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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1902, p. 3

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PAGE METAL GATE l"', in can a ght. a d enoiLh tu Fin me ffl Il h-.O= %ý rý=d t the Io sag- Th.y C'ru J'Intcheâwhiohallowtheniktobe eil é. ting. Theonlygoodtetsop à - i t ïOr general fai selfa- ga also make parm and ornamalita Emm -P.-it-, ace Co..Llmited, Walkerville. ont. ýies ap i'se, WHEN IS USEO, For supplementing the suipply of whole mîIk or for enriching separated or skimmed mijk, or if necessary for aisitig the calvL s without any milk whatever after a, f ew weeks old. It is by fàr the most popuiar calf food o.n the market. Price-50 lb. bag $2; 100 lb. $3.50. SOLO E3Y BOWMANVILLE. 12-3m Webegg to call your attentioi t,) a new and, Indisplamb articiela ww1ay' ratentAttachment FOR THE CURE OF Balking and Kicking Horses. ville k-111l t- .1 11,11se. I-1- luable for !,a lit, sted in s 88 vellicle or --ueý:;T tt ,,. iv ud orâeman this article is a neees- l 1tyý Apply te ROBERT HOOEY, 83-1 yr BLACKSTOCK. c We guarantee the Lates!ýMetho(1 Trea cover b D ta bc a manent andositive cure for and Str el retchme or ossoftîme. lu yaricoceleît absorbs the il 11101myconditio lalionth egat.ý,.,e. t.p@ Pain la tjlýj gýo'. ýa!--1uthore 1, fieir proper nutrition, coný zes the and reslores lýs1 p.= ý uree !^ýjb- 'K'ÜO q u e 1 y v t 1 orv. C. etc., gwhile 1 tatic troubles itdi the treatment. par excellence. ý8, positiveare jrestment will cure yon that you ci-12, lot urLatestMotho PAY WHEN CURED 'Von need pay nothIng ugh until you are convincell that a thora and. coin- ý,1,eL,,cycuro has been established. It makes lie difference who has failed ta r lu cali and see us. as v,, l7ill give you a thorou,ý,,h examination free of charge and may bc the raýaps of saving yon years of sufféring. c Z,, V , G iý 1 tz 1ý1 qýý rs 0 n a y etc, ivhich testifyto hà staind ýng and aîUilitiüs- Thanumberof oures we ýiLLvýýrarikc-d us the fore- ,,ast specialisti of ho country. , We eau give no stronger ýI'a than the factthat you ùeedýpaynothing until cured. euarantîje of our abilities tocura jUR, LATEST METHOD TREATMENT GUARANTEED TO CURE 7aricorele sud, Stricture withôut cutting, stretching or loss of tiine. Alme Blond Poison. Ihronic, Private. Nervous.1nivotenc i ney. Liver, Bladder, Stomach, Female and Rectal .1roribles. CONý',ULTATIDN- PR]glà!ýCall or write for blank for home treatmont. BOOIL ýlRE. Hour.3,9a.Mýto8p.n3ý Sund,,àys, AU for cauadian Patients Shipped from Wludsor, Canada. -ýYGLD3 EDR 2 C, ýe, Pat!ent,-ý'rfflvztt; entranice, 7 Wî"x st., DETRGIT, MICH. 77 Side. TES bacholor apartnients wore furnished in the niost expensive styIeý The batiks would Ilonor any TUE FÂR OF SIN@ draits lie inade upon theili: Ile was a liait fellow WC-Il illet. -,le 'Vas as iiiiieh intoxicated with flatto'y as TH'E FAMi ýî li ýLî with wine. The gold which lie hold A in. his open liand was-just as, yellow Proportionally, Sin Is Just as Prevalent n and hard as if lie was living oil of à49, ýý1ýý ]lis interest instead of the principal. TIIE GUERNSLý1Y COW. the VilLge as in the City. Ilis health- was robust and strong. Cenuine Ilo had not yet 1-niderrained his phy- Guernscy, the second !il size of the s1cal constitution by excesses. But Churinel Islands, belongs to England, f the, Parliefflut û! Lit ît is ])citer able to now the rosy check pales. The and is Situated in the English Chan- ýtJLe vil la, g