t titi 2RMMS :--1.50 FERi ANNtIm. OUR TOWN AN<D OOVTY FIRST; TUE WORLD ÂFTTRWARDB. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEW SERpIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 26, 1902 Vo- UME XVI o & i ollohJ ohllstoll& Uyorfa The biggest importers and most entensive dealeî s in lligh class Dry Goods in West Durham were b-tsy ail last week opening ou t SikDress Goods, rs TrimmingsMsis igas, Chambrays, Linens,Embroideries, Prints, Sateens, Shirtings, Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Cottonades, Tweeds and Worsteds. AýLSO lndreds of pairs of Lace Curtains, newest designs and a big stocko Wool and Union Carpets, making inail what i beyond question the finest and most elegant stock of general Dry G-oods ever shown in town and no better values anywhere. Grocers Due Bis laken As Cash.t BOWMAN VILLE. 4î- lm v iDon't 4î Because yoD. haven't M. .a coinfortable Couch in 4ï your home. This week eî we will offer some un- 4î ~usual pries in this line. 4î SEE THEMLIN 4î OUR W1NDOW. Every Couch wilI be marked atC our reduced price. Cali and sue them. Al new and up-l-date. U .O WI'l1liams1 &âsun, 4î BOWMAN VILLE. 4î Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. e Il Night bell on the door, Cali -atthe.. Model Grocery tfor Choice Groceries. A FE-W 0F THIE SPECIALS FOR THLIS WEEK:- Currants, 3 lb3 for Ai S eoThosFigs, 6 lbs. for Malta Vita, the new Breakfast Food, 15e per package. 8hreadebd Biscuit, 15e per package. Grape Nut, 15 per package. 1 lb. can Coffee, 25c. Clover Leal Salmon, 15c pe-r tîn. Something very fine in Prunes. T.I-Te FAMILYG-ROCER..I MfolEI4GROCER~ye D-Vîl-AN VILLE, FRUIT INSTITUTE. MEETINGS. Delegates: Elmer Lick, O'sha wa; W. H. Dempsey, Trenton, or G. C. Caston,, Craighurst. Bewmanville,Wadnesday" 26. Newcastle, Thursday, 1 27. Orono, Menday. ;" 81. Wulcome, Tuesday, April 1. Millbroek, Wednesd>ay, 1, 2. Graftn, Thursday, " ý 8. This la a now idea lunthu interest ef local fruit greWers. Thali meetings wil begin at 1.30 p.ni in the ,3Ceuncîl Chaniber and at 3.30 adjourn te a local orchard (in Bowmanvila te M'rJ.H H. Jury's opposite the Organ Factory) fer a practical demonstratiei n la pruning, grafting, etc. In the evening a, t 7 80 o'clock a public meeting ters' the genceral discussion and erganization. Every body interested in fruit or fruiýt culture should attend thase meetings, FRANSK ALLUN, H.,C.HO1AR, President. ~ ertn A HANDSOME MENU CARD. It is a noticeable tact that Thei dining car departnient et the Gýrahd- Trunak Rail way 8S'ysten is secend ta inue ou the American Centinent, aud newiiprve nients and moder neten are corn.- tinually beig made. The Cafe-Parler cars which have beau muinnihng on neairs' ail et the divisionsoet tus -great Systein are a constant source et praise t, ram the travelling public. Thieempany has recently aitered the style et the menu carda used on aillet the dinin~ cars and ente paîlor cars, and have ge-oten up a very haudseme aid neat i etoftara tht appe. s te the artistie sense. Thu stock nsed is what ta knewn as Olçl English Riuskin Bristol et fine textuir, and miat grey in celer. The Grand 'ljYink tradea mark in black appuars at the top luft t haud corner surrouaded by at neat. cembinatien et scroli work et Italian renaissance design, printed lu g-old and embessed lu high relief The niame et the moal is aisoemibossed in high relief, and the tout ensemble is a