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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1902, p. 3

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_____ ___ anounced the miaid, as Hlelen fiislîed focil of us if you would make a BRN E M EIU~ Al PERSONAL POINTERS. reading. hla reast of it." A G E TN LC S' was wtb cheerful face and Out- Bertie looked disturhed, and for a Ntso neetAotSm W ho Stole the ~ stieicbed banda ibat she dartLed minute or two lie besitaied. Sudden- OHRACNIT R O edn epe across the drawinig-room t metly bis botter nîature as-,erted iselfMO ERAC VI ,TH SNLain Pepe Frn etn etand lie broke out eagerly . A WARDER. The life of Mr. Marconi bas been in- rank S1to1 1 know 1 was a fool îo play wiîlî snred by the Wireloss Tehegrapb B =Notes ? "1 am so glad yon have corne," Watson again ; -1, might bave knowav Sorne Dramnatie Meietings in Eng- Company foi- £150,000. The object she criod ;"li bave been ]onging to 1 slîonîd loso 1 wa in despair, 1 is to, compensate the compaîîy for sec you ail day. But, Frank, wbat bad ne way of raising the £50 ; ish lris ons-Touchiflg the loas wbich thoy wonhd suifer by The dlock was stiking ton; Ber- la the matter ? Have 1 done any- you know how mean father la about Scenes. bis death. tram Meriî ahe counted the atrokes thing to ofnd you ?' oui- pockot-money Weill ike a n Td t iofIhs When Mr.- Chanmberlain was olght. untih the ast one dîod awaY, but "X on have not ofiondod me, buIt Idiot 1 foî-ged a choque for £50, aîîd Twrste a vatoftels ears ohd lie went to a damols school stillilho stood irresolute Ho bail on- theî-e is somnething you muai oxplai as scion as I had sent it to Watson year that Milhbank Prison, London, ai Camberwell, and is said to have tered the libraîy with a fxed pur- 1 saw you lasi night loaviiig \Vnî- 1 wished înyself doncd ; in faci, 1 hold its store of female failures, ihere been a fairly iachiovouis boy. One pose ln bis iîîid. Ho had walked sons rooms îeî-y laie. 1 was pasa- should haie abot myself if Helen was imprisoned botween ils walls, day tOe old lady found young Cham- acrosa the rooni xith a filmn stop, ing alorig the opposite aide ofeheii hadnit stopped me. She nndertook Rachaeh Wlkinson, the nîost trouble- beîlain and a dozea other boys fight- unlocked one of the drawers in tlhe sireet, I could niot sec your face, to s00 Watson and got the choque somne womn a ay prison saff ever ing. On asking the cause of the hetvy oak bureati, and drawn ont a but thiore was no mistaking you r back, but lie was out ; my louter was had te, doal with. Shewas ovor fif- acrimjmago the school-mistress was sinal hleailier case, but there bis walk or thie cloak you wore. -1 fOl- 'jnupeiied on the 'table, seualie iv, but neither drink, agie, nor crime iaîormed that the' boys badl formoed courage had failed hlm. Suddcîîly ho lowed you home to mnake sure you brought i away, and wo ihonght the had qnieted hol- fierce nature, and iliemscîvos into a Ponce Society, and gave a gilty tari, and for thec ral woro safe, but 1 was not the Orly wbolc îhing ended iliore. But this when a fit Cook bei, aothing bs than wcro fightiiîg as te wlîo shîouhd ho time hoe aoticed thai hoe was 'net person interesicd in your moi e- ronfouîîded bass of lis £400 bas a strong body of male warders dared the Oirsi presidolît. alone ; a yoving girl rose from the montis, for as soon as lie had 500h landod us i a fine mess." attilapi b restrainlihec. Thero were The Dowagor Puchesa of Abercora deptis of the easy-chair in whiclî you oui of bhc bouse Watseî' s ser- "Yon shaîl have the £50, but, more than thiîty convictions agaiîîst bas jusi become a granoimoihoî- foi- she badl b"en sittiîîg, stretched out vant deggcd your footstops to ibis Bertie, hiow long