Aurthmalene Drings Ix-staïit R elief- and Permanenit Cure in Ail Caes.s SENT ÂI3SOLG(JTLY FEEON RCIT01,O1 AL Write Y ïaraeanid Adcress llny TTT~1ison or by, telegram 'when you have *IlJfl' trouble. Oh, wha-t a blessing to BRI RTN SS_ F JIfJ~i have planty of frîenrics! Aye, if you OF LIF * have only one good friand, you are biessed 'linthat glad pseso.With onesudh friend you can defy the Tworld, But le mustý be a re Let Us Ivake .uOss m lan and Ovuer friand.. You cannomt teil who are Vyour real lriends, tÎl1 di3ýasters corne. MViore Thanks, As long as y'oucolt vast dividends and have heaiIýýth ad jocund and popularity unbounde,ý-d -ou will have Etd srdiig to Âct ipf te Parilement of put us t I s]ep, and thie Voices of the crWd 0 se ingrinds, but let ia, aii the year OneaThoueand Nm n»IralpiadonslkeLn adbnrutyan xaidisxn andI de- dred aid 1wo, by Willi mnily, of Toroto gepaha the Deparaméno f Agriculture. OttawLl1 Patti and Neilson, andI the sound of formnation comle, and the number of instruments like the violin of the your friends will Le 95 per cent. A despateh hotu Washington says: Swedî.sh performer, or the cornet of off. If youhave been through some -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from Arbuce, or the mnightiest of ail ùin- great crisis and you hiav e one friend the following- text-Psalinis xxxiin, 2 struntants, with the hantI of Morgan lef t, thank GotI and celebrate it on "Sing ucto Hlm with the psaltery andI on the keys and his foot on the ped- the sweetest barpstriing. an, instrument of tan strings." ai, or somae Sabbath tune like -Cor- So far 1 have men-t ioned some of A musician as u ail as poat andI onation,", la the acclaita of whichthe tan strîti-, of the instruments of a-t'-~-s. arO ~~ri±zr0f I f!~i -ri-n-~ -i tOOSOS .;Y11Yi4,4n1 t~LL55' L-L5, t'55 __ f~ nesT prilîv- 2k do uïtrvmcii -~ 5~1S6t5l~l~4 V~ i ~ji4i1~. ~ T1T5 ~niiL ~i*aj2z~.m -'-a4aa=- ~-~- ~e-a4-=e~aaaa----a=,-*--- . ~ saulia-ca-~aa-ara-~c~~.. -a---- = ~ meain c Must Bear Signature 01 ii~rt~ ar\c~ iz -r -- -___ F0OR MEAT FAONvG Few lhous>ewive uprcitethe val- ue E0f bay leave IIS le t anr.Thay are he dy, hrci eave lu hich black lcrc is packed, andI enougli eau be bought for a f aw cents to last for 'years. A place Uhe size of a postage stamp will season a large pot roast or soup. Ncxt tine you roast a place of- beef down in the pot, first put in aý suice of fat pork, a synall onion slic- ed, a place of- bay leaf, a sprig of uýï There îR nothinoe like A«thniaiene, Il bringa IM-tant rle ven In the woral cases~. It cures when ail elle fails. The Rev. C F. WELLS., o Villa RIdge, Ill., saNs: "Your triai bottle of Aqtni a. lene received -m good cond i don. i eaniol; tell how thankîtil 1 feel for the gnod da.~ rived from IL. I was a slave. chained witli