-Little Liver Pffis. Muet Bear Signature of Seo Pac-SmlIe Wrapper Below. Tory m iaid as cazy FOLE~ R ILICUSIlEïsS. I E FOR TORPID LIVER. PIL FOR CONSTIPATIOR. FOR SALLOW ZKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION fl amnquz1'oe sUS 1ýAV 5OHAT R&I CURE 850K HEADA0HEA DR. L. POTTIER. Off' ce an d residenee.Church St.,opposite Trinity Conigregattonal'eburch, Bowmanville. 25-6m DR' W. F. 1WACKAY, Graduate of Toronto University. Dr. Me- Naugbion's oid office, Newcastle, Ont. 39. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARlTIT. Instructions given lu PAINTINfG in Oit. W ater Coter aud China. Sketching and îiri g from nature. KILN on pyrmiseA, tir La-t u8uat prices, 51.6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEROF COL',EGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, ]Residence. Ennlskillen. 7 A. B. MoLAUORLIN, sarrlster, Soicitor and Conveyaneer. Offie:- ]Btsakleey Blockr eKirg ëtîeet, Bowmanvillî. Monley to an at ramoiable rates. 48-lyr, ROBERT YOUNG. V. S. O FICE IN HRISEVS I1LOCK, OPPOS- ite Town Hall Eutrance. where he witt ha füuund from 8 a. M. 10 9 P. M. Night catis at residence, dîrectly opposite Dri Sheud. 17-lyr NARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JA&mEs, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. eJ.ldaaee: Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. 1. SIMPSON, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLAIRI B3arristers, Soictors, Notaries, etc , Morris Pboýck, np-stairs King Street. Rowoanvilte Joicirs for týe Ontario Bank. Private muuneys leanelu ait ow est àsaled R. F. IIUNTEIC, B -ARIIISTER,SOLICI F'OI, NOTARY D.Publie Conveyancar. lloney, Private and Coînpaîy1Fda to tend at lowest current rates OFFIES: m g t.,opposite Dr. Ilarndeni's DentliRooms, Bnmnvte 13-6m* 5O.OOO e2raso neee E .MLÂLssaî,qoicior,Bowmanvîîle,Oat. DENTISTS. Will be at Blackstock on the first Monday of each inonth. at Orono 2nd Pdondav al daý,-and at Newcastle îst Wednesday from 2 p m. OpiFIE:-Tomperance St., Bowman- ville,rear of igginbotbam's drugstore. DrENT"ISTRY"47 C.HARNDEN, L.D.S. Gradliate o! the Royal College of Dental Surgeoens, Ontario' OFFICE-Opposite T.Bingham's3 office. VJTALIZED AIR. Alwayfs Up,-to-date This is my motte :-Eac- 3ear as the new improventents are placed on the market, IalwaYs make it a special pn". ft a ref0exene.a- quppn CAUTION--There ls anly one Pond's Extract. Be. sure you get the genuine, sold onty ln sealed bottles ln bull wrappers. ADVERTISIýN4G RATES. TIRE CÂNÂDIAN SI'ÂTESMÂN 58 publisbed cvery Wednemiday mroning ai the office i6 STATES- SIAN Block, King Street. BorNsmnvllle, Ont., by M. A. JAmEs, Editer and Proprietor. Snbscrip- tien $1.50 per annurn or $1 co if paid strictly lu ad-mince. Advertisîng rates, transient aluvar- tih*rg_ t'en cents par une, lirsi insertion ; ive cents pec lina each subsequeut insertion. Cou. tract rcies or. application. Everybody lias Some ance or iRatareit actardtssg ta Act af tisaPartiasuient ut Canada. in the year One Thîîîîaad Fiee Han- dred and Two, by Wiliamsn aO;y. nfTorento, eti the Dspaitmasst ef Âgricuui.Urea. ttaul.) A dsputeh hnom WVashingtoni sasus -11ev. Dr. Talnage preucheti froni tise holoivg toxi :-lsaiab xxsiii, 27, 28 : "For tise fitches arc net ibresiset with a tisnesiig istu menti, noisher is a cari w-ieeh tanneti about upori a cammsin, but tise ficisos are bea.tess ont w-us a staff andthie cunnussinwis a rosi. LCreasi cern la bruisoti because ho xiiil ot evor he ibroshingi." Mishertninss oh varions kirits cone upon, varions people, aiidinlual tirnes tise great neeti of nirtety-nine people' oct of aaisundret is laae. Look, thoen, te tis negeceoti ale- geny ehfrny text. Tisere are ilîrce kirits eh