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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1902, p. 8

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Higginbotham' s Emulsion iCod Liver 011: 01 Witii Hypophosphites. The best, remedyv for Lunig T rouble and SGeneral Debility h taste of the ouis S d isguised as to inake it as pleasant to take as O ny cougli mixture and i s easily digested. j Only 35c a bottie.' J.àIGNOTI I&SON, SBowmAN VILLE. Chemists anci Druggîsts. V Send 2 cents io B. I. Bennett, 2 King Bt., East, 2oronto, requeting coy of *'The 400" and -vou wil1 get a beautifi copy of California Illustrated. A CARD. 'We, the undersigned, d o hereby a gree to refunfd the rnoney on a 50-cent bottie cf Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar, if it- fails to cure your cougli or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottie to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Sold by, SToTT & JURY and J. HIaQîIiBoin.4i & Sos Qood Featur .es reqie intellient trealmeut te pro- dpethe efforts von tiesiro. We knew hem to chIale the best efforts anti yen mav tiepent on us for a pbotograph thut le antietie, litelike, beautitul. We bave jusb neceiveti a lot of the i-env lateet styles lu meunts, Cerne in and mie eur ssmules. 1 U O*a BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 12, -1901.< Mn,. Chus. Bia ck anti Miss MeCor- mack have been 11 . . .. Mn. Luther Fox bas buti pleumisy ... . Miss McCutcheon visiteti t rientinl Oshawau.. .. Miss Jeu- nie McCullagb is visiting lu Tornto.. .Mrs Wm. Chu ppie, Shoal Lake, Man., vîsiteti tri entishere necently... Mr. anti Mns. W. H. Banrett have returneti from visiting ber sister, Mns. Ashton, Sundierlandi...Mrs. Henry Watson, Somerville, atter visiting friendsin l Newcastle anti Onano bas neturneti home .... Mrs. John Mller,sn., bas been indisposei.... Mr. Jas. Halett bas purchaseti the remuintier cf the Tncken pastune landis, about ten acres, ..-,. Miss Kate Hugbsou is visiting ber sister, Mrs Parker Smith, Coburg-.....Mn. anti Mrs. Thos. Duncastsr visiteti th,3ir sonuin Bowmanville ... . MrThos.Green- wood has punchaseti a botel ut Stirling ...Mn. Hetb HIennings, Newcastle, in- tends taking up bis resitience lui our town .... .Mr. A. A. Rolfe hue imporbeti fmom '1 os- Smith, Attleboro, Mass., a trio of sb,.w birtis. Rhode Island Reds, thQ frs cf tiNs claps q( fowl intrcoduced ib tis section ... Misses Mvilie valovel' anti Annie Lyle. Bowmanville, were reeu uests ot Mns. J. J. a4filuî... Mr, AKox, leader et the OronoBaud, wus in Toronto lust week to heur the fameus violinist lHem Kubelik of Prague. RINTS FOAR GIRL-88 110 I TO PRESERVE REÂLTH ANDIu GOOI> COIOR. Fale,Saliow, or Anuemic Girls Restor- ed te the Bright Freshness cf Youth e by N atural Means-Good Hlealth, iVthin the Reach of ail. Studio Dnext d ocr te STATESMAN Office. given, PE@TER Wpean, Agent, Tynene. BONVu£ANV1LLE. Erom The Sun, Orangreville, Orît. t Miss Maggie Brewulee, cf Orange- 'uWM~Mf ~ville, is a Young lady well knowu te COURTIVE. the residents cf the town anti gndatly esteemeti by ail hem acquaintances M A I~ EII~ ~1anueia r wteryloo: aa, t riMr. Ina T Ml's; M issfidb Like thousand cf other young girls Vstn:M.Fe.MKy ifii , K, e , TH E 1tÊrougbou Caada- Miss Brownlee tell visiting fientis; Miss May Stace 'y, Osh- ' anti for a time, as sbe says bersef e orn, Gnllia, guest of Miss Mabel A R M l % A ' eti she wouîti neyer agaîn enjoy rbs Wallon; Mm anti Mmc John Walter vis- healtb.Expeniences like Miss Brown. ilîlu relatives ut Kineale; Mr. anti Mrs lee's cannot tail tre be et benefit te othen J Lau g...MuidJ.vis itei reaivend. Progreuive stock breeders, dairy- paie anti anuemtiegirls, and. for Ibis Bek..M.J ohruhmat