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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1902, p. 8

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mau' Are You Feeling WeilI?0p ïYou don.'t look wel, What you need * ~ o take is &abof O HIMONTRAIIS SARSAPARILLAO *This preparatioqn is a combination o drugs havino- alternatietne tnua' and laxative action. It contains those drugys which the medical profession recom- mends for Skin Diseases, Serofulous Affec- tions, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Rheum- atisrn, etc. It is carefully prepared from Opurest drugs and is sold at a raoal O* -- 75cper bottie. BOWeMANVILLE. Cheniists and Druggists. OUJR MEtALLIC IW .DSA CEILINGSANo,-WAILLS I Bowmanvil le MT. VEL-NON,. Visitors:-Mr. Holden, WhitLby, at Mn, E. Annis'; Miss Maud Hleddon at home; Mn. Elijah Abraham, Scarboro, aI Mn, H Abnaham's; Migs Edua Rose, Oshawa., at Mn. J. Pascoe's; Mn. J. Whaley and the Misses Whaley, Toron- to, Mrs A Pîke, Markham, aI Mn. J. Garfat's; Mn. W. McCullough, Enfield, at Mr. J. Heatlie's; LMaster Hanny Annis athm;Mns J. Laugmaid andI Mrs. anapDaliugton, at Mn. E. Mill son's; Mise Lillie Gilbert at home., Mr. .Henry andI Mise Carnie Heddon have gone to Dakota. DIAMOND DY*TES l'or The Home in Springtime, Iu thousands8 o! homes througliont this vast Dominion, mothers and daughterî are wonklng merrily and hlappily with ïjî,i,,id Dyes. Last year'e faded andI dingy dresses, 8ekirts, blouses, capes, jackets as well as chïldren's andI men's cuits are leing transformed into new aud liandsome smusfor epring wear. This home dyeing work savos scores o! dollars annuali ,y te etonomizing families. Succese lu home dyeing le only assur- ed aud guaranteed when the Diamond 7D eýs are used. The use of crude. common andI Imitation package d',es is a danger andI a source o! ioss toa ah whc uufortunately use -them Send a Post Card with your addness i adesire te secure the fulli lange ai Diarnond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns. The Wells & Richardson Co , Jimiteil, 200 Mountain, St., Motreal, P Q , wil these novel designs f roe o! cost. ,ie Your' Choîcela i>re are many stylos o! mouutiug ishbing Ve want you ta take , ilts youblest. The qualiu.r e 1~nn~h y -î phto- netodi'! andI finisliung we e or .hat eau s e donc wit . lot.. iE'eworti "'s iSTA'IESMAN Is makiug a speciaity of I etalfiloCelings anld Walls ALSO Mtallc Shingles AND lIetallo Siding for outsides of your houses and barns. BOWMANVILLE, A-PR, 2, 1901, HAYI)ON. Easten visitons; Mn. Wm, H. Broact and eon, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baubury, Bowmanvilie. Mise Edith sMontjoy, Oakwood; Mrs.' Fred. Farrell and two childi-en, Tvroue; Mn. Norman Rundle, Hampton; Dr. H. C. Bundie, Havelock ...Rev. P. J. Andenson, Hampton, filled the pulDit hene verv aceptably on Sunday.