COIFORTS FOR Chamois Vests, Cream of Violet. Hot Water Botties, We cas save, your money, on any of these gaods. We specially reeammend Vréam of Violets for rougli skis, 'ehapped hands, etc. One applicat- ionl relieves, 3 applications curs. Money returned if'nat satisfactory. Stott and Jury. The Druggisst, BOW1LANVILLE. ' LL KINDS Priée is a second consid. eration when you büy Spectac- -The first conside ration i8 -a proper fit. Saine giasses j cause eyestnain and doý more harin than gooti. If knowletige skill and ex- periane<e combined with thei most reliable instruments wenî nat aalueynecessary it orde ta ivoperfect satisfac- tion, we wonld flot have spcnt hundretis of! dollars and months of hard stntiy in ortie, Ito be in a position to say IlWe will netnnn your ýmoney if the,.glasses we sell ýyou are not satisfactory."_, -When we fltSpectacles., tere iis no gnesswork about il. They fit eyes perËfectly, No change for con sultat- ±9ni. ]rlces for glasses as Io w as the lowest. STOTI &JURY, BowmAN virLE. The Drnggists, Lame Back In, the Morning., There are b1any peo0ple Iwli find it a iSiult 4task up in , terrible pain an.d soreness~ acrossthesmall . oi4fe backthat painfu nfI' d is co011î 1fo Iltn operation. Evorlknow what it was ta hiave your back so Ibad that when youL'd try ta 'get o4 of beti you'd almost Seream withi tho painq o Can't do muii o (f a day's work' starting IIOff with , tIck as bldas thatnotfit for pleasure either. Well, dIl this backache and 'pain, this stilffness and soreness cornes beeatus e Iw:kjdneys are clogged iii, ean't d their 'work properly, ï mad your back lias tosufer for it. ' Just try a'box or two of Dr.' Piteher's Backache Kidnùey Tabiets. Wlîat a change you'11 find eonilng <over you! You'1l be able ta spring r fr-ornyour --d' iii -the îor qn S 1:-.'I- asacikt nife erse aîîd fit for your- daily duties. GRAND rRUNK RAILWAY. BowmâtviLm STÂTîI01. GOING EAST. Galîsu WEST. Mr Prjes .... 982 a. m. IExpress... . à 15 a. m Nxprea. .... 10 27 il Local... 810 il passenge.a 5S 0 p.m. IPassenger- i150 p. m, 68 p.ns. Express.. . 7 388& Express does not go west Monday morning. STOTT & JutRy. Town Agents BOW MANVILLB, FEB. 12, 1902,] MiessHelen G,. Morris is toaehing aI Giasmire, Ont. MsaNellie Boulter, Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. E. R. Finkli Mr. Thos. Baker, C. C., says Dar- lington bas 100 bridges. Miler'a Grip Powders Cure. Soit by Stott & Jury tiruggists. Miss Mande Bond, Oshawa, la visiting ber grantitather, Mr. John James. New Spring Prins at McMrtry's. New WhitelCottons at McMrtry's. Ladies requiring bair dons aover sbould calios Mrs. Dickinson, King st- Our offer of one olt asti ose actual new subscribor for $1.50 stihi holtis gooti. - A meeting of the Womeu's Institute wil l e helti in Bowmanville, Saturday Feb. 22. New Spring Dress Gootis aýt Me- Murtry's. New Spring Embroideries at McMnmtry's, Dr Julia R Thomas, 241 Carlton St., Toronto, was gust of Mrs. M. A.James over the weekenti Men's anti boy's over coatà lu ai qualities anti ail sizes at Couci,-Joins- ton & Uryderman's. Mr. James Leask, Taunton, attendeti Mr.Rolit.Miller's sale ofthoro-lireti cattîs rat Stouif vill e iast wsek, !smas y frientis bore congratiilate h Mr. W. J Davey, Whiitby, 'on bis ap-ý Ppointmn'ent as Gaoier at Whitby. For a bargain in Purs cati at M. Mayër's fur storé. The gooda go-t'to lies soIdte make room for sping gootia.