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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1902, p. 6

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Raienoanl swent bave no iffect on harness treateil sith Fureka flIar- 00 es i. tr sigts die dccip, keeýps theleat]s er ofi acd p- a. net rek No rougli sur- Imanu. h ÇQýi, bul BUSý tiNESSi nHANGE- 0 9e, f 'I NÜT2LES AND'J COMMEaVTS. '7ie ouer',raired ty i'p. Stad and( otlîcr ý crratic seiisntienalists and hai]Ef w-,-iti a pacu of et joir iug ii "the laîîd cl f freedoua nd tIhe dol- lar-,"'that Guglanfi is rapidly inu ing te the positiïon cf a sacre ce ns- nu 'ýciîl appu adage te tise Unjufid States, lias cei ,i,,,edJa disItiîle niai tres isepeun of MrNs.frerbert . 1Iiew il I us lie "-For iimi."Mc. r will dusiet fier- that tCse Uîîited IStates lias biac. andi stililinas an j.ii- fairs t-)înt solis lsibatlise saîra'tlsiug is true uf cx ery ol ber ci,ii zoîl an- tioau- le fells us tisat ls Loandon iaîy iesta urauts haveia.Frenc~h "moeues" s uîid shops deal largely isi T'Frcîscls 'modes" witlîout aîoao fcariîîg sît Eîglasf is leconsicg 0-allierizefi, and expresses bsis assui' ace that tise aot ocf ais Ama- eî'rcili 'faîî' or tvso in social Lite is eqenly ll uîiiotit tas n sign of the tius"s.,lHe sais tliat the.nus'iber ut ialociinrringiisbos els eenRiglish- meoif t iîle ndfiAus'ricnn icihiresses hs lien realîx iiicoîssiflernlle aîsd wlil hIaxe littlo if ariy offert iii the 13ror 11-11 gî:t io0n of i etblir asiideai, ansong tse lipper classes. W hile tise kriowlefige that there is just li0w in Eîsglsînd a grec. sale for A inerican rod.îcl s lie tiiks il natecal for thse Eaglisl cristouuer ton profit by the luiiifiuiess of the Amsicis, an d purchase goodsisnlaLonidon foi' a lowser price tlîan tisat foi' srlich tisey arc sold iii New Yoek, but lie pro- pisesies tisat linnlly îîsost American' goo s Nuil l e iusiief ont et the iisac- ket by home umanufnctur'e, iviiicls is geiscrnlly sumierici' la str-ength and finish. T7his is an experienlce ruai lias ni- rendy os ertaken tise Aiuerictiiî li- cyc le lanFiigland. Mr. 1lorwell, we ansd gav e iie dlue nis te tise position thse balloon lad attaiiecf. It bas been coi-jeel iii efi tisat flic troîîg Souîth w iiîi cepoctefi by thse stekii- slip 5Aindwnrd le those waters about a 'daiy anf a hiaîf attes' Aadrec Ianeiced tise ýIatest rcnOý;ies ecîi ed froins ilas îîîay ha i o arciofi tie baliý oa .fac te tise iirtls. Ius ijew cf I the faret fia,t tliree IsIeSsaeS andi t'o ethos' 'elcs of the exiîefiitiols hisct i ave eîîieOsierofi. it is net w ih.hxliisprota tue tt te drift ire Iîiay, w it1l U ie nex urC fe ars. bli'iaotuies' îsessages Ltisai, ssaY posi sihurlOitendCoctrtp the in> slocy cf -0aiu'u fate ais e\eh add Seuiie- Nov liait sotop huiles are soltl hy the ic liil 0andfisteak is iessurefi eut like rsî iire, tise vs ce ettise îegetn- rianis ubleard jn tise land, cailiiig sipon tle public te save itif money, s.egain ils iseslli aii clonsise tise sel hsy a eliailge cf filet. Noie, of al tinoss',, ,il s-'opportune te rease trous peing 1 epoîs eîe's tcliew ani- mais, andte hegiîs te nourisisoeues self eonlise fruits of tise earth. -50w, is Mr. Gilbiert wonid say A sentimsental Iassions Of .asegetahle fashioii Mnse.t acenýse yeur lanigîîiî spleenî, Ais affection a la Plate,- Fors'ta1lmsbfril yosîîIg potato, Oc aroct toc Freisis Freiclibeau. Il. will lie dificult, of course, aal vegetLirialis nst adusit, te i CX- yett ise lhu e btweeiî tise eeh ansd tfie aniimil worlfls, antîf tmuake lsoÏh heîsisph<s os.Thse fart seemns te betftif cre Ions es out ai seic, laudanum, turpeutine, andi a fcw other simillar thingso one cal, safeil eaL andd ili. aliost ar.ything elsci that onie eau get fiown eue s throat. Peopie who sieep scierai heurs re-1 