me, "1ryen, grain, root antideaon ehe kiutilv cousentedt tegive a mily bave nemovedti teCavanville.... men, ve a lea sedt tesee oun XXXX butcher, Mr. fruit gmowens, beekeepers, agricul- statemeut te the Sun fer publication.Dtingucanetbs- tural stadents, anti home makers , My illness," saidtiss Bowuîee. avîbuiCnefr, toghhscmai flut thse articles and answers te cme ,,nu vemy gnatiuully, anti aI first eorsiess toalteghim iss competit questîi'Swin every issus of the il merely seemeti as lbough lb wus a orss a reard gallhlhe sus is bu'iiMr Lfebling cf depression anti tireduese 1 Huert15 incnasn ail the wiiYo r rA il ~~~i E ~ kept getting worse,however.and fiually Hbn at a eet e okt h t tegive nup a gotiposition., I wastaeasutin FA R 14a Rut limes troubleti with a tbrobbing, A Builte-Are You Losing Weight? Lrnaking headache; my appelite zave --The D. & L. " Emulsion wilI always [~~IaPATF et; the least exertion tireti me, andti tllp anti builti yenup. Resîores proper :Emy heurt woulti beal painfully. My digestion anti brings back health. Manu- and HIOME MAGAZINE .aI oîb r times thene was a sinking Ltti. "sensation wbicb I eau scal cely descnibe simply unequallet aund indispensable. I was treateti bv a gondi doclor andt tek RUSE FAMILY RE-UNION. If you are net aiready a subscriber a numnber cf nemedies, but witbout any te the mest belpful, best printeti anti improvement lu mv condition, anti I Family descendants et Mn John Ruse beautifuily illustrateti farmers paper hegan to leur Ibat I was docusedtt be cf iHampton belti ut the home et Mr. publisheti, ie invite scrntiuy of a an unvaliti One day a friend wbo cail- W L. Mason, Oshawa, on Saîurday, sample cepy. A post cart i li bring edite cee me spoke veref bigbly et Dm -Eeb. lit, on which date the olti genîle- il free. Atitress: Wlliams' Pink Pille, anti wbat bhe saiti mari attuineti bis 86th vear, bale anti interesteti my mother se rauch that ebe heartv a lai-go fumiiy ne-union anti ce]- TUE ILLl~M ELD O.,Llmied, b hug ,afewboes. I began taking eb,-atien. Ont (ef Ibinteen chiltiren, LONDON, CANADA. tuema, and lu the course et a few weeke twelve are liv-ing and eigbt wene pros- Ibero iras ne roni 10 doubt that they ont.: Josepb anti Charles Ruse, Toronto; PS.-Tbe subseription price, $r were heiping me. I continueti taking Wm. Ruse, London: Cornelius Ruse, per year, includea aIlse the superb the pille for a couple of menthe or more, Hampton, anti Lewis Ruse, Oshawa Xmas Number. wbeu I luit as ireil anti streîsg as ever Mrs M. B. Cr,.demman anti- Mre. T. J. 1 J ati been. about a year since I Clark,Hampton anti Mrs. Mason Those gave up taking the-pîIl, anti I bave ab sent were. Erank, Hlensail,.anti 'lot inCe toit the neeti of an'ý metilcine. Samuel. Carlisle, Pa., Mrs. Gao. Kars- 1 lhink Dr. Williams'Piuk Pills a grand luke anti Miss Ruse, Hampton. Tfiene 50 YEARS' medicine, anti shoulti be taken by ah are tbirtyiix grantichiltiren anti six- EXPERIENCE paie andi feeble girls" ton great grantichilden. many cf DrWliams' Pink Pille mak-e ich, wbom weme preserit A verv happiy reti blooti with every do-e taken, Ihus lime was spent, and ti ias witb mauv resterng llte bletsm of healtb, anti the tokens e! tanAilv affection thaltbev al ïïbrightness an- treshuese ofo! uîte -panteti on Satur-tayigbt. Il lea five ýÎ -1 îi andt shalloir cheeke 1 br'sugh veans since a genenal gathering cf the tiitl hicion ons tâe blteîi vhey cure sncb' Ruse tamily teck place.. We tendone -e ÎTRADE MARKS dfieans sas anai-mia.n.