ý At no other lime ot the year; are the prices so mutci rduceti as just. nowý Reati The Mason Co's new Ret Tieket ad,,. MrE. E. Cooper, Wbitby, bas boss -appointeti sscretary pro tem of tbe Ontario anti Durham Exhibition Assoc-i iation Mr. T. E Riggiibotbam, Bowman- ville, was guest Susday of bis brother, 1sMr. A. R iigginbotham.-Milton Re- eformer. MVr's. (Dr.) Brimacombe anti Mra. P. R. Pole 'y wore biostesses of a vers' ciamming "At Homne" et "GreanaCourt"? e Tbursday. We bave some of the beat weatisr strîp everpu on tbe tnerket for keep- îng Ont lie cohtd. Try ItL M. D. Wil- i 5- iams & Son. ýt Mr J B. Walkem, aecre tary of the 1Y. M'. C. A., Lindisay, was kilhed bY an relec-tric abhock- Wednèstiay Twbile fixing seine wires. Mn. anti Mrs. lîarry Baskerville at- rtentat the fuserai of bis uncle, Mr. Samuel Glover, sorti of Oshawa on 1Wetinestiay. As 100 books are ,missing tram the Methlodist .Sunday Scbaol librars', there are nearly 100 homes lu towni with- books thaltidon't beiong ther(e. Churcli finances are suUferinoe as a resuit. of so mass' stormy Sundays Ibi winter. A gooti phan is, ta double- 7arniount of collection wlisn a Suntiav lis mîsset. STOCiK TÂKING Tira-I bave a tew Gents' Pur Coata, Ladies' Coats, Caper- lises, Caps, Mitts, anti Robes loft. If ,yon want a bargain, 50w is vour lime. M. MAYERt, Fumrier.s Mn. Oscar LaBeloîh bo as lies with a leading iar4ivare'firmn in Peterboro, is home for, a fewtiays provions ta b g oing ta Winniveg, M,ýas,, whene be e bas accepteti a similan situation.a Mrs, D. B. Simpson bas gone with ber tather Mr. R. S. llamlin, Oshawa, anti Mrs. Ramlilsta Ashville, South Carohina,' for the winler montha. Mrs,>C Simpson will lie away praliably two months.9 piosphitesof Limhe antiSoda 3iic per b liotthe at McDermiti's ,Dnng Store. o PEepttonlzÈet inulsios -o! Coti Liver lh Oul asi Rýy 1pospbliïes of Lie u Soda ith ,Qinine 40jc per liotîle at1 McDmntd sDrug Store. In senting- bis order for Ti-n STATES- RAýN hast wekMr. Daviti Wells, Cam- t bray,sentiscongratuiationisto'Mr , Ralt, B .eilli>M. P., ani est Duniam Liber-a a t o Ieir success in the liye-slection O Hoe retors teOaur member as "Dean Mr.5E Beiti" saelie ceriainîs' bas a marin snot lu bis, ieart for himi Mn, Wells is th4 0. real timber ton a Canadian Libenal.- 0.O Mrs, Rolit. Glove 1r anti daugiter,Miss ni Glover, Mea.fonti, antiMn., Thos. -Pincb, pi e,, Paisley, were boes ast week- attending fu tbe fuserai of thein mothon Mrs. DorcasB Pinci .wha tiietiat the, resitience of bern tiaugliter, Mys, R Young an Tuesday. sY( Decoaseti was 0fl5 0f our oldest rosit- m onts ,,having came" ta tows wbile quite a, te young girl andi bas resideti bore ever n( sic. She, was In ber 8th yean. t The preîty booklet prosenteteIMrs. wý P. A, Henry on Jan 29ti was pnînteti p< at JAME' ýPUBLISiiING H Rusu anti is (If ne we sas' il ourseîf) a credit te Mn., Cias. AI Dickinson, Foreman a! THEn STATEs1l MAN Job Rooms., The Bowmanvihlloj News says il was neatîs' gallon Up witi bher portrait-a vers nartral. likenesa- on the, front page The Orono 11ews W says lie, selection af poems from hiem ows writilngsi-weme galltes up inbooklet form, vemy seat anti welldaons.'TE STATESMAN office bas. long.,been nateti for tins printing andi the quahits' of work i tunneti ont now compare s.moat tavor- 1aly witi asy former ponioti., ; The Toronto Junction Leader saYs Of ail a recital givon at lie Collage Of, Music Ti by puvils of Miss Lillian Payvne,assistot pri biy Mi J. Rarry Alexandier: Mr.Theo. Bi Ives anenedthle nro.