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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1902, p. 1

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.1 TE@RMS -S1.50 FERa ANNUPL. OUR TOWN AND OOU1XTY PIRST;'THE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEw SERiics. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBIRUAIIY 19, 1902 VOLUMEXLIIN 8 stockdlakinE sale.! Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Wili in oi'der to redluce their stock, seli ail Winter Goods at greatly J reduced, prices. Ladies'eoats., Ail Ladies' Coats--new goods-at Haif Price. Real Bargains. Great Bargains will be given in ail other Winter Goods-Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Blankets,ý Shiawls, Furs of ail kinds and some lines of Drcss Goods at hai f-price. SCorne early and secure sorne of these GENUJINE BARGAINS. BOWMANVILLE. MR. RICHARD PHILP'S WILL. The wili et the late Richard Philp was entered for probate' last -week by the General Trusts Corporation. The total value et the preperty is 3197,812, the chiet items being $50,000 advanced te H. P. Eckardt & &o., tu which de- ceased was a partuer, a8,O interest in the firm, $12,115 advanced te A J. H. Eckardt, $47,280 in lite insurance and $16.100 in mertgages. The widew is given thp use et the neme .and aIl its contents TUhe latter she may dispose et as she pleases. The entire estate is te be couverted into cash and ~ivested securely.- During hier lite she is te have $4,000 a year. Eacïh daughter is bequeathed $5,000. When Mrs. Philp dies eue-seventh et the remaindei- et the estate is te be set apart fior the childi-en ef each et the îdaughters. Upen the death et Mrs.Pil prier te 1905 each married daughter' is te get $1,000 yeerly until July, 1920, end each one unmerried '$1,200 y~earJY, If the mother dies atter 1904 these ameunts are te be increesed te 81,200 and $1,400 respectively, July 1, 19)20, w- on the subsequ!ent death oet rs. hipthe estate is te be divided ameong the daughters lu equal ene-seventh shares. The Trust Cempany may allow Mr'. Philp's capital lu the firm teo remain there and upon such termns as it cen arrange wlth the surviving par tuer,. H. P. Eckardt, a seu-ln-law. ItL ea Ise allew the advence te the sion-lu lew, A. J.H Eckerdt,'te remain lu the business. -Globe. COUNTIES' COUNCI.. FINANtOîAL REPORT POUX J,-,APîAU Se fer as we have observe, this is the cnly newspeper lun t he s Uuited Counties that gives its readers au acceunt et the money speut iu detaîl. At the jauuary session the feollowing bis were passed by the Fli-eence Comn- mittee, adepted by the Ceuncil and ordered te be peid: S Cann, labor et geol and ie o22 00 A R Dundas, geel repairs ..... 9 65 L B Randal, Model Seheol Sup 6 00 Fraser Bros, Hastings Br.idge 2 00 W R Wbitelew, office supplies 8 50 W Barnett. do 4 00 W LAllenu&Co, de 240 Hart & Riddell,, de 98 1~2 Floyd & McGuire, pitn .... 48 20 Hart & Riddell1, supplies........5 06 Riee & Ce, repairýs W D Reg 0f 1 78 Masen Ce, do 36 14, Levi Morris, do r 5 251 Mclellan & ecea..... ..*'12 150 J Redfern ,coý E ,ST 6 5 0 B Habble, Ca n ltl, t a 5 30 OLD BOYS', BAI'IQUET. The Durham Old Bovs' Association, the pioneer erganizatien ef its kind, held its fourth anital banquet Thurs- day night in the Temple Building, To- ronto, Upwards ef 150 members and their.friends were present, and the tunction preved most enjoyable In- specter James L, Hughes presided, and among those present were: Judge Ben- son, Port Hope; ex-Warden iekard, Newcastle; S J. Fox, M. L. A.; W. H. Reid, M L. A; T. Dixon Craig, ex M. P; City Selicitor Thomas Caswell; la- spector Stark, H. J. Williamson, Indian Head, N. W,.-T., E D, Armour, K. C., Prof. Squair, Prof Needier, T. Yellow-, lees, J. D Keachie, E Fielding, Henry 'ùiara, D. M. Ted, Oshawa, and Mav- or and Mrs Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. M. Burk, Mrs. W G. Glo'7er. Mrs. C A. Cawker, Miss Climie, Mr. H. J. Knight, Bowmanville. With the dinner disposed of the guests libtened to speeches. by nearly ail et the above inentiened gentlemen, and instrumental selections by Mrs. C. A. Cawker and Mr. 1-. J. Knight, Bow- manville, and Mrs. Alex. Bo) d. Mrs, Jas. Wyllie, and Mr. J. D. Keachie ef Toronto. Mr. T, Yeliowlees exhibited a photegraph ot Everatt's singing class taken in 1865, and which will form a part et the history et Durham ceunty new being prepared by members et the association. MAYOR MITOHELL'S ADDRE&S One et the most happy and apprepri. ate speeches et the evening was deliver ed b% Mr. J. B. Mitchell, MayoreofBew- auaville, who occupied a seat et the iïsmrediate right et the cheirman, He said in part:- I deem it a very great houer and pleasure, that it fais to my lot to par. ticipatle lu this, jeyeus occasion and te and te respond te the request et yeur chairman for a five -minu.te address It been my privilege during the past meutli te attend several gatherings such as you are enjeying here to-night, andi while it may -appear te the casuel observer, that occasions such as this, may seem et slight importance, yet, te one, who pauses te consider their full signiicance, they are of the utmost im- portance te every tuember of yeur As- seciatien. No man pessesses seI littie of the sentimental part et our nature, that ho can listen te the good old steries ef days gene by, or hear the seul inspir- ing and lpitriotic address thet was de- livered at.yeur aunual reunien in Bow- men.ville bv thet grand and noble old gentlemran, Mr.Alex. Mriir, wiýthout having the strongest and noblest imr!