lit ~~ERMS :-S1.50 Pu~~~ ÂNNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY MTIRT THB WOBLD AJTERWÂRDis.M.AJMEdtradPopitr NEW SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTPARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1902. VoLuMEXVIIN.1 A CarIpets DCuI We have neyer shown as fine a stock of ail kinds ci U*ünion Carpets, - from ý WooI Ca rpets, -fromi Our best quality, 3-ply Carpets STapestry Carpets, -fromà !}Srussels Carpets, from 75 Axminster Carpets,- from SCrossley' s very best Velvet, Art Square!î Wools and Unions in ail st Linoleums.. From one yard up to four yards llundreds of pairs of Lace Curtains, latest designs, per pair. No, Better Value AnywI BOWýMANVILLE. We wisli to call your attention'to- our line-of easy Chairs in -our wiridow thfls 4îweek.- Ask our prices, t hey Yyîll surprise you. We have a 4 large line of well. assorted Furniture to meet the demar d of the spring trade. We would like you to give us a eall be-, 4~fore buying and see ouýr geods and receive prices. 4iVI.UD Wiliams & Son, BowmAN VILLE. e~ Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention, Niglit bell on the door, FieId and Garden Seeds 0f Ail Kirids. Groat Exhibition oft Starcli EDITOit STÂTE.SMAN-HaviDg cornec age I have a vote at the corning Provin Scial cIection. Though solîciteti by bot] candidates, 1 have not promisetimy votc 1 do not know that I am a parizian yet Iam free ta vote cither way. I ami ceal independent anti desire taý casbm Durham as an inortant partý of 1h: beautîbul Province and, secondiy, for th( beat interests of the community, socialIý anti morally. Witli these bwo considera * ions seriously impresseti uponinil1y mined of Crpes a wedo ow:I attendedthebb poîttical meeting in ti if Crpet as e donow:Town Hail lasb Thursday niglib ta hea bbc leader of bbc Conservatives anti hii Slieutenant as lic calleti him, tiscuss th( important issues before this Pro vince; an( 25o up o 50c-ta hear some facta about bbc policy c Oc'fl up to 850 Mr.Whitney. I suppose bbc Conserva éa tivesconsîder their meeting a grand suc. cssas ib was well patroni:ced anii thert 9%'1 00 wasquite a lot of applause fromr time ti 40e up o 75e 0 But 1 want'ta be faim anti wi 1l give m 40e up top7icifon as a young elector wboý wants t 5c Un to $ 1.25 vote riglit. In the first place bbc chair e mani dit not impress me fa1aby ~ i 35don't like hlm anti I don't kno-x wb,'to doês ' ~ ~ ~ ~ H "Vi 1 b s likely a gooti toctor, bu( as a citi. i. 5 ~zen lie is not bbcernan 1 waný.tebo copyý *.61 anti bis personal influence Jqà't1 couni SWith bbc respectable ciass ofy ngmen, I dîdn't like bis remarks citblir.So thc firat speech (bbc chairman's) didn't strike s e me favarablv. âZs.Mr. W. b. Reiti was tmc fim't of tht izes "' quartette of speakers callet on.. be tole Sus lie bat vanquisheti two"obbcr l-fcilows'! anti lie would smash Rickard's record in thc samne way. 0f course, 1I ,xpccted hbc wide. b ell us wbat lie iati donc - during thciglit years lie lias looketi Jftem West wide. Durham 'in Parliament. Diti lie? Not o ne word dict lie say about bis panlia- rnentamy carcer. He didn't se.-m taknow that bbc people wanted taow somne from 25e up to $8.00- bbing about wliat lie batidonrý.c for tbe Sriting or in bbc riting those tvý o ternis lie h as been the local member. Anywav, lie didnt moake tliem any wiscr. bNow,] want ta know bow a man acth anti votes ,Ih ere1y wn important legisiation is un.der con- sîderation in parliament befor can bell wliether lic, is wortby of ar, -tber terni. 4H e, left us in total ignorance on biscon- ducb in bbc House. This is bb'wy1 ook at i position. This -,s Ibis firsi miceting of bbc present campn. b,- e is askiiigbbc people for a rencwýal of tbeiî confidence. He aboit dha e --informet haeoccupîcd,thebbcime anticonisiLdema- tion'of the Legislature, car -ciahIyv the ~ ast tern, 50 that we mniglit j tif lie la afit representative f -or t. imp ïijorcani const He 1dbyusHe ntereiu in the cdron tpi nt. sa that w.e. bave tc take the chiairman's stabernenttabRi Mm. Rupert L. Mason, formerly ot lias given entime satisfaction _î l mak- this town, pieture framer with bb d,îng an nergetibc anvasut." I avew Jarvis White Co., Devonport, Ill., bas saitIxabt i fi.btb a ho 0oponeti a Picture fmaming anti Art wili not or can flot rentier an Account of 0Store at 83020tb St, Rock Islandi111.bis stewvardship wben lic is a king, for me- fis announcement card la vcry neatî elcction is not bbc manl wbç i get my 0 goten p W wis hi sucessin bs frat vote. Mm. Reidi to!