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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1902, p. 4

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* . A WeII Tried Medicine...- IS Conlpollnd Syrup of Nhite Pine and Tar. Our preparation is stronger and more effective than most others Icures couglis and colds and prevents consumaption. 'I strength- ens thrvat and lungs and stops those night coughs. SOLD AT McD ermid's, BOWMANVILLE. FI-E HARMONY MALE, QUARTETTE. À BOWMANVILLE, ONT. F. H. FiiOST, First Tenor, A. E. MOLAUGHLIN, Second Tenor, H. J. KNiGHiT, First Bass, T. E. IIIGGINBOTHAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address ail c;ýrresPondence to T, E. IIIGGINBOTHAM, Secretar' ,Bowmanvîllc. 8-6m Bousal'sIvarbie Works...,. Good Work, Best Materials, Artisie Designs, Prices Ileasonable,f E. R. BOUINSALL, 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. GOODs lyou WANT AndWe Must Seli. Cutters: Brockv ile, Brantford and Palmerston; Robes- Saskatchewan and, Bîohop; Fur Coats. Ilnitation Lamb,F Do and Saskatchewan,' Mitts: Imita- t tien Lamb, Muleskin and dozens of - others. Only one Slicer and Pulper t and one Souris Grand Jeweii Stove, t new. In fact you can get almost any- thing yon ask for at this store. J. S.ý RUNDLEy t Opposite T.Tod's stole. BoWMANVILLU. s For Now Years BOWMHANVILLE. FER3 12, 1902 "Queer Blunder" is a pretty littie. short story on an inside page. Under Notes and Comments on an in- side page will be founid ome information on railwavs that affords instructive read- ing. Lady readers will discover soute new ideas in the Household department on an inside page. The columnis-very popular with ladies. Legisiative Assembly notes are found each week on our inside pages in which the proceedings of the Ontario House are summrarized. Irish history is aiways interesting se the history of John M al Ien, Detective,. on an inside page is a picture of several events more or less familiar to eider people. James MýcMfuiien,ex M.P ,and WillIamî Gibson, ex-M. P , have been appointed senaters. Senator Tempieman wili' be tak en into the cabinet as Minister witheut portfolio. Farmers wili find fuil particulars of how to obtain free sampies of choice seed grain on an inside page. The Dominion Government iý doing ail they can te hcip farmerste get-,the best sced grain. "eare at the beginnïing1 of thie reat- est change that humianiîv lias ee under- gene".says Welcls the Scientist. Read his article "Frutuie Disc7overies" on an inside page. He says soýre remarkabîe things, It bas been suggested that asîthe Newse man was relieved from the secretaryship of thd Conservative Association the other day, lie can sincerely sympathize with others xvho are relieved of the cares of office. It cernes wxith bad grace for a Conser-, vative journal in Oshawa or any other part of Ontario te s'ay a word about brib ery in VN est Durham after the Biliy Smith, evidence and the Judge's remarks in, the South Ontario election triai. One of Rev. Dr. Taimage's very help. fui sermons for old and young %Ai li e found on an inside page We invite al our readers te spend a quarter heur read- ing how te put more brightness mbintife. Ve al lequire il, you know. The Provincial Auction Sale wiil take place at Ottawa, February i2th, 1902, and Guelph, February 26th, 1902. As entries have been receix, ed for considerabie more than the number required, an opportunity wiii be gîven te select only the very best. A red hot contest in Lisgar, Manitoba, for the seat of Mr. R. L. 'Richardson, voided by the election court, is now on. The election i§ on the i8th February. Mri Dunican A Stewart, farmer, of Pilot Nuound, isthe Liberai candidate, Mr' J. M Toombs of Carman, the Censervativei *i "I can't ýdo nithout your paper and do net; like te miss'a copy,"ý said a Durham county boy, living in Ncew Yojrk. Ifrmany people wlie have friencis living awýay fromn the county but considered wliat ileasure THE STATE-s5JAN affords 52 limes a y cari te, the absent eunes, lhey wopuld spend 50cf to have it sent at "The successful life is the contro led1 life" is the opening sentence of a mesl in-1 teresting article, undèr Notes Tand Comn- ments on an inside n)age, on which we shouid like teget seme intelligent opinions.t Teacliers, yeu will find food for1 thonglit in a thou.