-ran with a nrgsludeI 1 Hum Bugs mîxed-Saturday only- 10e per lb at Tod's., M;r. Normas Grago, Stratford, spent Siutay with his mother. Mr. Harry Coleman,, Toronto, spent Suntiay with frientis in, town. Miss White, Port Hope, is visiting] lier brother Mr. W. H. White., Miss Campbell, Port Hlops, was re- cent gueat of Mrs. W. B. McMurtry. ne ete ti.M .WlimSave your coal by using some of our Son Try Ganong Bros celebrateti G. B. 'Chocol&,tes-"the finest in the lan,"l- ait Tod's. Miller's Worm Powteisr, the medicins for chiltiren. Solti by Stott & Jury drng- gists A lot o <f new Dress gootis selling off at hait price at CoucliJYahnston & Crytier- mani's. Miller's Worm Powders make the chîltiren heaithy. -Soiti by Stott & Jury druggîsts.. Coiîch, Johnston & Cryderman wili' from to-day seli ail Ladies' Clath Coats ait Hait Price. Miss Lena Masan and Mr. Normas S. B James wsre guests of Miss Lillie Outram, Port Hope, over Sunday. See our lise of fancy Rockers nt $2,50 anti $3 00 Dos't miss them. They are a bargain M. D. Williams & Son. 005oglB.; coldç, hoarseneus, and other Ibiosa ailmenis are quickiy relieveti by Vairo-Cresoi- leneiahblets.tem cents perbox. Alldrnggists. Possibly the oltiest woman in West Durham, is Mrs. Peter Werry, Solina, who celebrates bier 97tn birtlitay next Saturtiay.- 1Ladies! If you would ba strong anti heahîhy anti have, gonti complexions, take Millerý'sCorupounti ron Puils Solti b3' Stott &,Jury tiruggistls. Our reatiy to wear cl'otbi1ug is ail1 ne*w anti matie upiii the latest style asti as clieap as any bouse in the tratie. Oouch, Jobnston, & Cryderman.P To be strong ,you'must have gooti appetite, gôot iigestion, gooti assimila- 1 tion. MilIer's Compounti honPist bring ail these. Solti by 'Stott & Jury 1 druggists. 0'Boyýle, the cattie drover,Claremnont, f who fisti the country with over .12;000 of )ther pcople's money, bas been sentene- edi ta three years lis Kingston penit- entary aitharti labor. t No lady shoulti buy a coat before 0 seing the supsrb stock at Couch, John- le ston, & Crydiyrian's., They carry a a class of. coats sudh as you will finti îowhere else outsitie the city stores. tl Th e Canadian Congregationalist ofn [an. 30 bas a fise portrait of our former1 esteem townsmai, Mr. Henry O'Hara, r nember of the Executive of the Cas- r atia Congregational MissionarySocietv. -The third of the series of Assemblies v given by the bachel rs of the town last e Tuestiay night was if passible more il uccessful than the prscetiing ones. t Mrs, S.S. Edsall presitieti at tbe piano t The Masos Co areliaving a special "Redi Ticket"sale, wiahing to clear ont titis and endis of winter gootis. TheyS have marked tliem at very special G rîces on noticeable Reti Tickets. Seso P Mrn J. L. Smithi, Whltby, was pre- G sentet i wth a resolution of annrecia- ios of bis services on bis retifement st f ter 25 ysars' service as recortiing v 3eward of the Quarterly Boarti of the v Iethodist churel. Whitby. T Bowmanville Methodists naw use in- ai ividual cups at Communion services. p 'lie set provideti cost about $100 anti iceluties 350 giasses, 10 oak trays, silver c itcher' anti oher accessories. Tliey fii -e re useti for the flrst time lat Suntiay l id the members are greatly pleaseti st 'ith tliem. r Mrs. Ras was presenteti witli a band. m ime marbie cdock by the Auxiliary Of re ictoria Presbyterian dhurci. Mr. J. X. liaslias aecepteti the pastorate of El ise Presb, terian cburch, Aylmer. In t ls removal. Toronto Junction loses an F doquent presacher, a gooti citizen, ant, i Christian gentleman.