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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1902, p. 3

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Genuine Liott1e Lv r its sea pac-smille Wrapper Below. T.ry ,ma a as ,s ao !7TLE Fmu 2iLlousuEts. I E FOi TORPID LIVER. PILL I CONSTIPATION. ' CURE 51K HEADACH-E.. DU. L. POTTFR. 10ff ce and resideneChurnhbSt,oppo'ýiteTrlnity Conrcgationat chnreb, Bowmanvilte. 25-6 m' DR. W. P. MACKAY, Gradia te of Toronto University. Dr. Ivc- Natughton's ld office, Newcastle, Ont. 39. MISS ETHE L MORRIS, AItTIST. Instruction s given in PAINTING Il. 1 Water Color and China., Sketching and 1slîii-g iLri nature. 1KILN on premisos, tir i g at LuaIpriceesl.m DU. J. C. MITCHELL, M EBI. 0FCOLTýEGEOFIPHYSICIANS an d Surgeons, Onttario,Coroner, etc, nesidence. Enntskflln. 74 A. B. &IeLAUGHLIN, Barri.-ter, Solicitor and Co.nveyancer. Office:- 1> Blakloy llck, Eti g îtieci, Bowmanvilt,. âïoi ey te ban aI i easonable rate'. 48-lyr, RUOBEUT YOUNG, V. S. YIC.E1 IN W EST DURHAM NEWS ..Block, nï>here imsolf or lis asistant wtll ~e0ond te sp. m. Night callsata r eidece dlncty p~o~tt Diti Shed. Colls by tel( i ph'or'te1e-horwiI recelVe prompt on- te n. i.-yr, ýýAE LICE\NSES,-M. A. .Les, Issuor ef Marriage Licenses. aezidenice: Centre 8treet, [STMýPSOK & BLAIR1. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C, CHAS. P. BLAIR valanisters, Solictors, Notaries, etc , Morris IBboek, ,upstairs, Ring Stionet. Slewmanvlllle -ýî]I(-t rs for the Otario Bank. Privato mcneys loaned aeteeov esti atea§ IH. V. IIUNTEI, OFFICE'S: King St., opposite Dr. Harnden's ]Dental Room.o, Bowmanville. 13-tm* OoTO LEND 00 on good mort- g, eseeulty t m eite iraies eti ,'tereit, A. E.JtcLÂuosna~oictor,Bowmaivillo,Onît Will bc at Biackstock on the first Monday of ech month. at Orono 2nd Mondfar ail da ' , and at Newcastle Ist Wednosdapy from 2 P rM. OFipc:-Temperance St., Bowrnan- villerear of lligginbotham's drug store 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Gruduate of the Royal Gollege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. CFFICE-Opposite T Bingham's o ffie, VI FALIZED AIR. Thîsis l my mnotte :-Each ý,ear as the r.ew improvements are placed on the market, 1 aiways make it a special point te spare ne expense lu equipping mny shop with the besi geods and appli- ances, giviîîg my patrons' opportunîties unobtý'ainable outside cf large manu!ac- tunies A supply e! high grade sun- dnies always keptinl stock. Brazing. EnaeligGrinding and General Rlepair work. Ti--e vulcaîîizin.- a specialty. Yernesteenied patronage respectfuliy solicited. WlV. FISHLEIGH, BOWMANVILî'l. Aarket Square. aofCod LUver Cili <Trode MrkI.) For Lung Troubles, 5evere Couglîs, Colds, OU EVERYBIy IM"ERIES. "Whother Ye Bat or Drink, or Whatsoever Ye Do, Do Ail to the Glory of God." lE htrf cedn eAto iePnimu tsuîap f a wrdscoiflagration. C.-4 a. te tinourhaveOaeTythitgnte, eoHie fred and Tuvo, by WilionsBsiy, et Toronto, at beyovhaeatîigtdo u th.e Departmeni of Agriculture, Ottawa.] if, owever bhumble il ny seemu 10 A despateh fromn Washington enys 1 ho, Gcd is nlayhere te help you -14ev. Dr. Tailmage prenched fi-cm to do 11. If your workis-aît of a tle iolicwinig îext :-I. Corinîbians fisherin, thon (ted will bellp yeîi x. 81, "Wlîetlîoî, therefore, ye ont cx- as lho bolped Simnon when le ,raggcd drink or wlatscever ye do, do ail Gennosaret. If your ivri is dmaw- tolte glory of God." iug wator, Ilion le wibi belp yenu, as te when ho Ialked at tle well coi-h 10 When the aposîle iu tîls text sets the Samnaritan womnan. If vTOu -,Ie foi-tii1he idea tînt se conîmen an engaged in tle