p!lasing'Daid artistic comnbination Tho wý'ine hiats have the sanie deosign at top, eaud are prîuted en the sanie iuality et card, but an ol'eutte celer for distinctioný. WIRE FEN CES. EutToit STATESMAN -1 Is through your paper te draw the attentiiofetthe ratepayers of the tonshbip et)fDa9rliug- ton, te a question, which I thýik is et soe importance, naulv, iebck ade 0f our roafis trul nwl winter'menths. Any iee ,T o~.u c _____________________________casion te Iravel ln this tnwuhtp rtie "God and the doctor we adore lrvith otenpt7,'1h4 q When danger tireatens, net bete. noticed thal the roada have beei-n a lost The danger past, botis are alike me- impassable and ie manycae roads quited- have b;een lett unepened and lie fiolda God la forgatten and the doctor used lu their places1 slighted.' My pur pose is ta discusa lin .at way Ibis trouble eau bu abatAed for the a , enefit le traeln nulilie. Ls T' e Sp in Fe lig ummer a deputation of armue vr ie pr g h l n our towsnship ceuncil te' eqest tbem te grant aid te those whe would build wire fencus by the read-aide. The petitien was laid ever for furtier con. VARIABLE SPRING WEATHER DIS- aidratien. The tollewiug meeting a ASTRUS O WAK EOPE Ipetitien was proseuîed by fa,,rmers ot - jhe seuth part et townsIiprenquesting thle council, net te take acttion in si ia Eve Usahy Rbua Pepl Ful un mnner Prom this Iwould futurhat DownandOut et Sorts at thi$ le the south they are nol trosnbled with Douaid iow ltistaI axtent as those te the Timu-Dr. Wiliianis'Pink nerti part aid liaI thay have used Pilla Are the Very Beal wire tuncin3g more extenisively- aloîg Spring Tonie'. the highwaythan the fnmr ai~ve te lie nortieru parts ot theu lo-wn.ship. The spriug months are a trying tua New let mu eusthis part etf lie le m',>st peopie. At ne otier tme et the question buteora effingwal J couaider year do h'-altis ana sîrengtîî seenise a far botter propesai te abJate' this hard le gain and te hold. Ye e e teb!.Th 1sulwayl hcen fel tiat seu are really sica. but yen cils aet an tuhs question is te grant a fuel about as bad as yau could if yo certain pnieu pur red, ho partiOs te buiîdt were aerieusly M.l That feling oughl wîre fonces lu sueh places ou lhe roads to e ho e rid et-aid il can bu. What where tise snew accumuiaîsate ù,impede yen neud la a toufle te enrici tie blaod traffic Usual' Our storins come trous aid free il freinilie iipurities whîcî the nerlh aid wesl, huncep eegle living bave ledged in 3 our systeni durinz lie en the wesl or nerti ides et rlý-,d woult wiîlur, aid whieh are i-esponsible for bu lia firsl aid prebably lise euily oies yeur preseit condition, Dm. Williaffip' te receive tris henus. Pink Pilla is lie enly reliable, never. This weuld bu legi8tation for euei failing Ioule medicine. These pilla hait af the tams l i tewnhi.No make uew. rici blood, strengîhen lie oe cares about buildinz bis neighbors nurves aid briug healti aid vitaliîy te fonce. Tiserefere it can bu lerlned elass every or,- nh le bedLy. Tiuy are an logisiatian New, ir, 1 belîiýse il la ideal spring medicine anidlie beal goon law liaI neoeuee au ereet a fonce lhinin tlhle world for ail disua sas hav- by lie iighway liaI ilt pd travel- iug Ihuir enigin, in impos'erished or lng Ibreugi snew drittinz ou lie roads. impure blod. Tihe case et Miss Balle Il is lu lie poer ef a towmnlip council Cohoon, White Rock Milis, N. S., is le cause au ewnur