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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1902, p. 4

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PAINT FOR Flours, Cuphoards, sbolits, Furnhture, Bath Tubs, Farm lools, Etc. A specîai paint for each pur. pose, noV one slap-dash mix- ture for ail. Net low piced, but highesV grade aI fair, honest prices. You know our reputation.AWe say these are the best paints we kuow of. YoW'U say seo ate ryo have used them. SOLD DY Rl"NIeE & ee SOLE AGENTS.1 We guarantes our Lawn Mowers Vo give perfect satisfaction. -Thsy are easy running and simple in con- struetion. Our pnices are low. Builders' hardware a speeialty. Your careful inspection invited. Plhons 66. One IJoor West of Post Office. JIOWMANVILLE. NOTICE. The annuel general meeting of the Share- holders ni the Port Darlingtonu Harbor Com- pany will be beld et the offi'ce no the ýCompaiy at Port Derlington, Bowmanville, on MondaY, the,,2ud day of June, 1502 et the hour of 4 o'clock p.m. D. B. SIMPSON, Io-Bw President. If a Man's ln Love That's bis business. IF A GIRIS IN LOVE, That's lierbusiness. IF THEY GET MARRIED, That's our business. Beeause we know they are sure to want Luttrell's Jersey0reamBread, Atex. Luttreli. BOWMN VILE.9.3w The bSeasbon') b Camphor Bails FRESH. Sýpongels NEW LINE. Toiîlet Soap NICELY PERFUMED Furniture Polish1 Alsmooth and perfect cream for polish- ln- and removing stains from ail kinds of furniture. A 15e bottIe will con vince SOLD AT McD ermid' s ,,D %rug ,»Store.. BOWMAN VILLE. (Il Paqs To Buq At McDermid's.) New Spring Wall Is in the AIR and it ie in our SOHOOL, The : ..CENRALBOSINE88 COLLGE.~ TORONTO. We have just installed com Splete ses of Wirelese Telegraphy instruments. and we are now prepared, to give Instruction in this important subject, ceither* personal or by Mail. * Write for particulers, W. 14.S14nW PRINCIPAL. *Yonge ad Gerrard St, Toronto. BOWMAN VILLE~ MAIKETS. 4Joreted by J.McMnlrtry.eaeh Tuesday pLoR1~00 tts .........81 80 10 $2 20 WuA all, bush ....O0O 1iln 0 70 'i Siln.....(1 0 t" 070 t' Rd~f.......O 0O00 0 75 if Goose .. O 00 0 O65 BARLBY, Pý bush, No. 1.. 0 0,3 0 45 fi i 1 i2 ... 040 0 43 t if fi 3...0 25" 081 'q f Two rowed 0 40 0 50 OA8, White i ....... 000"if0 40 Rxo, i...... 000"f0 55, Bua-wEAT Il............O 0 0 O 55 PEAs, Blackeye, P bush.. O 00 '0 O00 if Canadian Beauties 0 70 0 80 il MUMMe,7 'j O0 00Oif 0 0 if Smaill " 0O60 t'0O65 fi Bue " 0 00 '065 BUTTER, best table, P lb. O 0 0 gO017 EnI3s, P doz ...........O0 00 't O il il orAToEs, e bush ......O 080 i O 85 Il Ay,à,ton ....... ...... 800 9 00 cougna, colas, floarseness, and other throat ailments are o.uickly relieved by Valia-Creso- lene tablets. ten cents per box. AU druggist. "Credit lost is fIke a broken glass." I's Makers&dre fot discredit what cost so much to establhsh, The wide reput- 1 atÎoni and standard value of- 14The Slater Shoe" t JOHN HELLYAIL. Sole Local Agent1 -i The Canadian StatesRIall BOWMANVILLE. MAY 7 , 1902 Will any Conservative in West Dur- ham rieUp and tell us what benefil. directly or indirectly, he bas received ln Vhs pasl siglit ysars because W. H. Reid was our Local member? With Vhs brightest prospecte for Vhs returu of Vhs Rose Administration Vo power, what earthly use le there lu sending W. Il.Reid 10 pass hie lime lu