îevusuoss t. consgraulatiens te MnI. Ruse. senior, on DESIGNS \itu& 'daîîc, beant tre-ubies, tii ease. having eacheti sucli naiact 5 Ayuseinga- CopyRiGHTrS & etofthe hiiciîe%>, etc. These pills saýis'n the fuI 1pesses-ilofe!ho4lth anti pow. Anyoe ýàg e.sketch sud description may quickiy aséertamn our opinion fréee whetber anunrie the ailments that make the ves ofetrus of mimd. anti al-'o mec the seme- invention is i rrOb1y pateutabie. Communies. Ëtrmral atla l u n Lionsstrieî,yeconfildetial. Randbook on Patents onme nN ixemen a constant misery -rt rmikbetc -a u n sent free. O'destt ageney forsecring Patents. -rir boxes the firappers arourti t'! is larze anti tlever tamily are cr111 Patents Laaken through Munn & C. necev gperlnftice, withot charge, luthe etewhiî-hb btars the fuli uîîme-Dr, WiI ijviùý toa semble periioiIcl ',in 104-lu g - 'î~'-inIîk Pill,;fer pe PoTyi ' ' au feH mahir, lit honer et Ihteir resppeceti ,,- enan, e protui-ed froins drune2rtc, or wiii be father. ju-.,t as thie part% wore di-peis A bandsomnele iilustrateil weekly. >î4aîest cr. et-. mc ii. poR pai, aI 50csi ho-. er iog Mrs Ma-u n steppeti outeide the el"nt o0 -f anysleut'ibe Journal. Terms, $3 à ix boxeýsfor $ atdiressiug ibe dor andti lpped anîd feul No boises yer:forinnta,6 Sldbyal ewdeir îîm'MdcneC. cvlewere breke ,but chu wvas quite îeverely MUN&COalmawypw Yorý On bruiseti anti shaken up. BrsncOie, tu -7k -JS, l z t.. i j j I ,w» 'ul, ul, W. au, w, . THE MASON Co. BOWMANVI LLE WEST DURHAM'S TWA. 'Twas penueti by Bur n's and Shakespeare'% baud- Thae wardso' their discourse "A man's a man far a' that" andi "1My Kingdem for a herse " What madq the fuir sae fiue? Robin Adair, In New York shine Robin was there, When te the ring he-came Hear ye the loud ucclaim' Bruw cup ! He won the saine Robin Adair. Weel did tby raaieter dae SRobin Adair, We kenneti it.- Sae we say- Robin was there. Iu the, Hoose twa terras 8sne- Robiit's nae cul!, ye'îl fin ,11J8 ceuutry's weel tae min' Robin was there. In the fecht, ne lang syne SRobin was tbere. Heed o'c<or Leeberal Line- Robin wasthere. Robin ho rooseti bis men Allieti cor fues were then. ecSirs; Thev'll aiblins ken Robin was thora. 0 may ye fare nae ill Robin Atiair! An may cor cry be stili-, "Robin wus there." Robins-the cup sues braw Robins- cor vote did fa' Que,' we o' Durham's twa- Robin was there! Kentiall, Feb 8,.1902. SCOT'TY. A RELIABLE OFFER HONEST HELP FREE TO MEN. We are authorizedti t stute by Mr. Carl Kunz, Second anti Brady Streets, Davenport, Iowa, that any man who is nervous anti tebîbitateti or who is suf- fering from any of the varieus troubles resulting front overwerk, excesses or abuse,such as nervous debilty,exhaust- ed vitality, lest viger, unnatural drains anti losses, lack cf developmnert. etc, can write te hlm lu strict confidente anti receive, FREE OF CHIARGE, full instructions how te be thoroughly cureti. Mn. Kunz himself was. for a long tinîe a sufferer fncm above troubles, anti af ter trying lu vain mny utvertiseti rem- etiies, becume almoat entirely tiiscourag- eti anti hopeless. Finalîy lhe confideti in un olti clergyman, whose kinti anti honest utivice enablet i hm te speedily obtain a perfect anti permanent cure . Knowing te bis own scrrow that 50 mau3' poor sufferers are being imposeti upon by unscrupulous quucks, Mn. Kunz censiers it bis duty, as a houest man, te give bis fellow men the benefit of his expenience anti assist te a cure. Uaving uothing te selI, he aeks for ne ""nY' the prouti satisfaction cf huving doue a greut service te crie lu ueed, lbe rigbtly considens an ample rewurti for bis trouble. If yen write tn Mr. Kuuz, anti fellow bis ativice, you eau rely upon bo1nji cureti anti upon abselute secrecy as WeIL Address as abov e eclosiug a stamp. No attention will be given te those writiug eut of itile cuniosity, thereforo state that vou reall-Y neeti a cure. TYRONE. Sacranmental services next Stutiayý at 10 a. inm. Busine 'ss meeting Moutiay utî Z_80 p. . Messrs. Thoï. antiWilbur Lu'ne, Oakweoti, are visiting their uncle, Mn. Sam. Pollarti.Mr. James Bvers is siuking rapidly. ....