) THIE RflU8E OF 001 OND I tAere be smne weakiier o'ne, give me strengtA 0b 41 on." ~ N E8F~ il JJF DOII~~G AT OTTAWA ~~"Kînd hearts are maore than col', s"TNysN RA EL I EU WH GAT OTT W AWEA E-WmrcC. N EALGET IPE IJL A RFOUDFD CARE. a1 Workers and Regular in Womenare e'm- Col. Ilughes called attention to re- TerHusVlal j in ton ertan ficuios nido inaServante. -.that the Backaes dierii a letter wlhich aaredl -ic on Djl-e 01ale nb"P naps the Most intercsting Ileadaches, T ir ei l t.Te t- adT~ttRb reatures ia Pern are the apes," says lingahe aad c widlleaka, a] Dwight Darrngton, who ltas an cx- .~~~'Felins faod weakc e utthe Car: ais Ihad takent's'epiaainl BscaRi «ýthey suffer are bodued Leia~ ofda osa TO FTJRNISH H Ho is travelling for pleasure across to wron-g action InohdpidottlcrOn isa ofi roinaz th kdayn rncîîeltoes. 'Coi. Sain said tiîis TI,'For centuries past these reninrk- l"~ dnyPis ,ewsPapers froin a young English MUSKOKA. r-equire humiantii-itligerecc." confia- are the most reliabie rernedy for any forai Yecn ian, du,,yinig tihe charge made , lle Ntrlssacei h of kidney eoiplaint. They drive away' againsut he Canladiatîs. The ' on- The OnIy Free CpnsumptlveHospItaÎ In America. lni se, dog and eleplinuf wifli pas. piainud aches, makLe wonien lealthy and man in question pointcd ont that the, -ý bappy-able ta, enjaylilfe f0 the fuileSt. story prnbabiy arose froin the fact dnbaiiiIbtIbleetePr Mrs. C. H. Gillespie, 204 Britîa Street, fln lcBc- ad taken off their i;AIN VE Y JE~IN E ET D um anmai urs, a I blies hcIer >t. John, N.B., says: boots ia order to e able f0 'creep........ the huge nt fnrests nfi my adopted 7 had seî ere kidney trouble for w'hich quieuiy up to flic British camp.conrth esaefietmbl I ir.'dwitb a aumber of the best REPRLSENTATIOIoe N YUKION -TIhe New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under thre cluefry th am~sare i i esitirnabi physicians lu Sb. John, but received littie àMu. Borderi (IHalifax) ivas toid by aupics o th Ntina S O'1' tz sscitioli* inu te. rihtli amazng edarke relief. IJearing of Doan's Kidney Pilla, 1 Mr. Siffoi thaf hoiefped f o auspbc ed-s oo~ut naun as h nnIu.iscaoick bes, irl nu aht h'oanthexpdarl Iegan thtir us. efore taking fbein f roduce a blli this session deaýiing b ed-oso str we oeupand Jiîrnis& ý Mres, sang amuclitfeimor ani txpee could nt sto(ýrp te le InY8hO4ýMcaacanantithdonutier ofrmaIcis fbricee coud afstoptofi cy hoa, ndatWilra roibr o nafer cnncfd s ecreJ -to receive 50 patients absolutely ui/roui sseu tlc tinie required by flic nimble fin- tiie uieodsehtrtretatIcol ntwith l tc eYukonitenitary, aidn al gered apes turc over in'edwithont assistance. Du'ri'î roba'biity the questioni 0f represen- ehaie. ee p Kidney Pilla have rescued me fom tfi tation offliheYnkon ilaheflRousnicier"cplnatin70a crea,,'f ichan terrible condition, and removed eve&y pain wollie deaIt with inthtill~î. The z -Over 3ý00 out q/ 500 patients admnitted to the .lfusloka rNrcnan 70ars iwiha and ache." mcationwa. tprs tCdc