T OI IU F AP0L0 IES. L'rt19ll"fi T. T he Reason Why Men Eaul to Aooept the Cen ulneGospel Invitation. C~tesdenorie t At C'is P rlieui t TIOSE GOOD OLD TIMlES. ~vhn cacda.lutisuter ne ixeîad Nos eu rthee rri»anies fAgiuls, iaa1 ther's kneo and saiti youi' A tiespaf ch froua Washinton saYs: eveieg prayer muid thoscotofie days er ilS.-li thue olowirîg discourse propai-ed oh sickness whemx sixo afched ahi Lit le iv y Rv. r. almge efoe hs II iglt anmd gave youen iemedît sues nI nes, te flly anddaneroh post- 'just flhe rigbî finie mani furnei the Musi ear Sgnatue et invitaiomn are exposoti on the texî, lxnd lonxg mgo turnedti 10dm51 soolfi- Luke xiv, 18, "And îhoy ailtiviff iue ed your pains and xxvi t at voice assont hegan temianke, excuse." yon wibb nevol' heur again iuless yen After' the invitations to a lvear onheu' ia the beff or counntry told sent ont the regrets coulie i. Or ou nover uiad, yen ou olti hoet- Se. Pac-SfnsIe Wrepper Bolow. man apelogizes for nou-eatinance on fer by and by, audttihfiat d:y io onxe gronx, anoti,er on aixotîmor ouîelx wbere sbie taiket se sioxvly, e~ mail end as easy grouati. The nuosf ohrfixe regrets are ealching lher bheathx hetîveen the té lke a #V4rýhouludeti on prier egagements. S'o wouds-hy il those macumories 1 usk In my feýxi a great hanuqutfws yonî fo cortne andtifake the saine re- rasie NADAO~IL spreothlIe iivitalioiîs were circul- ligion. Iwas gooti cîonîgixfoi'lber; fAlU ER, Fui rnzzisa. afeti,muid non' tlecregrets coi-ne i. il lagood eîxoughx for yuu. Ayo, h RIIUNS, The oie gives ci giulua ea- ruake a hetter piona. By the wournds uU o FOR TORID LIVER, sont, the otheî a stock denier 's rom- andtihei deaffi fhroe of the Son of soli, the otîxCi a doinestie î'eesoxx Cod, xvho appronciies yenî lu itîflife F~ OMBIPAWIL AU poor reasoîts. Tîxe tfact xvas, bice ith tfom ra ow anti lacerai cd FOR 8ALLbW SOiLf, hey titi iot xaat tf0go. "Anti'ixamdsanmud xviippeti back, cî'yiîxg, FORt E COMPLEXION tluey ali with otie consentf began to -Cornie unto mue, ail ye that laPer G M5T~~5A~f~ me excuse" mud ae heavy lai, ai I will give *m~s.e~ T ~ S 00v (ot prods a et baui- you "est." CURE~QK EADOHE. q îet. hI is tixe gospel tenst, ati Othex' persoos apologize foi' ual cn- CURE810 NEAACH. «ý th tahe caches ncî'oss the lierais- feuing tPe Christiana lihe Peemuse oh pheeadth te invitationus go ouf, the incensisteuicios oh fbose wvio pr'o- - ~ ' ' ~ " ant ivioltitudes coi-ne amnd sit doîvu ess religion. ribere are Ihousnrts Dit. L. PO'FTER. mn in juot ohflichu lices oh God's of poox' farriners. Tbey do îîol know Of c a) l ,eidncCitre S.,ppfie riitý v, Wx hxiibe otber niiititidat tdecline fixe ixat'cîire oh sous or the propeýr ro- UCîrgregatienal citurch, Bnwmanville. 