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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1902, p. 6

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I flT'?~~A1WsvT Ç' A C~TA I. . amnm T T ýT I ~- jjvP-114lu LM U .->, &Ïbuup -1 ,svn,v, r"eulis. J. Li. ruubAasF, r o. I TION. f<tayRil Toronto. J. D. Keachýie, I 31,ý6 We!llsabey Streeta, Trut.G H. I ,-..-,-..---, - . .,A.. P à a nuIl ,-r- .i-- LII bIjýAI<Y NOTE~S, tor and as written the lirst acr-ount .f lm which has appeared lu. any ! §lý -Amoliican 'Publication. -Throug,,h bis M Magistratec-"Vou are c1'arged witli stealînýg c!Ï!iýkens; hav e you any witnesses ?" 'Prisoier-'ý-J-ha-vo fot. 1 don't usuahly lchiekens before Grip-Quinine Tablets 4' . .~and cure colds of 81i kmuds, Eyery. body catches cold. .oated).Wheu Ro fIaCI, tph Uriefin p Qu-ý ciine. d'ay. FrsaebydeergerslyPic bv centsrs Thea .cheapest S rv n an d Mostf lieliable Fo& your private and generai TEEPHN E. TRY-- 17 BELL TELEPHONE C00. 0F CANADA. W etabe tie l ,bwcrAà LÀFe, f , 1 aiu Axper- Bfot te forad Sîm e olpdy, te 4 6p - tte sefoI .rt ut partky itara T21 EMpR< EîIEG. LadaOt LUN, etc., '-r@, etc.- lad ustriees-%aw-aille es i, lu mille, diatilaries, tanneriegibiekyarde, ~ani lllâ, orne, -achine shops, foureblackemlth ahope. eheese actorles,. etc, R -Oorduroys, bridiges, grava] roade, etc., statuts i&bor, 'gojod roads' f aovellinnt, etc, Prufessional Men-Oieraymonteâch ers., awyers, physiciens, urvoes, etc. Ohîrhes-When orgai ,cdates of lagappearance if extluct,lat, of pastors, ieoreuaries, etc ;enownpevns i tipendsý, bursing groundi ft rms of 'roe)aîp, Sundaay Scheele, young peo. plc' eolodepryermeetïngsrevivals, sr.3e, hr ,muele, eto., ao f eetions, trueie, teachers pupis, ehoo metiag, sci0te ti no as spelfngde ag nd ueulgg shools, 8ohool b11ildings, frguaecgamea o!Cbildreil, etc. Municipal Concl-Towr. wêetingis orgatizWton of townships, villages, towne, etc., liste o!f Moiis, ebeeoucue, revenuee,,exoanditurda@, etc. PohtloaEleoti ne lcudlng caucus, nomilnations, etc.), changes ln ridings liste of mem'aeroe, etc. Miltia- Effect of war of 1812; rebel- lion of 1837, Feniaa raid Wt 1866 Znorthweatit aellione of 1869 70 and 1885, training day, drill thdde, volon- 'oar comapaniee, etc. Secetls~-reauosOrangemen. Sýnê of Temperance, etc., when orge- to ced, whera defunet If dead, meeting places. businesis, prrkrammeu, public e3ntenleInment@, egrîcultUral socletiesr (âhown. ploughinU matches., stc) Âmuemene-Partieti, 'bees,' rate inga, tea meetings, picric,celebratione holldays, games, elnglng, music, dane- I ng, etc. abto!Peoffle-Workinir, reere- a-Àtn, eza'hg, d&inklg, une o! alcohol. obaco, ecacrlotrs cussome, suprco eras-Wagee, diffles, retâions f engagents, etc. Ounespndeteare 1reqtxeuted, when furnlebing lr.form0ton ou sny of the I ors'giingto, lýs, tobe se preclaeauaspos- sible in giving lamna o! perlions and il), reortlng the time and place o! oyante. Tiaev are also reques'el net to cenfine î,hisselves te noting the origine o!fira- olutions, Industries, etc., but to con, tinue their descriptions down to the presiert or te the termInation o!' the mattere o! whIch they treat, Commlîtte-G, H, Oarvètb, B. A_ M.D., 239 College St., Toronto. T. Caswell, City Hlall. Toronto. W. A. Oralok, 35 Spadîna fLosd, Toronto. T. D. Oralg, B. A.. 533 Sherbourne Street, Toronto.ý, J. W. Curry, K. , City Hail, Toronato. ER Fielding, 16 Earl S'ee, Tronto., A. alun.ý. !..HtitLDK . 