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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1902, p. 8

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dishonest 'and greedy druggiste amin Po-rdtls 91 o15Dc1-5 498 76 SABrgsmlrod. ~ealers who have nlot the slighteet ini- taxes 1900 .... il 83 A Stock, work............. terest in the welfaro of the ick and t taxes 19(X0,... - 13R 70 W j Devitt, tile bal........ afficted. 'Iheir thoughts are wholly J per cent on arrears 22 62 F H Mason, grader repairs,,, centered on uxtra large Profits-; Jt is a " taxes 1901 to 81 Dec 2 077 20 J Hocken, lumbe,,........ matter of indifferencirito themn whether -- T Gardiner, grader repair.., you or your 'rienslr r i.W îae oa.,. $27 896 40 J Stanley, roadwork com. recently cornie into possession of one of PAYMENTS. W J Roy, services S, S.... the imitations referred to; we have had JANUARY H Elliott, Jr, 8 mos. ealary. . it cbemically examined, ani find, 14 unfit for human use. Municipal World ........,. 5 00 D B Simpson, counsel in suit Sick children'sllospital grant 5 00 do witneeses il The large majority of our druggîsts H Eliiott, jr. registration tees 30 40 .J ULY. aire hneyer codscend ht suben,1 and NF.Macnachitan, county rates 8 444 40 R Avery, nails ..... willnovr cndecen tosubtitut'on A Trimm, grayel. ........ 20 F Smith, cedar..........ý or deception. Yeu should however, Whoen R E Osborne, 4 E Strutt ,roadway...... . any one euggebts the -Something Just T Snowdon 1 95 H G Argue, gravel .... As Good" or offers you a ,v i*'- ~J Coates ~ 2 15 T Elliott, ..... tation for the Paine's Celery Compound G A Stephlens, 9eda50 T Snowden, .... which alerneecan meet your case, at Once 1- Wilcox, guarding road .... 1 50 Mrs. Webber o rosent hie impertinence and leave hie Ontario Bank, draft...........83 10 A Moore, wr..... store AIl honeet ami straightforward East W hitby,work town line 24 58 E J Clarke, it........... druggists gladly recomrnend Paine's S Pollard, collectore salary..,)10 00 R McCullough,graeerrepairs Celerv Compound to theres customers G A Stephens, lUmber, et... 300 00 H Elliott, Jr. nails........ and speak with plearure about the ER RY M A James, printing... wonderful cur,3s it has effbcted Municipal World,audit tamp 1 ()0 G A Stephens, lumber ... Beware of tl-e1 'Somethîng Just As J Frasier,work town line.,, '2 00 AuaUST.. Gond" and ail imitatious See that the Simpson & Blair rev Guy deed 18 00 W Broatd, nails ........... Dame PAiNEms le on wrapper and bottle. C Hooper, rent roal .... 2 OL S AllUn gravel......... _______________ S Pollard, extra services..,,, 20 00 P Moroney, lq...... F L Efis, auditors pay ... 12 00 J Stainton, t ..... J J Smith 12 00 P Moroney, t .... MAO.BPowell, te ..... / J Wright, allounce road... 2 ()()D Glak sheep damages., Z1~< J Frasier, 2 00 w Colwill', Rllooe " 00)RHilI; WERlH H, o 2 G A Stephens, lumner, cedar / // MA ame, rinin..,,, 1927Clatworthy, et ai wrk ..... J Coates, gravel ,.,,., îj oes al,,,,.., J J ýSmith and others revising Anigve..... assomsment echool sections.., 6 ()0 T Elliott, ....... 0", H Elliott, jr, 8 mos ealary.,, 65 00 R Martyn, sheep damages.., G Talllor, workcon. 