D on 't i s T isCouch, Johnstofl & Crdermtii are STATESMAN te flew subseribers bal- tains audnoes Miller's Grip Powders Cure.Sodb Milers Granules cure saliow skn. Stott & Jury, druggsts. S1o1Mb 'w ~Sold-by Stott & Jury, drugglsts. Floradora is the latest productou. in Mr. Wm. Marley, of Michigan is visit- perfumes sold atMDermid's. ing bis cousin Miss Mary Hamley. For biliousness, try MiIJer's Granules. PwParler Shoe Store-Fred R Foley. Tait's photos are no higher in price T l u e UV In Our offer of one old aund oue actual than others, quality equal to the best. ' new subscriber for $1.50 stili holds Monkey Brand SOaP will clean a lieuse ~~. E.U%àIr.ÂAf EasIood Bradford, was Sc edce r ue yMle' uo m from cellar te roof, but won't wash clothes,.. here attending the funeral of thte late Granules. odb tt uy ru.0 ~ Â l i1 ~ '~ i Mrs. Win. Eastwood. Sgistys. oLIW&(JuryK r. A à el You are cordially inviteýd to ýcorne and enjoy the followîng Yugt xr alefryormny h t cr o Ezxai Mle' c e xra vsaD u eStor. S o ldTheby Stott&cur y r uggemaistM rs a i excptinaly hoie pogrm hic wil e gvenundr f yu by vurSprng edcin atComoud Ion lUs 5 does 5 ent. 4 Forth net 1ydas re oin t mae bg rdutiosiciorerto edue« the auspices of DISCIPLES' JUNIOR MIS- he best Dress Gods values in the SLdieysti ot&urywoudîesmthn u vr ag sok hsstock was igurcaedatoa n rate r h dla county can hbe nad at MeMurtrv s, horad inesiit Cauwkud er & TatChina 4 and ailprhasentk hibstockmaes forcso t a ora epuntto o SIONARY SOCIETY in the School-roorn aise selis the New Idea Patterns. Palorn.ii akr&Ti' hnaadalprL e ntebs mresfrso ah u eu of the Church on Is Port Hope se jeâlous of this town Se h nwstsyl lohoo a selling high-cîass goods already established; purchases madehee il that the papers there credit Belleville Tait's studio-Artist's proofs.-Tbey save you money and make you a continuous buyer at our store. IN T T Yiryà%twith oui volunteers for South Africa? r nbv MlAA I on ens .rrbsa fuiL Strawberry Plants-two best kinds TaTt" ne of spring hats, caps, and ties, new grown-for sale by Gordon D. Fletcher, O hi a i'ro A iL ~~~5 nobby and nice. Calto see themn,please. BowmavilîeI h ako hetw n ti epartOument aa orsciceo Canghs, colds, aa.ruenemfl. and otlier t1lx0at Adcosbl sotnsv stetl fth onadi hsdprmn r arfc silments are Quickly relieved by VaDo-Ceso- Adcosb sotnsvd by wear-pre PRGRMTOBGI T 'COCleetalts encet Drbo.Ale igaSing oercba a bi rng e Wto mae;so corne to us last, but if tine is money, corne to us irs, 1. SELECTION............................. ORCHESTRA black Silks for blouses at McMurtry's, Goo gods r r rendicesaid veyrocery p c'l 2. SONG..................... SYMPHIONY QUARTETE eMra value sonporîtro h grocery store. - 4. Grape Nut, 15c per package Cne iiape 5 MrtJ A Ob rne prop ime s te New Idea Patterns now lu StockbgCannedT andP epl, 3. READING................. ...MISS MCWAIN Brandon Sun and Fort race Tm s k.big 4 Topc rm oNwIeaomatoes, 25c Cannect Conz3fn i.... ...ing to establish a newspaper a~ soett e ikfo as e da Rier Ladies Magazine for May at West End0 Canned es3tis2e6I go cokn 4.