-. ..nIrPond and familF have maved to Mn. Gibson's farm, uonth of the village, andI Mn. James Ashton, Enniekîllen, lias moved WHILE PARLIAMENT' Is InI Sessioni, Ottawa People Hear of a larvellous Cure. It Ie a Rescee rom Sufferiug and Veath'Effected By PAINE'S CELERI COMPOUND The Great Spring Medicine. MR. BROWN, SAYS: "'After the Use o! Paine's Celery C ompound 1 arn Now in the Beet o! Rlealîli." The greateet o! modern physiciane, Prof. Edward E. Pliolpm, M. D., L.L.D,, after vears o! long practice andI close scientific tudy, gave ta suffoing andI diseased mon andI women hie manveilous li!e-giving proscription, with tle con- viction andI positive knowledge that il- had peculiar virtues andI ample powers ta cure, afler the torriblevedc in cunable" was uttered bytemeca practitioner. Thousande o! lie strongest testimo- iiiale froin the lest known andI Most reliable mon and wornien o! our country fulIy custain theo daims matIe ly Dr Phelpe Èegardifig hic incomparable Paino's Ceiory Compound. One o!fltme most convin ing proofs furniehed, cornes recently frorn a gentîle- man widely kuowu iu the Capital city, wo refer ta Mn. AlfredI Brown, 91 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ont. Mn. Brown's letton fully demonstrates the fact that thie greatest sufferen mav cast off hie on lien lurden, o! disease and become well, stnang andI happy. It proves 100 that the great medicino utaintains more frmly Ilian even befora ils unrivalled place in the estimation of pe'tple of weaîth andI social standing as woll as with the masses. Mr~. Brown says: "I acknowledge with tlrankfulness antI pleasune Ithe !act that 1 have boen cured of a very painful ilîness of iglit 3 oars standing bY use of Paine's Celeny Com paunti. 1 lad, during the yeans o! my illuess tnied alrnost ah tthe adi'ertised medicines without de.iving anv good recuits I wac also treated hy sevonal of the lest doctons of hopiug ta fSud that one o! Ibem at least would understand my casre, "I was getting woree, sud was bold I was incurable. 1 was indeed in a critical condition I couldInot go froin thehliuse alone, as I was hialle te sudden collapse. I tried hospital tro&tmont lut no reie,ýf on good nesults came ta me, 1 could flot sleep i any thing liaI I aIe increaseti my agonies; I was extremoiv weak, resîlese, tined antI despomdet; was obliged 10 walk about with my liands pressed frnly int my left side to eass my pains; my foot antI hande were coltI contiuually; had inclination 10 vomit, liad profuse, coltI sweats, quik breath- igand would le racked with pain for houns ent a lime. "'Af ton the rogular use of Paine'e Celery Compound for a lime, I amn now lu the lesta!f healîli, have goati appelito antI can -ase auy kind o! food . Tlank GotI I arn my oltI self once mono, ail Ilirough the use o! Paine's Celery Casa.. pound" MAPLE GROVE. DAR.LIN GTON. Visitors:-Mrs. Griffun, town, and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and daugliter, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. VeinCamp'8; Miss Florencre Jenntings. Toronto, ai home; Mr.H1. T. Power and -family, Oshawa, at home; Misses Maggie Oke and Mamd Witheridge with friende in Toronto; Mrs. Jno- Hoit with her mother at, Pick erin . . .. Mr. Malcolm MeMillan died -Monday after a short' illnes... Mr. Fred Truil is i Chicagoý and lias been offered a good situation wlth the Deering Harvester cosnpanv,. .Mr, Jas, Pierce has engaged Mr. Hugh Hoy to superintend his farm. $100 REWARD, $100. The roadere of ibis paper- wIll- bc pleased to learn that there le- at least one dreaded disease that science bias been able ta cure In aRi Is stages, and that is Catarrh. Balles Catarrh ure i the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiug a'constitu- tional disease, réquires a coustntionai treat- ment. Hall'& Catarrh