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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1902, p. 2

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ý louth, is reaily imost ààl the fathier1. ,, -1J7UflJJJ EXILE.JAAfl-i UTÛ IJVE IN ThADg, !B I INH li0 iJJI-Rlu>A ~ teThýe family of to-day don't seeito LtiCThoofHlesu. HW H WDEoTlCCI aeAad to Der, Lon i-e is- a weU-scioWn I~ct cunoug~ ta*t~y~ -St J St~- t t~ces tStSASt' ~ i~5 4t~d*5lL itAen~m~'e'u ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ - ~ - -~ -~f~ t -* - ~ -~ - - -- $....1,.~. "ie gain. Wlii 1 iglit. add the spi sLliefied ihrs aavoe.te D;utcb, being -ýery he-- fu and îG ces wiîich hav.- beeni jredeud _iFlh Up-to-date mothers no longe.r vie ,, .jColuiba hl e~ feu. utit in baking pans anld MUi1 -L U1 co rding to lus lifeiong custom, taRes let stand tili again liglit. Tis ck caelboai. Thvdofot vie a cup of black coflce the first thing truhti laust be weIl beaten eaeh tinme i 1at a ny more. Thr ojtis;,. -----. Trie Yukon Lriibtiltat , the sugar fed dogmn ailisfer(r- iri h-i115I U MI iiri- IprbiAm. ofhEn1Lan's nowr n.ce" strict. ce cunljýTS- - t014 eRJ1 O ULIUÂ flU 1110 - '4 q 111.1eJÂ1-e 510130. timers the x arious scientific jeumn.tis otbro a ouglit up, 55ys Lo~n- hflownisadsrton o Smade soieC c esiderabe coi-i e at don Tit-Bits. The fne wemire laa de c i i o tilm], a porcelain-lineti or agate- wazire kettie, Cover with water anti let them11 boil tiil tender. Pour into a colanuler anti cook. Tlirow away the water that drains frein thern. R li b theni through the colander wilh a weoden spoon or wotien potato miashet', the ceres anti skins will re- main behlind, to bu thrown away. Addt sugar anti a hint of cianamon to faste. The apples should. be sour enougli to require a great deai of sugar. Loave the apple as it falis ia the tiish, and serae cold with su- gar andi creani. BINTS FOR WASTI DAY. Try washiae roti table liflene ia water in which cýL littie borax lias bec'n dissolved. Adti a few tiropa of ammlonia to the blue water t-o wliten the clothes. Clothes turneti riglit side out, came- fuily foitict anti sprinkled, are hiall ironeti. Sprinkie sait o11 a wine stain anti pour hot watiir through tîli it is gene. W et fruit stainls withi alcoliol or pour boiling water tlirough thelm. Kerosene ia the boiiing water whitens clothos safely, espoclally sucli as are yellew 1rm lying. Put la a tabiespoonful te ecd gallon of sods. -Cer very Yellow or grimy things, niako an emulsion of kçerosene, clear lime water and turPentine in equal pari. Shak1o them together until creaniy, then adti a cupful te a boil- erïul 0f clotlies and, boil for hait an heur. The sanie euls.on is geod for very dirty things, sucil as jumpers, over- alçs, werking shirt s, chlidres trous- crs. Use it in conjunctien with streng suds, as blot as thic baud can bear, andi rub a littie di - rectly upon greasy spots. Let tho clethes stand five minutes before was iag eut, and bu sure te have the second suds and the ising watcr as bot as the first. If coffee is spilt en linon the stains miay be remioveti by soakîag the part in cîcar, colti water, te wbirh a lit- tic borax lias been addcd, for tweive heurs. If the stain is fromi tea or fruit do net put the articles in celti water, or the stain Niil become set. Simply peur boiling 'rater over it until it disappears, whicli it will -do if! quite fresli. TOO INDULGEN'ýT MO,1THERS. Floretta Viniag writes as follows. It is barely possible 1 nîay bc grow- ing rusty rayseif, but I sec chiltren ton years olti and upwards whlo moa- opelize the entire conversation at a dinner table, of their mothers and fathers, where there are guests, and1 fnuit with the food, anti a good sharei of the time ef the waitress is taken1 up in satisfying t1.i. When I was a girl T hld te sit steli. say nothing, andi eat what wa5 givca me, and what, T accepteti ou iny plate I was obligeti te eat. eý1xidren are net boglit up lite t9,ýt riow. Th waste of guo4' kwoti znd the signeti wifli a s iew te funishing «a cenfortable uur¶form, liglif enougli te. be w orn' on