25-6m Ii- Cnuuig, thec one gixiug luis apoiogy. tatioux oh crops. Their coral is short- _____________________________ iandtihie other giviîîg cuat poIogy, er in thie sfalk mîand snaller lu lime DENTIaTRY. I"tindtihey al witix cne consentifbho- emr. rbey bave feu less bushxeis f0 G GIIONNYCASTLE, LDb , DbS, Hener piux to nimbe excuse." h -Pcoîoso, so tba acre f hant their niglibors. But Gratuafo lu Dauistry ot Tareuto University far as'i dmyhl)ietoxattr (î'smCr:-Ove'r Ceixrai M'ilinery. Sutrauc lt ayleiiucé ttre wflo declines heing a fariner' hecause irai (lfmon West oJ Big 20, Rnwusanville the apltogies xvficit uei nimbe foi' thero are'o 5 mmtty poor harraora ? ntol iiiering the Christian lihe. There are thousaîxts oh incouapeteat MISS ETHEL MORIS, APOLOG-Y TIhIE, 1FTRST. mecfnols- They beiy aI the îvrormg ISiT.Istutinsgtimmc. They gel cheateti iii the sale lix gn&. SkteinG ianodsîe thc of tixoix'gootis. Every haleofohgootis W1gui trautuuie. KILN a0 rmieramytuing vaiali P its 9 i iia pruces. 51.611. tian religion. * Il i s pîietius ltixthma a bale oh disastor. They fbat tîxere are so, ixivty imîposiions hait attor nwile anti go ouit oh Puai- DR. J. Ç . MITCHELL, iii fuis day; su>i) my iPings tPaI ness. But wixo tecliioca eing namer- MEMBER01PCOLîIiIGROFIpHYSICIANS sem ourieho eai uec tirant. A gildeti chatt ecause fixere are se mnaaîy ini- nud Surgeons, ouîariaCorouer, etc, outsite uamy havne a idIoltoin îside. ceamtent mecius ? Tixcre are Recidence. Euuiiskilleu. 74 Tboro s so nîch qîikery iii phy niftousant>s utfiiioi' iaivvems.TPe cannot dru x a deciam'aliomx that willl les, iii ethics, le politics, fflnf mcix stanxt the test. Tlxey anonot receler A. B. MLAUO HLIK, comne te tPe habit oh incctdtlity. and ti dnae.Te antbl Berister, Solieliar andi Couveyaucer. Offie- 1aiter nuviile tîxey ah-nu tîxnîfinc>'t-jis auge icy aîmt ml Bltakl y Block, Ki"g Street, ljowmanvilli,. j lity te colltde w%,ith our fioiy re- tehetîdaixi escape froax tuie injustfice Id reyeïinloan aireasoiiabie raie'. 48-lyn, ligiouî But, îuuy rienîts, 1 tifk re- ofhfils persectors. The-' are tPe -ligioti bas mnde a prtofy gooti ce- ivorst impetumnents agantist aruy case ROBERT YOUýNG, V. S. corti in the o noriui. Iliown nany n xvbbch tbey aire retalîxot. But xvho 0 FFCE I HOREYI BLOKOPOS.woîuds if lins saîxet! 1i-Ion uanuy declinca f0 bue a lawyer hecause lucre FIe on HllEtS Be heelieK, OPPOSid-are se marmy iconupetert lmxyers ? oie Trown8all E. aîcî tuheiPh.wiM.tepillars of tire if bas 1f totinlathe toiti- Va iht-e, 0 r et there ar'e feus ohftvousanida oh resideuce, dîreeiiy opposite BrUilSitedi. 1-bm y O wildeieïs! 1 inn si- _________________ ____________ stî'nck deser'fs if bath fuî'oet people whfo ticclitue bcbng religionîs ARRAG LCESES-M A jint o the gardonis oh the Lord! h oxv because there ar'e so,îxauy JAMES, Iseuer of Marriage Liceuses.il xif stilicdth le chehped sdn! UNWORT"IY CIITAS Rsience i Ceatre Street. What rosy liglit'il fbathi sent streani- Non', 1hamy, il is iliogical. 1Poor ing ffri'ogb the rift of the storua- lawyers are uoîluing egminst juris-, SIMPSON &~ BLaIR. cbouti! Whaf Pooîs oh cool ivafer it prudence; poor physiciaris are rio- p.I B. SIMPSON, Q. C, CHAS. P. BLAIR bath gatiteretihor- thisly lInger andt thiaig againsf nedicine ; poor, har- liarîlaters, Soictnro, Notanles, etc , Mrris hslinael! wPatmf mt'ux'. whiler tha-n mers are nthlimîg agmimsî agricultuîre Block. up-gtirs, King Streot, RnwmauvIlle corinouu- er seotit hîthtî treppeti ehl anti mena, coutemiptibIe prohessors 2liiiOS ors tte ise tarlu Batit. 