-hîful perusal. * e* The, Newsman wants us te explain why we knowingiy deceived Mr. Allen about the day of meeting of the Agricultural Society, MWe dici ne such thîng, hence hiave ne explanation. If the Newsmant will kindly mind lis own business lie will( fnd lis mental cap acity sufficiently taxed.,f We are trying te keep faitli witli- the people of MWest Duirhiam w'ho sent us te CounIties' oni by givin-g thiem tcerî- plete repor ts o)f ie rQeins and we feel extieniely flatterecd by the mnany ap- preciative words our constituents- have, expressed onour- courseI We hope te menit their good opinion and appreval se long, as they honor us wilh their confid- ence.. The Provincei is a loser by the death on Sunday iast, in-the prime of, life, of His Houer Judge. Lister, Toronto, wle when, in political if e was known as "Fighting, Jim Lister " Hle represented West Lambton in the Commions frein 1882 te 1898 when lie vas appIointed bo the Court of Appeal., He died quibe suddenly of heart disease iuduced by indigestion f rom 1which lie suffered 0f late w e have noticed more farmers and their women folk friomn Clarke town- ship coming te Bowrnanville te, do shop- ping. This is te be expccted, for in whab other tewn of its size can lie found four such well kept and, complete dry goods stores as the West End House, Coucli, Johusten, & Cryderman's, Tl'le M ason .ýCompany's Departmenîal Store and S. W. Mason & Son's-? Those who listened fe the remarks of the editor of this journal made from the platform iu the Itown hall oubihe night of the Municipal nominations, will discover in the actions of Messrs Burden and Loscombe at the iast meeting of criuneil. in meving for certain information, a very strik ing similarity of opinion respecting the informat,ýion thal shiould have been presenbted then te tbec cector s. the otherda lie told us thait lie eftener: heardfrom.the firm's aýdvertisemeint in~ THE STATESMAN than in any othier paper. When we told him that nearly ail the besî families in-Dariiig tonand the west side of ýClarke regularly read-this, paper, hie saw the reason for his observation. [t is the popular family paper in WesbDurham. cèived since New Yr'qrs. hvebn>e Dr. I. C, Rutherford,' of Portage la Prairie,-wlio as in the employ of the Dept during the last season, for the pur- pose of lestîng w i it uberculin- animais in the United Ki'ngdom) fefr ex pert te Canada lias becu appointedite succeed Dr. Mc- .Endlren,,as Chef Veterinary Inispecter for the Dominion, it being uri'derstood thathle shiaillmatie lis headquarîcers at Ottawa, and devote bis whoie linie and at- tention te the iflparitmnîi.. 'Durham Counby History is heing coin- piled by a cmmibtee. On an inside page wi'l be 'founid a columu of information about collecting material for a hîstory of Durham Counly. V e, are sending this- paper te public schooi teachers who can assîst very much in tle matter by a littie effort among their pupils. Read over the article signeci by Prof John Squair and Dr. Needier and ask the pupîls te talk over the subject with their parents. W.e are pleased te finci our people dis cussingeonce more 'topics- other than election malIens and neighbens becoming more sociable and fricndly again. -What a pity that wc cannot aiînree te differ ou polîtîcs as wc ci on religion, prohibition,' melliods of conducîing business or farm- ing ýor bc thousaLnciand- one other subjects tht .nîust cnTgc our attention. The "controlledilife" shou.,ld fe.exemplified more petenblv during c'ection campaigns- An asyium for epilepics is very urgcnîi'y necded'in-this province and tbis fact lias been brouglit se foncibly te the attention of the Ontarie Govcrniment as te be recognized and one of, the next public institutions 10 be eýtablisbed may be sucli an asylum. As the aim of the Goverument seems te be te distribute public institutionrs am ong tle- cities aud towus, wc shaulci like te, sec a vigorous, effort made te secure :this one for Bow-1 mauville. Can it be that Clarke township is se,> mucl inerir t Darlingbon as the valu- alors say by tîcir report il is? Tlie Orono New s says :-The valuiators appoinbed by Clarke township te, va!lue fatmi lands for the propo>sed equalization by the Coun tics' Council havýe performned their work sati-. factorily, we think. The actuai cash value lias becun paced at,82i- 21 1r t-r WES EO BUS. pecial Shoe SaleWETEHOS ~WoensShoes. 0 Away Under Wort.h. $4.0-0 and $3 75 Grades, al, styles, iper pair- $2.98 k S$3.00 and $2.75 Grades, al styles, pe r pair- 2.28 These Shoes are nearly ail J. D. King's Finest Footwear. 