- pulses of his nature stirred witi is i hbreast. As I look around this disting,-i TOWIN COUNLIL. A splendid meôting was held Monday week, ail members present except Mr. Loscombe. J. S. Moorcraft's resîgna- tion as auditer was accepted. Mr. Ueo. Haines, Police Magistrate, sent an in- timation that he had resigned his office. Auditors' report was received and re- ferrpd te Finance Committee. Mr. Poecy introduced and put threugh e b3 -la filxing the salery of Police Meg- istrate et 6250. Mr. Percy aIse intred. uced the question et better railwey fecilities. Request bas been sent fer«a C.P.R.'officiai te meet e deputation tram towns between Cobourg an d Whitby inclusivis et a date te be ar- renged A cemînittee was deputed te secure an amicable adjustmnent et mat- ters betweeu the town and- the 11cm et Graham & Finkie. The Treasurer's books were erdered ,te be hauded te Mr. Moorcraft on cempletiou et his bends. A. O. U.- W.' The Grand Lodge et the Ancient Order et United Workmen, the Kîng et fraternel insurance organizations in Canada, meets lu Cenfederation Lite Building, 'Toronto, te-da-y fer a two dais' session. The readjustment et rates will'be the absorbiing topie thet will came hefere the convention. This wiil be the -24th annuel gathering and betweeu 500, and 600 delegates are expected. The Execut 'ive meet et 8 p m. on Monda.y. The 454 ledges lu Ontario have a memibership et over 42.600 persons in geod stand ing, rjepre- sentîng about $70,000,000 et insurance, Capt T. MN! Cornett, Gananeque, is Grand Mlaster Workmen. M r. M. A. James, P, M. W., is lu attendence lu the capacity et Press Censor, a position hie bas held in Grand Ledge session elmost continuuslv toi- neerly 20 years. Mr. Wm. Painten, P. M. W, will rep- resent Bowmanville Ledge. Mrs. Painten aise accempanies hlm te the city fer a visit. SALE 0F LIVE STOCK AT OTTAWA. Hen. Sidney Fisher epened the annueal sale et stock helIci on Wednesdey et Lansdowne Park under the auspices (if the Dominion Cattle, Sheep and Swine Breeders' Association. Prices were low ewing te, the tact thet tee meny cattie were ofered The qualit.v et the steck wesgeod, elthough high prices did net prevail. A large percentege e. the Durhams came trem, Ontario Ceuntv, three carloeads being shipped trom MYrtie and oee ram \Whitbyý. I-. Geor-e, Jackson, Port Ferr, tlie. t AN ARCHIP.ELAGO 0F 30000 ISLANDS Historic interesis surrounds the local- ity, and health and lite permeates the atmasphere among the 80000 I lauds ef the Georgian Bay-thet great eesterz erm et Lake iluron which is visited hy thousandsoetourists each year. Splea-, did fishing, good boating and bethiug-, house-heet and camp lite galore, imînunity tram Hay Fever, magnificent scenery among the tertueus windings, et navigable channels, and geed hotel accommodation are some et the attract- ions. W'rite for handsome illustrated descriptiv ,e metter giving tull partie- ulers. list et hotels, rates etc. te NI, C. Dickson, District Passenger 'Agent, Toroente, à EWO.ASTLE. Miss Annie Creeper is visiting eat ber home lu Hay don,... Rev. C. W. Barret&. bas returned to his mission et Deuvighi, et ter a pleeasant visit et home ,, -.-Mr. Chas. and Miss Annie Allun, and Mr. Fred. Hoar, Bowmanville, were Sundey guests et Mrs. W. B. Allin's ...Miss- Lizzie Clemence has returued trom e month's visit with relatives in Western, Ontario.. .-. Mr . Robert Clemence,Rirby, Spent Sunday .i xe. rs.James stapleten eud Henstridge have been -guests oet 'YH. Moore.. . . Mr-. A. H Simmons litMendav tor Indien' Head, N. W T., wh,,oeebh has e situa- tihm... _Mr. and- Mrs. J. R. Fisher en~- tertaiu-ed their triends very pleasantlv Friday evenîng. -... Mr. Walter S. Rick.- ard spenit Sunday et Welceme ...The Methodist church shed has been greetly impreved by an electri 'e Iight. Po latable as Cream 11 The D.&.L.'lv Emulhion etf Ced Liver Oit, for those, suffering frei severe 1 eughs and hem- orrhages, is 'used with the greetest benefit. Manutactured by the Davis& Lawr-ence Ce., Ltd. Miss Williams, (Evengelist.) Totten- hemn, has be(u guest et the parsouage, ...Mr. C. Murray, student at Varsîty Cellege, Toronte, was guest et Mr. G. Argue.... Mr- Robt. Byers, Carrievaie, Assinebele, Mr. A. Doubt, Port Perry , were recent guests et Mr. N. Byer ,s- Mr. Byer; says there is very little snow and a nîild winter lu the North-west .. _Mrs. A. Temblyn, Orono, bas beu guest et Mrs. il J. Werry.M- .àr Hutchinsen. U.S.A-À ,has been visiting bis sister Mrs. Il. RogersZ. .Miss , F Viýtue3's claasslu the Meothoist Suu-dpaV Scheel) (Juniýior Bible class) weaited ou? hi-Frtday7îevenmgý-J Pu3ls aud pre-

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