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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1902, p. 2

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BUSINE 6H~NGE 4 4,. Jlaving learned the ar t of- Em- b~mng and Funeral -Drecting vi th Mr. B. D. Humphrey, the lead- ngy Turonto uhdertaker,anid having tak en possession of thie busliîess- Ia.tey managed ;byMr. R. Katerson il orders entrusted to my care will receive my prcrnpt and careful attention. A full une of useful fur- niture wi.l also be kept on hand, Ci .qBundit;, 14 .6m llÂHAMPTON1 THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Prepared froin the finest selected Cocoa and distinguished every where for- delicacy' of flavor SUPerior quality andÉ highly 'nu- tritive properties. Sold in quarter- pound tins, Iabelled JAS. EPPS'S & (o, Limited, llomoeopathie Ohienits, Lonqdoýn,Enac. BREAKFAST-SU PPER. Dr..McGahev's H a e C r For br*okern-vwInded hmére. he oniy medieine lu the iworld that wilI top heaves ln tlîree day-ý, but for a permnauent cure ht requires lrom n e bal toe me ottUs aecerding te direetion,' 0 1.0 apdti 50. Kidney and Acute Cotigil Powder, lie, Condition Powders, s25 e-Ve followl ýg have nsed i. their testimoniales ud thoumund, of Others:G. Mille, Mverrlekville, T. Waren Kemptville; H. Holiftes, [iverpool, nglaud Sold y J. inbotham.,& Son, Bowmanville The Dr. McGh Y Medici sCo.,,Kenptville, O 1FOr Crise irhe . Ail Bowel Complai ts Itle t a sre, Gare and qkirremedy There'u only o'ne ANKL E ý Er Y ") 4 vis, Twsizes, 2e. snd i5. the writer congratulates Engianti on the conîpletion of a colossal uinder- taking tise political and commercial significance of whîch ana scarcely Ps overlooketi. Beadds :-11lJhappily the spectacle oh Englîsh enterpi tee andt succose cannot but arouse a feeling of humiliation ia the rsinds of Cermans who loara rom it to consider tise situation la their own East tifrican'possess»oas, the scee for liuling Dar-es-Saîan anti Baga- rnoyo Py rail with the Girent Vie- Itoria Nyanza anti Lake Tanganyika rernaiaing no hurthcr aivanceti than in 1891, when it Was '.'rst mooteti, thaulte to the pettlncss of Jshort- sighte d colonial politiciane - The Hinterland of Ce'-mari Easi Africa wll contributo to secure the new Enisli railway agalists the possihil- lty of failure.'" Oac of the mo t remarkablo achieve- nients of- snodeîn times le the corn- pletion of the great Ruesian trans- continental railway. t fis truc that our country set the exampie bý' its railwaye across the continent of Arn- erlea. We laid our rails over anti untier sîoutains, ecrose descite and above great rîvers, asnd joincti the Atlanitic anti Pacifie oceans with il-oc bantis. Thi s - was done by, private cîterprise, aitiot anti fosteret by thse Governnscsit. TPe Goveramnent oh Russia Pas isitatet our exampie in spite oh immstsae obstacles, and inlaa ifitile motoetisan uen years it Pas built a lino upon w-icP onoecna ira-- vol froin Moscovi or St. Petersburg t0 VlaivdIstocP ut'the sore ofh te Pacifie ocean, han elcgnntiy hniht Jig id tpros issoneti trains. TPe ioro s nTnaziiig. t ieats arroseà vats1'ppes, wPi-l rc uPc our roi- higprairies, over doset reglons, ant imens trci~oh fertile, valicys, ns ettiy shbetanti through tiensc~oreee i.ani hy imeans ohtIlsr ty-a-,ilo ailes ofh bridges il. crosses many broat anti dcci) rivens. Theno le- one break oh forty