21 Dle Â'NeV-i Big cS'Cnoül uîrl- Ait you g9t no grammar yet ?'e Little S-,hool Girl-' '"Nope not tili next yojtr." l3ig Girl-' Why, gratio-as I'vo ready 1 Yuhave qutsdai Ssorts 0ol cog rm - Idies' but it does not Iyield - it is too deepi tseated. It may W'earf Sitsell out in time, butT I t is more liable to produce la grippe,I pneumonia or a seri. 1 ous thr'oat affection. You need somethîngI that wiI give you strength and build- up the body, iwilla dothis when i t hnI I csc (aiis, There is no doubtI about it. It nourishes, j sreghesbuilds up and i makes flic body strong andj healthy, not only -te throw IOff this hard cough, but te fortity thec systcm against turther attacks. If y'ou are run dowin or emaciated you shuld certainly take this inourishing food m'edicine, L Expansionrofth e o -'pulatin-~ with abundiant statisticai informa- Ltion respectmng the preseni. condi- tion and distribution of the colored race, President F. P. Graves, of the1 Univv!raIty of Washaington, remphasiz-' es -Tho Ne1;,ed oh Training' for the. Colle-ge P Iresidency.'- John T. Bu- ,chanar, dealing, wivth the problem "H-ow to Assimilitte the ne~aFe meýnt in nropltin"'rgnrds thei education of the cudo:of allen in- igrants as w theoI mtoulkl too e!cu a. Dri. Gilbeart Ibidc contrîbtes a caractex' sketch ohih lati ilu1g (hanig. "The ofr J. F,ýrn iýnls sdiscpssed hvy kil Frt, Justiceof the Su- Prm or t oh New in ylua Pa- pcv hichrecmmens te enploy- 0f rierars forayonegforFfebrs knother atlesearel"Teof u arts ifei NwhYorkhind buPbrm,"by nTru- Frmank A. Pc Weeso; "anrtedanticleo- "iTh ioommercaln P.Gioour- n oTpe ar eeoh eentdentChildraenn In'liana" y qW.rter.STe tecod a kiason tSihs seriasibeats thle lu ditio kichAnd pooa byWinton Cutrcle i taurtonand oter. ran . "Washtndap'siraticlonic ource" has wbeen giected withupraise * nrlon every quart.rho seacnd pa corlrtespodnt.bereills tratcon- dhiionMr. ichAmeriancmetithon meui. meethin -taryeAusria d wGor-a tinywhelWgnshingth igoftyhoiaPi. Lnouppthe wi-koM Washington.d corresponds entt lus tatin -Id h i.woueria a aeshowe bnau i 1,;Th iy aýr ritewithn h a Spire I( ohth asintn aid scaoyle andmcnr, s etrstt b iend inradyh ho as awoiî bis beof Ksa~5s-Ihinscone aLof the rshes MtypeohA'micta- lewith aephs, os ah l maiilzin ohriEng lan traelickerbrane"is Lydoiightfurnibte s airand sply oh uîor-wl h un B usul chPaulter. rou zoyn ithe Glry a ntolgrat onopean fiteby Mary H. S. GAndePrix'yin tewnu- lyan in ies n io tershe oh us ttlrs inofOlhm, ol mos diamaic alc wih te "ush ta tho mot persisùfentiy fascinai ing, insoluble question in' the world. 'But for the anadr futuesm fcgnra s;tateinents ha-ve GROWN MORE CE7iRTAIN."- Tw ea go it Wa"F'an lrrespcn.ý: -sibJle sugstr'.1CuJ, but inow 41. twasthe commonpiace of aie Mnses - htoea dense pplton ecin the, npening phase oh a proccss o1 Secondly,_ il.was lues itabl tienat thLe mass of the ie population oh the evorld would brts ;orced lu SOMe way up the scale of effaciency wifhin two or three decades. Thirdly, rea- sons had bjeen collecteti showiîag that lan the comparative near futurG bu- nsanity woukt ho jedehitely am con sces~ orglanizing îtselFf n. anti w,drarIrthiawraeIlid, Thae lctrr :ed Wb bol thina Cae at tabnn Nofr-atre grets cdhondechangîng cnitionas wlthorut dergoiug hages ilumnie 11 andk a witld re st nces m ifsat-a .claredy d y rà . W r ,iptieý 'ndlte arc a e ofeginnin oh fl gpin es chngothat whulranity asd fevr uîroe. ThAerywii omewil ho i inhck n er sessin of kat a ohe tilht but ou ltenturindau athe linhîdeageiohou' minda wall, stand on this eartlî as one stands on a hootstool, and thcy -hall lauigh and re acli