seeotiimon- itsitie-fiicehss, cunitti auss coirh. Oh tise ast w-e ahi kîsn'. But inay ho w-cil te siate tisai tise huches ansitise cunmtin w-e n al seetis, like thoeunaaw-uy on tise ciicispea. Whcu these grains os' iers aw-re te ho ibresheti, thoy vcro tionosvu h ie Seoor, andsitise worknîon w-enid coîno arcunt iw-tis staff or rosi or Suail anti heut tise-m until tise seeti wouid -be sopuratid, but wisoritise cern xvss te ho thresised tisaiw-as tbrowsî oui thse floor, andtithe meni -uoult huston oxen or herses te a cart it-us on dutoti wiseols; tisait cari wouid he draw-n aroundth ie tisuesilug oos. ansi se tise w-rk woald ho uccomplisseti. Bifferont kiriss ohftisnesiing hon tif- hereuit presiacis. Tise fitches aie net t.bnestsod w-lui a tisresiig instrumnt neither is a cari w-ieel innîseti uboît upoi tise euamn, but tise fitches tirej bouton eut w-ls a staff ansitise ccitt- min w-us a rosi. Breud corun 15 bruiseti hecause lie wiih net oves- ho iisresbing it." My subjeet, lu tise firsi place, touches ns tisati i lano eoipliniciti te ns IF WE ESCAPE GlEAT TRIAL. Tise Steises ansi tise cîîmuîn ou oe tisnesiing Soor migisi lot. ovet' te tise crn on .notisr tisreshiug fSoor anti say, "Look ut tisai poor, nilsen- chie, bruniseti cern ! We bave only been a lithle pouridei, hut tsat lias- Lecu aliiiesi dcstnoyod." Wll, tise cern, if hi sud ips, w-euis answ-cr anti suy: "Do yen kun tise reuson w-hy yen ihave otet hcr as mueis1 poundet as I have ? t is hîcanso yen are net o of smnues w-ens as 1 cmi. Lt yen w-ro, yosu w-enilhocris severeiy ruevo." Yet tises-c are mciiw-be suppose tise- une tise Lord's fa-s'enies simply because tiscir barnîs are full ansi thiclbank aceountisl tluas anti thore une ne fuhrulisnl tise bouse, fitmay ho hecause they arc fitches ansi cummnin, w-ile tiew-r ai tisencutiohftise luise the poor may ho the Lord's cern. Yen are but littie poundeti because yons are but lutile n'omisansise bruistiandss grotunti hecanse sise is the best pari oh tise batsest. Thie isehiohf tise îisreshslng maceils a uccrding te tise valthe ef htie grain. If yen buse net boori ibreshesinlusliho, peî-iaps tisere la itot mtîacisto tiuresi ! If yen base net heennunci saken eh trouble, perbupa it is because tîsere la goiuug te ho a sony suail yleld. WSeri tisere' are plenty oh blackberris-s tise gutiseroîs go ont wish las-go bus Sets, but wheu tise reugis bas ai- mest cousurnes tise fruit, tison a quart useasure w-lu de as w-oh. h took tise veosoen suake oîs Paui's luarit, ansitise pountinsg of hlm w-th stones -ntil ho w-as takon up for dead, ansitise jammiîsg againsi hlm oh prison gatos, andtihie Epluesiari vocihrtilori, ansitise ankies skiîsned hy tise painhsîh stocka, andt ie fosînt- erng ohftise Alexantiniam cern ship, andsitise bciseuding streke ohftise I- man siseniff te biring Pauni tebis pro-' per deveiopmceni. t w-as net hecause Robent Moitat, ansi Lady Raehel Russell ansi Frederiek Obenilu w-cie wemse tisan o tier people -tisaithey isut te suiter. t sltss because tisey w-eue botter, anti Got wausied te mako thien best. By tise carehuineses of tise tisresing yen muy uiw-ays cohiclutie TRIE VALUE 0F TUIE GRAIN. Nexi, my texitouecheýs us tisai Ced proportionts chicrislis te what wes cari heuu-ibe staff fer tise icies, tise red fer tise cunassin, tise trou w-bcd for tise cern. Some times peo- pic in great' trouble say, "Oh, I cas't hoar il. 1" But yen titi heur it. Cod wouid net bave sont it upon yen if ho Sud net kriewritîsat yen coulti heur fI. Yentroîtbicti anti yen swooned, but yen got ibroagis. God w-iil net inke frorn your eyes ene tour tee many non anc sigh tee deep -uer frem yeur temples eue tisrob tee sharp. Tise perpiexities oh your eartbty business hase net in tisent eue