oal-6otage Sanatorium -(he' property of the National 40 5pes f0 do flic pirking for me. COLONIES îILL DECIDE. N an itaïium Association - have returned home cither the aiNe orienubavtecre ni iVeS ý M. R L. ordn equird w 1 h re -e orarealy mbaved a linge, comfortabie cage for app F a m er W j e~ R.den d N v hr~ cu c or gre tly irn rov d.the apes, large eonugli f0 accommo- iugLon, whicli stated 1 iîaf Sccretarvyae100o hm seWELLS, RICHAIZDSON & CO'S Hay aîd LXl. imtsy, seea r ' fi Jh ie osmpi"Ilsiti staedi'esie ae10 fflia. Itibsfe "I MPROYED BUTTER:COLOR" fra c ~ 'irlas. iîa ind o-de1iîlîtm0ulluihealth'itl localit b" ïigthe same ad- iri c ' erynîhelif. utsac n san yerar ta year becauso it gives the most t prom iin idie oiinaý Clonesath e a aestihpoe s!otere/.lt fnincies begin f0 srreauî. ithe fore- hatisfactory resuits. In every part of 1 fteo 'T;i rat c ý anae otepo patients asn h ih ien open flic doors o'fflic cage and Canada. rielîly fiavored, golden tinted J tweeci. the bUnited States and Greaf ont)u'fronp fli apes, cliatfening mer- butter eseen on evec'y farmer's table Brîýtaici for tu îec'to iiii- ofnr iiy -butter that iie good enouli for royaltv dsna rpnls M.Bodnsl " 'le are permaiffed f0 caf and WELLS R[CIIARDSON & CO'S "I I t there Nvas analie sucli fieafty,.l~. - rn for fen minutes amni flen lied PROVE1B BUTTER COLOR' daes the moIre llarticniaiy l witli regard ie oÎ off to flic grove sciecfed for tne day. rodwork. Ask your dealer for it.frdmokii17.Ssquni ~efse ubsituesa fc-cny between Fiance and Spain' Four' apes are sent up ecdi ree, and was iregotiated. To fhis the IUied c ~ every quare a i bse ffi ___________________________bottoin. Siats ad Crat ritaii lso ie-MUJSIC AS TIIEY WORK. cam11e prieat a lr date. Ho Wiîie fliefoicîasngaapa icaCersi ood tiîaf these tNVo coiiN ii- pluayfci nnci ognsfnin fiolîs aim-ady applied te flic Britisli ipo hi The $urest R~~~ Coloncies, anýd lie wanfed to kiiow - - pnrsteae ic lcnt aboiutffrom froc tf, froc, and acting NVlleiS hei'tcGoverameuf liad aiîy lu- p NVuth Aiter scierai focraialion on thec nbject. grf apiity ý'i liilfid aurer ,-piedtha th 'l _ubors flicdoukëy Nwagons appear Gi lfidLuirrele latfi - itfl more baskets and renve fliose C oi rn n 'nf b a d u n i for ati n , .-~a rea d y lo a d e d w i fh rait s fo th e b ig ibt îbuflcscctbt i ins la flie storehouse. There le couse, fl'ilittention hld 1emucal- ~ thon a brief cessation oi work. h nve faIsta curie a SIM1PL[E ledi fo tire despatrîmes, anrd tlicy htlad~"'~ Smtre ootw yva CODUEVYCOLD, sud askczd, anîd w 010expectciîîg, ilfoni- i nnd iiay a b ot it. r aes ie- sil BEONCHI1AL TROU-' foiion rcgac'dicîg h. Witlroui haîiîîg lnadpa itOr.e rcceived arivsuscb informnationr lie was FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA are excepfionaliy fond of music, as 1 Lag $oue 1.00. Medium Size 50c. quite sure -of nue thing, fliat w h<t- The gfft o W. J. Gage, Esq., andf the Execmors Hart A. Mccssey Estate suprosal lie claf r- agory and Large TrIISil2 .ciel treafy iîad bliouconciuded by iproah______________ fli'-an Emmored y al ho avetred <. Great Bitaici wifb the Unifed States gop csuc iîn i.Ipa Endosedliy 1 wo hae tîedlit. --oililnetips faco aply o Îlfanies of al kinds, but acier haill f worcd nf ipo fcto ppl fo bm Think of the sorrow and Sufferlng the New Free Consump- clsFil oebigivi n pr colonies, but ticat flic colonies Would tive Hosptal wiil alleviate and Indeed eIltlreiy remove. ltedI. 