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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1902, p. 2

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Badi acktse The crarnped up 1oa tion la wbhia tad9or worza cornes bard oni bis kidnys and bard o-' bis back. Very fewv escape backache, pain iluVI. sida and urinary troubles of one kind and another. Ottentimes the firai -warnings of, lddney disease are neglected- ~ thn1$ twill bha alrighit lu a dy or two-but ckkdyswon't ge w i ithout belp. L.athe beat friand of kidneys noeiling 'sis!tancû. Read the proof f rom a tailor ~Iobas tried thiem. Mr. John Robertson, marchant tailor. Durham, Ont., Cives bis experienceasa "i baa beeu aflinig wiéh ry kidneya for lnnre than a year vAiîn 1 commenced takinJp I)oa's Itldney Pilla, which 1 got at Mo- flierlane's drug store, and arn incerely glad that 1 did co, The nrong action of my liidneys made me sick ali over sud cauaaa m muo inoonvenience and pain. Thathl bow a thing of the past, &because DoanE ilidney pilla crnnad me. I bave bad no trul rinconvenience, with rny Iidnays or bc ack ne I took thesa rarnarkabie pilla, anýd oé1 nay ha sure that I gladly recom- CI n ".1m ta other aufferersY" are ehe idý--ies' fioioindrn.They dt not purge, gripe; \weskcu or -ickei7. They aoit natitraliy on ths trach liver and bowels, curie g constipation, dyspepsia, asio beaditche and biidouan>eas. P'trýc@d oîîght to be gilt-edged evi- dounce of merît, comnîng, as it does, direct from a druggist who lias for years been seiling as one of the," hghly re- * cornineded " eutes-and bore are his words. "Lastwlu te 1sOld f m14 tO26 boxes of tlwaqta capsules da;ly, inSd the sales rapidly increasliug, o'riog large- ly r Link lua the fart fIat those Who once use thena recomnend tî2nu to oihrs"-. A.MORVEDroggist, Ask srntdruggts t for a box, ans, or sent direct by mail. 1 elileneula -4 ai(idato inrodce or ndtaCkL egup show cardaon tracs, feurei§, a-bu r a"dsand ai con a1aîer. Commission or rJary $60.00 per month and ex es, not to eccd <8,.50P er Ela"._ te ady inent ccito coud, honiereliabla ue. -No s Beicc eediai. Write fn fu particularm, id~ EMPI EOlCINE! L, oudon, Ont, A 50 BVie aSl~Me EelIr ei & 1001111 or adee a tS rî cougdd y i Sol.drugg&Histu inCnad.Onyai ablemadiluiedsosrd -4--- "What would you like to be vahen 1to~~ 4î 0W up ?" asked an old gentle- man "l'il like to ho a brînklayer» roplied tho boy. ~That's a commend- abie ambition. Why would you like to i)e a bricklayer ?" t¶vere~s so maoy days cihua brick- lo~es~'s cant 'WoL'~," DEATH'S FrARVEST. Destb clsams al ihings fer ita Its ovn Wbeu 1lOtwas Ushered ln, aud we hugît 01tihe oncarîaîî.ty aif111e aud int-kud ltutu tle hîdlea myoteriers of the 10113r5, we couid gay:. 0 kt ange New Year, with tattly stap, advaueue, Thty lace wu dc pent kuow Th iby l,'înrutcarul l my t ty'in hronded, Cen'-, t thîmuiimcfud or foi, But ave welcomed lu Ibis stranga new -cuet, aud clsîmed hies as a freud,isud 'r our 1 t eae, lu ,in beûasrly usonihp, ili-nuRh epri tilt enoume, rang swvet inudicana bIe sound ni ma,- rnage halls4, vhie lissund gaielty filled -ut' couuniy. And il uon'reidsîe and do-p2vjsssr streets, have walh- d the Au- ugIs ni Life and D,.atb. How Ohiei tley laves passed