idleneesslu Vhs Houses? An aged and eeteemed minister, for many yars located in Bowmanville, writingeVo this office expresses Vhs hope that Mr. W. Rickard may baeslected sud adde "Old WVest Durham ought Vo right itel up again " Present indica- tions point very significantly thal way, Bro. Provincial elections are iunffuil swing and evsry indication points 10 a rons- ing victory for Vhe Rose Goverument, Two of Vhe Toronito divisions will re- turu supporters of the Rose administra- lion. West Durham le considered as 10eV by Vhe Tories, Reid bas mun his head against a snag. and West Dur- hams. watchword le Rose, Riekard and vietory.-Guide. ____ A POPULAR APPOINTMENT. We hearlily congratulate our esteem- ed feilow Vownsman, ex Mayor William Mitchell llorsey, on bis appainlment lu and for the Electoral District of Vhs West Ridîng of, Durham Vo be Police Magistrate in Vhs' roora and steadol George Haines, Esq., rssigned. This is a caiîtal appointmsnt', and one .of which ivu belieye every citizen wiIl ap- provo Squire Horsey lias al Vhs quali- ficationsncesayf or Vhs verY respone- ibise position, having had a very exten- sive experience lu business, and having served about twenly years at Vhs Coun- cil Board and some years ou ths Board of Education, he unqusstionably bhas acquired a wîde knowledge that will be helpfnl in the duties of his nsw office. Mr. Horsey le, possibly, Vhs larges£ property hoider lu Bowmariville and has Iikely paid more taxes imb the town treasury than anyother citizen now living boe. We hope ho may livel many yeare to preside lu Vhe judicial capacity Vo w hich Vhse Ontario Goveru- ment has appointed hitn on Vhs recom- mendation of ies fellow citizens, no doubt. THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. Vcry encouraging Vo Liberalis eh politicai outlook lu this Province. Just now peo pie are too prosperous Vo seri- ousi-v wîsh for a change of govsrnment ln Ontario, as ths country was neyer face Vo face wiVhi more promising condi, tions as a resuit partly 0fý progressive measures of the Rose Adminstration, hence electors ors noV iikely Vo biast the bude of promise by seeking Vo up- set the present Goverumneut at a tigie when iltei doing so mxich to build up the Province. W-e were in Toronto Jast Thursday and Vhe Liberais thora are sanguins that Vhe Ross Goverument wvilI be returned witb a much larger majority, Indications lu West Durham are vsry promising for Mr. W. Rickard. He le meeting with. aveu greater encourage- ineoit than ho expscted lu some quart- ers and le very hopeful of victory. Res- ports from the sub-divisions are certain- iy full of hope. Considerable increase le reported lrom some and lu nearly ail some Liberal gaine are assured. The exhibition Mr. Reid made of himself at Vhs Whitney meeting ln Bowmanville se disgustsd and disheartened many respectableConser% at ives that Chsv sem very indifferent ever sinice. NoV a single business man would go on Vhs platformi wiîb Mr. Reid, and had Liber- als etayed away front that meeting there would have been a pretty slim crowd Vo greet Messrs. Whitney and Foy. As il wae there wae noV enongli enthusiasm eugendered Vo lasV ove- 24 hours, and Conservatîves lu town have fait very flat ever since. They expeot- ed Mr. Reid Vo make a speech that would he beipful in Vhs campaigu, but his coarse