taugle tee lu- ticate. Yeni somotilîes t eed as if our w-eulti w-eehll of hintigeons fiy- ffng iapisazansi. Oh, rie-, iboy are t diseuse aud hiatider troubla for 13 yoars, anti hati a constant desino to urnite Tise sisslail adsontiseenst ts adisis-~5 witis its uccompanying wcakness. Medl- able hon the unarn w-liacaîtîsottiiis affEGT ciue prescnîbesi by a skilful phy"ic'iu lag oean heCIÀLadetie e enly gave me temporcry relief. Tise aiig,, ct u uul dci~ trouble noulti seur ut very awkw-and nent wiscis is pli-isesi wilsitelhs- BUY TH-E GENUINE -NAN'F'Ê0 BY tises. I1xvas pensuadesi to try Dm. gece andstbusiness jiguseilîtw-hl Oms Chase's Kiduoy Livon Pille. I obtuineti able tise basirc-ss sais te affeo1Af-,v ! relief aftcr eue dose, assitbefore h1 b afin uiscnîis,enst- iter on. Onlisced thse fini-t box fhIt better than T lad for rnany yexrs" Dr. Cisase's Kid- iig ,n sitiedi a sysuciiofI0ci(71 iiey-Livec Pilla, oeepili Pt dose, 25 cent,,s -ý e ses lus hat -y'enn. Ais oasy sis C-1s a box, at ahl deans on Educauson, palys abi $1 3 a J -ýit yeai'iy ti vd o~ur.PRC O.E 011 Bates & Ce.-Teornto. t1,O)olipeeopie. IrIr they who came eut of great tribu- lation, or threshing, ansi bail their robes xwushed ansi made white inZ1 the bloosi oh the laiiib" gflulto I-listocy bas ne moregrtlty Scelle thrait tihe brenking inefithe Annoy_ English arsny upon Lucknow, Ind . Vexation or A.n y-A ion' ceks belore a massacre hall Tril.ocCurr d ut Cawrupur, andsi'160 o mon andi chidren hasi1 been put suTiCn IA AX ET Trial.' ~~~~~a rooni. Tîsen i. cv professional but-TIFCWIA PYDE. chers weut lu ansi slow tiii. Thon The question as te wiiicb is the pleasures aisi riches and eomolu- the bodies of tise siain were taken rnost profitable cow is eue thai eau- monts, and oui knuckles are se, firm- et aud thrown into a w-cil. As net lbe decided inluany arhitra-y mari- iy set that it sceems as If we o uld the Euglisis arîny rale inte uier. Thore are se niany circuni- t'awnpur, thoy w-ont lute tise reoin, stances ani-i contigencios te ho tak-ý IIOLI) ON FOREVEI. uind oh, wbat a 'horrible scene; 91n luto censisiciatien, tisat, altor al Ced ceules aleng with somne tbiresh- S-ord strokes oin the waillrinea r 'S saisi and xritton on the subJect, iug trouble and boats us leoso. W o thse fhur, showing that the poor each mati must docide thse question stafted undor thse si-usion that this things had crcîîched whbcît tiey djed, targely ou bis ewn jucigmont. 'lo w as a gr ct w orld. iVe learnof ont and tbey saw- aise tisai iho floor will Sund it uocssary te corisidor the of, oar geogrupby tuai it w-as se w-us ankie, deep lu hloed. The nature of his farrui; tihe snitahiiity of many thousansi miles iu danî4uer soldiers walked on thoir lcl across hls buildings andi iiuiplenients; thse and se rnauy nilein lucircuinferecce, it. lest tisoir sisos bo suinergod cost of hires i ieip if sucs 15 requlrod; and w-e aid, "Oh, my, w-bat a of the carnage. And on tliat tise prexiniiity 0of a good miarket for world." Tlrouble camne ini after life, fleer eoflîlositiioro uere flowlig b is finisheri preducts, and muny etis- andi this tro uble slicesi off one part locks osf hair aud fr.aglments of or details. Thse comparative usivan- ef tise world and it lias got to be a dresses. tages of beef-grewing and, dairying sînallor \verld ans inl saine est* ukow bs lcrIe -ud probahly lio the hrst point matons il verOct lufian the nsarad yh oinwr considoetid by a fauriner who w-as just maord n da to r îang cîan l hl ascras ie elnweeabout to make stant in caltle-ratis- w-on, asi i isdepeclaing ailwaiticig for tise saule awfcl deatli, ig. Men who have basi lonsg expoer- tise tisse as n spiritual property. waiting anrid auguisb untulsi w-lit' Tell per