'rlvate mereYs loaued aioweti ti otuid flue campiiof h hrdiy hesf Cd ohreligion mu'e îotfing aairisft mr i1îxiigriîîxs! Whnft promxises if Patis giormotîs Christiniifyr. H. F. 1IUNTEII, sont ont like boiy xx nchera tus keep Sickness xiii conte ant ivie xill Pc AlRNIS'I'E1,SOLlCITOIZ,NOTARY lte lanipa burnuig au oiîîtd deafli- puisti ouf fowmrdtirtîe Rot Sea BpulIlc 0uvey' arcer*, Muney. Pris-stesimd f leds, fPrough the tmri'.tmss thatlIow- xvhicit dix ides tPis world froua fire Ocu-îau-Fnat udaili-s uurîris osint o time sepuiciier! h ulat flashes mext, mimd al fthe incoosisfency oh . Fh I"S:KjSt., apposite Dr.uu'uudenlm'loou resurroctioxu mormu! Christians Put the roti oh haith fi.Ii Pestai oum. ~wmauvie. 1i Anxdi iet lime ivouitiis f iii or sîtelu- xvve hacinthexxwaters as a conuamtii- tics. Andt let muesamy Ificie is nxo ci' xveels fis host. rThe jutigmenit $500 000 TO ENDcints oh peeýpl or ho'.- b 1iahbave a xiil comie, wiits fhnder shoti oui goa ari vnser symipatlmy than for skeptics, solomnnities. Oh, thiemi e wili nef k 'CLUOLum 'oîciiroumautlentW e do uol know lion te tient thiei stop mimdsamy, 'Timere Ivas a mnena LeC Wc' dei-ide theiix, xve cmaricatuure thitetu Christian there xras a con'ardlly W e. iistoad oh tliig thiîca y fixe Chriistan ; I bre xvrs min imîpuire softhtaixe ofthClristiamn lov e, dut ch Christiamn."-honliat day nssîîow, 'I i.ixeixiifixthe iron pluchera oh ec-fixeui fie iise, thou suait Pc xise for closiasficismn .Oh. if xocî kiiew hioxvthyseif, hutith lon scoriiest% txotu DET8T.tîxese mmxii Itad allen nxvmy freiinR1ab10 shal Peu- if." Wby, nîy --Ciristîmnity mund becorriic kepliesy I ot her, the itcoisisteuuicy 5f Chuia- Wili bue t Blackztock on the firat n-offldlnettbPeso rougir on ilcox! flans, se lar hi-ont heing amn argumemnt Monday o! eaclm mordlt, et Orono 2nd 'ont mhuoîb ~îiihnes 1 epyetmvy ru ~ îgl e0o11nal al daiý, anti at Newcaatle hst nîxere îreimgiouî nas overdotue. The to Pc ai arguaient te drive ydidi 1 wednesdas from 2 p m. muot nroîcmot day it the week was itu. Tiue hesf pince for- a skiliful OF,ýirýi'c-Temper-ance St, Bowman- Sîuîîlky. Religion Ivas trivoux mb to octor is i a meigfhbocioot xvberc ville,rear of Iigglnbotham's drugstore tlucix i xvui a triphxantxar. Tho" Ixeci Ibeue ai-e ii or tioctors, fixe beat a suufeut oh pi-myemeetiungs. 'ibey JPlace foi'lait ouferprshuug uxrfixari îvy-weccsiîxuluet nu I cluokc't xifthalc- lIto opeti his stor'e is lin a place here Y ch I hmev xvT! i toiti Py thciri-the hnî'gaiuu miakers do nef unter- D E N T J S T Ra ar that thov vero thisew-ou-ts tumrni tiirbusinxess, and thfle lest hc ,i iiei eemuio-,ue-Place taryou îvho xxait te cerx CG HARNDEN, L.D.S. liiket to ride.doxvn bîilhctteu' thte ihhstr1ieus aîund nultoIti( Graduate of the Roval College of te rendtIbati, fthe besf place hec you la le Dental SUrgeons Otajo PTLClIM'S PIIýOGRESS.": conte iglif downvrii nmmg ns wfio are us, ntaio.