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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 1

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lit tttt TERMB :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. ~~OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRT; TEE WORLD APTERWARDS.M.AJAEdto nPrpeo. NEW SUlES.BOWMANVILLE,- ONTARIO, WEDINESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1902. VOLUMEXVIIN * Couch, Johnston & Oryderman Wii, in oi'der to reduce their àtock, seli ail W inter Goods at greatly reduced prices., AIlLadies' % eoats AlLadies' Coats-new goods--at 33- per cent.- discount. Real B-1argains,. Great Bagiswill be given in ail other Winter Goods-Men's and Boys' Overcoats,,, Blankets, Shawls, Furs of ail kinds and some Unes of Dress-Goods at hali-price. 4Corne early and -secure sone, of these * GENU-INE BARGIAINS. .BfWAVILLE.4 In t e e * e e eof A S MI DI,ý iliarnINIU1l r Farnitwe t in t Te wino *riefrT .KIGTSMdlGoey _DomT, ini plon Ministers P tahe frT .K I H Model Grocer.sý! sIit- ul y . Qeio-PIaM adam, hre do u a-ett uh fne for ed Teg&?airll Answ erAt T..dKi's Mdel Groery. wnletff Q-Thlü s etlojous C o d ucea iii xDo you ke a c o r% A.-o ide gen t io 'Liuade riam frs. aiy iKnh' MoelGr Cery. Aý Gomr Q,-Dy e au Ple sine TýAps, y o sel? eRas;ý, crrn Moel oer se i l s îhem otierasuperiorran ndg ds Q.-Does ala Mel Grocrysi eerytCh ng s higfld Gquality? fe COUNTIES' COUNCIL. seeing how and for what purpose the moneY paid into the Counties' treasury la spent. These following bills were passed at the December session. Coun- cil meets again on Jan. 28. Coal East Durham Reg Office 6 36 00 Jas Irviug, work do. S 00 Work on Campbellford bridge 2 70 il, r. Vesper, adverti8ing... 1 0 Siga ou Campbellford bridge,. 6 00 Wm.Nevins,cleaning do. 1 87 Campbeliford village tone. 10 50 Painting signs Allen's bridge.. 6 00 D H.Brown,workAlen's bridge a 00 Signs Narrows bridge......... 6 00 0'NeiUI, drawrng water 10 gaol- 86 50 Caun & Wilson, ice to gaol...., 8 60 Tuning organ at gaol... .... 2 50 Repir W D. Registry Office. 29 45 Meel Ian & Co., coal do 25 00 Work East North. Eeg. Office.. 2 50 C. J McCallum, coal do 150 00 Coiborne village Med. Exam.. 10 0 Cobourg, taxes for pavement., 6 82 Swinginig Narrows bridge,work 17 25 Livery,religious services ai gaol 27 50 Allen & Co., gaol supplies .... 12 68 A R. Dundas, repairs.. 175 1(, John H&aden " .. 84 98 W. H Floyd,' prisoners' boots 7 25 0. G. Johnâ, drugs,gaol repaira 8 80 Thos. Mitchell, gaol repairs.'.. 42 O5 A. D. Throop. office repairs.... 1 915 John Brown, gaol repaira....1 25 Whitelaw, putting up sioves.., 4 50 Hayden, office supplis........ 1 50 Bowen & Co., lamp chimneys. . 1i125 Analyzing water at gaol.......S5 00 Cobourg book store. stationery 13 65 Peterboro Co Wallace Pt.brdg 51 26 do. Douglas bridge 759 00 F. W. Trayes, supplies ........ 11 65 Clarke, Dr's examinations. 10 00 Cobourg Gas Works........... 3 50 Floyd & MeGuire, printiug.. 132 40 Dr. Coughlan, services ........ 18 00 If F. Riolland, legaî expenses 35 24 D. Smitb, gaol repaira......... 5 op Mrs Thompson,nursing ai gaol 20 00 Dr. Douglas, g-aoi surgeon .... 10 00 Dundas,repairsW.N.Reg.Office 6 50 I. Wilson, printing....... .*, 1 50 fienderson Bros., repairs,.,,... 