N~O TES A ID COMMEX TS Amnoag the British colonial reports issur.iecetly is one by Generai Lu- gard, the higli commissioirer in the protectorate of northera Nigeria, which afferds an excellent illustra- tion of the adaptability of the Brit- ish colonial policy to varied condi- tiens. The country iacluded xitlin the protecterate Comprises seme 3P20,000 square miles, while sotithein Nigeria, which is referred te luci- dentaiiy, increases thîs area te per-ý haps 400.000 squarie miles. Within that area there is a Populationi vagueiy estinnateti at from utwcity- fixe te ferty millions. 0f course nie rellance eau ho placed upon such grrosswork, but it is Içaewn tbat thre counrtry isth iickly settled aad tirat it ceatains rmirous large towas, oeeCity having as raany as 100,- 000 irîhaitants. These people are of mraîy trihes. Ini the nortiî there is the Sohato Empire, a Mobarnîiedain demain wlîose central govosnaîient andi officiai regirne ai-o patteraed aller the Arabian model. Bencath YQUR HELP NEEDED. An Apperîl for Punch ta FurnIsir the> New Free (onsuioptive Hfospital ast Grssven- harst-SIr Win. Il. Meredith, Mr. W. J. Gage, and Other Trustees ln Recelpt of Many Caills foi, Admission from ail Parts of Canada Beyond Doubt thCt Most Pressing of ail Charit es. The stafemeat of Dr. John Ferguson. one of Tononto's weiI-kno-Wn physicians. that " if consumptien patients were pro- perly 'iseiated and treatedi, vtiin toi- years fnom nuoxe tahercalesis woold ho oni of the rareat of imonn diseases," is full c.. mo~ment te the people of every com- munity ln Canada. 'Witliout indugir1 in any unneeessany asUri, thre serioný thought is tiraI the victims' of consami tien are found in lail parts cf thre countr.ý snd am or- ail classes of people. Tie letters neceiveti hy tie Asseciatioes are of ticernost lieanî-rending iinti. On(, moIrer tells lIow sie m rtgaged her for fniture for one ndreti dollars to piaci ber daugiter, sicl, of corîsumption 1under Irenîment in the Mu[slïola Cottagu% t anatoiumn, andtinlase doirg -savedti e h ile. Thie Frea Consumptive Hospital b hcd net then talion siuaae. Rev. C. O the demiaating Moehamml'etdi oe- Johaston, Toronto, rtes Mn.NW. i. ict are soi ject peuples of pagaii Gaooe: " I have a family greatly affiictec; arîtecedents anti pagaîî practices who n'itlî consumption liinry churci. Fix r pay tributo te- their coaiquerer.s. sons and dangihters have aircady falli F -- Iurrurer soarnnwaru neond trins aut or a Iamiy et ton, andIt four thre eni, phnero there is a s11gesrsra-is suot yeî." Amlhier, in senig o eîyvnirich is15ceiipletely gixe-r over tribution te tire fund, says :"'I de ne! tegress sirzeistifoin, andi xhicli un- lknov of a greater disgrac to Canad.- fi] qaite rocently was tire scon.e of lîan hornenglect cf poor censumptix os: t',ose bleetiy rites anti nppalhusug 1ev. Fred. W. Hoîlinrake, Grimsby- * ** ata of crueity thrat were conulinr Ont., -%rtes: "Ve ihav-e ini or enni ainng flic aiorigilu t rih.es of yoong inarnicti ian %vith txevo 11111e gin']ý Afrie r -a prnrtor hy trade-whue ias heen sol - ferirug fer somo tinne. Ho titi net desisý Tire Brtish extoîndedti irir i-nie work until tbins neek. I1n-as up te 5cr oxer f lus ixeti lot of races dhurlrug hum tuis afferîroon. He is lyirg in bic flue .tiuuiitratioa of a cliartereti and very rxeak. I feel tire Saurafonii cemnparry rhici macle arnigeinnts is tIre place fon hmm sud