- S., i se imcnpetenî anet se iîcorsistenî OJFFICE-Opposite T.Bingham's office. Tiuey nrexer iîcmî't tixir pareuxsta lkitof somotimies. SIo"v us bon'. Que us VITALIZED AIR. religuon hut xith the cornters oh the ani examapie. muonh di-ran oxm citnd the eyes Other persouis Lmîogim'e, for uot hoe- t le ip.OtIîcma vet ie oscpti- comuîmg Chisciîheisheemunse ffley lnck TT csni hrogb iiulitrenl"(ýIxoi01Ou the firne, ils tllugflreligion oudbot the iw~prt o somie ixio prohesseti religionî. buaiîtofehfle cconiuufntuor m'trippet ÂI JU p lue hr.samtu xxfosanys. "My part- the pen of tihe autixor or tiikeme pr«yermee iig, nd ie as WI oused he riofehfle mtecauiic or scnt- Titisis îxy mlto ~ Sacinear l religions cirieetiîie o ii teoe riImpronmnt a e liaced d nieoui oh $3,000, ami-iT1to't tereculted. the sales of h te merccînt. j xx -titi unir',- tif lii the -a.eIalasmk L,.aè.specuai an Oittreligion.' Th ean T'ey1>11oiter doors agmainat it anod lbihem uacs buit tbroiugli flîir beirts. bree hoxes, iandh arn now comuiteiy ADVERTISIN0 RATEM. W bexutîese uîen ueahtli euxel uxIo jjtîcureti, amîtihsve rcoomnenied if fa flue Iki'ugdjlmaoh (t, lltýt'î x iii h,0 mano thxrs. Tf la thehui T bve xi TuaCÂmeNuÂs NSTATESMAiks pxbIIthed evory Ivurilu lac nmoreto thie .Cmuosî,qf o?,usetiat fis uxç tiiis eitu Weduesday moniug ai the office 26 STATSaç- Chist tflm ttiIutse ihue îe C xnxi- Tîee sufhiu bP cmaetw MA Iai uock, Kingp Street. Baînunanvilile, Oui., ty e. ]_ TeeI oh-gt i oprdwt M. A. JamEs, ldîtor ai Praprîictar. Sbscnip- e'. uctinucos Of htistiauiîxýr Dr. (Stase's it)>nunt as a cure for the tiln $1i50 ger annunmor $it00if paiti sfrictlyFibuu tîmoie, luei atdresa îuîieuî u idoneîjoot obstintelind torturiîxg kln dis ativance. Ativeriielug a mtes, frausieut xdver- ýl s tlsngta ceis ~e i uefiut nseiium;fiv x izibve tirUiîtdrinvvr itto skeptj- I ase. Ils cures nue off en tmniy unar- rents t1,ec ile eaef suhuequenti iàterztu. 0t). ruai Ttimxoxvouîf1mue scoff;I iri evilons. (00c a box, at ailidealers, or tract raie, ou application. I mlai ouh teao jEmnon t.es & Ce., Toroxuf o, day wocid xiii beip you to do any- tbiog you ouglit to do. 1T CAN LAY A KEEL; it cati sai a sbip; it can boy a cnr- go;it can work a puibey; it ana pal,,e a street; it cari fit a ivristhnnd ;. it can write a constitctioo; it eati ixarsitni a host. It is as appropriatel te the astronorner as lus teiCscOpO, to the cheuast as bis lnborntory, ta the mnason as bis pltinnhluxe, te the carpeoter as bis plane, to the ciîild as bis inarbies,, te graridhatiîer as Pis staffT. Other porsons apolopize t?; not en- teritn the Christian lite hecauSe it is tini eîough ytt. That is îex'y lune thxose persons xvho senfi regrets and say, -1 xiii corne in perixaps at Il1 or 12 o'clock; I1xiii not fie there at tPie openimtg oh the banquet, buct h iii fie tîtere at the close." Not yet!i .Not yet ! Now, 1 do îlot gixe axîy dolehul view ofehtiis lihu2. Theme is no-1 Churg ini nty nature, notiîing in the 1 grace of God, that tends toxvards a1 dolehul viexv of huomian lite. But, xvhile we as Christian iien are houlid 1tak a cheertul x iew oh lihe, we muîst < ,so conhess