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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1902, p. 6

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Larpenterd Kidney's., m carpe nte la not - -n, an easy ilz. The -constant reachi 'qý tup land down, the ng, ing and stoopin are all severe on gstovi.elr the kidneys. No wonder a carpenter i exclaimed, recently, that every time lie drove a nail it seemed as , though lie was ý1s own bgck. lie uses now on the first sign of Backache and is able to follew his trade with comfort and profit. ýý 1 baye il d killiney and prinary troubles for more than t oe years wit severe pain in the Mall 0 yïTý%e&ndîn bot% sides, Icouldmot ralgio Pain in bItte les. acelngthoadver- sementef oam's X. hey have 'ven me quick relief removing the pain a back alid sides, a banishi the lieur c, Pains froxa my sa The uriyisrY difficu y le Dow e 'r y go e f eel fresh and vig-orô!4s in th or Il muchstronger 8 ëeta in îvê, k à elie g.ýè'e'enter àan et ren n, nt. Happy Farmers Wives Use WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO«S "IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR" from Vear to year because ft gives the most êatisfactory resultm. In overy part of Canada, richly flav;)ved, grolden tinteà butter is seeh on every fý rmer's table -blitter that is good enoul-h 1% royaltv. WELLS, RICHARDSONi & C 'S "IM- PROVED BUTTER COIQR" does 'the gooti work. Ask your dealer for it. Ref Use substitutes cc; n "s Irbe liest Cough Medicine. 4»f»,OLUTE SAFETY should be the f irst thought %ýnd Must be rigorouoly inaisted U upon when buying Medicîne, one's life. ALLEN*S LVNG fol ipon Its sefety depends any form and is seJ ' e, sUre, BALSAM contaîne no opîùu n âmâ prornpt in cases of Croup, Colds, de4-,p-seated Coughs. Try it now, and be convinced. 01,ltle, j WE WANT MEN 1 EVERY WEEK DAY. 1000 'NIEN WANTEl) to leave thoir measure for Fali and Wînter Suit8 to be made il p iii very latest style'and lit euaraoteed. 9VVe ïnake men's and bois etiiý any and price.i lower thàn iriii-i-. BriDxusyourwiinkiedclothes to be pressed and made like a nem, suit. Mle keep samples of JOHN T. ArLIN the fashionable tai or, ne fi oppôsite ý9TATE)S11AN Ofli,-el BOW- maný 45-tf THE PRESSURE F B U SI N E %j"S. is greatly relleved by use of the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Tou reach your customer in a few seconds and much ean be aecomp- lished at cost of little tîme and trouble. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. ideals firinlY 01, their Pedestals, and for artillery rposes is a blocky 4.. that they will (Io fur more toward sort of horse, with as ninch brceding THE HOUS, 'OF COU RS nggSEHOLD e.* retaining the freshness and sponta and boue as possible. The cavaIrv eity of a husband's affection than ail liorse is of a ligliter type, witli good WlîAT OUR LAWMANERS ARE the chidings and tears and quevuIOUS ON THE FARM. shoulders, loin and iieck. The Infantry Colis are miniature DOING AT OTTAWA. regrets could ever possibly accoin- plish horses. The best sGanip I have conie . . . . . . To living our fine effects and clear acvoss is the French Canadiar_ the CANADIAN NORTIIERNT BILL. only fault in their case bein- ofte,1-1 The bill respecting the Canadian hiles in the picture of our daily home J-jOIý,SE BREýr1)I1ÇG FOR PROFITý SATURDAY NIGHT. lifo requires neither master stroke a shortiless of rein, (jjeCjý:) The Northerii Railway Company was nor alluring perspective, but simply EVery business qeenis to iiave its type Of horses, for considered in committee. AIr. Me- Placilig the little hats "Il in in Mules of prospevity, and its times of row, careful thought and extreine care of the service required, should bc Creaiy raised vigorous objection to Beady for church on the worrow, sketching in the details of courtesy adversity. For a number of years that of the English Illinter, with Soule Of its clauses. Ile more