ý PIANO DUET. -.MISSES GRIGG AND CAWKER RaivePes.3tns25 6ls od ooig is Oeur maderea lway g i s heltotst, pig as4G Or-rc0o uarb h arl 5. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH SELECTION .......F. C. PETHICK wOur maderwy-iedsCtheg isweît Huse. gHasarrived- The largest etO Pi frSg bthBa o. 6. VOCAL SOLO.......... ......... MRS. C. A, CAWKER isfacton to the wearer. Cuh on and best selected stock of new and sty- -0 ston & Cry derman, . cl on lish Christie and Fedora Hats at M. a T .lQ ~i1 fr ~cwv 7. S~ric'rio ........................ ORCHESTRA The special sale of Corsets at TheMae'.4' I-ai 8. PANOSOL.......................MIS TILEYMason Co's will bc contiuued this waek F. C. Pethick is agent foi' The Edison 8 IN SL ... .........MS ILY81.00 and $1.25 Corsets for 69 cents a Pbonograph. Prices from $10 te 3100. -.d' 9. SON(,.,..........S MH Y QU TE E pair-aIl sizes. Records 60e each or $5,00 a dez. Cali l.I 1 10. DiSN'~......RAP SYMCTONY...FAR.ETTE1 oynt ~ f~W~~ im ebvand hear it talk. So n oEnsNsPI G lmn o steties. M. y Call at Petick's Barber Sopan 'l4.VVElx .. 1 ____________________________________________Mayer bas full lines o! gents' furnisings. hear eue of the Genuine Edison Phono4 BOWMANVILLE. Inspection inviteci. graphs, the loudest andclearesttalking *11 Yean r.'oui'photo on your handerchief freec v ee a d C k il De serveu.r' n' Laing, Standard BankColborne, during the evening. have been spending a few da.ys withl with 1 dozon photos at Tait's- Gallery, 4 4 4 4 4 44444444 au in t e ve in . heir grandmother,, Mrs. Aikin. opposite Town Rail ",ranc e. Photos warranted net te wash eut. _____________________________________ aWisewahiwe imi es ndfigured uss NeNht iiie n rade Mr. W. Shaw is efferiug bis brick' h r.dCdcio nai oa S S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~muslins andIndia Linens at McMkurtrv's resideuce at Port Bewmanville for sale. Ac~m îîme ~ ~ li The otLiwniî i h ies al GAlxadra ArÜc'lo a , U oymr L.~~'AVA l ar-est range ~uus nlins' Pot BheWaly l6 umthe rest adeol tndLake i M-1 ~ Jug ~~ Prnt iith twiOntario o L""1 ednesdav M4ay 14 at 10 a. min, DP. D.GransIlin thM. A Jame.0f1Bow Mr.and Mrs. A. 9, McGibjen aiià Will AexandD.rGravding rented a. rmesnofInan ressmakeir's GRAND rRtJNK RAILWAY, son r'nder haCommireeee soHIerbert, Chcago, III , are g'uests at ovrdeMso essor speared îmavilhe/Council is a momber of the BBowmANvLu» STATION. Mr. W. C. Cole's. Tey wre coled vethe aso'n Talsoriins pepard CeoninComtte BoINGEÂcha.m.1 bhre te attend bis mother's funeral, the tbrances Ià and l ries cnsitsteant zb __________ GOING AST. OING EST. hate Mrs. Eastwood. brnhsanoodiescnitetwt 'D M e Expess ......1027 L111 Paasenger.. 