e, U Ileel, 1110 tl Il 7ine Hau t a y nfrve trenibles. The rnort- nel. about 70 iniles froni the English 'rtc, at A)nceai itzs, tracks in il, wildernes of Agrieu1ture, Ottalilà. oak than in acoui try town. lirazy gage is placed upon the furniture. The Guerilsey type of cattle 'l Jetter have I'recciviail which 1-le sells soute of his dianionds., There was gr dually develoved until its dosp.Lteli froirt Chicago says - fi1-lller,, 8 ta- inerits becairo àhus ; -I , uni a , wift, I arc but two herses now in the proininent, when in Littlè Liver Pfflse Frank I)e Witt TaInlage, J)J) u_ t e a hloy fil the grcat, wicked city ble irLstead of ton. After awhile lie 1879, ît law was passed forbidding preachod front the following toxt :_ ' V bogins to run up bills. Not being the bringing of any inore cattle te LiiiKe xv, 13, -The youriger SOD of Chicago. 1 ficar lie is noC doing right You Inay be able to save able to pay his bills, as of yore,, the the iqland under penalty of a heavy Muet Bear Signaturu of gathered ILII together and took his becoine anxious and de- fine, the slaugliter of the cattle, and journey ýnto , a far country,- liiiii. 110 has written nie' that lie fins credit0r The old hoincstead i5 turned up- attended your church. Will you inand- paynient and full paynIent at Clic forfeiture of the boat and tackle 'ray for Iiiiii ?- The fur Country of OrCe. What happons? Why, the britiging theni. since this date side, down. Onc of the two boys. il is sonieti-aies found aniolig the slory of flic prodigal son thon tells Guernsey cattle have been kept pure. the yoilnger, is about te loave the ý il iýe CI 1 ate is r cvils of politieýýt, Iifeý in Cite le sla Cllere wa t Il in lat T le ýgl ns S a fI clira. nild and inoist with parental roof. The eaglet is tired a niodorate range of teniperature. _«Z' Far'sitalle Wrapper Below. ti-ve halls of the statc and th iiii, Iandý AS Scola as a sinner's nioney à1l, averaging seven of being warnied by the protecting io 1 Tho fartas are sui u Ila cap i tal. Soiretimes sin is is goile his sinful friends jnliiled1ateý breasts of the old b1rdsý With ruf- intrenched iii a pý_ùpit of the land ly lenvq Iiiiii. Tho bright wing,,, or eight acres, are highly cultivated. floc. feathers lie Stands upon the edge iti tulw wh(i IL iiiiiiister lias becoliie an Iiiiiiiiiiing bit-ils little ilse for ý and the Guernsey cattle have for i of the eyrie rcady te fly offý Sad is apostate aild, Ji-i(lïtslike, bas Eold the rosebush when the flowers are% gencrations been cured foi- by woraen -ty pioces (jfs,11ver. gone. This vou and. children. the disruption of a houle, Wlien th jhis Uhrist, for thil i .ýÉ son began to bc irough the long suniiiiei childi-en say Clic faýwiJIeS TI the cat- ERS FGR DIZZI]MESS. Whercvell' Llie far country of sin inay iii wanL lie heipless and talk and laugh and i o3j ý o ý But they bc there is tlie place where. thelfriendless, To earn food eilough to tle arc tethered with short ropes and WYLE FOR Rivennue. are oiily laughing to sustain -Choir froi birth are frecilently iiot turned 1 nobler and p-urer and better parts of 1 sustain life lie terided a herd of courage. Tte weddirg bolis weep as IL out of cloors until their first calves FCR TL?