7 ..... H Elliott, Jr, 8mos esalary.. oefr ols ptvsJ Balson, gae ...... Plopau or 6 nsu ptiy s TMonntjoy, care gravel pit. - -- C Z Pollard, sheep damages. ~ke Y~L~ hoie1G Sandercock, . i wICII IHOW TUIE RAVAGES 0F TRIS S Jlloney, 8 e 'V 0 L ChS J Henry, here are many st3 les of motnting SCOURGE MAY BE STAYED. Dustan & Hoar, nails,... tae~T J Clark-, spikes etc,..... si -b~ing. W atyut M Dewell, work town line.. i ýiich suite you best The quality Selectors of Jurors, services., i til v good. Yeu choose the style Stat*stics Prove tnat Mlore Deathe Occur M A James, printixg.....,.. s ve furni8h you 'the beet photo- fiom Consumption than from Ail Bear & Co, bridge con 7..... b Àyou could get any place. In other CJontagious Diseases Coin- ONovEmBER. j retouching and finishing we bine d-.How Best to Combat OnaiBnkot...... j e e 'ou the beet that cau bc done. the Disease....... eno premiumns with our photos, S J Honey, eheep damages.. (5 o ou your money's Worth in The ravages of consumption through.- W Couch, . everv time. ont Canada ile something appalling. S J Henrycg .-. G.P eeIa In the province of Ontario, where Il Pasco)e,'9 U. P.Freel nd.tatieties of deaths from all dîseases are J Barton, di~ nu dor ee ofSTTESANcarefully kept, it is shown that 2,286 of W Montgomery, dii on dor Wst f SATEMANthe deÂthb oL,..iing during te year S Bragg, '~~mavih3.1901 were due to consuxuption, or about T Baker, ______________________40 per cent more than the number of J Cornisb, deaths tceprrine. fromt ail other contae- J Leask. 50 YEARS' 1, us diseases couibined. These figures H G Argue, grave! ....... EXEINEIare btartling aud show the urgent J Stainton, ...... lliecesit,, for takinz everv available Vrs Webber, ...... m nsfor comhatting the disease that G Mooire. " ii ýA v.tarly cIaims go many victime, Th M Lynmer.,..... Aktirn'e tec-re corsumution is not after L Potter, " ...... aI . - teli aý là~ i,~' ~ A W Aunis, t edoctorsi have given up hope. Talion i Allia 4 ..... RADE111 Ii ts earh itages, consumption isJ 69 DaGs curable Uonsumptffon le a wastin,.,J.1 revail, 6 ..... ~oy' s&.di4t*ase ()f the lungs and at the earliest J Gand, . .... ll- pn aketP i a911,C115 'onMay '~mt. flm'tronhb ias snould J sue, . 't1yconfideutial 1. I n&aokouPateutS tp hedipse. ( 'nsumption proes ,Grige, sVixoýs.. -........., (JideitaaencyFei sCurixg PU pte ie ',Ilr 5oub un &%Cc tva Up oit eakite.Strl this the best jtiùtnpaj '~ti~, wlhoutcltt'.,e inte mlure cut safety. Dr. WP'lame,' }.luk R &eu.plti c t-e'e c ~ttt.î t id ,'treD7,H, C A stephens. plaans4... luildir ku' ,wn tc. iniclieal science. The j alrjdescut. ne1,tr d"l. j9,ctr rd c. f îhis nied-tite speakiï for itseelUx & C 868r ay,~ wenthp omr n f coneumption j PEUEM1iER. V ".,Wab.gte l.C. 4deý elop îhc-îhuilo up. trongthen anO tal Bnnt3,,,., un grt t patinit to a point whert .. . ,,,., ,,. t.lw ,idren disease ýdisappoars It proof of thiq j j 3mith, eîr bio > txol90 'h ù tew 'îu.]l fis tmike the jc (ase of lPdege St. George, Of A Gibion. gravel........ <W' ~0. YhP irveSJeroie, que.. w:lo ma\ Ê;:- E Prout,*.... 28 OC 28 50 59 37 10 75 80 0C 75 8 75 6 OC 65 O0 600 O0 181 OC 40 75 2 00 2 20 7 00 8 85 15 75 5 62 il 25 4 00 4 66 25 84 74 79 80 4 00 3 50 5 55 1 50 --4 55 12 00 4 50 18 66 45 50 102 49 48 8 20 5 80 8 0 5 0 65 0 5 00 5 60 a 00 6 00 6 0 4 00 7 00 68 6 40 2 50 7 00 89 87 210 ()O 500 00 8 tO 0 450 00 2 00 2 65 4'00 2 50 8 65 5 00 4 67 5 38 7 65 7 34 18 00 85 70 75 1 80 2 Ou 2 25 3 70 3 45 3 Bo 4 20 3 IL, 18 20 25 1 55 4 9o 16 9u 12 75 3 00o 4 9"j 55 08ýS 150) 2oo ou 2 55 9qu 1 2 L M Courtice, gravel, road.. Trustees S S No 7, bal S fund Steinberger & Co. seals.. Wý Cree"te sanitary inspector Dr Michell, Board of Heaith I L Brown,, attend'e, milea.go R Foster, I AFE Clemrence, R Pasbcoe, No. 2.. No. 3.. " No.4L.