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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1902, p. 8

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3Popui r Paintsj Must bave more merits than otooers. People don't exores a preference without ample ile a so0n . The Wodsworth wbich we soli have many good ~ points to r.Žeommend ti em __ g ~If N oitbave painting to do try th'em Thev will please 'ou tç p and thci resuilts ivili show y ou Alwvays readv for the brush. IR Caland getacolor card. PHIONE 74, BOWMAN VILLE. BNNISKILLBN CARRI AGE EMPORIUM -ON- Frîday and Saturday, 2, 3, 9, 10. i e blaceofthe stock Going out of business and they Ïi will be cleared out at $60, also one quarter cut cycamore mikado, regular $125, .to clear at $90. two second hand carts and two second-hand buggies. Reieinbor the Loadîng "Fonce is theo Frost. For Particulars enquire Of C. J. Mortjoy, Enniskillen; J N. Powers, Kendal; W. Il. McGill, Oshawa. N. Byers, Port Perry; Wm. Foley and John Collicutt, Bowmanville For further particulars enquire of O. L ByArs, EnniskilleD, Gen- eral Agent. The FrOst Fonce is made entirely of high carbonizedl spring steel wire. The No. 9, whîch la principally in its construction la guaranteed to bave a strength of frorn 1800 te 2200 Ibs for each strand. This is the only fence that uses No 7 hard eteel wire for stays. The whole secret of our success lies in the Frost wedge lock whi ch binda the upright and latera] -,vires together so firmly that no, reasenabl pressure eau dis- loçige them. SOLD BY ~*J.Montjoy, AGEN,'T, ENNISKILLEN. EXCURSION TO SCOTLAND. tElecent NlàEL D. Reetvisitors. Mrs. D. Dyer, C ol- MIAY 21 AND JUNE 2- uebus. visiting old frieuds; Mrs. L. Alexander at Woodstock attending the funeral of bier uncle: Nrn C. Niddery at If vou wish to go to Scotland here is Toronto; Mr. L. Huribut, Oshawa, with .yoIur chance at $35 one way $966 50 re- relatives here; Miss Nlabel MoCulloch turn ticket, Montreal to Gla'sgew direct. at Raglan; Mr A. Niddery at Brooklin TIhe Allan Line S S "Sardinian" salis ... QUarterl.Y meeting here uext Suu- from r e("UlreÏl on -,av 21 and J'une 25 day et 10.3 a. m. . .. Mrý Wm Knapp .erGaso direct, oarring only Second recentlv hail about 90 bushels of grain Cabi p~serges wb will have the stolon from bis south barn. The lock ê7n'tire dckaccommotlion and equal was broken, priileese' rywhere on the '.essel. ______ TIthis will afford a grand chance for ý(choo1 tenchers. mniniters and other A irost wise choice lias been made lu orld ilnien t o ý isit t h e Old a p p 0 1 il t i n g 'NI r. G. C. Creelman, rouur in ermfort at excursion rate.4, superintendent of Farrner,4' Institutes Wirite t o M. A. J.AMEs, Steamslip as Goverument Superintendent cf Agi- Ticket ý Agent, Bowmanville, Ont , for cultural Societies, in respons'e to the, t'il particulars of this eXcuîý11 t n-1*lfwishes expressed by the mnen nt their Seotland and England, recent Fairs' convention in Toronto, 1FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. 1 ght îauiaul =08au HigginbothallVs conpound Exvl cn f nfrvcpailla1 La a perfect spring muedicine. Try it for that "tired feeling." 