la reD-novQa tance treng corroboration eft hase state- wiere suci a trouble exisîs, noiher eau monts. She sa a : ,Tirea yuars ago a ceuncîl cempul a party te ininain a tuisa s ig Iwaa very imci mun down. tence by tie rond sîde.o Tis îs a quest- Tise last exertien exiausted me. I hon hii wici au individuai cani suit him- seemed to hase ambition aid a feeling sult. Now if this bu correct, wby great of lanunr and sluggisiiuss leok ils bonuses for building wire taýne5s ? Lut place. My appotite failud me aid my aur council enact tisaI ue,-y persen sloop atI nigisîs was dituried aid ruaI- having properly adjoiuingli road, ls,. Iu tact 1 was in a tiliablu cend- - siail emect a curlain numïber etf roda a lien. Atter tryiug twe er tircu medi- year of a kind et fonce liaI will net dunes without benefit. I hegan lie use cause lhe roada le driftiatance being et Dr. Williams' Pink Pil anad tiey erected thora or pull bis tancý(e down speudii 'v wenkod a change for the belter Whîat would bu tise resuitf? hi lite and by lie lime 1 had used a haIt dozen course et a few Sears., if say uvemy boxes 1 foit stronger than I had deue fanmer o onu hundred aid fifIy acres for 3-ears, I have sunce used lie piIls hadle build or rull, downi, ay forts' lu lie spriug aid I find them an roda evemyNyear oh fonce, whsýat a dit excellent tonie feronco il would m ake teouni i roada. Because ot their lieraugis and prompt f bis wintem many tarions have ueaTiy, action on lie blood and nerves Ilsese 1al iheir laber lin- by sioveliuýg Snow, PIlla speedily cure anaumia, sciatica, jwork liI a t ne benfit enlý,1y for a rieumalisus, partial paralysia St Vitîtw weks Old Soi&is tom ,ý a tew danîce, scotula aud ouptienniethle akin, d sys aud their labor i!a'shs.If eysîplas, khdnoy- ysud Ilisor Ircubles iiy proposai n-as nctd iwiuci aid tie functiena-laliments wici make more work would be pu),t on ie -arends lie Jiveo f'se ranv wornen asour-ce ofnth~le aummrer wbiio 1woiidb_ a p PUI ar moe iitations oft ta îelis s farnmer whohbas i,iready mut 1-la wirts remedy Gel lie !genuino with lie tulifoneis tint muci advauced lu ý(ýi -1 name "Dr. Wililiams' Pink Pilla for laiera. The tullow ou;heneslon Pale Peeplp" on tise wrcppsm armo o mcii ide ot rond sill u o aoe evéer i1-yy box, Sold bv ail medi ine dealers o'er bis tiigî bor. We will a Pil ha;vet or seul post paid aI 50 cents, a box or do aOmettiirig n9o henuit et li six boxes far $2 50 is' addrmessino- Phi- roads a!i(l in a few asotstut Dm. W1iiîiama' Medicine Co., Bokiilabon cequld bu consideabyrucemd. Ont. Marci, 1i. DARL1vOtONIAN. Bowmanvil 1le in the HFfties.1 MR EDiToa,-Agreeably te 'your re quest I have written and heruwith baud yen a few notes aid munies ruspucting " Bowmanville during the Fities. "' Should you deen i t avisable ta Publish them lu yeur newspapor, yon. are at liberty te de se, but I must xuquest that -ven de net give the name et the writer, and atter putblication that you returi te me the manuscript. I have ne deubt that it will bu ibterestîng te semaet your eider readers te bu made acquaint- ed with the actsanad doiugs ot th^e.urly citizens et Bowmanville, musofetwhem have since passed oer te the great majorit.y. It wsill enabla thern alie te centrast tho spirit et enterprise in form- er days with that et the present. When oe cons;ders the large nunibeofe uîanufacturiug aid other industries that wore founded and carried on lu