out tieir hands auîong thei stars." In the crowded asseombly that is- 1 toned interested and cuthusiastir. were Pr. Pewar, 51v illamCrooks, Prof. Arms-trongË, LîdIaliha Sirý Frode7rick Baneî h etr bas already arousetiwdsra n terest and ciipoei o mc WýORIPY AND LAT E PIOURS. Worry and ltehoulcrs soosly affect the System,,causing exbaus- tion, nervousness, genoral debility> aud sleeplossuess. "CiiMaX' Iron Tonuie Pils are great blood réakersl. They strengtlien the nerves, invig- orate the Systen, restore wasting Vitality and cure ail constitutional. irregularities., Bach box containe ten days' -treatment. Pries 25 cents, at ail drnggists, or iailed- on rceipt of prices. Address: Dr. ll Medicine Go., Kingston. Ont. The tr-aoh the Chan1,nl Jaandr la but 75 su rekle, Wilile the Ilie laof j, "«.'7 500pol A great deai j' is uaednl wintcr for spreading on thn aurfacne oh the ge ound. Youngblocks -ý;h trces ccli li, we decide ii h bcnehiled ' are treat-ý cd tf0;a siarlaceman-g Our trca are sotwix aaghaprto,-admilt of herse andi box sled (passing i ln he rows, andtin iiilu way týic choesurface la neanured luiun ale weafh' ýer for ftie sied l inte cvnr'e san.No other enanure bas býeu us(eti for yaa and the resuits are JIAISINGAN-D lEPI IIOGS. Itit 1 now about thirty ycara since à. embarked in the alwne business, writes Mr. C, P Siapsn J wvas1.ii ys old whenai wnd îne, iragh and m havebeedngraiaîng ai feed hoapîfor froii.and lesn ro siniye înyd hathe rgWe ha 1ovaccine re-u coerds fthenand te anh-odChtlho crus moewoh tunchlingo-kandcutas [hgs fee bor and h hog uarth M socc as, oet a neiter oh piga liui in y sbred'nustocks.i1crent brd ose rrg tha aslon a ot ne-ehnd heil thfe hogw on y a uner's1farmt nt ins hcortigeief mun,,u n 's nly lîshowao ad h les foc hourd and winlte qurter whon fe tat h ha tid.an1lhant onlye hait lcmyiernausn ess I -thoen tne asd the hoghbrs 7I cld onlty keîjeaew ffethat ch h uYý1asnti va aobsn- eHycf oha Ith-ve ytit. ac i-e Ilad chy oi n m h , uton tikec as ny ncghbîscultesl, u tae appei 'h ; cao i 'ea. ImoWeilto lie g tuehrnm e r part t liel ny liv- ifg yoan 5mai1 arorady oesoutiQnf;a oh, i aee i r a rgete ue n ik gon mone froaflcs alde al hega, but le morny he ile- moi t bolsim sobsteig r 1 hae ou -agointcl TDo og a ed hInian nedl finedso ke liic crm ete I luhlm hb-t causr rkrewci dryi , va em well h1oue give Sme tnne -ng te i-oo.Ner ixy you cunt f0 nake a iget ohsa pi right >nick ae son a l-,iewili a1 dayv ati ou wil otie us id What do yop tinkilthsrtod 110w would Y',.'Ye t tyour- self to keep off the §rmallpox. or sontigelsC? Jukst as, reasonable. j h ave lost mboney»>raisinig wbeat, but ýj never lost on.hlogs. For Lung TroubLles, Severe CoGs, ,Colds, Lmd tion in., &c ai as cmbixe works co D, mL. s tarplaaon aoidpoo~s t iehb\isl brng 1roubard escpebaesitbh, ai io, nd th.00Bideal] r.r thbe of ope d =dpei Worggcntes thbar o hiwa 1nins andfliar4 ;/iesae baarelet ithe id ile &H rnar M%, f D. warEninguo! -41dLeS Aie ýu ('/dois Jîer,,ngleted-n ~ thinlc t willabeai rgh i dy rmtw-bnaiï l hak kidee won't lgtwwith it hdelp fo mre the baet friwen1 o! mdeysnoed kng DoastRue, RIS, th 1ooZot ai o- t sa 1 id s. he ron cio f Mr, &Johngobtetson, meaehani ao Rhaey Pille .urgi e. hive erienc u tro uberînen ailiugwithy kide ore ha aIne 1r wkheseI cimrlkend takn an onin e sile, hich 1goat M el- ménitemdr to tesfre, n rnsneey lâ that'ý( I fo.Tawrong edcion ofýC, sue nuc jnoonenseaener id pan. Tht l îenthenluýU iltothe sufferers', ie D a

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