Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1902, p. 7

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s îclit - &ko an HoFipwî s .~- âme by 1kI. O fLca 6H~NGE NOT7ES AND COMMEiVTS. The will of Cecil Rhodes is replete witli evidence that the author, witli ail bis brusqueness, bis domineerinig spirit, bis acquisitiveness, was essen- tia,ily an cnthusiast and a sentimon- ta]ist. It is perfectly clear fromn that irnmarkabic docunment that lie considered lis vast monied iatorests moereiy as. a means to an end, and that his ambitions and the aspira- tions of bis inner life wero to a very largo extent imipersonal. Ijadoulit- cdly ho thouglit of posthumus faîne, but ho was undor the spcli o! groat ideas whicli transcended self. The public is rnemborod, flust,, in tlie [gift of largeoestites to-lie cultivated for the instruction of the people of Eliodesia, This bequest shows tlîat the tostator recognlzod a poculiar ob- ligation to tlie counti-y with whici botli bis narne and labo's lhave licou rnost closely, associated, Brcitish imperialisin is iuvoked andf celb rat- ed in thle assignineit of bis home te the prime minister of flie fedeî'ai governneit. 0f flic states 0f Soutli Africa. Fînaliy, flicie is tho magni- ficent aud unique fouiidaf ion o! the sdbolarships ah. Oxford wbidli are f0 briiig Amnericans, Cernans and Erg- iiili together for a groaf or foderaftioný wliicli shall unîte the thrco mnigliest nations of thoeaî-tli and preserae the worIdls pence. littie more than the discrcodited gos- pel of a doctrinaire remnant"- Mr. flobson repeats the historicai f act that free trade vras adopted only be-- cause at the tîmne England had visi- ble îîced o! it in order to securo cheap raw materials aùi cheap-feci labor for the manufactures in which lier uriority and superiority and lier cornmaýnd o! the sea lîad giNon lier'a mnonopoly. But tho lasU tweontN-five years have brouglit about a very complete change. That supromacy cxists no longer. "The commercial rise of the UJnited States andi Ger- rnany, more than any other single fart lias shatterefi the confidence ia free trade," a policy whose powerful recoîamendlatioa liad becîx I hatit was "an obviouisly paying poliry.", Moreovc'r, the prophîecy of thle f ree trade entliusiasts that --prudence and experienco rnust sliortly secure its general adoption" lias been falsified lii th ottontec. "No other great in- dustrial nation fol]owved in our foot- steps," haN-s Mr. 1-Tobson; h 'îtead, -the in(lusIrial power of ou-two îaost powelful comptitors lias boon bufit up iundor a mosi. vigorousi,- tem of protection." This is the reason wliy ini Engiand "the Power- fui org-xnized trading and capit alist interests aire Plaionly leading toward a, generai reversai of liie pol (cy of the last haif cenitury;" why " a coin- bination of politicai and financiali uc- couidfi fnd nmonos f0 igobilize lis militai-y forces arnd support thein duriîig the conduct o! proionged operations. The Brifieli-Japanese ai- liànce, on its face, -proî-ides the guarauty agains t Fi-enchs interfer- once, but if says nothing about the, boau whidh is aimost equally noces- saîy if Japan is to coifrioit dbeoî- fuily the prospect o! a war with