TERMS -$1.50 PER zAmmuE, ODE TOWN AND COONTY PIEST; TFEX WORLD AJTZRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Edifotu rpitr NËw SERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21- 1902, VOLU.MEXLIIo.2 SWre have never shown as fine a stock of ail kinds of Carpets as we do now: Build, Up Ontario. Bv HELPING rTHE MASSES Or THE PEOPLE ITO BEnOniiiE PRSIIOS ý 4-î,I29 SEE THIEM A Word About Springs and Mattrasses. We have on haod a very large stock of Springs and Mattresses. SWe wiflguarantee onr Springs and the Mattresses will speak for' tromaevs $1.50Up fromn $2,25 to $15 00 for Mattresses and Springs SDon't Buy Until YTou Give Us a CaIR tM. DWIIas & S on MUndertakinig receives prompt and personal attention. îelBowmANVILLE, INight bell on the door. BRE A KFASTBACO LYild, Clrod 'Smokod Rio11siü Sugar Cllrold Smoked ilaffs, fine fiavor, large bottie 2Octs. Best TurnipS:-)eed, H-5orse Tooth Corn- FULL L1INE OF CiLOIGE FAM1LY GROGERIE8, T. Hý KNIGFIT Ni"M1LYý PROCER. rMODELru GiffouaoEi BOWMANVILLU. A Nova Scofia Man fias Eound a Sure iRemedy.1 laima that Lumbajgo can be Cared-1{e Hlm- self liad Suffered for 25 Years-Hope for ap- parently Hlopetees Cases., EcoNomy POINI, N.S., May 19 (Srpeciat) -Mr. George S. McLaughin o! this place dlaims f0 have found a remedy wbicb wiil cure any case o! Lumbago. Mr. McLaugblin himself bas been a great sufferer with this disease, and bas sougbt relief in very mans' treatmenf s and remedies. At last bowever he came across a medicîne ivhicb completels cured hlm, and which lie daims any sufferer froin Lumbago sliould be told of. Hie says : "I was froubled witb Lamne Back for 25 years or more. Somefimes it was s0 severe 1 could not furn my self in bed. "4A sligbf cold or bard lifting would bring on a fearful attack and give me awful pain. "1 had f ried mauy mediciues and treatments, but neyer !ouud anything to do me any good nufil 1 hoard o! Dodd's Kidney Pilla. "My brother, wbo klept a smali grocery store and sold some medicines, fold me th&at beolad beard that tbey had cureda great many people of Lumbago, and he advised me f0 fry tbem. 1I commouced a treafmcnt and in a short fîme al the pain lef my back aud it bec.? me as atout -and strong as ever. "lWouderful f0 say I bave bail no refurn o! the terrible Lumbago since., If fa u ow some yearas ince 1 was cured,, and 1 bave said nofhiug about if, for I wa% a!raid if would corne back, and fliaf I would l1iave, f0 keep on using the Pilla in order f0 be wel. "But now I ai. satisfied if la gone forever, aud know thaf I amn safe lu makiug flua public atatement. 111 believe Dodd's Kiduey Pilla will cure any case o! Lumbago or Lame Back, for f bey lielped me ont and uo- body eould have if mach worse fh au Il bad , Sam. Clarke's prospects for i, large majority are daily growing.-Croourg World. Ross Goverumeut stands for progres- sive and up-to-date legfliation. Vote for Riekard. Seriousiy, lectors, Wliat eartbiy benefit bas )Reid been to West Durham as member? A man with the busineoss rcodof Wm. Rickard is a safe man toleiat for the, Province. The wlieela o! progre8s are re voliving as tbey bave neyer revolved in thisý Pro- vince. Vote for Riokard. Ontario may bave use for liorseless carniages and wireless telegraphyv, but none for a beadless party. A littie 8 page book is beiug sbown: "Wbat W. H. Reid,ex-M. P. P.,. accom. plished in eigit years in Panliament."l You open the bookiet and flud 8 biank pages! The Provinces o! Confederation starf- ed evenly. Ont ario under Liberal ruie bas a surplus o! $2,500,000; Quebiec bas a debt o! 322,000,0nnder Conservative Government. Tory campaigu literature which is beiug disfributed iu this ridng ftells xvhat Mr. Whitney bas doue.