7CKing Quality Rubbers for 43C pair. We have only about four dozen of these fine Rubbers, but while they last the E SALE PRICE 43e PAIR. ~~ 8110E SA L-Starts,Wodnosday, "Feb. 2 ld lesaFb 8 What Is Left i lakt and Sheeting Goes, at Lowest Prices. S5 pairs, 60x 801 6 1lbs in weight, white in color, UJnion Blankets --$L128 6 pairs darkgrey, Union Blanikets, 6 lbs. in weight, worth $2.50 pair, for 1.98 4-paiÈs light groy, Union Blankets, 6 lbs. in weiýhwrt$.0par o 1M3 2 pairs hi'te, U-niin Blankets, 6 Ibs. in weight, worth $3.00 pair, for --22 m2 yards Cream or Grey 'FIanne1ettc Sleeting, 2 yards wicle, worth 35é yard, for -27c 27 yards Gr ey WooI Sheeting, 2 yards wide, worth 70e yard, fôr 48c 9 Comforters&.only, worth $1.OO ,each, for 79c' You Can Save Money In This Week's Sale and Remember Our Remnant Counter f or Bargains. COHN.GROCERIES. DRY GOODS. -BOWMANVJLLE, Tlie citizeus of Bowmanviiie may place Deputalions represcnting ultra-temper. on the New s ýman the enus of circuiating auce men, ani auti-temperauce Incu have, :the false reports, about bribcéry and trick- interviewcd blie Ontario Go vero ment, and cry in Ibis t îw ini the recent election. He last w'eek a number of ieading Toronto telegnaphedj a!- ýnd published broadcast citizens embracing baukens, brokens,, scanda eus ý i-nios and faisclioods about managers of loan and, trust cempanies bribery and! corru ption in Bowmanville and capitlists. inciuding mest of tlie men tbat existeci only in his imagination; ýand promînent in financial cîrcles in Toronto, because of bbc great change in thbc towu waited on the Goverument Tiiursday te vote his falschouods wkere takeën by oulsid- peint eut tbc great liarm whicb, in their cru as tnutb, wlicn the neal expianation i§ opinion.. weuld foilow bbc passage- of a that about 'tv, o-thirds Of thecincreased prebibitory law, and te urge that at al Libenal votes were puit ou the voter's list events, if a bill was passed, thc- intcrests at bbc court ef revisien. Insteaci of adversely affecteci should lbe compensae zcalously guardiog tbe good name ef t this cd. The dleputaion : Mn. J. W.- Lang .tewn.lic las witbou't'a titlle ef evidence muin, ef bhc General trusts Company, in- tnaduced il and its ciizeus iu a mest troduced tbc depulation, and assured the shameful manner. Govenuiment, lIaI ils members haci ne direct financial intenest in, the liquor tnaffic. Thcy depioreci île evils et intem- Monday's Globe in a somewliat facclieus perance, but they had seen tbc marvelous editonial 'on bbc probable final disappear. improvement in the drink ing usages of ance et tIc Sandflcld Macdonald surplus bbc people in bbc lasI fortv years, and bad from eleciion cenccsîs,iî bcing a phantom liopedbbc prohibitionists would be content of the dim past, pays a wcll merited wih bbc advauce along that line. Dr. compliment te the Financial Commission Goldwin Smithi, Dr John Hoskin, Messrs. appointcd by the Ontario Government D, R. Wilkie, W T, White, Lient, -Coi. which il asscrts was a well advised adtieu Mason,FrcderickWyid,J Herbert'Mason, and furîher says thatwben Mr. Gco. W. and. GR. R.COckbuîrn spoke Thc Ross became Premier and look the treas- Prenier, in reply,_ saici :, "'Ve are- vcry ury ,nderhis charge, lie detcrmined te liappy le have met yeu. This deputabion cai in nei ndéednt aiuth.oritY te virbu is a very larg n nleta u n Sold îin Bowmanville by W- T. ALLEN, "Big 20." i1rrïtton subsides, the cougli quiets on our cîtizens and tue countrZ{ people eown and serions trouble is prevented. who came mbt town. He ju ged bliat T~~~~ he u cia It neyer fails ta cure wlooping cough. 12 farmers in this ceunty rmust b# well-to do, Thflda u because t1ev dreve nice turnouts, were Vapo-cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. wh rse n okdmr iepol AVapo-Cresolene outi, inc uding te Vaporizer and wl rse n okdmr iepol is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in Lamp, which should lait a life-time, and a boule of on a holiday jaunt than in tIe regular reolenecopee I5;eraupts irso way of business. This isatue bllI, the world. leneced 0enî.8liareeboklnà,.frensrsi Prie e bc. a, eopy., By maiil, $2 a year. 'i MPYSC5S' t enlîs i 1 e -r fonrequet. s, î net ? It is nice te hear LENE TE U, e Yr. C C .eiuFu1 Ito New ns~~tagr i cysdaec things, about us, Addrss HE UNNewYor. S ld by Sttt & Jry, Bowmavill, . anyway.

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