'SM- ~~5P p i of St rie ngtbh Is one f the greatest pleasures of life.. Gain this strength by taking Our great Spring medicines. Â Sattscpari4a 13eefiron and lAine 75ets. per bottie. ehoice e%igars., PHIONE 92, Ohenulats and Druggists. PO Popular Pit Must have more merits than others. People don't exoress -~ ~ -. a preferonce without ample Sr asen. The Wedsworth whchlu sllhave many good 0 Points te r.ccommend tLhem. If yr.u have Painting te do try Z-\ them. Thev wili please i-eu NI and th". results wili show YOu wby thev are se pepular. Alwavs ready for the brush. f Cal1 and get a celer card. W.RDusanj * PHONE 74. BOWMANVILLE.* ENNISKILLBN CARRIAGE EMPORIUM ___ -ON- Friday and Saturday, -0F- 23, 91,10. f ho balance cf the stock of Carniages must ho seld Geing out of business and the "v wili be cleared eut ah $60, aIse oee quarter cut cycaincre mikado, ne.gular $125,-te dlean ah $90. twe second-hand carts andi twe second-baud buggies. Apply This Test To Your Morves Study these symIptems. They are for yorguidance. You in ay net have the- a 1. but If yOD have ayfte our ner- vous system lu Dot up te the. mark.,and a litti, extra expendituro of nerve force May briag the droadful dowinfall. Intolerance of motion, noise and light. twitching of the muscles of the face and eyelldgu;fatiguing sieep, audden startIngs &D Jerkinga of the 11mb; dizuinesand faesof light before the. cyea; Irritability and festILesnas in every part cf the body ; hàeadache, Indigestion, feelings of wearîness and depression. and losa cf interest in the. affairs cflilfe. Se long as the. daiiy expenditure of nerve force lu greater than the daily încenie, physicai baakruptcy 15 certain to resuit sconer or later. Nerve force must b. ineceased,. and this can best be accent- e lished by the use of Dr. Chase'. Nerve Fcod. because it contalnm In concentrated form the very elemnents cf nature which go dîrectly te form nervous energy. 30 cents a box, ail dealers, or Edtanmsens Bates & Co., Toronto. Dru Chase's Nierve Food I3OWMANVILLE, MAY 7, 1901. SOLINA. M!4s MaunO Asbt'on bas been visiting at Hamp- ton.. . Mr. Fred T. Alun conducteti service at .Eldad Sunday evening very acceptabiy ... Mrs W. Martyn, Bowmnanville, lestili aiiinget Mr. w. ,stn'.. ..Dr. Mason, Toronto, wili preach ait he Advent church Sinday next et il a. m. andi 7 p. m... Miss Laura Hlogarth je home from Michigan.ý. .Meeting Thursday night to conîplete arrangements for anniversary .... Arbor day was obaerved a.t the Academy t'y plan1tlng of trees andi hu8hes and generaily, cleaning up. In the afternson the boys played foot-bal , with Bradiey's school, which resuted lu a tie-one goal each. . .Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lîike. Ketiron., visited eat Mr. W. Werry's.. Mr. Claudte Rimer Luther H Law, Queen's University, Kingston, is home for vacation. It Soon Tastes Strong. When buttermakerg unfortUnately uge any of tbe common butter colors now on the market, thoy accu find out that thoir butter becomes rancid and strongR. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S *'IMPROVED BUTTER (11LOR"11 nover causes the butter te bocome rancid. On the contrary, it maintains the rich flavor cf the butter for months, and gives the golden June celer that al admire. Druggiats anid dealers every- where. TY]RONE. Arbor day was duiy observeti by out Puble Schooi, Frldav by a generai clean up the iaylng ontof flower beds andi pantingéb~ade trees,. . . We congratulate Mr. J. G. Brown, junior pastor on is success in lis recent ex. aminations iu the.B. D. course of Victoria Uni- versity, Toronto.. . Mr. Wilbur la employaetinl a machine ahop lu Oshawa.... About 45 persons were recejved jin fuli membcrshio of the Methodisi church, by Rev. J1. S. MeMniien, Sunday evening.. ..