Cure le taken internally. actig dlrectly upon the blood and muncous sur- faces a the aystem, thereby destroylng the foundation of the dîsease, and givlng the patient strenqth by building up the constitution and assietmng natusre lu doing îts work. The po prietors have sa mue f athin lu ls.curtiv powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for auy cage thai it faile to cure. Send for Iist 0f testimonials. A dd rese, F, J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold byruggists, 75c. Hall'e Family Pille aretie best, TYRONE. BINDER TW[NE. Don't foi got< t o order FARmEns BINDlR TWINIC,. Goneral satisfaction gîven. PETIER WERRY, Agent, Tyrone. 2-tf Easter visîtore: Mr. Clark Wilbur, Toronto, ai Mr. F. Wilbur's; Mr. Albert MeLaughlin, Oshawa, Mr. eert Creeper, Toronto, Mr~. Wm. Stock, Geor4iown, iborne; Mr. E. May, 0'- 1Vonuejll, a le Parsouage; Miss Vera Hicoks, Toronto Junction, with friende .. . Mr. Thos. R1. Hoar who w as Injured sa eevcrely byis re- cent fali was removcd Tuesday to Toronto for treatment....The Mpworth'League cutertain- ment which was posiponed on account of the rain Gooti Friday passeci off successfully Mon- day evcning. Besid,î choruises, quarteis, trios, solos and recitations by Leag'ue members, and a drill by 12 young ladies, Misses Seott,Salem, and Vera Slemon, Raydou, verv ably favoreti with recitations ...T'lhe mnany friende of Mrs. James Bediford, Bowmariville (nec Mise Mary Emmerson of Tyrone) sympathise wiih sorrow- ing relatives over lier death. She leaves five Rltle ones. 1000 rotis of grounti wanted to bnild Cyclone Fenice on; aiso 500feet for Lawn Fence. Far-m- ers are just beglnning ta findti Oui bs le the besi feuce on the mnarket. Ail kinde of wlre gaies with malleable trou frames. 1 set ail ena and gale poste mYseif, W. R MÂisG, Tyrone. COURTICE. Easter Visitors : Mr, and Mrs W. L. Courtice, Fickerincz. at Mr. A, J, Cour. tice's; Mrs. A. E. Clemens, Tyrone, at Mr. L. M Courtice's; Prof. Courtice, BellIeville, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Brennand, Toronto, with friends; Mrs. B. J. Gay, Toronto, at Mr. H. Gay's . Mise Hall, Town, at Mrs. S. S. Brooks'; Misses Gertie aud Hilda RundleTown, with relations; Mr. and Mrs. George Cornish in Hope; Mrs Jas. Courtice, Mrs. L. M. Courtice and Miss Bickle in Toronto; Mr, Kemp, PenaIon Falls, with his sister Mrs. John Walter; Mr. S. Trick, Norland, with Mr. J.Armour; Mr. and Mrs. D Clarke with frienes in Lindsav ... ,After the Easter lesson lu Ebenezer last Sunday the primary dlase gave a very appropriate program ot eongs an,! exercises ...The Easter song servieat Ebenezer churchwss postponed for a week on account of unfavorable weather ... . Mr E. Worden and daugliters "Ordhard Lodge" enter- lained a number of friends very pleas antly Monday evening.... Mr. F. W. Rundie sowed 8 acres of grain last week. ... Mr. W. R. Courtice is hand- liug MeLaughuin Carniages. Courtice & Jeffrey harness and McCormick binder twine. Gel the best. Miss Lillie Oke le visiting friende in Bowmanville. New Wall Paper now in stock and of the latest designs at Wotten's, Mr and Mrs. W.J. Stacey7 are spend- ing Easter vacation at Mount Pleasant. Mr. R. S ,MeLaughlin andI family have removed to Shallow Lake, Grey Choice Field andI Garden Seeds are now in and will le eold at night pnices