çd i - that in bis gottenure ws lmsces ubsfiratelection contest lie was clarget witb newvetue.bcbng tmunk, in bis second -iampaigu bre was cliarget wibli carmying a Alack bottie mROUBLE aut in thîs one lic is charge(l ýwitli treat - in-He dit flot make lb v.--yy dear why IfrEA1i1'TROUB E. gmeiteratedt blese charges af this bime, unleasslb was ta btell bis licarers blitat as lie was in bbc habit of treatîng bbc'le aw ai- THE SUMPTOMS OFTEN MISUNDER- lows hîm ta go on tmeating bt as biis op- pofient bas flot been in bbc habit of breat- STOOD BY THE SUFFER. ing bbc clection law wille ;flotchw hlm ta do any treating while bb,-cieecblon is pentiing. I suppose Mm. Reid lias The Trouble at ail Times an Extremo- deniet lese chargesbefore, -s1ie-rete tbem as jokes an tmatie no ecffort ta con- ly Da ngerous One-How t0 bradict bhem 1 may say hei-re that anc Promptly Relleve il. man actually asked me if ï oitn't think lic acteti like a rnan more tl!Pan bLd fuil Thero are many forma o!fbaat dis- that niglit. ,b'e dit act strani-gely for a case, some of which, manîfeat them- saber candidate, but 1 arn tt h le la selves bv symptorna which are misun- raugli manneret, noisy art oisterous tierstood bv 'the sufferer anti ascriboti alway s anti that lie acteti thebbcsaine to indigestion or some similar cause, ashle always tocs. 1 thoui't thcn and I when bbe bcart is really aifectet. The thînk now that anon ocsion bike bli aigliteat derangemeut of this import. was lie shoulti have been on bis best bie- aut organ la extmemely tisngerous. If bavior befoee bs politicai leader anti at times tbc action o! bbc puise is boo takeci special pains ta get up a suibable mapit andtihebc bart hoats violonbly, speech ta deliver. Surehyý theme was mcsulbing in a suifocating feeling, or, if every re'ason wliy lic shouit b ave mate bbc bcamt seema inclinet t stop bcabing tbbc supremne effort of bis ;,olitical life. toplebecomes slow, anti von teed a Btbsactins anti bis la;kguagcrnufit fat.,ti"izzy sensation, vou aboulti take have disgustcd bis leader as ,tey dd mec the beat coursa lubbe woriti, ant lat la anti severai obliers wbo wcrc prescrnt. ta tako Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla for Pale 1 ton't intent o cribicise Mr. Thorn- People. You will indut bat bbc distreas- ban's speech, only ta remark that I won- ing symptoma pmomptly disappear anti der bow lie coult Sbay 50 long in tbc Re that tbc beamt at al bimes acta normai forrn ranks if bliey are tbc wicked politic. ly. Mm. Adolard Lavole, St, Pacome, ians lic representedthtbm to bc anti bow Que., hoamas srong bostimony ta tbc lie can, as a Sabliabl Scbool beacher anti value o! these pilla lu cases of heart xxorker, recommenti Mr. Ridti tame anti trouble. lc aays: "For nearly blirce other young men, witb bis record an bbc years I was greathy emouhieti wibh a temeacqusinasaar otyf weakhear an in onstnt ear hatour sup port anti influence. I cannob help My cuti woult corne at any lime. I but yeli r h,,tncnb placcel myscîf under a gooti tector but t ask y seit ifnMd.hmton canlieompt dit not get thec desimet relief. Iu tact Ily incere anti wat acbualltpr ompt-d' I grow worse; bbe lest exertion wouît tbmt hcm uprtro eds overcorno me, anti finalît I badtbo dis 1 histenet vemy closely ta Mi. Foy's continue womk. While lu this condition speech because 1 bat beard that lie is a a neiglhbor ativiieti me tb bm-v Dr. Wil- clever man. I ceîtai>y like bis liams' Pilîk Pilla anti 1 procumeti a sup- goot looks, gcntlenmanly bearinz anti ply. Tboy sirnply worked wonders lu pleasant:manner, but bis attresa lîke Mm my case anti wl-in I bati useti six boxes Torons pub me in an interrogative 1 was again enjoying goot i taîli. I moot andtot almost exciaim, Does lie bave bat no si'ru o! the trouible since b1elieve these