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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1902, p. 4

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iïïg, 'insîde or out- side TRE SHERWIN-WILLMMNS will do lt etteé and more econom-ý ically thÏýàn'any other. iwil1 wear, longer 15k bette ' and cover'"more surface.,,~ It's a paint-with' a reputation found-' ed on merit.4, Ask us for color cards, Soli) DY SOLE AGENTS. We have tbo largest and most complete liue ot Liwn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Garden Tools, ete, ever sbown in town. Don't fail to see them, Our prices are low. PHONE 66. ONE DOOR WEST 0F POST OFFICE. If a Man's In Love That's his business. IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, That's her business. IF THEY GET MARRIED, That's our business, Because we know thiey are sure to -want Luttrell'u JerseyCreamBread, Alex. Luttreli., Bowx.&IVILLX6, 9-8wi The Sopason 's Camphor 'Bails FIIESil. Sponges NEW LINE. Toilet Soap NICELY PERFUMED Furniture Polish A smooth and perfect cream for polish- ing and removing stains from ail kinds o!furniture. A 15c bottie wilI c.nvincel you, SOLD AT McDerrnid's 4Drug Store.. BOWMANVILLE, (It Pavs To Busv At McDermid's.) New Spring Wall Paper in stocke. P. TREBILCOJK, BOWMANVILLE. M A. James is Goverument Issuer of Mriage Licenses for Durham vounty. -BINDER TWINE. Den't forgut t n order FARKEn's ]3nxa Twiius. Generul satisfaction given. PnE Wnazy, Agent, Tyrone. 2-f B LANKET LOST-Between G.T.R Station and Ham pton, a grey horse blanl<et Millier wilI confer a favor by leaving at this office or at R. Avery 's, Hampton. 17-tf. TYRtONE. Mr. W. R., Mamiming lias irnprovedl King St. by erecting Cyclone Wire fonce on the premises of Mr. W. H1. Hicks and Mr. Joshua Branton . ... Misi E. M. Werry is home fromn Toronto... Election of officers at League Friday evnig-everybody core.... Mr. and Mis.Geo. âMcLaughlin, Oshawa, visited friends here Sunday. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.Meclurtry eauoh Tuoesday. PLUR 100 lba ....... $1 30 to $2 20 iHErFali, buh.O0il t' 070 i Spri ..... (10 il O0 70 Red 1 ifc ...... 00"075i Goose ....0100"f 065ý jBARLBY, #1 bush, No. 1 ... O00m et 0 45 et 'l il2 ... 040"il0 43 f) ..0 2)5fi08Si "Two rowed 0 40 tt0050 OATS, white i ...... 000"fi088 RYE, te'...... 000"il0 5à BUCKWIIEAT et .....O 00 fi 0 55 PEAS, Biaekeye, P~ bush.. 0 O0uet 0 00 il Canadian Beauties 0 70 e 0 80 Murnmey Oî 00 le 0 00 Srnall " 0 60"il0 65 Blue" 0 00 -, 0 65 BUTrEni, best table, 4P lb., lo Uit'017 e ........0 00"et011l PO£aTOES, P bush ......O 08 0 "tO1 0 HÂY, »ton .........8 00 il900o «Let seeping dogs lie. Beware of the t' bat- gain PPsioci1 Why is t sold at a "redulced price" If it As Worth full price? Leave oUi shoes carefuily aloe, and look for, the M.2kus' price, stme n tAie Sole of thie sure Value shce-. "The Siater Shoe» 'JOHEN HELLYAR. Sole Local Agent 't - .1/ YOUTHS AND BOYS. Betweeu the ages o! six und sixteen a boy must haire lots o! 8 H 0 E S. He lu growing fast and nleds the best. Tbere's ne botter shoes made for boys thun we are efferiug, for botb WEAR ANDI CONFORT. Tbey are made te give satisfaction and prices are set with, the same purpose. Fred R., Foley.e / The Calladiall Statesilail. I3OWMANVILLE. APR. 30, 19021 IIT'SIN1TH EAI1I On April 27tb. 1901, a uew store was launcbed in the old post office blocik and named from its cosy appearauce the Parlor Shoe Store witb Mr. Fred R. Foley proprietor., Mauy ftears o! success ,were eutertainod by the public, consid- ering the keen- competition, but a year. ~lias passed and the venture bas proved a splendid success. The Parior Shos Store is now well establisbod and is complote lu ail linos o! footwear, fine aud coarie, American and Canadian, with specially nice linos for