- No. 5.. supports cf Indigents.. Balance 4 201 24 85 84 00 7 00 6 50 2 215 2 70 2 80 2 45 2ý 80 708 81 205 23 883 il 444 il 346 61 854 10 $22 971 17 4 925 28 Total.....$27 896 40 ABSIRÂOT. DR. Balance on hand from 1900-s. 4 870 85 Arrears of taxes............ 2 315 40 Percentage on arrears ...... 22 62 Taxes ccllected for 1901 ...., 17 575 96 Rente....... ........... .... 8 001 Sales of tim ber and stone., 24 95 Commutatioip of statute labor 3 87 Government school grant.. 505 (10 Proceeds notes discounted. 3 068 25 Fines ....................... 1 00 Ilefund of dog tax............I1 00 Total .....,.... $27 896 40 CU. Salaries, allowances, etc ,. . $ 895 58 Printing, postage, stationery 199 75 Rente ...... ............4 00 Registration charges ....... 80 40 Solicitors' tees. ............, 1 259 00 County rate for 1900.. ý...... î 444 40 Board of Health .. ........ 13 50 Support of poor ............ .854 10 Refund of statute labor ...... 8 75 Notes discounted ......... 3 100 Ou Errors in taxes..,....... 2 55 Sheep damages .,..... 167 97 Governinent School Grant. 505 00 Schooi Board Rates ......... 8 565 87 School Boards,lever stampe $84~ 108 85 Bal, grant to S S No 7 $24 85S Roads and bridges .......... 4 052 88 Debenture and coupons ,.... 185 72 Unclassified expenses.... 77 85 Balance, Dec 81, 1901 ......4 925 23 Total...$27 896 40 Knew Color in the Cheoko Riohness in the Blo-od A.& HeaItb, VI..,,, adStrength in the Whole Systemt When Dr. Chage'a Nerve Food in Uned. Paleness of fthe gums,Ilips and insîde of eyelids, nervousness, weakness, in- digestion, headaclie and despoadency are thesymptoms Common to chiorosis and anaemia. These symptoms indicate that the blood is thin and -Yatery, and dloes not contain sufficient nojurishment-symp- tomns that disappce r w'nen Dr. Chase's Nerve Food je used to build up the body and MI1 the shriveîled arteries with ricn, red. liLe-. u ituninig blond, Dr. Chases Ner; e Food is a special formula devised esDecialiy for ail dis- eases arisila frora an exhausted condi- tion cf the b1ood a.nd nerves, and. has proved signiiy sa' 'F=Ul as a cure for anaeni'ý.J'~ rss In fý-ct it cenct fatl to cure these alimenits. bec-ause Jt goes dir'ectly to form new r-d corpu-'SCi s in t ae blood, and sn nourishes and restores the ,sys-. territe îea hand s, wr-. 1't 's f iïnca iculabie worth to womenii auffeio~ rom ie v~aV~esses a~,ï, Dr .C'oS Ner. Food, the gre-t blon buiderand r ýre restorative; 5 cents a box at ald !ers. or an,'- So1r.. BateCS & CO.,'ot A._ E EUNDLE, Auditos W G RUNDLE, tos Darling-ton, Feb. 12, 19L)2. COUNCIL FRon19-2. A E Clemens, Reeve.' I L Brown, Councillor. R Paecoe, J W McLaughhin L Annis, H Eliiott,jr, Treasurer and Clerk. W M Joness, Assessor. S Pollard, Collector. Diamond Dyes Ail Garmets and Materials Made To Look as Good As New. Do not for a moment imagine that because goods are coloî ed over with Diamond D-vçes that they will look shabby or old. When Diamond D.res are used, your garmente or goode, be thev heavy or. light, wili have "~the freshnese of new materials," and their brizht and beautiful colore cannot be surpassed by anything direct from dr.I goods store. With a littie care in following the directions for using the dyee, and thoroughness in pree.dng the goods, you will bc delighted with the