each other ou their wiy, onea 'mîth e mensonger tof sillies that 6;led Out' homes withbie aid hâtb, saswo ainod atI open dont' 10 wt:lc mçi.hum ini-, white in other homes, b.d 10 ha o; banred the d -or', as with hrrainig bearte îhey admîtad lies, tle ainaugar lley shrank te avl- Comle. Asadli of l 1u1 nidsth are Gad's, WithOUt bis ii'b eV orce no ibreebail c'en. 1e bas beau G "ainl, tlat during île paBi yearthîe D.ssîh A suel ehoud cruss the îhreahoid of maey s loved louasintitis toau, snd gai ber fuor ima garner, Indet, lluBoe na hall opened,aud fl bloavnufi 'wers ; sud %,aslave hsd <o yield fro u ot'cice slovinu: faher, tls tender Mortier, a ife'a compati;en, ihl osely chîld, PIe Deietl At,!l is- he-u use respecter of eros-b churcis, the famiuy, the social circle, l c1oI, olé! age, uaulood, yonii., child bond and lofa ey, are lurked ln tle ead cLaie whiehnl aea thcae %tgnoh epl w. Phare in ne fi rie, hon)evat' wb,hed aud $ euded, 1Put linea, d 1,3 hig athers; The-- ta n fi emidr, howevQn dîfecdeci, lint las nue vacant chair ThIe followleg ilte bist ia IItermeula l- Bowesava;ile cOeeenry ber the year 1901 I-VMarrgaret Jane Sanderson, sad 46ç, nîrs, duop.y 5--E aheI inûRhos 78. paralyraie. hll-Noriîîa Es Jyn Dale, 9 monuls, watî-r 4'n braie là- -M dfe!CrydermanR, 67, kidni-y 21.-Ma I aF sen, 91, old agis. 21-O H GIber;5 19, consompfben. 27-Am lira Koieht, aged '22 yeansý Hlen Kuigh , 30, boil accidtntally 28.-nu Sqnar, ged78, puecnouls FEBRUAIIy. 8- Parimali BradleyV, 82 prkuona., 15-Fredenick J. Hednos, 77 pest'â, gatîr. 1 idehsliy. 18-Mary lien Barnett, 59, car, 19JlS pny, 69, ronchiîls. 15-Olive Vears itt, 7 moa. eho.. 17-Ina Rico Tapion. 87,pneumonia, 20-Fans B. Crdaim 'i. 80, old ag8 23 - Wtîlii ,m 0. Toi@, 9,4, acidantl potaeseed. C5-Emma Peclou r , gad 62, par- 27-Gdorge Millet-c, 27,irflsînmation G OWîlliaru B cm man, 99,oni ste. ac-îdnintally Iiýleci. 11-JoIn L P.uîkin. 97, dropsy. 15-S muai M4118, 74 ilà ego. 16- Wdliam Tapsott, 58. lansonhage 17 Rnty Bu, or' 2 'b osuoe 21N-Wil la mJ AMDoteald,l dal,child 22- Mî y BtîhI Murdoch, 62,atrophy ýjf the liter. 4-shPD;n. 88, (Iil âga, 6 -E îa iboth, Brimase' mbça, 76, 14-tmd-ia N1tlue,74, btighn-'sdlzasa 16-J l. inohm, 74, chronîn Ici-c ,h i, 1#-SaMUEl MecCoacohie, 82, pneu. unon' ra 19- E la bell O Foras, 71 dropsv. 30--Aîberi L NMoys, Sska. cankar ýlO-I4aay McFe~rz, 81, C-Id euge. 3-Donald MeTirviah, Chîcagq~ 9 6-- bu~ el 0. Fletcher, 18, phthlsis 9--Sceau McKeith. 66, paralypis. 9-Jý'le Reawick, 82, iipiapbc txy 14-W Iians Willie, 62, catarrh of 17.- Et tî Kîhy69, paralysls, 18- Itinlard BarraIt, 86. 92-E at Bragz, 2 mon. fdîphîheria. JULY.v DxC uaiî, '2 -Jha Soars, t M- > c r' 4-May Bzka, 8, id aa 22JmsK!lght, 72, CIea lralu n ae 0 Uhf:l:ioaaef~ h s r1 dhe ats Jame8 WyIlle, forruarly of ,i@ towra, written %i nn.ber of yeare Lego, and we gie thora a place hare: HOIIE OF TaE DEA.D. Where the tell grass wavec on the esrttssn mnunds. And thé winds théaer reqlliere siel' Where thea i doft earlh îî theelli1a gonade Wauwe bd tiSses w.- l;v goodi bye. 