at W. M. Wotton's, the People's&More. Messrs. J. P. Leask andI A. Sharp did some seeding before the 27th inst. and report the soil in excellent condition for.tilling. Muet flot le coufounded with common cathartic or purgative pille. Carter's Little Liveer PIl are entirely unlike them in every respect. One trial will prove thein superionitv. Dr. P. C..Trebilcock te acting Medic- al Superinteudent thie week at the Sanitorium, Graveuhuret, during the absence o! Dr. Elliott. WHIAT CAUSES PAIN? MoSt pains and aches corne from exces o! uric acid- poisonis in the blood, due to deranged kidueve, rheumatiem, lackache, lumba- go, pains in the skies and limbe ac companied by lladder andI urinary troubles, are warniug too serious and paînful to le neglected. Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liven Pis act dlrectly' and specifically on the Kidneys, make them active, vigorous aud thonoughly cure these ailments. ('ne 25 cent. box of this great Kidney medîcine wiii do you a world of good. Small atteudauce at league social on Friday nigît. An excellent short pro. gram was g-iven. 'Thle solos by Misg Ellen Rogers were ýdelightfuily ren dered andI charmed ail who board lier, MEDICAL SCIENCE ADVIANCES. - It je not more than hall a century ago that physicians considered a surgical operat ion with is isk, expense and pain as the on'y cure for piles. To-day it je only the out of d ate doctors that think of sucli tneatment. It is cruel sud ex- travagant to operate for a diseaae which is far more certaiuly curod ly the application of Dr. Chase'e Ointment. You may be ekeptical. but for proof you are referred to tons of thousaude o! cases that have been cured by this famous preparation. Eaeîer visitors: Miss E. R. Brown, Miss (4amsl »y, Mr. andI Mrs Geo.Riggs, Miss Mary Virtue, Mr. W. J. Vintue, Mr. Eqmond Hall, Mrs. J. S . Montgom. erY, Miss Hazel Paecoe, Toronto; Mis Mirinie Rogers, Mn. Robent Stevens, Pickering; Mies Clapperton, Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jonees. Master Norman Tnebilcock. Bowmanviîle; Miss Edith Mountjoy, Marîposa; Mies Eva Crookehanke, East.Whitb3y; Mr. David Leask, Taunton; Mr.and Mise Herring, Zion; Mr. Palmer andI brother, Prince Edward; Dr. Montgomery and son, MISS BERTHA L. TAMBL-YN Pu'pil 1f Prof. A .S.Vogt, Toronto Conservatory of Muslic, will recelve pupils lu Piano and Theolry of Musie, at ConcessIon st, Bowina BO WMAN VILLE MARKETS. Coreceted by J.Momurtry each Tieday FLOU, VI100 Ibs......90 to62 80 WIIESAT, Fali, bush ....O> 00ï) iO 70 Sing........ 0 00 i 0 70 ,, Red Pife.......0 00"le0 75 te Goose ....0 00"le0 65 BAR.LET, Ubush, No. 1 ...*O00 il O 50 Il fi'2 ...0 40"il0 45 il t, VI3 ... 025"tg0-31 il etTwo rowed 0 40"il0 50 QATS, white f.........O0 0 "1O040 RYE, ".........0 00"te0 55 BIUOKWoVEAT 'I.............O 00f" O 50 into the fouse recently accupied 1v Mr School Report for March: Son IV- AilD.nCnal.' euIs 070'if0 0 Pod.MisCm llremains teachen Leslie <(,oxLeslie Snowdon. Russell XVethe undersigned, do hre "l mttllmey60 il 0"65 o! Haydon echool until the end of June Power, Lola Suowden; Jr.IV Miîdned agree to refund the maney ou a 50-cent il Ble " 00 i" 65 Collacutt, Jennie Depew; Sen. Hl- bottie of Greene's Warrauted Syrup, of BuTTER, lest talle, P Il., O 00 '0 17 Mabel Cox, GlatIvs Snowden, Shirley Tan, if it fails ta cure youn cougli or is, e doz .............0 00 '0 10 FOR EYERY MOTHER, Snowden, Manneil Bellamy, Mvrtle coltI. We also guaantee ýa 25,cent PofAToEs, V bush.. ......0 80 " O 030 McK-eynolds, P'earl Snowden, Edna bottle to prove satis!actory on moitey IT o 0 0 A Manitoba Mothen Gives Practicai Adams; Jr. III -David Haînîltoy, Elvaerefune....o.tI..,..o8'r00 Jun9 a0 Advice on the Cane 0f Balles, Snowdon, HaroldI Powern; Se.