- Rev. J. S. MeMullen anti Mr. J, G. ,Brown belti an interesting responsive service on "Assurance" ou Suntiay evening.... Special services ail this week .... Mr, Robt, Byens, Mauitoba. visiteti bis par- ents, Mr. anti Mrs. Jas.Bvers, receutly., BINDER TWINE. Don 't f>rget t o entier FAR.MER'5 B11D].m TWîssx General satisfactionî To FARIýMinas M) GARDENER8 We bave deeldeti te put lu cenneet- - ion wîth our Evaporaton a plant for the purpose et cannlng tomatoos anti apples anti are noir prepaneti te muke con- tracts fer the gnowing cf tomatees. Apply ut Cuwken & Tait' stBore. GRAHAMI & FINKLE, Boirmunville, Eeb 10', 1902. 7-tf. DISTRICT DIVISION. The aunual session of Durhami Dis- trict Division will be belti ut T3y roue on Thunstiay Eeb 201h. Morulng session ut 10.30 anti attenuocu session ut 2 iben eloclion ef officers wmli take place. Bro. J. M. Wallon, G. S&, Kettleby, wiii be present. la the oveniug a public meeting mili be bolti ut 7.80 irbon a geoti progrm wiii be given. Collection'taken - BBNsjPOWELL, 6FIilÂS WEaay, 7-2w D. W. P. D. S. "ITEN NIGHTS INA BAR-ROOM." This nemarkuble play presenteti by a cempany of unusual stnength, anti pro- duceti with every scenie accessory necessary te realism wiiI, be seon at the Opera lieuse Bowmauville on Thunsday eoing Feb. lStb. "Ten Nigbts lu a Bar-Reom" is anti always bas been the mcst powerfuî temperance lecture even listenet te. Ketchurn's Ce. present it us a deep tiramabie story et intense human interest whicb takes fast helti on the sympathies anti imaginations sud belti the attention trom beginning te enti. The transformation of thei "Siekie anti Sheaf" ant ilitsnmules by meaus cf Rum is one o! the strengest- appeals for temperance ever preseuteti te au audience 25 anti 85 ce. No gif t that yen eau Penti an'absent memben cf yeum tamîly for $1 will be hait as much uppreciabeti as T HE STATESMAN for 1902-52 reminders. A Long Record et Success lu curin o cuts, burus aud brulees, as weou as afl bo wel complainte, le helti by Pain- Killen -oven 6'0 years . Aveiti substitutes, Ibene is but eue Pain-Killer, Penny Davis'. 25c. anti 50c. We wish eveny reatier of Ibis journal irbo cau eujey a realîy excellent relig- ions woekly woulti senti for a free sample copy te The Christian Work, 90 Bible lieuse, Nom York City. One Fact is botter than ten bearsay .s. Ask Doctor Burgess, Supt. Hospital for Insane, M1ontrea , where tbey bave uoeti lb fer veans, for bis opinion cf '"The D. & L." Menthol Plasber. Get bhe gen. ulue matie by Davis & Lauwrence Ce., The "Atlas cf Western Canada," pn.h- lisheti by the I)epart.nent of the Inter- ion, is a model picce et immigration litemainne, with gooti maps ainçg lei turesa and is & va hîuble wonIx ofrelr- tince. Its information i,4 accurate anti up to daIe2 Questions for Womeu Are vou weak, nenveus, irritable, elisily mennieti anti fatîgneti?-Do you tireati ycur daly mork anti feel hik Itting your duties go un- doue? Dr. Caase's Nerve Foodti mii restore yo-ur nerveus system anti senti tb6 tbrill et neaw lite abti enorgy tbrougb the body. Ib is ubove ail a weman's mediicine, as its iuvigcrating influence on the nerves mesures regularity lu thoe funclions, et the betilv organs. A uewsy *ant i ide awake anti yeb thonoughly "bomey" anti boiptul nurn-1 bem cf Goot i lusekeeping le that fort Februamy. lb bas a collection ef the i favorite necipes cf secietv momen lu Cbicago anti ether Illinois ciblies; a neat ýpurty for SI. Valeutine's day; a,- week's menus lu the Gooti Living onf Small outlay >departmont ; A Mode' Kitcee, illustrateti: anti a lino aseent-t mnt cf eeokery articles anti rocipes.1 Phelps