'l'in a sacred 1 ce, thes abode of the dsad, From frinda sud sucipty rivan. Al peaciuily 1 id iu ;heir nerrow bed, Awa t reg îhu busomons i f beaven Theee the pi plat' sjihs, the 'lm tires stands, And ils b, anches the yew trse wavee Wtia iho weaping wî 1 w, foudly bonds U'er 1the 1ovtd orae,> luile y graves, '-Vis s cdty f silncea sclin reteat FrottehIbowîiid sud iii bus4einlg rowd; T'hre ihu ilbbbng ben t .ud île aching fast Liua, ell;ith îe cihansd îhrcnd Thare-Ibe nimble fil yens, îIbusy brain, l'oc fudmieund the i -inbzhi.nrtî Ava nîe-c,-fel y soi;, sud nl naevet'again, In tiSe hi t a eftllte take part, &way -U the bratit f t'le i i thay are laid, SI tit . basa th-, brqiîov ,t -%iii 1 Iho.a -ut 'uIils mUiüc, 1I n. tocgreen glatiea Ni.; 1 t to ils ro I cki% sang l)in th-italle s sund @tout!@theit' short tury Ahi mlay read, sud tav pniean sd tiare; l'o 11cmne May go, b, th the young sud the pult O ui thay wilnes,' returu Blleck <hem cm it Ê,neýrs, andudae ibem Th- se sie(ePQrs 4I roua h@L0,;e. ; [ ars. Ariri IcaveI he ib ere in %ilitfu n'mas(,t yeara T,ý awake ated to rues i their G.d. 0u- h onue w, are gniug <o swe1l rIait'ranks Li.teo,'a @ues ia WsLi Sop o oa 'en; A1thîe 1un0etita o n kons Us, though eer ao fair', Shal kuuw lis &aia~ n o s. DARLINGTON AGRICIJLTIJRAL SOCIETY The antuqlur'iiaretine- of arlingtoiî Townshilp Arebrn Soeioiy ivas he ;d i theo[îviwî lî1ll on tWednl'-dav J t$ s81h A lrgr tii ibetaîn cti was pre-eisî anti iiiero3asad intert.t -&, hssiifestedl, 0o ne uw l(IuIig Wîood wal eleutied on the directouste anddvIeuilook for gond re5sult,. l Vo do îlot appt ;îe 0of .40 iî~seIn tus 'totviî rinî'îilthie Board of the Tw~ii :uîcit,îv breause thens are pientv (I oI127 farinons eornpetant t b lc ithi, poiîioîîs o, ich credit 1:o e eivsand fr the igond of the societv,. h lu te ho ioreri lar s9veral more .souci- firint5rs n ilit h, adîled to tha cqunîtv direcbonate. Mr. ,W. F. Allen, Treisurî'r, preseuît. ed bis rprt Iahiiwinz receipts .': i iucGi-e-,t LB 10; mnibers'tees, $126 -ttisl $21.5. l'y îiîdiure OGranlt iii jCrîuîîty Siit,8226 V7) priistiug $3 25; Si oa' les 815-te-tal, 1$215. OfI'Enere etacîrd as follows Vice do. -t G Ile ath, do, Lresarer. FAllen'.-di. ua tors-W. J, Blragg, Thes, J -Cols, Albert Allîî. J. Mi. J.iîîsas. jno. (SiS, .1. Gale, IL. W. jeweilI, I. G. Pascoe, Chas. P. Itice, Deiccates t) Provinalt oiîve-itionno i'airs aid Lxliiiire Tu 1 ure ai Fi-lu19 and 0; W.J. Bragg, W B Poliard, W. F. Aile,,. AJ&utors-J. S. orafii t\oiy kresolution wes pazvsed directing- tIat LuI& Iocipte 11111e with the Ridirig Societ'. for exhibition purposes. 'Mesvrs. W. E Pollard, W.J. Bragg and M-A James». were'ý.ppo!nted 10o draft a resolution re-ruumber of fairs and prescrit 10 the Couuîy Süciely'a annmal mecting. RORTICULUTRAL SOCIETYI. The annil raeetîingof the Bowman- ville fn; ticultural Soc iaiV as lheld il] Johin I. Kiril, Prosidusut, oeeuîpied the thar 'l'to minutes of lasti n;ating wvere read and adopted. A eýlunnctue ation wcts ri4ad [rom hMr, Gý. C. reel- miî' about appoiî'îicg delegatc 10t the Fainsa uaI Exhibitions Coîîvoution iii ToÀsouto eon Fe.b. 19asu d 2)j-resident J Ul 1QIdd and M. A. James were np M r. J.Il 1H. J ur,, Trnasurer, presont- cd tise report 0 of l finanuHos as Enlio. Ueeips-Balatnce front 1900-831-89 Legisiative Grant $7u, m(-re bars feas 886. pflants sold $1302-2. Trotal 20 Expieiidttire-Plautu uead bulhs 8159,14, sunldu'.exponses 8, 12.03; balance 