cent. off, 50 pier cent. off, -î l uîluîs euce lu eltiser oh those l'îls aie îlot ansi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l pain aethanw-odo l ntstarvation, but likely ociaîg e ieother' in" w-aîtiiig icentscaforw-hon, eîse dayinvolving, as ih doos, chanîges lu gise td oii~ oiths wr, tiîc Has lock ansi Outrarn ands Nor- farni routine, lsvae-iety ansiulan ot werld us amysolil Poss sioli issuanud'Sir David lBaird ansi gement of crops, iii buildings and Aitoimo tiingnîy cxttealie -usPool, thse ierees of hetîo I glisb ar- oqislpineoîs, w*Lhout a good doal loh is thar Christian secrnw *S go rny lîuzza for thomi-broke liin eierto. Tîtbefpouto iug le live a sure terminus. uthabrain Ta ee rduto My text says, -Breasi cern .ýta horrible scelle, anîd w-hile Yot, ean becurriofi on witb a stanîler ex- 'S 1 the guins were socîidiîg, and w bile1 penditure for labor ansi utensils is briuised bler ause hoe w-ll tiot ho eeeos w-ro îssuîug Iroinithe stars pocbaps truc, ansi it certaiully doos oser threshiug it." Blosse libe Gosi ing, dving people on tihe one side sîotrequiro tire constant attenttion for thw-l P cul!a Xey r 0w-onil!and fretîsinthe traivol w crisLnssiPow- te buîsiness that dalrylsig entails. Turaî(-)il, 0 wce Our w der biuckeîîer soldiers ou the other, INext couses the, question oh hreod. xil soon ho doue.- "Ho svýIll net ihtorn lie evertise eshglît t- ore, luefronît Of the iug's Lt xvi, I thint.,lho gecally cencod- hoIms oies thîoshcg U" on' palace, thore w-ts sudsi a scelle of cd by fair-mrindedsmnîs at thore 15 Christian lias alostas ics uehuîdslîakisg aiîd enibraciîig anis no -best" breed. E vei-ytliig de- is the orgaru fer tise stop fronîclaniboisterous jey as would utteriycu]oîi 1 icssncs re ns hoia-s for tise truilipet, but ahfeusitiY e oCtsepotaisitendhat pros os hîgblysatisAirylu toc awhilo lie will Iput tise ast dinge oudtepuoth otadhehtprvs iglstsfcryn itiste portfolio forci on. PEINCIL OF TIIE PAlNTIIZ. one district, usa-y ho founi eîtireiy So inutcîsohf tîs as is whleut Ansi uo wossder, w-boit theso unsuitef sio w-i ho separatosi fiolli sen,,eh cnaciatesi xoîîîoîî w-lie hasi DIFFEJIENT ENVIRON3IMENTS. as is cliaif, ansi tîse-e xii ce riu suffered so beoe cally foi- Chtist'SIOIîly leur breesis of boof cattie, viz: nmore iseesi of pocidiig. They suke mîaîchesi sci font frri-SIiortsoru)s, Iîerefeî ss. GailIoýways, nose orcry iii heaven hecaulse tbov their lîsci-ceratien. eue wocîded«n bre-Agshae taid have liothîing tii cry about. rTheÏe Euiglish soldior g.st np la bis populnc-ity lu Canada, and oniy the are iso tours of beroavoînent for you fatigue and wounds andi lOeiid first niieniolees a bc saisi te ho sisal l hve our frieîsds ail airoliîd uguinst tIse w-ail andi tbren' up lus geîsrniiy distrlbuted. The others about you. Tiscie are in -tours cap andi shoutosi, "Three clîooss my May eqîîal the Shorihos-us foc- beof eh povoî-Cy bocauso oucb eule sits ut boys, for thse bravo woOtssol!" Yes, production ansi even surpass tbom tise Kiug's table and lias bis 0w-n that w-as aur oxciting scone. Bt a uiider certaiin conditions, but the su- chariot of sulvatioîî andi fiee access glasider aussimae trinnîphasît scelle perler milking qualiies' of tise te tise xvrsrobo xvbere princes get 1will it hoe w-boityen corne cpni)e Slîoirtisosns andi particîias Iy of the tiseir array. No tours of sick- hbeuveji frorn tbe conilicts andsin-i grades, bave given tiremr anun noss, for there are ne poumenias carcenutiosiofehtiis woîld, stLronni quallesi popuiurity arnong our farm- lun tise air, andsinn malarlal exhala- ing xiti tise wounds oh battie ors. - Wbore feesi is piontiful, ansitise tiens fronthtie relliug riveor of andssitw-i ith isnngei-, ansiw-hile tise country