-Leadcr. w Every winter after the holiday rush sp r. Mayer, the practical tur-ier, clears gc :it bis surplus stock at real bargain th rices-indeeti hée.prefers, sellingfur ,ods at a sligbt sacrifice rather than pr arry them ovier summer. Ris annual bu laring sale is now on and decitietiH irgains is latii's anti gent's furs are gr ffereti. Give im sn ea'rly cail. He if is-a lot of lovely fur gootis remaining tri usold. a E.very IIousekeoper mnust 0f tes act as Ps family pli) sician, 'Paîn-ki!ler forail 4e littils, cuts anti Aprains, as weil inj sfor a[l bowel comiplaints. is indiapens- Co ble., Avoiti iubstitutes, hr is but fi~ ne Pais-Kiler, Perry Davis'. ,,Zc, anti an c.t The year that bas ju8t cioseti bas bison 0l ne of the most sucicessful inthe history Wl 1St. Paul 's, congregatios. Perfect th( nanimity lias prevaîleti in every de- oy Homiemade Mix6d Hum Bu,,s loc poz lb Saturdlay only at Toti's, Mr. anti Mrs. F. A. Hoar and famiiys Oshawa, spent Sunday bere. Mihler's Worm Powders cure lits in chultiren._ Sol, by Stt & Jýry drug- gista You get ail preniums given witb asy paper when ordereti at Ti*u STATESMAN office. Miller's Compoundi Iron Pilla, anly 25 cents for 50 doses. Solti by St-ott & Jury druggists. H' ave van trieti Tod's Zephyr Cream Loaf? If sot,,you sbould do so, it is a delicioî,s bat. Every dollar palinto TUE STATES- MAN office, this month, will receive a dheertul greeting.' Farmers, Graham & Finkie want you ta grow tomatoes for them. Cali at Cawker & Tait's for particulars. Spring movisg will soon be boe. Ask M. A. James wbat rent hoe wanta for the resitience over Freelanti's Studio. For ODlY $2.00 y ou cas bave Thé Il lus- trateti Buffalo Express by mail every Saturtiay. Coulti you spenti the mosey in a botter way? Mrs.G. MeFatives, Glenarm, ast iber sister, Miss Lizzie Kuight, Balsam Grave, PensIon, are gusts ot Mr. A. Hardy, Liberty S-t.. Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A., attendeti the Alumni Conference at Queen's Uni- .vrsity, Kingston, last week asti gave a paper os the Jewish literazure of the first century, B. C. Mr. asti Mrs. H. Jonss have been waiting on Geo. Raines, Esq., Police M4agistrate, since bis very unfortunate ,ccident, asti lie is 50w dting s0 nicely ,they have returned homec. The Dominion Lie as asuperb winter rervice' from Boston ta Medi- eérraneani ports-Gibraltar. Genoa, Nlaples anti Ahexantiria. Tickets $75 to $400. à. A. JAMES, Steamship, Ticket 4gent. Blritish TroopýOîl'Linimient la unsur- passed by any liniment on the market o day. It is composeti of healing, sooth- ing asti cleassing vegetable ohîs anti extracts. It is put up in large'botties for the small price of 25 cents, If ail the dollars due'ns wsre paîid in before March lst we coulti pay the Simpson Estateevery cent ws awe on te STATÎISMAN Block. ,Reader. if you we us, try 'to pas' before February stis anti thus, help us os purchase ccouant If a chilti sats ravenously, grinds the Leetli at night anti picks its nose, van mav almost be certain il bas worms andi shoulti admisister without deiay Dr. Low's Pleasant Wormn Syrup. tbis t remetiv contains ils-ows cathartic. Rev. G. C. Pitigeon. B. D., Streets- ville, wîhh occupy the puit of St. Pauh's church next Sabbath anti will com- mence the series of special services for fi deepening of spiritual lite whicb 'hI