1 00 Repaira, supplies E. D. Reg 0f 46 87 COMMITTEE PAY SH1EET. Win. Rickard,*.expenses.....56 75 J. Milier, visitng councîls re valuiatinns................ 18 20 T. B. Carlaw, do ý22 o0 Hl. Masterson, do 25 20 W. T. Donualdson, do 7 10 T. A. Thornpson.' do 9 ý0 H. H. Walker, do0 7 20 AU A Mulholland, do 2 00 Thos Leith, tco 00O S. E. Fergusýon, do 7 0Oîý RobI, Cowan, CdO 8 Su T. j. Naylor, do- 2') Oo Geo Sals do 3 630i G4o. Cr% rmn, do 4 1.5 V. A, James ,ý do 05 P., Trebiicd o 850 Thios eiti atoiimittce.. 9 50 J H1-1 de ~ ., 18 A Coa, " ~ ,, 17 Cu 1!10o--; th, " _ Il 0Ou epirs 10 ScnugOg road wav- M IA James.Com W\VDRe~g Of'e G Cryderman.Com E N Eeg C'f Robt Fisher, County Prop. visit Geo Staples. Com work.. T B Carlaw, W T Donaldon, "TJNaylor, T A Tbompson,ComE D) RegQe T Hl Tweedle, cern wcrk. S E Ferguson, A A Mulholland,, Warden. Cern re gaol water... AM Maciam'Com County Prop S E Ferguson, do T A Thorupson, do0 E Fisher, do W Richard, Cern County Prop A M Mackdam,., do S E Fergusoii, do T A Thoëmpson, do R. Fisher, do Thos Leitbspecial meeting coin T JNa% lor, do T il Tweedle, du RECowan. do W Richard, do Thos Leitti, do T J Naylor, do T Il T weedle. do R Cowan, do W Richard, do T Leitti, special meeting. T fi Twsedle, do T J Naylor, do E Cowan, do Attendance and mileage. Dec 7 60 9 00 24 00 16 60 16 (A 9 (00 9 51-- 7 5) 1.5 0) 8 50 8 60 9 00 6 70 8 50 8 60 9 00 6 70 8 50 il 50 7 00 18 00 2,i 80 20 20 1100 17 80 t17 60 17 630 8 50 15 80 9 30 12 10 464 00 AocOUNT'rs ItrBETWEBN SESSIONS. John Routti, indigent supplies Geo E Mitchell, do Geo E Mitchell, gaol supplies.. W Bnrnei, do W J -Pitigeon, painting Reg Of J Hl MagilI, woik E D Eeg Of'e ,Ja.mes Irvinmg, - do John Harvey, do Repaira on Narrows bridge-, Repaira Scugog, P Penny road Waten rates June quarter. . Repaira Trent bridge........ Books E D Registr'. Office .. Stationery C C Office........ » Job* Routth, indigent supplies, Geo E imitchell, do Geo E Mitchell, gaol supplies,, Wm Bartiett, indigent supplies Books, Surnogate Court ... John McCaughev, gaol repaira 'Geo- Planheti, coal for gaol... Wmu Barnet, indigent sple John Routh, do Geo E Mitchell, do Gee E Mitchell, gaol supplies.. Telephone rent for zaol..... Telephone ranI,- Clerk 's. Office Telephone rexit, Sheriff 's Office John-Routh, indigent supplies Wrn Barneti, do Geo E, Mitchell, do id gaol supplies.. Water rates........... Victoria Industria 0Seho. Camptieliford bridge repaira.. Wm Burneti, indigent suippliý John Eouih, do Geo E Mitchell, do <ga-ot -spplies. oct indigent supples John Routh, Wm Barneti Stalionerv Surrogate Court.,, Books E D Registry Office. G eo Planketi, ceai f or offices. d &6% gaol,. Wm BanaIt, indigent suppliesi John Ranth, do Geo lE Mitchell, do Geo E Mitchell, gaol supplies.. Labon on Hastings bridge .. S R Wright, do A Wilson, hardware do 22 44 14 00 56 84 79 O5 18 15 15 00 1 00 2 00 48 50 49 e3 3 40 20'00 27 55 6 00 21 76 10 ?6 60 00 78 70 10 24 68 64 88 25 94 52 22 10 i1 54 66 OS 21 O0 10 00 10 00 21 40 79 07 18 78 59 58 8 25 -52 6O 818 89 82 09 22 64 16 03 -a 00- 53 69 14 00 20 62 86 66 2 12 27 82 148 70 865 40 108 06 21 O8 12 60 49 87 32 0 86'50 14 20 ,HAMPTON. Visitons :-Mrs W. W, Price, Toronto, ai Mn Jesse Salter'g ; Mn. A. Robibins, Leskard, ai Mn. T. Eowe'a,; Mr. G Anderson, Mr. Howarnd Cole, Misses Ada Cnrydenman anti Ella ColeatJanet- villa; Mr. W. L. Ward neturned froin the Canadian Soo te attend bis8nxether's funenal.. .. Mrs. Margaret Wa.