4î ONLY 75e PER BOTTLE. Increasiug sales e! SHigginbotham's Creme Dentifrice Denete its popularity as an Antiseptic Tooth Paste. ONLY 25c ATU' BE. We have just rccelved a fulll une o! Exquisute Tollet Articles includiug our special line ef 4î Veloute De Riz Face Powder e ~We invite yen te cal and see them. 4î~ JI IltNG1NB, 8OTHfAY & SON, BowmANviLLE. Chemists and Druggists. ' 4î' LOCAL BRANCII MEETING. An organization meeting e1 local Fruit Growers will be held in the Coun- cil Chamber, Bewrnville, Wednesday evening, May 7th at 8 o'clock. At the meetings held on the atternoon and ev- ening of March 26th, exceedingly inter- esting and instructive addresses were delivered by Elmer Lick of Oshawa and iMr. Dernpsey of Trenton in which practical instruction was given. in plantiug, pruniug, grafting, spraying iand she choic3 of profitable varieties of apples, pears,plurns, etc These gentle- men w ere officiai representati-ves of the iOntario Fruit Growers' Association. Mr. Lick outlined the advantages to be gaiued by the formation of a local Association. A cemrittee consisting of Messrs, W.Rickard,W. B. Pinch and T. G. Bragg, B. A , was appointed to iconfer with sirilar committees from Orono and Newcastle with a view of forming a combiued Association for iWest Durham. This committee la now *prepared to report and it la hoped that aIl fruit growers great and amall, wiII f eel interested euough to co-operate and help on tUls organization. Pale and Listiesa.ý A CONDITION THAT AFFECTS VERY MANY WOMEN. The Appetite Fals-Strength Departs and the Sufferer Feels That Life is Really a Burden. Frorn The Topic, Petrolea, Ont. It is impossible Ibat a medicine eau be so widel.y knowu and used as are Dr. Williams' Pink Pills without strik- ing results Irequeutly becoming knowu and the merits of this great remedy for the common aliments o! man and womaukind being published. Mrs. T. Kettie of Petrolea, Ont., is a case lu point. Mrs. Kettie la an old resident of this district and la well kuowu. Chat. tiug with a reporter of the Tepie the conversation drifted on the subjeet of medicines, when Mrs. Kettie spoke in the bighest praise o! Dr. Williams' Pink Plis, which, she said, had cured bier of a long iliness, Our reporter, being naturally interested made furtber enquiries, when Mrs. Kettie gave birn the followiug narticulars :-'1 arn the mother of twglve eblidren and iu spite of the constant strain and werry the raising o! se large a farnils entailed upon me, ln addition te my bouse work 1 was fer mauv sears blessed with splendid bealtb. Howeyer, atter the birth ef my tast child iy strengtb seemed te fail me and 1 felt that mv lieaith was gradually going. I con- sulted a doctor and contiuued under bis treatment fer somae months, but the only resuit that I could see was tbat I grew steadily worse. I coula net narne any particular aliment that I suffered from, but I was ail "mun down.," My appetite failed me, my strengtb seemed ail gone and I becarne pale and îistless, scarcely able te drag myseif around, and much of the time in bed. I be-came alarmed at my long continud iii healtn and as doctor's medicine had doue me ne geod I determined te try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla. 1 purcbased a box and thouglit it did me some good, s0 I got six boxes more, and before I bad finished the seventb box I had perfectly regained my bealtb, bad gaiued in weight and felt better tban I had for some senrs. I coDsider the pillsaa splendid medicine, a real godseud te weak and ailing womeu, and have frequentiy reemrended thern te uy f riends and uaed them with my eilidren always w!th geod resulta." Judgiug fron' Mrs. Kettle's healtbv appearaue to-day noue would imagine she bad ever known what a day's ilînesa meant. Dr. Williams' Pinàk Pilla are a posi- tive cure tor ail diseases arising from imoerished blood, or a weak or satred couditien O! the nervous asystem, sncb as epilepsy, St. Vitus' rdance, paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, sheart troubles, anaemia, etc. These -pilla are aisea cure fer ailments that make the lives of se mauy women a contant mis£ry. Sold by duggists or sent by mail, pestpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82 50, by address- iug the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NEWTON VILLE. (Crowded out last îveek.