christ- to tens of thousands of cases that have couple of years ago as hie is to-day, and Sundav afternoon, and was a large ~~~~~Visitors: isWlsn ikrng a e ah tr e has. >awen, been cured by this famtous preparation. HIavir g or ionu eei e.a aOhe A ten l ded wir MrS CaeuntMssIen anmad ,cected Sclhool Trustee to fill the position --hsmyrt i eiet uce a body -Listoteel Standard. The above Sot lia( ngtndtM.E.Wlas so efficiently occupied by Mr, T, Creeper. HOCREG--WRRY schBhatnck.e was paid to keeping is a brother of Mr. Richa&rd Osborne, MissH.yhand nd dughtr, Back- Air . B.Edmion. ewcatle asThe homre of Mr. a nd Mrs. W. T. the body in the state of health necessary tw ie lre stek; isssAni adJee eentge f Mr J B. BrownJ'no Werry, Dundalk, was thene of a to stand a strain, and in consequence B î sh C luWhale y, Toronito, at Mr. HI. Abrahams,'; rcntge May kindly assis d iunthe very pretty- weddiag when at 2 1). m. of the extra demands upon the s,stem Mr. an Mrs..j T.Rundle Solm, sarvicesiTyrone church 'Sunday even- their eldest daughter Luella was united i eaerndw osc netn And àau prinia1aii os r aces:MstrRar nsnwe rJ asypicipal ini.tý CJ the holv bonds of wedlock with Mr.thteipsorflngicesrsued ins Eeat n S rorSr at home; Mr. and Mrts. J. H-1ezzlewood, o our public schoolhbas ascurediacposi- Charles C~. Hockridge. one o-f Cedar. and these lapses into unconsemousness E4 legatadSpcro ,e-Raglan, at Mr. J. Garfat s;-,Miss Ada scrdaps- vlesms oua on e.Tebcmgaamnly frequent Ihe con- ic.DnnanCaePrrCasAbrahiams at Mr H Rogers, Enniskil- n r rn ca2lnaetl n ceremony was performed by Rev. T. sulted physicians and took somte rem. Lr r '1n thog1ris len.,...Hearty c(ongratulations to Mr, course of lectures mn Guelph Agricultural Campbell, Dunakih ria at edies, but without beneficial results 8T Od-8 For tickets , ullman berths andi and Mrs. Quinn,(nece Miss Kennedy).. College,. Mr Gambol succeeds Mr1 standing beneath an arch of evergreens ,Fimally seeing Dr. W illams'Pink Pills S M S A S O Y tû >nfrî-aiin ppytAgnso, .. Rev. Jos. Ward, South Darhllngton A ···· . ,icialof ,oe ubi beautifully decorated with holly, white: advertised a a cure for falling sickness al ifomaio apl t Aens fwill preach here Sabbath morning.... Raol.Ms as niparo ros pne ubicroses and candles, During the cers- lhe decided to give them a trial As to Gr .nd.Tr UnkRilwSysenr MsCeter Saror: asben n e usan da ire s sp e 11101maY shades were drawn and the the result the P'ost cannot do better•O. J.H.JUYTon getgaged to teach at Baker's for 1902.1aGog a ecnlsadcieelnen ihe than to give Mr, Gauthier's story in his Bowmanville. Papitation of the heart, niervousness, recent guests at Mr. 0. Stock's.. .Farmn- which added muchi to the effect. The own words : •-les,' said'Mr. Gauthier, A Sturdy Farmer Stricken* With hL . DICKSON, trembling-s, nervous headache, cold es nttt et nSn fNme- bride looked charming in a gown of "for nearly four years 1 suffered from Rheumnatism is Cured by District Passenger Agent, hands and feet, pain in the back, and ar' nceHll, edetn So t nsTe Ali whiteIndia linen lawn with trimmings epilepsy or failing fits, which took me Dodd s Kidney.Pills, ++++ othr frm ofweknes ae elive byyon eol, edwemat Lage me.ingofwht Idia sil, uvalenciennes lpaewnhout warning and usulally in most hafing and semoN: u Oyne en-s'm ublse Mst te1 riM e p u mitiol to such dieascesau eppepsy S t uq' " ,tThsrmeh nefu coe n ahour d ur tfo be a cm RDEMAK naa ... ok f pa r srWhc uin pe ifido t n v- b u ale y . je M eseemin swhchpe ish d dn earalysqishe numaim, scian ltan abouecr frhi m la ,DE GN 1. O O Z N hMehdit n Pe-r rinbree o te oa doDA rsdVki ,'wa une res or wrhart troubles, nae ia a t. "hI uad ner on! te o mnigit ovIHs& 'A .N...Ih ieh h l rn s d r u -.Cfpo- ,i bahScolb ing Piri: ,I pils a asoa Vcr o r t- almetsthm vain h-rin tu eave Im]am neno d rierez on taï eah nr s b lke. vrv plea ently cye; uwd ntat hme hni m s erme rtto ,-iehw , nosonu ncpIve nmer of othe tatmake th livs Of so mn ne %vmon ndw . n n m r m Mr J n Gusas rid, s s inga u r . e e i o , le yanen w i be muev a costant miery. The -ar elin VTAtsuch anu xrm aesol etre.ds n eumvtns ust Wf 4svousnnhv Fub Y cm l'bi Mwar a me dirit rwl esn ymi oth 11 sLr tcr • oh uise er u ti arid "aairso pn-w nonAhirnw o e"noe.reedr fr 25Omyadron hRD.Woueaa e yt k,£rian ya tumotsetsoyanwsaes & next door e ya esn>as L ßce m Bunaw N Y., of ratujay, ne liams' Medicine Co , rockvile , n E " tl"nàa ayM a Qp rawy

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