îýJ relici o! iua laie Thos. Wand diati Wednesday monning aften a bnief illuess, agei 69 yeara. New Years day sha attendei a family gaibening ai Mn. Jos, Wari's wben aseappeareti aveu better ihant usual. Saturday as was stnuck <th piennisy anti despite the medical . Il of han brotherDr. Poiler. s4e quieti. sank to nesi. The constant c~iao e (f m-other wbo predeceaseti ber ftîst a few weehs hati 80 weakened han uoïirtitut ion that abe hati nol strengt~1h f igbt the diseasa. Decnasei bas been' a nesident cf the village for about 50 yeans. a faithf ni meînben of the churei ianti a-noighbon 10 be desirûd-aIwa,ý s of A quiet unassumning charater anti oua who seidornif aven was heard to speak au unkini word o! anyie .. Mn. *ibos. Elliott bas replaceti one of the chop atones in the Rouler ffilis wiih à new up-to.daîa gnintier ,1.M1,nI, anti Mrs J. Eobbins ara stili eonfired bo the bouso .. . .Officens of Hlome Cirle No 9 - P L, T J, Clarke; Leader. J Cià4tworthy; O L. C N Rusa; Saeey, T J Gro4s;T-,reas, J llct; Chaip, C Heorn : al .T oe;Warden, R Kaierson GuadJ Ward; Seutinal, E Tnanotb. ..Newly electeti officens o! Lotige Dailingion S O E B 8S: Pasi Pras,. V EKCreeper; Pres, 8SSlmortridge ; V Pres. C N Ruse; Se',F J Groat;- Treas,T ElI1oit; Chap, J Clatworth y; Committte, C Jebusý, 'F Cnteinuan, R Aiontm, W Il Gy 1 Guarti, W Creeper, O Guaid, NIMoore Loss or Fnmi~fyufniyoursell faIling below normal mwaîght thiýee m 1danger 'Tie ne o!fistil Qil5 eau lten- Sporm-ilv atIti fat, buta will neyer bil p ho Àb tssuies. DriCbase's Nrefood )aci hnghthe bloo& anti nafrrons11 js stem ni lcarneýs nwheat nîg 5 o everv 1loohýanid cornler o ! ibe hod. bod n1z; i,,- tiweils "e îf'od, addti healîtih'!itaancrplce he tiq>susti wasýîodydisasNtua-: ndt rt ulaîiw ibis ot - ros, ÇPt !Oc olo otul elmoeka., ii cnt.a -es t0 e wa)iit cf tpt iriPO alii hro hyovarcomats dsa ENFIELD. Hioliday visitera: Mr. Albert Dyer, T.oronito;, Miss Ethel VanNest, Solina; Miss Gray, Newtonviile: Messrs, C and E quribut, Owen Sound; Mr. Cirrus Hlogarth, Lexington. Mih; Mr.Wilfrid Heatlie, Brock; Dr. James Bray and Dr. W. J. Brav, Toronto; Mr. Albert ,Qrmiston, Albert College, Belleville; Miss E.. McCulloch, Manchester, Mr. Percy MeCullocti, Marmora; Mrs D. Dyer, Port Perrý; .Mir. Arthur McCul. loch, Ashburn; Mr.W. McCulloch home froin Ottawa N ormal Sehool; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huribut -and Miss Lena Hurîbtît, Osbawa; Mir and Mrs. D. Trainer, Columbus; Mrs. J. D 'er at Port Hope; Mtsar8. J. Alexander and G. Niddery with friend8 lu Brock...., Mrs Atex. Mculoch, sr., la quite weil again.. ..Nr. rnd Mrs James Moorey and Maiter Wi lJie have been visiting ai Ënffalo, N. Y...., Mr Ilealv has pur- chased the hlacksmtitb shop, bouse and lot from Mrs. j, Huribut and la rushing a goo I business... Mr. G Ormiston was elected achool trustee .. . At the Christmnas ireé entertalument a tsach- ers' bible and hymn book was presented te Mr. R. Il. Campbeli by the seholars of the Sîunday School. Visitora :-Migs Reynolds, Oshawa Mrs. C. Mackev adehildren, Kînsale; Mr. and Mrs Barber, NewYork ; Mess- rs E. and W. Ruribut have returtied home 10 Kembie; Mr. and Mrs J E. D.