'cii hatuil829.44. offliàirs wec letud alfh lws Preside-J, 1K dl Vice President-tihJais Treasurr-J H._H Jury Dir~etons -NMrs GLoodw1n, %V. R. Goodwin, T Bas-tý,J Js'ffeny, Fred W Coul, Jas MeLean- M.XA Jýames, A Mitechell, duo. L',le. Auditors-Dr. A.S. Tilley, AI. J. Me- Cummittee to solicit subsenipîlons Mujsý W. R Geodwie, R, Jarvis, Fred W. Coud. (Membe"ýsbip be 100 ) A resolulion was passed favorable te uiting with tle Riding Agriculîuraa Society for exhibition purposes. The membership in 19 ilvwas 86. urdcsnupleesant taie nddeoid "f badriul .Tbey The .chen ora ,rd met on Tuesday fast elu cced air, Thbomas tinih decebry suVrsasuren. Friands Lare ni1 l au- tt 'ren-at rf tLe diaul îîf i. R B rh,)'nî,in,at WVoiIt &l, uhI edengoin4 an opa.atiou al; khospu-q)j OronoL 1d % -(1.7 W Ni. 161, el(,cted th filwle ffua' f nsamn s --,' W -8 Ft4'bemnI'nnsil ;m Ovenseer, îirti-;RcriJPW,11. maman, SaM, iidi;Alee',iaiîn W . GHouvG L R'Pl" - eil .- Mioalent, iIAt'seIgro W l siso O,, î,dya 325,A A MN, mt b, tJob1' 's n-it, 1) c 27,h', a-benthea f1,wing, <hi ais'nere bnt1 'd ha ps il ) L tIra lbOýocCseLW-, 1 W Lac..,te ~W. . Ouas MD -J W,, John J1 G Iilî jc tir l; 's. ,Il a dl~ lalllu mi Id » nta, Mj.1, Si ad 0u/u Aia in, ' O;J ý.us 'tv, i) ni C; lb lve-s'. 8I 15Wmual-'dsIn1-, J P; yhainue 0,i i V-, l)ans ; t-aK I,ýY. , 'p;TW .lcsnau,'Pî1,IcE Z Hi-I1. A Il . oeue ic- sci us ihe 1L1tests1I .aou m'.enemny the Ir, t s- an auj yad su omr ',îp an ai Mrs hiea' ry~, nd Puneon Wl'-A dotai, The follonw i5 resolu in vca- la paa' ly tls Midla'ud Diîirici Conît ff P lest Msndsye,-ut P Whtse he reent decisin cf ihe Pn-VY Councîl asaanethilsMnîua Prohibition law bisa@cearly g cris the Pnivî1uc;sal L'gisillsnales P'îwir ne jpro)hibt ilsretail sale ofniIor, ajnî. nisensas, île pople of ils pnîîvîî,cs have'emphaîitca!ly indicated by qLe pie- 'v ue lIair de iro f'în snob pîehibitory i gi-Waîon, anti itr Iqr erînnuraqad by hpro)muif S -r08ls,' rMnsWa and cau- d red hy MWr, R )&9atlhantas ponu aisî Powana of he Province avenseca-ae e3d, is woald introdace le2hlla taî nIe flîili-x'snî of ts jîldcin Tnerefote, ha Itrppeslved,'ha-, îhiq Dia rte, Council cif Du-hans, N in-bosaber- land sud PtrbniRoyal Timplans of Tensp'.îance p thi e ýe ivnreae nf ha Pclneo eenset; sucd prohibe. ry t'law -;'àd ilat ave, se a S icieiy piedge Ounre-ývoea te lgally and moral y -nopont î e oerinaniit bruoga Idl -.4-'.- O"a or mba lî jai£. gla smêts uamed R-ia sS a, nreiof Osh&wa, bnirts herse and bOeccFy troua Maniyî.'a Livs;y len@,asd dt'oa le taConsnurg, wlet'a h-v tra lad %ils boras for sue-han, ' recauug 8 11 boot. PIes' thonsesared an sast . bal n-vidltly bsaominei~seioiiy leuila On rit a% ils roadês awbe'e it Wâ ava fud. Ohie! ef Police Il Jftraiq, Who esasa0 lave a prapisnýiiîVfor capýUfinýh< boc %iiosas e mo bOa ae le a hud, sud las fi )ully sisa,3Cuaird su secuing lottI genus 9mel- WhsohiIa Severn[alsis5, Lia le-. c îitd îe BVfi le and Inuahi; Oinsfroua l pisse ou Frtdsýv Isu. PaevlSs ai Ohsw sud ruSaîunda , 11-f J .,vis% -8 is. usahitc a pîstial lnis un viill Ilowaiiuv!lia avin Ttisv appeareilseore P l'es M.misilasîsHainfs on Money bolioutI owleg ma the deakhl01 iei dnhaMs,, Eroad, -IDmi.h a uleusproGeeî with ZrIe eand sou h pri- W irt