cusloni bouse, lie will action as tle taking cf fd n lead yen, as lie led Mattbeuv sitting drink je 10 oe conducted 10 île giery at lhe receipt of cusîcaîls. A i- of Ged, le Isioclinis the importanîce ligion tînt te flot good iii one pliace of religion in the erdinnry affaire 0f our hife. Iu ail ages of -tue world is net wortl anytling hlore lias heen a teudency ho set IN ANOTHER PLACE. ai-art certaini days, pinces and clcca- The mue w le bas only a dny'sj sienis for' worslnip, anmd 10 1hn1wages lu bic peekel ns cerlninlv lUcre wero thc chef moalins in wicl ueeds tUe guidanceo0f religion as lic religion wae le net.. Now, boly dayu ýýwbo raIlles the icys cf a hauk and and holy places haie their import- could ahocond wilb a hundred thoue- ac.Tlîey giî-e opportunily fer spe- addias cmal perfermance cf Chîistian duty There ni-e tieopromineel in the ain(] for îegnlitg cf thc religions ap-ichiches wlîo seni te ho on Publiic petite, but tlsey camumît take tle occasiomîs very deveul wlo dc net p.lace cf cntinuonus exercice cf fail put hie prncipios of Ciiist's religion and prayer. lu cther werd,, a manisinto practice. They ai-o thic Mcctiii- camnot ho so mttcl cf a Christiani iion xciable cf ci-diters. They ai-c the Sunîdny thai hoe caon ffcmd to ho a nîcel graepitîg of deniers. Tloy ni-e wci-idliug nil lie et cf tic week. 1 mnu nas suai-pers cii lie st-e If a steamer pot cul for Scuthîamp- -rihey fleece ovcry sbeep tley cau Ion aîîd go eue d-y l In tdirection cu,,,tli. If tle wieat iiu, toc nnd hUe, othjer six day s in cther di- choîclees sheuid hoe put into a lopper, rodtions, h-ow long bel ci-othie teama the fisI lui-n cf tie.crani ouid or wifi gelte oSouthampton? Il ivili make the clnff ly, I tell yen. Sonie uici- gel tcte. And, llîcîgli a mana of tino o narne grenc tclers foer may seem 10 o bc yaging hmavenm- gosmpelpmeahing. TUe-v Say -You wai-d during thie lîcly Sabbatlh ay,, stcand tiere 'lunbauds and surpiice if duîing tle filcwnig six cdnyc cf ilnet gcwn anîd proaci-p-ench ike ane lie week lie is gcimîg tewnrd lie, angel and we stand ont bei-e nnd et- world nnd tcward lhefliesh aîd te- tentîf business. Don't mix tujege. jwaid lie devii 10w bcug witi il take ofmit gel religicunîaîd busines in hini tei-aci the peacefmbliai-ber cf île camie buckiet. Von attenid le yeur leaien ? Youen camnct eal se nucin natters, and we wiil attend te at lihe Sabhath banquet Ilal yen curs." Tlîey deoflot knew tuaI God eau afiord religieus ahstinence tlhe soes ex7cri, clinaltiîy have practised other six dnys. 1-eroitîuu and prince- in the bast six yeare; tinat Ile eau ly behai ci on great occasions ni-e lhock hrcuglu lhe i-on uvali of theie ne apobcgy fer lmci of right denuenîs- lireproof safo; tînt He las eounted or lu cireunîshaucnes iusigîîificamnt andj every dieloneet dollar tloy laie in iîîromspicucuts. Tie gomuiue Chris- theur pocket, and that a day cf judg- lian fie je net spasmîîdic; dccc met mutI il ceinte. go by fils and sîni-te. Il toile oms Ibore are îîîuny Christianawho Say: thi-cugli bonI and eoid, up aheep "XVe are w ilbimîg le serve G ed, but mounhains and nbong daogea-ous nIe- we do, net vant te(do il in Ibese clivities, lt-s oye ou lie everIlacîing splores about nieliwo are lnlking, bills ecwned wibh tie ruelles of the nnd il aceems se insipid anad monoton- blcssed. I propose te phond fui- cas. If xve lad some gi-ocecasion, EVERYDAY RZELIGIO7,. if wo lad liîed lu thie hume of Luth- In the first place xve w'ant teuhbing 'mr, if we lsad beet i.ul's traveling tle religion cf Christ into oui- con- cempamion, if ne eotîld serve Gcd on vei-sation. Whoumsa dunu breaks andl a gi-cal scale, we wouhd