miles ai Lake extract thissaral in whicis nianT not holtiPimself Psnth tight grip were getîing to Pc as great a peet oh the smorenoulitainoîîe division', oh a ssîpreme mastery Oh hie w-tseas la Australia. Unless eomething of the country* are singularly rirh. anti feelings. xvas donc, there woult P c aothing Tlsey w-iladdt, as it w-ar, wIl 1e leftinh bis riding but telephono polos naio t tsestenthohilssi o This self-rnnslery, so cîsenthal to anti hnrb-wvire feccs. (Lnug-hter). ntioyn tiiinheuttfon a sepaRuat , oray success, i'- nnw a power wPich le The bill stands for the present. btean addintifon toathe prat osen susceptible oh cuitivation,tasthougb B3IDDING FOR INDUSTRIES. btat'te coditponte strength hi ai-ny ho 11Mr. Pattullo (North Oxford) mov- pic w-thtIs smo asv, îsoca e dvelcîset oaly after years0of lahos-- edthte second resîding of bis bill to administrative systesu, andthte samneliois traninîg. If cef-retraint Pc cx- interpret ant imake more effective the lhnbliiy to conscrîiptionî.hit is as ifscrsso clause usl the Municipal Act whieh Caad wreadedtoG-atDritain erciseti day by day la tise rpes seeke to prevent Onie inuiiclpality Canda -e-e titct toG'-atof îungotily angor or urnhoy appetite, rom votsng n bonus to laduco an with no iatervcnng sg d, anti waiiing l h utsio hcoct o i. sdusiry to ions e anaoihcsmunicipal- only for the englacer, the sining soie lsc îdptytialni ty. captai, antieheap rcnehrailssye. de5 pjtty triausdretin Mr. Whitney- sai t wit sasan emin- capain an ccapbrach aiway. i it tougtfu, jdiiou diectoneaily proper provision. Ble alludet ,Jsct asgîss isa ou pw-c o f tise emnotixo îsower- oh 1h1e, a-to the vicious-propcneity, oh sorne inh l fity yenrs Tise Russians atîlot habit oh control, n Ixrmani, i muaicspa]ities to bit againsi othrrs. scem to bave no oticr Oh separ-aîlon, telloay r'sbr 'y1n1 oîew-u Mr. Pattulfb sait ho would like to lîroide thy cn kep ut Pe hia Pcintiieri, cý,a me oh eusduring tPe ýsa aprovision Whereby arîy bonso ccc, w-d ho svhl ho aimoutn tne hi- 1,heaxýier ciasisof great crises. 1Be ,by-law passeti by an snichpnity who sasssregthîset hi înucic sîouît first Pc subaitteti to the At- *traciet to the region ne their ovin ruîsasîg ptientiy mile after ssle Gtornoy-"Conar or a' jutgo ti pase -people, anti, indeati, modemn experi- s-th i-e Pot-saesc, ise fittoti to 1 en upon its legality, once sodaus to showsv la Atacrica, la dure assJ it tP eellins of Jordana. TPe bill went to the Municipal Afrlc'a, anti in Lnda t ta distaînces -*-----Cos ir4-ttw - eparate ltte comparet iwbt iller- The Wýý,- z ena sorstirnee loara from ELECTRICAL INVEINTIONS. e nces of race, andi languago atnd civ- i[tihe East. A Protestant Armeahan Mr. Pyno viii nck tPe Minitry:- il -lization. t foitosvs alinosi of ne- I pacýtorw-iteslaAsia lîinor oh a le h tthe intention of h te (oera- - successful tetoYporanre socieîy con- mont f0 oller a rewarti to any por- cesity thsîi witls - ibis liew popula- son tiscovering an impros et proces -tica filng isp, thougb tPialy, Il the Idîsciet undor hie auspice. t uP for the transmission of lectrienl en- *interrnciu paeat wt ie pare there is much trunkenncss la ergy. tlho cil-v where hc resîtes. Ile has Dit1. BA.RI'S SCBOOL BILL. means oh carrnage as complote as if a acrigy dvsd tefloiq D.Br' ilt relltePbi - sighty river stîecheti fr.ot a MICSCOIV [cotal eieiMeflo-ni r arsbht a