is tbis to go on ? ber naine for varions offences, and thc sovoîty-first urne by the birth of ber aîmis, and witlî a sloopy yawn very deer. 1 don't know wbat yoi Helen can't stand botween youL and more Chan hall the latter years ohfîLady Ex'olyn Cavendish's child, but s'aid :-wcîo doing iin that man's biouse ait tc consequenres of yenr fblues for lier if e had been spoîî inlaprison. there arc actnally twice as many of -J& that yon, Berthe t 1 think 1 such an boni-, but, kîîowing yen as 1 ex-ci- ; si, ba benuîin h î0 8e vas ne virtirn of miafortuno,hedoeidnsiîlivg! Ts ýsha1J go te hed." do, 1 have notver donbied for a mo- long aîready. Why don't yen art though shle always posed 'as snchbch- wonderfnh old lady is a 'peoress of But oiiithin In he atitu mcoflentthai yoar reason was a gond like a man iuistead of a weak, silly fore the magîsiratos; hors wasailanba- tOc ihree kingdoms. Sewl e the boy strîrk lber &s peculiar ; she, one. 1 don't want te ferre yonr boy ?"- solutely hopoloss case of cîiaiiuîiality, niuiety la July, and three nionths looed t ie wite bagar fae, confidence, bui I thinlîk you onglut to i';Sofo, À rmse yon ibis shaîl says Pcarsen's Weokly. liiwl inaliu oe h the nervons banda, and . ininltrust me." be the lest trne. If 1 once get ont Orle day the prison was visitid by soi ontioth anniversary of bier wed- forardseied is rm spgringigj"Haie you seen io-night's papeu-?" of this fix I will nevcr spcak te Wat- n. gentleman sent by the Home Office din'g day. fouwad sizd bs rm agrly 'ot yeti" son againi. 1i ncaitte werk bard to In connectieul with the deunoliiioîî of The death of Lord Johin Hervey, "Becile, what dhoca ibis mean ?"Inl thoce yen will finfi ibaitOth pay, back lihe £50 ; yonî may trust the prison, ou- some simailar miatter, brother of the Marquis of Bristol, --oc cried, " Are y ou drnnk or mad ? peuson who visited Watson's roumsornatiTe"ad wiepsig lw n f h eai Wlîat are you going to, do with that is upce ~seîn 40 *m bslm. id bl asugdw n heucls the advonturo wbicli, la rom- rex ouor ?ctod eavensSureyiban il0ts."u do trust yon, Bertie,"- said Sel- passages, lie met a file of tho pris- pan y with Mr. Stunu, afierwards aeovr? netosdcb avco!ward lY as o ntes.avn" !Hleibr tl on, as lho slooek bis luand heartiiy. oera bcaded by Rarhaeh. Tbey wcre Lord Bolper, and Mr. H. G. Coore, you aentsc oada o -oo evn eéi hr s"And now I ainsi ho oU. I pronîised able te rocognizo eacli otier huy that lic underweni many years ago whle ,shoot yonî-self ?" sonie villaiuy afloat. Woi't yen tel! te wait fer Helen, tint aOc whîî for- mYsterlous senîtimeucnt which existsa ai0on a yachting croise alouug the roast -Itis no use talking, IMeleon ; l'ari me w]îat yen iere doing ibeîe ?" give rme wheiî she kiîow-s ibat .rhave al imîes hetwecn a miotheî- anidbli-erofGreoro. Potbing itea iCt,e bar- tnd no o d 10 aîuyb felody, o I'm "I can't ; but ineed 1I assure youu gene te sec' Watson. I fancy Iliai- chcild, for lie was lier son, and tboy ber hiu soaîclî oh sport and boing be-- liiteriogo e yoy ontl'nil."tl,-f Inover saw iliose hank notes?" a card te play Chat uhl astonîsh lîad nit foi-thbo rsit Cue alter veîy tî-ayed by a guide, ihcy were rapnur-- botrOtIfi. don'i suspect yon for one Me- hiiiu.iany years ini the prison wlîero abe 0(1 by brigands, Mr. Coore beiag ' ýit dowii," shesaid, aierîuly, as menit. bnt tOe thiîîg is serions" was t ue st ur ycorivnt ne eda ,hotg hl a mo *shc pushed the irembling figure ie 'rnk I arin goilug te nsk yeon 10 theo servanti, the favoi-cd reprosonta- £3,000 a-as seccrcd. thc noaresi chair., Now, tebl meld' I greaitluIn 1g for. mcl-will you Itws-ietohuslte hntv ftelw Thcre ai-omany atonies urreal in eeiythiuug ; mind. yen Iust keIbnd nie £50 altunl not nk aut I leeit grcoted Sehion fer the second onuyyaribea-siru-otiAriargdng i.Ii-er notiîng back." I a--uit it for ? ir hteeig o inyyasteewsi-P9"Sut fiargrigM.Kue' "Fniin h -rems hn c-c "o 1a ixeh als bnaxun btoein.onedtenIPortlanud a manî aanued Jos- immnes srongîi. Il ha rclated oh bOisliee, ele.maerss taid l îeuîYu-. 