> Mr. Arthur Parsons bas gene te Manitoba.. . '.Mr. Herb. Tiuk, Seliua, visited eat Mr Thos, Allon's recently.. - Mr. Frank Law, wh9u bas been work îng iu the Post Office bei-e for soma years has enlisted and started for South Af rica. Saturdav lie was presented with a zold watch and was escerted te the station by a goodly number of bis frienda, witb the Newtonvillfi baud lu ada .--Mr.AdMr. IW.H SQape trouble ceases. It's a perfectspecifie for whoeping.-cough and croup. 8 ' Vatpo CresolIene is sold by druggsts everywherc. .5 ApCeoen out6sl, including the Vaporizer an~d Lamp, which shouid last a life-tirne, and a bottle of1 Cresolene, cotuplete, 5c.5o; exra supplies of Creso- louPe 25 cents aud 5ocents Illustrated book let Costa in ingphysiciansý' tes rimouials free upon request. VAro- CrSSOLENE iCe., ia Fl'tn St., New York.X, - ., 5u14 by Stott & Jury, BowmanvfIïîle OlIONO. Mr. Peter Galbraithbahis taken np bis reisideuce in oui- village. ... Miss Daw- BABY'S OWN TABLETS. son bas been very ili. ... Mr and Mrs. J, J. Gilfilian spent Sunday weok lu Bowmauviiio ...Miss Minnie Jeffemv. blother's Best Help When Her Little Toi-ente, 15 viiting hiem sister. Mrs.J E Richards...,,Mrs Alf. Chapmau visited Ones Are Ailiug. Mrs. A. Powers .. .. Miss Loua, daugbt- Every mother needa at some fne a or o! Mr. Lev'i Edwamds bas pueumonia medicine foi-lber littie eues, aud Baby's . **Mr. Frank and Mies Minnie Sle Own Tablets ai-e the best medicine lu man, visited at Mms. Cbaprn's recent- the world for censtipation,sour atemach, lv.... Messrs H . Hooper and sou Chas, indigestion, diarrboea, colle, simple Oshawa, visited at Mr. 1H Hooper's., -. foyers and the troubles o! teetbing Mrs. Scott wbo bas been visitiug lber bilîdren. The Tablets have been in cousin Miss Clarke bas gente te Toi-ente use toi- N ama andthonsenda o! mothers and other points, alter which sIte zoes say that nething else acta se quickiy te New York te reside.. .Mr-. John and relieves and cures little eues 83 Honey bas beugbt tbe trame bari-zion sri.Ma .fLRe ouan the Gem-ilu place..,. Mr. Lewis Buckiley, Ont., simply voices the experience of the popular beritone of the Orono Baud other mothers wben sbe Baya :- I eau basmeasles-...Sunday May l8tb will recommend B3aby'a Owu Tablets to al be Epwortb Leagne Sunlday. Rev.Geo mothers wohv rs rdlct Brown, Omemee, la expected ...-. Mr-.A. chudre hIvefctrkosshorweI could Clar-ke bas gene te Montena, wbero e et hlde entbt themI."ul lias a good job.... .Rev. W. H. Cbidley, gtaogwtotte.' Oahawa, pi-eached i n the Christian Childi-en take these Tabiets as i-ead- Uburch iiSnday,. 11.ev. C. E. Cragg ily as candy, and if cruahed to a powdror bad charge o! the Public Seheel duriug tbey cen be given with absolute safoty the enfoeed absence thi-ougli illneas of te the tinliest, weakest babies. There Principal O. D. Austin. .....Lieut Angus la a cure lu every Teblet and tbey ai-e btalker me vsbortlv be gazetted a Capt. guaranteed te centalune opiato or ain o! the 4Oith BatI , in succession te ether berrnfui drng. Yen eau get tho the late Capt Milligan.Trevellers by Tablets trom any dealer lu medicine or Orono stage will misa the familier foirn they wiii be sent post paid et 25 cents a et Ehi Sharman lu the driver's box box by addressing the Dr. Williiams' wbere lho bas becu an occupantea nurnb- Medicine Ce., Broclzviile, Ont, er et years.. William Fotberingham, V.!NWATE S , formerly e! this village, now holds ~ W ATE the position of Moat Inîspecter under the U.F S Bui-eau ef Animal Industries Mr. Penweî don, Cobour-g, la vîsiting et Miwaukee, Ais.... Brîgadier-Gen- friends bei-e...Miss Bertie Riekard eral John Hughes, and Capt. Angus receutly visited !rieuds lu Welcorne....