dtePbi b~~~~ 1ectag h sihio Rsi metisotioh working, whic e voxiii ai Sehool Act w-as gîvena asecond rcnt- in heParEat ius bcinefiitly owhi - to deserîbe sseV ari P lîi g. It anuise to resîsove the provil- iii the Pur Enet ausi ho"Theeftniciy îow Piaan.sson untici- svicP cehool houndariesi I nn word: 'Pe vor hee s ancannot be chaliget for rive ychrs. ____________01d one, Put a ncw methot oh work,- TPe mover sait that la his ovin Tise succssuhailite is tho controîleti in"g Pas given it n fresh stant, that county tPe population w-ns too large tC lf. F0 spealu of a conîrol imiplies is, se began to belip-tise people - y ir.iln numhber of school sections. caus- convtntîsg teax togîve U sanuch inconvenience. the xisenc ofsoirthig- hatis onvicin thm t giv updrikin. Te Miister of Etucation saidthte 3to ho. sestraînet, that is, of a force S ehl cpr-nemeig atdprmn a a osdrbecr -of energy capable of s igos-oue asser- sinter, and ti n Int w-e innageti to repontience concerning that Iocnhtî tiseacton.XVhee nthig ohniat- tait n society, that al who pi-omisoe'The laviappenseti to workvery catisL- tiveacton.Whee nohirg o rnnt-faciorily la other portions oh tPe 3ai or mioral eltcrgy is foundt, the, no- not to drink. nsust pny na rnnll surir Proviîîc. Bi suggested that tPe bill îso o~ oi î l nt rleantosi S a pletige evory a-ePk, anti alter go to tPe Legal Cosmîitice. This Ifive yeare cadi suember w-ll get ail -was ennte a offiiescy f aîy ied leis npo-,sb Picsrnoney 'If lie hteeps bis promise, if. fl LNO AE Butot tse ubr anst, lu senoCASE rot the cny bi c o tidhor oth- TPe peaerreat tPe report 0fe .u'uintfr succees sbmpiy that an sudviun soîlt poscs sgo-o e rs viso kcp teir promsic. W eesDtctanti Paleceabritige in or an fnîeî!îud-psc ss vzonîuys a or hntaoty-uLrbrec oton %w-uP the s-tteoh John an intnse pe-on-,ityý lz, ýDunioop ohntOxios-tiersCouinty. 'The lat- Molre posssson of power s e ntas. W eot arnie e efta îsint asr he enoDugîs, 1tise ,li-fion oh its prope.rror fo tht. Thelane-L-,sauonssktodîir wa ue emuet seesalso ho considereri.tha latewnohnpeiepa-t -lo dccei i5juger- Thi uuecio, o cniol f soscs ~ing a suas of moncy in pasvn to pria- prtLedt1inst in tosng so the Legisîn,- Thisdirctin o cotrolof owe is1 .turc w-oilt hc-,inaking a w-ih for a tient haral tos hrcociple or policy. There is ceetaiaiy man aý ho dieti intestate, w hidi svouid the nosu ofnaotefor tesaperancoravorkoh anid uohssitues an impîortant cie- somssee foPhat nc or 1fbc a dansgerouc precedent. They ad- > soie in. n hate cnet. White t'scre -viseo againet it. 1ment of succees lansiny cas-enr. i mnue htu ath LONQUIN PARK. -Il auoo rt nteassen- A tologi-arnlbas Ibeen puýblised l utos ie thus sset for th lan arecentv t-he LondonJ,) Timesanocng hlt number cdf the Specttor."It makes Port lrnthtemns fth wod. Ve lw ethn ofha Jgan J Rilay on Victoria Ny,- - 0 h a' surfacei nrza1. Theio, wbich was bega ï fh eeoeepas hie 582 ilesfrorn Mom,"basa, to Port t~e~sr otl at sha Ploren1ce, shlowîîng thatsince 1met ae qa omr ahl ucn Oc-tober 130 milesý have been laid, ise .and of foresi and broad val- Its more lengih convoys no idea of iy rse yg-n ie-,wî the difficulties wbich had to bo over- the climate of Soutisera Piussia, and con ncarryiag the steel track i u &mos t se rtsity. It wîll main-- frorn the shores of the Indian Occantan ,isclute fry-mlos te the great plateau of the Central of