1rhavwiin testrusi yuu,"re yenticed of waitiig, dear ?- eph Parkson, wbo had been hcavily lm thai some thirty years ago, a-ouldtimpay my ebta ahe a, andie, - amlpyouuing ne otur s oi flesaid, as alue rose te mcci bhim seuteuîced for stealiag thie funds of a wbonlie a-as ont hiifalobuîatiuug, a theouie'tp ydeti i c oi tn, i"and 1 ar. e xyou god oier thon alib ighi smnile. benefi soriety, of whcbhoe ans the huge bull that hoe wasaaler stunu- thrane1dpaed hirnme outlte c -uVonsr re Forg e m te. u n t-"I ou't uund aai al uxea-Chat you secreîauv. There was ne liitle mys- bled ie oa watec-holc The cx- iioue dg pal-ysdhrIm Weidom ee 'r. Watoiue iee,1,iimis. Oa ecoine, buit I1camiteîrihly nations ic ry attaclienb le theoquestion of Presidnî,uianablo 1e, Pull np ha une,, mOney-nO a grciit sum-n]Y te0,1aoia limeowneanîtntofhyouî-rryiîîtJr-il wlat lho baiddueaith tOhlads, the canue pîump on thc back of the arii rnea%-oi a real sm-oriy £50,liai sbcwnhlm hlo (holihray" i Chat-"geneial hupresien boiag bai hoe bad niai. Foaîing lest lue shonld lbac lus bui wbcueeamu I got ex-ca£50 ? 1 "Quihie rhgîîî Jane ; 1 il go teoi 'o 1 i. cplae t *eribtsounelîoa-hiddea them for eajoymont "bag" Mc. Kruger 1trlb lo foîîîd fatbe's cheque book, cand 1I hia ucre. Franuk, 1 mi ae, i iiWatsoni is net ikely le trouble you cier bis liheratioa-a net nncoiuon io al y heb ras adld tue iîlumk I muai -haie been madl wheîu I alone ; wilî yen a-ait boreie 111 I anîyf ibucir. IBrtie shaîl sead him tîngabohenmnaake tc uuinl's y he uner aatd elduthe i did i-I kîîow I have lioun maîlcrne back ?" the £50, and tbcuu I fancy a-e shal cmi- siace. I forgcd bis naine anid îlla shioaed ne aigu ohoficî-u oms- uot scec lis lare agaîn." CANNOT t SCAPE WEETO.aas droa-îued. . sont off the choque hy post, but 1 nosas sectro lelibî-aîy. For i"Do yeum l5now bat lie asked me to1aila-satago igiat Tîxongh close upoîx seîcîîty ycaus of - age,Mi. Bariag-Gollld, thie author can't face theo diagrace if I cm fouîud , ew nniei se cuii-e ac îa osîrily ahltoc ie,,a-as sent te pisCon, o oeboaiauayohrlvn oui," and the boy burstinlai a flood ctlluuîy on coîuvenionaîCopies ,; b,i -- Confound his iniumdence, ys biso-bIa-, who, np te that noihmo anookstalas up-igth10 dayias ch tenu-s. - er ceuîîpanioî a-as eîidenîly 111 aî i old aie Chuat. ; hoea-as vecm ani timo, hîad hecîx inuquite humbîle chr- l0e was thiî-ty yeara ago. tHc atiri- Weidid yen owe lOis moricy case, and ai the frsi opporiiinity Oiec but hoclîad te ho, for 0o kaca-lie cumstances, suddealy came ouitIas a butes lOis crecinosa 10 bis invariable te 2"- sald blu s ahîcu, iha acallm broke i hîîrîhedby % ý n -a Y poweu.-" ma eh of asidccnhle imoans. îlé liv-- VoldO. -"Miss Merivalo, a Most nfoîtuaate 'iudid yon nuanage tlat 2 ed hain ei style, Iîowever, that bisl custandng ohiion.--ar.a luig lo i -Gilbert Waison ,yen know w abaitong bas Oappoaed. Iii my absoîxcel "Wel, quite Oy accident I fonund jrnî htvris ore iiyaas-ie ibaqibp al- lie is-as liard as atoli.