ýIFIC L, siýý-inc. This social condition was the aro boing strargled. C Z ýj ,ýî ý rý f4i 9 0 R. well as sing., At Clio nýiarriagc the lare liera. Tlie tethcring of the, cows « guestB May congratulait, the parents ThG far country is flic land of Sili i worst l'O whiell a Jew' could ever!begilis in Februury, urd this with where the inhabitaiil-9 are dead Col1 Sirik. lle was flat upon bis back in of the bride Lipon having gained Li -ature has -AX -le 10WeSt PÎt Of flesPui" the sliËýht range of teniflet Cod. They arc dead. in tlieir d"Ireiti son. But the daughter is the ovehped a cow mith stron g consti- Tulle saine after the wedding. On that te, niake out of thelliselve's what'i H 1 V, FOR BOYsý tution and perfect health. Christ would Jiavc iliade t1icin. ThCý day the bride goes forth te luake Y 1 B oY Sitting beiorc nie to-niglit I, SICK >iEAÈ)ACHr&. M lier own houle, build, lier ow, j1est.ý are deuil to Spiritilal loVe. ý1 1711oy 1 liave , uni, you. I Seo 'the A CASE OF TUBERCULOSIS rear lier own young and livo lier arc so deuil, Chat they will net hear of dissipation lipon your lias been known on the isiand own life. Instead of belonging in, the (j - ivine Fatlier's voice callitig brow. 1 seC that you have beon èry- and has'nevec beeri'foutid in IL Guern- therl back to Clio he4Lt,,-oiily tho parent, sho'becom,,,,, iiiig dui-hil- tais serinon. i fear you Sey at Clic tinie of illiportation. The Instead of the niother ý).-;zig fir't Steacl. are the f ri s has Il i de in- OfFrA miril resiuetieeehtireh St..ýq)i)o4te Trinîty i , , youilger Son of ray text, As i Srnall size of the. a Il 1-1 Corffregatlonal now She is second. A WORT) TO Yý-)IJ!ý,TG 11 catch one of yolir falling tours 1 tensive farinitig ilecessary, so Chat Sortie years ago 1 Llic Though the foi, country of siii. inaly 1 sholild like te, describe il vision which for gelierations only cows giviIIý wedding of il very deur frieiidý Tlle bc an,, v,,here, yet it is always Li' c'Lille CO Ille last, wiliter about yen. i good yields could bc kept and bred, GORONNYCA'ýïTLELD4,DDS, 110nût slipper hall boen throwri, tl lice grc(-ý,t 'distance awav fron; the Where Clio scelle? lio, it was ahd as butter was the produet sold, eradilate in Dentistry of Toroifto Unive OFpicî,.:---oýer lientral »Illiiery. Entrralty t ssed, the4arewells slionte-d1el fol-! side of a Christian horlie. As S0011 not in Chicago; not in tliat low sa- rich mi ilkers were selcetod. The pet- Aist dour west of Big 20. Buwma-ýville lowed Clio old gray liaired father as Llie Son deto'rinimeil te, i loon or cheap theatro or il) that liall of the caretakers idown to Clic gardon gitte. Wliile wo r0vel in sin lie wanted to get you s' pont last niglit pIaý,ing erved to niake the disposition ofi »1188 JETHEL MORRIS, h o, froin the prescrire of his agc(Il Clir arid garribling ag,ýýu voir stoQd there in tho inooiiiîght S010 coWs still kinder and centuries of TIST. Instructioliti gi veitit.,PAINTING turiied to ine and said 1 tian fathpi% Ile pi*,teti(.all.y Sait. souL The Scelle was way back i, 8uch cure aud selection have intensi- ai, nictabor the old lied this characteristic of the Guern- tillii.Mate;-G,,Ior d(-hieia. Suetchi.-gaiia know silo lias niarried a good anin. "FïLther, givc lue, the sillaro of ilioncy l t1ic coutilry. Yeu re. vilatil g frorn nature. KILN un p einiýeï, tir I do hope silo will j.,e happy. Bat it which willi to nie when arni, i vou I- thiýI white house, the pillared sey t lisral prjees 51.6m. . liard, awfully hard, to 4 are, 1, The CI uertisey cow jF strictly a E lis gîý,e lier dead, and 1 will leave horrie and live l porch, Clio big barn la the rear, the Lip. Shi- was Iny baby girl. She is 1 do not want toý[woodpjIe to Clio left of Clio kitchon