nnararnîueddfor a ns-k, iand salir Fpud iln iot3rvenîug lime lu gaol ail Mni. W. EqEsle, well lnon onne yeans PaLro as a pulîic school team 1er in oui cniitv, sud now cidely kuoxen in tisa Maritimne prnvincos as pre,Irleib 'il Tho Earle [ublishii;gansd ratl iCo. uts of the bison appeimîîed pros,. idý1itOf he Lawsnct tnprrny Lmii ed" a lit mbarnn- aînd iuisufacturirug- ennleernoLiil weelz Mr. Fare isuter- taliudthee irectonatà 0f tle L.C.L , ,ît dinrîr'r ai île lJufl'-.rnn otel, St. John, N. B , of o tehîe cite papiers give flattering reports. Rltorenmg tae l r e-orzarqti.siîf île Law toîs Compati the Dailv 'Telegueapl cînses its accouet; n itI le fîliugexpi'e-sgioe cf Tond sahîl. PTne'rolagraphla isglad ta is w, lIa acangncetshava beon complet oi foi- ennliisuinig and exoauding tle exçtensi e Ctiue-whicl las been fnr sO manxy year- a. laudjîark of lhe city avlose roputationufor hInees sund offici- eut wovklcni'ship is second ta inuse of ![ le kli-îîd imCantada. Con.'rabulaîion. Mrs Alaxwell 'PolIs U owMach pain aud Suffering may be Reuaedied. A vert' Intenctiug Staiercent by ai iora la;y-Sbc las foîtîud a Panicea for ail Fr-nice Wp-re tiead sas eaven>- Wernu in canada me Kuow of it. Eions, Ont., Jan, 18, (Special). Mrs 'Pu 1cs csdif!tgcure lias creàtabe qie za e3lsatiemî sud lrraMaxwl' lsbau Iesbie eh Cf agreuat dea cf Bright~sPisease a il Kdnydis FROM OLD QUEBEC. The Istoie Caplial furnisee a tory of llraesite omaiuy, Th'PI nswgpalOsrs fi ansd srond the dtY tsf Qaebec are ju.iltîcre relaîbo ,lice tir V ïil a %wp! 1 knou nFi'en cis.camidtiu geulo;ediaUs iîrisfor 3year8 has hunea mnartyr te Dspep3sia, 'PIe suffenings »lIons Bouclard eu dîîreîf elict'5been nuiite powcer ofl tuisîgu Or ParU te a 0in se Dise painsa Wtre Cary soonsr, ionLsa ue s hlîili two er 'Ot'5 ta- h amîbur lutile Iiîas- unee inIl, Destiepsia w-su it;it worst pîimi-ec le 'ýin cutn ihettîn ha coiîtiget -etedablo e ainîais>-wac alieviate bis ditlress, At las-i Itwever le las founrl a cur'e Diiîltî's D% spopsisalialetsfiave miet uii coniqtîrellui-t;r epi.have nusuevisil lirmi nf all [ls pAitî amni.cis'nres-1, amit hsave smacle anait rolinil Weil matin o lim. îli s ver%'s grateful anîd is bull oif pnaiýe fi)r's D',upcp-ia 'lalileiu, 'icicl e saa' "ave netIde a noe m-tii of mec," 'Plis aberysahould eho tf gramtest inter- est h t- hosuiud'u wîoe sanit sufferbug- jo-t i, l a'iks. Bîmuissmnl .iiibef-u'ah' n'-ed Did'e, D s-pusjsia 'Pablets If tl-s reiv -cari antidoa'î cure suchseuIl' snd ativaîmeeri cas ihuirely wiii cure 1111v casa 'if .Stoinacls Troiuble, LIt is lui renoiîaislea tailenst zi'.'ea tral a îneuicine thaï; las pt'o'en il self Io le effeemuailinso 0caevmaC, clse'i. D îii-Y's D tspep;siraTablets aie- lus expenîmmsnb but a iried asud proccu; terne 1v fuor iddttin aitlin. Soîur Stonach, Bioaîig. Palpitation 'of tle 1-Jeant or Sisoufithssvmrpbniis ni dr'raviie or impsired i dîobtive rnis- éhiery. OSHAWA. Ileva, J. J une sund J. J. Liddy ex. AinotitnEfdat% enlEet,,d at thia Port of O-luî va fîuorDcaîn4rauwe. 83, 120 62... Tliç At Hîsîsa is tIso ci,îfSrpet Metisîsb clnrel saga la-gele a'ti'uulel .qif p;-oved a snu't sise-c'se A qit cc'aiing cea-i cei"r-ntîeuI at tIse neidemîcue of J msel Cnaiz, Fr-q., Jan 1, tIa con tcimgpartîiaa flîig lis en'h-ir Msî'g-aret andd hît, Alhuint Ne.wtoE i,, qaiiSte. Marini. 