- yestocdcy a aum oh £400O disappear- oui Chat Wtsonîhad bheon uixed up bai-eube, qnickbvauitslsue, a a lui ts cuithis uuotblox d - om est a ara Isppose?" ed fcom îay ceorna. A lady a-ho ici a diagracehuil affai- ontii Cali- Cher thiauxreiun ite bis prevueus P-nes sarlxto rmlt vhUited ibem duing thce eoning a-as forium, ixhiclu -ould paia bis repula- luumblhe wanyoh liinug, lho dciited bn- -runtewrs. sMare ollatin frhrnlit- -Whended erapsy ia-'IrktuMc.ysGo iîld, couiryef 10lielaiet "Thisamodiyn.s- i " auîîy snpected, and 1 amiisorcy lion cu bs oinryilh erna rto cie. le a-as sconuu tecled, Mr. Gladstone, often spendsa acouple "TOls miuuing"te5 ihat the lady ha quiestion lOas k u. It s Lest te fight acmanaeh "Thon l0e cam'î cash il hîehou-e te- been îtracdto îiis lieuse." l Cai staînp aiîb uis oa-a aeapoas, Iscaîeed, acd put aîvay ha Po>rtland ofhboucs cbopping dloa-nutrocs. mro.Bri,1salgan s 'iam te lady i.wbîeonoee day a-bon a-oî-kîg in thc Mai-k Twan moi cd into a distrhct uuurra- Bîie,1 hal g cd ai " an belayoyenrelcu- te" an> 1 tobd bim whlai I1laewandu, -quarcies, lhe caîîe face to face w itb roroatly -Oece theea-ore a goed hmn te give it bnck te nue, and a-e "Thon ne doni yen 'Mill gie aitbreateîicd te disclose it unbos 0e ugaisadclsne o miuai fiîud thc money ha some otuic i- î thcory explanation oh voîr tbld mie the a-bol truth. I bcd no Someho In Parknsoii.,haro way.1 r"e -ter ? -raleideuice, bOmit Uchmcit Cat lie Somha Prsnge o0cro tervica-ed on thue nujoci. As he Vncaî't go to-uighi. Whlai pr-eIicamthre 2" notd s. 1srvatal ci bis u hom' hue style lana-hili lis dcughter's bus- îaîked tb bbe interviewver lhofondled wcnhd people say if yen a-ero seen -"IL a r afrad I cnaid so" litstruc iaeani fpollo ad 1halonie baud had beon Iliving, and guessedareov.Hesi:"thn y acqured dereni burglar is oniitlcd to einue- gIgao-Oai na boucoms2"tyeîurrefusaillih uply 9"guîessed thai thc haak iuotes bad ibhailue luad beon robbcd of h 1e h ng foi. bis pains. TOc burgîcu-. "i aut chance that. 1 daren'tIl "Do vye nmeanateinsinnate ibat l'. i eluso1u ial Ta e goutea fortuneiue h bcd idde aa-ay. u ikoex cî-yone else, nmust make a liv-- live stolca yeuc nuioney ?" vaut -nas too cuuîaiig te baive you n amoetispc sinteir truast te a lettor, and hoeha nmore Watson ahriugged Oha aluonîders. clone iin bis îîîaster's i-oa i thin i ouethapikaa i iig; pertiapa luelias a faily te suîp- lîkely le ghil te nie -Chan 10 you. "The money bias gone ; aouaebedy puttiîîg yenu undem close seruthax aand iu amother muoment bis souu le r. hn i hitean he But one thiîg nuore, Berthe :cao I muet hav. e l '<ii ebîd tu uitiîalilaa- aoubd bavelbceu a denid maig-n oarietoaighl i trust You not te hoe se foolish "layourservanut lunnet?"'sprie hniroî fe 0ec-Od .not tOhe eieaejýd blowa-been and.-'Whiat c pityit aould lhe" ngaîî " he ci, aiiba eanng Certaîîby. Ia-onld hi-ust Oua ljoiuingeoie uhc watclienî yer moi - tc aibocohal-a- e oscid, tboughlfmlly, "if the buîg- glane attheleather rase on tlue -iilu cl I posseas, ad lbe swaers monts aîîd leaîd yen excbaim, _-_ -wsadn er oldtuteod a' aiysol i ervdo t table. "-uinst bave a-hth Pr ina- man,îdag ie b-s Follcd iOprnglic obdlnas fmyspportd Oc dî-ved hel 0ourpiomsel Chatîîobedy enîorcd thc leeni Outi erthe wa-îbe î~saved ndesîl bsriiec, sn îeîîmns hsppr. Eiei b lueice I one ibhCat.- yu-s'f.-îe followed yep ha i- dec tute lbss mia-adtethu esla urghau-athouiglul tIe saine; at ai "Helen, I gîte yennîy a-ord ehf '-it is sirauco. Oui I acier sana- bis muaser îîueî- o yenlixed. îatS on 1cand disigni-ed hlm foi- lihe, berore t10e ucas îîey left Mark Twan's bouise houer thati1 I al not touich it." -n Ilbuî sapa pîîîg ao adwacdecs conld separate bbeu-m 1h erlyaloe * * * * * * our noe ive togetyharp; t kuttea- ci orea-lie aas dnîing itue cmeufioa..ibat Iensuaouooîy0fto n "Vol youî a-ou't say a-ly yon tishl- 1to j ehe ieÉe auneih TecinadMu-oed fth c * IsMm. atoî a brn 2 ed nuy loonîs." I is i isiier ias. Beitice wed lo Oiohe rsar e patcclaîniations accou-d o eRoyalty on fNet yci ; but 1a c ig lm -gi eetCa ant- inoiy o okalte hc v- I aaderscand la-o oh thomni aaged thue occasionu ohpublic processions eîery mnutîne, ih yen caî- to a-ait." "Miss Mechînbe, dovyen knoa- ihat eauly rouîiaiîied seumething damga- 10 ecapde. Tbcy a-ere. hoeei, are, of course, heacfully lrylîug ttee imuportanit that I siulnd sec hlm lus yomîr bu-othur owes mc nueney ?'