that lihe f5 a great uîîcrcttaiiîty and that moan xxho 5ays-1 cI an'î heconie a Chris- tian hecatise tîxoce is fb-ne enouigIl yet" is ruintimg a î-isi' ininite. Be net ainoîxg those xvlo give their whoie lihe to the world and then give their corpse to God« It does isot scein hait' that whiic our puîlses are in full play ofhebaltf wo ser've our- selxes and serxvetUhe wex'ld and tienx unake G-od. at last the presetît oh a col . I dees ixot seomn right that ne runtomr ship froni eenst to euaSt earrying cargees for ourseix es andj their, wbea the sfiip is cruslxed on the rocks, gixe ho Ced the sfhvered1 tiumes. It la a great tbing foi' a mnati on his îiying heci f0 repent-1 hettar tixat than îxex',ec at ail; but boxv rancfih ettor, bow mnch More1 goeirous, if xwould ixax e ieniflixe had repented FIFTY VV1EARS BEFOREl Miy friencis, yocî xiii nexer get oxer these procrnstiîntions. Here is a deimsion. P'eople thiiik,ç -1 eau go o in in suaLad woridiiness,1 bot ah tex awixile I1xiii repent. and1 then il viii ho as fhotigfl1 ihad1 ceaxe ai. the x exy sfart "' What a inistake! No orie nier gels h ully oxer pxocrasti nation. TE YOtx gixe yotîr soul to God seine otixc i te than this, you -i1 enter beaven wif b oîly hall the capaciity for enjonment i and knoxvledge that voui aigit bavif had. 'Ibere wil e beigbts oh blessedness you nîight have atfanîed tuaI thon yotî xill noves' reach; tbrones eh giory on xvfich yon might ha-ve heeîx seated, but wlîicb you wýiil noxer cliîxtb. We iii inover get oxer' procrastinfioti, ieithier in tijue aoc etcriity. WG, baie storted ou a inmnîcl froua îvhichx f beî'ois touxei-crent. rThe sImd-ý oîvs oh eternity gafixex Ontoui' Iaffi- i xvay. So short laf h.xe 0suiixsigtxihfi- cant is enrfi, coxxpax-ed wifh the i-ast etccnity ! This uaonxeîxt x'oices r'oldoxvu the sky avmýi- daIl fte voîlds oh ligbt arered to rejoice at your disenthrallinenîf. usj'h îlot iof o the prosoce ofh ithe K.ýing ragged xith sin wlieoixyouî ma fiaive thia obe of rigliteousnpess. Pflash iot youur foot to pieceýs itainst ire fflono of a eruciuied Chrisýt. Tbi'oxv iot your ci'oxvnoh lihe ohi the fiditlosuentg. Al fixe scribes oh Cod ai-e et this boni' ieady xitfi volumes oh living iigbt to record the riews oh yonr soul enxitcipated. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS MrF.Wllnslow's Snoothitr4Syrup itas beso îîsedby inillion u t nhers hor iboir ehidren wbiie teethirg. if dlstirbed ai nigisi snd brlten. of yuur rest b ya ,ice cbld suuering sund cryimî wiliht tit pain oh cutil',g teetfisondilat onee an rcr CtUidren Teeihiîîg. R wili relieve te pour ujtile ,ufferor aionce. Depeixd upan ti,mnohers, hereli non mi ike aboutir, il cures Diac'-hoes relulatem te stomacit and boweli, es io Clesoftensthba gms, redaes inflamumation audgve toue an d energy un tthe whoie sy;îtem Mn,. ieiows' Suntiig Syrup for childreii ieethirg is plusSent to thse taeto anii ~the pr c huiou etcuculf tise aidait sind boit lamais, ep1yslicla ild iurseî li tise UnIted ti ateî l'rT,11-1 25 a baille. Suld by aIl druggiîiýs titro gît out te ird. lBc sure sud asit lo ri. Wtv SLOWS' SoýAhiiig SYrul, FELL BESIDE HIS MAlSTER. 