net teeisigis or broken, life ansi ne crutris fori fise laine isosts 5of Gosi are cheeîing their tbey are iikely te prove Satlsfactory 11mb anid ne spltît foi-tise brokoît great Hosanna yen wili strike beofors, andsinl addition tboy xiii arm, but tise puises thî-obbing witb bauds oh congratulatiortandssi ternal preduce a fair umeut oehmiik.Tise thse Iselti ohftise etorîul, Gos inl a dliternsce lu the presonce ehftise ease w-lus wbicb goosi huils eh tis chimnte like olîr Jane before tise tbioiîe. Ou tiat niglît there w-lu hoe breed caulsie procuresi for grading blossonîs hual or Our gorgeons Oc- boulines on everv hili ofhbeaxoîs. uaîs purpoeos, is aise an argnussent in uts toiser thoro wil ho illumniton in overy huvor. Breedei-s ohftise otiser sorts BEFORE Tf-E LEAVES SCATTEIt palace, ani dthece w-ll ho a caîsslo are cemparuti-vely 10w-, and tise op- lu every widexv. Air, no! I for- portunuty for cheice la smull, w-heu La there îlot onougi salve in tliis get, 1 fos-got. ý Tbey xiii have no eue desices te select a bull. In tise text te îîsake a pluster large ou- ucos ohftise cansile or oh sun, for colder parts of C'anada, ansi on tise ougis to ela il your w-eunds? the Lor-d Gosi givethithint ligist, bure pastures of hetisountaiîoîîs Wheu a ciik is hurt tise inciser ansi ihey shahl reigu foncier andt districts, the Galioways ainsi West is vory apite oSay te t. "55w ever. Mall, hsail, sens and daugis- Highlanîder-s, should i-ove serviceuble it wili seon feel btter" Aîid tliut ters of tise Lord Ced Aliigity! ou uccount of their hbardiness ansi is w-bat Ced says wheu Hoemeibos-. omns ail eus troubleiniitise hush +aofsit thisgret pomie. -eepng nayAing tise dairy breesis,utice Ayr- tisure fra riise Wiiightbuîsuycin FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS sbiî-os, I-lesteins,, Jerseys, Guerît- endre oi-a iiph, bst et ernMr.Wnsow1, SeethisgSyrup has he sds seys andi Frenscis Canudians are ahl etis~_'O lut' îrîig nay millions eft7, ihers for their ciltdren -hile lielli lu considerabie osteein. Tise louve your iseeket haikercisief teetbiu- g. Y' ,torbed ai nlgbl and broken.e itnl ias o beoi lmu nke- seppiu w-et vitb ears il yor a ok cillu soffen docryinî ociside the provinîce eh Quebec ustil deats pilliw, but yen will go up .etabîttieoetMrs, Wlnslows' Sootbing Syrup tise insi year or tw-o but tbey are abselutoly sorrow-lcss. They will foChidren Teethlng. It wilt nelieva the pour nwatatn osdrbeatn w-ar black; yen svlî xvcî xvhite,- ttlesufferratoue.e. Dependssponit,motbers, uw trcis osdrbeatn fer hîce, alîs fc yn. herels no mistake aboutit. It curas Disrrtsoa tien. Usîder adverse circuisîstuncos, cypresses- oregnt ain fryo ates the stomachand bowets, cures Wind suds as scaîîty pastures. uuck of pie- You ir ili say. "15 it possible ilii Cll, qoftans the egumi, roduces inflammation- 1 an hee? e tis havpl? rirandgIV es terre auscs ergy te the wttoie systeus per w iter feosi ansi cure, &c., tiscy 1 asi boe? s ibs isavos? Als rs.Wingle' Soothi: ,g Syrnp for chilluren w-lu pro buhly yield a groaten pes-- Ise pure nen' I w-iil ieven do îeihing is pleasaut to the taste and 13 the pri ecutage'oh profi tisun tisese breess anytiig wroig? > Arn1 i selw-cýi ption 0feaof tIse'odesi sud besi female, h 'sclans and nurses le the United States w-ics isaveffo- genesatiens been ac- tist wlu etonag lie Sýck Pryeî 5e a bottle. Sold by ai druggists tro.gIs custoîniesite geeti foosi ansi cure. Arc, tiese coîîspanieusbips se Sirm ut the wortd. Be sure and aakfer Mra. W'iiiTise 0nernssys, nitlseugh iigbiy ihut tboy will uever agalu h o sok LOWS' Southlng Syrnup cii? La isa May? tiai ohn tiseugisi ef in tiseU. S., have nover cr isa is les cd ory? se Ipu Bt ESJNohn? IS. guiîîed sufficieut