- îig to ertcie's cbara cier ; a-bat a-as vnulyrapre.ers IthcosefCoi crt 1'Tbaiuk yen, 1ink 1iusiall ; it is -'-l do ; aîud ii ahaîl lue pcid wa-hii mou-e lilely ChuanîChat Berthe lînd A short thale cge, a aewy-aP- tour the thon Dîîke and Dunhess of 500hI as Possible" c fea- lours." resoried te soi-ne disioneai îacthedj pointod dcputy governor, an cx-armay York paid a islit le Tikitoro, ln the Helen foht Ibat tOe onsoquious lana -I'î laive cproposaIlte make if yen of paying lis deli 1 Von scec,lbe oh icor, ad-, a-o eceletfaniily Maori tortoî-v, H.R.H. csked thc serînt oyed lier frein Oocd le foot a-ilb istîu te nac. I a-ill foî-giie kaows Beciie's i-cvakuýresses haiily vas standming, for the Oust biîue, undiv her ofheOc oach a-bat sort of c ha lie slow-ed bei- into a luxuiiouialy- yonr buoibem's debt, ad hiusb ip a-cl. the cxercisc-yaîd oh a lau-goeRiglisO Place ia-as. 'goe a n uorined bbat famisbrd sitlag rooni, but aOc kaca- youu- connectien aith tiha hehu, on "ea-, Wmatson a-anted te îuînunv pirison, w'atcbbng ca nnbero ohue- i a-as usuuaîby called "The Inferno" i vas tse.esa te poenct bis curieaity. eue condition. W ilb youî mari-y Me"youî partly hcmuse lue a-as hasciuated icirs w alkiîg roundad dround1he oui arcenuof thea-ei-d sigbts totic boIt teo erself, sho paced tOc roi "Mari-y yen !" ried PIleîoî, î1. I y youuc beauuuy, partly hecause lho i ncloscd square, a-Oea be percehx-ed ,accu ihire; o11blinI day, hoa-eveî-,10e liiIt oi-i- oh xcîemuui glncng uoroî-1 w-cul d rallier die." kuuewChlat itbi a aifele iîe yen ho eue of luhe mon look aI hlm aO nd' iat -ud oc-ye au ery muement ai thec lock on the Aîu ugly look passed ex er .Vt- could take a place ha sochety wbich j stcrt. The ebhief-warder, a-lue aias a lîu-IItelpiece, uutil ct lasi sOc uced Oli's haco. lis w-ealthi cloue wen-ld îuever gi saîdn eacIopu-cîd1e aj"Wlîat!" eccainmed thc deligbted belore thue a-î-tiag-tcble and mcc lieu - 'Vutare tee prend, 1 Suîppoe, Ihhîî. Vomir iudifierieuce mî rienau-ked IC, suggcstinlag kc 'i110 baad, ne soldiers, no eye arlcssuy ovor its contents. leRe I aiawatl inadyuIiisleleeiyi, L uiietLtteproe !.-giêlercg . aail -o onhd id nic an indnulgeunt husiuid. yotu ; the tbhi t of thc hnnk ilotes' uuzed the nea- go-m'rner, wa-be rpbicdiuî' ha Heaven foi that!" unopemîed letters ; ha breathbcas baste Vly de you reruîe me ?-"Wasas d a preicluce ; ic sent tlue! liat ihîcrea-as sonîeibing -about t1.A,1119t iuiiat htc -y sOc earmod icm tîron.u.'TOcre is oume great obstancle tu, puuagrinîîli thue pp1hiî finaahd îe faiirt uohfithe liOuse of Fiza-illhcu, iha bld 'Ah, boel- it h," as sOc rocognized yomiu ropsi"sOc sald, quieily. thiukinîg ihat ho a-onld haie yeu n ii icd asked a-bat a-as knowa-î ou l e u aoEr itaiha.Ahc lie b'oiers hcna-rtig aîd i le iaiaveim pro-aised teolnnriy luis pow erandI sebpersaîde o yen IitOcprisoeir. ia-as mer.ueehl brpesniuc unoagraîî u tc tnnînof Oc n- inas Sfueu." uîau-yhua Hoengb te0e uuuhsb~ AALONG TALE 0F CRîMUE. his whun't hîad heen dcmcged serions- vclope ; aîd ihalber oxciëein ilaoe Watsonu booked soiaeicut disturb- cul as lOc dcscmies, but I rau do ie -t ettey cudeuiuge c priui heda1a spoke lier thonghts aloijd. 'Hibalc. tbng atheiu humaais.g heitiese iecarin flVropened I. Berthe a-îi ho bc 'ITe engagemntuislaîot c pubichi1 forgccy, ad 1 hue Oas promised te xx iii a big frcud and horgory. h,'l'Oicprasd h anae sËcd." one, Chu.