luat ire is ne, foi- polilicai fnenfles with 'scores anti too far gone, Ene tfislsire roulti havt uiinduetis of tilleront nations anti entoedth ie Sanatoriumi but for the ques- /w tribes. Ail tflinaie fie po]1cdý,/ was lion ofinaas. Would il ire askiug tocù ew l te irtcifere as litIle as possible nwith Imach .f yen t. vrite tire alilictetioe, or ~ Lve OI ii netatnui antifie îr~uidritata- indly seatliaI ilistione? Iloeisa mcm CodLierolé, erofmychai-ch e t ndthe poor' <Trade Mark.) tratien n'lreo hrese xvoro felerable, hrbieea GIVE YbUu AN APPETITE 1 andttit is fie policy whicir Goînoual folle w scema -very rnch dseouraged." à'TON£YQIJR SERVES! Luganti, wlre fook ever fie gexer- WhaIte odo to lhelp stamp ouIfhis dis- A MAllE 'OU STRONGI MAI<E 'OU WELL! rment frelin tie conpany Jars. 1, osse is helng pracîicaily auswuered by tht fr E sj ed. Supt.of the pit. Hspital 1900,,la parsaing rio JJHesays National Sanifariain Association, wiu and lr vsusprutiesi!to use ~Tic geverunmcnt utilizes anuitworLs furyears age ul h Msoz e attstehvea ous.edtwîîhthob scens tireugl tire native duiels, anti avails tage Sanatorium, hhanlis te theogecerositîý aOc.aud 1.00 Reoules. ltself of fie inrteligence auti pon eus of Mr. W. J. Gage anti the Executors c., DÂVI ~ ÂWRNOECo., Llmited. o f govor-niug cof tiheiTuinul caste in tire late Hart A. Massey, anti xeio han-t particalar-, bof inslsts on the frinda- foejs opeeiamgiielhit mental lares of huaiiity anti jus- o utcmleda agice uld tice. Resitiertsni-e appointeti wiose ing te ire knexxn as tire Froc Consum ptivc WE WANT MEN priinnry dut y if is te premetot tisî Hospital, again tire gif I cf Mr. W. J. EVERY WEEK DAY. pelicy by fie estabishaîeat ofnun- Gage andt fe Massoy Esîate. tivo courts, i niriclr hribery andti W/bat tfis imohod tie ntient meanF extenuion ant i iihuiiaui punisbmeîrta 1000 MEN WANTED ta bcave them shah ho grntiually abohishneti.pro 1 isirown in tho lactthaf la four yearý ineasure fer Fait anti Winter Suits te vincial court-farau- institnîteitef dea 1 510 patients have beemu trenteti, ant ici be matie up liu very latest Style andi fit xitb fie arr-îrativcs andti t enforco fhesoeover 300 have heen cared or se Irlpeti guarauuteed. We make men's anti boys fiose laws of flie profocforate, iliieO fialt tey have gene hacit fo rrl, carnaf Suis eualta ny nt prcesiowr tanespeiaîlly wiici (bal wîth slavec for reife or ciiltiren or tirose otherweise mnanx . Brnn us your wýrinkleti dothes raitiing, tic import f filq uer anti' to ho presEeti anti matie libte a neëw suit.' finearins, anti extes-tionu ficmvjiig- dependent upen thein, IVe i.ep samples of ciotit-ýprires, rigit, orshy fesTorisnnand poerucntion. Tire me Free ConsumptiVee Hospital J ous T1. ArLnrN, tise fashionable talIon, is sifuatetiii Musliola, nef far frorntire nearly opposite SPT.ESMAN office, Bow manville. 45.tf ¶iecaicitrant cliefs our enirs are de- MStk Cottage Sanatorium, 50 fluaIt th poseti, but fie traditienai fîibute te saine henefits tiraI have heen given te t he ntiv îuheî-ifies is coiimriet patients ci the Maslieka Cettage Salir- udrrgulafieis te prereunt oîrpres- feoriain, by virtue of ifs excellent situa- T' H E R E 8 U R E sien. Tie connrissioncr atits, irw in ho^_uit go aise te fie poorer patient!I, ex en, fiat fie geneî ni cules are diiij- nirose only hope is lu heing neceivot O F B LSIN E88. cui te la n hecase of xwly wbere neither mrney