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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Mar 1902, p. 2

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LEg-SLATVE ~EI~LY1varysnig crusacs as te dem-fi- L Ë, G 1 ï LA TVE SSE M cie, part iilarlty Lývwltile 1testa;tor - was traveling, and re led ('111V te NTOTES 0F, PrOCEEDINGS IN pisulpoet.Ti i xas.ea TIllE ONTARio HOUsE. is ue SUPPEMETARil STMATES.foown prritns Tlesnpplcmenultary tim1aies were 6. Te oiî in [dsa,i, B1ob)caygee,, breugh dilnby P IreieIr RoSs.1Pontiiypeýolilwa, foîic levi1llg Ilori n 1T0'y total $111,91 12. The foILioî o Bocag o thie en ofLiuid- înlg grantsare nclued 1-aya ditanc netexceedinig Il9 VIote onLiqueil r Ac-i. 1 0.4,0.0nleacaýý1sh sbsidy o! 300 It's nu jusiieus enemy- Board o! Trade, for Lon-mie$i70. knc t u f ersyîi doîî showromi........ .... 5,000.00 7 To the Bruce Mines and Algna Pan-American iExpositioii, Rallwa.y, frein a point at or necar îli tihe qutickest, safest and .te puy accounits ... ... ...1811 Bruce Mines te a peint ou lie North suirest way-an lîour's de- Infants' Homre ai-d Ilutiin- shore ef Lake Hur'on, a distance net lay rnay -ineaiin onths of ury ...... .............. ....... 200.00 exceoding four mniles, a cash subsidy, - i-Sali allen Any Prison of $3,000 a mile, %12,000. sufrn.~Gate Mission... ... . ....... 500.00 8. To tie Nepigon Railway Coin- Analysis o!f wg... .......2-,000.00 pany, froni a peint at or' near Nepi- ft fl(~ To Mattawa Hospital.... 500.001 oiSaint on to Tecinical education, extra lie bead o! Long Portage, ai distance O5,000.00 liot exceediug 14 miles, a cash sub- ýJ ~ther educations... ... ...... 500.00 sidy of $3,000 a mile, $42,000. \ilitary land grants (ex- 0 9. Te tic Lake Superioî', Long tra lielp) ......... ...... .... 3,000.00 Lake anîd Albany River Railway, ,'tnent is ffhe a enemly Sugar Beet Association .. 2(0.00 Ioin a point ai or near Peninsula cf Colds and Grippe, Lang Expermnts sugur bots ... 1,00)000 Barber, nortlierly, a distance nul troulbles and rnervcotis pros- EsenF in ttio .. ..4,000.00 exceoding toii miles, a cash suisidy tes Sperlîl daimy isrcin. ,0.0o! $3,000 a mile, $30,000. -Iration, aild xvhen it Oa-e . A. C. Library . ........... 1,500.00 MUIPA SAITR M. -hol6I it never lats go utitil London Asyluîî.......... 5,00.0 UNCIA SOCAIU the last vestig~e of a dîsease Cobourg Asylin........ .... 3,950).00 TI-e Bouse went int Coniittee griis eradicaitcd. Bxormalury for Foînales, ou Mm.Iill's bihle amond the Pub- grnToronio :Illic Bealtiî Act. Mr. Foy. pretestod ryit next time yc'î sulsrect -1 cold Cty o! Toronto me King agalnst aily stop wliich wouid croýate c if yod holiteabdsou t tin1i sstreet sew cm'........... .....29.2obstacles te lie eslablishîuonit o! At ai.11 ux..gist-25 cents a box-or Plumbin ........ ...........1,0 0consumptive saniiariuis. Mm. 1Hill bymal ininOspode ull: isaid Ilial tle Court of Appeal pro- UWA XTA 5'F'CCO., iLtd., t'ixing biu*rdiing ial . .. 400.001vided for lu lhe urfioded ilîcasure,, G't-.s Os.Flîti .ng up robing roon 500.00 ,consisting of the slieril'!, tle mayor -_____________ Riler Pair, Guelphi........ 5,000.00 or roove e! lie muîicipality. anud tie Macdonald building sites 7,500,00 secretamy o! lie Provincial -Board o! _________________________ lectii ligitiîug plant, I Ilealîli, would pi-ovent any injustice O.A.C .... .. ... ........ .....9,000o.00 ,boîng dune. Be bid îîtmodncod. lie M"ili'sCotton 11,0t commet~d Pai ilion, '0.A. C... ... .. ...... 2,500.00biull berauise tlie'public was voîy son- A ppaî'atîîs for laboratories sitive on tie natter o!fliaiing sani- 1- aeess'il y used mon hly by over o A...... ........1400 aiisetblhdinhiriis. -f ,OtLbadies. tafe,effectual. Lades asl,..........,0.0iIiln salsidi iermdt 'lou"!i druggis for Cîos îcetten U oofi cm- Doccls un Rainy Biver ....25,000).00oTic bill pussod cermiltee. ur îsu!.'tkeuo other as uII Mixtures, pllis ard Public works (totul1), ini- PENALTY FOR RATEPAYERS. 10 N~2ldegrees stronger, s3per box. 114. ld n any extensionOuiotne!ln.M'. ibo a . or r, ulxdoureceipt o!f pricerand ivo -cent druimage schenues ... ......30,200.00 caIlrs de bchpoie staia oil'Iba ',1ACompany W îuiidsor, Ont. ewclus' . ddew noirvde ~ 2-.ed na cco~mude byaI ~90îuzaîqnmoas......~'"-'-' lat a penalty of $50 may bo impos- repnî5 luggiss unCanada. Fine rauging ... ............5 000.00 duo neeto oigioeta Noe i fard iIare,.ildilu B mrxanviln 5v 51<6 & TE-MISCAMINGIJE ROUTE, one for an aldermanîlu a imunicipal Juiry, J 7lliîbthau & Sou suid J WlIeDeZt Theeriugineers' sumvey lu couner- edection, and liai suri okector siîall lMid, drugx SIS tien vit1h flic Teaiscamngue route Iba iioeligible te stand foi' tic office iras laid on lie table. Thc survova o! aldenînan ut tic' nexi sucroeding shîow a lino throffgi tie Townshaips elerlion. Tie prarciofo repoatiîîg, -Yco Widdilield, Miilock, Menx'eck, Slow- le said, iras fairly common, and on- ~ art, Osbornc, Iluougi unsur'eyed ly by providing a sovore penalty tormitory, cmossîng the pmojected Nip- could itlie eradicatod. issiug anîd James' Bayro mute aliong TRAD)ING STAMP QUESTION. the c'îst shore of Bedwator Lake, Mr. Pellypiece moved te add a and toucring ithe terrinusof lie clause extendingth tilnie ut wbidi Women are cern. norîlicasi and langeat amui o! Lake ýmuniripaliîios uîay abolisi trading-, i.'. ing te uudratand Temvi'mi. Tic sumveyed lino ticîl sthanp conupaiuies from Jnayli liai the Beekaches, punssîrs i., îray alinost due norti 1902, as fixed last sessionu, te April /,S?'t'\ Badaches, Tlred, tbrougbhu te Teinagaini tiinber me- Ist, 1903. iFeeli'i ansd weak sorve ie lite Township cf i3ucke. Tic clause ivas doclared lest on 'Speils from wbicb Tie meute of itue surî-oy ends ai divis;iuu, very- fow yoas being louard, ~ .<" -. îley suifer are due TluoËnloe, lu Dyînond Towtnship, a but an oî orihîing sieut of nays te wrong action of Port on Waibis Bay, a brauîclu-of freinibti aides e! tic Bouse. «lie - P ,". ORT WILLIAM. ', ' S_ CO-MMISSIONERS' SALARIES. The Fort William bil h bcl cm- r KWýdny Pis .lua nnitaon tia Temulsaun Pewens tie, town to develop Ian are 1-ba os r-elib e emey fr ayform .înguî railway -qutionoi, Hou. Mi'. ihousund hrepwr o!f oîîîgy of ý:iiv omlant reedrvenay Latchford ,;cuiioured iliat lie linor- morn Kakaieka Pulls, iras epposed ain,,s11sud4aches,iMalte wornen bealthy and a'""" i ain ff ltic tiî'eealway by Mm. W'rdell 1(Notî Wouîwoth), hapya le ejey lue te thc fullest. cmnisolos ruld ho $1,000 pern wie deriurod thutthelienasure Iras Mrsi. C. Hf. Gis1ie, 204 Bitaiu Street, yCiÏî'.boiîd. railreaded ilimougi; siîniiur FSt. Johni, .B., ay:Mi' iNlatbesou Ara tieY epce riiee ad boon î'o rfuqed te île "I !lad severo iue robefor which te