demeanor, blatant bombast and ill-advised atlack on Mr. Rickard werG go distrssiugly boorieli and indis- creet that ho linjured hlie cause far mors than ha belpe 'd it Surely aller eight years of uselesese, inaction,' and no promise of betterînent, West Durham bas bad euough of W. H. Reid. CHALLENGE TO DR. HILLIER. The sun of $10.00 has beau piaced lu the bande of ths Editor of THai STATrES- St&AN Vo back up a challenge Vo Dr. S. C. Hillier of Bowmanvills. The in- structions are Vo pav over Vhs mouey on satisfactory prool of Vhs lrulhlulussof the statem ente made lu a letter publish- ed lu Vhs issue ot Vhe Bowmanville News dated May 1, 1902, and headsd "'A Grit Replies to Young Elector," aud signed "A Gray Hairsd Grit."' One paragraph lu said leVter reade as follows: The Home BosFd for theý Aged have thongl ibhOa l umber of people lu town rnight have-nov ibat the housie-eleang lime la ou-a lot of uild forniture or other articles iaying arnund Ihat le of very little use to tbem, but which might be turned into cash. Wish Ibis sud in viaw,wlll any oua having anything to dispose of lu Ibis way, leave word a% TEE lizws office and il wilI be called for, and enld by anciion on tbe M;Arket Square on Saturday, Mayv 101h. Anctioneer L. A. Tole, bas very kindly of- lered bis services Ires, and the chances are iliat quila a nice aum wiIl be xealizOcl for the Old Peopleas Home. EARLX CHICKS FOR 1902. Bowmauville, Mais 1902 EITOR STÂTEsmAN -Please iuform Mr. Nun of Coîborne that Bowmau- ville hoide Vhe record for early chicksu batchrng, as 1 had a brood of twslve chieke ou Mardi 28th. Yours truly En .CÂRRL. B OWMANVILLE TO NEW YORK. The, beet route Vo New York and Philadelphia le via.-Gr and Trunk and Lehigh Valley Route of Vhs "Black Diamoud Express." Fast trains and elezant service. Pulîmans Toronto Vo New York, Passengers lauded lu New York up Vown near aIl fluse-lass Hoteis or down town near aIl European Steam- ship docks, saving passengers for Europe a long and expensive transfer. Be sure yont tickeýts read over Vhs Lshigh Valley. Sold at Vown aud tation ticket offices. 15-Vf SALEM. The Epworth League bas lid atiother auccesa- fui year. The uewly elected officers are: Pres- Ident; Mis@ Neda Symous; lat Vice-Miss Hilda Logan; 2ud Vice-F. L. Sqrtalr; Drd Vice -Miss Bassie Scntt; 41h Vice-M.r#. P. Pooley; Secret- ary-Ed. Silver; Treasur-er-Misa Sybil Flockeu; Organist-Misa M E. Howson ...Mr. Norman HocIran bas taken a position ln Co Iingwood.. Great lmproveinents are belng me de on the ehnrch. Watch for the announcement of the rc-opening. re Eoononiy ln Well Regulated Homes. Iu well regnlat"d homes in city and country Ibers are many avenues open for Vhs practice of ecouomy, but nons so simple and satisfactory as Vhs use of Vhs Diamoud Dys e for wear, old and laded dresses, ekirte, blouses, capes, iackets, rîhbons, shawls. _Varus, BUILDING LOTS BY AUCTION, Haviug decided Vo dispose of hs former Upper Canada Furniture Co's grounds by auction, I have divided hs land Into ton lots, hs original survsy [Simpson & Lockhart] 146 lest by 63 1-5 being right size for good building lots. This land le located in the healthiesl part of hs town and le in central locat- ion for easy access 10 business section. Date of sale will be announced laVer. Select sour lot aI once. J..MAItTYN, Bowmanville. HOME BY TH E LAKE FOR SALE. 1 off er niy brick residence at Port Bowman- ville for saleoon easy terms. Flouse containos rooma; quarter acre of land witlî gond fruit. Siuate in beart ni the finest and bealihicat sommer resort qn Lake Ontario. WM. SHAw, Bowmanvllle. 