continuegevery, niglit tbrougliout îe week. Scbolars of St. Paul's Presbytsrian t 3a-bath Schaol- who are awartied the E -osnerai Assembly 's diplomas for re- )eating prescribeti passages of Script- ire: Etina McGill, EvaMcGilh, Doug- as McDosald, Kathleen MeGili, anti ladys Fielding,. The Mason Ca are througli taking I tock. Their statemeýýnt this ysar is îr satisfactory, in fact taken as a bo6ls the best they hiave ever lad, a bhey treat tbeir cuistamers iiberally Lti are awardeti with a very liberal itronage. Seo thcAir new adiv. Mr-. John James, Ses., who since omingta Bowmanvilhe tram, Oshawat ls livedon Ontario street, last week *ught the Gooti Cottage No. il Churcli test, tram Miss Martlia Holmes, To- osto, anti wben certain repaira are5 ado will make tbis cosy home bis c esitience, Invitations are being issueti by lward Bartos for the Pupil Concert b Dbe hlk at the Higi Scbool on Fritiay îb. 21. Admission wihh lie by pro- re'mme free. Collection at- the door p il lie matie ta caver. expenses. A t lendîid program is assounceti anti aà Sod time ia certain, toalal interesteti in se vocal art. el Prompt attention ta customers, fair e ices anthle beat grades.of gootis are uîlding up a splendid business for T.' s LKnight the popular young family a]) 'ocer,, Hoe is tioing a gooti business. ýs' you baye snot already gi-ven hlm a 's ,ai order, do so soon anti sa encour- go tbe 3 oung mas. TRis TiuW advt ap- te ara on 'first page. n:r Some 50-members of Florence Nighbt- iale ,Lodge o f Oddfellows visitetif rîntbîan'Latige Oshiawa, Tbursda-, U igt anti barring the blustry weàtbo .r ti dritteti roai enjoye thfe onting. S( bey conferre th le initiatory degree a candidate in capital style asti inesseti their Oshawa lirethren -give or lSecond Degree. A programn anti 01 -ter -uppe fohlow elte-lotgeee- I. ti at th C( I L !ni n ed To gel relief tram indigestion, bihlîous- ess, constipation or lorpiti hiver witboul sturliing the stomaci Or Purgisg the' )wels, take a few doses o! Carter's ,ilîle Liver Pis, Ihes' will please you. Messns Rail Beilli, M P., anti Lieut. 'h1 McRoe were apinteti by the Cas- lias Horse Breetiers' Association 10 rait on the Dominion Governmenî 10 rotest against covotte ponies lieing mported ti Iun.ervaiuatios, Among Torontonians who left Toron. for Boston ta sail on the "Comnon. ealli" lie magnificent new Dominion nen, for Genoa anti Ahoxantinia, 1yp, were Mr, Ro'ward Chantlir, rs"Howard Chantier anti Mrs. S. B. îantier, tanmerly oa! Newcastle, We bave no room ton press notices'o11 stchum's "Ton Niglits in a Bar Roomn" ut ties' are first-classa and Ibis ever pulan play neyer tired ose, This dom- ns' introduces, 55w specialties that 2rease the clianm. Opera Rous Thurs- s', nigbt Poli. 13. Sos ativt. rhe lWasoiu Co. are emph asizing the in arts Ibis weok in their Rot Ticket earing hargain -sale. Thes' have cketoti a number of articles witb con- cuojus net tickets Withi former price td reduceti pniee manket on them ln bite ink. See ativt. The appearasce very pleasing antio is the pnice. F ouninies are valueti higMy in some w1n'. The Tribune s.s The Han- sts Pointry bas becomeo ape of aur aLest institutions and wil witiin -a v yeans lie'ose o! auir mainstsavs.' ider officient-:maýnagement, this-is itural. Ses baw important tbe the unti'es of Gait, Stratforti and -Owen )unti are ta those, places. Mir. Herbent R, Tilley a! tie Con fat- alion Life Insurance Cojmpasi-, Ton- lao, is about ta go ta the Wes;t