TAes Serwini-Wiliaiis Pints douer the Earth. The Sherwn- Wllars Paints Couer the Earth. EERY ONE - 10 IS IRADE. ourbIusi- ness is selling Paint. We know whaî to look for and what bo look out for. It's like- iy you don't. That's where we'hl belp you. We've experi- mented; our experience will save you trouble and annoyance. When we tell you THE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS Are thie best paints for anyîhing paintable you may depend upon it. Let us show you color cards. .,OLD BY Agents for Piy moulh Gold Medi Binder Twine, Souvenir Stovos and Ranges, Pease Economv Furnaces, IChampion Stoves and Range;, Builders Hardware a speciait'i Our prices ar-e low, Phone 66. One door west o! Post Office. yhe 8herwnWiiiams Paints Couer the Euth TA he hrmwlll11051Paints vouer the Ewrth. LAWN MOWERS. I soticit a eall from my old and new customers. The shas pening and re- pairing of Lown Mowers, warranted to give enlire satisfaction everv lime. Seissors and Knives Ground; light The Canadian Statesifan. BOWMANVILLE, AP.R 23, 19021 THE WHITNEY MEETING. jobbing a specialtY al; the West EndI The political meeting in the town hall Smithy, King st Thursday nighî in the interest of WNilliam W. H. WILLIMS, Henry Reid, the Conservative candidate 16-Sw Bowmanville. in the ensuing Provincial election in WXest Durham, was pretty weil alended Messrs. J. P. Whitney and j J. Loy K. $100REWAD, $00.C., were the principal speakers. Mr. $100REWAD, $00.Reid and Mr. C. J. Thornton made- brief - responses 10 the chairman's cati. Mr. The readers of ibis paper will be pleased to Rcid's remarks felu very flat and bis learu ibat Ihere Is ai leasi une dreaded disease manner was as usual ful of bluff and tisat science bas been able 10 cure in aitlits bravade. His reference 10 Mr. William .otages, and thai lae atarrh ilall's Oatarrh Rickard, the Liberal candidate, as a C)ure is the ouly positive cure known tu fie , medical fraiernity. Catarrh belng aconsttu- sharp AiecI" and the schootboy play tionat disease, requires a coustutional trea,- on bis naine was neither gentlemanly nor ment. Hall's Oatarrh Cure is taken iuierually, clever. If afier eighî years' experience aeting dlrectly upon the bloud and mnucous sur- laces of the sysiem, tbereby destroyiug the sn the Legistature, Mr. Reid cannot give founidatiou of the disease, and giving the patient a better account of himself befere the à3treugth by building. upthe constitution and electors Ihan lie did Thnrsday night, it assistiug nataire ln dolng lis work. Theru craiylmefrahae Mewo prietors bave su much faillilu in s cuýai e rtil tm o acag.b e powers ibat lhey off or One Hundred Dollars for have been favolrably disposed toward any case that it fails to cure. Seuil for list of him were lhorougbly disgusîed with bis t de8nas,'FJ nNY&C. eo. c und ct, It must have been gatling te Sold by Drnggists, 75e. ,hsm te sec Mr. Thornion gel a mnch iHall's Famlly PuIs aretbe best. more bcarty receplion than hie did Mir. Thernton made a caim but feeling, speech reminiscent of tbe recenl campaigu lu which hie came eut second besl. He S . lefi no doubt wbalever of bis present posien, peiiticalty, as bie ciaimed le 11e asupperter of Mr. Reid and of Mr. .S pcia Whtney vbomh le hoped to sec premier ithe nexl Legisialure He said Prohi- bilion is net an issue in Ibis campaign but the greal issue is the Premier's failhlessness. Afler hcaring Ibis speech We shall consîder Mr, Thornlo'i a Con- ffe r