17-tf HORSE ROUTES, Mr. John Joli.,IHampton, bas bougbt from Messrs, Smith and Richardson Vhe pure bred importect Clydeedale staliion, "Theaketon" 10655), sire Holyrood. Ho le a flue borse, dark bay, 17 bande high, with short legs and cdean flatI boue. Ses route niext week, INGRAm's HEIn, Mr. Chester Power's World's Fair Prize Winning Clydesdale will have stands after May 12 during season-as follows. A. E. Rundle'e Mon- day night; Robt. Moore'e, Zion, Tuesday noonJas. Moorey's, Eufield, nîgbt; Rd. Ashton's, Ilaydon, Wednssda.v noon; A. E. Cieniens', nîght; Wm. Patterson's, Kirby, Thursday noon;- Orono for night; Bsnustt's hotel, New- ca Ps riday night; Burton Hou1« Bwauville, noon ; owu stable MMaple Grove iii Monday noon. Terme $14. W OOL antsdHiebest market prie nid orany qfualîty of wool, I[ake uor Choîce. B LANKET LOST-Between G.T.R. Station and H ampton, a grey horse blanket Finder willI confer afavor by leaving at tbis office or at R. Avery's, Hlampton. 17-tf, fi0SE FOR SALE -Two-story brcknuse on Chnrch St., and a two story' solid brick house on Prospect St.. con- taînîng 22 moins. For terins and further par- ..Joars apply tn Miss EKsmA WITE, Welling- ton St., BOWMAN VILLE. -m w OOL WANTED.-"There ile now a great cry and littie wool" as the flei said when he clipt the Snw. WeIl, it istrue,for as the market stands there la no profit to either bayer or seller. What 1I want lu tell My nid friends ta that 1 arnatit tn be fmimd ai the nid reliable stand-the Hampton Wonllen Mills where 1 amn prepared either f0 boy thieir wool or exchanga for home- made gonds. RolIcarding and spinnîng attended to. Hoplog 10 see my old frieods once more. D. TAYLOR, Hamptnn. 17-3m. EXBCUTOR'S SALE. -OF- Valuable Flouse Propertv -IN- thue Town of Bowmanville. There will be nffered for sale by public anot- !onna the Balmoral Ilotel lu the Town nf Enw- manville on Weduesday the 21st May.10,e il n'clock in theforený,on by Levi A. W*.Tole, Esq., auctioneer, t vlabeproperty situa t- ed onu the West aide offUeutre Street lu the Townn of Bnwmanvilla, de.qyribed as fOllows-BeiDg composefid of Town Lot No. 13 frnntiug on Ceuf re Stret and thc North hall of Tew o o 14 in subdivision of Blockr No. 35 in the Town n'i Bowmanville,as laid down on Plan Of lots i sald 'Town rege->trcilin the, Reio.1t..-vflefor Ln-the There are many styles of mounting. ntnd finishîng. We wantý you to take that which suite you best. The quality L4 equallY g00d. You choose Vhe style and We furnish you the best photo- graphe you could -geV any place. In posing, retouching and flniehing we promise you he beet that can be doue- We give no preminms with our photos, but give You Your money 's> worth in quality evsry time. G. P. Freeland. »aO'Studio one door West Of STATESMAN Office, BowmanvilUa. May Approaches And everyone le Houseleauiug. That Means New Wall Paper, Window Shades, Room Mouldinge, Cur ain Pole$ MISS EDITHI FREELÂND Ioprpae to give muîle tessons at lier home J o Bec Aene.Bowoeanville. 