'l ha ceroînnîîy wa- perfrme by ov.J.J. I-aao,'Tise brnide, celasas tilein u a travIiur sui of Ieas'cr veiiupliau cotl mnsas t tcîîdatl lv lier uiiesof ' ales, i. Murisi-'lis 11)se lwehite a'id Nlis-s GlndJv', Gills, ia lîe. Mm. and Mn- Fîtis ileft on;tisa evEýiiiusg train bsr tle word, -..(uiajr Lndge, A. F. & A Mi. hava bu talîrd tisa fnliowiug onieus-: 1. P. Nu.. L. (C Smith, tW M , Pne ,l - i;Sý W , E. 'P. Sicinmr- J W. Gp'o. %V W. MLauzlal in; Sec ýV W., 1,R, Mu.tteî; 'Pres-,, il. h. MeLanhii; Chîap. V. WV . JohLnn bsder; S. D , W. J Masn;, J.D,, O Hezzoleaoorj:D nE G G. A. Jouas; 0..- T E. Kîtîse,; 1. G.. M W, Drmw: Scacarde..1i lîosirelle, F. E Haro; 'i ler, W. H. Fi>rd; R. W., A E- Haire sgctedas Li.. Mr..sund Mus Jas. O. Guverelîubî'ted tbeirgo!den -weddin. cn Noe Years Day, How It Camne About. Manv ladies living in distant rura'l districts,naîd re-ular ns-ens of Diafnoriti l)ses, indine Il impossile stusprocure roie thair gecerai udealer pattens for thîe îuarinfa.tuî eus ou Diamond IDyes lte At this Ume ben îî;oîisands aeei.ffnfirOcu ic Ol cBdl[a' '-she llsü-ýowae 5it'slv themom n ime a oturne w iii inmîI for thirs dtarI; suad ngtis fr aharynied 3incr die sd ed '017 i, eslatdMemumActuer alvmetiietd on offuceu., 'tor(u- yellow satin. kHon face LN ioinad eînploi (vof artiste, lange plates 1 fînifedand îhe Ilnod tiîcu ugll- dcens- ccîro's t cul-1thichispsý. UIleroesgacu Plact froua aîUd île empl gUîutofa id cmi uhat diseuse may ho îuccisulllîke Cru. eSierewas as avchuk milaient largo statePiint tandti coldes<uu erosted, entSe Emparr sremed cîlmd ca- ThIe Iaclau-ers[Diarnnd 0ye- pert ii 'Cs ier(Cin poîcus is tIue rOSI dfterutNleg cpdlt iap are noce in a' p sillon ta supplv lIe!u' inid-%sxiUWtei'mî'.liI'O Aur ali il;ng, weu'.knoss of hon viseon, Tisebgar Patterns by mail as sacîl as ceeU eas a 'icîwu d; ii . .Lis tliu eciveci tablets of cliver adtecr uhruugl the besi Dry Goils marchants. cycînl'-i2i dcs ipiîe tudcosgan i crFeyor u Shoots of pattenis and leaignsseuil irepset-rmbuililer Afrihe ,aludhwc1ý-üf to ans i drn-S3. îpon rodiepi of a Postal. or iUn ;-I - f,3uiiutIe ard ad n yV ca c qu î cesi m.0, The colis & Richiardson i lhîlîed Itouccîsm; iàaî'u" e uc rgîua rnt tilgestii nder since ls Ja. e pudoa 2uu Muolain St ,Montreai, Pl. wt lnikûreraiou ; it ealsîle WîubSten bnggage occupmý-disnxlaclios lied'. iii luiWîî11 cm-I anti CAC-.e, and cl cdroînys esubcrsý. S'UBSCýîIUPI'IN RATES. ii'ispatVs îlehe is o drahi; i à W& i' la sIn king coiw as u. tuîe weid STS'rsMux 10 end Of 1902 8IlOSne p aildencIre wi ie ctîîvcueesne0 hoB"gr-a l S rATHSMAY ,GlA he aced Prembumi 85 c saok1 ic]. e.imm î-dua-,btruîigyocgleof i'Epî-. r [SvÎ.c'ruS31AI Ud 5'Veelîy MIl 1 9') pnuî cl xru eIl fNul aRio -ue La coupCMr-0 a inefrni c.a SvFArsuS1Mîs.ansd i'snmiug (eveeIs) t 1 XIitic0 Nc.'ltidbias m."h scssd -tlerechr S'r'rssîaî audFareî'c Adoele1 ui iaen anI .eitiy .aoedruJai assecl b>-tis ernedanus st-oie i - STTPANadPaGu AdCt 9 iadirua2d ii lbrnar'. &Hligi'. ua i id v urtve giaces Osetsî 0h STATUSMIAN auud f;dy 20 Lmulu os f hlîtî S frtI cmcicicaSelo ls aurinoel rhîays SrATrsSMiiu'and Notreai Whituess 1 75 sKhùg Ume Mià.