footiîolin usCun- Is tat ny lved one'l pt BRER IN OCHAD. adla to cîraie our harneî-s t'o jusige away muite daskness? Can it ho Yens-s oh stiudy ohftise habits ohftise tiseir snitabiliiy for ibis countrny. iba thse xanuîtdenacofthesiis isebores- ansi contention w-ustiîtis in- Both tiiey, uanditheir cloeorelatives, lay o wn ad eaciaed n t(,aidions pest bus causeti me te udept tise Jessys, une espcciuliy aduptesi Oh, hoeîrdnt tuwhci a ige! dog? un efficaclous renmedy, writes Mn. W. for tise production eh fancy butter or Oh.isxv adantilcy i-! LokutJ. Patton. To eut tise borer eut cronîn for a isigi-pricesi city trudo, tisernl lLw radiant tisoy arc! Wlîy, heaveLsaiar ideal wosud ansi place for ansi tise rajeî-iiy q Caîsadian hords isow- ullike ibis place is rem xhat Il anetisor depesit oh eggs tise hollowing eh ibese twe breesis, ane, I ihinis, tisongisixvieu I lefit te w-ou-dideh- seuson. This rmusi also bocnt ou- usesi for ibis pur-posc. Tise low-. Ministens sinon pictuures of h bs sug out. If repeatesi abouit three AYRSLIRES AND 11OLSTEINS land, bliai on turnle compaîrosi w-is tise ealiy! "beytols me h cuti resý it geierally kilis tise troc. Any tis ai -ty!w-usstot. Neon et exposesi bank on the trnk or linsb scoutte ho guinixtg is ppusarity tha dat wa sinet No n! itoh a isco unstiby a iouning topamong the geîîerui daicy Ittînlers xvio is sunnrise! GeOrgcous Surinise! [ cr'ook os- bond oho a lirnb, w-îîoe tise suppert.tise cieseac actorios an(d sec the ligisi sien'pnrpliig tise bis, sur's iseut is anfilcient te purtîy dry crearnoîios, 'ans iw-th tise dainy ansi tine cieuss aine witls tise tiS ap ansi isuici the eggs ohtieSbortisonîssanc lîkeiy te divide tise comig dy."beetie deositing it, ila hable te hoe Thon tise gaies ohfiseaven w-ll ho attuekesi. Once ibrougis lie bus-k, openesiaussitise entruncesi soni. wits tise wormi deveurs tise partiy dsied - the acuteiless ansi pow-er'of htie colos- W-ood juatunudornoultiste bark as- tiai visions, wili lookt. isuands ohfui-r as tise sun's bieut bus resîdes cd it msies dow-r upon the baiîneted pro- palutable. andîtinlahy. laie in tise cessioi, a, risvci-of hsiinning sasen, cuisilis w-ny deep into tish espiondon, auîd wili cny ont. w-eod, ulsere it romains uttil tise - -WULO ARE THEY?" nexi sprng, unhess dng ont w-ih a _-ý Sarps instrument, a slow aussi idions Ans--tise angel oh Gosi, standing ob clos- b, w-i sy, 'o o Beaver Block. Ilowmanville. De e A I,3. Webeg to cati .your attention to a new andu indigpansib articlin -Barclay' 8s"Patent Attacliffent FOR THE CURE 0F Balking and Kicking Horses. 111 econtrol any vice kuown to a homse. Invaluahie foe rekg ncot Can be ac.î,Lsted lui two minutes, ant uscd wittî auay harns eîi riilmn To the irogressive f are udhlorbeiuan Ibis article la a necaè- sy. Aippty to 83-1 yr gi caicu-part of htie tairy fieldi ho-A iweeu thoens. Thte ReIstoins are liSe-1 ly te do boiter ou the ho-sel landts, w-ltifSuas pustures aîîd pienty oh wintey fhood, w-hue Ayrsisireasseoulti,e I tisink, Sund more haver on reling1 or ihiy lanids, because ehftiseir greai activity. But, svlhië certain W-cii dofiînti tilt lesoîsces may cisanaeteî-izc ihe, var--1 houa tîheets, yet it may boeh tee rememisher tisaitisere is mucc grenier, differ-ence hctwceen ludividuai nismals' eh tise saine breodth-tian hetwe-udif-q horeusi breetis. A s'oesicen' l a a goti cownon maiter w-bat bier breeti1 may ho. Tisenefoeo ieu eS man se-i le tishe bu-ced tisatieh coîlsiders bosi sisitedti t bis donditions, ansi sticki to it. Let iis bay, or bu-ced to,i tise besi as aiiable huila ofehta brecti, ansicoutinue te grade up bis boerd te a higiser dcgree oh excellence yeun by year. Tise practice hoilow-ed by somne fui-niera oh usissg ballaS