- Staîker o! the 46th Batt , attended tbe 11ev T. J. Edmison preeched lu the banquet given by Lieut. Col. Sam PresbyteiauChurch, Newtonville, Sun- H uges, M. P., et the Beusen flouse, day atternoon.... .1ev, W. S. Wright LudsavY' Tuesday evening.. Among couducted Auniversary services et the the sticcsful candidates o! 'foi-ente Lake Shore Sunday 0chooi-....The Techuical Sehool, was Rlussell Jaynes, piano pupils o! Miss May L. indi gave sou of Mms. Thos. Jayues of oui- towu, a Recitai et lber home Satnrdav alter- hie having t=kenhigh standing ini neon: AIl tbe pupils played weii and Meebanical drwhg and aise lu Mach- were a credit beth te tbemselves and lue drawing... . ,Mis, Thos. Doncaster teacher, The pi-ogram was as foliows: who spi-ained lier foot is again around 'Sparkiing Weves", Miss Jessie David- .... Mrs. Armstrong, Jr., wbo wes ser- son ; "9Countm y Life" Miss B. Laing; ieusy 111 is about bier home once more "IPluie de Perles ", Miss Laure Riekerd; -...Wm. Armstrong. Jr., iS cerying Duet, "Du Elfin", Miss Dore Bennett bis ai-m lu e sling sînce bis lied feU trmn sd Stanley Otton; (a)'11 Travatome", a ci-e.. .. A uew temperance bouse (b)YEdoiiveiEs";- Miss Marlon Edmison; seema apparent lu oui- midat, Oh, ggive Duet, -Sleigb Bouls', Mis;s Olive Gibson us local option.... Mrs. O'Neil bas mev and Miss inch; "La Peusse", Miss E',' ed !inte the bouse vecated by Beitram M. Riekard; "Birds o! Spriug-", Miss Andrus .. .. The hoyals have assembled Beidfor- Duot, "Tframway", Misses Eva once more holding theur ii-st meeting and Laura Richard. Valuebleè assistance under the Willows again-... ev. Dr. 'wss rendered by Miss Nettie Par-ker Wild gave a lecture home Fiday even- wbo sang "'Mamma's lu Heavon" Miss ing ou the I'Boom War end Wbat Next?" lue Rickard wbe sang lu a sweet voice, ....Consternation meetings ever the "Pairies" and Mms, Otton and Misa Me chai-ceai irons, have been stopped by Kim wlio sang the duet,"Bittei-Sweet." the generai satisfaction they seern te bc At the close e very prettv fieg drill and giving, as we feul te bear e! eny failure song was given by e little girls wbicb te i-un them. Ar't yen soi-iy that von was highly appreciated. spoke?. ... Rumor bas it that soma ef oui- citizens purpose pi-ospecting lu New Ontario . ... Mr. Wm. Davev's uew ire AB c yR dS a e engîne was givon its ii-st trial on the - Odeli Bank eue day lest week ...... Mr- This a the resuit wlîen yen are in.- Wm. Searl and cbemming bride ef t fori- iduced te use any o! tire columon butter Manitoba Tuiesday where t bey purpose colora thet sorne moi-chants adI fer the taking up their abodie ... Wm. ickerd's sake ef big profits. Wheu von tise prospects look more rosy bei-e eyory WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S "1. day. The "Young Elector" wbo et- PROVED BUTTER COLOR," your touded the Whitney meeting fi-cm bore butter lias the rilo golden tint o! June bas e level head and voiced the views made butter. Brlchy coîored butter is o! several other young men. .....League always evoided and eoudemed. The concert Tueoday was aebuddirg success golden June tint giveuý by the WELLS .. Oid i-lgera and young ri-lgersa ai-eRICHARDSON Co b *'IMPROVED speeding pat the corners, gettiug _iu BUTTER COLOR" gives extra value te shape for lat e! JnIy pizes... Mr, yonr butter. AIl dealers soul the kind Alden Par-ker- reports soediug over. that makos prise butter, He's Le elternoon fe rmer.,... Measles or celds have a grip on severai esteern- ed citizens. ... Mi-. Robt. Gordon wheel- Miss Edua IMuir, Toi-ente, la home