people in comhfort, and the people African ladres, more than 3,000 eet arony atng tbe nnaje I abovo tise level of tihe son, over ia- For a Cetntury p'sst the peasantry of tervening rang-es oh twice that alti- Ileesia have been slowlýr siipping tude and more. The rond lsad' fre- southward,, where tise ' land' queniy becutthrugh ens fo-1w-i grow wheat; thoîr rate of in- quen1y o b eu thoug dese or-C rease is greni-er tison our own, and este or hewn oui of the rock, brid-e had 10 bc built over strea-ms suh- tboy are. now so tbick, upon the joci to the euddea risc and f ail of groussd1 that they gladly seize any1 tropical raine, la tihe lowlaods mn- opportunity oh omigrating. to lande larial foyer of a virulent type isad to not too s'nlike thoir own. TIhe emî-, bc reckoned with,, and the aiiacks to gratipn to Siberin lias aiready reacb- whirh working- parties woeoften ex-ed one hundrcd thousand n y car; the p oset inl the jungle from wlld beast sCi riin grants tbirty acres of disierbed -for the firettimurna their land froc t. evry al)plicarit, with ex- hereditary laire, added a new andi emptions from taxes for three yenrs, serious danger, certaly unprece- end it is calilat-ti that the momient denteti on such a"scaàle, to the taskf t he rnlway can carry tbeni thîs rate 0f'railway construction. The cost I wl1i bc more tlsen donhieti. Their has been proportiosnteiy greai. Up scuinfo h otra vrdl to tise eind oh sîhe last fissuncial yenr1 Siteria le no more -to thoin than it the expenditure incurret i asouniete, tose to pensante la Dengal or fariniers £4,115,0093, or, lnicludîîsg the'ee. ýtlï- sinJowa;tbey rnake aL world of thir mates for the crrent yenr, to) £4,- own. As ihey cînîgrateby familles, 815,602.the rate of increase sliould ho nes ra- piti as tîsat of Buccin, so tiiat by Exiraets froma the National c 1950 tliare miay Pc twenty isilliorr tung, of Berlin,'slsow that the Ger- of stsîrdy peLeante la Sibella whlo mans contempînte tise achiovcmnot vM not cnly cultivate these ii, but iv~w 1iiciuiyxfiA~ c.,~ himan fhassto J1m:sJfJ--s VE k~~BY wealiing li reecoo'n-n-gn NTSOr' PRO CEDNS N ist who keeýps hetme.Tomn TH-E NAI HOJE in a piso a ady th)ink etagb hiehei feiigso crook- TECOTN-ALE ABBIT.F edl. orydeiraisleit, ais. that iMfr, Auld (Soth Esso> moedthe the lam PrtecionAct by per- patenty he hstf psig j-mit tlng. woo ,d hao, r otton-tailed urn toeseybu, bt xhic thughand iby lmiin teopen season. fox appactl tfi-n, oyet, yquasi te one imonith.": d ti > , Î, cc orry of msindà, Hon. Mr. Latchford, Mlnister of tend to wcar Ifife away and to weak- Public Works, said ho intended to en the E'. 'c',x pouesi of the _,oui. introduce somewhat similar amend- Ia -this rushin'ýg, distracting age tins Monts. B--is proposai was that owis- causes, or atý' least occasions, of ers, occupante,, or tenants, or the msental ,,>wry are proliably increne- members of their farnilies, shoulci not ing. If eo the nced of an aseiduoue be prohibited from lllng wood iort to cuiivate self-nîastery ap- haros wsth guns on their own pro- pea'sý the more cioarly, if, mon wouid mises at any time. Me explainedi not bocoase the abject serfse of cir- that corne restriction was necessnry, cumstance, the fretted hirelinge of as to aiiow anyone to carry a gun business or gaiiey-slaves of an in- and kili the rabbits anywhero wouid sistent, professionalism. - be dangerous to quaii. _____ ,1 Mr. Auld thought the Minister The need of self-.,ontrol appears should go a uitile further. The f ar- ils inviw o ile hy~s-lriîretomers protected and fed the quail ia .