Ifussia, Fromi Japau's point of iiew if mnuet seein ieasouable ciiough to -.eck frein lier ahiy flic pecuniary aid whi ch li-ussia reccives fri FIrance. Tiîat is wliy it seoms likcly tbat flac telograin frein Tokio concorning the object whlch Count Matsukata bas in î'iew fain îsiting Lonido ilis well founded. There is, reason to lielici e, how- ever, Uiai. a change lias coule over thc temiper o! the Bri-tisli Goicrn- ment and of Britisli capitalists since tlicy se lai isiîly disti-ibuled bans and siubsidies aionig fliir Confin- entai allies durfîîg fliewaýrs against flic Frenichi lpublic andcIEmapire. Bef ore London baukeî-s nialk a loan to Japaîî, fiey ai-c likeig te prove mnore inquisiti xc touching lier fiscal r.esouirces than Paris bankers bave sliowviîtiionscivos witli regard Lte Itlssia's capacity to pay lier rdobts. Tlicaie-o limite, ,by flic wayi, ,eciie te thc risks w hici Par-is b'n, s r wiliiiîg te incur for the s k fPa- triotisrn, for we oli se ttatth iatcst IcussianLxiba,- arouting f0 VOUS OWN <IROICE.: VILG.ETABIES. 09. PEAS. FLit n',dSct i. BEAIOS, Glden waX. 'un'yiK Leellee 2. BREET.Eclips.r und.' A M)IH.Ray'a à. CAISAGE, Winningsiad. z5. SALSI t Sndih a d 6. CABBAGE. ice a 'rns.L c SuSHVeeîba ar 7. CAR OT. Ha1f Acfan &TUNO le npCoa Tra c ltr'- EuMATO. DafCapo 8CÂRIOT. Cen ,or ?he. ID TOMATO. E-xiraZarir.' 9. CAUIFLOWEB.Eulyr 10. CELEEY, Golden Seif- FL Risnching.41. ALvs c,1 ot IL. CORN, Eariyilnnsos 42. ASTERS. Ixed 12. CORN, Siowel'a Everpgree.n. 43. BALSAM,. Sixed. 13.o UOMEhi'-ags uklan44.CARSAt O, "ad. ltGoxnaBb id. COCSRR agOen 45.cIME3Mi,. GatGlxnaai,- I& CU<7UMBBR, Whie pine. 46. EVERL'ASTING. (Hal.ý . h îfeîei. o 0 Isli- RBs, Sage. ch"s',. AUMixcO.n 17. H REB. sa-o' 47. MIOSiTE 18, JIESLS. Milsres. 48. MORNINEC 02. Mlx 19. LETsI7CEI. i<np.sil . 49. NARfO Tal.T iod. 20. LETTiIcE. Deovar Market. 50. EATIJTlU , fi WriTUEER 2i. MUS8 MELON. EriiSxed, liegnssi 5. PANSY, MXnd. EER 22. W LT!âN, MLN. Enrly , 5Z2. PETUSIA. Mixe,; 1 E IPacSo awMde Con aS.5&. 15.8.lîsiaithuna M Sile OaMI oD- 2i. ONsON f. roRoi.Od 54PHLOX, finans M nOcoin r 2l05cents). 24. ostNos.TUonsDauivers. 5.VERBENA, Mixe,;. 25. OStONS. Sileosiin 7. WILD PLOWER, Carde. Mninthspp 26. PAPSLeY. Mess Ourla,;. Mixe,;. 27. PARSIS'.11011- Çownw. 53. ZINNIA,. 11h,,;. ADDRES RE~IL L~ JÂNA. ,.R 1JT CASH S P E T Z il , j'Bort s lbed as R.E,.ATS SPRIïNO WH K&ýi lNYIEL c f Nain st Otri giltaloloel 3.Trh- Lb. 2~ S ib. 50., pstiuid ~eat (l lOu.) ti lbuh. (20 tj~ Giewnt Suger Ma~n.ge1., TUE NEW FIELD) ROOT. lias feedlne qualitlço superlor to.any other. For fn-odËeisg mil[ or aB a* finîli for--Mer lavicat Cropplng Root grown. Lb. 35., 3 ibo $1-00-Postpaid. We'ver1ey O»tsý Fanîous White Dai: from Euroe- iig solh Ing returns grown inluCa..ada. otllytehvI est welaht and finestttoi sppea.-ance of auy at before thue public. Thin ln the huil,with bright amber colored straw standing uprIght lu almosf all kiads of weafher. Orcr eops have aatislld u& tOatit ih wonderfully adapled to both soif and cllqate of titis country. (ilvo It atrial. Lb. 30.;S3lbs, 75c-, PRICS-by peeS. bai-baelad bashels-di flot inclUde BAGS-Coito.. eaci 18c.; linen. oaeS. l,

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