cblidren ini red kid patent leathers, etc. Mr, Foley dosires through the columus o! Tun STATESMAN wbich bas assisted material. ly lu advortising bis business, to tbank the public for the very liberal patronage and solicits the samo for tho cominr year. NEWCASTLE POST OFFICE, I i IEDITOR STATESMAN:-I have been very much surried te learu that mombers o! the uConlsrvative erganization lu West Durham and supporters of my Opponeut, Mr. Reid. have been assert- ing and irculating the storýy that I have not resigned my position as post. master of Newcastle and that I amn re- taiuiug samne and intend doing se. For the purpose if possible of putting an end te aIl sncb assertions, I wish to in!orm tbe nublic throug-by-yOur paper that I sent iu my resignation o! said Office weoks ugoand the samne bas been ln the bauds o! tbe Postmaster Generai evor since, witb liberty te doal with it lu the usuai way. I will net lu a few days bave any !urtber connections with the office and it will bave passod away !rom me altogether. libope this is full onougb te satdfy eyery one, as I eau assure you there is net inteuded te be any resoryation of any kind, It seems Strange te me that my op. penents sbould have te resort te sucb smaîl pulitics ; tbey must be driven te terrible struits wben tbey advanco sncb weak tactics. I bave receivod the groatest encouragement un my canvasu and bave every reason te believe that on May 29th prox. West Durbam wili returu me as ber Represantative lu the Ontario Legisiature. She will ugain bave nailed the old flag te tbe muet where it will flout proudl y. to the breezee Yours truly, Wx. RICKRID. Newcaetie, April 20, 1902. Everybody knows about S W .P. It's success is ln the air. 1It gains fame for itself with every gallon that's spread on a house. Uniform g ?ood quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint on the market. When you want' to paint a build- COMING LOCAL ELECTION. Mr. W. H1. Reid having been chosen again as Conservativo candidate ini West Durham a grand, rally was annouuced to introduco 'hlm to the electors. Sînce bis returu to Parlia- meut tour years ago very littie bas been beard o! hlm in the riding, lu the Legîslaturi or anywhere elso. So far as any bonefit West Durham bas receiv- ed !rom him as member, hie might as well have lived lu South A!rica. We have nover hourd o! bis taking leading part lu any important meetings, or county doings o! any kind any more than an ordinilry elector. A more usa- less representative n o constituency ever had. He bas not even belouged t0 the couuty agricultaral society, nor encouraged it lu any way. Indeed, if bie bas doue anytbing more than pocket his sessiQi2al. allowance and attend to his ow n private affaira, the electors of West Durham are ignorant o! the tact. Eight years a ropresentative and nover doue a single tbing to help bis constit- uoncy! ,He must bave attempted a !o¶i tbings ti belp bis party or hoe could 1101 bave oeeu the chusce again. But in- lnstead o! henefitting bis constitueuts, he bas helvel the Consorvative opposit- ion, more or less, to defeat a lot of good measures, and hereby has prov-ed an enemy to bis c(untry. Ilere are a few of the many measures tbey have tried to obstruct or kili outrigbt: Trial of election petitions by Judges, Es!ablisbment o! the Schoolo!f rac- tical ScieInce. Maki'ng t b e Agricultural College Separatiug liquor traffle from muni- cipal control. Appointment of Minister o! Educat- ion. The establishment of Normal Scbeols. Givinq franchise te fariners' sons. Building o! colonization roads. A reformatory for females. Extension o! surveys ot Crown lands. Erection o!fIIOw Parliament buildingSs. Assertion o! the right o! the Province to property lu rivers and streams. Contentions for territorial rigbts in the new New Ontario. Right