do il, but tix or tii-oc villages ni-e oîerwhelin- vne cant in luis evei-ydny if e." I ed or au enrtbqxnnko ii Southi îei- admit luit n gi-ont deni 0f bicei-o- ica swalleivs a wxieoe ily, tIen peo- j'nance anaît niglî en-nul-ry cf ljfe ple bogin be ml about tino utcer- lhaveodisappeared bof oro tle advnnco tainîy cf Ille, ansd ttscy innaginse that of, Ibis pi-actical age. - Tlere is, how- Ihey are engnged in pc-ii,Ty nelig- ever, naIfid of endurance and gi-ont neusconieretien No Yen mayacîniesenient, btut it Ns in overydny hall, about tiese tiuinugs and lbaie nie lue. There ni-e Alps te scalo, linere grace cf God ni ail bn yeui- heurt. are I1llîesponts te swiîîî.tîcre ni-e lie ougit every dlaitoe ho luing fines ho hi-ave, but tioy are all religion. If there je nnytIiîng glnd an-oud tes mow. TUis is t1e hnrdest, about il, anything lenuiful aboutI kind f i fssrtyrdom te hbear. il, nnythim'g importantl about it, ne Again, we need te hring lhe ri-h ought te ho couiteously discuasing. 1 irAi c Christ into have noliced that nlein jusi nu pro.- OUR COMMONEST TRIALS. por tien as theur Chriistinan expeo-rci seve iosscs. for ho- noence is shallen Ili about unuerals ren"omenl, for trouble liaI scka and 'gi-ni eyai-deand tembaloes and ike an erîlquako and tînt bînets deatîbede. The- roui, geauiuîo Chris- ike n Storm, wo prescrihe religious tiaulmînu talle cefliy about tubs consolationu; but, business man, for ile nnd the gi-oit eterîity heyond the snbamî anoyances cf lasi wee~k and lie(, e inuetu about lie imsgni- bcw muid of tle grace of God did ficaul puce betNxUon those twe i-tai- yen appby? 'Oh," yeu say "theseC douces. And yet 10w few cin-des hri-mis ni-e 10 much fer sncb applica- tbere ai-e whloie the ireligion cf Jesus tien." MIy breller, tbey are samp- Christ je wetcuine. Gote a cn c-doiug your chai-acter, nhoy ai-e souîing even of Chisisani peoplbe, wlere Iioy your tomper, îhey are woaring oul aue ful of jey and iilnuity, andt lu youi- patience andtI tey are nîniiug about Chrmist or hCaî'en and eîery- yoti less andi boss cf natman. I go tiing is imntediately silencod. Neo ie oa scubptor's studio and scehirm oee md nnytiing te say saisi per- cluupiuug a statue. He lies a chisec laps somne oid patrinrcl in tiecoces- in eue baudaned n muinlet in tino nen cf lie n-ccm, wio i-eabiy thinis ochco, and ieh gives a vory goulue thut soinetbing cugitto10bhosnid nu- ti-oke-dhjdî, click, lick! I Say, der lie circuîîstauces, se hoe puIs "Wihy dont ycu sînike harder?" one foot ovei- lie cher and heaies a "Oh," ho replies, "tînt woi,,d, chat- long igh and enays. - 'O1, yes. lint's toi- the statiue. I en't do ilthiat ce, îîaî'e se !e' 1 w ny. 1 must do illis wa." So My fribode, the religicon of Jesus lie woiks on, and aller nwhile Ilie Clhriltlescnnmetiing to tlau aýbout fealures Conne cut, sud ev-,ybody wilh n glatI bai-I. It te bi-iglter thul colore tic studio is chai-sued than lie waters; il en r leerful and -fascinaled. Weil, Ced lias your lIna lie suusir'o. Do unit go seul undor pi-ceose of deielcpn1cnt, arcunîd groamning aheiit ycour meligicn and il le uitIle annoyamîces nnmd vexa- wlenîycu ocgilteuhe sieginig it or tiens of lue tint ai-ochei:ing cul talking il in elîeerful toeeof voice. Ycctm imuoi-talnb ature. Hcw eflen il is biat we flud mien Agnin, w e mîust bring thie religion wioao lives are Ltt-bly imconsisemt - f Christ int oui- commcncsb blocs- who nlleîpl 10 talireligiocn iuîd ai- inge. -Mbien tle autumu coine and -ays maie a failure cf il ! MY tise uni-yods arc enand thie gev- fricuids, Cruors mnie proclamations, ive ns- W [i' MUST LIVE RELIGION senmble in dioreles and we are very or we