egpe- you know and coineliriess, net ignoring, even 'lu Canadiau horses met witli il, ready short legs, short Cannon bone, good cially wanted to know whether the Washilig wee faces and little filack moments of dcpres,;ioii and wearines-s sale at goed prices, and then ait at shoulders, backrib and loins, a cl the bonding powers conferred on fists, th e F et Y% 1 Che inestiniable importance of leep- once came a period during wlij(.,,h ev- more breeding condshied with compary witli respect to the pro- encin, and %G uates. Getting thora ready and fit te bc ing al[ ligly sh.adows and fading il- en the best, were scarcely saleable, strength the better. What 1 think posed new fines could possibly al- kissed fusions in the background. and inferlor Stock could liardly bc arc, inost needd to Produce this type fect the finairicial position of Mani- 13ny the best inade by the Putting theiyi into clean garments gîven away. This state or. things are good tii.c.roiiglibred sires, net toba, in respect te the bargain made and ýwhite- was due largely to Over production, over 1.6 bande, coulPact horses with by the province vvith Mesý,rs. Mac- OshawaWîre Fence Co., Limited, That is what mothers are doing to- DOAIESTIC RECIPES. the indiscriminate. breediiig of ni-- plenty of bone aJid action.- kenzie and Maim. The Finance Min- Oshawa, Ont. night. Filling for Tarts.-One-thirçl poi-mil suitable aniiiials and the substitu- Tt is highly desirable that noue lister promiseil to look into it. English currants, well washed, one tion of electric for horse power on but the best ch"S Of registered stal- CRIAIENAL CODE. J.,S. Rundlle, Spyiiig out holes in the little worn and three-quarter cups white sugar Street cars. The resuiL was that the lions bc used. There are far too Mr. Russell introduced a bill "te ý hose, and a little water stewed slowly for majority of faruiers gave lap the liiauy inferier horses in the country qinend the Crililinal Code, 1892.- 18-tf Agent, 13owmaiýývilio-ý Laying by shocs that are worii long tiiiie makes excellent filling for breeding of liopses, and linuy 01 . ýT1Ow, and if Our farmers brecid te Ht. stated that the obicet Nvas to throiligh the tocs tarts. those who coiitiii,,ieci in the 1)u grade, or choap purebred stallions, arnend the lacw with regard te, cases Looking o'er garments so faded and - A New Salad- -Làlake o, quantity of becanie careless in regard to the no irip.rovement will bc possible. The stated by magistrates by way of ap- Ocok's thin- cîeaým cheese roll it into small balls sort of sit Ps they used. The im-1, big, soiinde active C]Ydesdlle Will peul from summary conviction. Ile Who but to and on each press two halves of portation 0 -1 ý iý ý'ýï ly by oveir a nioth,-zý Irnows where Issuccessfullyusedmonth of high-class stallions al- probably give the best results 1 desired to provide rules of procethlre î ý ,7 10,000 Ladies. Baie, effectual. Ladies ask begin * Eiiglisli walnut. Lay on a lettuce iiiost ceased, and flic tracte mares, aud the thoroughbredi for Snell cases, wliere they are net go < your dru ' 1 1,11> _.e gist for C*ok's- catton Roét Lc«R_ Changing a button te, make it look leaf and serve with a French dressing generally Lleuior.tlizt-d. During, the l on good strong mares of the lighterý'aIready provided. futind. Take ne o1ghleras all Mixtures, pilla 6ra mitations are dangerous. PrIge,190, 1 ý $1 pe)r right- and thin buttered bread which has past two or three ness has sort. Mares with considerable warm PURCIIASlNG HORSE's box «, No. 9, 10 degreer, strQnger, $3 per box. ni That is what mothers are doing to- licou browned in the oven till crisp. been 'gradually reviviiig. Tbe sc,3r- blood are most desirable for breeding 2ý walled en recelpt et price apdtwo t-gent Pr. Bordcii told Mr. Oliver tilat a tampsý The Ceek ibompany,'Windsor, Ont. niglit. This is a new salad which is greatly city of good Éorses, (lue to l'lie ces- to a 1-lacknov or Coiich Stallion. 