-î" i uako liioa-uutiîonuglî tue papeus that prisouueu Oad tioca sixhies coelutr- The îuaa said £50, ccd h a-as at Puitihng tOc boter ha ber pochet, -ThI'at dees îîet make it 111Y boss 1his rmouî,v a-as eahy niisl<id anud net I e, and a-as thien uier a terni ou' once paid. Aflti- bmuvsi the farîncu- she rang the bell for the servauit. sanmed iniimîy eys," said Iîîen. stouiem." live yoars' mpusonîeni, ohfa-hidli cîaieý gaini an-d said thai tOce wheat, x s t e a e t a c i a y ion g Iu d cuiy W atsoni ibre mi off ail ce- 'Ica uu u î ii ibnil s yo en c uugh for fou i- a-c e un expir d. IHo a-s a ve y tu- cm, se xpahad. 1 -ib ciii train tý,1cnd iiia it ehfîpassion uîhict saîýing us frorn sncb c aua,"snd ed rionrna aa-y erad uli ,mio n scme leu sCInges DMuuicaie a-ithî Mr. Watson by lateru- ut :- iolemi, as, lie finisbed speakiag. -J i "enissiori." Ho was aIse a-eh ode -ieuuuyrli uthnu oul- if hudeasamy" I 'fmcdo np rny iuiiid lteuaî -oh a ieve Yeu t gu yo htm v-caicd, and snpposed teo haie cornesouciyleledbughtarth baavehinashabeuîld 0ee'tîvibutmai> M)in liermniud ccd '-ýft, giving noneaute. jnas yeuîlI 1couîid get the money ay and la rccdy for Itie shep. . tiie b etwceuîehhobiug people caniu- for Populaec-theuiene. Atc- stat .Ved As ahe was tblrkly veilic 1he soc- elhier xxay ; thue hact is, ciri yon lenO I ering ivaprhaneunifoi- doicg s- e enarIyin. Iaac tant a-t as unable te distiaguisb ber me £50 ?" SN-,UFF-TAKEýIIS EN L!:hS His brolbci, Oavhcg bcld office oh de- lueurs special caris pass through thc fea-ilures, Oubute a-oica long pumple " If 1I leaO i te you aill yen tll e dsul ad t pershspuygvenrfer one Oriel a ~strects cand dispenise sanudwiches, chocS -tîhmrned aithei ium, the hoodme ahuat yenwant l, f or ?-" Leeda, Eaghcuîd, il appears Oaa ly 1bîad ýtnd butter, thue sansages se oi h ah waas du-a-c over'-lier liend. "WVel,it's te pay c dett." nearly fonr Oucdrcd sînht-lcakcrs, aiudh îueig ec, nîd ouuhe dl, oh coure, tacol- Theý case bas been plcced i dom- "A dobite Gilbert Watson 2 com'parcd a-hthu thîcce or four Ibeus-iatrteietn.ýeadsual fcusa h peýteit bauds, aîd i is expeted iluat 'Hoa- dhd you guesa thai ?- cnd fificca yenrsacge. The Leeds loe-st possible pricos. tOc a-ercboisof this midaiglil "boxer mind hîoa-1 guessed Ot sanuf-takers or thé pi-eseni day ai-rESNL he"I i onco -r e vîs-itou- a-lhl slîortly Oc?)ce sc." seriously, Berthe, I ball suspect that cprni ihî l c r poor ni Mur. Sefionis i b i-m-a-em,£ce' isiltoWaso aasconet-j oncthe latter cbicfly chfîIrish de-I le- 'Tbeu ith'a ahIloi e." ha sonie x'.ay iymacringo, isc't lbe" iaanInd le cctu ye," an- cd wiit yen, caud il a-ould the bote r sent. She-"Ves. F- or yenle- "Voes. lie mcciied îy fanacec."ý o havec tOc spechîcen, but souxchea- afcter tbut neyer cai-cO te Suilcagor- hîba unlexho c ntuaihy nîcuacd ime." "Ah, yes," enarkoîl young Tuucrnp- son, "olîl Jones mny giçe a lot-oh cîoey, liai Oc robtied une eh rny beat chance iila he." -"la tiso?' akcî Saxythe. "Hea- a-as ibat?" "W'chl, youm sec, Ia-anied te uucarm-y bis ouxhy chuld, ai-id lue a-old't Ocam oh it." CORONATION ROBES. A Splendid Crown Wil lue Worn by the Queen. TOc King Oias decideod b do away a-itb mcuy of the focs a-hinb blave pcrîaineo te soneofoheO anrieni of- fices la ronuetion wa- hiiue orona- thon. The grating of fees iii 1he pat lhas meroiy been in monformity a-iib an lhistorie usagoea-bicb lias îoa- lest ils nîoaniug. lih a Mjosiy lins cao bcoadby Int- cd te the Duke oh Norfobk tOct ieh wisbcs the robesl0e Oas te a-car coi Jane 26t0 te o bosheavy ad hul-1 densonie luan iboso a-orc ai horminur cou-ntions - Lord Salisbury mcn ly> cînuaod the King vory grenlu> Oy tclihug hua oh bbc expeiece of lis lathor, xvho wac one of tOc tra;in Ocarcîs et tOecro-nction of George IV- "TOc acight eh ihîs Majesiy'srelu-- c," scid Lord Salisbury, "gave eacl oh the train becrors c Turisal bath oh sonue lueurs' duatclon. The King suffored even moi-c