-The hearîfeit sympathy of the oommunity is extended to the bereaved widow aud famiiy and sorrowlng friends of Mr. T. R. Hoar wbo entered injte rest Thursday May isi after six weeks of painful suffering sitice his fatar accident on Saturday Martch2u. The mfembers of Tyrone "Home Circie" attend- eti the funerai, contibutlng beautiftil floral offeringe and read their hurl service ai tbe grave. The funerai services were conducted t'y ttevs. J. S. McMulien and J. 0. Brown, the fomr speaking very toucningiy from the 'aords lu Romans 14,4... .Arrangements are compieted for Stonday sehool anlversary ser- vices on May 25th. Rev. Louis S. Wit, B. A., lu Tyrone echnrchi. Jhidren's service iu after- noon... .Mr. J. A. and Mrs, Charlton wjth son Nelson, Toronto, attended the fanerai of bier brother Mr. Thos. R. liber aturday. EvEntv WOMAN NERDS IT.-Thoro are times when every woman is tormented Dy itching skin and would givo anything for relief. There is a proparatien, known as Dr. Chase's Ointment, which is a prompt relief for these sufferings. Women prize it both for their own use and fer its wenderful effectivenes ln curiug Baby Eczema, scaid head chafing Mangel, ïlurnip) and Carrot Seeds al fresh and sold at right -prices at the Peeple's Sture. On the move., Mr, j as. A. Werry ai Toronto; Mesdames F. lRogers n W. M. Wotten home [rom Toronto; MIrs Laird, Toronto, atJohn Ranton's; Miss Lily and Sherwood Patter, Boiymanylîle, with irientis; Mr. anti Mrs, Blair, Courtice, et Mr. Jas Chu an'&; Dr. Jas. Bing. hem, Peterbore. at Mr. W, Bingham's; Mr$. C. J. Montjoy at Port Perry; Mr. Esmout iHall down fromn Toronto.... .Mr. Wm. Binghasi had a c lia sale Saturd4y. Our frienti Mr. Tom. Swai swuug the hammer....,Mr. Wm. Rickard the Liberal candidate, is meeting with great in es u is canvess. He hati a very large omttee meeting eut te greet andi hear hlma lest week.... .We weltnme 10 our village Mrs. Geo. Milîson and femîiy ý...- Bey. J. R. Oliver wiil give a talk on "Trip to California snd re- tur" May iith et Methodisi S. S. anniversary. Highest prices fer good fresh Eggs aud choice Butter at the Peopio's Store -W. M. Wotton, propriotor Wheat.ino makes a perfect Porridge, lor sale at the People's Store. Try it and be couvinced, HIAMPTON. Receutiy eiected Epworth Leaguo officers: Hou. Preat -Bev. F J. Ander- son, Prest-F J.- Groat; lat Vice Prest. -Miss Io E. Eilis; 2nd Vice Preat -Misa Ada Cryderman; rd Vice Prest.-Miss Gertie CreepUr; 4th Vice Preat -Miss Mabel Bate; Sùpt Junior Loagne-Mis A. L. Ashtonu Secrotary-Miss Eva Clathwerthy; Troasurer-M W.1H. Moore; Cor. Sec'y-Miss Io Ellis. . .. Mrs. Me Tavish, Chicago, la guest cf relatives here ...Mr. and Mrs. S. Burgoyne, Oshawa, apent Sunday at Mr. E. J. Clarke's.. .. Mr. W. Creeper and Mr. W. R. Gibson are much atronger than a week age .... The entertaiument Fri. day evening under the auspices of dis Junior Epworth League was a splendid succeas. The program was vory lu- tenesting and weil nendered, refficting credit on these who had charge cf the prepanatien. The autograph Quilt was much admired by those present and was 9 urc'hased by a reDrosentative cf the unday School Executive and has since beeni presented te Mrs, C. J. Korslake (stee Miss M. J. Elliett) as a token cf aprcation cf her many years of se=ieas organist. The sale pniceocf the Quilt added te that received for the nainesinscribed ou the Quilt netted a profit o% or cost $10. T1he Quilt wbich was made cf twiiled cotton was dîided into nine blocks,, The central eue containod a large Epworth League emblein. On the upper and lower wings cf the cross wore inscribed the names cf the ten girls who collected the naines. In the outen circle "Look