3 S5o p.m asegr..i50 p ,dees netepc n infclt usecuring engaged ~~~ocal ...658 p.m. Expres... ' s*pln7e3am8ont o î~ otn lieved by wearing eue of Carter's Smart the adosExpress does not go west Mond y morning. Wonodiiti eu frSothAria.trs Tree adnabe free rmplanlll otgldt e arduou ~~STOTT & JURY. Town Agents Miorses are net very setrce vo..Pie 5cns work o eltes Lc drssaknOne lady said hast week, "wby 1 bad Tthe engagement is annoucced ef Shoe finish covers up ____ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~n dea von kept sncb a large assort- Ms uaFaedube !Rv lo auadtrw f re que nt iy _______________________ ment of Boy's Clothug" the lady beughtMisAnFre, a-hrofRvR o zli-=l have trouble u !arsehvsi ut o h Douglas Frager of Romnewood Avenue, trw _ ~BOWMANVILLE, APR, 23 92ittie man and was weil satisfied at the Trno eM.FizRbr ml, yubc pnso with andeid-___________________West End House. .Worcester, Mas.s.-Glole.reod bac an hd- M ' I d'd Neyer is time more precieus than O nes rFriday May 9th is Arber day. he Mason Cols specials, as advertised when somnie mber o1 the family is at. The Makers' price on Grateys.nsinWaIlm aLne each week, are genuine meney savers. r gase wl g t a, W lh m W tb s R wîh p y y ut o d t er a v n tacked by colle, dysenterv or any bowel t etou, e u i lte- iiiailhine. pl ying te eie in the M.JmsarnPtHope,spt last page of this paper, Ladies' and erDaipnklrs siýb 1fh tp1,cbihdren's whiteoar at greatly reduced PanerDis' ankiider sna il pniiiy o h neyr easngstich stte, sithSun day- at Mr. .hhS. prices le the attraction for this week. agrionedd ne h iihi-- presingseans-onsantbening Adopt a fruit, vegetable and frat Next Sunday will hothiefirst anniver- Cobourg aud Northumeln Old üverl-s1<oon tos on te back, makes fish diet whie bee! is se dear. sary of Rev. Brandon Greenaways mBorssc a pt d an Liieinvitatio women often find their hoalth fail. mn for tho Methodist ministr .stae o nt rvices wiî ho bel] m a or n uust 4to civie t"Tholiday. .o The kidneys get ont of order, the oMrs . W. F .rokDu a been hecoradabthShoshoars takpins, and the whole systeini isitiîîg ber sonMWF ae will ho massed to;gether and wilh roncier, We invite yen te eai' aud, seo our . gets full of oisons whichthe sik clr special music. Evrybody welcom. lgant new stock o! Djress and Suit JH ELASi oa gn PThe now Louisine Sihks lu ail clr Material. INo store can show yeunincer _______________Sole__Local__Agent kidey ireunable te eliminate. aCocJhtn&Cdrn'. Tle season has corne around again geods and yen wil find our prices a FNorence Nightingale Ledge. lier when every business man should do a trifle lower than what is usually asked. BOTrEL,ELL Ifoxaniia.12th N o r e s m k e r s h u l a i el ob r e n e N g t n g l ug , 0 . l t l e e x t r a a d v e r t i.s i n g . T e r v v l e M s î C .w f f M . H r e B O ttR eN , o f a a g t e .i health te slip away, and backaehe F , wilh attend service in the Methodist iu business is fait on ovary baud and Thao D.C&o." ErnujsfoMr.! CedLiver BRANTON-Ino f adh BiLII chuch undy ornng pri 2th,*'Te ý &L."Emusin o Co LierBRATONInBowmanville, April 21i th and kidney troubles keep lher in M S.namoniugApilpeople geeravdeihiy CDOÂLDIn owmnvile Apul 15nth AJaeisGoverumeut issuer other plan eau the buyiug public ho se O an icaes ofîto i sr teiithe wife of Mr. JhenyMeflonl, of a son. Iumv mîsery, -when sueli ouse, eomfort, of Marriaga Licenses for nDurbam prompthy, cheaphy reached as thriugh adstrsuis.o treteashelt a d NLUN In flowmanvie, Apil 155h the fraedom from pain and invigoration