cannot lail,.il. If n inaîl s 1tinunkful.' But every day ougît te cîanky and cross antI umcîgetinlbhoan binuksgiving day. Wo do net antI liard iin bis dealimîge and ibîn necceuize the ccnuînn mordies, of lifo. tuegîmus te tlu about Chisit and ic bhave 10 sec a blitnt man icd by lieavern, oî enyboey le rOpeheci bhy il. iis dog befere WC hegin te bethini Yet 1 laie heard aucu n s ay in oni-slves cf wlnl n grand thing il le wbiniîug toines, -'We are siseîobsle teliaive undiîîuuîed eyeigil. WC sioners,-"Th îe Lord bleas ycu," FOR OVER SîXTY YEARS %IrF.W1nlow' CeeothigSyrup lias beeilu4uel hy tîillîons et motliers for tl'air ehild'-en whle teethu, g- If dt,-tuÀrbed ai Y4î.ght a-d h'-oken o' yenr test by a slek elîild unfferlng and cryiý,g wiltbr. paief cctt g teftlîend at oc andm gtoa b-'itle eoflIts. Wtni ,ea-n' Sothi'ig Syrtip ý-r Children Teetiig. Ih wil i lleve the peor Lhereii nemi take aboutit. 1, cures Ïùtaw oea regpiailaa sthe imac, îa id welî, cures WVind C eieoftons t1ue g'îmn roduces inflammation. aîîd gestoue wa(1 d o i o'x te ewhole -y-tom. lIs. inslows' Soonîllt, Sy-up for children ieethi;-g te pleaait ntoti te aud 1, the pr e iption etof0oneof thn e-iaîd bostiteale ; h 'ians and nurse-, le tâe Untied Statei r èe25e a tiottie. Sold by atl druggi-tnte' ýgin eut tine wo,ld. B3e sure andI ask for lIta.wiN sLows. SoctiitgSyrup HEALING A BROKEN LEG. The proceodinige cf 'tle F-oyal Se- ciety cf England were net taken se seriousiy a huîîdred and fil ty years ugo as 'they are now. A saiter who bad broken his ieg senlte the Royal Society an accouai cf the î-emark- able manrnu in which ho had healed the fracture. ie story waa that ho lad dressed it with notliing but tai- and cakuni, and in tbree days was able te walk just as weil as bo- foi-e the accident. This remnarkable story naturally caused somoe ex- citemnent ainong the miembers cf the eocioby. INo one bad previously sus-1 peebed tar and oakum cf possessing1 such mairaculous heaiing powe-s. Th, society wrcte for further pa,'rticulars, and douhted, iaîdeed, whetlîer the logý had beemî rpally fïracturiei&d. The truth1 cf b1is part (cf itho ste(ry, howevex- was preved beyonid a sbadow cf a douibt. -Several etespassd. ho twouen thte Royal Sceyndthe saulor, wbo ccstinlued 1to aeseîl msc)tý soiemnly'\7that bis broken b eg lad( been treated witli tai- and oakumr, and witih nething else. The scciety rniglit baî'o remaiîîod puzzled fer ant indefinile peried bad net the sailer added iii a puststiipt te bis last 1011cr :"I fergot t tell01 yotîr heu- ci-s that the leg was a wooe oncie." ONLY ONE ESCAPE. A man nnay break away from prison but lie connût got away from the torture o! rheumatisn util ho tokes Dr.- Halls Rhoumatic Cure. IXisl the only relilble reeyon the market. MJr. Chsarles IL. Clan-rk, Kingston, Ont., who for fifteen years ir u tccessien watoring cetract c beots or walk for tnied Dr. Hail'a E iliree bottles, witht PuIs, completeiy on biood purifier is p taie ing tee days1 ceints at ail drog st MedicinesCe., KinoL BE-NEFIT 0 Next ho bodily may be reckened te beauty. Iu mnost necessary 1<c is a gi-Ont incoîlîl which je nature' the ilupurite ef1 face cf the skie, A. Toronto clergyman tolas of a fnmily ini bis congrogabien, wýhi'cb consislcd cf the mether and fivoebhidren-the f atheî being dead-four of whom lu a few years have fallen victims to consumption and died. And new the fiftb, a d-ungblter. uvbo la empleyed in the oflice of a -whole- sali-, and xvbc bas been the ene source of support te the mether, la obliged te ieave ber wcrk, realizirg thatabe aiso-milnly - bave te sco some woundod man bob- A CREAT JOURNALIST., bling on bis