iban the Ocam-oms, and grunied ccd gruntbcd incessant- ly. Wben thecneemiony a-as over lia iMajcaty a-as fouad iii lus drcssing- rooni at tOc Abtiey, walking up and doa-n nndresscd, but a-ith 1he ci-can on bis Ooad!" Wboiu King EOarmo eard Lord Salisbury relate this, hoe said: -I boeIlis C race oh Nor-folk a-ill soc thal rny rconthon robes are more seasonable bban tboseofhRis Majos- ly George IV. A King a-llhout c nroa-a is acurionssiagOl; but a King ha bodrcemuattirhea-euhd hcu-ly prescat a regal or diguuhfied ,spectacle.' TOc Kîug lbas dûicmmhacd thal n' splendid ciroan shaîl Oc a-emn by the, Quean at tOc Coucnaion. This ccoîvu is te bauve as ils ebief orca- ment TIIE KOIi-I-NOOR. Wbcui lrm Majosly quiotly remnou- strnicd ai this, and auggested thni acmctbiuug leas macgîuhhuent shonld beho made, King Edwacd gallantly an-1 sa-ecd:- "No gemn is 10e race to crowa surh a bond; ns youm liho lias bcen, se ahaîl yonr roa-n be-maguhfimoui." Lateuy sovocal. designs haie beeni aubmitîcd t10lhou- Mcjcsty, a-ho lbas ci lasI chosen one o0f ihem. The cmoa-n vili have ciglît jea-clled arhes a-hthetO splendid Indice dinrnond le tOc middle. R-1er Mcjosly's pueseal cmoxvn lias only foui- ardues. Alîbongh thc KiugglOaa detounîlacd to doeacay a-lb maaly historie us-1 ages, y'eb 1-is Majcaty bias cncenm- cged mcany rcvivcls. One of these revivals a-ilb e that of the old Euug-1 lisO faim. Rien mica gront arracge-1 moentsaraio teing rmade ah Koîusab Green for c Ougo fairm ote ikoplane1 duriuîg comomation a-eSk. Fou-ty-9 cîghl acres oh ground have. beon se-1 cred, anud on bis wa- ie he Oiadi-eds oh i cu-dwelcrs a-le a-ib ecci-taha the thouanids of speclalors '.vo a-ilb uîudoubtodby lOc pu-eîut at tOc fair durng bbcea-cek. Every afleunonn a-olc oxc a-ilh tic'1 roastod, anîd thouanida of cakes,. slampodwa-h th1e imunges oh Ibeir Maieathea, a-ilb h distibnled amnîg hue juvocilea a-lie liSe te Oce prescrit during t0e festivilies. It aas suggoshed thai theso dciii- lies aborîhd ho rallcO "Coroiiiouî cakes," huit Ibis hînppeuued te cocue loe b aora ofthue Kinga-ho. hax iug. perbaps, aidea as tle ieatcureofoh those raSes, sng-gestod, that lbcy sbould bOc alîcîl, ni "Ceomiathoni cakes," but 'Corountion cuica!", GORILLA HUNTING. West Africans Say Gorilla Has bhe Seul of Ilfan. Goribbc buîutiuxg is a distiunt seisa- to ieuevea for tOc xelcman bututeu. Thsanimal, whihb as beromo con- fuscd somnea-hîia-ih fable aad fOc- lion, hsa c ecity, ccd a deridcdhy un- pucaalt0one toeongage. The iWest Abricalus au-c mnetnuly chu-aid of it, Oeioving Ibai tOe bu-ute crntama hue spirit of a meci. 'lhey nîtrihute te it cil sorts oh hercities, liSke the cau- îying ofoh c huinieiîug, a-be is porniticîl te rejurn afler belug de- Puiîed of toc andl iîugeu nails. Sihll huiliers haie uever observ- cd cny oh tbose doiuigs, hui t hey tes- tify te the brune's ýstrou.igîhi andl fou- edi ty. Arcoudhng 10 a French apcrismguu a full-groa-n gou-- ili aniibile ihueuglu n tu-oc six in- elles thick io ordcu- te soculo thOcsap. a nd twist n grillharre] a-uth tOe swolleui btuinches oh muuucle tOni sou-i hor anis. Ilis cearisjeterrifyilîg ancd ca'x tic beard Jfoc c distanuce of Ihre muies.* "I shiall novr fou-gel huea-thec rsi one mpeacîiuie, " anys hie F1c- l dowithout risk of hoighard. The warder who promenades ouisîde the glass box can see eveî-ything and hoar îioibing, and ho rail espocially deteri any atteînpi to convey corre- spondence te or frorn the prisoner. RELIE VED. "Papa, when yoiî were a boy, did jyou cicrichtll a lie?" "T amn afraid I did, :ny boy. Why?