Bewnianvilo during the Ffi"rom- pared with the fow that are lu oerat- ion in the tewn te-day. it exhibits in a severe and strong contrast wuuen atter nearîs' haIt a century has elapsed that the etizuns and business men et the "Filtie ." were more enterprising and possessed a breader grasp et business, than the inhabitants and business men centrolliug the destinieM et the town to- day. OLD CITIZEN. Bowinanville, Mardi 21, 1902, It was originally intended by the early settiors t'-at the village et Bow- manville sheuld bu laid eut aid built ou the west side et Barber's creok, hence the littie hamiet situa te on the hill wust et the bridge crossing Barber's creek tormed the neuclus otfsvhat la now the prospereus towu et Bowman villea.In its early dkis, as it ila uisual with meat Canadian villages, its for),mation consistud of a tavern, black- smrith shop, and a general store. As tie township et Darlingteîî becqme more thickly settled il; was censidered advisable for the extension et tradu te ne more advantageous ta have the vil- lage plot laid eut on the East aide et Barber's crok, the prefient site et the town. Bawinanvîllu lu the fitties was cousid- erud ta be a 'very prosperous village, in tact oeeoe the most presperous in Western Canada, froni its advautages et ha% ing a god harb3r-Port Darling- ton- poesuabing gaed wator power. within its corporatu lmianad aise froni homissEmaLffordle as e Mesd hmisstE-ina St.. ap ea eluMede Moses Rabbins, Alfred Tmull, Jas. Law-j sou, aid Ge. White had weod bues- moe te foliow. ..Thoeawie atlendud1 Mm. June, Haoskin's sale report il a grand exhhbit eft tloro-bred stock and neyaI pnies wure paid for them. . .. Mr. J. W. Conisi, our unlurprising marchant,1 iba received a hiîpmenl t faprng goada ...Mm. William Kelley troni Baker's. Dalinglen, ha again nean our iurg isasing leased lic farus tren wicb Mn. Jne. Vaughan bas meved .... The rob- mn'a veicu eau again be heard, ...Mr. H. Findiay is cons alescent aid able ho bu eut,..,.Mr. Dwigit Brown visited frienda nean Enfiuld recaully .... Miss Addie Chambers, Palerbero, bas again coee o stay witi ber brelian for a shert lime......Mr. Lamne Bell bas pur- ciased a amant driver ..,..Mr. James Badies' aid wite, Bunkuton, viaited is falier Mr. Frank Bradley . ... Young peplu freni Ibis viciniîy went te Mn.I ByrenO.te'a near Enniakillen receuîly and trîppud lie ligit tanhashie andme- pert a happy mediumh..,. Mn. James Mooey, Enfield, was hune Tiursday viil iîgis many patrnsn.... ,On dit liaI Mn. Thomias Martin Zees le New Ontario in the near future ...Mr. Thos heing surreunded by a gofi agricul- tural country. Thei mercantile cemusunit ' vdeug business in the village during the fit ies were a very enterprisiug clasa et indi'- Muais. The Jate Honorable Jehn Simpson was the great central figure in the promotion et ail public enter- prises, bue was a gentleman et ster- ling ciaracter, et lar-ge expurieuce în mercantile transactions, aid pessesa- ing exceptional finaucial abilits,bnsinuss acumen and keen discrimination, and mny et the ea'-Iy sottiers and business meil et the village and surrounding country eau attribute their success te bis kindadvice aid tinancial assistance. On acceunt et the largo aid variod stock of merchandise earried by the merchauts they controiled the principal pertion et the trade efthle townships et Darliigton, Clarke, Cartwri.