d-ail'Y anifilul, has the true wedge, Dit. J. C. 311TCHEL ' L. MY sq , elantoring for food bccause Clio earth like dai»Y foi-ni, but developed FUBEROPCOLt youligest. It breaks; Che hearLý sep yotir Io-ýing, eve and feel tho kit' î IRGEOF PHYSICIANS it breaks the Chilliren are of holy affection upoii iny lipsý l' wits a frozeii toirb. The livorins liad through the lieart, and with well alin Sui georim, OtitarioCoroxier, etc, bol-n. They pass boyhoo-(l ai-id girl- want to go with c%,il couipanions and goiif, to sicep for tindr winter rap. sprung ribs, having plenty of room hood. days uneer the parental roof. net associate with you, even LlioiigliiÏt was about üveiijng. An old gray for vigorous vîtal organs. Tlie. truc They grpw up irito iiialihood and lyou are iny father.- The Christianihaired woinan was cooking over the Guernsey color is orange or, leulon i fawn und white; with heads lonfl, aný B. MûLAUGEILIN, woriianhood. They begin to scatterý hanie ought to bc the happlest placelkitChen SLove. She lookecl thinrier fine, with lai-go nostrils, and broad gRaTTIFterSolieitoi and Coliveyaticer. Offleë- I)eath at the front (loor and i on cartil to IL child. It is a Il' th, - e ,ppy ý an wheil yoil sui lier last Th bl-akl"zllllcûk, hi g ùeet. Bomaivill .1 say she is aging very expanse between the eyes, which arc Moi a) Dai] atreasoitable ïateý. 41tii suinnions Seille. Love hovers aniong pIaco if tbe child wislies and tries to il neighbors large and bright with a quiet, and the spring flowers and breai 1-s do right. Bu', the Christian boule is ý rII)iC]IY and Will îlot live Iong. 1 - gentil, expression, The horns are BOBEURT 101ENG. V. S. through the orange blossomq a rc-piilsiý,-e place to live lien Cho! Just then an old nian' caille in. lIe , woos othfrs. Busiric,,,ýs and pjofetz-ý wýý i i Sinall, ný--atly turnod and have a rich FFICE IN fîý)RSEYrS BLOCKOPPOS . boy walits tc, (10 Chose things which stiiiiiped the Snow ýofï his greatl arriber tint, especially stroiig ricar 0 lie To" il Hall Eiltrauce. ml sional duties ber-kon to others. At l shoidd j 1 OtSý This gray 1ýàired wolnan )ere-he will be _)o left undone, Wlien a bov 1,>O, the base. The iýeck is long and cu iid iront Sa. m. to 9 p. tu. Niglit c-alis ai lust the old nursûry is vacitnt. ior a girl does tiot wish to stay atllooked up. and said: ' Pa, have you Slender, withers Chili, fore-cli-itrtei-s reJdence, direetly oppocite Drill Shed. 17-IYT Father and inother sit again alonc 1 lioinc at with the rest of Clic [1 brought Li, letter? you been to Lit the dining table as they once clid liglit', liý,ribs neat and. not too long. fainily or finds other colripanjoilship 1 illie postoffice? Is il, not stràlige lie 'P. LICEN,'ý,E3,-M. A whn they the»isCPýos werL bride and TILE BODY Ï,13 T)EE iiiore closirable Chan thut of iýiioI,,her!liý-ts net writteil. F,ý has beeti gone; ,%iiLýuer of Marriage Licen8e,%ý grooni. The old lioniestead is or fathor, look out--l ive Io-tg years. Il -ou think ith roolny pauliciles, wide hips nad street. -)ewitre! iiow f o -.ý Sc[-te,(l Save by the old folks. The 'N KIN God will jet ne livc long ejlOtjgbý1-reat !Giigtli betN,,,(,,en hip boue und text is a trItgeý(-IY, NDNESS. SIMPSON & BLAIR. Tlie fur couiitry of sin gen,ýlallY il 'o hini just oncle hefore 1 go?" i base of tait. The udder is largo, ex- INTO A FAR COUNTRY. 'l'he old Inuit said notIting. Ile wentit0 dý" Weil forward and is brought r. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P.