service abroati anti in Warmn weatlier ah. home, anti also with the addition of wnrîn, under- clething fer wcar la winter. If con- sists chiedly of a rain-preef drab mix- ture cloti. [The great coat is te be liglit anti supple, w iti a smnall cape attacliet, capable of being easiiy put on or taken off, anti easily foideti. The jacket is of a vcry liglif drab mixture serge 0f Norfolk pattern. It w iii have a turneti-down roll collar, shoultier rifle patches, two breast pockets witli flops, anti twe strong side peckets with flape, pîcateti at the waist anti witli a false pleat down the center of the back. If is inteadedt tebc leose fittinig. E ery muan will Wcar on a par- ticuini- coloreti grounti the titie of bis unit. This ilil bc a curveti strip on thc upper ai-m 0f thc jackets anti the great ceats. A lheatdress 0f new design 0f thick feit, witli broatibru iand -ventila- tion perforations, bas been tiecideti on te be wern abroati oaly. Treusers are te be of drab mixture tartan, matie loose from the waist toe li Rae, anti only reaching te the top 0f the boots. These are neyer te bc worn in publie witliout leggings or putties. The leggings are te bc 0f brown leather, with brnss remnoxable stutis dewn the front. These iili taRe the place of jack-beots for axounteti troops anti will be pros itiet witli spuî reste. The spurs arc 0f a aew pattern, liglit anti ensily atjustable.. Cardigan jackets of browîî wool, tirae rs of Shetland worsted yarn, fatigue cemforters anti Betford cord pantaloons are aise te lie issueti. A soldier Whio was asketi wlat le theuglît of thc new uuiforn w'as net at ail pleaseti; "but it's soethîng te lie tlankful fer," lie saiti, "that they ain't giving us thte fireman's 'fryinig-p)an' yet." Ris opinion of the tai-tan treusers is iîîteresîing :"Nothuîîg gee inii the new uaiform ?- lic saiti. "Oh, but there is, thougli. Don't yen Rnow tliey'i-e geing f0 put us al la tai-tan trousers-imab tartan, like the pic-ý turc cf the fat bey you sec in adi- Yertisemeats ? 'Ihat's a ciever idea if yen like. Wlien tliey w car iii heles wc shah be able te meati 'em, anti you woî't know patclîcs froîn pat- tera. They're geing te be matie short se thaf we shan't get 'cmi mutidy, witie at flhips anti narrew tiowawart-I cail that neat."1 But this was ail ini fli way of sar- casun. YOUTIIFUL M. P 's. Tf is sf ateti that in flic prescat Britisli Iousc cf Cemmons there are ne fcwer than seven anti twcnf y mcm- bers untier thirty ycars of agc--a re- cord whicli canne t be paralleleti. Tn one of the parlianîcaf s of James ., liowever, there werc forfy members Who weî-e untier twenty ycars of age. A. statute of William III. rentiers voidtheficelection oI aay persen Who lei net twcnty-ene ycars of ago. obseiWe -We -are stroýng a-L-s eve r w e w ere ; we can continue this figlit riglit along, anti will neyer admit de- feat;" brave, but iii considercd -ex- piressions from the lips of this most remarkable olti man whose hame will undoubtcdly drift clown te flic re- motest posterity. BRITAIN'S AFRICAN AR19Y. The Natives Are Said to Excellent Soldiers. Makc The Britishi Govermnet las tic- cidedti o creaf e a native army la its various profectomates on the castera conet of Africa, Somnalilanti, East Africa, Uganda anti Central Africa. Somalilanti was createti a protecf o- rate la 1884, East Africa in 1895, Uganda la 1894, anti Ceuntral Africa ia 1891.IT a cdiof these districts the ruling powems have erecteti anti maint-aincti forces consposeti of nia-1 fives officcreti by British, antisorviag solcly untier fie aufiority0fli- Resident or Commissioner. Tise ncw o er combines fliese se-l parafe orgaîizat ions into '.The King's African Rifles," under a Brig- adier-Geacrai, wliese leatiquarters wvili bce'Eatebbe, Uganda. tîle ivili be under fthc supervision 0f flic Britishi Foreign Office, anti nill spenti a part of eacI year la E ng- landi, ativisiîg flic Foreign Secre- t-ary. The resultant army is descrili- cd as fIe nucleus 0f a now native army for colonial dofence ; but je really flic firef scp lanflic direction 0f makiag colonies eut 0f