crstch or with bis emipty coat slceveý pinned up before Somietbing About Mionsieur de we learn te tink wýhat a grand Blowitz. thing Godý did, f or us wheni lie gave ns healtby use ci cur limibs. \Ve There was an incorrect report a aie se stupîd that nothing but the few weeks ago tiîat Monsieur de Bic- inisfortunes oi others can rouse us witz, the Paris correspondent cf the up te cor blessings. As the ex London Times, was te retire fromn grazes ini tbe pasture up te bis oye active service. Althougb ho is sixty- in lover, yetner thinking who nîne years old, and bias occupied fer makes the covr and as the bird a goneration bis ýpresent position, picks up the woriiifric the furrow wbich practically makes hiîn the net thinking that it is God source cf the most important intel- ligence in European polities, hie dccc WIIO MAKES EERTIING net intend y -et to cease woi-hing. from the animalcule in the ccd te Aithougli hie lives in Paris and the serapb on thie thnont, so we go writes f or an Englinli nowspaper, hoe coi eating, dîinking and onjoying, wvas an Austrian by birth. Ilo oarly but nover thanking, or- seldena loft lus native country and taught thankitîg, or, if tbanking at ail, Germnan in Frante; Jaten'lho became a with enly half a boart. natun-alized Frenchmnan. Wlhcn ho I cornpared ouxr indifference toe nowas twenty-eight yoare old hoe began brute, but penhape I wrcnged the the study cf international politics, brute. I do net kncw but that and wviote for two newapapers ben anîong its other instincts, it rnay jLycus. 1-le was active in homie poli- bave an instinct by uhich it roeg- tics, and participated in the sep- nizes the divine hand that fecds, it. presien cf the commune in 1871. In 1 do net kuew but that God' le, the saine year, af 1er an apprentice- thi-ougli it, holding communication sblp cf edoyen ycure, ho became the with what îve cal irratienal crea- Continental roprecentative of the tien." Who thanks God for the1 London Timos. ' ai-; the fountain cf ile. the bridge During the past tird of a con- of sunbeames; the path of sound, the 1tory ho bias had the confidence cf the groat fan on a bot sunimei's day" i rulers nnd stateunen of Europe. Ile Who tbanks Ced for- this vionderfui jwae ad.ittod te the pi-oscuce of pro- physican organisni, this sweep cf the miels as an equal, and gi-eut ques- visioni, Ibis chime cf bnrmony struck'tiens cf public pelicy were diccussed inte the ear, tiîs soft tread of a, with hinn as with a mail capable of myriad deliglits ox'er the ner-x us comprehcending thenî. In tiîîîe ho tissue, luis reliing cf the ciimson cam b t be tihe moutlîpiece of, the i ido through arIai-y and vein, distiitguished officiais when they lad tiîis drummiiing of the heart on orii anything te say te the public, and march te inmeirtality? We- taiko al Bismarck, T1hiers, Gaiibetta, the those things as a miatter cf corse Sutan of Turkoy, Jules Ferry. Pope Takçe this practîcal religion If L,'( XIII. aîd, others spoke thicugh bhave recommended jute youî ex ery,-lim day lifo. Make overy day a ýSab- HQ ,moeo mpletoly than an ' otb- bath, and e-tory lîltal a sncranîlent, or maillbas buthe popular imlagimna- and every roeoni youenetr a bely of lion perseuilicd the pewer cf the belies. \Ve ail have îxork to do; prerss. IHo werks iu sylpatby witiî lot us ho wiiling te do It. WVoail the pelicy of the Times, whiclî je to bave serrcws te bear, let us cheer- interprot te tbc people th~e purposes fully bear thcm. WVe al bave but- cf bbce(bovernment. He believes that tios 1o tlght; lot us courageously the public business is the business ef fight tbenî. If you want te die the public. As the eyes