1 Dog oh Tlxrneyrat's Morse Would Not Retreat. Noniixlly, Towser hclorîged to bish inaster ; actnîailyfie ownecl the regi- mîent. 110 joined witii bis masteî', but fronfIxaI day bo conscd f0 Pc a private personage, andti ecaune tire regimeitmîl dog. Wbcîx the "hall ini, sounded Towsoir look bisplace n the heati of the regilîxent, ivetofie ini dayligbt or dntrkixcss, he Wvas al- ivays theco. lie Pat supplicd hilm, as hecanie a inîlitary dog ou active set- vice, xiîf a nent coat oh khaki paint and emhiesemîed on bis brick by xvny lio e erxniried hom 01er lmnîf ami l"o11r, for ie ixas stili there wbexi tue , regii-imt xel ired aegalx. A t it'iîgtil mmoftr finlet laid hiia esido hiibmate>'. T Pope thaI fix e is gînspeti tue sitintioi andx'itii!t thixemotogelfici'. flc Vnazori i, 7efoot deep 1,000 miles miomu tu cSca&. 1IL 'J iJ ,I Rl9E Page Metal Ornamental Fence. el týh1 HIIS tcOXB WILL 1BE OUT IN A ornamental. Veyshow xdaqtlgycep isatwa is wanted for door ladd tnfne a*w otsa, ae SOLID IO0K. yars. orchards, etc. Ih ' 20 ets. PER RUNNING FOOT. yaintedl and retalis ait only as i hýfi. Lot us @end yon full partîouitrs. W. alo Scholarships ta Bring Amiericans malte farm fiance, pouitry netting, nails and stapies.Ci Into lose RelaionsWithThe Page WINre Pence Co., Llilited, Walkervllle, Ont. 8, The will of Cecii lRhodes pre'v1des for the establishrnent of coloniai sclxolarships, as pruvionsly annroune e ve l ok S l ed, and txvoAmierican scholarshiPs Toirritories of the United States, _________________________ The xii of Mr. lRhodes also pro- vides for fixe scholarships for stu- W aesl ie fBostels ieo i ek n aelt dents of <4rinan hirth at Oxford, t ehv odpie fBostelatfv rsxwek n aelt fie noraioatedl by Enxieror William, to dispose of yet, and very eheap-first-class goods at very small Iree. and, Com1mnenting on Élie becîuest, Mr. ,OUI carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at Rhodes, in a codicil said: 81-00- Men's Càlf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 -For a good uniderstanding betweento2.0w th$.Oo 35. hidesBtonnd lm 25, 0, Engiand, Germany and the TJnited t 25,wrh$.0t 35. CidesutnadBm 5,5c States wili secure the peace of the 75c, wortl' 5Oc, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Yonths' to correspond world, and educationial relations in priceb. form the strongest tie." We will tell you what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. The Ail the Rihodes scholarshîps, Amer- reason we do that Ils because we know. Latest Spring styles now ln ican, Colonial, and Gerinian, are at stock in every line. The public is invited to Inspect our stock; no Ofr, AT III TOMB. trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bage, Satchels; 34r. Rhodes' xiii is a reniarîçaîje Shawl Straps, fancy and, plain:- Dresming, the very best that can b. and voluuinus documnent. it wo's bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appi. exoected in 1899. There is a codicil ed to. attarhied on the day of the decceased'.dn nalisbace i