up" "lLut up" "For Christ aud the Church" and lu theo muer circle "BRey. F. J. Anderson. Pastor, llampton,April 25 th, 1902 " The other 8 blookp each cf whlch contained 20 naines wero in the ferin cf what is knowu as tho ýCuban quilt pattern. Considerable credit for tho succesof the venture la duo te Miss Ida Aluin who drew the design and te Mr. John Elliott who inscribed the naines whose beauti- fui pernmanship was the admiration cf al. The outiine iwaa wonked in red cotton the naines being inscribed with indoîliblo ink. The rearcf the platfonin presonted a very attractive appoarance with its beautiful bauks of plants and flowers. , . .Mrs. F. A. Colehasreturned frein a pleasant visit te her oid home nùear Seaforth. MeIfrs w. Creeper anti W. R. Gibson are out agan... .r . Dltiesen., ba3 sufferefi a eight relape.. Mrs, Chas Pascoe who bas suffereti for years euth nteumatism is serious1y 111,. ...Quarterly service Snndey inerniog wee largeiy attended iv. y.V. R. Beach occuDleti the pulpit.We -wolcome to our village Rev. W.R.at Mis Mary Beach wbo have taleen pos'ression of Mr. Jno, Westaway's residence.. M. V Bale is vîsitmng et Laltefleiti and Pet- erboro, NATURE SIILING WHILE THOUSANDS SUFFER. Paine's Celery Compound Tie Great 'Sprinz Health Giver Makes Sick People WelL. hood U. When spring conies with its gentlo Reineibor the Leading Fonce is the Frost. ho, LEKR showerslibalmytiringigtsn LESKARDesheerand us im i, ils righîsufn- - Mrs. Jas. Colo is very seriousy ii and physical decay. Mns. Cullis has leased the home of pïis. h ed fdses hc ee Grifu u Lakrdnea t th hosepqrceptably germinating dunîng the owned by Mr. David Bell.... .Mr. J W. wianterin ths, he dngers tand Cornish bas purchased a herse for team.plteluhessendgrshtno ing purposes . .. Mn. Win. Lord is con- demand our instant care and attention. finedti t bis bed still ...The choir Negleot and precrastination will only rond ered gccd services last Sunday,. deepen existing perils and lead te death. Bey C.E. rag peacedan lute*at Before the advent cf spning, you must ing sermon te a large number. ... Arbor have noted symuptoins, ponhaps of rnon. __ ___Day was celebrated here iu proper matismn uualgia, d>vspepsia, kidney - rder..Mrs S. M. Billinga, wo are disease, liver coînplaint, functional ir- Forparicuarsenqirecf , J Metjo, Eniailln; N owes, endl;pleased te learn, is much botter since regularities or nerveus disorders. F.or Macil Osaa.Nq eC. ye . ot Pyenn W. Fley nd JN.ohesn oll a t utng . ... Whft is wrong wîîh the If you have experienced pains in the IN.11Manvill. OrawauNhe atlrs, or equin c f OL y anJoEnnikleG League? Our main push is somewhat joints, muscles or limbs, iacerating eral Airent. The Frost Fonce la made entireiy cf high carbonized aprng steel bcwr ngigfrad W an nfc rhasoahdrne wire. -The Ne. 9, whîch is pincipally in ils construction is guaranteed te bave observe that Kirby hbas pnomised. thoir monta, bile, dislikeocf food, raina in a stnength cf f nom 1800 te 2200 Ibs for each slrand. This is tho only fence that intention cf a numben piaying with baci; and loins, swelling cf handa or foot, uses No, 7 hard steel wire for sîays. Orono and the cther with a possible frequent uirînating, wilh highly colored new teain, for the battie, lu the naine ef urine, bs ef enorgy, terpid liver, The wholo secret of oun succesa lies in the Frost Kendal Kendall did net play last voiiing or impure tlood-any cf these wedge lock which bleds the uprighî and latenal wires year, Kirby did; se aise did Leskand are warnings of disease. logether se fimmly thau ne reasonable pressure can dis- but sad te relate have mny doubta cf Tako warnlng sufferers!l'Delay net lodge thoin. it this year. The executive wish loecut