and cnrs of ight, yeuninust live right, b,>,egli- the ntions at the seat of pouwor ho genco and indolence will wli the lîlss made an honorable place for blîncoîf of everbasting scorn, ixhile faithful- and holds it uncballenged. If lho b-'d ntsc will gatlîcî ite garlands and not been a man wbo kept faîth with wavo jts sceptre and si t upon itsr stateenlen, and who acted ou the tbrone lonîg aller Ibis oartiîlbas put lb oory that benesty is the best pol- on ashes anîd eternal iges bave bc- 1i ky, he ceuld net so long bave relaie- gun. their march. )'ou go heme to- cd the confidence, cf the cabinets of day and attenîd 10 yolur litho e phere Europe. of duhies. I will go homle and at- tend to nîy litho asphere cf duties. DISTRESSING CASE 0F CON- Evory oeeinu is ewn pince. Se oui- every stop jen111e shah hoe a tri- SUMPTION. uniphai îîarcb, and fthe iumblest footstool on which we are called te Four of One Faînttly Pasa AwaY-Last sit will ho a conqueor's throîîo. Daughior Now Ill. it is bclieved, as a resuit of nursing hei-- - - broibors and sisiers-bas contrnoted this _________________________ dread disease. Kird friends are interest- in- theomsel-ves in the case, but the diffli We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lots culty met witb is to send her te a place ito dispose o! yet, and very eheap-flrst-elass goods at very small T)rices wvhere the preper care and treatint will Oui carry a-good assorîrnent o! Ladies' Oxford,eoiored and black at be given. $1.00. Men's Calf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 It is for sncb cases as this-andi there 10 $2,50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chiidren's I3utton aud Blms 25e, 50c, is hardly a clergyman in a-ny city -wo la 7.5e, wortl, 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond not constantlly'ueeting such appeals- lupie that the n= Free Consu mptive lIlospital, i rcs undor the auspices of the Nationial Sani- We will tell you what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. The tnriurn Association, is being Luilît. The reason we do that is becanse we kuow. Latest Spring styles now lu peuple of Caniada as a whoie must feei stock in every lino. The publie is invited to inspeet, our stock; no gratef ni to Mr., WN. J. 6111ge and tho trouble to show goodls-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satehels; executors of the laie lHart A. Massey, whSalSrpfnyadpan estigthvr btta c e ont of their own ftxnds have erected tbh shalSrpfn~adpan rsig h ybs hteub building. But before it cau ho occupied bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wilI ruin the boots it is appli. it must ho fnrnished with beds andý other ed to. proper furnishings and appointments. Repairing doue in ail its branches iu flrst-elass style. Fine work The National Sanitarinm Association.- made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for pas$~ already carryiog a heovy debt, are net able to f nrnish the new building su gene- avors and hopîug for a coutinuance o! t'ne Lame. rously placed aithejr dispesal, and are ap- pealingtu citizens genierally the Domainioni over for $ 10,000 for this purpose. D It dons flot need the suggestion that evrBok oiavle this îs the mosi pressing of ail charities evrBokiow nile nt this tîme, for the public are fnlly - awakened to the widespread cbaracter of W mabeg ta eall your attentlu ta a ncw oand indlspensib eonsumption, and also to'tho faci, ns de- article in monstrated by the b5st medical outhoni- ties, ihat when tbis diqense is talion ho]dW of in is eanly stages it, as mncb ns nny . . Barlay' s Patent Attacliffent oterdisease, is curable. Tenwhsp-' lFOR