for ed te Laytou's croasiug Mondey and a vacation. secured the coutract for building the atone bridge over Geo. Davidson's -PIlow The tIi ef4Thei lioliow for the now G. T. R. track .. - A. 1l ixllpeUî11 J. Knox and WL, Long bave purebas- edilw'ncbtos ndbohhave big Millions 0f Woffell Who NowUse baelsou e! some primeb rds. We await resuits and wisb the boys overy succesa lu their plucky onterpi-ise ........D A IIIi Y S Sport seemsaet a standstili. Oui- foot D A O E bail team purpose organiziug seen. Orono bas lest, ils old lime vîger. A base bell match usea te set ail ou edge It 15 safe te foilow the exemple o! the lu the old days. Wake up, veit old millions of Wise womon whe have made sports.... .Great interest pmevails among thc Diemoud Dyes their cioýsen andi the youug element et oui- new atbletic Oniy dyes for home coloriug. The !eitb club room. Yen should ace Prof, Don- o! al la se firmiy estebliahed lu the ex- caster punch the baz wbulo Percy Long cellence of the Diamond D yes that they manipuletes the fiying trapose,Edwards would net use any other make, oveu if and CalHam put up an exihbitiou e! thOo bewrc --îven theemmon and imii- nîanlv art fit for' war prizes ...on dit tatiod '1vcfi-ec cf cost. Valiiebie gooda that Lintou's old feundry is te ho leesed, and gai-montasbonld net be risked witi te the syndicate for a shating, curling peor andi untiled dyes. Ruin, bas o! andt ockey rink for ncxt wiuter Oui- mouey and lied temnr la the sure esuit. beys wilil;be fit lu the sprinlg for ail Mms, R, F. Swa17, el, l108 Harris St,, kinda o! sport if sucb takes place wbich Vancouver, B. rC. says; 1 I have useti a we trust wili eventuate into reelizatien gi-et mauy o! tfîe Diamond Dyeos andi ...Misa Loua Moment babeenîiaseti have awa.sld aaisfactory results, I fi-cm duty I-,viii- aunettaek o! muesselsbave dved liadres,ýsmnscoe, Mfav she speedily reever .....MssJeu- curtains eanflv qnlauîitvo!wlgod nie MicCullagIt is homie frem tbe citýy. to myenioatscio. THEMASO N00. BOWMANVI LLE E3OWMANVILLE, APR. 30, 1901. Mr. Fred Cullis lias gene te the "Prairie Province" .. . .Miss Ada Truli bias rôtumned from Garden Hill havinig bad a pleaseut visit .... .Glad to bear o! Mr. William Loi-d'a improvement since last report.... Mr-. Alfred Truli and Mr. William Biewett are aise improving,. -..Mr. Moses Robbins la making great i'provernent te bis bouse. .....Mr.Archie MeConuochie is laid aside with the measies, Mr. Jas. Bail is putting in bis seeda for hlm .. .. A great many o! our section atteuded the lecture ofDr, Wild, Orono, anud report hlm te be au excel- lent lecturer . M..r, Dwight Brown la tomporarily residing witb bis brother J ohn ...On account o! regular choir practice and new books that have been purcbased, we may look for and wiil expect autherna every Suudey. Hum- era of an orchestra in our Suuday Sehool-...We note that the sporting editar o! the "Orono News" gives the likelihood o! duplicatiug our past year's suecesa as winnera of the ",Brilliant Cnp," the enauing season. We believe our editor te be a far seeiug man aise attributing qualities of a mind reader. Our boys had cbought o! it beiug about as it was lest year, but as every sports- man knows chance as it la sometimes called gees agaînst the strengest team; we ho pe that such will net be our down- fai]. Up Late Nights, eudleâs engage- ments, geuemaliv rmn dowu ? Take -The D. & L." Ernuision o! Cod Liver 011. It wiIl toue up yeum system sud make yen feel yeurselfl again. Made by Davis & Lawrence Ce., Ltd. Black Sateen Underskirts. We have secured another lot of those elegant Black Sateen Underskirts which sud s8 quick- ly wheii we had them before. PRICES $1.25 TO $2.25, - TH . ASO N00. LAWN MOWERS., I solicit eaoel lmom my old anti now customers. 