- "Nothing, offly 1 was afraid you didai't." PEUPLE GREAT AND SMAJLL WHIAT THEY ARE DOING AND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. The Characteristies and Peculiari- ties ofWell-Known Per- sonages. The King of Grecce only uses Greev wben absolutely necessary. le gen- erally talks in English. The King bas expressedl a wisbi that the tradesmien and assistants wvho serve Windsor Castie shall get vaccinated. It is tînderstood that the King wvill' lay the corner stone of the Qucri Victoria meniorial shortly alter thil coronation. The K(ing is said to have carefiflly studied the figures attesting the value of vaccination, and to be con- \ inced of its efficacy. The Emnperor William bas given his, assent to the erection of a monu- ment to the late Baron, von Ketteler, the Germanl Envoy, who was mur- dered at Pekiri. As the Kaiser wishes that morie should be done to discover a remcdy for cancer, the erection in Berlin of a hospital for the special study of the disease is to be proceeded with at once. The Etoile Belge of Brussels an- nouncos thut Prince Albert wlll re- present the royal faînily of Belgium apt the coronation of King Edward. His Royal 1Higlinoss will be accona- panied by several offIcers. The Jinchess of Argyll, accompan- ied by th 'e Duke of Argyll and Car-ý dinal Vaughian, visited the Alexandra Palace recently, for the purpose of inaugurating a class for physical cul- ture, which has boon commenced by the trustees. During bils visit to Eari and Coun- tess Howe at Penn House, the King had excellent sport, nearly 3,500 head of gamo having been bagged. Saturday was the best day, nearly 1,400 being killed, but on Moaday, owing to the bigli wind, the numnber was considerably less. A memorial to Prince CShristian Victor is teolhe raised in Warwick- shire, and it is suggestocl that a suitable f orm for it would he the endowrnent of a regimental cottage home in the country for wounded and disabled soldiers belonging te the Warwickshire Eeg lîent. Mr.Paranjpye, the Marhattar young man who was bracketed senior wrangler at Cambhridge in 1899 ai-d was the Oirst 'Ilindoo elected a fol- low of Cambridge Ujniversity, after studying thrce years in Clermany, bas taken ap rofessorsbip in a lîttle col- lege at Poona, on a siae salary, in order to impart what hoe kno-es to bis own people. The coronation of the King of Spain, the World says, is to take place nt Madrid on Saturday, May l7th, when lie ill celebrate bis six- teenth birthday, at which ago hie at- tains bis legal nîajority. King Ed- ward is to he represented hy the Prince of Waies, and mnany 0f ber roy- alties will ho -present. The roronta- tion festivities are to extend over a week. The Xing bits juat givon the Prince and Prinicoss of Wales a vOry eharini- ing gif t, which was ail the ilînre iic- cptahhe as it camne ns a conmploec surprise, the secret liaving heen m-ell kept. The present was at set of miin- iatures of the four rbihdren of the Prince of Wales, the work of clever Mis. Gertrude Massey, who lîais painted so rnany miniatures for roy.- alty. There is na ery liappy 104 e ogirl at Aniershiam. IXien the Ring arrixed nt the station a crowd <of iiîlîabi- tants asse.iîbied. Anîong ilîcîn i as a itegirl, who lad foîred ber waY ittho station entrnnce, anîd, stiîm- bling over a, mat she fell nîniost at the Kiing's foot. Rlis Majesty. noti- ring the littie niisbiap, iiinîediately took a sixbence frolu his pocket, anid presented it t0 tOc child, who bas (le- cided îlot to apend it. WHERE PING-PON-\G BALLS ARE MADE. There is a factory ai rntan near Mis tley, Essex, Engla.i ,where work goes on aighit and dlay at a headlong pace, under conditions of secrecy iliat mighit well excite rur- iosity to the highest pîtch. Thle lac- tory istOc Xylonite Works, where the halls uised la ping-pong and ten- nis are made. The wvorks ai Bran- Cham practicaliy inake nil the balîs

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