doieto eh _e w-ido in teil onmtîe B Is eld that if 1 deoctored v'iianniber (e! lie lesýt Jl. Mm Latcbfrdi-A cusde'-i oTl Wilium cn gi iiilese peut pluyiians lun St. Joie, lut reccîivei I lle utile orion ci il. Il is Iiou.ght ors they, shlild hoexînddte ah relief. lHeaing o!fen inyPil",ts. lllcmo venil e -municipallîles. began tlbir use. Belore talirg thoin 1 port u a hma oiineaioThe bill iras iuianifsily ta discrim could not steop to tie my shees, sud ai Tuýe rceoution wias adpted1. imatien against Ithe 'nearby- Tout-hiio! limes sufered suri lortu-e lIaI I couhd net INF ORMATION. Port Willia. Mn, Cnice dechamod tumn oyer in:bed without assistance. Doau's Mi'. Davis ';fýforned M. Mommsonthuai lic îhad been ne paniy lticthee- Kiduey Pilla have resced me frein 11,1thai 10,1600 crds of pulpwood rut ,fusai e! lie piî ilege te tic City o! terrible condition, and removed eet pain co 'nul dIutyeî eec-Toi oîte., Certain Clauîses wore ai- nnd ache, Tic exportons ivere tic loîi-d le stand. p 'hoe id.e C I a1 IIIG>iI SCHOILS ACT. Northu SioeTi7h Cnaynb Reibl lx~~lu ai a a i ecial license., The dopant_ 1cFo. Mr. Barcort propoedlet every icaliy ti'eghu nt bad n1.en1aiso! asce -tainig amend a ClasncIlg rol eu Cnai e ntadc lon miilue!li ut nuan iAeAts ste _prou ide liai couutv 1A MiANY-SIDED MAN. Sevral rmnances migit ho n'itteu about tic wooing and winning o! Annie Jamison, but pî'oiably noue o! tici urould be troc Mrs. Mar- roui prof-es te lido het-soif behiud ici' sou nd -te ho kueivu simply as lis mellier. O!flier ceurîship and mamiage slic wili suy 11111e save liai tic formuer was a case o! truc love anxd tie latter o! pure domestir bnp- plumas. Sic ent le ltuiy, us lias licou said, te continue 1er music under btter iîustmurtoms tian sic ceuld lave scumed ut home, and it was during hler atay in Itahy tînt she met a duasling young Itliiln. Tic two seen isedi tai ilicy lad a nta liking, for outdeor sports: boti ode ivel and tie young -ýma was liot long in coming bo tIic d!cision tiat lue prc!cmnedthue rIii g 1'l leiuîuyoe! is ewn country., Iu addtin hmeIv as avcry happy liking for ."Inellectual pleasunes w1ciIbey-LIai'cdi. Tic youug man 1 vas o! 'a ged !ail]y, in possession cf a lange e'ýstate 0dmBlogna, tic girl reýiurned bis ile)-ctien-aiid tie Fr1'n mui ime oifîn e! onelder boy- sIc lias nuotlier son-lMas. Miarconil dci oted hon 1ete lus tr'aininug. SIc took him iti lier on ,hen trascs about Italy, anudle accenupauied hon ou soi drul visita it6lier oîvn people lu Ireland aiid Bugland. Wishiug te give hii i tic adu-nutage e! soie ti'aininn laEnhii ieno-de i îvnivnln~ THE MfR. JARDINE REFERRED TO LIVES IN THE QUEEN CITY. Well-known thî'oughout Canada as one of Canada's Cemmissioners te the Paris Exposition--His State- ment is a Very Valuable 0One and has been Read with mueli Interest. TeomoiTe, Melr. 17 (Special).-Mr. J, G. Jardine. whose staiement as ti lhe wonderful curative aud'tenir properties of Dedd's Kiduei Pulls lias been pub. lished lu many cf thme p'xpers, L~ a resu' dent of thus City. Blis homo las at 3MA Crawford Street. ,- MNr. Jardiue was choson as oeeof lhe Canadian Cemnissioners te lthe Paris Exposi4 'tion twoyears ago, aud terfermn' ed the ecereus- duties of liai office witih houer te Linmself and credit te bis coui- trv. Il is te iils oxperience lu the F'renci capital at thîs timoe 1it 'Mr. Jardine makes pertirniar referpnlu île t1wpubi- iished statement iu whicluho savs: -- "Duning mi' 51ev in Paris I feit inany limies quile run -down owing te the complete chang-e and te the weî'nics sud work of our busiDess ilîcie. I sai ered net a uitile with backaece.