Couutv. te omu o EESTATESMAN wbich r.a Ital t s h tL and L.o. NNfYe et Mr. ame nne, oSA t Of the system ecau be obtaiued by Mr . Cbas.Nunwbo bas beenCG. T. R. reaches practicalhy every home lu the Lt.,manfaturrsfSMr.S-nJamLnvie, ofa rll2lte w using Dr. Pitcher's JackaeaKid- eperator at Newcastle bas beau promapt. district. Ltdf fuir Fred. YMOSvonoan.Arl2,tewf ney Tablats. ed te the Belleville office. ~~~W ogauaeorwd wk Worms affect a child's health toen of Mr.Frd y fau on. it Sp(cia Ofer.Sixboxs W cortousma, Mr W J. atynosrîoushy te neglect. Sometimes tbey. 51 4hayva, Apriil 1th. the wife of Mr. L. Spcalofe.Si oxes Dr.youn~g twsaM.W .Mr y ncausa convulsions addat- fY e nha of aprliughthpwUo .Jae AOTED SPLENDIDLY. Gibson's famous Kiduey Pis for $1.00 beceming oeeoe!the business menio! upctta t-oasdat, gIve Dr.nPha, apriaug thtef fM. ae at McDermid's Drug Store. the town, having become soie proprietor Lous pleasatorm vrupn, hicb D r. ProN-Inat htby,Ari95 tew Miss A. Schwartz, 42 Water Street, Our Ready-mada Clotbiug !S uew and of the Central Livery and BoardingLdesesntworm ýsvhut injui h E o! JonBeo F a so itb,.Arlghte Berlin, Ont., states lier experience witb freoli and made up ntelts tlsStables. Ha will ho found attentive t e ostewrm ihu uigthe î~o hnBo, ofa sonthie Mr o f9r.ws 11itcb eraaced Krineyablt Cuh outn&Cyderman. bsies, ay ohgn ecseer hl rc Dickie, Oshawa, of a daughter. f~law: sffeedfr acahe and and will eduirciv odssre Miss Beatrice Tamblyn sang at Mr. GLOVER -On Apii l th, in Oshawa, the wif e kidney trouble for seine years, which I Meu's Rate botb stiff and soft-tbe o! the patronage o! the public. Edward Barton's Raial on Tbursday of Mr. George Glover, o! a daugliter. pj tcc4 tbink was due te sitting se close and bend- ]atest Eughîsh and Anîiericau styles ai ao ibu edro o b 5hwhiîeh was given iu the Theatre o! the COCKERELL-1n Ohw, pi 15,te wife ~L#~~~~~n seve 1n tiever asutemy wor, sThIetra ole a ocJhso rdra'. Highlanders will capiain eune o! the Normal Sehool, Toronto. Rer reudering o eitgo ockereli, of a daugliter. toef wa qu'f itc er' s evere, SO J goS a hoti D on'i fa l t e ce G . A . M an ning, T he quadrons o f t b e T h ird C anadian o o e ' S a l w " w as loudly J m Fair ,nof a da , Aperil 5, t e e o fur Rf, -%ý'dgsoe Tahceiny TactetsYoung Canadian IHypuotisi, ai Opera Mouuted Rifles. Major Renderson le applauded; for au enco(re site sang James Firnof adaugater atRo'drgsoe Te etanyatd House, Saturday nighi, April 26th. oee0e the mosi efficient and popul a MARRIEO.erbids'lHe !t,)e is wt b e, filI o ta olnshd M er 'Hara bas beau eîecîed a officers lu Toronto, and hie mev Ornants sngn poae earoe.HME-HIJIuBARD>-IfOshawa liy 11ev.J. j. 5% abxft 1 i rustee o! the Toronto Ronce o! Indus- in Southi Africa will ha folîowed wiîh Mr. W. J. Wagstaff e f Newcastle, Bae, A.pril16thr.AonHbad Whitby, Prie 5e.a bx, t h dcggst or~7try in place of the laie Hon.W.S.Allan. keon intoresi by a large circla o! frieude was iu town on Mouday. M-. Wagstafi and missKahrine Hume, Oshawa, E urn ± ± mail, Tduim. ZixAPITCHFIL TorontoaoRTOP-1MCOLiZ Toci-At the residence