&HOPPon, lhuhll iidauglier, but the parel oî- STATXnfAM msM4g i- Mge I2i )îtcsaxs: ier, ond goc-gnxv spoil a proî fno Srx'nnSMiANand ýMontreal hIbrcsld 1 75 4 Vtïver ra Aauebtp?-Sraa ofwdb eeb STATESMIAN and Weste-rn Adveetison liisn getpoauonui75 -Sccasfhnceib-fieaii a STATESMAN Rnd Breeder's Gautte 2 5UfcinIws oadm~t tii ylichccswsesn uce~dci STA'rnSctMandadies'HIomedOUVUai2 00) halt las airecle beuslaidl lns avr ofitdccntin cibu ýt dol ute of bmalns cîn STS'nrxusîansd 'Porento WodiîI 83op- l>aiîîa's Co.leror ipouiiîd.For a cent' clarnwY Afier tIpI'baggap-n cem STATUS'iîN anti Dcii'.- Gi, . 4 75 tongh iuesuuiereîibfrongiîe-al do«ii theoiitAppam- ;, ot li aras - STATESIIlAN and Toronto Dailv Stars2 50 andl mn dîsctispsin e cnig liard visible PIon Cîu , -1 cIP r-a o STATESmAN andcl Eveiitg Globe 0350 il Paino's Ct-lare Compoundst, J1ceterminths ocBlooti, and fi -lp-lemî: sto S-rA-nTsUSMANand Daulv Itceus 8350 cd tn gite l RaI, and b arm iuappc tritse eGrand Cou,,citýnc-B.Tts STÂ-ATSM naîf ud WeklIVSUe 1 99 ay ît bas doue teeo more goed ilîsu1Pmciscsldths eau sssg oM Pl nonsnmut s i Srasachsue StudayGlbe 2jSu car imensoFor ten e 'ans 1 doctoîcti I onslsicuous > u:abo4c s alt STATrSchAN and 'Poronted Ncetews ) 'boUleu rneodccis Ceibout anc giotiisîcr.'Vsnsex asc tano ~ wiuli Pemnîctua esuir'.; but, ierssigPahwas Cus c-t nts Il îioîi".teatd Conu-pouuti, 1 ne pafectly no-.tred tonia i s latare e n sc l' liya Icalîl, au eat cvetl, digeston :s qnî;d, iiedisgrace of anis siaicc court. A IANDY lOST-OFFIChfu andtin), eeep la scecet anti aoUbiîd I i ci ij oll ue v 'ils ostof'ie l Ideceo eîytogather, 1 amna new ivornas,. Iylci 8 uîlt.m.tha or outhsr, eaccoudi pos-ofic i Inli ne olyrecoismuarîtiPaine's GeloyCi>- Cispo11id t-o the feegi-Ins ni tue route tîlat tle collectnsud dcli'.ers littera, parceis, tCony Erleti'.snîi o Uc aci'eîe esrt a anud otloe- arilcis, but anis te o -' ý - ad -awil lelisb, x fiîa tain ex tnias a banher t% ths e -CRALIîiIIG O iîî.'ociy oadeoi csmttA or'al puilic, setîs qiuis a, nti lt .-îeOi- 10fîît-P e~el> l pays rnilmy pnson-,asticLo sAn FYEctititSs 'lîs Ilow ince MiknusibmeiisccnW le % rîe tie ris'. nn.nccîîig totis goes-1 Cie'oCourt Loft 1sînci. gillscuetlssatcssleri- lne fî'sîaîlautofon ndsiei onî'ces c es-ticks 'f lisouilensincorne B1ah p lise werluc trin ni <e cilA t îcu n tlbr( rrieestc ieet rsioîdd-ilatmd tt lda ohceslatedeataecu soeieihe ei oge t-d u~> t-r' nc-,e-isui-rthen- um coopaiivra@0 lu tc I Oi E Gnus,,,-t rici cîsrite- iepoe achiiîe 'trs <unlucs eliesasci cli -s tseaiCrc'.d-d cit5 tCcC t iamoum, .1 rCkm,1 ar agsng;0 Fret- isltaitaA of-1do; cls vlHoar. s d bie-tiis vneîti uHnïpan wErîhSpio iedclo lut3 bar nAîAstezatifw.ttjrqd llt tien bye ozscPeI-ttQP lU 13 ts îaeoin RICH ENGLISH' ESTATES. 'UponWhlch Death 1)uties Were- I.evied During This Yeat', The Loud6iu Daily Mail Year Book for 1902, jusi. îabliised, has au in- terestieig aumma> nf estaces from £100,00010 I,00.00upon chicli dealli detios havia been ii the year10. 'The agg regaIe nisount of tise-'r niil e oflesni011 1 nt so largo as that -ý,reodocl foirltOO, cihich cva an exceptiocal yoar, but tIc nunîbor and valuero0f esiatui over tiaif a il- lion oacI reporîod i1901 iusconte- c'. at ahove île average for the pasi. tea 5uas- Among Lice large for- Lunes clsarged ith dnty bave been thoso 0f tle lloen The Mar quis of Bute, aged 53............