1 clap nmy bauds, point f0 the elefbt to decide foi' i linselves whe.. thon or' îlt tlicy siould lie parties tae -Will you flot send a dollar-or $2.00, $3.0,55.00, $10.00- troces and dopant on nîy mulle. The that greemnt, wateve it iight r mor, forth 1 s mot presingef ilaker flicophiafk taedin flic thempfy WE WANT MEN bses hoh. nikd rc n titbc ee, lcfc ni ilfo orfrii oipesn f l hrtes aktse lcupre 'e n EVERY WEEK DAY, MANITOBA SCIIOOL LANDS. -The vletims of- the White Plague are found ail over Canada. iegln picking witli renewed vigor. Mn. Ross prescnfed a pet ition irnm -WTT eT RT'T1 -EL~Pi isiiaîoc for rîrscheons cnducf 1000 MffN WM<rED o ta lave their flie Local Logisiaf ire oni-Manifoba mn $50 is o-ce for ieiiy necosary.eme measure for Falitand Wne ut nfiuet li eatoiniifra IJ.L.L F K CS r i.53 be inade, up in very iateýsr st.vîe and lit on selioni lands leld ii trust iy fi fitstewl psfakfi ln guaîracteedr We înak en's sand bol-s Dominion Goverainieut for flic Pro-Ti dsgiearigayrnglt suite equai ta any and priees lower than vinceofn Manitolia. coNT RIBUTIONýs MAY BE SENT TO- Te'osgv ann a rngt rnany. Brini' us your wvrinkled clothes CANSO -BRIDGE COMPA NY. ltw ho h nrcesmri ý,cesdand made like a new suit. Tl'ire1 bill f0 incorpoî-afe flic Straif SIR W. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justice, lessly. Af fer- f ey have beemi ne- ~oere Vîce-Pres. Nat. Wan. Assoen,, Toronto. nldand ane kiiled we t ake Our eep saniples of clotb-priees riglit. nio Cause BridgeCGom-pany wns rcL('adse JorîN T. AILl-ri, thefashionabie tailir, a thîrd f ino ai-id pa-,ssed,, ai tornl- W. J. GAGE, Chalm'man Ex. Coin., Toronto. aesfflcpolisomiprc- neariy opposite ST-4TEýS-,AN office, Bow' sert ing an anreodmeni to make It NTOA RS O Lmtd raueSien. 'Vc. show tf h lceid und nanviie. 45-t I quite leni tl'at flc toia îray li ne-NATIOAL TUST C. LbltodTreaorereslooyfiodes o tiror fcîends Tho g5t uilte eri f oiainte tolltiuay btre ý1Tor'onto, we inck f hem uLp for a day or' moro. ________________________by hel 'The lessuci pu'uducres a indolil _____________________ i nu'i ii iii~impr'essionî upoîî f lini. Tlicv iarned SICONI) Rt' DINITGS, long ago I lît ail animais must ho To incorpoi-afc flic Caîîaciar Nor- hcfi os r upnfu ririen oicrprt i anl ota fierii Telegr'apli Co-Mrli. Davics. 1nte oq- ,i ýjolalshieo T nopr teCnd etaniser-vientfo mn. Tlrey eor jure TH lE.