the fifular, protectorates, whicî un two cases have couse under Britisli supervi- sion by way of "cliartereti comn- panies." If wiil nof le long, pro- babiy, becfore fliceeidents or Coem- missioner s arc succeedeti by Gov- erners, andtihli prefecfou-ates bc- couse colonies lnanme as n'eu as la fa cf. Tic nat ives have siîown theusseix e te le excellent soldiers ; fhey have1 beca put te severe tests in ses eral cxpedifionary asovemeafs,anditihave ieff littie te be desireti. Detadli- ments Irons fwe baffalions of fthc Central Africa Rifles s isifeti Englanst a year ago, andt matie a gootiim- pression; andthficnow force can pro- bably bc filicti se'. cml times over from natives wlio apply fer calist- ment. Six bath alions-megiment s la evrythiig but isame-ame te le cre- afeti ; fwo Centrai Africa andti no Ugantia battalions, anti ene East Africa anti one Sousalilanti battalion. These will le pemaancat organiza- tiens, officereti by offirers detacieti Irous t-udr regular comynand. Ta sien' 0ff te successîni tievlopepmnnfof fie native Tadian freops, n'licli lave a certain percentage of white officers appoint cd permnnctly, if is possible t-bat a similar system may bc lafro- ducet inlatIc King's Almicua iRifles. Misfress-- T'le dishes you have put on thceftable of late, Britiget, haveE beca posifivcly tiity. Non', seine-1 thing's got te be donc about if."I' Britiget--"is, muai, woulti ye mîoiati musi, geffin' clark-coloreti nans?" huhtueèrsarePut eut of business, as the miners say' , ant illy a spirit in- dicator wivili show the temperature. The miners la their pidyful way have a habit of afflxinig long strlps of pa- per at the hottom 0of the thermome- ters, on whicli they record tempera- turcs in the hiuatretis -below zero. A. temperature of 46 below zero is frequeatly recortieti for several days at a time. When flic temperature gees bclow 40 the mineî-s do nlot work their herses or mules. The diflereace bctween creek, blli, anti beach dlaims wns defifict, anti an explanation cf how dlaims arc staR- cd was given. Ia the gooti olti days uvhen a miner waated to findtihei base ofa ii lie hati onily ta roli l dwn, but with the ativeat of surveyors mucli more complicateti methods have been iatroducoti, net at ail te the satisfaction (if the f ormer. Some of the tctrms cmployed by the miners are P articularlv apt anti amlus;iag. A -sourdouigli miner, for instance, is oneo0f the olti timers, who ceoi cdbls fod in this way be- fore Eastern yeast cakes were intro- duceti. 'Slops anti sinkers" arc knewn la tlic dicte East as cofie anti douglinuts. WISE SAYTNGS. Botter f0 lese yeur argument t-ban your fricati. Tts a Wisc man wio can be client on aay subjcct. Oniy fliose who sympathize n'itli ethers can serve t-hemn. ,Sonse durcies uistake racket- fer resuits la thueir machinery. Tise worsf cares te taRe.came nI are those wc emon' or sf cal. Wlirevcr you go carry flic nil of kiatiacss la tise dan of courfcsy. tf is casier te recover Ironi a noble finhume t-han- frein an ignoble suc- css. Souse sermons wither li tIc pulpif bccause thuey lave nef leca wafered n'ith payer lanflic study. If people coulti lc indtuccd te lring flair lunigs te t-le les ci 0f fliir liv- ing t-lehe rîtiwouiti le a got tical quicter. SPEED O0F QULAD)RUPEDS, A correspondent says fIat, as flic result nI experimeats lic las matie untici-cardai ftiming, le lintis that flic grcyhouati is t-le met-est of al four-foofeti aninsals. Whea going- at fll gallop il cen cover twnty yards a secondt, or about a mile la a i.,n- ut-e andti weaty-eiglit seconds-a speedt -at denses very acar fiat ý.f a carrier pigeon. '1'ere are fen' fIer- ouglibreti borses t-bat- mn excecti aingeec yards a second. Grey- lountis have beca kaowa t-e botter fiat by four yards. Foxhountis lave a recor-diof four nmiles ln six anti a balaminutcs, or ncaî-ly ciglteen yards a second. This speeti is t-o soine exteat an mieit cd gif t, as wolvcs can rua at t-le rate of a mile ia flirce minutes. Nansen says fliat- Siberian legs cau ti-avel fomfy-five miles on uce la five heurs. te ceme. If, liowcver, the fime