of lS mail Ttz L. ZtA 'I'rnEnCe. Toont. bre. He is son o! Mrs. Henderson o! had flot beau bora since 18 years ago he bride's mothea, April 2nd, by Rev. Wm ______________________________ obJQastef&irnerastok havDe thitowît. whan lu the emphoy et Mr. R. Spratt. Cooper, B. A., FraneLs Horte~o the township Gosbown ss fsine a ok !Dr Mr E. R Beunsal bas been gettiinHe hbad a prosparous business il) New- of Reach, and Bessie M nd 9cClintock, port novernd ngcastia, and was graathy pleased to e Perry. Goodtsas ey Mutss Cambrys udsome fine work ready for pacing libeth mrveninLdsyi o Prnt a teyd iissese.cameiary titis Spring Thora have beauen, poeetl Lnsysnah DIED. Fluasi Amarican and Canadian foot- a greai many doaths durlug lasi Fali used to live here.-Wutchuïtn Warder. EAsTwOOD-Io Bowmanvilie, Friday, Apail waar, for mon and women ai lthe Parler and Winter and peoplea re usually New subseribers continue te coma In 1t aoie,59 ear, oemieî of atEla w ShoeaStore. Aise dainîy 11111e styles for anxious toe gilita monuments aractad Wby tha people are suhscribing tin suei Wh ",o-IoTro, Ajil-- . ary- Q we bave mat. Tite foremnanship lu ibis nw1eg.toni afrne:e-hepS.v, î... .0 o0uil051) CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. NEW BLACKSMITHe office bas beaon fillod bv tbe prom~otion case, bv appoing rcdvalues ae- 3UItRAsl 't.. b..0 0 0 ' Address ail c3rrespondenco te F. R, miss GAAITJ e!M.Habr 'J ior who bas beauetfoe nynîhorcudvledadlEsBakte buh.O 0 oùO orfnjuMr.itaperdbpperts awil " Candia Beutas 70FRosT,, Musical: Director,-Bowmanville, Teacher of Piano. OrganHroysdTer i"res fynaewuigagood assistant foreman and wbe bas acquired o,..uedsef.an ppa a wt.i.,..., auis 0 8) 86m-wîîî reecive pupils aItii û lec o r .t 1 rmr! fyo aewatnganees wien taeowntar applied te Couneil il Mummey if 000o l o o ù o 46.Galbraità, ConcessionS.W, waull se6t o! iron Rarrowe do net fail te caîl a kuowladge andi prefieiancv lu thne art J.~# j LP for compensation. The vaiuing wili l ,Snail 0t O60 il 0 65 Perms m derate. 4 e and seo us,. Ours ara fited whlh steel seldom snrpassed lu the lime ho ha» uow be lefite officars appointed for theifet'Bine t 6 O00il O 65 BINDER TWINE. _________________ teeih and made in either tbrea or four workad lu the office We bave an A9' work, saven baing appoinled for the 3'JTErr, besi table, P thb. O 001,i 0 17 'Den't fîîîgtit 1ite order 1FÂluana's OTBeWa GTR ections. WiliIsalI cheap. Cail ai Darcb's opeulng te an apr.renticeship for a claver TAKTLS old tand, King St, East Bowmauville town lad from 15 te 18 years o! age, who the famoui; shoe for woen~. The firsi se'.en divisions o! the tow-nsip This Pe &sVdoz............e oo001o 0 i DE TwiNE Genaral satis3factioui BSatnanET and see them. bas spent ai east oeeterm lu the Higit shipmatit ar~rived Friday ai The Parler system mighi pr fitably be applied tue so,-'ous, P bu3h. ....... 080 la O Su glvon. Ppt.BitWWuRpy, Agent, Tyrone 1"lnder willl couer lave b lo,îu. il-tf A, W. Plz".D. School, Shea Sire-They are beauties. the Townsbip o! Clarke. HA, & ton........... 8 00 I 9 (> 2-tf. ùWce or ai Ia. Avery'mHnpoi