o! the, Province to timbor and minerais of disputed territory. Provincial coiutrol o! liquor liconsos. Remonstrance against Dominion Government in taking control o! Pro vincial railways. Iucreased representation for Aigoma. Improvement lu separate sehool act. Distribution o! the Johu Sandfield Macdonald surplus. Creation o! a soparate Department o! ,Agriculture. Expenditure on immigration. Appoîntment o! adrainage re!eree. Building of asylum, at Brockvîlie. Passage o! succession duties act. Appointment o! a superintendent of neglected dependent eilîdren. Protection o! forests by appointmene- o! superintoudent o! !orostry. Establishment o! a Normal Coliege, County Councîl re!orm. Provincial good roads commissioner anda provincial munticipal auditor. The taxinz o! corporations. Establishment of western dairy scbool. Establishment o! pioneer dairy farmn to test tbe agricultural character o! lands o! western Ontario. Aid to Algoma Central Railway. Development o! the pulp industry. Aid for development o! New Ontario. Mr.Reid will likely address the elect. ors vers soon. Perhaps hoe will explain why hoe supported the enemies o! tbis country whio opposed sucb excellent legisiation. A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. Larger Stock BUT Reduced Prices. We do net want yen te accept our statement, but caîl and examine goods and obtain pricos o! Our Palmerston and firauttord Buggies, Single and Team Hlarness, WVool lap Rugs,Summer Dusters, Wbiffletrees and Neckyokes, aise 101 other articles ut J. oS. ,Runldle',s, Harnous, Twine. and Implement Emporiuîm, opposite T. Tod's store, Bowmanvillo. Allctioll Sale -of Town Lots in Bowmanvîllo. ESTATE 0F M. A. WOOLSEY, DE- CEASED. Under instructions8 !rom tthbeAtterney Gener. al for Ontario, the adminîstratrcf the propert 0cfMy Anu Woolsey,,laie cf the Town cf Bwaunvillespineter, eceased, there will be offered for salebvy pub1ic ,ýanction ai the Beu- nett Rouie, Bowmanvlle ai 2 olocjklpl- o SATtJRDAY, MAY Srd, 1902, thefllwu lots lu the Town cf Bowmanvllle. Parcel 1-Town lot number eigbt lu bleck number tweuty-eight lu -the saiS town. This property ia lu the Southi Ward on the west sidle cf Duke St., betWeen Aune St. and Fine St. inIarcdl 2 -Town lot number ten lu -block five isaiS town, save anS except a strip off the northerly side thereof, sold te the corporation of Bowmanville for use as a public bighway, Par el 8-Tewn lot number eue in block ight lu saiS iown. ou Parcel 1 there le a dwellîug lieuse; parcels 2 and S are very desirable for pasture lots or gai-Sens and are suitable for building lots. Parcel 2 le saIS te coutalu about 5-6 of an acre and parel S3, about 3 acres. Tarnms 0F SALE-The property will bc offered fer sale subjecite a reseî-ved bld on ecd parcel, The purohaser shall pay 30 per cent of bis pur- ebase monev ai the time cf sale te tihe yender's solicitors and the balance lu 80 days therea fIer, w1hont interebt. The veudor shall net hc required to furnish la Y abstract of titl or predue. anydeeda, dec- artlons or olier e îecsc itie except these lu bis possession.- Further articulars and descriptions of pro. eanS fufiber terme cf sale may be ad îl..iteun'dersigned solicitors and tieeauc- tioneer. Date 1 ai 1owmanville, the 8ti day of April, 190Î. L. A. W. ToLE, SIMP'SON & BLR, Auctioneer. Solicitors for th. Attorney General adminiis- trator ofesatate cf ikary Ami Woolsey, deceased. I BUILDING LOTS BY AUCTION. Having decided to dispose o! the former Upper Canada Furniture Co'a grounds by auction, I have divided the land into ton lots, the original survey [Simpson & LockhartJ 146 foot by 63 1-5 beiug right size for good building lots, This land is located lu the healtbiest part o! the town and is in central locat- ion for easy access to business section. Date of sale will be announced later. Select vour lot at once. J.B.MALITYN, Bowmanville, HOME BY THE LAKE FOR SALE. 1 offer my brick residence at Port Bowman- ville for sale on easy termas. Rouse contains 8 rooms; quarter acre of lanid wlth good fruit. Situate tn heart of the finest and heaithiest sunnmer resort gn Lake Ontario. WM. SnAw, Bowmanvllle. 