-Her- j. HIGGINBOT11AM & SON bort Hopkins, Ethel Adams, Rhea ~ lu s well known that nearly ail infant Jeffeny; Jr. II-Arthur Charles" Frank -rEWCASTLE. T RY somacli Indigestion in a chia will Mabl Depew; J-Pt. Il-Elmer Cox, Mn. Robt, Allen, Toronto, washloe:SP1ING T scause at fir4 peevieliness andI leeplees- Edua Suowden,,Cocul Jeffery; Jr. I- fon Easter. .-, Mrs. Thorne sud Miss : noe, lut, othen more serions troubles Cocil Adams, Russell Poley, Cynil Kate Thorne'have retunnedfrom the from Aý,prîllt continues luto u will, follow fast, sucli as collc on cramps, Rundle; Jr, 1-GIatIve Depew, Hon- city, , - nI. wVm., Spencer, of, the G, Ti constipation lu Some cases, diannhoea in lent'Jeffeny. BERTAHANCOCICteacher. fa Atan'PecaSme eso Iothers, with fatal recuits in many cases. . n John Trimble is hustlîno'te Rlisiting ek faoter.141r. qiteati : ecilSo ummeendsso t * Eh lemother wlio neglects having con- -wood in this vicinity with hls ne 'tu eMns mPikard ensteraîn eveutn- hogJi d uu~ aldpr stantly at liand the meaus for tneating sawing machine,.... Mrs. Wm. Evenson number o! frienas. Tua een- CNTA*UIN8 OLIE. these ille takes au swful isk.)Irs . & lias returned from epondîug the winten iofgtwekilag, - .n as. fistaptOommeoace .1.GE TRA ROJSN[8TOLLG.. L. McMillan, Logock, >Man., is one with hlen daughter, Mrs. B. J. Gayo! iin eeillg....theMretRtAlmencef TO r o ctoan smothen who is particulanly weIl ftted Toronto. Mrs. Gay epent the Easteirpigseig .rR .Alno hreaen aain nimemubersZ f t give advice ou the care o! babies. holida3s here ... Double crseig at Trnily Univensitv spout Easten with* may enter ai any time anti continue for Hon standard medicine for the minor Mn. R. R. Stevens' on cristonveing hie fathen, J. K. Allen, Esq ... . Mr.W *any dtesireti term. A duzen teachers,* ailments of! li 111e onos is I3abla'swlienhic ittle boy ndayr. ohngD. . Poarce je liaving groat successemak e5of 38 ewligmaers sud sdaîlyr'-dle Own ahltsant ci sae :"Tlev toves, itte by wre aptzedlv ng maple syrup and sugar on the oldt the characier anti reputation of our are the lest modicine 1 have even used Rev. H.- W.- oley.. .Mrs. lino. Snow pmne am Ms iaeWlo e cottege. Write for circulera. for infant alIments. I have givon tlliedn and daughters, Pearl and Gladys. Mn. ArT e Dcugasl!'e, or PRf ICIPAL. to, my baby for indigestion andI stomnacti spent Easîer witli hon sisten, Mrs. Geo. op . s.Ts.DulsiitdPNCAL* trobleant thy re romt ad Ohaa... Anua len daugliters, Mns. J. H. Tuer and m -Yonge anti Gerrard Ste., Toronto. thoouglue and ingya re.po mthnStevenson, Ohw .. nulSunday Miss Annie Douglas, St. Manv . . .. Mr. clioudle in gle dýgaycure.out the Sclioal Board meeting Friday evemng, W m. ùeîong planted potatolos lin_________________ shud easigeda -hotte ..About 80 mombeneo hiOhw aro ody ek... rn e Tabiete in the house IIDivision visitod here laet weok antI had gdnel Mo istnay w ae .,nank Ken- m Baly'e Own Tallets are for children a nico turne..