THE CURE 0F complote the- furnishings, will ho rend - Balking and Kicking Horses. to receive fif ty patients, freeocf charge- ilcrtoanvcekw tahrs.Iaubefr even ibeir railway fare will net ho a tnt- y breaking In colts Cao ho odjusted in two minute', and upon heni.used with any barness vohiclo or implomnent To the upon tbem. ~ ~ ~ ,, ",,, .. pi-og~yresSive farmer anduosmnii t-iot mcs Cnief Justice Si W. R Mredthta Lamaport Ave., Toronto, bas kindiy coni- YAyt senicd to redoive contributions for the ROBERT HOQEY, Free Consumptive Hospital;, or they cau 0881 yr BLACKSTOCK. hoe sent te Mr. W. J. Gage, 54 Fient St. West, Toronto; or te the National Trust Co., Limitedl, U2 King St. East, Toronto. FEAT 0F YOUNG OF FI CER. his cemirades retired and left hilm - 4-__ there. In a few minutes the officer -On- Wager Drank a Bottie of Bran. was dead. THE LAZY MXAN'S DODIGE-'. ,i,,.,, and iic 1ir7n-iaf M-sgvm mouid net put on 1is A very lazy manu was once nsked Follewing their custoîli in sncb ieawthi iia- ees u Soveral weeks, Ho by bis wife te dig the potatoos in cases, the nowe agemîcies at B3erlin bis body was haken te the homne cf Rheumatic Cure, and the gardon. He couseuledl, and, aller bave careiully refraincd fi-cm sending bis parents ut Eisenbacb. the Climax Trounet diggiîîg for a few minutes, went jute cul a sensatienal story wlnîch might i~peror William lias orderefi a rig-. red îlo.T.hIis greot the lieuse and said ho bad found a refleet upen lthe Cotînan army . The idivestigationi cf lie case. put np lei bottles con- coin. mattor in question is the death of ireaiment. Prics 50 He wnebed il off and il pre-vedti 10Hon- Von Eichel Streiber, a young WH TRUNKS ARE TRIJNKS. tores or The Dr. UnaiI ho a fiby cent piece. He put il in lus lieutenant of the Third reginîlont cof IHave yen ever wemdei-ed why a box 'sn, Ont. peeket and weut bnck te work. Ujhlans, which occurred, during a in wbichî you pnck ycur ehoîhes is )F EXERCISEPresnlnly ho weut te Ibe ieuse drinking bout nI the officers' nmess ah cabbcd aLi runk. If yen ge te lhe F EXRCIE. gai au snd li la fond mîchenPotsdam. Il je as scriously discus- eld cburch ofilister, iu Kent, you clenlnes eoris coin. Ho wasbed the dirt off il, and sed in Blerlin to-day as5 wei-e the wibl there ho siowu an old wecden as the greaheel aid Ibis ltime il Waa a lwenty-five cent army duels tu-o mnis agq. box, cf wbich the reunded lid is ladexocis isaî-piee. o pt i jabispocel.The officers cf -the First'Rogiment made cf a portion of bthe truni of a ocbeanlinees, for il Ibvtoke roybm-l"ai f Uhlans, il appoars. enterlained aI troc hclewed cul. Tbis old box is ive ho perspimration, lie te bis wife; "I'lthink l'Il talze a their quai-lors tle cificers of tino surnucsed te ho the actual box es w-uy cf thrcxxing ehocit uap." Tbim-d Regiment. Driniing wns gea- brcught ho Englaud by William the the bedy to the sur- Wietilie awoke lie liound liaI bis oral, andI young j-eliel Sqtreiber lad Ceaquerer, who kept ie il the mconey fr ontWh e hey wife bad idug ailui-estetf tise pc- respcndod t10 cdiinv1iln le wherewilh lie paid bis tîo-oce Se -.. .~~~~~~~~.~~~rc-nx~~~~~--î 7-pî-utOO --i-,~t-î--in iiun utmî. n -, uvocrs t-i-e0- ~unxui-o----amect-ve,-ziz,-n--,-u ~ ~ ~ - -'~r~ r'-'~ - ~1i-~o-~u~ - ert- -' - - - ~ -,---------u-e-U- ~ --'---r-- --t ~ ~ tauiun ~îui~IYa4. ~ ~ -i-~-Wfl~,-~-.--5-O~O,,fliv. ~ ~ '~ i-' ~'-îi~,- îit-± si-i-cern>' -c. t-- -t,.,~ ~ di-. ~ '-~' ' -- __________ 4 - ,flttvflO-,, t, tet.,,t~-,.s-~ - , ' -.-, - - - - -- ~ -- -, ., ne~,,,, , r- - - rr-- ~ ~--,----~ - - .- - ~ - - - - -~ - - - - ~ antib' ~ ~ ~ 7iîUtt ilItuitN tntW~t tr~uy ~t'~aun~ il ~iT.. ~ at ~ n.