non pnice us noces- is retlyrelevd y ue if he Courts cainîof ho establishret, anti bsoiuîeiy free, te aIl intents anti pur- la, reaty reievd by useof te fie poliiical officers hanve te ruiden-- poses, are flue words renîitten ahove tie taLe z-,umore direct respemsiîity. door o!fie Fnee Consamptive Hospital, LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE, "A.,eng these fr-ies," says General anti al fIat is wantimg mcxv is tiraI suffu- Lugaut, - if is ray policy te central- ciennî rnoey ire centributeti to farnirh You reacli your custorner in a few ize autirerlty, as faîr as mnay ire, lu tiheirospital ritir tros ant inlaother wayt seconds and much cau be aCCornp- nu-eognized chef, andt f infroduce to preperiy equip il. Tiro Nation.i1 the civilizing ageiiey ef trade, relue lished at cost of littie tirne and rfoproj-ssing ail infertîiai qîariels." Saiîarîum Association, hecainse of tirei t rub l e. - - t - heavy dehf, are unable teunudeclake tiS SULDIE RS' AMUJSEMENTrS. part o! tire work, anrd appeal to fie pruhlic BelTele h'liCoeb c uc attractin of M ife In a lual parIs cf Canatia-foc al are cou- iii Sotà is haLcrnet forr moey sufficremîte omeet tis f Canada.givenin Mckt 0 cotieud ati, 1 cu--ures.Am-ounIts larïýgeor smallil O0reuleuni supply cuf water, "lhe litulo eb r elcemeti. A single dollar vili dû garrison irnayhaeisonvgtae __________________________- gctinu. A dezsoîn f bekîrore s orething, $5 or $10 vii do more. Others inew sunal anti heautifully liepf betis are centributing in $50 amounts-a, aom of lettoces. cabiages, andn sprnrg on- sufficient te furnisin a col.Oual cf tireir StriKe thle Iron,,l ousis uay ho seoni. Inn som-re cases, abondance Ilere wilu be sonne two -will where f1e sopphy exceedstisrie iiiinneti- sendtiheur choques fer $100 or larger W'hiI i'slot ite dniand of thie garin s, r cgo- W eisHt tables are soldt t ueps passiîug by amenIs. train. But la the great i. ajeîity of Contributions xviii be rece ed hy Sic is nood advlce. cases "clefails, gcrar-tinsg fine une," IWin. R. Meredih, Chief Justice, Vice- haivc ne footi to vary fie mnoîoto- Presitient National Sanîtanluin Associa- irons daily rat ioi notuiiiutt ndbis- tien, Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., Chair- cuit or bully anud biscuit. man Ex. Coin., Toronto; or tire National USED ITH ARE.Trust 'Ce., Lmnileti, Treasurer, 22 King E very business nin reliebîys ati-1 Street East, Toronto. verfisinig space dees ifnerciy ho-l cause hoe waut s te niiake somofhing WUE E A EAS ouf of that spaco. He is safýisiedto % te E AI EAS t pay a gixOnu price se long as hi ecau The anilitarv modal of France liras mnake a ittie amore tien ibaf lrice jrrst ])ou coînfenu-ci urpon some hall-- eut of flic spece. lie us rillinug ft ozeus xxoniemi. Poeennîsf annng use cnoergy. brauru anti cash iii ordem1 flese is Mile. Dodu, tire wnmn.r rho to insane the iest rosuîts froair bis 'throughliehr r Lorletige of telegraplny iuxcstrnent. Tnr sredutbtwas errailedti tLu a fewires ne-Le 11 that bis use Olf tese butanres will iy tire Prussiens cutid80o orained sesuifte b is llnanîcial benefîf if ire raloahie informationu for fie use of, is n'iso lanf hein oxponditure. The ad- -flicFr-ench generîl. Mine. Porion, hy Take eîtisernerîf ht i s prepar-et by a professioni n paister, wvon the usedai maîr nho hie l carefai nef oîîly la tIre len ific he ar of 1870 she devot- bîuyiug of sparce