£1 864 310, lBaron Lnnsed 0 1,446,"61), (aco. Jolhustonc, 78, ni., Laîtîrial-, N. Bl.... _.....854,492 CapttSir J2. Wau render,75, or Lo 'hend, aixch hart. - 8-47,646 Col. Si;-. J. Il. l'huraby, barî., 74,... ._.. ...... ..... 603,210 Franinrs Stassuer, 62, ni Pepiow Halls, Staffs .... 591,808 IlANKER-S. Sir Wm, Cunliiie Brooks, S0, finst hart ... ......1,112,476 Jas. Ster, 65, of tr Bros ... ...........1,109,527 -awlnnmd Siith, 74, oi lxerI>-........ ... .......603,437 John fleacon, 75, of \il- hiama1)eacon'a Muent. .. 389,468 The EarI l of rc 1- 654> ni Coutts & GoCr,.. 883,247 Jolhs Anthoisy Woods,85 oî..Newcasil-On--T1yne .. . 293,066 J.W. Fesse, 45, of t-odg- kîe & Go., Newcastle ... 277,8811 SnelLewis, 163_ of Thomsas isayler, 69, of Picuadiîly».. ._...... ... ....300,291 SIANUPACTUREIS-MERCIIANTS. Sir P Cook, 84, drapery cearelonsoician ... ... ... .1,600,000. Baron Areastrong, 90, of the Eswîrck Wnrks-...1,399,046 Baro ce ,iuc'erniyde, 'il, of h!_ýic Cnnaî;-d Conpacy -.1,038,369 Pani S. hiliz7i, 59, of Contacinele........902,962 J. -L. Jolinston, pl, las- voitor of Bovril.'.. ...... 850,197 Tîcos. Sý'pencer, 76, New- Inca Steel Worss....... 577,196, Ghas. Wheatley, 88, Mir- fieid Goîhicees........553,766 JoIes Cor bett, 83, Stolce Priors~ ait Worlis--------- .412,972 STOCK EXCIlANGE. t Alfred [iiedesinana, 75 ..., (15,224 BOOKCS AND I> NWSPAPErýFZS. G. M. îSith, 77. of Semith, Eider & Co_... S39,522i Sir J. Jafîra>-, 83, in- aninglsain Bail>- PostI... 627,990 Wm. Les ibridge, 76, of W. Il. Smnitli & Son ...... 874,524E Strengthening anid Health-Givîng is the Best Affd-Winter Medicire. TPle sTh Pe Sesson IViintIse Systesu Slould le Forttflied snd tise Bicod Madle Cure ALLAN UNE STEMERST. JOHN I{&LWAX Paiiu............,si. o. 3 mon. 7Nov 25 Nî,nidian .. ... I 3o) Dec 2,'.......... Dec T 7 9 iî . ...... ... Il16 C.orî;îitiiail._... 21 23 i'rSaî.... ....." "23,5 uid;........" Jan. 4 J n. 6 Cq- Étu ... i 2 RATES 0 ASG aplsiCaoî sOO u perlrrîî 9 nla ilnpa i5rndCT'le it 100 ioî lo HE15 i.T;; O 0W- S5 adU3-ivr e j iibodudryLii..n L.J u îpplertor e ely o Pounard insnstseeee &Co., nd lislii uised ver Ci eîuîsts, London, Eg dio 'IVAN TE D-Triitworth v e -and 9 %.-meu to travel aid advenue f o i Ointigo Il 4 6 y-,t ci i ae Adde s P.O. Box 410o, VhîIîer- Caiadâ. 4- WE WANT MEN EVERY WEEK DAY).4 1000 MEN ~WANI'Sr16otO ïbave te i r me-ISsîîrnfor Faîlland iiter Suts te bûu macla up lit very latest as le Utumd fit .uut t-Ifîl 10 any aniet priceicilO;or Ltan toalus Brh1n i ai tir %wrinle.i elo)thf to ho pros-ci't,dm madle likei a neiy suit. IVe k-ecp usîmpk):s of cnl-r"- ilt JOIS P. .A.î,IS, the fsdoauetaler, Iel(v yoppOitte S'rATEsS3îA'j offce. RoVf inr l view. The Emperorý) was pu1li- 1 er by twa;;ty and borne by s'-i xtecit mes, diossedl in decocti1ed srlk gn'ýi. Is ib chair was rei wýith en;broid rd satin addcrt lines af les l.nucling subjects, orý 11orIe Ilkely aiid ho luglit no nanifest the seif-po'dsession that ':L the essenitial mnark of dagriiL.y ana rank. lio was looking weli, and â111 asscrtr.murai botter timnon lis ar- rivai laxI ycar. 1

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