-ht and Mauvers aid during tho wiuter when laka Scugooe weulu bu trazen over quitu a large trade weuid bu dams witlî the farmers tram the tawnsbMp et Mariposa when marketing their wbeat iu Bow- mai ville. The largo quanutities et wheat which was, produced hiniariposa, mest of which was breught te Bowmanville, tise proprieters et the Fleur Mills lu Bowmanville ie the winter atter laku Scugog was frozen over would send their agents back ta the laku te pur chase tie wiuat, when tie Mariposa farmeras ould meut the buyers and dis pose of their wheat when vers' large amiounts etfnieney would bc paid out tor- tic produce. Our marchants in or- der te securu a profitable tradu with the setlers et Mariposa. adopted a peuliar methed et deung business, During the short tme-a few wueks-which A tlook ta purchase the Mariposa grain, they would resert te the lake with ail kinda et merchandi-se and erecit rame abanties or canvas teuts te pretect Iheir wares, and in whici te do business, and dur- ing the limited period le wliich ilteok te cemplete the season'a pureha6e. the scenu had the appuarane et a large ceuntry fair. Large q uanltîuis et wheat weuld bu purchase l aid drawu te Bowmauvillu and delivered at thej Burk aid McDeugail Mihis which gave1 empleyment te the teaimaters ofthte1 village aid aise tte farmArs duriîgj lie winter mouths. (Coitinued next week.> RE V. P. H. ALLIN DEAD. Montreal, Marci 24 -Rev. Phillip il- Aluin, pastor af tise Faimmeunt Avenue [Mtiodiat Churci, Monîreal died very Suddenly. Mr. Aluin peached twîcu SundayaI is church, aid mtired !ast nigit hil bs usual goed isealti. About 4 a. ni he arase and wenl la lise bati-meeni Soe lime aftIen his wite heard hlm feul. Rusi- ing te lie deor, aie found itlolcked. Sie lien sougit lie assistance ef a neigiior, wio secnrefi an axe. The door was broken lu and Mn. Aluin sas tound strelcied on lie floor dead. It ia thougist tisat bis suddeu dumise wa8 due te lise beakiug et a blood-vessel lu tise brain. Mn. Aluin was borniaI Sellua, Ont., in 1862. Hoemas'ed wisen a boy, wili uis pareuts, le Lindsay. -He grad- uatud at Victoria University,e Cobourg. hi 1886 bu came ite liee Motreal Couference. A widow and two voung childreu survive Thse reonains will bu laken te Lindsay for inlet meut. 1Doctera and dmuggisla prenounce Miller's Compound Iran Pilla lihe lf on lie market 50 doses 25 cents. Seld by Stoîl & Jury, duggists. PLEASANT AT HOME. Brown iasucured a situation in thej The Sois et En--laud had a niummy1 McLaughlin Woks, Osawa... ttecup- lime Manday nlgil on lie occasion et tien service Sunday moruing ceuducted lb air anuai "At Home", Ladga Wel- by Rey. C. Ed. Cragg waa a pleasinig lington, Ne, 19, has a reputation for1 one .... Miss Matia Bail, B6wnianville, enjoyable social functiens and Ibis oie la viiîing hem parents.... Miss Iva Bilh- was quite up lu standard pitei wili ant ings uîîîertaiued a tuw et hem fienda extra allihe close efthle publiaied pro-( lalt eyeniug ....