servatîve lbreugh and througb Mr, J.J.oy, of Toronto is, we are told, an exceedîngly nice man, but bis speech ForOneMonh.Thursday nighî was rather disappeinting. the support of honest, intelligent Reform- We will seli 6 boxes o! Dr. ers for Mr. Reid, those who are dissaîls- Gibson's Famous Kiduey Pis for fied wilb their se calted leaders. Hie .1.00. eld thal the Liberal Government had been reckless and extravagant and hie seut a long lime discussing Iheir pnlp- 6 bOi es ' ' UU woodpolicy but failed le enthuse bis 6 u xes~î,1.0 auodece'worlb a cent." He referred These pis guve univiersal sat- te the "mechanical majurily" of the Goverrumenl as if il werc a crime for lafaction in all kidney and bladder Liberats le folow tbeir leader while be troubles, lumbago, weak back, failed 10 show Ibat Conservatives had stone in the blacider, Bright's dis. ever veled elherwise than witb thicr eýs'diabetes and alll .i leader. For a legal man bis argument ei se u &nry was extremely shaltow, lop sided and ti obls.partizain.t SOLD AT Mr. Whitney received a rousing reeep tien and held the close- attention of bis, adience for au heur and a quarter , He ,X., D erm *d's is ageed speaker, easy ho fo.lew, fluent and familiar wiih public questions. The .,Drug e5pStore.,. am a, ieba dleed evetheeli bas beld forth. 'RHis chief effort is te BOWMANVILLE. cause distrusl of, and dissatisfacîion wiîb, tbe Ress Administration, W hile (It Pays To Buy, At MeDermid's.) hie failed te prove any particular wrong. ti doing, lie made swceping charges againstbb ieasad rub eyb rdti get bis bearers le believe Ibal Hon Geo, 0 JW. Ross is uawerlhy ef belief or trust, P N ze w VV is criticisims were severe and based tee si -much on supposition or imagination. He f( is an adept aI selting up sraw men se as 5l te knock tbem mbt smitbereens before V bis audience Ris promised reforms n werc tbree: Belter management of Prov- sl S p r n gincial finances, a re-modelied educational i: sysem- and more encouragement le a agriculture. The weak fealure of bis il address was Ibis: hie failed le indicaîe t1 how be wouid proceed le bring about 0 Ibese triple reforms He asks for a f W a ller but gives ne evidence of capa- ai Ilt o he task. If -eleclors will con- b W-lu siderhow ltte, how very litile, Mr. et e r ne bas accomplisbed as leader of!ta the Opposition and how few, very few, Sl Pphim, they wil esitate before enlrusting bý mca oeand ry e s ssciaadwih a a leader of the Opposition in bbceLieuse th inWe may have expecled too much from ni the man who assays te becomre Premier lu o! Ontario, but besides a lack o! stales- fa mansbip, we cannot shake off the betief 4. -,andprinciple. He faited le impress bis or [Paudience wilh the conviction Ibat lie was ar 4ýJ in down rigbl carnest anîd actualiy believ- Mi cd whah hie was saying te lhem. He was a unlike Mr. Foy la Ibis respect. There bu GKwas a cnine air of sincerityin bis man- rh 3.1 uer aaâ tone of voice, ai] Mn. Whitney believos strongly lu PI éit hanesu heyhave teni nýb B MANILLB.cil tn absolute -gua-raunte--t- o ntain-no viate or other harmful drug They we easy to take, mild in action, pro- note bealthful sieep and wili be found t Snever-failing cure for constipation, niby indigestion, simple, fever, diar- hoea, sour sîomach, colle, etc. Tbey lav the irritation accompanying the Uttiug of teeth, breaking up coida and i eveut croup. Price 25 cents a box at tl druggists or sent lay mail' post paid, q addressing the Dr. Williams' Madi- !ne Co., Brockville, Ont. ,11 thank Se'es for 'past favors." W. H. Reid. 1"His name is Rickard, li smash bui record "-W. H. Reid. "l'il treat Rickard as I did the ot hei feilows"-W. Hl. Reid. Not a town business man was on th( platform Thursday night witls Mr Whitney. 