anethen day; hesîtation and indecision SOLD BY off or adthnoe-ml nitasall n eaton your part ma - vforeven seal ycur fate, vear nd tc aiew Kndai lu hIf yen have already made efforts to wLongue without ever censulting banîsh your troubles by the use ef ether I ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~Leskard boys and still play forIesanmeiiead the sraainencfpy- > m V~3 ILj y tropiv-Wel, Idon't thmnk! .... Mr,.lns ad hee ae f ailed, we counsel vou o pt 3ourfull trust in that nover- AGENT, ENN[SKILLEN, work and ne doubt will set the paco for failiîiz disease banisher, Paine's Celery a great mny in this cemrnunily.... Mn Compound. Its use for a week or lwo MISSBERHA . TMBLN E- W Bleottla ut gai ... .eanipril wiil convince yen that-vou have trulv NIS ilfERof.A.S .Teno CNse-aoy I D R 'i- . or tnos aecmpee pnn' emenced a no-w existence; it wl rucf Prof.c wiorontoivepupîs uPinoati wEM D R W N -ourk, eshaecoassuredly givo yen the heaith sou need ofThey ,vif Muelveat ConcesIn Piano andfor the onjeymen t Of true life. Mn. A. ville ' SÂT 0F0H0,Clou ToLz e. > IDaiguiuIt, St. ll\3acinthe, Que., writes This Comp,,any bas set its pnices oU > FRaANKLJ.CÂs, as ,t as foliowth lwîue for the hnvest ef 1902.- serior pantner of the flrm of F.J, CHYNFez & Ce., j"I desire tesay-, that had it netbeen E GS OR IIACHNG q'RTYEANOTBRTRN ENS. dong businesinthe City et Teledo, Counnty for Paine'si Ceiery Corftndoulid The farinroncf Canada can usmt suit thesu,, of ONE 11UNDRED DOLLAR or ntbe living to-day Fv er g each and every case of Catarrh that canuot be was txkeon sick, and snffered froin dys- BUFROK.thieiselves as te buying. Our agents cureti by the use of RÂLL'S CATRÂai CURE. popsla and catarrh. For thneo years I ~e Haet y E'PRIR2ud,, from are instructed'te ouly cai once and îlot ,YR AN K J. CHENE Y. was unable te work, andi would leose ihe oxtnio YadsNewYork. Solid Buff ask a man te buy twice. We contend Swomn te before me anti snbscribe i n mycosiussevrllmsad.I Wl~eani ai, attiwihsèelecte bee, msi h getMte ryp n presence, this 6th day of December, A. D,1.155,unssýeerltîe dy Prh'e wl heurea Mo.erCom-ivndA. W. GLEISOAN, v s tmcd cf h ,su offId r-e1uzp'1h 't S. CWIIELEGH-ORNS. i nvtuyceoeaioeeinCn EL}Notirry Public. death was mv in, ydeliveren r î i ada. Il has alone been instrumental --- PeuHeaed.y "iqHL 1Os IIt" Wiliner for ton yeàr n sûttngand cntReig alis Cat-îrrh Cure is laken întemnîyat eig.A httreeu fryfini a t i zai;1e Bil aos, where showunti. seî~ ûnrlrgate djrcctiy on the blooti ant imucoue surfaces urg-ed me te uisel Paine's cler, Cern- .'eerin~'îhellîclerstniinberpoiet~efanyother-bh prîce on Binder Twine. If with- . hs~e.Srifrtsioilf su -saiîl letrbruCetrl ntr voalraall frcd pe u trcghscp-F.J.CHCNY Cusoed, . e, pond a al thr edciesha 'iWd alo etani d alteailaeluconptito iclîma or iBdîfference Ocur statemelt Will Solti by Druggists, 75c. AtnIeuec i tiqian oai wsibi Ibe crase of taiepîoî nie, SeîigLrs Ss0anih20. ver, ucl enesmtd R.1-5ail li r tebsuasi-rbfn lu myite, and cind zgo- 0 ade> 200.y qanti deicntrasd.work Uy fieutis say rnv cure Adres:Tu Aimlms BiDE TwiNE Cc., relievec yaIng ;1euc instant ssa j CulMai BrNrOt TÂ ehn ei-a e1~~t' iale, as I1as]unv condemrned KAW&AEH HA F 1Y )A RD1)S. Limited, Joseph Stratford, STERLING HIIAD ACHIE POWDER0. 1 iodle. I1thnk ye for your Wonder- Lake'eld, Ot, 15'- 6wVý e3sn, On î'.esar 5e. 3fol'o .. 10 for 25e. fuilife-ivigedîino." TUE MASON Co., BOWMAN"VILLE, Speci alSaale MaylO thto2 fh Cl'O0»o th1*ng Stock r' We have received more new Clothing this Spring than we ever did before in one -season, and, as the, season is late we have to hustie to get them ail sold. We have received four large lots this week inoluding some of the prcttiest Boy's Suits we have, y et shown, 1- and values are excellent. We have double the number of Worsted Suits we had last Spring We Aut eli, Men's Clothing. $5.ee Tweed and Serge Suits, S. B. or D. B. coats ~0 $8.oo Men's ail weel Tweeds, good patterns, plain or check ....... ...................... 