P epfsii1n andQunineil A valuable addition to Emulsions3 of Ood L i ver 011. Pepsini is the most popular -digestive agent Sknown to the Medical Profession. Cod Liv0r"O Sanid its Enulsiens'are herd to digest, therefore pep- This town stood by the homne man. H-e is a popullar citizen He lias flot anl enemly, but is respected by aIl, Many persons vote for their party regardlless of the candidate's fitness or merits-, and so it was in the West Durham contest. They were l'agi'n' the Government" and voted against the Liberal candidate on principle. Now the figlit is over,we sincerely hope ail parties will dirop controversy, bury any ll-feeling that m-ay have' been aroused during thec camnpaign and be good rneighkbors and friends again, Life is too short for holding; bitter feelinigs against those with whom we havec to live. Yor get' and forgive ans, incivility, hasty, in- discreet or unkind words and be good friends ail together once more.' LIVER TROUBLES. LIFE FTILL 0F MISERY TO SUk- FERERS FROM THIS TROUBLE. Its Symptoms, Macle Manifest by a Coated'Tongue, Bad Breath, Badi Taste in the Mouth and Pains Extending to-the Shouler (From the Brockviile Rcre. sufferers, from liver troubles find life mie of iJlmost constantriii'sery, growing worse and worse unless'prompt steps and the proper remedy be taken-to 5- MJanitary -sale Coninuesi ýkBig Bargains thiis week. -- -~