-PRESSLJR E Rospectiig flic Day ni Quinto Rail-riita' eoru ores iflei cu- RaiiN'ayGo-Mn,, Scott. jrcgo kit flicsiglit onil, wiil ronkey. w ay Co- ?ulr.Hardy.litila tri100,000 cîcî, flic estabilli- 'TO iccorporafo flic BritisAi Aerica JTliCY ai- osnefalualile sei'vcts. anrd E D 101KI QQ lec5,pectîuîg tflic Medih.kic1-lat Rail- memint oruarifle racfoî'y rd the la- Lufe Insurnice C-U.Blckerdlke. chaule tire phicter's ta n-ake band- O i.> ~JI 'E iv~u midCrii G-lu'. cou - crasoni taff acîd mîilhila itofficrs, Rcspecting flic Hudsou's Day and '-S' irluCarnes, wliicliwould hclac- Rcsiîertdiîq liCoTeMaranlScott> ay R ao hocu t- andard oi mllifac'y North-West Raiiway Co.-Mr. Oliver. possible witli sniely buman labon." le greatly reiieved by use o'f the Co.-Mn. -luicCiti. edulcation, arc somne nif lie pnojeccfs Respocting flic Montreal and Sou- Respecthig flicCralgar-y and R-INhicli flicMiuistrof ni liii s bei-c thtlr Coumties Railvay Go.-Mr'. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE MiouiG n utonPaker. 1ou1cnrr.xing ont. Asto ftflicrepor't Pieuiers (St. Johnannd Ivonîiloe). PREVENTED) AN ENGAGEMENT. Respcctiig fl-e 1Lake ChiamîplainI niflihe urjor-Geicial, liereg'ed ini To lucorporafe flic Nopigomi Rail- îwsniemuyseto rot nd St. Lnwrenîc Slip Gaial Ce. trenîinwihlievory sfuggestionr if wny Go.-n.Capb1. fou reach your'etîstomer in a few Mna ,fiin . rorrfaliid. liAder tlie Precrirt lawi, To iîîcoîpo'afee icGaspe and Wcet-. girl who was unfoîtîcnfte ennugli f0 ileconds and much <an be aceomp- 1 SV. LA.WRENCE CANAL, flic peimacicut for'ce 15 îiualted t0 ernRihaiivay Go-3r. Gauvîeu. liebig sisi eî' 1ma fiel-id nifl i ali MrJ1nesn wa nomdb ,00mnoh e boy kiiid. Au- instance on two af Mn. Ileideroic wn mininlntdlyeOr)mon. uendeorali poel MEDICAL COUNCIL BILL. thimîga tînt little ientheun did is my trul.Mct. unlocîr f l inla1896 flic arono f0 iccroase if f0 1500, and lie lmi- The bilii f0pmovlde for flhecapponta- insflficatian foi' waging waî' ugainaft 0robf. n uoney. expended la payiuig te self .flrongiuu.ifa Niiso proposai. îHe imont foia Medical Counril ini Canrada hskde.Tepet euîlo~s o fic f. ai-ceicoCa a it airaid if wnîld nt ho possible iras comsidred ini Gnmirzfoe. Sir lde.Terty girl's nire Il LN $148.826, st.uLawenstodaal Wilfrdfui'-?was MaIel, and Ou'liuttle love achair Bell Teleph~one Co isaidfi nini o 0gef mcna riay from f liu'avnca- VliidLuier taifrasorsig motîcîîîî iecfed, on flic said canai, $120,256.lions foi' 21 days.every Icar. But'thon corsideraflon nIifiilecdeferrofi. iin I iront "aIina m uia Ia 1897 flie iages ivero $137,543, ibnii i îamial nelcfîceH ditf la i îf oc oe est" one eyenhng 1.0o cort ber f0 a o f Canadja. and ftle collections $122,437. In Yiïars tri give tic mccn a loageu' per-!irliat prejudiced against thc neasnrc concert. 