Publishing~ Ce,, Sprinîgfieldi, Mfass., $1 a yoar. Every Womau Neode h. There are iîmes irben every meman 18 bermeuleti by itchiug skia anti moulti give auy tbiug fon relief. There is prepamation knewn as Dr. Cbuse's Olulmeul, mbicb je a Pr= , roete for bbese sufferngs. WVoil pnize il both for thoir owu use and for ils wouderful effectivoees lun enning ±laby Eczeina,scald heati chaflng, and the varions ekin diseuses et chilti. icoti. The irise moman plans lhem Summen wartirobe now, wbeu the shepe are0 abounting lu noveities anti the variely tf fa bries exhi bi;eti makes il possible te gratitv aIl tastesô.'Lacy effeets chanuceen- ize mauy cf the se called wush fabrics,y and somae tilightfuî celer combinations A Swor» Statenment of Facts AI- most Beyond Belief. The Toronto Mail anti Empire. Sanda a Report- er te Oshawa-His iquidies Resnît ln Compiete Verifleatien of Original Story, Very niany stantling stenies cfwou- tiertul cures by Dotiti's Kitiney Pills bave been publishet inl these columus antin uther newspapens ail over thé country from time te lime. Eveny case bas been se well authenti- cateti as te leave littie room Ïor tieubt anti yet the statements matie anti the cures reperteti, have, lu many cases. been se nearly miraculous as te bî almost bevonti belle!. Rêcently, the Mail anti1 Empire ci Teronto anti other iapers -publisheti s despatch from Oshawa lu whicb it was suiti that a mechanie in tbe Oshawa Malleable Iron Womks hati been cured er parulysis by Dodd's Kidney PuIls anti that, after bie hati - bfie absolutel3 help;ess for four menthe anti bad been given up by the physicians at the Hospital lu Toronto. This wus tee much for muny people te believe anti numenous tiemautis were matie ou the paper lu question for a verificaticu or correction. One correspondent signing bhimself "Medicus" in a letter te the Mail anti Empire openîy disputeti the ppssibiîity ef sucb a cure. To get ut the -reul tacts a reporter was sent te Oshawa anti the result wus a complete anti very sutisfactcry, con- firmation et the original tiespatch, To put the malter beyonti question the following sworn statement wus secureti: TianSTA'IEMEST Or MR. BiROWN. lut the fall'of 1897 I was taken iII witb what meet cftbe doctors-caîleti paralys- is anti others nervous prostration. It commenceci with a stiffness anti sore- uess lu the calves of my legs anti IgrAduial1y inçreasedti lii1Icoulti net move eîther of my arms or legs. huving lest aIllpowcer lu them. ,Icould net have raiseti mv arms te my, beadti t sae my lite. For over four moutbs I coulduot stand on walk alone a single step. I doctoreti witb ail the local doctors anti then witb a Bowmunville' tioctor. Euch one gave me some differ- eut medicine, but the more'I teck the worse I gel. At luet the Bowmanviîle tioctor tolti me that nothing cculti be doue for me. unîess I went to the hespital lu Toron- te where tbe -v might perbaps b ave some later trealment for paralysie wbicb wouîti fit inz case. I weut there toward t'Se end cf0 annary, 1898, anti remaineti in thut institution for a littie ever four week8 Ail wus lu vain, 1 gel worse. Twelve doctors told me I coulti not recover anti thut notbing coulti be doue [or me, se as I wae getliug womse avery day andti terewas ne hope cf tbelr being able te bhelp me lu the least, 1 was nemovedti t my berne here. I was like a baby, unable te meve. At Ibis extremitv someone ativised mue te use Dotd's Kitiuey Pilîs anti mv wife bought a box. We bati net the slightest idea that tlîey would belp me, but lik-e a drowning man I graspeti ut overývý straw. Afler 1 hati useti the first box the numbness began te leave mi, lunger lips anti I felt a litle better anti kept ou using the pîlis. By two moutbs' time I ceulti walk a