-, but it does not tell tbat he bas done anýytbing for the workingman. The followiug la from The MaI.l's col- umns of Feb. 13, 1890. "The Ontanlo Goverumnent's management o! the finances bas been THRIFTY, JUDI- CILOUS AND CLEAN." Dont be !ooled-tbe Ross Govern- ment wiil be returned bv a larger maoifty than last session. 'Seud Rikrd to beip the Goverume-Àt carry ont ifs progressive legislation, Montreal Wituess reviewilug Onfar- io's budget speech l)ecember il:, 1899, said: The Province o! Ontearïo is to be congratuiated on ifs splenid financia pcsition, wbich bas been pr-derved by careful, b)usiness like, houest amns tration since Confederation. The icbrawling brood o! bribers" was an article ou an inside page Itsat week that ail electors sbould reflect ov;er. We dont wisli f0 publiali thib cla-ss of campaigu literature, preferrh(ug rýaflier to deal with live issues and flic I merits o! the candidates-W Rickard and W. H. Rled-but Mr Whitney la"aryu ou a campaigu of abuse aniauer and The Word recentît serVCe. Up the West Elgin case afresb, so chpt nwo are juat nef îng n !ew cases o!-Tor- bnqIbery and giving a paragrapli or t lrm the South Ontario, election tri, >If iýs rather spic rieadiu,,to.- A good crowd gathered at Tyrone and gave a hearty greeting to their old townsinan, Mr.Sam.Clarke. ox-M.P.P., Cobourg. Dr. Mitchell was chairman and opened the progr~m, with a good hunsored address. Mr. Rickard spoke briefiy but effeetively and the audience was sorry he did flot speak, longer. Rie proved to thora that the electors will make no mistake in sending hlm to represent West Durham. Mr. Clark was in a funny vein of course and spoke for an hour and a baif on Ontario polittcs. Mr. Rickard is good enough for us and will get a large vote here. The best meeting Liberals ever had here was the verdict of the Blackstock meeting Monday night. Dr. Mitchell was chosen chairman and briefly intro- duced Mr. Rickard who spoke for an hour in a most interesting vein. His intimate knowledge of Provincial questions and institutions was a grent surprise to the people. Hils sppech was most favorably reeeived. Hon. James Sutherland, M. P., made an excellent address on Ontario issues and electrified the large audience hy bis wit and bright epigrams.' Coun. Thompson 's certificate of character from one Cowan provoked more ridicule than a littie, the reader reminding-one of the fable' of the monkey and the chestnuts. and necessity for a- more thorough 1tniu tcrLu in the yu! ear obieothme boy tcic, euaininarciua got onîy one. lie was a diligent student science;and was gencra iy found at the bead of It is pleasing f0 know that the policy 'bis ciass. Wben twenty, one years of age of the Government bas been approveà bcing of a business turni he wcnt into the bv such leading minds as tbe Hon Win cmploy of iiessrs. Nortbup & Lyman, Macdonald and the late H A. Massey I vholcsale dea ers in dîugs and propriet- test ifled by the gîft o! $125,000 by the1 ary medîcînes, wbere by îndustry and fi. former and the beq uest o! $40,000 b y delity to the intcrcsts of bis employers lie the latter, to the slheme adopted to made bimseif indispensibl'e in the busi- further and help forward the education ness so tbat bis emiployers werc unwvilling of the agricuituralists. la Ontario we for him to absent bimself a single day. have the best systeruof Farmers'Instit- The confinement and close attention to utes in operation on the Continent and business began te tell on bis hcaltli and is doing more for the farmers than any at the end of thec ninth ycar be dccided other state. t change bis occupation, bouglit a farra J stnd fr a ontnuaton o themlte village of Newcastle and movcd 1hereond fooralyoafinrulieonvefttietolflL bumane, commendable and correct tceeibn ss wbîcb tehe bas conductce