1 1. or approved for Iiincheons or any oc- sation in breeding, caused a vise in Filially it'is of the greatest im-1portion of the bouses for t îW-Nos. 1 &nd 2 ýQ1d anq' retommended. by àll Calling the little Cales all 'round lier CýasJon where dainty dishes, and prices, and the requireinents of Ille Portance that the foal shall bc Weil contingent would be purcha responoible In Canada. chair, unique mies, arc in demand. Ariny in South Africa iiicreased the $ed, as the best of breeding, Territories. c lin 1 a-nil 2 are sold la Bownianville by Stott 4 Hearirig thom lisp forth their sweet A Nelv Crearn-liito the yolks of (le- avail littie, if the Young aiiiinal is n bo'1141 J J Iligglnbothau Son and J WMeLlef- demand. this increased but he could net give the maximum ý1i evenil'ig Prayer eiglit eggs beaten liglit stir a cup of 1 luand b-ýts affected ali classes of allowed to suffer for lack of feed and ýj Telling them over that story of hot rmiple syrup. Put the mixture horses te a Certain extent, there aye Care. Good breeding and good feed- pr'ce* old, over the lire in a double boiler and soine Classes ýo Land in band, if a slic- POSTAL RATLSý ý, that are inijch more irig M-List ý Mr. Mulocktold Mr. Borden that 11.ow the dear Lord would gather the cook till it coats the spoon Re- 1 prolitable than otllers for bretý(ici-S to cess is to bc made of the business of almV the rate froin England was fixed by Lul'âe A lanibs to Ilis fold niove, cool, and add a Pint Ci thliclç 1 raise, The first question foi. the horse breeding. the -ention, but bc- Watching, they listen with childish creani beaten stifi. Turii into il, breeder to deeide is what Sort of Fý W. Ilodson, Postal Union con\, deli Live Stock Commissioner. tween Canada and the United States ght- illould, which should bc filled to horse will. bring him in flic best re- 1 1 ý-' ý -j', it wýas arranged by a special postal Thktt iswhat mothers are doing to- , overficwing, and liale Li sheet of tuvus. Success in th(- breeding Ofi ilight. oiled paper fitted on before ' the tien between the two Coula- live stock niust bc ineasured by the (1,001) LITTER OF PICS. etoill.v.ent., rate apIdyil Coveil of the mould is adjusted. actual val, d lig in, Creeping so softly to take a last Pack flic inould in equal quantities profits that may bc derived there- ý Caring fol' brood sows and the! each peep, of sait and ice. and leave four froin. maiiiier of feeding thein to, obtain! M0NTCOMEýRY MONUMENT. Alter the little ones are all asleep ; heurs, without turning, before it is TI-Ir', DRAFT ]TOMSP, best results are important questions. Mr. Clarke iiioved for copies of aIl Auxious to know if the children are served. A great deal deperids cri the cure and j niemortals, etc., respecting the pro- is lundoubtedly the niost profitable i warm, Mock Broiled I.ieefstetl,-'eeat a ort that the farnier cati breed. Good treatiiient the brood sow veceiVesýPOsed eiectioii of a monument to Tuckirig the blankets 'round each frying pan very, very hot, pepper while carrving lier pigs. She needs General Alontgomery at Quebec. heavy horses weighilig froni 1500 up- il- Sir Wilfrift Laurier said there wa.5 little form ; ý plenty of suiishine and oLit(loo'r ex, and sait the steak, lay into the hot, wards, and of good quality, are Iilýe- Kissing each little face, rosy and dry frving pan and cover cise during the day and a n'ce. Warin no Objection to the papers being instantly ly to neet with ready sale for -soitie bright- wiih ilose-fittin place mider shelter at night. Avoid brouglit down, but lie miglit inforin g cover. Every half time to coine. By breeding a good Thàt is what mothers are doing 'Io- minute turn the ineat, co ettirg the brood sows r il in t'lie the lion. gentleman that the Boston Tering again mare to a beavy Clydesdale or Sbire u ilight. very quickly. Ili about two ininutes stallion, a farnier is i-ecsoiiabl.v sure saine lot with colts or horses, or in;people who made application foi- per- put into the pan 1 tablespoon strong the saine barnyard. T)o not give, mi.