litIle anti shomtly afterwanti was able te go short dis. tancés witbout; assistance. The firet lime I went dowu town oe of the tiocters who hat i gven me up saw nie acrees the street anti net being able to believe bis eyes, went te my brotben Robent anti asketi: I"J that your brother Joe1" Robent tbld hlm that it was 1 and1 ho enid in nstnnfd,. BoyB'e'ltavy Rabbersworth $1.20, for -900o Meu's Hleavy Rabbers, Worth $1,50, for $1.001 Men's Heavy Rabber8, Worth $1.75, for - 1 25 Boys' Lined Rubbers, Ivere 75c, for - -46e Men's Lined Rabbers, were 90c, for - - 606 Men's Overshoes,only sizes 6, 7 and 11 left;your choice for 1.00 ,W-e have pt RED TICKETS on the above, anti lots cf others that will prove-bargains te any eue wanting Bocots or, Rubbers. Several newcases of car Spring Goods came te haud this weekt and are strictly up-to-date in style andi value. Red Tickets -i n Cloth ing Deépt a a 1 Australian Bear Coat, worth $30, for $24.501 1 Imitation Persian, Lamb Ceat, worth $15, fer 11.59 i1Ilindoo t3uffalo, Worth $12.50, for S Goat Robes, worth $7.50, for -- 50 Lots of our Beys' and Men's Suits will -have RED TICKETS on them with lower prices than ever queteti. MEN'S OVEIUJOATS, ONLY $3.00. Were more than twice that price. Must be sold. We, are stili selling your choice cfounr Tweed Suite at $2.00 reduetion and some are further reduced with RED TICKETS on them; odd Pants, Coats and Vesta with RED TICKETS;Bloys' aud Men's Pea Jackets with RED TICKETS; Boys' Pants with RED TICKETS on, ouly 25c. DRY GOODS.. Wc have, placed on our centre table ail the balance, cf car Ladies-' Furs, these have RIED TICKETS on them and are marked a1t bargain, prices te make acemplete clearance. We have placed RED TICKETS on our Ladies' Coats. Sec them if yen eau do with a Coat, We have put RIED TICKETS ou Blankets, Skirts, Table Covers, Flaunel Sbeeting and several, unes cf Dress Gos and many other articles sultable for this time cf tfie year. Yen can save money by attentling car RED TIrCKET r"'SALE. - THE itMASON00 I000 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. The Muskoka Lakes District situateti lu the "Highlands cf Ontanil'o"eue cf the most charming summer mrots in the worlti. Its high altitude guarantees the purest of air, pIes saut days and cool flies or mosqultees. Perfect immuuity fnom lIay Fever assureti.- Modern up to-date Ilotels withfirst class servica. A few we9hs eau be speut in Ibis regon with pleasure andi profit ut a reasonable outlay. Handsome illus- trateti descriptive mâ%ter giving ful particulars may be had free by applying te M C. Dicksen,. District 'Passauger Agent, Toronto, Ont. AUCTION, SALE HOUSE AND LOT Near the village cf Tyrone, belonging te the Estate cf SAMUEL DUNN, cdeceased.1 The venders belew named -wil eôffer Con sale by public anction at the Bennett Honse,1 Bowm.anvilie, at the hour of Twe O'cleck lu the afternoon on BOWMAN VILLE MARKETrIà- Oorreeted by J.Mo3luitiry each Teaday FLUiî1,VI100 fbs ........ $19010o82 40 ] = M 2 F aln n b u. . . . . . . . . 0V O " et 0 7 5 il~~ =S O()0 0 e 0 7,5 Goose ....0 00 0 65 BARLEY, VI bush, No. i1..0O00 et O 55 fi lu et2 .040"-105e f te il fi3.,..025 il0831 'l teTwo rowed 040"le0 50 OÂTs, white l....... 000" 040 RYE ti.......000" 0055 13UCKWHEAT il............ O 0 O50 PEAs, Blackeye, V bush.. O 0 00 O 0O ilCanadian Beauties O 70" 0,80. leMummey fi 000"u 000 il Small il O 60 'i O 65 if Blue 'i 10 00Ç? 0 65 BuTTER, best table, VI th.O 0OO0"iC)017 Evm, VIdoz ............0 11"et0 20 POr,%TOES, V bush ....... 0 30 eO40 HAT, » ton ...... ...... 800 '! 