'Tie sbarpening aud re- pairiug- o! Lown Mowems, warrantedti t give cuti-e satisfaction evor.v time. Seissors and Enives Gi-ounîd; ligit jobbing e specielty et tie West Eud Smithy, King s .1ah WLLAS 16-Bw Bownenville. THE LATE MRS. WJTRERIDGE. MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN PuIpil of Prof. A.S.Vogt,..Torouta Couservatory of L4sic, will receive papilB in 'Piano and Tbeory of Music, at Concession St., Bowioa - EGGS FOR HATCHING. BUFF ROCKS. Pen Headed by "EBMPEBIOlt2»d" from the Foxtonion Yards, New York. Solid Buif Winge and Tail, mated, with selected liens. Prize winner,. S. C. WHIITE LEGH-ORNS. Pen Headed by "1NIOHOLOS lçt." Winer otiist t ai th FaI 5 i ce,-o- n .ana Onea a!tom anether the few reiinz nregtehihrtumber points of any other ln class at the Peterboro Cen trai Winter Show; pionera o! Damlingtou ai-e cbengîng aise lut andi 2nd Puilets at saine, je competition time for eternit.v. Iu Toi-ente, April wlth the cream eof the province. 181h,' 1902, Mai-v Sauuder8, roet cf the Settings r15j 81,50 and 82.00. late Mr. Geo. Witheridgc, passedti t the Atidresa:- rewerd of the j îst lu ber 901th year. KAWARTHA POULTHY YARDS, Deceasoti wasae native of the Parish cf Lakefilc, Ont. Bi-adwomth.v, Devonshire, Englenti, daughter cf the late Peter Sannadema., She came te Canada about 63 years mgo,*t lendiug et Damingtou wbou hie pros- FillIîn m u n eut Bowmenvilie wes uageîy a foi-est Itl Mr. Witberidge setîbeti on thie laim S~iLING ' Hli I i west of th s tewu where ho died 18 yeas * frÀApi lICotius no 1u ago anti where Mms: Witbei-idge lived SeilSm e eso up te 112 years ago whou she wont te *cilSmmrSeso reside with ber daughtem Mary Jane* through Juiy andi August in ail depart- (Mýrs. Thos ('ho.ý A ratier remrkable * ints o fOur- splendid sehool, the ceinedene la t b t docenseti and hemr -C.ENTRAL HBU8INE88 eOLL[GE... inabanti died ou the saine date in Api-il* TORONTO. and saine, day o! weh-Friday. Mi-. Geo. Saunders, Flint City, Midi., lsae There are ne vacations andi~2br survvin brthe. Thre as fail may enter at an ' lie and coiniue for survvin broher Thee ws a amiy *any desird term. A dozen teachers, o! ton chidren, fiye o! whorn survive, *8 typewritog machines and a dally rol4 thre in Toi-ente, sud twe l Derling. * allof053members ths month indicate the chai-acter and reputation of Our ton, elso 21 grandchildreu anti 23 gi-dat- coîlege. Write fer circulai-s. grand chîldi-en. Mrs. Withei-idge was W . S4W an active woman and onjoyeti excellent W 4 1A& health up te a montb agi. She was a ogesdGa-ita PRINCIPAL. Methodiat lunireigion. The intorment og n err t, Toronto. took place et Ebenevon where ber * *, *ê , .* * rmrains were laid on Moudey week besido ber busbauti in the !amily luiliENSIL plot. E NSILN Many Sohool Chliciren are Pale, Wea.k, and Hervous. Debllitateil and l5xhausted In MI=&i anud Body-Dr. C'hase'u Nerve FPoodi lu Sursirisingiy Beueficiai for ChIldren. 'The severe and ever-lncereasing etrain of competitive exaininations ceming at a time wlien every boy and girl is undergoing trying physielogical chanzes does mucli towards making ,mental and physical wrecks of school chidren, Itun dowxn linliealth, with the, blood thin and watery and the uer- vous system exhausted, children have ne chance to esoripe the many juls that beset a feeble body. There i__n- treat_ ment known te science that se natural- ly and tlieroughiy restores strength and vltality te the nervous system as Dr. Chazo's Nerve Food. It maltes par- ents happy by bringing back the celer to the faces and the strengtli and! elastlcity 'to the bodies of th ,eir pale, puny ehuldren. Mrs. S. Dempsey, Âlbury, Ont., writes:-"My littie gran.drlaughter, nine years old, was pale( and weak, she had no appetite and seemed ;ite be graduai- ly growIng wü,aker. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food proved înau eiin lier case, re- stoin heht ala oobr and min,,kn itycents a 3,box, aail Udealers 0e j3IUR atB d & O- T«QpztQo., Meugol, ï,turnip anti Cari-et Seedsa eh fresi and soldaet rigit prices etthie Pcople's Store. Higbest prices for goed freali Eggs anti eboice Butter et the People's Store3 ,-W. M. Wotten, preprietor Mms, W., M. Wotteu is visitiug Mrs. J, Ashton, Toronto.... -Mi.M.MeKinle3y, Scugog Island, bas licou guept o!fm J Pyc .. . .Several relatives and friends fi-cm bei-e ttendod the funemat o! the late Mrs. E N Kivl et Celumlua on, M-iday .. .. Mr. O L. Byersý viatod Lon- jdon lest week anti this week la set Lind - say and Pelci-boro. Ho la makiang gi-oct improvemeuts et the brick-put. tiug up a neat fonce8, etc..... Rev:JoS.1H. Oliver, Toi-ente, will pi-eci the auni- vemsary sermons et the Mettodist ehurcli May 25th. Great time epce a t the tee ou the 24th. Wbeetinc mekes a perfect Porridgýe, fwr sale ah the People's Store. Tmy i sud be couvi nced. NEW BLACKSMITH. l<aimems! If yen see wantiug a g set o! I-on Hammows do not feil te ealu anti sûe us. Ours are fitted with steel teth and matie in either lb-ei or four sections. WIII soli cbeap. Cail eàt FDamcb's old stanid, King St, East wm vil anti sep tbeým 11-4f - A, W. picKARD., DIAIYOND DYES _ The Oly Killd Bollglt and Used By Wise and Prudenlt Woînen The nlure, harmiess and unaduit- erated package - yes -for h ente use are the Diamond Dyes. Each packagecolora from one te eight pouna o!geeacacordiug te deptb o! celer and character o! fabric. The full and explicit directions ou each package o! Diamond Dyes are se simple that even a chiid eanunderstand t'ern, aud eaily match any desircd shade. Diamond Dyes make old thinga look like new. Yen eau celer old and fade i dresses, skirts, blouses, jackets, capes, iliks, ribbons, boisery, feathers and other goods, anydesired shade, making them look as good as new, Diamond Dyes give the beat and strengest colora. unfading lu washing or sunlight. Yen are always safe wben von use tbem ; no di sappointmeuts or failures. Wheîî yen go te your druggist or dealer te bny dyes do net accept any but the "Diamond," they are the only guarauteed package dyes for homo use. COURTICE. Mrs. J. D. Stomie and Mms. D. Pollard, Oshawa, visited iheir sister Mrs, L. M. Courtice.... Qnarterly meeting at Maple Gi-ove uext Suuday meming .. . .Eben- ezer auniversamy second Sundav aud Monday lu June. - - -Mr. C. Leitcb, Buf- falo, la visiting relations bei-e. ... Mr. S. Everson la erectiug a new win dm11.... Mr. Herbert Haucock bas returned from are 110w selling. freely. We nover had a nicer assortment or botter value, Prices start at 50e each. We are showing them f ully this week. Bauy 110W and get the choice of styles. 1 Every week we aýdvertise soin special lines e!f merehandise at greatly reduced prices. Those who watch for these announcements and take ad- .ý4 vantage o! thent are getting bargaîns that others are rnissiug. It in worth your whule te investigate. The fol- Iowing geeds are on sale Wednesday, April 30, for eue week only. 25 Ladies' Dress Skirts, luThey arc black, plain and figuredt lstre, serge and cloth, regular valuie 82.50 te $3,50. Sale price 15 We were for tunete lu secumiug- for thia week's selliug about 50 bendeorne Sailor ilets, black, white aud tancy. Tbey would sou in the erdinamy wey for 5Oc. We will selI tbem while tbey last for 29o eacb.

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