17-tf W OOL Wanted.-llizhest market prtce paiS for any cqua lity of wool, LEvi SrINNuai, Tyrone. 15-tf, -frl OUSES FOR SALE -Two-sto -1 brick bouse on Churcb St.. and a t Story solid brick bouse 'on Prospect St., c4 taîning 22 rooms. For terms and furiber p ticlars19 apply te Miss E &A WRITE, Well ton St., BOWMA VILLE.8-i TOARMERS-The Dominion Mil fl3owmauvllle, bas aný Jolie Champion Grinder and Choper complets a le now ready te supply you ai , fine or cearse req nested. Your patronage solicited. Satiefý tien guarauteed. S. Soucu. 17-2 IXOOL WANTED.-"Tbere is no w a geat cry and lutie wol" as the Dý satd when h c lipi the Sow. Well, itiletruel as the market stands there is ne profit te eiU buyer or seller. What I want to tell my friende le ihat I arn ste tobe founfi at tihe reliahie etand-the Hampton Woollen ME where 1 arn prepared cither te buy their wool exchange for home-made geode.' Roll cardii and spinnlng attended te. Hoplng te seesxi old friends once more, D. TAYLOR, Hampto 17-3m. 181 dU G 20. 2' WAtLL PAPERS. 1000 rolîs Glimmer Wall Paper, choice floral designs, green, cream and buf! colors, suitable for bed rooms and E sitting rooms. Price per rol5 E600 rolîs, Gilt and Embossed Papers, buif, crimson, Snile and eream papers, suitable for drawiug rooms, sitting E rooms and diuing rooms. ]rce per- rol12e Z ROOM MOULDINGS. Suitable for all shades o! paper, one and one-half Sinches wide. , Prico per foot - 3 E WINDOW SHPADES. In cream and light green; guaranteed rolîs, 36x72 E inches each. PrCUR PNPO E . 40c, M Imitation oak and mahogauy, polished brass and wood E AE trimmings. Price 25c and 35e E All the newest styles in oak, gilt, cherry, red cedar E and olive grey. E BOWMANVILLE. W. T. ALLEN. )Irt la- EXEGUTOR'S SALE. -0F- Valuable House Propertv lA N Coffee The very best Chase and Sauboru Coffee, for something the Town of Bowmanville. We have a few Speciais for i There wIll he efferedfo fr sale by public surt this week-Pure Mapie Syrup, Ion ai the Balmoral Rotel in the Town of Bow- Cne ieplCrPa manville -on Werineeday the 2iet May. 1902, ai andPnaplCrPa Il o'clock in the forenoon by Levi A. W. Tole, n oaostevr ot Esq., auctioneer,thatvaluable preperty -situa Î n Tt-e, h er et ed on the West side offOcutre Street lu th e Town of Bewmanvjlle, des';ýribed as follows-Being f composeS cf Town Lot No. 13 frenting on Cent. Iave you tried our Speclal re Street and the North haif of Town Lot No. Daking Powder, it can't be beat 1iî subdivision of Block No. 35 iluth e Town of 1owmanville,as laid dowu on plan cf lotsein said Town registered lu the Registry Office for the 1 ep r~ West Rlding cf the Couuty of Durhîam by one 1 cpe ouid. John McClung, contaîning by aduteasurernt 8-10cf an acre more or lese, Upon thie operty - i. saiS te be erected a substantiel brlc1 bouse with maneard roof and frame kitchen additign,- centainin g lu ail 7- roome, aIse large frame stable. There is a goed well and cîsieru on premises and severai fruit bearlng trees, The ' foregeing le sîtuated lu the best residentl al part T L P O E 5 of the town, rThe property wlll b e offered subjeet te a ~ T 1Nl N r reTerrve bld; per cent (4 the purchase meney I i li h l i . te be paiS te the Vendor's Soloitors on the day r 'îAE r u ' of sale aud the balance te be paiS wilhin thIrty r . i ~ j( days thereafter. 