--,!on te erect a monument tu nà Kneeling down gently beside the - In three minutes front time of seeuriiig a colt tIntt at f1ve yeurs ý t'heni the opporturii Ly te go from onc, 1 Montgomery bad since withdrýàwn it. white bed, coffee old will bring hàii net less ý than teak is placed in the pan it is donc $1 j field to allother bY jimiDing Over AND THO« TROUBLED WiTH Lowly and ineekly she bows dowii 1ý k Besides this there is less risl, CO-UNTY JUDGES. her head, to a mediiiiii rare; if wished weil of a heavy colt getthig bleniished. brokeii fences ci- crawling througli The Minister of Jïustice's bill re- alpitatione Throbbin or Irregulir done, it will require four minutes. A b, narrow opeilings. Cive theni a place eatlng pizzlheile emishui colt' of the ligliter i judges of provincial cOuýts Praving, as only a mother Can The secrot of success lies in an ex- e .Air where they can root to their ],,,,,t',Ispeçtit)g pray- breeds, cannot be sold except at tu' Cont'ailis provisions for the r tire-ý Xertion rutherInî ceedingly hot pan and very lively content. It !S good exercise, thcly i el -Gôd guide and keep thein froin go- sacrifice, whereas on a bouse eni- ' 1 ment of Coittity Judges who are in- lPac 8 or Î?aln rouigh he 1rQýtî inovements in openiiig the pan turii- , at slow work such as tea enjoy it, and it is in keeping with c tind vrt, p yrd apacitated by reason of physical mîlo;b d Conditlen ot, t a ing astray.- &ralyste, eleoi2loeu- ing the steeLk and putting Coller 011 iiig, a bleiiiish is not such a disacl- 1 iiifirmity, advariced ageý or other le, utne- again. In addition te good care and kind rIlaell, ive toëtariboo, PLAX VERSUS DARNING COTTON vantage. Aroreover. if the bleiiiish is Pl' ý le Aý 1%111 -i properly discharging their Lod o , 1 C. 'Furkisli Roll-lo make these, pronouiiced, the fitriner will still Lave treatment, the îeed inust bc looked i caýL1se, fron > ope Ite, et alter carefully. Thvoughout tl,,'jiicliciiil furictions. - There are sonie Remember Mllburrils Hoart ancil The steady-going -house mother- whisk together, four egg yolkg, four a gobd useful animal for bis owii bogs are five or six judges in Canada to! =te quote a Gernian phrase-con- ozsý powdered sugar, one gill niilk. fvm work , and in the case oï a !western and luiddle States 'i whoin the act will apply. Nerva PiIl* cure the woret case@ tinues te split her white dariiing Te this add two or three ozs. shred-'iiiare, lie eau profitably use lier for being fed largely on coril, whieb sup- 1 after other remedies fui]. cotton and uses it to mend her fine ded cocoanut, two ozs. very finely plies in excess starch-a Iieat and fa t- ý 1 breeding, if the defect is not hereili- producing iiiaterial. At the samei 31r. Fitzpatrick introduced a bill towels and table linon, forgetting chopped lemon and orange Peel, the tary. Tlic. activi-, upstanding Clydes-, i that it is meant for cotton goods ; grated rind of one lemoi), and as dale type, such as is found in the; time coril !S deficient lu probJ11, the j -To amend ihe Yukon Territorv Actý, Lexa-Llver Fllle turc Onnailipett«. 1 flesh, bone, muscle and, strength pro- and the Acts in arriendin'ent theýeOf.- and because of the roughness of ils inany sweet cake Crunibs-frce fvOul Highlands of Scî)ý1aiid, is, in my ducing iiiatcrial. Wlien feeding corii î Jt constitutes a local Court of ppeai libre, she is apt to tear fresli holeq currants, raisins or peels--,s ît will opinion, the incst sLiiL-,I)le horse fori 1 in the woril textile as she draws the take to ferra -a meditilli tight niass. i alone food lis not supplied to ail ý in the Yukon Territory, and TlZ i(le,ý tiiju parts of the animal systeni iiiiifoi-iii-,tliat any further appeal froin tlie ont Canada to j ý, t ï, luée thread back and