has arriveti wicn alcoliolirs are no long- er useti as a stimulant for those wlio necti soeching te make possible the completion of flicir tasks, a greater stride lias becîs taken lanflic direc- tion of temipemance than ail of flic vrius erganizatiens fer flic pro- motion of that virtue have been able te make possible since' flrst tiey be- gaiste oagitate." TIIE GUNS OF TITE MIKASA. The trials 0f flic improveti Elswick gun meountings for flic barbette guns- 0f thse Japanese battleship Mikasa seem to prove flac fliey are a long way lna atvance of aaything yat, in use l ic heBritish navy. Frein flic alter barbette, firing unaimet sliots, flic gun was on eue ocra sien loatict ant i fred la fbirty seconds, an im- pmevement of twelve seconds on the best previeus performance. But the most remarkabie i-inuit wos achieveti by flic forîvard barbette. whidh, fir- ing aimnet rounds froua one gun, gof off flirce sliofs in a nef Perioti of 97 secontis, or nf an average rate of one round la :93 1-3' seconds. As, liow- ever, flic guui's crcw n'as mnerely a Sceratchi lot, if is probable thatflic Mikasa wiil beat flue per-formance la flic future. She will af aay rata approaihflic rate of two rounds per gun per minute, whieli mens tint from lier four 12- md guas alone she will bc able t-o luri flîrce tons of steel at an opponcat. wifhin that f ime. TRAVELLER-'S EL DORADO. Switzcrlclntiis surcly tfliceartily paradise of flic commercial fravelci-. At ail of flic principal stations "coem- niercial seasen tickcts" are issuedti t propemly accretiitcti commercial tra- sellers, enabling fliers te t'ave i ns off en as fbcy please over aillof thc Sw-iss mailv,-ny lunes. 'Tie charges for sucli unliiiiiteti service arc ab- surtily 0w- $9.5 0 for firsf class, $15 for secoîîd-class for a perieti of thlrfy tinys. Dut in spire of tli"sc ion' charges the numbeî, of licened traveilers represeating Englusi firmns during lmet yenr is retumneti at fuir- f y-fr-ar oniy. This is ont of a total of 19,125 tiuly liceasedti raveliers TTIEY WANTED A LEST. whitih-isrespnsibie -for- a reenue nio 5750,000 per anum. It is rather surprisiug that Austria shoulti cloosc the urncongc1tia1 occu- pation of swceping chimacys la or- dur te raise the lacking millions, but sucli is the case., Some time ago the Goî cramnent announceti that cx cry chimriey must be swept once a nuonfli and the 0-overument would do if for a fee of 35 cents per chimaey. ALL THE CIIIMNEY-SWEEPS in the country were prcssýed into the Goverameat's service, for ne cem- petition was aliewed, and Austria managedti t accumulate $4,000,000 a year la this manner, in addition te fines of $50 ecd, w hici people were compelledti t pay for bmeakinigflic regulatien. Mloreever, the Govecm- ment- bujît ani conducts swiinraniag bathsflirouglieut. thc country, anti reaises $7,500,000 a year by her State lotterie.. There is ex identiy a large profit ut- tachedti t pawïubreking, or France woulti net intercst licr. sif la the business in addition te lier tratein l fobacco. The Mont-de-Piete at Paris is the national pawn sliop, whicl thc Goverameuit conduets, anti it brings in the vcry respectable revenue of $5,000,000 a ybar. Anything may bc pawaied there, fremi a collin te an elepliant-bath of wbiclî it may be mentuoncti, have' figureti amonig the pietiges betore new-and nueney is lenit at tlie rate of 7 per cent. in- terest. Oflier trades are well representeti. for France aise mens a, ti'eatre anti dees a big business as a, £oap mer- chant.iiuscix more or less contrels aIl lier theatres, ani taxes cîery pînygeer tu o cents for lier super- vision, flic -X30.000tieriveti from tluis source gelnig towards thc main- tcnance of the Lmrpress Marie eaun- diation, an institution fer the poor of the lanti. Germany kceps a corps of lheuse-ci eau sers wlîicli slie bans fer spring-cleaiiing at a profit of $4,- 000,000 per iiaoinm, anti 1-esse acte as a matrimonial agent by taxing ail lier bachelors over the age of thirty. ADVTCE TO SM101ERS. 