arcusations agýainat tbbc 2 W. H E[D. pariiamentary honors says that. He THE MODEL FAIR.i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, system and give more encouragement to A fairly well attended meeting of the M agriculture by establishing more agricul- Directors and Borne leading xinembers r W. Riekard !S with Of tural colieges. Ves, lie told us so much, of the Riding and Darlington Township pididswr iigbrgtrhpso a- but so far as teiling us how lie would do A:-rieuiturai Societies 'Was held in the ay s ork gTheing btriglint erpea Q th these things he only left us toguess,. So Couneil Chamber on Saturday after- tvtory Te ledoswahn arresat Icame away as badly puzzled as ever noon. Mr. Arch. Staiker, President.atewoildosnthn frth t; Like many other doctors Mr. WhitneyJ waa in the chair. Messrs. J. M. Joness, Ridjng in returu for the salary lio draws a showed up the terrible nature of the dis- I. C. Hoar and W. J. Bragg who re- every session. iY ease and the urgent need for new and presented the Society at the Provincial Mr. A. H1. McKeel returned' frora t skillful treatrnent, but there lie stopped Association of Fair,3 and Exhibitions in Hespeler, last week, and is now prepar- ls short. The only prescription lie gave or Toronto In February gave interesting ing to go to Bowmanvilie, where hae ce treatment ho recommended was to turn reports of the proceedings. The offer lias secured a contract.-Campbeluîord y the scoundrels (Reformers) out and put of the Farmnera' Institute Directors to Herald. us în and we'll show you hio to run the provide an exhibition.«f live stock juidg- No gif t that you can send an absent ~Government of Ontario. Yews, 1 was per- ing on the first afternoon of the Falt member of your family for si will be le plexed- disappointed, andI thouglit of Fair was accepted., It was also decided hiait as mucli appreciated as T H il 'r the siim opposition Mr. Whitney and his to join the "Circuit Of Fairs" for the STATEISMAN for 1902-52 reminders. is followers had put up In the last parlia. Midland IDistrict under the direction o! Women witb pale, colorless faces, who te ment and thouglit wlien tlicy were so the Deparument o! Agriculture which feel weak and discouraged, will receive dmiserabiy weak in opposition how could agrees to furnish expert judges for i"vO both mental and bodiy vigor bv uaing ftliey be strong in power if the Ross gov- stoek. This action la taken with the Carter's Iron Pilla, wbich are madie for ernment was defeated ? Then 1 reason ývîew of making West Durham, Pair ateboonrsancmpxo. »this way. Nobody believes the Ross gov- medel exhibition for the Proviuce, as It 'eraiment to be haif as bad as its oppon la now ackuowiedged to be one of the Special services of re,-dedic-ation and Sents say it is, and the men at the liead of best puýrely agricuitural shows in the confirmation at- St. Johin's Churcli on the severai departments are ail acknow- Dominion. The local Florieultueal, Tuesday evening 'April 29 at 8 o'clock. yledged ta b 'e clever men and well quali- Horticuitural anîd Poultry Associations His Lordship the Bishiop of 11oronto will :o fied for their duties; tliey are working were requosted to Cake charge of thoir offilciate. r-Weil together to buiid up New Ontario respective departments of the fair and White Star Line uews-M. A. James 1and to develop the natural resources of have consented to do so. Comimittees agent: The S. S CymRic sailed froin sProvince and I dont believe there is abil- were appointed as follows to revise the Queenston Sunday week with 175 saloon i- ity enougl inl the Opposition as it was in prize iist and report at the June meet- 'and 1800 third-class passengers. The ', the last House ta make up a respectable ing of the Directors: S. 8 OcEANic saileut April 17 with 295 it Cabinet, so 1 conclude that i cafluot do Datat e.ProeHre- saloon, 248 seconti-clasa andi 1140 third- *. better under ail the circlmstances than , - f n e.ProeHossGcaspje)er n 70scso al ecast my firat vote. for W illiam _Rickard Gray; light horses-A. Staiker. asuesat 70scso al eand the Ross Goverament, bain andi Grade cattie-Thos. l3Baker. Thexe are, many. forma of nervous YOUNG ELECTOR., Albert Aluin; Other breeds-J. M. Jon- debility in men that 3ield to the use of Orono, April 18, iq0o2. eas, H. C. Hoar; Sheep--W. C. Black- Carter's Iron Pilla. Those Who are d humn, L. Skinner; Swine-J as. Leaak. troubled with nervous weakness, niglit iT. J. Cole; Poultry-Poultry Associa- aweats, etc., should try tbern. » A CAPITAL APPOINTMIENT& ticmn; Fruit W. J. Bragg; Flower-J. We shoulti ail start using eg 3 f reeiy i - ~~~H. Kydd, Rd Ja,!