- Mr. Thes Semmurville gramn. A fine musical pregrani was1 takes a-consigumont et eggs te lieeciîy givan censisting of seleotiena iv lise( tuas week. . - - The Omono News sîales ever pepulan Morrison's Orchestra;( liaI thure wiîl seen bu a meeting oethle piano solo, Miss Bertha Tamblyn; vocali diffament executivea ho amrrauge a pro sole,rMm. XWalter Itiekard (Shaws)."A-f gram for sDents nexl yuam. We muat sleep lu lie Duep" and fer an enlcore eau, a meeting and sund our ruprasunt- '«St Athiony"; instrumental duel, ativea We cannot bear te be in lie Misses X. Grigg aid G Cawkur; vocal rean. selo, Miss Bcalnicu Tamblyu 'Creoe ___________________________LoeaSong" and encore ',The Picture lu mv Hennit; vocal duel, Mes. C. A. Cawkem aid Mr. H. J. Kigisl, "Oh GJeL JXidSwallew iarspr Swallows", encorea11h fuel liy Angal Spirit "; sole, Mn. Mark of a Allun (Nuewcaslle), Godfney's "Gnueting If eu avecaînrh wy toirthe King". au encore 'Sens et lia If yu hae ctarr ' Mh Bitish Empira", instrumental solo and don'l you lry 10 gel nid of encoe, Miss Tille.y; Symphony Quai- it ? The first lhiug yau telle gave lwe suluctions and respemd know il vill go down ita ed le tise encores. The aeeompaniats yor ugao somcsti weru Miss Tamulyn, Mrs. Jas. Deymîan caus serons raube, Y n ad Miss Tilles'. Mn. Ge. P. Freeland cause sgave a monolegue and a couple et naad- should use Vapo-Cresolene ationce. luga tram French Habitant lite tisai Ticicr is so e 1asy and se peasail. were quite, amusing. Il was a bigi V 0upu~t seme Cresolene inie vaper- elasa pregram aid oaci contnîbutor 'iaer,figit the lam-p benealh aud was hearlily applauded an enci ap brethein ievapn wiî slepigpeamance. Mr. T. G Bragz, B. A.. üretil-in th vaor hil slepigmoved in a noal speech seconded ib îinî's ahi. Tic icnling, soothing vapor, Mn, A. L. Niciohis, lie ialya yiei gocsalal up tirough lie nose, qul;ng ilaion efthle membens te ahi wio hd ns - inflammation and restoring tise parts te a sisted in inakhng lie eventrig seo s hcaltiy condition. Doctors prescnibe it. ant. Mm. James Deyman, Wrh Vapo-Cresolenie la sid 1w dri'ggasts eviýrywhere. President, made a model chairmabn, diîs- A. Vapo-Cresolene outfft, inqi1ding tte Vaporizcr and Lamp, wich ahquI i latt a 1 te-tire, and a bottle n hn-ngboftesshi eau Cre anne, completo, $. ;exra stpplios of Creso- dispatch and dtd nubote Ili, te audienceý lerne25eentsand 50.enýta Ilihtratedbiookletc- tain- with a ciairman's apeech. Ciolce i-e ingplhysiciaaa' testimoniIls t te upon rcequeitVAPO- CRESOLE CGO., i8o Fulton. bu, New Yorii, U.S.A, freshments were sens-ed y tise yu Sold by Steti & Jury. Bowmanville en memiers syhilo lte archestra dis- cnnrsed abundnîco of milsie Vaon Haive ne equnt as a prompt aidpos- amusements, îucluding "tipping tho 1hecure foi, elci bendache, bilîisuess, ligit fantpstîc " wver e iudulged hii. j cnsIpahcipain in lie aide, andi ah The hall wns very muci crossdoId11id treues' Carter's Little Liven evunvoue was delighlad with lhe etr Pilla. Try liem. lainieu. GREAT MILITARY'TOURNAIENT. A détachinent of 48th Highlanders Reginidnt, Toronto., Lieut, Col Mac.- danald, commanding. h.ft Toroui(, Sunday night by the 6 15 Grand Trnl and Lehigli Valley through train tc Ne- York City whore this popular section of the Canadian, MilititwiIJ no doubt be the cyiosure ef ail oves at thuý 6th animai tournainent of~ the Military Athietic League of ttae- United States, now on at Madison Square Gardon, continuing from Monday to Spturday. The Canadians wii bu in the VroLpiam every night and il they dont win in the, tug-of-war we miss our guess. Thdy will give an exhibition of bayonet, exercise and physical drili to music furnished bv the pipers' baud et the- regimont. On Friday nizhÙ bv special, comipliment to Hou. Dr. F, W. Borden, 'dinister of Militia and Defence, for- Canada, he will ho reviewing officer. The