~ ~ ~ ~ s."~v~---,~s'o -, î~,-. i ,,, -~ ~ ~ O ~çî ~ ~ ,~ta-i~ I-~o~ii--i~îmOlttV se~r~4i.iivory w~PO~ 'v - . . r. ~-1 -~-~i--- ~~'~--~W-- o*~ ~~5f ~~t~d- - -L~i 1~u-U~ ------------ ---- - - - me'- --'- - .., ,,,,~- - t. .~ t t it. L~tiV i-~ d.nie~' ~-,~m---,--,- - -- nd mafuuyor~s~ - ;- -- _ ~ ____ - o-t-or 's-n onu--t- Sn.ùft n eue- ~n'-tny - i-.r--~ -'ue-----w-az-~ ni- -t- 'pl4--ov--~- 'rellt'ztl ~-uPvOj ~ j~~p r~o' i r-.t- j~j5g~~-~ "VI -~~---~ ~ -iio5~ -5~-T----~o-~- - - '~"'4.~ - - - - - - ~5 ~ ~ ---~i-i~allvt ~itUt.~ ~ l~~it-S~ - - - - - - -- - - ------ î4'---- 7î7v ~Lvuv------1-------*------------4n-----*-- - ~ - _______ - ,.~ - - - - - -.. - .-a ~ ~ '~-~-~ - - - S---- _ - - -_ - - f7' ASTHU pEEs- Asthmalene Brings Listant Relief and Permanent Cure iii Ail Cases. $ENT ABSOLIITELY FREE ON RECEIPT OP~ POSTAL .Write Your Narre and Address Plaini;:, Thri~inothing 1ke Asthmalents. Iq brfngs inrýý tant Ief even in thewoa C àIb IN P Ë cases. Tt cures wben ail else fis The ilev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridgeý MS"àIli., Savs: "Your trial bottle of Asthaa lene received in good conditionS., I cannuoý teil how thankfnl I feel for the goodt d'q rive4 frein it. I was aslave, chained witi 'A putrid sore throat and Asthmst foe, teiý vears. 1 despaired of ever being erd II saw oui- advertisment for the cure ot oy this Jreadful ani tormenting diseas(n Astbma, and thought yout had overspoken S youri.elves, but resolved to give it a trial,. To my astonishinent. the trial acted like a cbarm. Send me a full size bottie." BEY. DR. MORRIS WECHBLEX, Rabbi of the Gong. Bnai Israel. NEw YoRK, Jan. 8ï 1901 DRS. TAFT Bitos.' MuDiCjiNE GCo, Gentlemen: Your Asthmalone is an exi cellent remedy for Asthmia and H1ay Feveï and its composition alleviates ail troubleg ~VER .. nIjq whieh combine with Asthmna. Its suceso is astonishing and wonderful. Af ter having it carefully anaiszed, we can state that Asthmalene contalus neê Opium, morphsine, clioroforin or 4etLe -. Very truly yours, 11EV. DR. MORRIS WÇEGHSLER., AvoN SPRi-Nos, N. Y., Feb. 1, 11901, DRt, TAPr Bitos. MDimlclPun Go. Gentlemien: I write this testimonial from a seDse of duty, havin g tested the %wonde-rfu! eff'ect of -vour A'thmaiene, for the cure of Asthma My witehas tbeeni affiicted with sopasmodic aithma for the past 12 yoars, lHaving oxhausted my on laoth Street, New Yoric, 1 at once obtained a bottle of Atithmalene My wif~ comrnenced raking- it about the firet o! Noçember. I very soon noticed aradical improvement. After using ene bottie bar Asthma bas dîsaÈýpeared and she i~ enitirely free froin ail s3 niptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend th' medicine to ail who arè sfflicted-wlth this distresslng disease. Yours respectfully, O.D. PIIELPS, M. D. Dft. TAPr Baoe. Mitm)cxNE Go. Feb. 5, 1901. Gentlemen: 1 waq troùbled wlth Asthma for 22 years. I have trled nurner- 0115 remedies, but they have ail failed. 1 rau across your advertisement and started wjth a triai bottie. 1 found relief at once, I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I arn very grateful. 1 have familv of tour children and fer sr, years was unabi e to work. 1 arn now lu best of health and arin doing'busi ness every day. This testimony you can make use o! as sou see lit. Home address, 235 Rivington Street. S. IIAPAEL, 67 East 129th et., New York City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY, FREE ON RECEI1PT 0F POSTAL Dn not deiav' Write et once. addressing D&~ TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 13th St,, N, Y. City. Soid by AIl Druggists.

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