India lnds taeliscamo Manager of the com Ly's business, witli isatquarlers at i ugstan, Jamaica, anti on . baturday ,ning about 130 of Toronto Canae ul members met aI lie club hanse id'presenteti Mr. Tilley wilb a beauti- diamonti ring, engravoti, anti an - [minatet atidresa bousti in monacco.1 Isftler, Dr. W. E. Tlloy waa guest the function. "A Litle, Colti ,Youn kow" will Lame a great danger if il lie allawet reach town tram lie lungs btiith( roat. Nip the iperil in thie but 'wilb len's Lung Balsam, a sure remetiy .taining no opium. OSHAWA. KETCH UM'S lOtNtghtsin'a- "TH E Bar-rooffiCo.: PEOPE8SOE 1Presenting the only complete dramatie version of, this immortal platyonthe road to-day. eeetinterest thrçmnghout. Every detail carefully studied, The only complete productioný Ilear the band and orchestra.* Il an't afford to miss it. .Masterpieees of scenic art' Show exactly as ad vertised. U o OPNR 9MNI[ Tliursday, o1i u T i ek The Street Parade. 1res aeCranForadTbeO SEE The Handsome Scenery. Cres aeCitis lo n al i The Thrilling Climaxes. Endorsed by the clergv. Prei by lts ais Whitewear, Fiannelet, the press. We tion't put our whole * Shon s e urStree nt. Orstg__ u- c hirtings,,Table Linens adNapkins,Ti- tilson theOurstre"eDt. Or44agpronc-* sa PRICES---25ç anàd 35c., 4 ings, Towels, Towellingse Cretonnes, Prints, Mrs. J.: B. Martyn is visiting frientis , ~Va DesGod oi~ec In Toronto. nigli'as, DesGos 'oiey t3 S3now flurrieý andi high windar Several from her e atteildeti theý balu h tt ron rrdayevnin aG reorna ts' F urinishin gs lood tim6.riiYadrpr Our countrynews faileti to raech us ho d the mda ilso. ~Shirts, Ties, Socks, 1Indeîrwear, Ready-madle, Be sure and hear the open air Band, oncert in front of the Town Hall at PnsSok n vrls 'hurstiay noon, also at 7.30 P., M.PatSokadOerl. Poultry bree ders meet Ii Cou neil* lhamber, Bowmanville, Fritiay even- ng at 85 o'clock to form &-local associa- ion. Sons of Temperance Record pays a ibute to Maple Grave Division's open eeting, saying it was'a fair sample of goiclass, S W. Masonjq i Mrs Alvin Peters, Hampton, is Super- itendent of the Loyal Crusaders asd A dits a tiepartment, very efficiently in 19b às Record. ~~f Milburn's Sterling Heatiacbe Powtiers ive women prom.ipt relief fromi monthly tins and leave no bad after effeets Great Barýgain flouse for General Dry oods. rhatever.. Be sure yon get Milburn's. Dr ýrîce 10 anti 25 cents. All dealers. ~ ~ ~ ort tnadBn Dramatizeti anti playeti bv a capable N x oo oSanadBn ýmpany "Ten Nights in a-Bar-Room" - BowMANVIjE. part, from its strong moral lesson, is )e maît thrilline anti absorbing play er written. Bowmanville Thursday BORN GLAN VILLE-l11 Clarke, Feb. 3rd, to Mr. andi Mrs, Ueo. Glanville, a son, WALTON - 11 Clarke, i1 an. 7th, toMry. andi Mrs. Anson Walton, a son. CowAN-la Clarke, Jan. 29th, to Mr. andi Mrs. W. H. Cowan, a ïaughtër. TREwix-In Clarke. Feli. ird, to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Trewla, a daughter. RioBDÂN-In Cedar Dale, Feb. 5th, the wife of Daniel Riordan, of a son. MARRIED. BÂnAiTON-PAGE--JIa -Oshawa, Jan. 5th, by Rov. J. J. Liddy, Albert Cicii Branton andi Stella Maud Page, botb of Oshawa. COCHRANE-KIRK-in 'Newcastle, Jan. 29th, by 11ev. T. J. Edmison; Mr. Thomas R, Coch- ranle and Miss Ehiza Jaie, Kirk, boîb of Clarke. Cox-PINGLE-InBowmanville, Fei, 5th hy 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L., Mr. Albert P. Cox and Miss Ethel Blanche, second daughter of