1898 fliesc amoîuts irere rei i el io d ni drii unrtireve dava. j1Iilichefiraf place. Tisfeet,,Aig lad Beforo I coîid î'ing fhe bell threl - -~___________________$145,623'and 81I20,338. Jiu 1899 lIe Nias quite icn accor'd iifi tite 1simîc, eelioremom-cd, i-ct tieu-e woprc, suil boy laîîged ie front dnnr, f bey werc $1j)0,291 cîd $141.9)79. Mttor-GCernýl's pî'nposaî f0, foruma afll iiiîîany, especially lunftle Pr'ovinrce anti popped nuit. In 1901 tic iragos wireo$190.840, lody ni roserves. Affhils montent, 0fQîier, who ,irore emtifed to 4pc 'Yen May's ynung Mai ?" lieask- .and fie cotlcutiours iere $147,63'7. iesaid, île> scgstioio leîcing car- ircil. and hmmif woîcld require a ed,wiifliairuptîteas fiatilank ay ýSUPREME COURT. ri-ed ouf, accd if mouid invnîve îery ifetm 0 e ice<ffea-cybrectîr. Mu'. i'itzl)uati-ck stafod f Iat mitîria littie more cxpecîdlfurc for ftle extra "aIgs s lc esue At"soi 'aMiss Mabel in '?" Iasked, mifli flcps'fbîc years flic uumlier' oiap- uror, arîlllciemît nifmîroffi iouid lbc tliu icuso li or'sen'sug- freezlag diguity. pecîs talýetibefou'c flicSîcprcnrî'aiaod f0 increase, the prc'senf fonce gesi eul y fiePr'emier mus agneefi f0. Ie ieered cf nie outfni lis 10ft __________Cour't of Canada ivas 49f. 0f tiesec nf35,000 up tf, 100,000, and tfisI APROPIATON S NT - oye, stuck i'irs ougue ici lis cueek, ftluere mer-c onîy 16 lîeuud lieloîctre ew'nuid liedonc by lc'iuging f hem n la-j Mn Monk was infornîed liy Smir ccd mbiried tire times round on 1-ia fuil biiclc oi six jndgcs. to flic rifle clubs, for whicliiî ffri Laurier fliaf fli- reaisnctbec'c are leit licol befone sayicîg JAPAN EXPOSITION. sion iras mande at sessioni Un- arrears of ivages duec f0 mcrkmen lu "Tlat's whai sire is. Slie's up- i i CHILD'S APRON. Tire icacianeas acd ciarm or dain.ty apronsarai- ton caripleteiy soif-cii- dent f0 require urging. Tbey ptut oct flie dross aitichesanie finie fiat flioy are in fliiselves oc'naîaecf ai, cnd tiey -give jnsf fie ceuse ni cane and neafucass tînt is so deýsirablo lu al f eminimie foliota, whlaeî ýer.flic meare's cgc. This vcu'y pi etty ^d- clis la aply ser'vîceabl as mell Lis ou-: nanîoîtcl 'flue ornalius iaîdeofn naiusook mi t inimiuig of eîurrold- cr00eging anîd boadinug, flinugl irhicir meiîet ribbouî is rua; but plaid nruslin cand anuticeicruiliai' whlite ap- non iiiateî'icls anc suitaile, wlile gln- ghac cci lc uacd in adî-auuîagc fon flic heurs nifliard play. TieciÀppei' pontil-cnifie aprma ha a shor't fîtted bodJy. To ifs iomeu' edge is joli-ccd tirefuil skirf portion and fo flic arrîr eyes funil fnill ft, Inria sieeves. Arraiiged ovLr' fli yoke lsaafull fuiil or licutia fliat cnrnipieteiy hbides itfrinîvicîr. Saab ends are affaciefi ct flic ndor-arum secîrîs an-d bowofi cf flic entre lack'. Ta euttfils apron ion a rhuld of 4 years <oi cge, 2g yards cof maferial 32 ladies wmdcmilecneuî-urircd, miii 2' yards of emlrohdered edglîîg f0 frim as ilirustrated. NAVY BETTER TITAN JuVU. I liaivoknoîrc imimer womkings o'f flic Du'tlslc navy iuflmnafoly for tenu yens cru-c, ccd I unlresifafingiy afirii that flic niedincre inen ai t o- day are lot fer flan flie Inqi meo f feu yenrs ago, says a wri1,er nheli Forfuighlfy RuN lir, lun cncr'gy, fiouglit, zeai, braha pomer, nesource, li idiiidrialitin ru li fese and kmn- iadividualify, la al ibose auîd kindred flhiigs flic cavy la on a deridcd np- grade, and flue persaonhnel nifitle avy ni