57-tf r loni Attention If ou re For a Noinenti Ifyuaebuilding or repairing we can perhaps help you to solve some of the dîfficulties incident to the under- taking. For instance: CEliENSi-We have Battle's Thorold for:concrete walls, cattîs stables and cellar "o; English Portland for pave- ments and:cisterns. B3ILL STUFF-Pine and, HeMulook Joisto, Scantling and Boards. rMBiR-Pine a nd Cedar Square Tituber and Sleepaiw. FLOOPING--fOl and White Pins and White Maple. CEILINa and WÂuNsoonrNG-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint, e SmeG-Beveled, Coye, Shiplapped and Olapboarding. SiiNGLES-Ail grades Native, Fine and Cedar and B. C. Red Cedar. DooRs-Gilraours'patent lumber,hard wood and pins Doors-ali grades and prices. SAsH, BLiNDs and MouLDlsuos;-Gil. mour's and Rathbnn's Manufacture. Sait, Plaster, wooa and Best CIea Sereaned, Coal-H-ard and ýSoft. Inspection Invitsd. :IPrices Reasonable. NOCLELLAN & CO., ?Ê-6m Bowmanville, la ACofe The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffee, for' something good iV can't be beat. 'We have a few Specials for Vhis week-Ptire Maple Syrup, Canned Pineapple, Corn, ?a and- Tomatoes, the vrery best. WES EIJ OUE.(The Bi g Store,) WSIEN RUSE Read the Figures* Oome and Se, theQaies Soc DRESS GOODS-In Satin Cloths, al wool Serges, ilenriettas, Cashmeres and Lustres; colors-Blaek, Navy, Brown, Green, Cardinal, Fawn and numerous other shades. These goods are of the flnest textures and run froju 40 Vo 44 inehes lu width. 6 ',ards at 50e yd--$3.00 for Your Spring Dress. S75c DRESS GOODS-n 47 inch Ladies' Cloth, al popular shades; also 56 inch all-wool Serge, in blackï and bine only. The quallty of these goods at snob 10w prices,. make these two Uines a linge snceess witli us. S6 yds. Ladies' Clotli 75c Yd04.150; à yds Serge ?Sc, yd-$315 for Sp ring Dresse $x.oo DRES.S OOODS-In 58 inch Blaek or Navy Pure Wool Chieviot. A lady who faneles a good weariug black or blue, eloth 11will snrely hike hs line., We have sold pisce after pisce of hs weave of elotli, 5 yd's Pure WooI Cheviots.$1 .00-'$5,00 for your"Sprin gSuit. e, We give you qtiality i. our Iinings at very low figures,, SLinings- for Lin.ings for LININtG8 FOR $1.00 DRESS 00U& ; Dre0sGood. 7b Dres Gods at 14e 46 c ressGo d . 5cD es ýo dS, 2 yds Percaline at 15e - 30 2k yds Featherbone at l2keý .32 S5Yd,, Selisia& at 10e . 50 5 yds Linenette at 12ke - $.3 42ý yds Brnsb. W Bnding at 7e ~ Sl-yds Waist Selisia at 15e .23 2 yds Waist Lining at' 15e .0 2 ysC as at 15e c3 SSteels .10 21 yds Featherbons at 1le .32 Sijk Spools, 1Ce Jtten,.8e SHooke and Eves -.21 ilooke and Eyes -.4 2 yds Mercerized Coat Lîning at -25eW Syd Velvet Binding at 50e.1 yd Velvet at 50e- :1 kdoBftosa2e- 141 yd Canvas at 10e .15 2 yds Canvas at 12ýe .25 1 yard Twist - 5 Silk Spools, 10e; Cotton, 8e .18 Silk Spools, 10c; Cotton, 8e .18 1 yard Wadding 5 , Total for Linings $1.81 Total for Lininge $1.91 Total for Linings $2.87 Pins Dress Goods 3.00 Plus Dress Goode 3.75 Plus Dress Goods Spring JPress and Linings $4.31 Spring Dress and Linings $5.66. Spriug Suit and Linings 87- 87 3 SNAFS IN THE GIROCERY DEPART MENT. Nice Mixed Biscuits. Speckled Trout. Fruitý Biscuits, 10e per pounnd'in Tomato Sauce, 10e per in. eiioice goods, 10e per lb. We want ail the Farm Produce we can get and wiIl pay HIGIjIST PRICIE IN! CASH £FOR EGUS. JO H N CM UR TyI ' v '-.l

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