- ,.Mn. MiltonandI Miss gnrofikle viMsitMancohi , paresfro, uIn u N of alI ages, and wiIl cure such troubles Ethel Gay visitod fiende here goroîL . Mrs Malcolm, I.A, wiSra fe o eot as contiation, collc, sour stomacli, . -... Sorne have commoncod seeding. MîoiM !SrtodCleit dia d smplefevrs. heyareInstitute, who was luried here Satun diarloo atIsipl fyes.Thy reday week was raised in Netou. . .aL invisînalle for teuthing childnen andIIoigBr n k the onilv s ister of Capt. Milîilgan, uowA rIN* will break up colde and provent croup. J Jquanntied wBh he Ist ontigen Guaranteedti t contain no opiate on Craoked Matnda, Sore Ear, with suiaîl pox in the lowen rovince. othen larmnful dnug Dissolvet inl waton Over30Y aso ad tlieyeanlbe givon with perfect safety . .Mr. Joseph Perrin froin Illinois,U.S.,30Y aso R ad ta a new bm nblb. Soîid by ýail 'q'-" IIhstratlons 0f IIow Dr, Cbazela retunned homo on Satunday afternonoa h eol fWstDra: after an absence o! 16 3oars . ... Mn. J. ouepoi ! etDnii: dealers lu medicine or sent post paitI at Olutment Curew Jtchins 1kinDia-. Scott on the Law fanin, who receutîy I wîsh 10 tender you îny heanty 25 conte a box ly addrossiug the Dr. eaIlez and E'ruptions. toc& a tnp ,to Enigland for the benefit thauke for all past favons lu business WOn ae'MdcitC,,Bokv.e Mr. James Mcleaace, 25 Elgi ,o! hic heoalîli has rentod the Pickard andI solicitîng yaun coutinued patron- Ottawa, ont., writes:-,"I enfereg iSth house on Beaver St .Rev. Mn. How- age for -the future. We are camiug sait rhn o rf upwarde 0f ten Feare anti. onreacliod special sermoins in St again this spring witli a new stock o! SOLINA. the 5kIn au my bnecaci 'aiGeon ' eschurch GoatI Friday atIgoode. sucli linos as Dry Goode, Grocen- brealrjng s0 us ta maltke them uselece. Easter Suudav. The choir propaned a les, Tinwaro, Gnanitewane, Cutlery Mr.J.T.Rudleha benAfter trying ail sarts or remetts u pecial service o! Sang., The chuncli antI cucli as are elwaivs lu use in your Mn J , udl la bnvI-ilng Vain, I becamne diecourageti eani was handsomelv decorated with flawere homos evory day. We chaill e glatI to fiende lu Toronto,. ... Rev. J.S McMul- thauglit my suffertugs wouid neve n.I hmt'oi o edtea Ien, Trone, proadlie a vers. able Last sprtng 1 usetidr.C Syrctsont front New York andI Denven ...seilte 0yu fyune hia Dr. rha eOit- Mise Mollon visited at Mr. Roît. John- iglit pnices andI take sucli thinge as wo sermon bore Sundav ou the Missionarv suent and lu a short urne was erOityMrMri cutoe -hailinxcng Movement., . eetitiîg Thursday even cureti." Ston's, South onst o! Newtonville.. . . f n r egcsorn S. andet edag îg1deide about he 3S . annive -ary Mn. B. Nicholson, Manor Hanse, Wiun anMr.rcArWtHurliplin sd son ieil- or îlegoods .nýowiu atc ninPea i ttenpg Man., states :-For e'vra etI aIMn. John Rickaby's, Orono. M.Atu ntanwl rvll Divso embredîd !flo .t prîleipate ruonths 1 hati beeri troubîct i wth Easter Visitons .Misses NMabc] Rickardl)lnto anIM.DidGggu irn thei troat but wvmomla ve it t W1 - k eczema on my care, anti for weeks 1 and Clara Symous, Xelcome, ai Mn. J. Clarke as usual. Our wagons will le "doctorot i wtb a prominent Winnipeg Rickard7's; Mies ~akei, visiî rodasonasheoa rego a" . u"" ' atIphysicilan, but te ne avai. iiig oo tm-e,.r ~ ~ ~ !r ( im um'reducoti by a fettaw suff",rer te try Dr. 