ýer ai Port Perry wbsre INrs. D. U)yer has tison seriousiy ili ; Mr. Healy ai Ballntyre, ... Social gatherings have been held receutly at Messrs W. Or- miston's and' John MCCUCuc'sî. ... Mr. ER folmes, MI P.. Clinton, and Mr'. T. Baker .C. 'Solina, addressed a very etuistie meetfing ibore in behalf o! Mrý E. Beith on Thursday eveniag.. Mr. andi Mrs. John Hall were rýecently presented with two fancy chairs and an address b y their relatives o n the twentieth anniversarir of their wedding day .... Mr. Chas. Harding died quite snddenly o! pneurnonia. lH e was in bis 151h year. The Division attsnded lu a body ai thie funeral.. . Mr. Fred Ash ton, Kemble. bas purcbasen the farin ot Mr. John Ormiston. sr, and intends moving bers in Mareti. A man's wtfe should always be the same, especially 10 lier husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Carter's Iron -Piis , she cannot ha, for ttiey inake her '"feel like a different per. son," se they 9il say, and their husbanda Say 80 10e! ENNISKILLEN. COURTIC3E. ,Mr. and Mrs. F. Nichois spent New Year's Day with relatives in Columbus . E ev S. Crookshankp,, Enniskillen, preacbed ai Ebenezer Sunday week.. .... Mr. Emil, Graflon, bas bought Darlington Union Cnieese and Butter factor . . ..Ebenezer S. S. gave $10 10 the Siek'ýildren's Hospital, Toronto.. ...The offleers of Ebenezer S. S. were reappointed exeepting the secretary Mir W E. Courtice who retired after several years o! continuai seî vice. A very kindly resoîntion of thankG was passed and rnanv regrets expressed at bis witbarawal. Mr. Frank Everson was appointed 10 the vacancy. . . Mr.A. J. Courtice la Sec-trustes for S.S. No 8 and Mr. John Wordsn-for No4. ... Misa Mabel Walter recently returned from Keene accompanied bY ber cousi n Misa, Edwards. . .. Mrs. A.L.Rundis andi son, Toronto, are guesis of Mrs. W. E. Courtice. .Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Iickell, Morden, Magn., are visiting~ relatives hereý.. ., Miess Laurie, Toronto, la visit - trga Mrs. F. Ncos...1 was rais - tt yMt. Carsweil sebool for the Sick Childreni's Hospital, Toronto, OROINO. Mr. Herb. Barrett, Torcnto, was home.... Mrs. S. B. Dobson bas been visiting frienda bers ...Mra. James Linuton bas recovereti froin bier receut itIness.,,. Mra. (Rev.) Delve is vîsiting at ber father's, Mr. John Bnickle ... Mr. Wm Beacon, MaLriposa, la viaiting air Col . ..Mr, Arthur Beain iau, Port Hope, bas been viaiting bild grandîatber. . ..,Nrs. W. CaldweilauJ dgtrT) rrme, are vatigai Mr Wes. Thorrtoni's,.. .Sobomou Fralick, Esq.,Seugng, bas heen uet aiMrs. Davy"'s, orth Ward .-. Miss Kate Sqnirea , Bowmanville, visited t iMr HaIlhday's .... Mr. andi Mra. W. A. Hi, Georgetown, visiteti hia father, Mr. ER il... isKnight, Toronto, is viitîng ber sister, Mrs. W. Leggott, at the parsonage .... Miss Fionse Cob- bledick spent New Year bolidaysatai er sisten's, Mrs. Chas, Adams, Flinton.... Mr. John, MeMlen bas been veny il.. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Birch, Essex Co ,1 who are visiting relatives and fiends bore, have returned home .... 11ev. J. F. Chapman, accompanieti bv bis friend, Mr HnllrnanVictoria Collegee, Toronto, visiteti is moiber . ,.. MIr. J B. Moat ami fienti, Miss Ezzard, Tononto, who have been visiting ai Mn. N. F. al's have netunned hofme,. . . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cobbledick entenlaineti a number of friands at tea on New Years Day. wer., Mr .andi Mrs.W. B WEST DURHAM ELECTION. A3STAIESMAx Extra was issiied Ionda.y containing the information that Mr. C. Jonas Thornton had contravened the Dominion ElectionsAtby ernay making the necessary s2ooepo wt Returning Officer S J. Hall in-stead of through his financial agent, MIr. Mark Munday. Section 143 Of the Act clearly and unniistakeably says that "No paV- ment (except with respect to the personal expenses of a candidate)tt**shall be madc 'by or on behaif of any candidate*lg*other- wise than through an agent." The same clause further says "And any nerson, who makes any such payment, advanc, býaPn or deposit othcrwîse than truhsuch. agent or agents is guilty of an indîctable offence." The article in the "Extrav" concluded with these words: Tlhe elec- tion in West Durham will be honorably conducted, but it is well for the electorsL to be advised of the facts before they goý to the polis on Wednesday Jan , ;,co2z While we have called attention -to this. mratter, it must beclearly undi-ti(erstood that Iýloert Beith and tihe rstof thc Lîberals will take no advantage of Mr. Thornton's carelessness, but wve stand ièlb,' the position the Liberals tokin thé. House of Commorn, on thLie Baird Case, (cited in the article.ý) Is it flot stranqlge that Mr. Thorntoni shon d c akethisý blu.ndler aifter his past exýperience witl- election'deposits? HOODWINKING ELECTORS. A fly-sheet is mut in reply to THur STATESMAN "Extra" wh iCh saysMr Thornton's deposit was propeýrIy miiade. Electors, be no ecevd h awis very clear and says "NO paymnent to be- made except through authorize'd ;agent" as stated Mr I R'oht. -ettsdeposit. was ruade through his agent ýir W, F. Allen. Mr. Thornton made his own, dpst. What can be plainer thanî this clause of the Dominion Elections Act, section 143; "No payment (except ,ith respect to the personal e.xpensecs of a candidate), and no advance, loan or DEPOSIT, shahl be made by or on behaif' of any candidate at any election, before or-during or after such election, on ac- counit of sucli election, otherwise than through an agent or agents.' etc. This is the law and tliere is no other excep-. tion. Mr. Thornton's deposit was NOT liu accor-dance w vith the latest Elections-AcI. 1State of the poIls in West Duirham lju -November 1900. DO WMAN VILLE ...... ... Thornton West War,south... 5-5...... 28., West Ward nort.., 46..,,,,,47_, North Ward, south..51 .......56., NorthWard, north.. 78...........- b0uth Ward, southi.. 43.... ...54... South Ward, north.. 338........56.. BQ9 ........ 11... Majority .................... 2... DARLINOTON Providence .........118.....3-, Tyrone............. 100...... 68.., Maple Grove ..... ..... ....87.* flampton..........88 ..... . & Enîskilleu ......... 94 ........ 56..," Mount Carswll..87......... 69 ... Enfield .............103......... 44 ... ....... 668--,.....366.,. Majority ......... 297. ........... OARTWRIGIIT BlaekQtock .......... 22.....76 Devitt's ........... 13 ........ 100,. Coesarea ............ 41.......... 80., McCrea's ...........25 ........ 70..ê ........ .. 101 ........836... Majority.................... 235... CLALRE Newton ville......... 68,..... 55,. Brown's S.1.....39 ........ 48,.. Lockhart's S. H.... 41......... 39.. Kendall........ ...87 .........88 ... Orono north,........ 85 ........ 