flic past ha sinîpiy acf to lie coin- pared mifli flicnavy ni to-day. In cil th%- rot cc'ound us, flie Britihl ni-y is flic one thlurg hoalfiîy yct. Theowmole adm ccd oljecf ni modemn nava ai arfare il5 f0 make fl-e ecîcmy ]ose bis head. The officesa and mnie of flic Br'tisli nam'y wmîtkecplthbolu licads lounger f an aiy-fiaf is flic objccf nf ail their tr'ainring. Ini fli navy, if a mac luas disfingnishod iislf, lie is' ashinnef 0f ifraflem' f han oflienmise, lire bols no pride iu if, ccd keeps quiet for feni' ni lav- iîg flic sneeuring epiflief - 'cro" ap- piied f0 hini. To "do bis juil" laflic lieginning ccd end <of flinga mitI ofur Grocer cannôt su write ta E Uo LEV/ER BROTHER S LIMIUNA: Toronto, sencflncrthe n7me and a ddress of vasir Oooku Cottes 3eot Compwne SIn,9 Ldis , eogtý Take ;20 0lr asçJ21111 eIIR QP a4 1 or 3,ia2. ý 5 piéai -eý le-o.i &nd 2 aùd anreconimeiùaed by i responsible Drugoi2t$ ini Canada. Noi l2Éare sold ln Bowmanviljý liv Stýtt & iuy ~ ~ gntothan & Son and J W MO-Der- eeylocflty thr6ughi ou aal)dato lotraduce N' ourEgood, tacklag u 1p rihow carda on treee, iences. &long roads and aJl cdY1- apeosplaces, aloo distibutlag g aveî'ti<1in .natter. mfleino aag6OlOp,2onha3 expenses, not tb exceed $2.50 per dy. t., nployment to good, honeat reliableiNe,, experience needfi. Write for full rla0ki,G THNE EMPIRE MEDICINE CO., Lonïàr, 0r. T]hese pila cure ai] diFseaa.s and dis- erdera arising from weak lioart, worn out nerves or watery blood, snob as Palpita tion, SkIP Beats, Urebbinq, ?mot.i Dxzziness weak or ai Spella aaill Ner'mousness, Sleepleesne@@, er&în jFag: Gênerai Debility and Laqk of 1Vtlity. They are a true hfirt t0eýie nez Vo ,feo)d 91U blood enrioher, buildling up and renewing al the worn ou.t and'wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfeet he0alth, PrIce500. a box, or & for $1.26, ai 8il 4rugglas, SLAVLRY IN CHIINA. China is the great slave country nf the iorid. 0f a population of 400l, 000,000 ti ere are slaves to the n m- ber of 10,000,000. Pvery tamiliy of means 1 ceps its g il'laves, and a man's position is usually gi uged by the nun -ber le jeeps. At any'age from 3 to 15girlse'e sold, 7 ou 8 belng, the age at wb ci ost change hands. Il girls are purel ased to, do houscwork, t being cheaper to buythan hre. Siavcs vary in pricee $10 iceabout fthc aierage, but m uch depends on the gi 1 s appear 'ince. A gond-looking g ilw il Iech sorry, but a sudrien indisposition - "Pickles an' cheese an' cucumbers for supper !- cries Bob, appearing.at an open window. "The dear child has d most i ,vretéched heaclache. So sorry, but will you excuse lier for this even- ing ? "Ta ke me instead, won't yu? I rgiiy vwoun(1dd vauity aa Iarnasboknanýd brujid inirit as1 wish Bob was ia his ha Mabel and 1I meet no mlore. We haNe not the moral courage to do so wh ile Fen crng and Gts Bob is above ground. WVho bas not been afflicted by bis Co,,aterpart ' u h etmd y Oshawa Wire Fence Co., Liirte-d, Oshawa, Ont. k J. S. Rundle, Agent, 13,owmantÏllle.-