'Reid will be elected wit bout î shadow of a doubt"-W, 1H. Reid a, Whitney meeting. Theebairman lost bis head so comn pletlyat the Whitney meeting that hi shouted "ýThree cheet s for Mr, loy." The date of the Ontario elections i announced. Nominations on Thurs day May 22 and election on Thursdai May 29. J4ow very similar to Sir Charles Tup per's predictioni; be!ore the last Feder ai elections are Mr. Wbituey's propb esylngs about the coming Provincia contest. Mr. Foy said- "Reformers, the bas portion wbo remains true to Libera principles represented? The "1scound relism" that Mr. Whitney saw oppose( to him P &.Appoint two or three athelitie mei lu each poliing sub-division to watc] the sepundrels. Ask theni to leave They are arrant cowards every one o tbem"ý-J. P. Whitney. Hon. John Dryden for South Ontarit and Mr. Sami. Clarke for West North umberland were both unanimouslý nominated by the Liberals for-the Leg islative Assembly on Saturday. "lLike puppets tbey (Liberals) aag made to stand Up and like puppets art made to sit downv"-J.- J, Foy. Wail and what arô Conservatives lika wbî do precisely the saine thing in thg What did Mr. Reid mean bv th( "dirtv littie sheet down street" th( other nig-ht? The remark in no sens( 2applies to this journal which is ver3 mueh larger than any other West Durham paper. 111in not long winded ou the platform 1 get my work in on the couxntry side. lines and along the concessions"ý-XV H. Reid at Whitney meeting. Aftei this open confession, the Grits had better wateh hlm closely. Mr. Foy can oniy remember two Re- formers who voted against the Govern ment. How many Conservatives doeç he know who voted with the Goveru- ment ? And how many times has W. H. Reid voted against their leadtzrs on a division ? He need not talk sncb nonsense as this to a Bowmanville audience again. rMr. Henry Abraham of Darliiugton, bas made application through the Sur- rogate Court for the right to administer the estate of bis son Abner, of Scarboro, who died last March, a bachelor and intestate. The estate eonsisted o! over $12,000 in cash, made up as follows; Ontario Bank Bowmanville, $1,988.14; Dominion Bank Oshawa, 143808S; Ont- ario Loan an d $avings Company, Oshawa, $2.323.83'- Standard Bank, Bowmanville, $1.279 O5; Market branch Dominion Bank, Tornto, $1,282.47; Canada Permanent Loan & Savings Corporation, $775.60 ; Post Office, 0.111- awa, $1,278.98 ; Bank o! Toronto, $3,- 595.14. YIGTORY AFTER IGTORY At ail Dairy Fairs and Expositions held in Canada, buttermakers who use WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S "I1M- PROVED BUTTE~R COLO R" carry off nine-tenths of ail the prizes awarded. This proves that it is the best and safest color to use at ail seasons. WELLS, RICH{ARDSON & CO'S "IMPROVEri BUTTEit COLOR"I beîng the strongest color made, it is the cheapest, to Use. Ail honeat merchants recommend it, That tbe Canadians who contributed to the program at the Grand Militar3, Tournament lu New York Citv last monthl were appreiatedl may be inferr- ed from this extract from a letter to us datedl Ap'-il 1Oth froni the manager of one of the important derpartments : «We shall expect to have the "Kilties" with us again next 'vear and the hearty wel- corne that will be given them will be only a fair. indication of our apprecia- tion o! a friandsbip that is deserved a.nd our new made friands of this year will be as old friends -when they comie again." BABY CONSTIPATION. Can Be Cured Without Resorting to Harsh Purgatives. Constipation i s a very common trouble among infants and small child- HOME BY THE LAKE FOR SALE. 1 offer my brick residence at Port Bowman- ville for sale on easy ternis., House containà 8 roois ;quarter acre of land wlth good fruit. Situaie in heart of the finest and healthiest sommer resort )n Lakte Ontario. Wm. 5nÂw, Bowmavlle. 17-tf UTOOL Wanted.-liLhest market VIpriec paid for any quahuty of wool. LEvI SKINNER, Tyrone. 15-tf, S TOCK FOR SALE.- Thoro-bred GuAyrshirelBull, 2,iyrs old. bred fromn F. T. In y.9 fa-nus herd; also yearling colt gui by Ingramns Hir; earling filly gui by Squire di ekl;adtw. good mlch cows to calve lu May. 'Prices reasouable, ARTHUR BURGESS, lot 21 on Broken Front, Darlington, Bowman- ville P. 0. . 1 5 -t f TT wOUSES FOR SALE -Tlwo-story _nLbrick bouse on Chureli St., and a iwo story solid brick bouse on Prospect Si., con- anug22 moins. For ternis and further par- tîcars a.n9pply to Miss EMMA WRITTE' Welling- ion si., BOWMÂNVILLE. 8-3m. T FARMERS-The Dominion Milîis, T Bowmauvîlle. bas au up-to-date Joliette Champion Grinder and Chopper complets and is now ready lu supply yen ail, fiue or coarse as requesied. Your patronage sollclted. Satisfac- tion guarauleed. S. Soucis. 17-dw' SHEEP STRAYED-From lot 21, con 1, Darlingion, ou April 18, six Leicester shepwilh hole punched in lefi year and two shalngs. Iformation leadlng ta lb eir re- cevery wýlll be auitably rewardecl. JAmEs Pearceý, Darlugton, P. 0. 17-tf. 1W1OOL WANTED.-"There is nowt 131 mc20. mc20. E sitn om. Pie e rl 6000 rols Gilimander Wall raper n cefo ral dsgn, Enule and cream papers, suitabie for drawing roonis, sitting E rooms and dining rooms. ]>rice per roll 120 ROOM MOULDINGS. Suitable for ail shades of paper, one and one-haîf ~-inches wide. Price per foot -3c WINDOW SMPADES. : Icream and light green; guaranteed roils, 36x72 : Sinches each. Price 40o -Z E CURTAIN POLES.j Imitation oak and mahogany, plse brass and wood E trimmings. Price -plihd25o and 35ce l E PICTURE r'RPMES. Ail the newest styles in oak, gît, cherry, red cedar - E and olive grey. E Bu OWMÂNVILLE. W. T. AL LIEN. Ili li li oâ " " ya gea cry and iit"'e0"'i""atne eieulI6~IIU444II4* i msaid when le cipi th.be-. W'cIlit is irai, for Auction Sale of T wn____or_________sa wnttetel frieuda le thai a8 tili te be founfi ai the 015 reli.ahie siandL-e Hampton Woollen MilîsA à- eV wxhaere o d .d. olerig"1 I am prepared eliher to buy tiseir wool or d% Lots 111 B owianville, xanpuefrm- m a de go . lpieH eardng J N C offe .Id frîeuds once mors, D. TAYLoRHmto n e ESTATE 0F M. A. WOOLSEY, DE- CEAED.EXBGLTOR'S SALE. Under instructions frons the Atluruey Gener; -F- The very best Chase and adleorOnlarlethe admiolsîrator of ihe prepeýrîy Sanborn Coffee, for something, 0fMy Aun Wuolscy, laie ef the Town of Val uable House Propertv flomavjîe pisirdeceased , ihere wll bc ufferdct ý fo ~ y pubIccionaIth-Ieu N-good it can't be beat. ' Ht se, Bowmauvilla2o'lcpmu 1 SATURDAY AY3dl'" â r d,10'@; efllwn the Town of Bowmanville, ehv ewSeil o lots lu th e Townuout Bavewmanvllle.l fo Parcel el-Town loi number eigil *ck Teewl lictffrInfr aebiypulickc this