but asisIn the usirug etliherseîf te hec couintrvnen as au B urdoue.xB1oo E o 0f1 f vi ilhe one itîici xvilrtfracfnrinuy ururse, ant iIn tire performnaunce attentfion anti whîichî xill gain for- the of sucli ties reas wetuided doning maînu ahlieho aiglt expectin muthc wny an erîgagemuent. Mie. Laurin, rehe This Spring of returas. xears tfl ne oais, acIualhy feapif as is btte adice _______________________ a soliinlutire ranks of tic Third is btte advce.Regnmont of Zouaves anti ras takenu Dnring the winter, lieavy rich U p AIH wjib . Ihris.ener andti ten escapeti. irOcxIS are lneuissary to keep the body 8 cue if yn ryý::: CRUWIDED STATION S. warin. When the spring cornes,TmLodnCuiy onclsre the sstem s elgged p wit hray nn ay'sexperts have drawn op an sluggish blood ; yon feel tired, f '% iil nuterstlng fable setting forth f lie wear an litles ad tat L onsun tLio n [ uuraben of passei'gers. using per yonr wýay ndlitlssan t a al su ad ours i se treu e semne of flic most imnprtant î.ernini gone, 11-ambition feelin-ç takes L ur guaraitea cure onscfeuu1d lunflue wenlti. Ilote if is: Grand- - I ~ ~ imaey, anti su senti you possso g o. If you taire Ifree triai botule ut yen write for if. Central, New York, 14,000,000; posesson f y .srru..eni's costs 25 cents aurd wilh cure Con- _Norfh Unioni, Boston, 23,108,000; Burdocir Blood Bitters it Wiil sumaption, mi ienin, Eroclitis and ail 'ý;uh-noBso,-10000 i,ung Troubles. 9Wiiics acough or cclii SoiUin otn 10000 reglat yor ystm, utyon into ta a day, sud t,,us preveut serions resaîts.I Broati street, Loîndeon, 27,000,000; regulte yur sstem putIt bas brea loîng th',se tuingfor 50 vears. Part St. sihway, Boston, 27,000,000 coniton ndmak yu felbrili, S. C. WELL.S & Ce., Toronto, Cai.W aterio Luder 98,65,00 Sf condtioand migorou f eI pool strecrlo, Lndeo, 44,37,000S. THE HOU11E DOF[JIliMN WHAT OUER LAWMIAKERS ARE ]JOING AT OTTAWA. LANI) GRANTS. Mr. Scott was toit by Dr. Bordoný tint fie Goe eu-muu bas net yet censideredthfe question of making land grants te mombers of Canadian contingents wio servet ilu Sourh fi rien. STEEL RAIL PIJRC-IJASE. Mn. Ganung was toit iv Mr. Blair tint 15,000 tons of steel rails have been purchaseti by the Corernunîreiiîfi frouru Mr. Clengut. Tino prce iras 3,-- 000 at $25-65, 3,000 au $24. 2,000 at $2570 anti 7,000 at £5 6s; al ef these wore boutîgifnl Lonudon. The ceafract withî Mr. Ciergue iras net heen caîrceheti. CANADIAN CEMENT. Mn. Osier wns foît by Mr. JFielding tint officiai tests lad hen muadeicof Canadian ai-id f ereiga cenents, anti tie Canadian article had boon ond sîrpesior. TU TUNNEL IJNDER RIVER. A petition presenueti asks fon fie iicer'poratiou of the Alentreal soi- way conupaîîy -Tire prepeset iicor- poratons are lien. Lyman Jeoues, Messus. H. A. Ilocge, Rehbert -lford, Souator Mackay, lienrîy Miles, P. ID. Whilte, Wir. Price, anti John Sharp- les. Tlhey seek anrithority te hunîti a subway under tire St. Lawvremuce Rin- er frotun Moutreal te tie soît shoere. The suirvay is for~ general fraîhie porposo, clectric, steanu raiintays, passerîgers, etc. The cemparîy nsks permission te charge ,tolls anti fo lease the saiti subway te suny cein- pany. BILLS INTRODUCEI). Mn. Merrisoin introducedtw no buis, rospecfinng fie Klonîdike Mines Rail- way Comîpany amrdite inorporate fie Coast Yuikon 1-ialway Comupauny. Mr. Flint intretucet a bill tein-- corperafe fie Medicinue Iat & Northr