forth. Or, knowing Next tkLkG ScraP PaSte, roll into one- %VA M T E 9 e-eý'y horses are tracta1bi(ý. our goods, that fine F rench embroidery Cotton eighth of an inch thick sheet, then in other words, the ration j-; noi court so coastituted shall bc the Su-' showcards on trees, fences, &long roads and i, on. is smoother, she -uses that to rocou- eut it up into Pleces, seine broken, and while aM,ý,,iting sale Caki ýpr'operIy balanced. . The excess el preme Court of Canada,, where thi, efficuo laces, aise distributing omalladvStlgin struct fi " bc readily used, for niiy sort of 1 fit and, amoulit in Controversy exceeds the broken warp and woof, 1 inches in length and ùwo and a hall ýtai.cIi produces too illuch 2 Matteý ominisBion or salary $30.00 per raoûlh anf farin work, thus pii,-,ý,ing foi, their 1-ýq-' the sow 1 's blood in a f î ( 1 -verish 000. expenses, not te e3éceed, $2.50 per day. &teadr and because of the countless stitches! or thrce in width; lay thein OUL ou keep, which the fancy fier. y ýjv Tt aiso gives a right of aP-, eniployment to good, honest reliable men. No needed to cçýver the l'est ground, shel. the board and waler wzish theni ; do. condition. Animal life, before birth, peai in iliiiiiiig cases iroin the Judg- experience needful. Write for full j:î&r9SIarsý givem lierself work that is tedious, next hiy a finger of the above mixture cierives lits nourishnient froni the ment of the Gold Coiiiiiiissiolier. 1) THE EMPIRE MEDICINE CO., London, OnU Carriage ind saddle horses Of tlkeýb]ood, and if by' improper ieedingi 170MIGRATION ACT. and wearisome te, the eye and Pro-. along the kiddle keeping it an inch best t froin the >ends; ther, dvztw the paste ype will always sell for good j the brood sow's blood is net in good ý Mr. Sifton introduced a bill - l'O porters, packers, and letter carriers duces a daru very pretty in itseif, prices,' both in the United States but very conspicuous indeed on the: over on to it, also the ends, iii a Great Britaili. We Olten Ileai- Dlldii-iQ" it will relleut il' the s!7e'Ainencl the fui-inigration Act." Tt inio grades and fixing a per dioin glossy surface Of the Une maiiiier to make the ends roundi icaud strength of the pigs at birth i - 4 ; of flic high prices paid for a fine Vives the Coý,érnment power, bY Pro-, salary for each grade, gives author- than elthe ýThe litter will probatily be small in ý Chiniat ion el- Otherwise, to probibit itv Botter fat- ', of these, then turn thein over, folded part carriage teani or a hunter, but of . tý the Postinastcr--Geiieral to esý preseiiting their advantages andý, dowri, placing theni nearly to touch number and the pigs sickly and rim- 'the lacking their faufts, are the soft each other and wash With a mixture course the farnier does net get prices ty. , landing in Canada of persons, tàblisb a fund derived frorn ernployeis Skeins of flax that eau bc found like these. T13py are only got a1eter To balance a ration siuiplymeansi sioïeiiiig frora dangerous or *i-îfectious of the post-office, whei-ewitli to niaký of three parts yolk of eggs and one Weeks and perhaps moiiths Of train- djseases, whether they inteli' d tO set- g-ood losses arising froin the ilial- where lace niaking materials are part milk ; then with a sharti, r'ell- ing and fitting in the haricis of deal- to stop fee(lii-ig an excess of starch, tle in Caiiada or some other colin- sold. Tilese threads are knife eut a lino clown the conter, ý and feed more of proteiii. the feasance, or failure to diily dis- ers. The farmer sfýldçu-n lias the ti ý try. ýMr. 