week-Pure Maple Syrup, number tweuty-eight lu tise saiS t!onTh a ta the Balmoral Hetel lu the Town of Bow- Cand ina--l Cou P s prpry u teSubWdo be i aid aville on Wednesday the 21si May. 1902, ai andPnaplCrPa of Duet, belwesn Aune Si. and i le St. Il u'clock lu the frrnoo-n hy Levi A. W. Tole, and Tomatoes, the verv best. Parcel 2-Town loi numnber ten Iluoieck five 'Esq., aucieneer, thai valuabhle pruperty situa:- [n said town, save and excepi a sirip off the ed on the West 515e ofCentre Street lu th e Town northerly aide ibereof, seld to the corporation <of Btried Specialrbe a fllws ofBowmanville fer use as a public bighway. compused of Town Lot No. 13 frontiug ou Cen.tgHv o tre ou Spca Parcel - Town lut number une in block re Stret and the Nortlihait of Town Lot Nu.Bo od eigbt lu said town. 14 in subdivision uf Blockt No. 5 in th e Teown Oef îng Podr, it cau't ha beat On Parcel 1 there Is a - dwelling bos;h aceaBuwmauville,as laid down un plan of lois in sald 2 and 3 are very des3irable fur pasiare lots or 15ureitee u b RgstyOSo orier v"'n" gardens and are suitable for buildngls.West Ridiug of tise Couniy ef Durham by une A.Cp Parcel~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'În 2e Ps- e etî bot560fa ceJohn McClung, cossiniug by admeasuremeul uSparcel eei t, ti about56ofa acres,3-10 of au acre mure or leas. Upon ibis proeerty and aree 8,abou 3 crelaissaiS te be erected a aubstauuial brick Ouse TEns op 0 SALE-The properiy will be elleretl wilh mausard ruof aud trams kilcisen addition, for sale subjecite a reserved bsd ou eacb parcel.1 coutaiulng lu ail 7 rooms, aisu large t'rame The purchaser shall pay 3u per cent et bis pur- stable. There la a geud well and cisteru on chase onev t thetlme f sal to te venor's remises anS several frit eaNngtres.Th solicitorsa ad the balance lu 30 days thereafter, onis stuated lu the besi resideuial part ___PON 5 vibhoutluterebt. 1 uf)tIbldonwn. The vender ahali nul bc required lu furnisis Tbe property will bce offered subject to a an,y abstract efttle or produce any deeda, dec- remerve biS. Nt thrain o ssueressie t iisece Terms:-Ten per cent ef thse purchase meuey .LE huas lu is pusssalon.te lie paid te the Vendor'a Sulleliors on tbe day H È .L Furiber parlioulars and descripions of p ru- ut sale and the balance te Le pald witbiu thlriy crtues and turtiser termes ot sale may bie bail Says ihereatter, E A rom tbe underslgued. seliciors and tise anc. Furiher particulars aud conditions, of sale iouser. wlll lie made koown on the day ut sale or on BOWMANVILLE. Date t ai Buwmauville, the Suis day ot April, application lu J. KEITH GALBRAITA, FS.sq, Bar -__________________ 19o:. rfater. etc, Bowmanville, Out., or lise under- L. A. W. ToLx, Sflsrsott & BL.AIR, signeS, Auctioneer, -Solicitora for the LiNDosET, LAwRENqcE& WÂnsWOaTir Attoruey General adusinis- Veudor's 5lci, You get ail premiums givan with any tralor uf esiate ut ilary Anti Hume Lits Building* 60 victoria St., Toronto. papor when onde ned at Tum STATEsmA&N Woolsey, deceaaed. DateS llth April,190t'. Âfflw offce. MISS EDITH FREELAND Is preard to give mugie lessons ai ber home ou Bcech, Avenue. Bowmanville. 