eru Alberta Iiailway Comnpany. Mr. Flint introduceti a bill te la- [corpocate fine Cosmnas Cotton Cern- pauy. Mr. Marcîl f Baget) lntroeda bill teicorporaf c flicCompagnie tit Clieminu de Fer.du Nord., The motfion fer an Enster recess fu un Wensdsty te Tuestay, April 1, was carricti. UEAD1lNG OF BILLS, Tro iucepo-ato tire Indianu River1 Railway Compaiy-Mr. Belanti. Rospectirrg tire Port Dorer,. Brant-- fend. Benhisi & Gotenich Railway Cempany, andti t change ifs marnei te "Tic Grand Valley Traction Company '-Mr. IHeyd. Eespecting the Windsor & Detroit Union Bridge Comnpany-Mr. Corvan. Respectiag fie Queiece& Lake H-urosu Raiiway Conipny--Mr. Ma-i louini. Respeciing the Buffaîlo Raiiway Comnpany anti- fie Intenaional Rallway Compnny-Mn. Qsier. The bills ro incorperate tlie Essex Termintal Iaiiwny Cempany-Mr. Corean,, anti mepecting fie Lake Erie & Detroit R-iver Ilaihway Coar- pauy-Mr. Suthleland (Essex,) reere gixentu irir second rndiug. DOMINION CLAIMS. Mir. Chaacy was informeti by Mr. Fieldinug fiat fie approximate amount of fieciairne of fhe Do-- mimnionu gainst the Provilace of On-- tario unîter Indien treafy No. 3 was $475,000, principal andt interest - Application xvil he matie shonfhy for fie ar-bitraf ors te continue fie lear- inug of tire clainu. TI-E MARCONI CONTRACT. Mn. Fielding toM MMn MeKiamon fliat ne special provsion ladé beca matie witli Mr. Marconi for fie ex-- feunsioun of his rireîess felegnapli sys-z teinutf0 Prince Edwarti Islandtfle chief objeet of fie arrangement being te secune cieapon telegnapi rnates be- tween Canradanianti Englanut. Pro-- vision, lowver, mad beeni matie 1cr the use o!fie Marconif system nfon tire ligitiouse serxvice of Canada anti etier Gonernmnît wonks, andti iis wouid appiy f0 Prince EdreartIsl-- lanti as weii as to otier portions of tire Dominion. RespeC.ring ire CenriCounties Railway Co-Mr. Ward. To incerperaf e fhe RBoss Rifle C.- Mn. Thompsou. Rlespecting tire Poninion Cotton Milîs Co.-Mr. Leguis. To ineorpoînfo flhe Pacifie North-- orn anud Vancouver Raila C. Mn. Maxwell. l'o incor-porato theo-NorthrS13more Powern Railxay Co.-Mr~. Guflunie. Respectiug theOtUtawa, Brockvihie,j anti St. Larence îfaihway Co.--Mr. Thempson. Iaviuxg rot ing ta soit, lhe asks fer neo maney, fie prend satisfacetion ef hai'ing done a greit 5service teo ole li neec, iho rigbtly certsidens an ample rewaîd for bis trouble. If you write te Mr. Kunz, anti follow bis ativice, you eau rely upen inig cureti anti upon abselute secnree- as w el. Atidress as abave, encbosing a Stamp. No attention wiii bo given to thnse writing ont cf idie caniesity, thereforo state tiraIi-ou real- neeti a cure. $HOUSEHOLDIUIIS There is a mistakea idea that dlicese of ail kiads cornes under the head of luxuries rather tharn food. This idea cornes principally frein a \aat of knowledge of methods of preparation. Few cookboeks give 1but little attention to the coekirig uf cheeo inluappetizing ways, yet thc m'ethecls to be tused ar-e simple, and many dishres as îrourishing as the more expoasive meats cari bc produc- ed la less timo and with less fuel. Cheese ia varlous fornis is excel- lent, a ise to serve with salads, and helps a luncheon or dînner aleug in a w'rader fui manner. A Is aost cheese dishes are qui-kiy preý,p ared they are very usef ni ia cases o u ergency, when uacxpected guests ar- rive, or an impromptu supper is 1in jorder. Cheose with Hoîniiy. Tiis is ex.