> wlth ,general feling o! depressien aîîd I !ouud Dodcu's Iidney Pis inraluaixle. "I hadlearned tie value cf tlis imd- irine boforo going te Europe as I bafi -used it vom'srcs!lv o se;ei tus- weo-s, New lite for i quarter. Mill.-r's Cen- 1iouni Ironi Puis. Seld by Stett & Jur0 d uggists. Mua-s Pligg is off on four moGntils' beave o! absence fron ber scbool divis- ion Sie has Dot resigned. New î'.pe, flue prietiug, prices riglit et STATESIIAN Job Booms. If beavy snoîrf dis bîing good crops a boiuLt.iful areiq coniaig. BeLef is selÎJiin guthl price. "Fermer"I believes local iog buyers are embiuing te keop dowu prices. Bave Nou stock te soul? Advertise. The Bisiey eani ivili sail lby the Allaîm Lino Tunisan Juxte 14. The Enfi et Minto and daugiter baave for- Engaud hi' theMallen hur !Parisiauu Juine 7. S~ir Chl; s sudm!La-dy Tupper !bayxe for Eugl-an1d on Apm-îil ti by the Allen Lambuike éýwa's îfist haIt of Marcb. STATE"1M.'N mand Toronto World $3. New ubcbesstitl conue lu. Order i.Il pa pers fron M1. A. James. F. J. Clouions' hi saleMmîch 27. H. C. Hoar's bigstcksaete day., pieased with tbeir îa'w Individual Cup Communioserv otire purcbesed ftin Le Page " Co., 25 Cuninghmam Ave., M. A. James epresonts Elder, Demp. TIfTTT ?Ti1 ~ Qflu3roomaini the boseinto c labora- DEATH OP IVRS. G. W. ROSS. Ptuun Ë HER iiat l IU TIJsui tory, ,and lbore he was lhing, of ail ho - suveed rom earlyiy xering Iuntil W f !Otros Peir Sc 13ES. DMARCONI DEVOT2ED HERlte tc fLliglit lie wo_ ntundiiiPrereredu LIFETO I~ RÀIlJIN. eceptby he uxies mthe' wlo cmbsto a Sudden Iilness. \Iwas alwa ys oa t.,lie ook(eut felr ay Adsae rmTrnes additional comifert for hlm Wie- he new-s of tlie suddeu death of The Two -Are Almiiost Inse-parable. evýer lie vorked eOut ofi doors, as lie Mrs. G-. W. Ross, wife of Premier -Strong. Bond (Di Synipathy often did, it, was,, bis motlier whe Ross, eairly on Wednesday mer ning a.nd Love. iict him on bis, return, and made of last week, will be a sex ere sliock WenJh Jmso, tic fau,0S hilm change his clethes and get te lier many fricnds. Mrs. iRoss wasi Dubinwhike menuactre, dci- reper rest befoýre taking up any- iii for oniy 24 heurs. The patient! ed( to send lis daugliter ,Ainie te thîng else jInide. ivas stricien witli acute uriJuei i.taly te coiniue lier muswical studies .B1etwen tho mother and son there and.despite the efforts of ithe doctors lie became uniLjconscioiyý a maker of ' a strong bond' of syinpatliy aund died at 4.,30 e'clock lu the mern11n1. 'g. history, foir in tlie course of time as genuine love.Mar onifrmerly ac- Tlie late Mrs. Ross is 1tlie second the resuit of bis act, the girl met comp anîed lis mthron lier travecls; wife of Premier Ross, having benu and marrioed Giuseppe Marconi, and uow lhe takes lier v;itlhiihlm nîarried te him on th'e 1 l o f No- te this Iriai-Italian union tliore was WIIENEVEII11VE CAN Vember, 1875.. Uer maiden nain hemn a son \ io e 15new kuown te all Slie spends about six motis ont of, wsCatheri:ie , Boston, daugliter of the world as uone of the greatest ecd year lu England, livinig witlji William Bostoni, wlio