gularly, every niight and gel.oni tihe f iesli air row and then ,il] P.o bably ffidt1hai they do net need to study deeis Bîritish influence was rcier exerted nmore wsseiy or eetje thaîs r e- Cea1 ¾ wlheu Lord Lansdowne lire glt about anuenfler, tandsng bo- 'w en Chili andi Argentina, by which a stop) wassput te the pur- chase of wm rships and armamelts by thoýe e tpublicli. Vheii war between thenii w as averteri a few months ago by thse frienflly intervention of Great Brita ii both gos'erniments wenit te work te strengthea their land de- iences andi inecease thiGr nax jes. The Prospect of an ar'med pence, like that which basast lihe a gigantic vanipir e iighlitnre on Francc anfi Cermaniy, s igthse \i talltyandi dranirig the re(-sources of both, ap-l pearefi te be bDefore thse twio Soutis Amoîlican cipublirs. But heth ;are deeply iin debt te lBritisiîh sîd o ers, who w ere i'ery aiverse ru seeillg theic mney, whiciî shoutd go te theni ini paynieîît of interest, spenit on1 genis andi liiju, et w a '. ,W!îen the 1 repubhics founfil that the.,;ro'ild flot both pny in e-t on tleir delits and pay for navies nUt the saine tiue, tlicy lad te Yield te the courteous suggetion t tisBritishs Forig k'iinister te pay tieir Élelits andi poestpoie tseplrsaeet furnia'niens te somne t inicm. Argentina's aienel it, ilciiI cxed ini Guen Bîlainausoars reine less thaneig'systxdolarsperliseaf of the pouato. t wýilibe reuPna herefi tnit il. asthe sluiuip la Ar- gerî1tina that, a few years ago,1 brouglit about oeeof the grcates financial crashses known i l London for a century. Sine tliat tinlo tisese securities bave becîs slowly recover-ý ing, mld tise ias'estoî's are iunen meioo te liaive thera agan jeopar- dized by-swasli-bunkler nntics lu ai- lued anticipation ef war. Chili isi also bonav iii debt te (Great Brit- an. thougli net to se great in ex- tent ns Argeotina. Tises, wlile a big finaniciai burdea usav bent- tuante in, suie respects, it bans its, compensations i compcliling nations to keep thse pence. ]YMAfLi P4OSTPAID. 7. i iPKAtLe - :~. il. CORN1,.iE. ,lyîineso Bta. 4. inr i ci l ron 12. COPN. 43. B liiA slisf 13- CARBI,Ci'Long Osýk.- "tL u Pii o i'l IL ers SàIEniR. to ,ren 4 I Ti5,-' uie u 15. ('InaI.MFt hf li s .o. 4.6: T, EaLil. u 16. es01115Vl Fi leu 10. ~47 CFL1i Ciuin ou Blîîîuhog.--i.Au' 4 ,1IlSou 12. ~ ~ ~ s M;t, rrli-lve-orn. 43 ,B1,hilrl 19. recensE, J sesriel. 49. O.,,slit ii eS7 2 0. lOTUCEIl, W'hl'OîeM . 4. llitf5î'01Bl 1. MUSs& ELOriN. 7.Mui5OhsE il. ckerS aiJo. le.iiNOe.B i2. LA E OET"'cliieiil 5-1. Sl 'su ieP- CanadatF I,'rrieici 1 PKSlOintIlMi. ¶i554iy 29 Ri . Mu., 9515,Eaiy S , OÏ5,01er asiczl. 55. SPI' 5 Mlii 5115 24. l.iOte, Yeow Ianver. l5l. i'lRiIKA, iiiso . '5. ONIO%, Slribin 7. WILsu Fl ul, Carirs, ftutsa Ii Ie 26. PARUILIY, Mo,, crled. Ollxed, 27. l'AliSII', loll-own-. i53. ZINNIA, !l' ' rribala o nbqs.îauto f Rye 1/he an sd Bauî'Iy, 3'C 4S SPï-IO ï ATIN 'illLi) of Urata ci O'uirio 5î'l,~haîr ;1Cle inla1901 Try ilLb 2li tIi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 Irpsiîi.Plihils)tc bushi. I2b ;* ~ g r ccUi1gnilk rets l'efi orer.ilavlstCrefuf hcg Root growo. Lb. Frinmou:,. iite Oat f k mEurope, 2iviîig astonish- iîi,î ,,ti'. rowàsinluCamada. Poslvely the heaci- osa . WCîi5 d fluiest In appeiai-nce of any Oct fst.e Is uA uli,. TI hIn lethe- lîut,witiî frizhît unifierl ilored straw ataindîngi tmriîht îuinllIStis, a-l kînde of urebr. Oui ropu lirhrve satîsied îri liati t la wc-,-nderftglly adapled te ohoUaolci aesd limate c, ýhus country'. Glicoiltra. b.0":3i.7e. postp,'id. Peck 60c.; lusliel $1.60; 5 Inîhels $7.50. PIWS TPeck. half bilshel and boh ndoct Si crels or E ruielhargea cii- sags eaeh- 18 s e cii.; cre, each;1,i. ADDRESS CASHf ALL.ORDERS ... ee. rHQDR

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