- cellen t for the main drsh at lunch- coen. Tho hominy loI t froin a pro- vious meal raay ho used. Cut it in [neat slices, îaving sufficieut te 1MI1a quart bnking disb. Sprinkle between ecd layeor somo grated choose of a niild 'varioty. Use 1 cup cheese. Sprinkle aise bet-weeli ecd layer a littie Sait and poppor and pour oxer ail 1 cup mnilk. Cover tire top with 1 tablespoon butter brokea lan bits anti bake half au heur in a liot oe n. Serve hot. Cheese xçlth Cern >oai.-Thi,, is a very sax ury dish arnd nioc inii fax or with lIItile people. Iîîto 1 qt brisk ly boilirg watter stir 1 cup yellow areai andi 1 teaspoon sait. Lot cook la double houler for hall au heur, thon turn lie oa square tin. ¶heu coltl eut into rieat slices, lay these ona bakiug tin andi sprinkle each with a liberal quantit ' v0f aild gratod choose, using a cuipful te the above anioant of cornr meai. Spriu- lie also wrtlî 1 tablespeen clioppoti parsley andi set infthe o ven uttil each suice is çrisp aad er-own. Serve with a tomate, or cheose sauce. Cheesi' Sauce-To make tis, peel small otieus and parboil la salteti water; drain andi break in pieces wlti a fork. Place in a saucopan wçith two tablespoons butter, 1 toaspoon cnch of Sait aud white sîîgar and a, dasi of cayenue. Let thein coek on back of siove, with celoring; xvhen xery tenîder, add 1 beapiug tablespeon fleur and 1 pt water. Cool fIvesn-_ utos, thon rub througli a siox e, re- turn te the ire, atiti1 cup ,fieeily grated cheese, lot cerne to a bell, ad4, 1 tablespoon croam anti serve bot." This sauce is good ai-uo with hroiled ehops or croquettes of rmeat, rice or hoiuiY. Cheese Soufflie-Cover 1 cup gratoti breati crurnhs wlth 1 cup bot iik. Cook five minutes, adti 5 teaspoon sait, a dash of cayenne, aand i ton speon fiaiely-chôpped parsley. Draw the saucepari off the flre anti add the heaten yolks of 3 eggs anti i cup grateti cheese. Atit the stiffly boat- on whltes of the eggs ai-d turnata once loto si-all bnttered paper cases or littho scallop shîepps, anrd baLe 20 1: minutes li a botovon. Thoy xiii thon ho hrown anti puffy, anti should ho serxedt at once, witli strips of toasteti breati or crackers. Nice for luncheon or supper. Chreese Croquettes.-Mix 1 cup grateti cheese wlth 1 cup sifteti broati crumhs, add 1. tablespoon on- ion juice, -1 toaspeen dry mustarti, a littie Sait and i teaspoon parsley. Mix thereughly wlth 2 eggs, thon mold iuto finy balîs. Dip la egg slightly heaton, then la cracker crumbs and fry a dlicaf e hrown la deep fat, Tiiose are alce for lunch- ea serveti with cross or lettunce salati. Cheose Ilamtequl as -Put i1ftable- ,spoon butter' and cup, water lnaa saucopaîr. Whea it bouls, add -,11cîp fur ,teaspoon each of sait and pa- prika, and 3 tablespoons Edam cheose gratoti. Lot it cook ton min- utles. stir-rrivugccasionaliy, andtiira intýo ;a pan. 1Beat in. one at at',irîxe, 2 eggs. Put the paste on a well1- buttoroti bakiug.-dish, shaping it inte flat circîriar pleces about an inch ln tihaneter. Place three or four cireose diceono eacb. anti hake flfteen min- utes la a hot oven. Serve bot. Cheeose S-ýandwiclhes.--An excellent sandwich calls for equal parts- of grateti cheese and ceiery. 21ix with a littie umayonnaise or with a few spoonfuis of 011 aad vinogar rmIxod. Spread on thin slices of bread.