camle from Mcl- scientists aind inventors of lis time. him in London wlien lieis tieý1r, and ý0,Scotlandl, te Lobe Township, Annie Jamilson ivas a beautiful, going with hlm Io one of lis st- Middlesex Coua,,ty, wliere the late adventuresomie girl'iii lier teens. Bler tiens when his vorl, aLshlm there. Mr'i-. Ross ivus bomu lu 1846. She faiiy was wvell-to-do and sie had She does net mind the quiet, ai- was a sistel' of the late Robert Bos- everythig hin the xvay of education most ioneiy, eut of the way places ton, ex-M.P'. Ticre are four chldren and training tbat money ceuld buy along the coast wliere these stations by tho second miarriage, G. W. Ross, and Dublini could offer. Bîer lather arei situated, siniply because she Pl-"-'Ir., and Misses Kate, Florence and 'vas the f ounder of the bouse, se far feors being with ber son te being ic Mabol IRoss. as the busineýss whicli stili bears lis any other place in the worid, except P1remier Ross is very mudli broken namne was conncerned. but bier ances- perliaps aI lier hoirre lu Iîaly. It is up over lis bereaveinent, and is the try extended back into the tinies of the saine molherly feeling, liowevcr, recipient of widespread sympatliy. Scotland's greatest era and ber tliat she mnust taire cure of I1dmi, and Ft is only a few weeks sinice Mrs. forebears were people of influenice îbtuai lc nîy pprhai-, oveî xiork iiB, s ias lu attendance authIle ses, and pewýer. There is a weli authen- lelt aloiie, thai pe suaesbeel slay 105of Ilie Io oef Cnnosat ticated story v 0f oeeof lier great- witli hbia. Aîîd 1tbe ý, oun)gmi, love s Ota a ii ing gene donui for the great-grandmetiîerr, wbo was fanious bis, and deesexytngî opeLnug of tliheu in n lier pro- in lier day f v1.r lier intellectual ability can for lier confort and enterLi- stnce ut socialfucios whicli she and a sort of legend bas corne clown ment, whici fact she considiers a- paîronized, wililt e gratly, missed.- te the efîect tChat she poplicsied Cliat sufficient eward. oue of lier descendants would beroie e Alîbeugli Marconi is coîstantly bc- ir'GrpPndsCue Sody civillzed w 1ýorLd litlr Ibis lateing fnvited te ah sorts of social Stet & rGi lwes ua odb civiizel Wethr tis astfunctions, and bis mothor witl il, S(lIfl8r 'y duzists story vwas in,,ented since tlie pro- boîli prefer te livie qulcttiy, withiui Mc JAS. Heudorson, Poest Offie Iu- minence o! oung Marconi inatters tliemseh os, 50 te speak. Occasion- spector, was get surprised te find uitIle; certi i la t the yeung ail", they go together te the theatre, sc a Cçrupetent police officiai in Bow- man lins caue te lie proud oi bis or'caîl ou somne friends or relaives manville-ns £hief Jarvis. Scotch ancstm and parîicularly, of cf the fa mily, but simplicity marks Millet's Wormn Powi]ers are the best lis motherý. For lus mollier lias t heir course wli'rcver 11ev mnay bc. laxative modiicîne for ebiiren ; as nmcc licnou f more actuai, thougl indirect, Mms. Marconi is 'xceedingly modest, RsýSuqgar. SOid bV Stott & Jury drug- help te liint tlan can lie told. She and insisîs on beiîîg regarded as an gis8tS. il was who ýencouraged linin h is ei-dinary wnoman. Ierbaps tbe iery Nowadveitiso bouse-i terenter seit. earliest ehie>rts. The boy attended fart nmakes lier remnarkabie aside frein Every AO U. W.memnber is a',ked to schoel aitogethcr net more Ilian her single pridc in