Mr.eThos. Pingie, hoth of Bowmnanviile. A5iNOT-MCCULLOUGH-At the Parsonage, Hampton, Jan. 29th, hy 11ev. T. J. Anderson, Mr. Levi Arnot and Miss Fanny Mecuilough. both of Darlington. GLOVÈ&-In East Whitby, Feli. s, Samnuel. Glover, in his 8lrd year. CALISWEIL- lu Yarmnouth, Maine, Feli. 4th, John P. Carsweli , ageti 66 ye-ars. Brzýth er oi Mr Ediyard Cgrswefl, Osbawa. DÂ5ITýNxL-At Oaxaca, Mexico, Feh. lnd;, Caroline, rellet of the late Ueo. H, ]Yrtnell, sq., Whitby. YouitG-In St. Louis, de Gon aague, Quie., on1 Jan, 4tb, Mary Hait, relief cf the late Raili O. Yloung, aged 89 years. Mother of !)r. R. Young of Bowmanvîlle. PINCII -Iu Bowisgývilie, at the re2sidence of her daughter. Mrs. (Dr) R., Young, Feli. 4th, Dorcas E., reliet of tise laie WilliamPinceh, agedc 87' years. :, - . ý _x McCCAPrEy-11n Bowmanville, Feb. 8, Jane L,,onard, met of the laie P. MeCaffery, ageti 87 years. Lisvsi-Sutidenly, ai 14 *Walmer Road, Tor- onto, Feli. 9, Honorable James Frederick' Lis- ter, Justice- of the Court of Appeal for Toronto, in bis 1111h year. HOLLAND-At 46 Duan Ave;, Toronto, Feb. 10, 0f.typhoiti fever, Georgiiîa Adelalde (Ina), eldesi anti dearly loveti chilti of W. H. and E. M. Holiand, ageti 17 years, 8 montins. PEÂRG-Near Welcome, Hope. Feb. 5, Thos. I>earce, aged 84 years, native of Cornwall, Eng. land, andi former resident of Clarke., GILCRIST,-IS Port Hope, Feli. &th, Bella .Maria Wlnsiow. beloveti wife.of Mr. Charles ,Gilcbrist, aged 64 years. F RSALE-T'wo stores'-brick house Fwith 13 acres of landi, gooti orchard, bard ,ai soft waier, anti gooti barn witb stone fona- lation. tbeproperty of C. YouNG, Liberty St., /4CL~\The,,Road' MISS EDITH FREELAND I Iopreparet o give music lessons ai ber horme oi Beecb iAvenue, Bowmanville. 87-tf MVISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pupil of Prof. A. S.Vogt, Toronto Coniservatory of music, wii receive pupUs ln Piano andi Tbeory of Music, at con esion si., Bowîna - vil le DENTISTRY. UC0 BONNYCASTLE, L D S, DD S, Honor Uraduate lu Deniistryr of Toronto University OFFICE:-Over Central Millinery. En,Tapce first door west of Big 20, Bowmmville MISS GAILBRAITH, Teacher of Pianio.Organ, Harmony and Theory will reccive pupils at the residence of Mr. Xii.0, Gailbraith. Concession 5*, W., Bowmauvllle Terme. mrderate. ' 49 4w S TOCK FPlOR SALE-If vou want a KYyoung bull, grade ýor, shortborn, pre, ex- cellent pedigree. Cali or wilte teWXLI' WEasiv.Solina, Enter Anfy lime. After January f iii for a tborough cus *under individual instruction ta ail *commercial salije ci8- Teiegraphy,* *Sboribanti anti Type,#riing, lu tUh- * 81 8 s NSS -O[EL"r 4 TORONTO. 'IPhls splendid sebool, with 12 teacbers, *80 typewriting machines anti thorougX iuourses of stedy ifs VIehe st 0f tbe kitid in luCanada. Circulars Free. Write for thean, PRINCIPAL. *Yonge andi Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. Yolll Atteiltion For a ?4offleto If you are buildîig or rep aîring"wo can perhaps help you to solve soma 'o f the diffictilties inciden to thej under- taking. Forinstance: CEifii»zrs-We have Battle's ThÔold for cancrete walls, cattie starbles-'and cellar floors; English Portland for pave- ments andlcisterna. j3iLL STuFF-Pîine a nd Hemlock TnLBýEi-Pine aid' <Cedar Square FLoORINGI--RO end Whlte Phis aUÊd White Maple. CmELINa and I'WÀxNsorwk-Paintiêd andi Graîned, Beaded'and V-Joint. Smr.-Gi-Baveled, Coye. Shiplapped and Clapboarding. 1 ri--rLse-Al cra4e6 . .....ative 1lPne