'ie following ativice te sinokeis is givca by the Royal Acadeniy of lBel- gium: "Do net use moist tobacco, sînce nicotine then ecapes with the A Scttisli cegrego ion present d nef sie1eitîer while fstimsg0or a t hit iaister a suas of imouey, anti short t-me before asealsh tle seat hlîn off f0 tic Continent for a smîoking cigars or cigarettes nln'ays1 holiday. use an ansber, îneersdlîaum, liera, or A gentlenman just corne froni tic cherry lolder. Nicotine vaporizos af Confinent- mef a pmomiacaf member 250 degrees anti the portion of if of t-le durci, anti saidti tn ins: whicls is neftideconsposeci ini fli cea- "Oli, ly-thc-ýbye, I unef your mnis- t-me is affmecteti ton andtihli tiI), anti fer in Germrany. Uc n'as loekiag accuînuiatcs flore; it is, flicrefome, vrmy n'eu, le tiitn't. look as ii lie pr-udentf ta tImon' anay thec lasf neecletia et." quarter of a cgar. Po nef smokc a "No," saiti the dîsmrcli member,' pipe whicli has a short stems. 0f al very calusly, "if n'as n' hlmi; if iras unethsode cf smsoking, t-le cigarette is t-le congregation fliat n'as acedin' ath esofniv. reef." iTn' pountis of tobacco per iîea'd (oÈ Jticef0: ulittion are li porcti 3-,'sriy In Austria t-elhan' obliges iniiners lito Buitain; but if le, calculateti that antimine-owners t-o coitribute te a cathisuroker, on an asvorage, censures- pension funti. ius 'o1peundGs ii a year. -a year ag,-t-ey -were-- especially in- structedti e carcfully note eux ry shade of colonial opinion on flic sub- jecf, wlicther a new flag was desireti anti wlat ecd coteny expecteti. Evemywlicre t-be aisn'cr wsthle saie -:"~ive us a nc\v flag."' When flic popular verdict n'as eportedti t flic King, lus Majesfy at once signi- fueti a tiesire f0 ha-va a proper design prepareti. Af ter n'ccks 0ff011 ltic desîga is readyv, whicl mauîy people b)elieve wviii cvcntually be flying at flic mast- heatis of our wau-ships antidveBlrit- ish possessionîs at home andi abroati. PRIVATE CARS. Once a Iuxury, Now Alauost a Xecessify. "The private car," said &ri a iiian,-is flic bcst evitienoe ln the worlti cf theuccetinueti evoluf ion 0of flic business uuan." 'More, ant i-mou-eprivate cars are bciuîgfuracti out ex ery year, andi wlicre one person lad a privafe car f en ycau-s ago, fluere are non' ten or tn'enty whlo on'n tsers, <or icase theni for f crins. "Tic presidtics of railway coui- pauies werc the firsft tolave private cars. Then flic heatis ot large coýn- comas saw flicir possihulities, anti seon foundti fat tteycoulti lardiy gel along wîtlouf fleis. The tisent- rical stars sawv fli adverfising te be gaincti by laving privafe cars, anti, lastly, flic rich man wlio wanted cemîfort anti prix acy for himsclf or lis Iamlily began te usa flue prwv4c cars. "The beati of'a corporation or ofli- cm big concema, wiîo dees asucli tra- velling, fintis a private car a great cenveaience. Hc uuakas flic car bis office, anti wiorc lic foruoerly lest a busincssda or tivo iii travelling, le noîv becýs liltlo time. "A car built for the i ueiaess muan is practicnily a travelling oilice. Slecping quart ers are prevideti fer only tisenman hluascîf, lis secre-taî-y, stenograpliar, andiiservants, "A special car intendeti more as a velicle for pleasure flan business, contains sfateuoolîîs, a kitclîea anti a diuuîag ceeu. The betisteatis arc brase, tlCe e i an extension tiiiing- table andti lere are armai-cluairs, desks, louages, cabinets, wardrobcs, antfi ll flic convcniences anti luuxures fliqt cani lie put la sucli a vehiclo. Suc], a car nîay ceet Iroin$25,000 to $50,000, anti eoi1eimes even umore.- LIESTLESS GOLD FISTI. ITf îay neftlie generally Ruîewn thaf flore le crueity inii lckecping£ of goiti fiel. Haîf of sudh captives due fronu sheer want et esf. A s fîl bave eyes so fomnicdti tat f bey imi- nef endure t-ho liglit, inaa glassvo- sel fliey are la an meýnrelyw're place, as 15 evitient firo i flue wI'ay la which fhcy tiash about ai g-o round anti round until f airly wormn ouf. Den' falîs on t% ellon'sra- w rcatiuly than om gr-een. ~ lp it mced if. will flot mjsu&tIlï f6oi- ~14 i J 1< 5$ 1 t3,e This brought 1 blem of England's evçry,

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