87-tf ~ YoniAttention For a Momnent If you are building or repairing we eau perhaps help you to solve some of the dîfcultes incident to, the under- taking. For instance: CFMNTS~a~-We have Battle's Thorold for concrete waiis, cattle stables and cellar floors; Engiish Portland for pave- ments andcisterna. BILL *STUiF-Plne a nd Hemlock Joists, Scautling and Boards. rImnER-Pine a n d Cedar Suare Timber and Bleepers. FLOORîstI--Red and White Plioe and White Maple. CBILING and -WÀDsoornî-Painted and Grained Beaded and V-Joint SmiDNG--Beveled, Cove, Shiplapped and Clapboarding, SmrpLs-All grades, Native lue and Cedar and B. C. Red Cedar. DooRs-Glilmours'patent lumber,hard wood and pine Doors-ail grades and prices. SAsn, BLiNDs and MouLDiNGS-GiI. mnour's and Rathbuna Man~ufacture. Salt, Plaster, w ooa and Best Clep Screaned Coal-Hard and Soft. Enspecti on Iuvited.ýiPrîces Reasenable. MOCLELLAN & C4. irmtwaaio The' Real Coronation Hat We have the sole rîghrtto seil the real and new "lCoronation fiat" for Bowmanville. This Hiat is taken from the Dunlap block. ýYDîrnlap ilats seil for $5.00. Our price $2.00, in black andi steel Wý colors. Also a new lot of young men's black Fedoras; new shape just in. The Suit Question Must Be Settled Soon --- Spring Is Hferes il Ready-to-wear Clothing has many advautages. The most prominent is that it is ready-to-wear. There's no waiting, no0 furning because you don't get your lothes when promised -and the moment you see a ready-to-wear Suit you uw hther or I~ notyoulik it Wehanle he 0thCentury Brand of Clothing. The best dressers in Bowmanville wear it, MEN'S Suits in flue blue and black worsteds, fancy stripe tweeds, good farmer satin liuings, neatly trimmed;, you could flot possibl% buy the same goods at your custom tailors for less than $15.00. Our price is $10.00 V MEN' Suie luextra fine imported English worsteds; aloo good Scotch tweeds, made Up iu latest styles with a smart bang MEN theit imn gsad *nssr adna Tis line is one of our biggest sellers. Tailors price $18; ours is 12.00 e ýY MEN'S Suits in the flnest of English Worsteds, in black, blue, greys and stone greys, extra finely tallored, best of linings, beautiful fitters. We have sold these Suità to some of the best dressers in town, We eau suit you and it is only aI matter of time before every person will wear lleady-to.wear Clothing. This special line we seil for 13.50 'e If You Want Cheaper Suits We Have lhem from $3d.OO up to ý$1 5~.U .y We carry the biggest range of Spring Overcoats iu this eonnty.; The SweIl Raincoat, the, Short Box Back Coat or the 0liest.- Serfield Len gth, we have them ail and can surely fit you and suit you. Prices $6.00 up to $15.00. BigSnaps ini thecGrocryDet SLombard PlumsTmt op eari Tapioca' 2 on i o CPrepared with beef stock Nc e od,5Is o a 2pudtnfri 3 lb. tin for ioc Nc e od,5ls o 5 Jhn MciIr t -- ry, Bowmanville. MEN'S FUJRNISINGS. MEN'S FINE FOOT WEAR. BOWMANVILLE TO NEW YORK. The best routa ho New York and Philadaiphia is via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Valiev Route o! the 6'Blaek Diamond Express;," Fast trains and etezant service. Pullmans Toronto te New York. Passeugers landed in New York up town near ait first lass Hotels1 or dowu Iowu near att European Sleam-s sbip docks, savîng passengers for Europe a long and expensivo Iransfer. Be sure vour tickets read over the' Lehighî'STalley. Sold at hewn and talion ticket-offices. 15-tf Larger Stock' BUT IReduced Prices. statement, but cail and examine goods and obtain prices of our Palmerston and Brantford Buggies, Single and Teani Harness, Wool lap Rugs,Summer Dusters, Whiffietrees and Necky okes, aLso 101'other articles at J. S. Rundle's, Harness, Twine. and Implement Emporiuîm, opposite T. Tod's &tore, Bowmanville.