-,lsoin ic ofthephyic1 rskstowinter, and would bo tCe last to de- whlch ail are Hiable. Danger le ail stroy thein urlawfully. about ue. No one knows xvhen a Mr. Latr-hford said it was not the crisis 'will Pc precipitated calling for forinmer, but the worthless fellow, who would be temipted -to shoot the the exeresso of the utmnost self--con- quail. trol and the greatest alertocss aad Mr. Matheson said ho had been resoerce. A gentfleman knowo to -Ls roading iirniest Seton Tiiompson's svas soccunitly travelling on the cars book, and arnong his heroos was the in the W :cst, wiien eudueniy toec eud cotton tailed rabbit. He feut like of a rail struck through the floori-ng standing up for it. six inches f i'oin wherc hie foot restod, Pr. Barr- (Dufferin) saîd the far- os er a hundred feet of connected mer s intereste should Po preferred. to i-ai e continuiog past bim on through the sportsman es. the roof of tho coach, before the Mr. >Kribe (South Waterloo) asked train camne to a ,standetili. Our if thero was any evidence that the friend msiraculously escaped, m'efn- cotton-tailed rabbit over destroyed svhile retained nie peenceofnImind fruit trees ? Ho did not thsnk there %vith suffilcient coolnese to steady the wae. The cotton-taiied rabbit was nerses of bis fellow paseOngere aiso.,,ontitled to the came protection as iTbat ans an experience' foitunntely other gamo animais. dei(ýddy excoptional. But the exer- Mr. Auld' said ho presentod' last cisc of a,. similus- self-control 15 iikely vear a' petition froin 2,300 residents to be denmanded at any moment un- o'f the fruit district of South Essex, clerceircumstances w'ýi<h will prove in whicîs it was stated that the rab- the utidoinsi of ontiyman wbo doos btdstovdth fut res '7hv By Powley's Liquilied Ooe-.I.Gud~ e A deputatio n--frons the municlpality waited upon the Premier to prossethe rcquest. Lt , was pointed out that the township has nlready spent 'W50,000 la roclalming drowned lantis, the area affecteti being over L5'000 acres. CENTRAL PRISON. ILon. Mr. Stratton, infoimeti Mr. McLaughlin thsat there were 29 guards at the Central Prison. J AILS AS POÔOR-B-OIJSES. Dr. Barr ljuttes-in> mo-ved for a re- tura show ing the siamber of indi- gent andi insane persons confinet inl the tilleront jais of the ]Prosince, the length of urne so confînd at the -casons thercfor? Dr. Barr s'd' it wae a biot on civilization that so inaoy of the indigent were (onfînot ia the jails. t iras evident that the grant for H-ousces of Refuge dit not meet the-case. Weaithy cosîn- tics were uvi tently averse to nsaklfsg th's provsisoa for fear unfortuates would drifttila The Provincial Secretary safd--it -çva5s n very important matter. 'many nunicipaliiîo, boa ever, bad f aken ativantageo0f the Act, and some $350,000 had been spejît in the croc- tion of bouses of refuge. ,Ail spoke woii of tha eystem. The use of jaile as poor-houses shoulti not be allow- cd lna aCthristian country. Lt wae possnible a bilula oulti ho brougbt dowainaking it compuisory to pro- vite Bouses of Refuge. BOUNTJ1S- ><1FUREA3TS8 ANIIYALS WITH PRICES ON THIEIR IHEADS. In Soins Parte of the World Wolve are a great Pest and »anger. The French Governmeat's bill for a-ouf killing la 1883 was over .