'Sifton stated that thelchal-ge his duty in connectîon with soft, and being of pare hnm ajeý riiiiiiiiig nearly, but not quite, froin meistrengtii, fiesli, boue ai-id niuscle-pro-ý more suitable for liiieii work. They end to end; then make and the necessary knowiedge of 1 ý trarisportation companies had j> the post-office of ariy ofncet-, elerk, -tlt'llg dueiiig material. Ilow car. protein ý tually requested that such legisla- ý or employe. Tt is expressly dec] ared, come in different, degrees of finei 1 Flý training ai-id -fixing upý' to prc)d1Liceý 1 -iess cuts on cach side of the line, bc best secured? There arc severaIý 'Îke the finished article. Still, the, deal- ýtion be ïjLssed. holIvever, that the Act shali creaie no and when chosen of the right grade the veins of a leaf, said, cuts to bc er, ý condi boils to bc considered, Tt must A yield the very best resuIts. After l as a rude, Pays the breeder a M.AGISTlýATES' S'AL IIIES. ýIi Ibilît.y on the part of the, Govern- about half the thick-ness of the paste.. bc reinembered that proteili in feed, . Mr. introduced a bill iý ment to indeinniry any persoli for lauridering, the reinforcemvnt of a 1 mako Li, liole in the middle of each fair price, and so long as lie dors it, has two foi-ms-diget;tib1c and indi- i 3neroasiiig the, salaries of stipendjary ý loss siistaiiied. The bill fui-ther it will pay to raise such horses. 'l'lie gestible, The corn concentrated' frayed part strengthened with tbelthen pan and bake - thelii a riell Mag;strates in the Yukon froin î2e_ý best c-arriage bor,"s are sired by i States that the maximum age for aP- flax is quite invisible, and the darii brown. feeds contain a large Percentage, ofý Thorouglibred, Thickilev, and ý400 to $4,000, and reducing tl-ýeirýlpoiiitiiient as railway mail clerk or that covers a hole or joins i' he edges sionally by Coecli aï-.i'Z ý-tiiiicikir(I-i protelli and the results obtained iiiýI 01-jug allowance from $3,000 to $1,- stamper and sorter shall bc 30 yearsý of a vent is scarcely perceptible if BEAUPRE, CANADIAN GIANT. 1 praetical feeding tests show that the 1 bred S"týtllioiis. The thoroughbred 1 t 1800, of age. properly donc. protein in tbese products is alillos produces the best style of carriage' PRIVATE BILLS. RAILWAY EXPERT. ýý'i wholly digesîibIeý 1 Young French Canadian the Tall- horses. when the mares have su l- 1 Th e following, private bills were AIr. Blair told Mr. Puittee that ICINCS FOR CAKES. est Man on Earth. cient size, and good quality. Protein cau also bc obtained in passed through their final stages:-ý cottoîiseecl meal, but it is vry dan-1 1 the Covernnient had rewived a Meý- Celatine Icilig-One scant table- Dame Nature has apparently Out- ITO incorporate the cosinos CottOnî inorial from the Winnipeg Board of SPOO11 gClatille, dissolved in AIILITARY IIOPSES, ýgerous to fecd this productyto hogs, Colillýtllly-Î%liý. FIintý two i doue herself in E dward Beaupre, the Respecting Trade recommonding the appoint- tablespoons hot water; lailx with have lately beeii very much in de- 1 particularly to brood soçý,s. Tt Coli- Alills Company, 1 ment of a thoroughly qualified raiIý- youiig 1,'reiieh-Caýiattiaii giant, who the Dominion Cotton powdered s"Igar till quite Stiff, ibids fair to outrival the f-abled elle- mand, but tbere is souje doiLibt as to tains a large percentage of ilicligesti- Prefontaine. Respect-' expert' to report on existilig spread on the cake and smooth with i the perniaiieiicy of this market, at pri- Ille protein that is of rio vail way ý eyed giant Polypheinus, of Ilorner's le for ing the 'Vancouver, Victoria & East- conditions, and how to inake the a knife, dipped in hot water. ces which. will prove profitable te the feeding purposes, and in addition te, time, while lie overtops by several cru jtaîlway & Navigation Couipa "Y Intercolonial Railway lu paying Con- Coriistarch Icing-Beat the whites i feet modirn competitors, says the producers. Fornierly there were on- this cottonseed incal colitailis ole- _-M,. Araxwell . To incorpora-te the' f cerii. The Government had noi, b;.,Cl of 4 eggs çvith 1 Tb powcrered sugar. New Yo),!