business methods o! caring for ont poor -ointîyusinestb h ébscodc and unfortunate fellow beings as pro,- bty it is farîning operations for vided for in our flouses of Refuge, many ycars, wifh a fair dcgrce of success, Asylums, fiospitals, Reformatories, etc, so tbat practîcally Mr. Rickard bas all and especially for the care o! destitute lis life time -been engaged in farming. hblîdren; and 1 arn pleased to be able t0 He bas kept thorougbly posfed, too, on say that Ontario lias the verv best agricultural matters and stil 1 shows a deep children's protection laws on this con- infcrest in ail that pertains to the welfarc tinent, tbe two furidamental prinriples of thie fai-ming community and zcalously ofwihae is,-h rtcino advocates as opportunity offers any and o! wbichevare, firret,-tbelprotectionp a! every child from cruelty and nget vr esr acltdt il n and second,-the placing o! bomeless benefit flic agriculturist. or dependent ebuîdren in famiiv homes Mr. Rickard was for several years in instlead o! institutions. This bas been Newcastle Village Courril and was clccf- recognized by other Countries'as one of cd Reeve in 1896 wben lie niake bis first the most advanced measures o! philan appearance in the Counties' Council at tbropic legisiation on any Statute book. Cobourg. [n 1897 under the new Coun- I stand for iegislation that shall be tics' Council Act be confested Division belpful in making the masses of the No. 4, Durham, witli four others; be was people lu town and country prosperous successful and bas twice since bccn re- and weil-to-do, so that every working tre by acclamation. At tlie begin- man wifli bis wife and family may have ning of bis third ycar in tbe Qountiesý not oniy ail the necessaries of life but Council lic was appointed to the respons- also some of the luxuries. The masses ible position of Cbairnîan of Finance of he eole il thn e godconsum- For thrcc years lie safisfactorilv- erf thems, f pep ectilly thenab d goofilcd this office and wori the respect aiA te r adus fetal adadbl confidence of tlic olier members of tlie theproucers.Councl. Vhcn the Council met on Jan, In conclusion, let me say that 1 stand 22, 1901, accordîng te statufe, be was for the upbolding and continued eleva- clected WVardcn by a majority ever aft flou o! our beloved Province of Ontario, on the hirst vote, a compliment thatba tbat she may continue in ber present scldom if ever bccn accordcd f0 anv proud position, not only in regard, to other Wardcn. bier finances, baving a largo surplus o! cash in ber treasury. wbile ber sister He occupied the position of President, Provinces are ahl more or less in debf, of West Durliam Reform Association for- but also as a model wbich many of ber sorne ycars and lias taken active part in neigliburs desire f0 imitate regarding scvcral clection campaigns. He bas a. legisiation on educafion, agriculture good addrcss, is a forceful and convinc- and oflier departmeuts, We dlaim for ing speakcr and is able to liold bis own Ontario. the flrst and best 0f tbe on a political platform, Provinces of ont fair Dominion, the For mayeyars Mr. Rickard was act- very best country tbat the sun shines ive in Chl and Sabbatb School work. on, and the greatest berifage given f0 baving beca for some - dozen years or any people. more supcrintcndent of the MeIthodist I wouid be glad to know that you ap- Sunday Scboolinl Newcastle, xvicb at prove of my position by occording to that tîme was one of the leading sclioois me your support and vote on the 29tb of flic district He bas becn for seveciai instant. I arn, Iyears one0of HisMajestyýsjustices ofthe Your obedient servant. Newcastle witli sucb imparfialify anid fairncss as te win gencraI, commendation WM. RIOKA RD. ý for bis de;isionis,