4;50 $9.oo Men's imported Scotch and English Tweeds, neat new patterns ........................I60 $12.50 Men's black Worsted Suits, sack or skirt coais, $1 11.00 "Our Special" black, grey or blue Worsted, D.Bý or S. B. vests ........................ 1000 $9,oo Bl ue or black Worsted Serge, Sack Suits, sizes, 136 tO 44........ ...............~.. ý 7.50 $ 1.25 Men'a Vests, fine tweeds ................ .90 X1 full fRange of Men's Work lotlhing st Sale Ppices. Bjoys' Clothing'. 1Boys' Blouse Suits, 750,ý 1.00, 1 -.25, 1 50 anid 1 Beoys' Fancy Veste Suits for boys 4 te 7 years, price $250 teý..... ............. .. ..... t(C Boys' 2-piece Suits, for boys 5 te i x years old, a clearing lot at... ................ ..........5 Boys' bIne Worsted Suits in every size at special value. Our 2-piece plaited blue Worsted Suit. at $3.00, and 3-piece Sîuits at $5.oo, are sellers. Beys' 5-piece Tweed Suits. About 2o Suits for boys ý 4 t0 7years oid, at...................10 These are last season's styles and cost more money wholesale. Gr*ocery -Deýpt. Our Grocery Stock is well assorted and we are sel- ling freely like this: Pest bulk Pickles I'juat je" reg. 15c per quart foi ioc, High Grade Pickles in botties, "Rosemarys" reg. i 5c. for ioc. D. M. Ferry's Seeds, reg. 5c a pirg. at 3 pkgs. fer îoc ci C4 9 94 oc a pkg, at 3 pkgs. for 25C A lot of Crocks and Flewer Pots will sell at haîf price. 0ur 25c. Tea, black or green, 5 lbs fer - 1.00 Dry Goods ept. Short leDgths of Carpets-13 ends rpnging, in Iength from 6 to 18 yards. They are our best carpets, worth Up to $ 1,00> sale price per yard .......................25 to 500. SIE[AL Josiery. AM i1 10 dozen pairs Ladies b19 ck Cashmere ilose, plain and 'p _ ribbed, regular 50e quality, during this-sale the puice is 35e or .................2a Pairos for 1.»0 0 C ) Ladies Vests. '< Ouly about 3 dozen in the lot, long1 lee, el.nae ( medium weight. Sale price .......2.... - Prints* k*. ,~ '~\We have an. immriense stock of lovely patterns, as aSpia Attraction, we will seli a lotof 12-Ic Prints for ' BAH'RAIN8 FOR Ru RRYBOY . HImHrâ8T PRICR PFORP.PRa D uBg TUEMASONCo Boots and Shoes4. Our new Spring Stock is u, ail here. We have secured some excellent lines in box ctif and dongolas. We are showing a large range of Ladies' Oxfords, prices from 85c te ........................ .2 0 We have somne very special value ie children's boots at .50c, 75c and ........... .. .. .. ... .00)( 0ur Boys Boots can't beat fer value See our uine at............................... ...... .1.25 LOOK THROUGH OUR BOOTS AND SHOE DEPT. Ge..nts' Furnishlngs, A full range ef Christy's Soi t and Stifi Hats fer wbich we- are sole agents. A new line of celored Shirts, sizes 14Î te 17, worth $1-oo, for this sale............. ............. -Ci Sae our new Cor onation 'ies ai, each ...... .26 Extra special value in Caps at ............ .2 5 Jewlv.ellry ÛDept. During this sale we will seli American Niokie 'Watches for... .. .. .. .. .........1.00) Gents' Silver Case Waltham, stemi winding, open face Watche3, for.................. 5.0 Gents" Gold Filled Case, wairanted -for 2o years, stem wind, Waltham meývement, for ......... 100O0 Ladies Seiid Geld Watches frein $8 00 Up, Cloks, Jew ellry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc., aIl at equally iow prices. You neyer heard such low prices quoted before and may flot agaim. spectacles in 9reat Var'iety., EYESIGHT TESTED FREE- - "Il 1 -1