8..EL.d & B R 0 w' Further particulars and conditions cf male wlll be made known on the day of sale or on BoWMANVILLE. alication te J.. MEr GALBRAITA, ESQ., Bar- r aer. etc, Bowmanvllle, ont,, or the under._____________________ sIgneS, Lm nsEv, LAWRENC1i & WAneWOwRT1, Yen go t ail premiums oivon with uny Vendor's Solicitors, Home Life Building' 60 Victoria St., Toronto. paper when ordered ut -ram STA&TEsmAN Dateli14h Aitril, 199. 1-4w office. - MISS EDITH FREELAND ) 10 pre2pared to give munie lessons at ber home on BeiAvenue. Bowmanvillc. 57-tf For a Ilomnfit If You are building or repairing we eau perhaps help you to solve some of the difficulties Incident to the under- taking. For instance : CEMENTS-We have Battle's Thorold !or concrete walls, cattie stables and cellar floors;i English Portland for pave. mnents and-cisterne. BILLS'rupp-p iZne a n d Hemlock Joists, Scantling and Boards,. rîMBEI-Pinean d Cedar Square Timibor and SîceperS.7 FLOORING-Red and White Pine and White Mapie.' CEILING and WAîNsODMG-ainted and Grained, Beaded and V.Joint. Sic-.Beveled, Coye, Shiplappedi and Clapboardlng. SHNnGLuS-Aîl grades Nativai Pine and Cedar and B. C. Red Cedar. D)oous-Gilmours'patent lumberhard Wood and pife Doors-ail grades sud prices. SAuR, BLIND6 and MOULDINGS-Gil. mo)ur's and Rathbun's Manufacture. Salt, Plaster, WooG and Best Ce.a Screaned Coal-Harcj and Soft. Inspection Invîted.ilPrices Reasonable. MCtJiLLAN & CO 'rd -Bowuianvie, BOdWMANVILLE TO NEW YORK. The best route to New York and Lebigh Val!e'Éy Route o! the "Black Diamond Exý-prcss." Fast trains and eie'-ant service. Pullmans Toronto to New York. Passengers ianded in New York Up town near ali first elass flotels or dowu town near ail European Steam- ship docks, saving passengers for Europe a long and expensive transter. Be sure your tickets read over the Lebigh Valley. Sold at town and tation ticket offices. 154!f Speciai1Pie t - ON Mad upin the latest style, in black lustre, also black and navy, ail- '~wool serge, flared skirt, seven gore,4well lined, velvet brush biding ws~~ ~ Special value at $27 Whitewear at Low Prices. Stylish Print Wrappers $ 1 .00, T he Whitewear we soul is mnade by people wlio have beon Our $1 Print Wrappor is the boat value we ever had, in the business for many years. The. IMinerva' Brand lu well made Up in neat cardinal and black pri.nt, cardinal and white sewed, lots o! el oth used in their garments and trimned with print, also navy and white with wide flounce- and extra wide the, effnest embroideries and laces aceurding to pries of the sweep. We have better ones at $1.ý25 ani d $1.50 -with fancy ROBES $x, trimmings and self trimmaings' andfluer print, UNDERSKIRTS Soc, 75c, $1-00, $1-25t $1-50 NIGIT I.2, $.50Sty-lish Farmer Satin Uinderskirts, CORSE T COVERS 35c and soc ' DRAWER.S 25c, SOC, 75ç and $i.oo We have had several repeat lorders, on these3 two uines we are about to mention. $1 .00 Underskirts for 87c. id$17 Uderskit Witliwiefiounce and three frilis, mnade Up in extra fine We consider this Skirt as special value at $ 1.00, but as Italian cloth, fast black, good fitters.$17 wo have only ten of them ef twe will elear them ont this$i. 0 lJ d rk t week a 87c. The goodjs inth skirt i a cotton moreen i 15 n e s lr either floral or stripe design with wide flounce and three Not as fine a eloth as the $1.75 Skirt, but guaranteed fast frilis, Special at 87e black, with wîde flounce and two frilîs. $.5 Pewny's Frencli Kid Gloves,. Ladies who have once worn Pewny's Gloves nover Wear other maker's goods. The fit, st yle ai-d durability of Po1w'ny's [AI- bertinie and Ascot] Gloves, make them the popular Gloves wr!th the ladies. We -have them in the pretty coffece brow n, the light aud dark fawns and the new and chic pearl grey shades. Once worn, always worn. Jo-0--h nMctlut ry Ladies' King Quality Footwear. New Idea Patterns. The Popular Grocery Store. a p 7T--ý 1. c'et

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