perfect succes following the use of Diamond Dý es. Have you seen the pretty designs in Diamond D%,e Mat and Rug Patterns? If not send a Postal Card with ý our ad dress, and The Wells & Riehardqon Co., Limited, 200 Mountain Street, M ontreal, P. Q , will mail :ou free of cost sheets of designs to choose from. CADMUS. Wve were neyer more in earneeu 1in our efforts to elear out our winter goode anld the price we quote in. our lied Ticket sale is a proof of that fact. rBOOTS r3kfýND SJ-OES- About 30 pairs of Ladies' Dong Boots, very speeial Ried Ticket price. About 20 pairs Ladies Feit Slippers were 50o for 85e.. Ladies lined Boots regular value $1.'40 for $1.00. Ail lef t of our Lad ies and Childrens Lined Rubbers, Ried TickeLedI at cost. Childrens Feit.Slippers, your ehoice of balanefor 25c. Almost every day we are selling siugar b, îy the barrel.5We have thu Quaker Brand of Tomatocs, Corn and?,eu. hee have the reput- ation of being the best goods put up inOanada and our customers are de- lighted with them, You wiil find many articles in our Grocery' Dept having Tickets and being money savers. TH EMASO NC MT. VERtNON. Mr. Corey Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe and MissBertie visited friende in Newtoneille,.... Mrs. Geo, Milîson and daughter Elva visited at Mr Eber Mill- son'.... Mre. S. Bush visifed at Mrs, J. *Moorey's. . ... Mr. and Mrs. A. Drew,_ Oshawa, yisited Mrs. J. Pascoe.., . .Mr. and Mrs. Terwilligar, Oshawa, visited at Mr D Heddon's. ...,Miss Redman, Oshawa, and Miss Henrietta Abrabame visited at Mr. James Garfat's. ..Revival services are being contnued.... Mr. Henry Heddon is âpending a few daye in Toronto. ______ HAYDUN. Recent visitors :-Mies Annie Creeper Newcastle, and Miss Moude Creeper, Toronto, at home; Miss Alice Creeper at Mr. W. H. Creeper's; Mr and Mre. H-eaflie, Mount Vernon, at Mr. John Slemon's; Miss Alma and Mr. Blake Pollard, Tyrone, af Mr. WmTrewin's; A most pleasant social gathering of Miss Georo'ie Avery at Mrs. Hillier's.' the friende and neighbors of Mr. Henry Dr. H. C. liuudle le pursuing further Pollon, Cartwright, who with hie f amily studies in Toronto.... ,Miss A. Mount- is about to move to Manitoba, took joy's Sunday Sehool class of boys met at place Thureday Feb. l8th, lu the base her home one evening recently and pre- ment of the Methodist church, Cadmus. sented her with an address, a parlor The gathering was composed of people IaMP and glove 'case .... Miss Maude of each of the protestant churches of and Annie Creeper gave a pleastent Cartwright and numbered about 1()0, party te their young f-riende Thursday and ail felt that the community was eyening. 'The youug people aisoenjoy. about to lose a most estimable citizen ed a pleasant social fime as, gueste of and afamily of true worth. Shortly Miss A. MountjoyonMonday evening. af ter 8 o'clock, Rev. J. R Butler,pastor DARLINGTON. of Methodiet cburch, requested Mr. and Mre, Pollon te move forward and after Mr. Toni Harwood le visitinz Mr. a few appropriate remarks requested Geo. Pearce .. .. Mies Nellie Guy g ave a Mr, Robt. Philp on bebaif of all Present birtbday party Saturday.. ,Miss K night, to read an address which expressed in~ and Mrs. McFadden, Fenelont Falls. concise language the universal regret visited at Mr Blackbur 's .. .. Mies Edna of the communitY at Mr PolIonB's de- VanCamp hait returned from a pleasant oarfure. Mr J no. Sandersor. thenpre- visit