is-ls iewr last. departuro froin England, and~ Repairingdoci litbrnhsnfrt-as style. Fiewr another leaves £4,000 yearly to keep made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past up the spot iti the Matoppii huiis avors and hoping for a continuance of the Lame. where the body îa ta be burxed. The will fîirther directs that a railr-oad extension ho nmade loto the Mattoppo __D .A V S His, so that visitors nay go there JevrBok 3wavle at tlie eek's end to inspect the nia- avrBokLwalvl. jesty and giory of their surronoidings. Mr. Rlhodes explicitly says hie is t0 be buiied in an aperture, cnt in th' e " k vl solid rock, sunmounted by a hi assGo dC>v s a s d' tahiet, hearing the words: "Irere lie the remains of Ceci] Jolhni Rhodes.- 'VVHEN -No one else is to fie huried there ;ho has flot deserxed wcil of lis Co un try.Él TO TEACII FAIEMING. ed property at Tuluxvayo and Salis- 1 l 1 bury (both in lu atabelelanld) to trus- U E . tees, whomn he directs to cuitivate ~~~o 11 iko o the land for the instru.ctionl oFh te For supplernenting the supply owol iko o people of Ithodesia. Ilis celebrated enriching seartdosime mik or if necessary for cutyplace at Groot Schnnii» r (ot a te ors m ed ik far froni Cape Town) Mr. Rhodes raising the calvc s without any mîllk %v hatever af ter a f ew leaves as a residenco for the "Primie weeks old. It is by f ar the most popular caif food. on thle Minister of the Federai Government of South Africa, with 1,1,000 yearly market. for its mnaintenance. Mr.Raddivides the £100,000 «Prioce-bO lb. bag $2z; 100 lb. $3.50O. verni funds, indica-,tiiog concisely hoivO D Y lie wishes theni to be appiied, and O I EY adds this characteristic sentene: "And, finaliy. as college authori- w ties live seclnded froin the vrorld. and so are like children as to cornmnercial i .11 Î '% matters. 1 would advise tixera to BOWMANVILLE. 23 consult inîy trustee'sregarding iteefan-_______________________________________ vesînienit o' these various funds, so far as tfieyWouid roceix e great help WVeteg toa i your attention to a new and findls penitb and assistanc from sncb ndvice.- T article in TO TEACI-I UNCLPE SAXL Regarding the Arnericain scliolar- "Y arlyS Patent Attacliffent ships, M1r. Rhodes says: FOR THE CURE OF -Whereas 1 desire to enicourage amndiikig ores loster an appreciation oh the advant- à ages wlicit1 iniplicitly heliexo xiii Wi, . 'ili control any vie kuown to a bioise. Iîrvaluable for cesut frni unin ohtheEnglsh-brealnîng in cats- Cao ha adjusted lu twa minutes, andi resul îro a uion o theEngushe l with auy harss, veicie or implement Ta the spcaking peoples tfiroughout the prresesive f rmer and horaeman tle article lsa neces- world, and to encourage in the stu-si. Apply ta dents froin thEt United States wîîo ROBERT HOOEY, xii benefit hy these scholarsbips an 8- yr BLACKSTOCK. attacfiment to the country froin wlich they have sprung; but, with-______________ ont, 1 hope, withdrawinig thern or their symipathies froin the land oî M their adoption or birth.