-vis; Dairv, Apiary. asasÏsiu0fo etuo heScr e Fer soma yearswe have hai consider- Grain, eeds, Irplements, Vegetabies, city andi higli price of cattle iibecoming gable business relations ivitb the office of ais Department. Decorative and sueli a serious matter. The market ithe district passenger agent of the Constructive Art, Fine Arts, Domestie quotations have been gratiually climb.. ýt Grand Trnnk Railway in Troronto andi çcience and Manufactures-M. A. ing bigher andi biglier, anti it is feared -during moat o! that time the chef clerk, j ames. the highest bas not yet beau reached. Mrdo terobsins oha deparucht- Dirla particularly requestei that every The cause la attributeti to the higlh do wth he bsinss o tht deart Diector wlll strive to increase the price of corn in the U. S. anti o! course ement. Wben in the office we have of on emakedhowrapdlyMrDupr.membership in this localit'y anti to in. grain in Canada, the disposai (A So ow e earisoed loptbuinyessDuer duce as many as possible to become ex- many stoc.ýers andi shipment o! greater beWr cahispo lsete biessbe vero,,bibitors at the next Pal! ex1hibiti on-the numbor of bec! cattlo to En-ladtidur- sconversant with and to have a Model Fair. ing thte winter wheu freiglit rates Wvere thorougli grasp of, leriwyitraslqw. XV ecau eat morc mutton andi that e ,t e r co nsierss CRcheaper meats, cheese, etc. 1 o f t h e W t , s o u c h o i d e e dA C R D .A t te n d s o c ia l in D is c ip le s S h o o l r o o n t vices indispensable to Mr. M. C. Dick- Friday night. See advt. son, the responsibie heati o! the depart. We, the untiersignetil o hereby Dvspepsia lu its worst forma will yteld ment. We were surpriseti therefore to agree to refund the money on a 50-cent to thio use o! Carter's Little Nerve Pis,.' sce by the Toronto papers that "Mr. bottie of Greene's Warxanted Syrup of aidede bv -Carter',; Little Liver Pilla. r Duperow had resigneti bis position with Tar, if it faîls'to cure your cough or They net only ralieve. present distres 1.the G. T. R. to accept the responsible colti. We also guarantee a 25 cent but strengthen tho stomach anditgs tposition of general manager andi bottie to prove satis!actory or Money tion apparatus. *secretary-treasurer o! the flunta -ville rofuinded. Sold bY, STOTT 8 JuRY anti- The Allan Line steamship Parisian, Anti Lake of the Baya Navigation J. HIGGINBOTHÂM & SON on her.tnip f rom 'Montreai to Liperpool Company with heatiquarters at }Iunts earlv in J une, will1 carry ove r to the- tville. From bais fuimate knowledge COURT1CE. Coronation one o! tbe inoat noteworthy >of passengir Craiffie and bis superior lista of passengers everltaken fromn Cau.- inatural business abiiity, we consitier iftd%,Th3AlnLobamdeacu tbe aýppintLment a very Wise one for Mr. and Mrs. Fiee, Columbus, ystdaa h la iebsmteacn tbe company anti we hope a profitable at Mr. F. Nichol 's recently-MiLsl tracýt Wltl the Goverimmnt for the- S oe for Mm., Duperow, We shalh be Nellie Brown, B3etbany, la guest at her tasotto fteCnign h very sorry to miiss i kndiv greeting randfather's Mr. Jas.Courtice .. .. H. wîll take jVart in the Coronation cere- fat the office in the Union Station, 'but uy&Sons shioped a ýcar-loati o! heati-monies of King Edward VIL. The aMip wisl i hl everv succeslui bis new posi n t Wallaceburg Montiay.. - .Mr. lm- c hosenis the well known Allan Liner tion. Tble Muakoka district la raptiymesmaking extensive repaira in the Parisian anti she wiil sait from Mont- gaininz a moat unenviable reputation as making building at D. U. C. F ... Mr.eaontemrig!Juesvth a haitfulsumer esot ati alt cfJ. W. Brooks shot 5 wild geese lately, At Quebee the Contingent under the another ten years, we expeet to see