with triends around Chatham... se.nted the worthv couple with a well Visitore:. Mr. Geo. VanCamp at M r. lilled purse, this beiug a tan ~il16wav Thos. VanCamp'm; Mr Geo, Johnston o -express their regret and %M r. Poîlon at Mr. Ia F. Pearce's ; Messrs. Mark was completel', taken bî surorie but and Ernest Blackburn at homne; Miss maide a characteri>tie replt thankuug Irene a.d Russel Lçtngmaid recentiy at his m2n. friende flor their kindîtess and Pickering-.. Mr. F. T. Guy has pur rexretting leaving ýsnchi a wcth la'is chaeed a Dominion Organ. . ..NMr W. of people as SCose fur it C artwright Jenninge and Mr. Casey Truli have Alter' a nVrcriaro ncohe. 1vW n. Mc- been indisposed. ..Base Line Christian LMughlin Sr., H obt Phitip. J ofn Endeavor Social FrIday evening. Feb Po'twer and lCev MIr But ier, the ladies 28rh.... Mr Ch>is. ThuMpson,Mic'oigan, served the happy ctrnmtauai excellent vimited hi, cousin Miss Minnie lhomp snpper. '-B]e t le- ti' " was ettg ano n ..Mr S. Mitchell. town, bas been the meetinL' diqiouseU twitn piaýer al1 out rabîrit huntiag wiîlî a ferret. Rie eeiothat a met ejialte eveni' 4has~ captured iwentv thie winter . .Mr. CXt k.,awl d e,.E.J. Burke Vjtî. ,3nds at asheeru nmuuh talaahoutP.ns Oshawa. ) e gre'ire'st iroîcru rtcîoedy If voit are tired taking the lara'e old 1 anie L bt urvs qu1cý ly fasqhioned griping pile, tr~v t a tIl' fo'.275c. y! a I lea1erîMadle I.,tle Livi-r Pijlleaî.dtakeomne c'mforf. b. ritors, of Perrv D)avi' Pain- A mIIII Can't stand everything. One IÇiller. puîl a Try them. SALEM~'. The Epworth League will celebrate their tenth anniverearv on Wednesday evening March l2th by holding a UnIon Jack Social inthe church. A good pro- J gram is being pl epared. Refreshments at the close of -the- program, Parteut- art; later. Admîfsaxon lSc.- TREY -CANNOT UNDRlT AND.I Many People Stililnquiring abut Joseph Brown'e Case. Dodd'a Ktdney Pilla are A.ckwowlede aWonder Working ivedl_,ej1an-an Mirscutous Cures Broughit to Ligbt. OSHAWA, Ont. Feb 24 (Speclal) -On effect of the publication far and id through the press of the miraculous cr of a case of Paralysis here in Oésaw has been f0 bring f0 the surface a gret 'many similorly wonderful and welà authenticated cures by the saine remed --Dodd's Kiduey PIS. Mr. Brown, whose case lias caused al the sensation, is a modest unassumin leable Iron Worke, Since the publicio» of the tacts of bis case and its cure hj bas been overwhelmed with letters!o inquiry from ahl over the country, an f0 each of these hie anewers simpl'y: "Yes, Dodd's Kidnev Pille cure4 after all the doct ors and hospital spetl ists'had givûn me up. I cnuldn't wl and bail to be fed hk baby for tou monthe,' but the pille soon flxecl me i and 1 have been ail rig-ht ever since " I-ie bas also been in receipt of Do few letters from others who f00bve found Dodd's Kid ney Pills a life sa îU rernedy when ahi else had failed. Several of theee encoui'qgedL4 Brown's example hav wrît le papers'-reportingl their casecs and al re verv enthubiastie in Lheir praiscs ofthe mediine. But our explanrionnil thescae lias been offered ;iua itd Raees omk them eaeily und4.rstai!daie, -T iil- neYs eare Natur-", i ý)fliôr If ube ,K' louve are h,-1trhv ai ws~ illb e.0racted aitd, -.p 1 oî-Dodd îî Kdný Pulis cure tte Ki et ao rthu$nbi thera to throw f -îc'kresc su the body Iromnii nQk.nd lssevery disease.

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