* Another daiaty filling is ýè cup g rat ed cheeso.e 2 tabiespoons wbipped uS settdirect ftirth ilss parti by the IouProved Blowcr. lIasthe ulcera, clears tihe air Passag9es, stops droppig îutIb tfirroat and permraianrly IuIres Catarrhi sud Hay Fever. Blower fee. Ail dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chiase Medjeie Ce. TorontosrtBufld STRONO AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Tone d up and invigorated by coud. Aise, if the breati is tee ligît andtihte oxýen tee (eldth te second stage crf fernrutatoa xiiibe roachý cd in the oe n andtihte breati will be Sor. White wootiworL ai furnnitîîie eau ho beautrfully cleaneti with xxhitinîg. M ring a flanuci clef h )rom ihot xvater tiip la whiting ant i)hwehl to vo- meve ail staiins, thon xxa i offthîe wtngwitl lauwarm I to aiii( dry witlr a sof t lotb Always i-oh riti the grain of the woeti. One lîttie hinît that ' ougit<tir prexe usefal la tire kitcheai thrat of hardenirng glass anti chinra arti- cles so that they will nef be easii y brokosu. Put theo-artiles lu a sauce- pan or cepper of col water; covor tiieni anti lotl the wuteî cerne f0 a hoil. PrhioutIre articles iraxe boileti for a few mnuutes, rover the sauce- panr cloely downu, set if on erre aide, andi wlîeî the waten is colti take eut tlie glass or- chinua. QOI AY TO WASII BLANKETS. Sel-ct a rieur winrdy day ors which to have the blankets xxashret se that the air- wlli bloxv tbn-ugb theni anti dry qîrickly. Exanmine tire blariLets to se if tîrere are arry places that arc x ory rnch seuleti; those shoulti ho kept li mid duriug the waslîlug. HlallfMIl two tus with hot water; peur eneugli disseivati soap lîrto one tub te urake a very streng suds aixi latoth ie second tiuin>b alas rmucli soap. IDissolveofhîree tabiespoons of borax la 1. qf water anti pour hall of tis muixture into oach tub, anti sep throar up anti toxînf1tire dirt appears f0 have been rernoveti; squreeze the water fr-oua thenni anti put them lir No.l 2 tub, wasirinug theur again lu thet saine manuor. Now rirîse flic blarliets la a very weak suds anti run thier thieugi tie wringen- Shako well anti hang ouf to dey. Ail tir-o waters in xvbicb the blaurkets are xvashed munst ho of fie sarno temnperaturo. If I here are any spots that lie sopping aurd pressing do not reuroxo, rab with a brusi; this dees not twis the fibre as wouid rubbig withr the harut i- on the board. W ash crrly txvo blauk- eus ai. a finie. hlave frosh xvator for evou-y pair'. 'l'lire laukeus should ho perfectly du-y befere f ley aetakeur frein the lino, thon fy hoîuldi h foltiet carofully anti pressoti, hy plac-i lurg them nrier a ioaxy xeigit for a day or fwo. PO1NTED PARAGRAPIIS. Many proverbs are the wit of orle andtihficwisioi of noire. A f ussy ruaun gets iii lis en-lu way wheîr ho ils inn a hurry. Tire first stop fou anti dinug gooti ithe inclination te do if. Evea fie ciroînl beire can lîelp a basy nu by not hindring hlm. U ne- ceit's. wonfh 0f uir. b is botter thaîr a dollar's worth of nînger. Ridicule no mnan for lis sa nose; you can nouer- feullait my tin up. WhoeuraIl meou aiereihaf they pro-- tend te bc the rnilenniuni probloun will ho easy. rLong reords, like lonug dresses. Ire- quontly bide soinethring xrourg about tire undenstanding. The sooner a mnan sbufflos off f iis mnortal cou l th sooner iris geeti qual- ifies wlll hbe rognizet. Biessoti is the main wiîo cati repeat the four coumîaundmeuuts aff or satiteur- ly coaîinug laconrtacf-- withr