BEST' 0F EYÂL U tJ ES@ Courtesy Wil Work in the Next World as Wel asin This. TIIE SPIRIT OP AMIT'Y. This Century has opened with too malcy. armies in the LeId and toc nîany men-of-war on the ocean. 3De- fore 'the Century closes miay the last cavalry horse bc hitchied to the plow and the last war.ship beceme a rnerchantman. If others lack courtesy that is no reasorn why yobu should Jack it. Rie- ~Pond te rudeness by utmost affabil- 1 UIR VITAL Li IÂUNERY TRIFLES ON WHlICH LIVES DEPEND, O-Ur ASTH A'CU E FREEU Saie Little Contrivances ln thel Asthmalene Br'ings L.stiint Relief andi PerannCuen Iluman Body Which Saves 'Us 1 r-ntCle *1 Froni Sudden Death. Al Cases. Tfl\,the ab-;oIutely lhealthy man, orl I -. -"- - ---* --- -~ -R~e4<e- ~ -rLLUf~ ~L~--=~b~' -~ t c rs ~.-r--vurr'~- ~-x~ .- I en~v4~ -c u-~1 iiùs-, ~ utb t~~i ~tt1-~ji~yy