900 OUIR PAST RECORD. Our past record cf succeseful catering te me wants et a cnitical publie is the, best guanantee we cun* offen te ai who, are net yet numbereti among dr per- manent customers. Pieuse nememben that we make a specialty o! filliug physi- clans' prescriptieus Our stock S!fPer fumes,Toiletanticles,, Spcrnges-, etc , is large anti vanieti TEE MOST RELIABLB AND 1POPIJLARt. are shewa. an accurate idea cof what Alil and singular that certain parcel or tract Pan'Ceey om ud stem t are te be h aoie c h esn Maymet: "Well, I neyer expected te see oflanas and premises, situoate, lyl1nganiblglae and la fmii edcie th fvoits f hesesrTmh m around au'ain." in the Township of Darlugl ren thean Connty ofy mdicne Buerick Publithen Cr yLrnDle to.Ted sd leehrtev oô fDurham and 1Province ofOntario and belng anid is speciaily recemrnended for thel- be haddfrom thehMarcteDehnbatasDofcomposed of part of lot number eigbt in the cure cf rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspop. 7 terc 17 W.lih S.,New k. LàmiedDdd's Kidney Pis and by the frst cf sixth concession of the said township. contaîn-1 or ~May I was able te startte work again lng by admeasurement five acres, more or tllss, 5î.nrosdsaesadscpese. lu te sop ereandI hve eenparticnlarly described as f ollows :-Commenc- If vyou have net succeeded in banishing in te shp hre ad I avenever be ng on the westerly bonndary of Said lot u-yàtrblscoetesfrabtl f sîck or off work a day since and that is ber eight at a distance of eighty.fonr cliains Pyie's toles, Coonj eusnfo.a tie ot Droadful Kidney Pains. over three and a haif yeara age. and forty links from the south westerly angle PîesClr opud twl e or ar gld f te oporunty e mkethereof and being the north-westerly aýngle of disappoint you. CoU.u Mt es o Soop. 1a ldo h potnt emk one hundred acres descrlbed in a certain deed o bStt&JuyDrgisBw ___________ this statement, for 1 arn sure 1 owe my from Samnuel Dunn to William Clemens, bearing odbSet&JuyDrgitBw date the isth day of September, 1872, and manville. A-.P. ]E. conductor'a uifferInîre- life, health and strength te work te registered on the 26th day of October, 1872, as Be l NowWeil Give Di great remedy,Dodd's Kiduey PilIs. No. 1-456-thenee running south sixteei, degrees lis'KdeylisNo vell ndila r.t (SgQ), JSSHBON. eagt eigh± chains; thence north seventy-fonr Chazls Idue-Ller PIII Crdît Siggd) JOSPH ROI deg-ees, east six chains and twenty-five, Iinks; for the Cure. Sweas CONFIRMATION. thence north sixteen degrees,west eightcha lis, thence sonth seventy-foor degrees, West six Mr. W. E. Berryman, Conductor on CANADA-: 1 IJosuPH BnowN, chains and twenty-five links to -the place of the O.P.R., St. Stephen, N.B., writes:- Province of Ontarie, of the Town of beginnîng. 1 have been railreading for 23 years, County of Ontario, Oshawa, iu the This propertyis betterknown as the residelce FAST AND 'DIRECT SERVICE and for ten years suffered fromn a severe Cut fO of the rate Isabella Dunnn, widow of Samuel case of Kidncy Disease and Backaehe, tario and Prov- Ounutecpoeas r ai ub edae- F'ROM JA a trouble coIfinmon te railroad men. It To Wit: icj o ntr o n ste otreckaifi le boerec ted2a eue-t used ime aIlup te' walk, and -after bc Ot rick adreyibicodlng2 box20f, uie f ramexaddtins..~J I walking up hîll I weuld have te lie De Solemuily Declare, Thatthe above brick add tio20 f x 0 f, andframe adti onsn down te get relief, my back was se stateentyi sigucd lbv me, is absolutely lng seven rooeu besides Iantry, toelhonse, il I N bad. I could flot sleep more than half true and I make this solemlu declhira- wash bouse, and woodshed. Aise a frameuo1fim G ne thexigb atithn id'tsem e ettien. b)elieving iît te be true and know- stable26fit X 86 ft with rame additions 26 ft x 12 any resat- I had used ail, sorts of miedi- igthat il, is of the gnnïe force and ft and 16 Il x 10 ft. c1ures anti was pretty badly discouraged This property