aiu icy sidewaik - Every mnan has a fhrcee-foid nature -that which hoe las, fiat wiich le exhibits anti thrat wiich le tlîinls le bas - The nian wio Laows nethirrg anti wants te finti ouf exeryfhing is ai- iiiost as greaf a bore as fie man wbe tbunîks ho knows everytlîiîg anti uslsf s upea f elliag if. Toin-"I-ew diti yen manage f0 break flic ice witli Miss Cîilîon?" Jack-"It was't necossary. I acci- dent aily founti 1er la a mrotiag uroo." w5,OOO paid by L E V ER REDUCES HERS - MITED, e adToronto, Ont., to any pro who cao prove that titis soap contains any form of adultera- I tion, or any injurious chemicals. FX FN F one wash will make linen last clean longer t than two washes with impure soap. N,, Ask for the Octagon Bar. Mr. P. W. Meyers, King St. E. Berlu Ont., says: I suffered for five yèe; with palpitation, shortnes5 of bredhx Gleepilessness and pain i the â arbut one box of Mllburn's Ilcart and Nerva PRIS oompietaiy removeti0,11 the4e dis. tressing symp tome. 1 h&a, not siuffere4 since taking len and now mloep weêl and feel strong and vigorous."' milburn'a Heart ana Nerve Pille cure &Il diseases arising fram weak heart, worâ ont nerve tissues, or watery b1coëd. 000>_,o Cotton IRoct OompoDUÂ1 is sucesully used miontbly by2 ver 1000Ld.Sale, effeetuai. Ladiesaask rand. ake nootfer as ail. Mixtures, plila n« mitatiou are dangerons. Frice, Ne!. 1, $1 pec box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. 0O. 1 or 2, mailed en recelpt of price and two 8-eent 'k.mpa'ho Cook Iiompsauy Windsor Ont ta'No. i and 2 soid ana recoonmended 1y ii responaibie Druggists ln Canada. No i andi 2 are sold la Bowmanville liv Stott & Jury, J lllgginbothan &,Son and J W Mefler- mld. druggista. Ea îb Ill oen !l ghow carde on trees, fences, along roade and ail con- picuonsp laces, also dietributing small adve, tising ntter. Commission or salary $60.00 lier monili and expenses, no' to exceed $2.50 pl e n . Noad employment to good, honest retse nu.N experience needful. Write for full partit jiars, THE EMPIRE MEDICINE CO., London, Ont. POINTFED PA11AGRAPIS. If you wouid acquire a protound kaewledge of men study women. When a man dues wrong if is a poor excuse to say there are olhers. It somnetimies happeas that cheap notoricty îs dear at hiaif the price. Wise is tlhg pruphet who does flot allow his predictions to go ou re- c ordc. A wise mnan doesn't belleve ail he hears, but a f001 he1ieves more than hie hears. True patriots work foriliteir' coun- try's future instead of boast,,ng o1 its past., Any man who gets iii on the grouudl floor and stays theeias no use for a lire escape. Two peopie may ho able to live as cheaply as one, but it depends on whether they*are mnarried or engaged. If a mian can live aiongside a pub- lic school for two years withoit los- iag bis tenîper, the recordiag angel coases to pay any attention t> lis actions. EITIIER ONE OR THE OTHER. Pr-ofessor-' 'rom your experience ia 111e how would you analyze amna bility, Miss K-atharine?" Miss Katharine (brîskly) -"h amiability, professer, is always a siga 0f great weakuess, or a sig4 of great strcuigth.." Sweet littie IM-eg came into her Sîuday-sehool class one morniiog, lier eyes filled with tears, and look- ing up into hier teacher's face, said: "Our deg's dead, and the angels must have been scarcd, whea they saw hlm'comning up the path, for he's awfully cross to, strangers." âv(zý*WX Af ýe