being tlie inother add oree ucw member te BÉowmanvilie tliree or four- years. Il feu te tlie of sucli a son. At any rate sbeie s a oge lot of lis miother te teach iraî and womaa te deserie tlie praise of the from lier lie learned te speak the uworld, and tlint praise she, receiîes A. dose of Miller's Worm Powders o)Ceasioually wilii ý.eep the chîldiren Englislu agugte Play tie piano from ail wlio knout lier. îîecîlîySi rSt huy drugss and te get La start ili the varied ar- ýcWo p b;îs fa tages srdon week- asp 1m sicimr linwI f flII PR xlu pla.ce o! a continucd Sterv. Itead Lt tadsFirt 11the EstîffatiOn the Peace. CeleryCompouni The Marvellous Spring Medidin Il Banishes Long Standirng Dys- Pe.,Sia iend Stomuach Troubles. -Do Tnt allow dtspeplsia, indigestion indf stoich troubles te contilue thoir ;oodv destroying worik as INou enter the I'ad spriiigtiine. Wileýnatureis areus- ing £rom her winter slumber of death aed putting on a brighter and more cjhuerfui garb-while the bir-ds, the riuts lnd the brooks are joy'ouslv singino' theirpeans of wloeto a newlife, se -hould men and womeon endeaveor te cast Af the fetters of disease and put on that new 111e th4t enables thnem to a;,preciateý thejjovs and beauties of new-born seasonl. Trho great spring emnipator and !iberaitor f rom the commïon d'(iseases of 111e i-8i Paine's Calerv Coinpouniid. Tpsted for years by the ablest phyvsicians and alwastriumpbant lu oVercong izsÏck- nesq. ît is gladly eom dd by tins greýat majerity of meGdical Bien f rom day to day. Mr. John Mackenzie. Justiceo(f thE Peace,Cleri of the Township of Se rawah and B-ooke, Ont, says : àYou wiIÏ tbink mo ungratef ul in uot soner acknowledg-ing to vou rmy entire cure frem d ' spepsia tbrough the usc oU Poine's Celerv Compoutud; but whe tell sou that I suff ered all the tor tures1 of d',spepsia for tive years, and during that time having taken mest of the great remedies advertised as the only sure eure for the horrible complaint with luttle or nei benehit, I1 vas de'eýrminied to ho cured before I wotuld heb lt4id some of the grea,,t remnedies would give mue a luttle relief while 'I was taking themn, but as. soon as 1 stopped them i1 was as bad asever. "When I commenced takiug Paine'a relery Comupound I fully expeeted the saine resulté, as my confidence in ail medicines. was shaken - but Irnm the first dose of the compound 1 feit bat- ter, and after taking two botties 1 thou 'glt I wasi completoly cured, but td inake the cure certain I took four bottlee more. It is now over twù years since 1 took the lest dose, anud have not bad the !east symptem of the disease lu any wayý I enu froin my owvn b sex- perience, xcinedPainc'i Cele3ry CoropounAd as a SUe ue and a very pleasant miedici ne' to take." THE DEPENDANT'S PLEADIN4. In a rural district in the West- or Fnigland there lived eld fariner wlio wasý continually appear- in-g before the magistrates fo)r allew- iiog his cattie to stray on the high- Viay Dur11ing tlie 'ýlarig oifliis csefor asimiilar ofienc ,ïo 'last ocTr, sic,,lie litd mcl lugiter fro ift-e prsdl gnleilan on t1 ho benc(li" adoihiers. The chairmian, adrs il, e de', fendant, se: -Toyou plead guilty or flot guil- 'W el, yer 'onour,> I expects '1 ' I bc guilty. But don't be too liard on a reg'lar customer." A New Dress Fer leu colnts, - i

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