la pleasantly sltuated near the TO F\LL ' when- 1 heard of Dr. CIiase's Kidney..ofeo a f matie nfder o&th and hy village of Tyrone, mile from Tyrone, post LiverPilla Af tr nsng tw boxe cf irtue of the Caniada Eiec Act.1893. office. sud 1 mile frein chnurch and sceaool. ~wTTiinnl4tm this treatment I found it was helping [irej OEHBO N The preperty will be off ered for sale subjeet 1~L U li menej aJdfSEPboesBavROaeNa.erto a reserved bld. AIIJIUl I TR-EOT pletendcure bro estae ad seep weî , Dz]lared bef ere me at the ToW The purcbaser shal paysten Per cent of the Via the Great International1 Route mny back Is strong and the nid trouble cf Ohawa, in the Ceunity cf 1- purebase moiney at lime osale te the vendersaditthug co eton.E- ha etreydiaperei Mnype- Oîtrl.thslSh a c an- or their solicitors and tbe balance lu tbirtyan tthog cnetis.Ee basetelbomi ha-veree M ny p teo-e îa, ý tD , 1 '2. ofJaudays Ibereafter witbootiiiterest. Ibe veuders ad spre nmmua ple towhorn ha:v recomended hesa iýîý , D , 9e)9-shal net be requnhed tefurnisb any ahtractef jgant ad spro qimn. pis have beer, cux-edi Anyone wisb- J, F GRIERSON, 'l tille or produce auy deeds, declaratieussor Dining, Cafe Parler Cars and Pull-~ Ing furtl4èr particulars* write me." a N otary Public. SEAL sienefil except iboseintheir posaes- TheaevDr hs' ide-i ience tleman Sleepers on through trains, Tb sfal xefDr. Cb fae'Kny-imlver ' Furtber partienlars andi foither tirmfs of sale For tickets, felders anti ail iiinormation rernedy. One trial is eiioeugb te cou- This. therefore, is tthi' ttri storv iu wîil be made kutwn on day of sale or uîay be, !rt1 ,i vince anyene that this is tbe greatest det-ili of thigstc enïal case. had from the undersigîjet soliciters andi the applY te agents Of Gra4nd 1unkPail family fmedicine tbat money wili buy. No rromt is Jeft for douhr 'r di-pute andiacieer wav Systern. M. C.DIKO, itrc One put a du,23 cents a box, aualt euila Js~ad-ae 8cn Dateti ui Bowmaovilie the 2Oîli day of Jauu- Passen 'er Aet Torontoý, or at S1ýTOTr al 0uiia ïiw auI o-ary, 1902. &JURtY's Drug Store, BowV-1mnville. dealers or E.,ltimanson,.iBates & Co., Te'- firmeti1 n al itg par,'icui1l'nS. Lý A. W. TOuE, _________________ routo. .I bsl esh -n eoecnAucti.,ieer. df pn t ýit h!on eue cn eailySIMPSON & BLAIRI, I'sepinatttkett birn Dow TAo1'tR11110U onenuute<ii now S Ititterefor eyoi;bti' et ewrso i lnv iniHN. ti'ft gV'A- Uîitlersttl h' in. ', c-ýf thje mai1 won- The Trusts andi Guar îtee Cmlpany Liarit ,d, 0k1iuds. ; utLO's ,wOii tL RU()f îeê vffEt- j 'DrfuICuresreportti hane heei acco ,1-1aMi nitrators wwttthe will aunexetiof ihe pro- 2c l daes Ac5tE O DR.Ndposn fe- plisheti b" tue saine inleau', Dodd's perty of Samnuel Dun deceased. 4-4w INEWCASTLE. Miss Minnie Lovekin, Toronto, 's home ut Mr. l as. Lovekin's .. .. Rey H. W. Fcleyl, B. A., Bowmunville, -was guest'at Mr. A. A. Colwill's over Stuû- day .... Methotiist choir Quartette sang at an entertainment ut- Newtouville Monday evening.... Miss Annie Doug- las is eniployed ilu McCcil's wholesaie millinery, Torontoe.. .. Miss Lena Clark wus Suntiav guest cf Miss ýLillie Piekard ... EevAMr Clark occupieti the Math- odist pulpît Suiay !eveniung anti de. lighteti bis hearers . .,.1Mr. Daviti Law is clerkiug lu Norwood . ... Dr. anti Mrs A. Farncomb gave a party te fieutis Tburpday evening..Mr. Thos. Mar. tin's family have diphtberia.- Mr. Jas. Lycett's chiltiren are recevering from it. OSHIAWA MIRACLE r-l RED -'TICKET SALE. We have ýstili some choice articles la Winter Gootis that we are very anxious te clear ont. We have -eut the prices stili dloser and marked them with RIED, TICKETS. 1 -I INV'STGATBD.Look for the Red, Ticket Prices,

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