ý Ilerald. ]Y two classes of herses piii-cliit,ý;(,d Inents 6)f t very dangerous Afeclicine 1-lat and Northern Alberta rtunity of coiisid-eriiig il 1. teaspoon eacli of coriistarch, sifteil thereforé, enjoys by Great Britain foi- militai- Ze_ 1 an oppo, gum arabic and the juice of 1 leinor). Il 1 the Y pur- BIIiÏltIO feed and gel-in oilnieal Pavis. 1 BILLS PASSEI) IN 1SE'NATI ý proud 0iýlinctioii of being Che taflest Pose", 'ý7jz:-tlio9e for cavalry aiidlfc,(] in equal quantifies wit1il eorli:-3pectiji',g the Central CoLinties RaiI-ý Chocolate Icing-Beat the whites Man oii earth. Ilie is thirty years those foi- artillery. -Now, iiolýý7eý,(,I,, 1 11, the forni of slop -arc nieeting with way Co.-Mr. Edwards. itespëctitlg ý The following bills were reed LL of 3 eggsý to a stiff froth ; gradually old, ',;ps the seules at 587 polinds, there is a third class fol favor oniong Ilog illeil, 'J'hey cail bc Ille ottziw.- . BI.Ockville & ,t 1 third tinie in-the Senate ý,,iidyjassc-,d: add 3 teacups white. sugar. 'Beat infantry. This is the lightest class 1 fed with absolute sarety; the,- wa and st'iiicls tel) fuet eleven inelles y bal- I'Ptýce Rail 'l'O incorporate the Bisbop of very bard, and add grated chocolate' "Ince Ihe ration and are so mioosolilin. To couler oit the Coin- £0 suit the tasto l high, his bands nicasuring niiieteen 1 of the tliree, the a.ninials rajiging Id at pri-liLan. IýespecîJng the ýyIediCine 1 i1lChesý and bis feet twetit-ý--foiii> 1 lieiglit frolil 14.1 to 15.1 Iittnds. Ces that eriable the farniers., to fee(Jiiiýii 1>,ý.ilway and, Coal cOiiiPa1ly-ý missiolier of ptttents certain power valvy horseý,ý nuist irieasiii-Eý fvom, thein at a profit. Boiled Icing for Layer S by twelv, wide. A tl% o-lard ca Air. Scott. Respecting the Teiiia-1 for the relief of Geo. M. Depew. To cup, sugar, ý,- pl boiling u, ý,oi,,d iiih, lialids to 15-4 hands, and a clear as Syrup. Foui. this mixture tape barely ciicivclesi his ig>'nd Railwav Corilpqily-ýNfv. Me-, iiicorporate the Board of the Pres- over' the whites of four eggs beatei Chest. tillery horses froui 15 , .21 to 16 liand's. 'l'IlE, PÀY, byteriail College, 17falifaxý 'l'O incor- . _ . . 1 ýf big Dent, Who bas -r.-iý th. 5ý--- iiietii,- child soap côntaîns any foý"rn of adultera if out ol, pigs or turkeys tion, or an injurioùs chernicals. EXPEUSE 'Th e tea cher kLskud yesterday y or cal-, or colùý be a poor 93 ;q To provA to you that Dr. 1 any of us co,;ld tell lier how many ÎI. Chese's Oýntinmt is a certain excuse ai a farni inde-1, and net less X, -,tons tliere are in ki. Caerry pile, and and absolut.0 cure for eacb so to tl'ýc Young People than t>o the À and every form of Itching, 1 couldn't find out without eating Two washings entail less cost for the same ýJ farni incoine. bleediagand protrud!Dj Vile@, the whole pie, co,,ild 1 ? There's just the have izuaranteedit. if, nefor tiMofti1L1ý îti'il,ýC3 ee tes' forty-two. result than one was ng with impure soaP. à i L Yeu ran use it a îý,, the lii" -quare sk --tagon Bar. LU01111. -.Uonýy r,ý,t eured, 60e abox, Ask for the U hors wbp ý- t13 e- ý ý. .7.1F ndl The roar Of -,t ýULterfz,!! aH î il ds, i)ý in Lorcioa. 1ý s, al>r,,a i- (3ý)7,00ü "IM "'(1. TIl oi b(;ý1ý!ýl,,ý,,,- y, il a s s nà e h . . . . . . . Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood. This spring you will need something to take away that Cred, listless feeling brouglit on by the system being clogged %vit'h impurities which have cccumulated during the winter. Burdock. Blç)c.,d Bitters is the remedy you require. it has - no equal as a spring Medicine. It has been use by thousands for a qparter of a century with unequa'Iled 9uccess. HERE IS PROOF. Mr s. J. T. Shine of Shigawake' Que" writes: 111 have used Burdocl, Blood eitters as a spring medicine for the past Obur yeats and dont think ther,- is it-, equal, ýbcn 1 féel drewsy, tired --ire have no .,Ire to eat 1 get a bottl e , j' Ji B. B. It 11, rifies the blood and buiWs uýý the con- tfitufien better than any other ý-é medy.

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