'rcnl isLizzie Allia ;Mroe tcgli. udll e ume roafsrap 'i ' m 1,~y ,i -A, Chase's Ointm-ýent, a d P,-m happy sy i<l tatmT nmiîca; Miss AgnPs aneclIw cmDrpua ;r. that tilefirstapl.t n gave instant Uow.- 'dD iýruta, tîiî i . Arthunrdnyinifwaetsaunug, A'rthut î f, y hj, i-_ irY S,.1 relief. IMancr,) yculrdt, antid we ,'lnro Ihome ;Mn Two indred tous o! srap Irrnvanted Mn.GooWili-ms iasliein~i-o ~ bi hve atinorelt-ncf bi truble~, Bc. rlo Emisan, Tioronto; Mrs. T, sso s sbe cousin ar ou',.,,Tef'. dsae.'ma-îhhragînut Marys; HORSE .WANTED-Good, 'muug, ~i iiîbrhaaj n:],i qî ! erésle ;s lîi at, h q- ui. r.V 1JutiLoî " ', te. Vanie, soundllorsne, about 1300 île., fur pod-- 0 ,~, , , .,.itîe a Dr (~ -'es i ,mrt h i .~h ~...Vin ja,l.Lxethas gano dliug weggou Addîer-s .yI'E. s iPae r, ti, vcliî wf eciing'icon- '-JOHN GRIGG, L. n-,,,'r1E ' fr a in r ýdi';t,' in our ~ ailt te ciarche s uu'iay. 82 Ontario St, Bc'wi2nvil.e. 'laI music boing a feature, 134W THE MASON Go. BOWMANVILLE kN EARLY'SPRING Our early spring, sales indicate an unusualy- laige season's trade to arrive. We have already- placed repeat orders, so quickly have, sizes sold out in our special value Worsted Suits. We have die best value $10 Worsted Suit ever shown in -Bo wman- vidle. See them before you bu' y. We have rain-proof Overcoats with vria pockets; we havc light-weight Overcoats in medi-3um and short lenoths. These are, the Coats that wvill be in style until: they are worn out, the shbort Covert. Olvercoats are the leading Overeoats with the Amger- ias La,-dies and Misses'Sz-tr"aw Mats We -have received our new stock whîch is large, and bas been carefully selected. Values are special. Remember we ask no, faîîcy prices. A very smali amount of money. buys a really nice new Sailor Hat; better ones for those who want them. People say they save money in buying Sailor Rats from us, %aroce.,ry iDepa-c.rtm.ent We have received this week New Mapie.- Syrup, New Fancy Biscuits, PrtUnes, Pickle3, Proof YTinegar. Bring us your Butter and Eggs. THEMASON 'Go.e% CYCLONE WOVE WIRE FENCE CO., Lîmited, The Cyclone Sweeps ThMAl 600 ROOS BUILT IN DARLINGTON IN 19019 No superior to the Cyclone Woven Wire Pence as a general farm Ikmnce has yet appeared. All the essentials of a durable and effective stock fencë are coin- bined in it. Ail wirps are large, and made of galvanized steel. The cable reversed on the picket provides for expansion and contraction. 'T'he crimp or coil on the pieket mâkes the fence visible. The Cyctlone le the Most up-to-date fence on the market More than this. the method of construetiou is strictlv, right and the price is very moderate. Our best guarantee is that every farmt" : who lias a Cyclone Pence recommends it. If 3 ou want a farrn or ]awu fence or gate don't buy tIll you communicate with W, R. MANNING 12-tf SOlE Agent for Darlington aud Cârtwright, TYrone, Ont. God ClvsRsd "lBîbby's Cream Equîvalont" IS USED. Fo spplementin'g tie supply of whole milko fr enriching separated or skýmmed milk, or if necessary for raisilig the calves withiout any milk Whatever af ter a- few weeks olci. It is byfar th,, most popular edif food on the miarket. Price-50 lb. bag $2; 100 lb. '33.50, SOL1D BY BOWMNAN YTILLE, -23a a m a

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