i-sti oh oeebreeti ansi tisonoh unetisor, is fatal te ail plans oh buildinsg up a hantisosue anti unit onrn auss profit- able bond oh gratie cew-s, an ttitat is ROBERT HOOEY, BLACKSTOCK. arns it ha langer ut tise ttis ýait u tise hottesn. I haVe i t metise gronui lu iiia box. liLyciite is about 20 fooe onIg, tise mat 4 <i(; foot slopca Io tisa esîsiof tise tnw-bo iseg cueiitnut zun angle o-out 25 degroos, so wSuvr-tise fiont isogs pasa ou JrIncine" !, serçasc bogs CY-exd tisentfr-ad nt byshIie uo tise tarit, gcing etirey aindes tise solution, pcssiig oeut ou) a clcuîtcd board ut tise oison endi ofhtie tank. Wiis this plan anti apparains f eau dip 200 te 300 isoga lu un Isou. Ah-- ion tise di-ove hs 'dippesi, f covch op tise solutioni te pros eut sui. raihs or suon' rem gottiug ie h , andti is solutiori hasts intiefinitciy, or as long as an uence roi-nains. I adth ie ne- cessai-y aionetiohlilquiti ansdi ater w-iscîsvo I w-unito dip, keopiusg tise taunk a uitile ever ialf fil of the dip, ansi I dip as ettoîs as I tihîk i neceasary te kocp sny bond lu perfect condition. Wtsncver I bring my hoga ou tise tariI aiw-ays dip tisem tiyce anti teeti tise îemudy behore I tamn thoni lu iota w-us nsy other begs. julsi whIat nîca t annions reqaine. Theo average usaîl tocs iset uesi paie ARE COLDS CATCLILNG. bretihemnaies: in faci w-ildo botter Aecording te ibis Edihurgis dec w-us geati grades. TLhse bisuecs et ton, tise pcssou suh!cnlng freut a colti pure bred ti iocIkure, ike the poet, w-li attends a public or privato in- houil, ist iusade. Ile isustinsherut .a doors gathîoning, perhaps xitis ciilti- loeefonranimtais andtiais aptitude hon rnndsipeople tieubles i w-ls rilicate isandliisg tisent,etisemwise lus sus est- chista, ibroats, etc., la aus lnissetiato mont w-lpiros-e uuprclitahlo. -ansi ail source et perlons infectiont, te ho isis effor-ts a sisapliltrent. gulai-ses agahusi as seduieasiy as F. W. Ilotison. - tiseugtî h w-ere a case oh dipstisenia Lise Stock (Cesnnsissseuaor. Ior scatiet ho-s r. Tisemsinuate e-u tuircs w-hîespecial business il, ha to wRlY I DIP MY 1100 S silasemntato ntusorSluntise shape oh 'lest teans ugo t ronsahtoîl a gon- coisis anticatarnbs, rejelois ii,,tise tinmaîs is tefernmce tote mosde ans i tbehof naerohie sapropisc, -a plasi cf ippiss gsg, et-rathet ho namsîosumfiintIy dienai ulu inisef, cîssusret i me by asivecaî.itg the plansî ume îaigltt tinti, tc gise a. dehicite xvicl- 1 uftenn'amd adeptoti. ansi one persesi lervons prostrations. Our ilîtt 1 peusteres inuîî ny isisîsi for Edisnbrgh. aumhiuty says tuai w hîcl- yoans, hoe'iusg ih t e h ie comîtton -e-set- ho calisat ai abouse and tirhnts a sensso, prueticai aistiossiy certain Ipatiesnt sufferng fmon celt, ho al- xv y oh PI-e osiiîg v!at hs gessoruhiy xx ys xx -ut-stise inonuhens ohfis lu- k.tnri as uîog choiera, says mI. 1. ectiseesos andt ad-sises tise uvoiti E. Axlinie. Dy obsersvationu, inmvesti- lnce os snis uspossible oh .,11i tr- gatiou, reseaurch, ansi exienuce, I issudiate perseustl contiact. Kissustg: iearnsd isexv te des ce-p a dortadismuust ho a cernnesu source oh cen. type ofhobg, andti xillo Ibeliexo ah- lugien, 5e s-sys, andstihiitirouu ansi iei lonîg years oh breeodlrg, tise Po- babies une ofermlîartyrs te tlsis lu- lamîsi-C[iiîsaischg supcnin lu otse re- jurions customs. Goti sentilationts l spects te cusy oh bisivias et I fun d-cluiosi te ho tue besi unee iia"t-si fmaîshu to admit tis-t ail tiese tuains ch infection frosîs ibis source. oh thooeugisuîeds hase tisoit- god ---4-- pintis. Aun oaS-treo tiuîe ycnrs olni oser- Alv tutus foi- dipîîlîg is ahsesît ten us-ns 2 heet, LO0lisi. iii heignt; n ei - iet' long anti'I believe 4 eot tdeep; wiil gu cxv 1n 3 'yeans 8 le-st 3 