56,.,. Leskard........47... ... Moffat's S.H ........19 ........74... ýStarkville.... ...... 44......8... 3 Orono south ........7....50.,- .......> .....450 ........536... Majority ...... ............ 86.. «- NE@wASTLEI Est &~rd ........3 2.........47-'. M'est Ward ........42 ........ 1- .........74 .........88.., Majority ................... -14.,, Total rnajority ............ . lastshe as iven u.p to ie Te Chry etrl s h Ifs mtooriwskyto waýd.1it ton. mpiofyou, ay eaoughAt Cat he vg Pietorai t o nce. be Rece..t visitons: Mr. andi Mnb. W. A.jKeýlie.y. Perr3 tewn; Mn. anti Mrs. R. Richardson, Peterlboro, guest of Mn. C. Moon, Mn andi Mrs. Edlinonti Cobble JWilliams; Mr. Neil YeUlowlees Bo)w. dick andi Mn. andi Mrs. D F, Watlab,. maanviill, gust of Mr F. R. Brown;, Mr. and Mrs A. E. Gamsby are spend- Mliss Irwin, Toronto. guesi of MissVida ing the winter at San Antenia fieights, Hoshin ; Miss Wasbington, Beihauy, Cal ... ,.ev. W. J. HunIer, D. D., Tor' Messrs Beacech, Cartwrigbtý, guesta o! outo, preacbed, two excellent - Xr. logAru . -LFpworth sermons -n lu hu-Methodist --clnircb League bas beau revived in the, Mets- Suuday wesk ta large audiences odikit cburch with W. J. Stacey Presid- and ou Monday delivenad a lecture ou eut, Hl. J. Werry, Vice Pres. anti Miss "~The Ideal Man," which was 1iighly Mand Crookahanka, Secretary ...interesting and instructive.' Mrs. tien- ýCrowded1 bouse ai the New Year Soiree wick, Port Hope, nendereti a numben of ai the Presbvtejiau cburch and neceipts selectiona. Receipis of~ the Thankoffer- over $100. The repasiý was excellent. ing and Lecture ampuntedt a over $125. The Earrnony Quartette of Bawman- Mahe a note of it, when yon are leav-- ville furnîsheti the music in a style that ing home to bny -,The D.& L. " Menthol tho'onhlycapiva lad the whole crowd Plaster. Il la guaranteedtia1 cure the Dr Cross, shawa, gave the audience- wonst case of bachache, beadache, lots of fnn ini bis inimitable dialeci stitches. Avoiti everytbing said 10 be salecîbous. fia iS very clever in ise jusi as good. Gsi the ganuine madie by randutions. Miss Scott, Salem and Dr. Davis& Lawrence Co.. Lti, Trebilcoçk gave excellent recitations_______ and readings. Bright strong and timoly andresses were delivereti by SOLINA. Raya. Butler, Blackstock,J B. MeLanen, Columbus. anti S. Crooksbanha Rev. The Sons' concert, en Jan 241h... E. M. Phalen, B. A, presideti in bis Recent visitors: Mr. Alex Hooey, Col- own happv manuer. i'he annivensanyv liuzwood, aI Mr. W. N. Pascoe's,; Mn. services tbroughout wereannnqualifieti Geo. H. Hogarth, B. A., Wbitby, andi succes . . . Mr. Stewart Steel, sîndent, anti Mn. J. D Hogarth, Norwich, ai Toronto Varsity, preached i rn the their rnother's Mrs. D. Hogarth ; Miss Preabytarian cluîrch Sunday week..Annie VanNest, Grayeuburat, ai ber 11ev J. Wand,Countiee, preached a pro,. moiber's; Mr. Wilson Hogartb, Rose esîcal sermon on Stewardsbip mn the velle, with friands; Miss Flossie Meihodisi church Suuday evening Osbiorne, Conrtice, at Mr. A.L.Pascoe's; week .. .. Xmkts brigbt and carly a gel' Miss Grace Duthie, Toronto, ai -Mn. L. anal favorite and a very useful memben T. Pascoe's; Mr. Ellilus, Columbus. at of sociaty lu this loeality Miss ?Ne1lie Mr. W. Ashton's - M rs. E. G. Pascoe Kennedy was marniage ta Mn and MissEva at bar panents ai Haydon; Samuel Qninn, Owen Soundt, by Eev.S Messrs Bant and