entertainment wil1 be of -reat- varietv and of unusual interest. '1bura wilI bc a Splendid showing of artiilery, in the presence of the 4th United States. Battery, Field Artillery; the 2nd U. S. Cavairy in their fine werk, andl Troop C of the National Guard showing what the.vcan do as a National Gaard orgSin- lzation ; thle Coast Artillerv a n infAntey exhibition, marvelous feats et wall scaiing and other exercises ; the 11. S. Marine Corps are in trie exhibition; the- First and Second Signal. Corps will- show the signaline by lights; The First and Second Battalion et the Naval-- Militia ; the 12th Regiment, N G , N. Y , will give their Butt'èt Drill exhibi. tien, and the 22nd IRegiment, as en- gineers, will show how ponteon bridga are built. how effective, they are im service, and there will te everv branah, of the service representeï iniith.is scene,- BIG HoRSE SALE. Two car-loads--50 Araft, gencral purpese and u1riving younz herses- well bred anJ broken te harness or- nalter. This is the best chinnce farmors, of this district ever h>id te bus' herses- at their own pri.ees, on Nlonday next Mardi 31 at Orane. Sale begins at 10ý a. ni. Meýsrs Thos,. Chappie and Jos. Hlenry,' imperted these horses f o r benefit et farmers eft tus distrizi as they realize the benefit they will be ta pur- chasers by breaking and werhing them for a season or two and thon fitting them up and reselling, if thes' choose, making a, handseme profit. Týhore are several very well mat ched pairs. Any- person reqtiiring a herse has now an epotunity such as hns noyer been ef- fee~Attend this mammoth sale'o "f yeung' -horz-eà.Thoyw viildveo fs jute monoy. Terms-7 imonýths' credit on jr.0 a» ýPd nq.T W. uNDnER-ý WHAT IS LnPa Te YouJ?-If YOD. are a, victim et piles, as oe persan, in overy four is, veu suifer keeniy froni one of the niost tortnring ailments knoWn to, man, aud mas' well wonder if Ilile is. really worth living Certain relief and. ultimata cure is awaiting yeu by means of Dr. Chase's (Ointnient. It has neyer failed te) cure pilesý. Painlessly and naturally it allays the inflammiation, heals the nicers and thoroughly cures this s retched diseaso, MAPLE GROVE. Editor and Mrs. James, town, Mrs. Bond, Oshawa. at Mr Thos .'inowden'a, "Sunrise Cottage"; Miss Gale, tewu, atý Mr. C. Axford's. ..Mr, W. C Frank is suffering troin muscular rheumnatisma and lumbago ....... Monday morning whi.e Mr. Jnio. Snowden's little girls- and Miss l'ale Brimaconibe were driv- log te town the herse shied at a' white- steor led bv Mr. Sydnev' Brooks'bired- mian and fturuinii- nto the deepdtc oepposite Mr. A. W. Feley's upset. th buggy and occupants and t ,e herse aise, Fortunately ail came eut et thu niixup safe except Miss B whe received- sainie bruises Trhe top ef buggy suffer- ed heavily ...Division gave a fine- open prograin Vuosday night-a rareý treat,indeed... . Messrs. R. D. Snowdon and A. F. Stanley' ere suminoned, on, the jury te Cobourg Ai.ril 15th.... Mr. C. Cox bas lest twe foals this spring- bad luck Chris. . .. Rev Jos. Wor~d Witt conduct Easter services hure next Sun-. day. .... Mr S. SnowdOen has erocted an au up-te-date wheel fer slaughtering fat stock John Gaufi, contractr.. As Messrs John Nichelîs and Win. L,çmer weru geing te church last Sun-- day, the norse upset them n h te diteoi. I CoLugihed 111 had a most stubborn c ough for many years. It deprived me e --lepAndIrewvey t iI