indies. Dont neglect these îotimpotant organs of the body, as you wiil regretih. Have yeý :ain the hack, a diif ce ig in the region of tho kidneys ? A t urnes your water consf reelv,a large queant y, i ghtins cotor, with na peculiar sensations, while at otherý tlînes ynu do not mattc i quite s freely. il- ij darlt in coler, you iuake a smail quaniity, - dl a sort of borning sensaton If such le tihe case giva Four condition immediate atten- tion or more serions complet sw wilset in. Our Latcst Mcthod Trcatmen tguarantecd as a positive cure for snch couditons, and remember WEI OCURE -YoOF.O NO PAY. If FOu have this awf ni disesse Yeu are la danger until cornpletely Cured; the -varions ayr-nptornsyou notice shouidbhoa warning to take immediate ireatusent, Don'î put it off util ltue Ite, asit etinually gets ;werse. If Fou have sere throat, patches on tonue or mouth, swolieu glands, hair fallingr out. blotches an hody, îtching skin or other aigus cf ibis awfui disesase cail on iii. Ve g. e ou a written guarsntee te curo Fou 1sF aur LATEST ETHOD EMNT withouu Mercury or Potassium, snd you PAY WHEN CURED ITou uecd pav nething util yenare couvinccd that a tboreugb and complete cure bas beau5 establisbed. It makes ne difference who bas faîlcd te cure Yen. caît sud sec us.,as wewiit give ysou a tborough examinsiion frc of charge aud nsay he the meaus of yaln Foc is uyears of auffering. Each time you call you sec Dr. Goldberg persormally. le bas 18 diplernas, certificates, ctc., which testify te h is -,tainding aud a6ilities. The ssamhci ef years we have been es,-abilshed in iietreit.nud thie cures we efected have rsuked us th e fereipest specialists of the coun try. We eau gi ve ne s trongar guarsutee, al o ur abilities te cure yeu than the fact that youu ueed pay naoth Jilsg until cured. ORLATEST NIETIIQD TREATMENT GUARANTEID TO CURE 'iiiricocele aud Stricture -iitheut cntting, Stretchiug o, r lor f t nie; also Bieod Poison Cr Niearrons. Irnpotency. Kidney, LIver, BNslder. Stornach, F'emsle snd Rectal Troubl es. OONftULTATION P'RFI>. Cati1q r write qfer bhiuk jfor home treatment. BOOK~FRIIE, fleur 9 a u.t .m.t Siîo8p.Oammt pm Ai Mdiinsfur Canadian Patientasls&hpped from indo, Cna O8WODWAîRD ,AVE.., DRTRI! Y 2O-r. ~ntnR0D u7 W t 01y8 involves timne. labor, bother and expense, which may ,5 be avoided if your skirt is bound with S. H. & M. Redfern--a bias c o r d e d velvet-which flot onilv protects the skirt, but a d d s to, the beauty, of it. X 'ou mnay be sure you If you doiflot fn,1dieh 1ltters; are getting the best skirt binding if the lettersS S. H. &,M., are on the J bac ofevey yrd.on the hack of I3ias Velveteen or Brush bac ofevcy yrd. 2o4 Edge Skirt Bindings they are not the beat. We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots~ to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small nriees. Oui carry a good. a3sortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.. Mn's Caif and Coïrdovan 1Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.4Q 10 $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50, 75c, wortb 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in1 prices. We #,11lI teli you what the stock is ia eacli and every p'air. The reason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now ln stock in every lne. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no0 trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, flaucy and plain;- Dresaýing, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will nain the boots it is alppli- ed to. Repairing donc in ail itsiibranches- in first-elass style. Fine woA made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my custonaeri for past avors and hoping for a continuance of the ,.ame