Thos. Heys, Toronto, Crooksbanks. Thev 1sft on th& nuosn- witb friends; Mn. andi Mns. Jas. Me- îng train for Tononto wbena theyvVisit. Ken~zie, Enfleld 'il Mn-J T. Runtiis's;- ed friands bafoxe proceeding ta Ibein Miss M. J. Annoit, Landsdowne, ai ber home in Owen Sound. Mrs. Quinn will father's Mn. Jesse Annot's; Mn. Bert. be gneatlv missati here anti leaves a Stainton, Sanit Ste Manie, aI home; Mn. veny large circle o!fientis, wbo ail Wm. Leinnox with fienda bu Toronto; unite lu beat wishes for their future Miss Idia Moore, Haytion, ai Mns. E G harpinesa. Pasco's; Mn. and Mis. Jon. Lane, Raetvisitons: Mn and Mns. Geo. Nestieton, anti Mr. and Mrs. Jno Lana, Pollanti, Miss Pollanti, anti Misa Edit~h Port Penny, ai Mr Silas Williams'; Pollard. Orono, guestsata Dr. Mitbell's Misses Kate anti Atdie Elford,Fenelon, Misa Scott anti Mn. Mllar, Ôsbawa, ai ai Mns. Jas Vic's; Mr. Jno. Williams, Mnr J J. Sinitb'a; Mn. G. W. Crawford, Hampton, ai Mn T. Baker's; Mn. John Kandal, guast of Mn. S. Alexanden; Mrs. James anti Mns., M-. A. James, Bow- Laidlok, Brougbam, gust of Mn. Geo. - manvillei, ai Mn. W. 'Wary's..... Loyal Argu.. Miss Chester, Scarboro, basCr-usaders gave a prograrn i,-aturdai tahen of Baker's 'Schooi.-.... Mr. waek antinati a candy treat..IIew and .Mrs. W. J. Stacay have movet iuito officers o! Solina Div. No 40 S. o! T,: thair new borne hi Byen's Brick.,,... Rav, W P,.1, T Pascoc; W A, Miss Edythe T. J. Edmison, Newcastle, wiIl preat VanNest; R S, Chas Shonitige; A E S, missionary sermons next Sabbath on Hiss Maybelle Pascoe; F S, W Chas. ibis circuit. Rev. S. Crookaliauha gos Werr v ; Treas, Siïas Werry ; Cbap, 10 Newcastle. . . We were honoreti by Johin Stoit; Con, A L Pascoe; A Cou., having t-9 Cabinet Ministers in our Mi s Aunie Cox; 1 Sent, Misa Atidie village lasy week-Hon. C. Si! ton anti Pascos ; O Sent, H Tink; P W P, J T flou ýSyndicey Fisher. ..,. The meeting Runila; Orgast, Miss M Ashton_.. beîe iu behaîf o! E. Beth was a capital Mn. E. J. Me.ssoch is again in charge ens anti was aiieseiby Mr. Frasser o! the AcademDv. ai Hon. C fom.Mn Frasen spoke REscent visitons: Mn: antiMr.ThoE. bniefl\ but well wbule the Hon. Mn. Si!- Gerrle aUé nti MaTbmpo andi sons, toný, Ministen for Initerior, gave one o! Toronto, ai M.%VH Genil' ;Mn. the besi tpohitieal aitrhsswebve ani mns. Casf.ackav anti familV, Oer.. uinuatioîissioner MrKioaleaiMr. Tho)s Pso';Mn. Jas. Py. b as abouit crpesiarrange, lanti Mr S. JT R Pntle i M. J Mc- melteOpenKa irc t-iectl ' %soutti of Kenzie', EneliM. Ba,iflelti.j seýhoo)1 bouse ouf, le mïain street anti ai Mn. VanNest'sý; n. and Mrs. Mc- coeup the Sltrtei ,te theeast. Dogl rye, fornrny Miss Ada ONLY.~tLrrT.aiBAcKcgu-Tha laAwde) wt e itr s ishry Iba f raiunîîîakbl smto o tie York", ai Mn. Ediwin snlts. diseaeti iî i,i nlmnt wbbc u- .r.Wm VanNeat L vas ondereti aunew on'Ckn nlet withot inv i tnj Braniorti wn _lî....Mr i.H Bnilî-s4rease.des, rheumnaîism Pascos foll frein a straw-staRch alighit- anti ha rost ftal i es At tht- 1îug on arfeuwes a-u m~tenb. liri aguif ac a n d urinanv dis .. Am farîinr w-î oe gis the ordera ns >D. bsesKitine, Livr Puijs LuneAt1nust ilavo, iig rnouey rand ou tari1w, ccertatin of pronpt relef la'f is poche-,ai t ~iua1 hie basi amidclive, On pili1 a dose," 25ceuls a boX. k%1em8st

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