- p The xiii piovides that the excecu tors iray, at their discretion delayM JWY Jo estabhishiiingauy territorial scho]ar- %ve guarantee tnse Lateai Metbod Trereatmentdl oovered hy Dr. uoldberg Sinps ntîl sncb tinte as theoy may. tobe a permanent and positive cure forVbarlcaceie and Stsîcture wlthout thiiik fit, but it prox ides also tPe t euttlug, stretchlng or luses cf ime. In Varicocaeeit absorbs the begluç or the territorial scholarsbips once es- araitpe fl q h r by gi7iu' h' raetcrpoe urtocu mn issio n of th e territo ry to sta lp or e ii t 5 ue tp m roungJe u t o ,n r o au a , eaniba k e e hoo id she c.alb io u ailpr ta ie tr ubl s l l I e rethe tep r-adlle-s p An ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ot c po iio s t et e t -aew ia u eViut e drea mr"' iicuoyu ou -oa d e n 2h0h 8e q0 i f t d1o d i qn ei hcd P 0 W e n 8 C U r R oe D u - t h for eecti n to sch iarshp on ne- Y uuec payunbing niaua on aîncedt6at tharoi n o , conut oh race or * î~~ *. p l hi1tii n a u r ,t b bb d it t~s dh. t urc îjuý-t e i i,.l s nie d f-hor ettienLos h lahi estnte 011 Me a ldîlnnn, ertilates, t,hlch tetif yoactanding ad at aities. Thendbro bis brtherCol. IancisW illiin yc.rs ebave ete taiishedb oireai dt u es no deffee ave raix s tale r- utlhof ,aad to maiies opisnin. întapcaisau ux nnty e a_îe narogrgurue a u aîielcr Ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cr a luereer-gtotossttuo hn ietc cia au u nd sy 'O. as wg inti ured. uatooul xmnaint ecti nEt ue expectat beiR dvco- aiec l n oftchre wanduut cxstheg. fstriugorlou tim 0,e. l';id oion Troules OOSULATIN tB3I. CtitreWite or lau fo honi reamen. i0Ol col. il jiýjjj ilaveinefrCaiiýx1tient helppe vý front 'W indsorand. hefd andtheina- o Ia teents' ratye e anta g nt i cox ., ERIMC i1m aîtcalauosee,"fneirinsgue CRONINCIIC-AlI II iecionto he xpetan her dvel-thre essene n pctreper itxe is tetchigole oie.'s înnd ondPeiisno, Chroxption driv g a rvi-s bstntiaen iod ney iekiBadrdper, os, it is nterctl Toubis ce. Tithe dipositai orOl itor lc ompar me te it xile n OO A Clear cd tGE.het ue sncerssoo8pixe esta,1a Ttiesripio ohthecotu Ixri Li.",AHn Mordlicie oh aman ints ixc a ifront fi ext anacopdao.' r'puetentxCs, ivoetrantbeI ho i quat .,D ETbiROT$hineCloH. o only of the man or Accodnatuti nd'x aii tel-a t d eROWNINc i CHxiknItDc ohg1-. £ diges%,tivesenc p. e of iii oh Cciei hP-'ies cWiote r oh goidnias ell asgco- taken regularly i1 ls inge-"lox1du- cil IMi,,s s uthintoii it> I oiig xidoiox te mue in that xxeýla,? i ilexer snw keep the stornach in -t- h i) iisia d s it e lu cge for'- sLLcb inîpudlee. Aîî1d vn ou a rîur- to') u t is tbPe hotrte nb self a ladys i aid, do youu'1'1 bood pueondothe aîcaurxîig Cos1n îe I e eix IoulMtid-'I vmas a ia'y'smx ii bee'1 bloo pur, an thecom-iii hrec cch ',- 1o ilici xvorked hor- yoti, ma'anx.- CDII tl"iueLel, igthamiil le ouc plexion clear. 111 Voui ,ox-'lIi.i'n'atli x (xygen horns otie-fifth of itle n i- fote Bt .I sqIx a i c,îit hicix.-îe îusphece. eigfit-nintlis oh- ail lie Aildrggst sl¶it. li laio i.i~O Att lnoT lîne1xx->er ad 0110 bah oh all theinti a r- dr iii il se", 1 enr Sîui i oh te globe, so far ns fmi r