it one trip bringing down 3 another 2. commanti o! Lt. Col. Pellat', number- one f te -reaestinlnd ateinging in ail some six hundred officers andi one f th gratea inlntiwateingmen, wîli go on board. Among the places in AnMerica, so that the naviga- BUILDING LOTS BY AUCTION, oter passengors wilî bo the Governor- tion o! tbe Huntsville district wiii un- General, Premier Peters of Prince Eti- doubtcdly develop under tbc puali anti. Having decidedti t dispose of the ward Islandi, Premier Murray of Nova mner nto s pra optionlierfe orerUpper Canada Fumniture Co'a Scotia. Premier Tweedie o! New Bruns- mangerint prporion heotooregrountis by auction, 1 have divideti the wick, anti Lady Ruby Elliott, daughter untbought of. We look for a trement- landi Into ten lots, the -original survey of Lord Minto. No 3rd clasa passeng- duitrt in the rftoure. taficof tbat [Simpson & Lockhartj 146 feet by 63 1-5 crs will he carrieti on this voyage. M. distictin he earfutre.being riglit size for gooti buildinig lots. A J AMES, Allan' Lino Agent, Bow- This landtisl locatet inl the heaithicat manville. You Peisîn Tis ay s Al-part o! the town and is in central locat- Palpitation of the heart, nervouaness, YourDeoiîonThisDayion for eaqy acceas ta business section. tremblinga, nern oua headache, coid Date of sale will bo announeti later. banda anti feot, pain lu the back, anti. Iprat Select your lot at Once. J.B. MARTYN, other forma o! wcakneas are roliovea by Bowmaunville. Cartor's, Iron Pilla, matie ospeciaiiy for- the blooti,juervos anti complexion. Il LtE ATHE KING SHIRT. The 88rti annîversary o! Oddfeiiow.. PAINES OELBRY uuiîPuUND) ship will ho observeti in Bowmanviile The B2st Up-To-Date Shirte matie is hy attending service in the Methotist Guarantees, a Freodom From the *King". You ask whv? Boecause churcli Snndav 27th înst. Ail brothora flisoaso and Sickness. tbe front won't break or puali up. The arc cordially inviteti to meet at the- braces passing untier the front don't Lotige room at 9.45 a. m. H. C. TAIT, drag or break ItL Perspiration canfiot Rec. S6c., G. A. STEPHEzNs, N. G. INDIFFERENCE AND CARELESS- touch thle front. The coliar button at l'A Grave-yard Congh" la the cry of NESS LEAD TO PHYSICAL SHIP- the back o! the colar bandi la covoreti. tortureti lunga for Mercy. Give thom WRECK AND THE GRAV&. The attacliment at the back keeps the mcrcy in the form of Aiien's Lung Bai- tie in place. Soliti comforb lu wearingIL. sain, whicli is usoti with gooti effeet evon Thewca, alin, ickant dieastiSaves Launtiry. Perfect Fitting. Un- in conaumption's early stag-es, Neyer The eak ailngsickanddisesedexcelieti for full dresa. Once worn ai- negecet a couegh. bave now more than over before under waya worn, The fat man's necossitv. thoir control their physical condition. The thin man's luxury. Se lb at The foilowing from this county have Thcy are frec agents. anti almost wboiiy MARNKtraMÀx'Ens the up-to-date Mcn's enlisteti for service in South Africa : responsiblo for their future. Wben thc Furnishor anti Hatter, Bowmanville. h John . Jn, Eti. H.dn1 brain la flot affecteti, anti the inid can am______L n andi oh unyWH discern betwecn riglit anti wrong, a AUCTIO N SALES. Hmy niGeo, W. Aluin, Bowman- tiuty to themselvea, their frientis antivll;CMicolm Uglow, Newcastle; counbry loutily demanda a marketid Fank Law, 3. Wellingtmn Brown, tiecision-pmompt anti determineti action FRiDAY, April 25-Mr. Sam P. Gui, Newtonville. whien heaitb la imDaired anti lite is lu will selI at bis residence, Liberty St. j ______________________. danger. Bowmanviiie, bisa farm stock, implem- IIb la the part of wisdom that truc enta, etc. Sale at 1 p m. L. A. W. ticision be mate to-day; to-morrow may ToLE, auctionor., be too late. In thousanda o! cases the SATURDAY MAY S-Town lots bciongingP chocking and banialimont o! disease to the catate o! the late Mary An o v- f deponda upon instant action; an hour Wosywili be soitdat thc Bennett o! somo precions lite. columu. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. "For two years 1 sufferotid ter- Few people lu Our country are with- SÂTURDAY, MAY 8-Mm. Wm Bingham, mribly fmom dyspepsia, Uwith great i tu ý