$25,- 000, 1,316 pairs oh cars having been brought in; anti evea la 1899 over £l 200 w-as paid. Tise bounty le givea not only for fusl -grosvn wole but cube also. Otidly enough. a olvesl are prnctlcally extinct intahie Alps and Pyrenees, most of those killeti Poing fouat inl centrai provinces and la AI- sace,-Lorralne. Lasi Decembor a pnck of sixteen svolses w-as seen near MLetz. Russia le supposet to be snfested hy over, a quairter of a million %volves. Ia one ycar recentiy 203 Russinas were killeti by thiese cron-1 turcs, andth te dange t0 1 vo stock wan set ai $7,500,000. - The woif- huniers, wsho tisually use a live pig as a Paîbat, get £2 a heati for their bng froîn the Rusesu-n GoverWiint, anii nea the skias are worth $ý.50 a- pJLe-ce thcýy fiat their sport very pro- fitable.1 Norsvay anti5w-edea pay a si 1a price for dent wolves, w-hie. xsctin grenu numbere in the mountatins. These coulitries also pay about $,20 eaeh for bears. InScninva a wh.ole village geaorally omins a a bear huai, anti a kill 0f fou"r or iveIw ina nday le notucom. India suffers xmore sverIyrosi w-ld aninsals andi reptiles than any other part of the world, in spîte of the tbicknees of it.-,po-pulation.TP natives are gencrally boo suporetýsi- tioue or cowardly to wnr againsi t. 'Au creatures w-hich prey uponi Last yenr 25,166 hunais Pelage w-ors killet by snakes andi wilaias 0f w-horn reptiles aceounteti for 2, 901. -Over 46,000 cattie were aiseý tes troyeti The Indian Govoraînent paye re- a-rt for alniost every klat 0f lîarmn- fui benet or sîsake. Lasi yenar a to- tai oh $32,750 was pait out for the teathe oh -L9,776 w-ut animiale and 108,385 reptiles. La 1881 dingos-the Australian w-lIt dogs-kiilet seep ;to the esti- axatoti value oh $400,000. But the bounty of $2, 50 a hont bas been thse cause oh exicrminatsng pesti- lent beaste for n long distance froma the-coasi. Tisere are picnty ofihern euhl, however, on up-eountry ranches and their destrssctivenese may ho judgeti by the fact that na cingle one oh the.e melios-haircd brutes w-su lîl a dozen eheep la a night. But ail other oounty givîag fades into insigaificance comparet w-ith the enorous sum spn?.by N'ýw Zen land anti Now- Soutih Wale laiihe:ýir efforts tocope -with tPeevrira- iag plaguIe of rbit.Alter vaîniy eatieavoriag to ihien ot tsegrc lng hordes, the variouw Asiala Govoramients werc fourcet to of,,er a bounty for each, raîbhit kiliet. A penny a tait wne> the usual amouini pait. This took elfeet sa New- South. WValeseila 1883, anti 'dace thon iabout $5,500.000 Phasbea xenrPy this goveramient 'l'liTe slaugh- ter may ho imiagine I by the fac i that ha one year tw-enty-seven millions were pait. for. The lateetnimalupon w-ich a Governament w-ar buis beon declared i , the- rat. Lt has be proveti con- cluisively tisaIratscar plague in- fection, so snany towneii ail over the sworld are offeriag n penny apieco for rate' tasîs. Sydiney, INew Southi Wales, îe one, -abti Copeahagen an- other. La the latter city the kilîs of the firet tbrec w-coke were 6,094, 6,- 616 anti 6,780. The isumber bas Siice growa to oxer 1 0,000 a w-cek, anti t ie bolies'ed that by ,i h ctiof 1902 rats wil bc getting secne lai Denmark. iri place where the popuationis L below- 150 to tPe square mie he c-reases to 24 per ,)0 c 4 il

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