-BLAIR bas IL broadcr and sinootliý-lý higli- te the door and Iooý down the op well bohind with large teats Isolietu!s, Nouilles, etc, The father is gIý,iiig his last in- y for the yolinger ilielubers of ' the road. llc shaded ii1c, isý though y Eluck. up-stair., Ki)ýg Stleët. liowmj,;iville Structions. 11o, is hancling the fainily t'hall for the Older sous alid Il ci co-uld sec a wq v off. - large antl tortuous milk veins. The bolicitoi-il, for tie Oiaario Bank. Private soine Ie-Lt(ýrs of ijl- l (iailgh4,rsý Easy it is for every one, ýskin. is thin, deeply colored and is in(,ijtyb haied at lowest i ateî lie said: is a, troducLion to a I)jonýLýieiit jiiciciiânt to go to destruction unless sustaine thickly covered with soft, fille hair. i fine calf we have ilit', in i ' lie barn- i Il. F. IIUNTËIC, wtii whora the son wili lodgo in the, ! by the grace of Ceci. The old ats, 1 vard. 'Sfie is getiiii,- fattor eaclil Tiie rich golden color ig one of the next town, A nois(3 Is ilt tp-o gaýýe, ý;well as tbe yourg cail have Il strong characteristics of the (-'luern- A RRISTE R ý;()J ICI l'O R NOTA RY 1 , l li lie hoi ses li tanie gujù(,ý load theiu irito the valley j (lit * yý We inlist kill lýýer Sooli. Per- _-erýants arc briiiging ) t t ýhaIýs WC coli. havc Il big feast w lien 1 seys. It, Shows itself on the horns- Publie Couvt'yal? Molle Y,'ýrivate and ta rid strapping tho bag 0 ed, l hoofs, skin and. whole body. ù (',,Injýay I'ijialstolendatlüiiwý CuPeit rato,; 1 - ggage upoi). the of death il thcy aru willing to b 1 ' our hov cornes lionie.- Tliey sat byý FFlC' , S;Ki g St., oppo.qte Dr. Haraileil's pacK niuleý,ï. Tney ta[K in siÀbducci but it is espocially e,-,,sy for the 1 the tire a little whil(ý after the dîslies ý glows oti the udder in thp sunlight, Mtal Roümd, sorry, 'Ille younger Ineilibci's of a f-,tiýillly to fling lis deup and rich inside tbe Cars, on werü wipct(1. The old folks were tee, IYOUD9 "Illzistl:ý" Il haî p:vý Joilly tlicýniqcl%,e"3 Over the precipice of eter-l '. 1 the tend of tail, but is strongest in utrod to stay up lale. They welle had Il, naI death the other êhildren the color of the illilk, crvtl 'in and .00 TO LEND 9- hict Y i)OYý IIüý -ed to s atili elý)-' 0 . 0 l'y on galid mort- kind wot ci for llj,- J1oý The too tii s1cep. 1 but, i ci-. AI -e co,ýýîs average about gpge bectility at mi deRte ril le,ýt, C)JJIY happy Cri this ilioriiiiig m-ero, in all prc-býilility the ý Tlii:,-y took clown the old -Bibieý Tbe jbs. in WC,',,-,lit witil ranges ifltliei- was Ilaving hard worlk toý -l'a, won'L you road Ifi is the dogý lue fi and barLs Iîl-aIýe fhlailciaý ends IlleoL. J-1f, htidýlL1othej_ 'cl: froin 800 to 1,800 Ibs. each. 'l'bc abolit, eýNpectiLîg to i that Story of the prodig'at 91 iO'ý",ýw the to woric (lay iind right iuld iliglit and ' son. Giieriisey is quiet is disposition, and 1siioi'L"Illeu for IL hun'. 11 flay. Yle nollýsi-ý 1 never ltii Ijear it cri- iiot easily disturbed, is b"-tlLliy, long 11ilarity is Stopped. 'soiiie onc, gh. cili read it last night, lit ble. But alter liwhile tbe faille' gut 1 o 1 lived, and Il good niilker ait an ad- 1 IL Stone Lit t'lie bruce and shouts, i ' 1 S in. the : 1 teý ýl11 1 lit, f Luke. S T S. (-;o back to the barn.- ,,ýlowl th(j la iooLhold in il biisiness or a">jlro-ý i ýý,-anced age. Cows met with in l'ead. abulii, ý,C son thal, C tleillýs(ýy gave good vields 'It jz4 to fessiolial careur . Then lhe iliol"eyi, ;ýýA was dog ttirns. Lis joýýcrfd, j-,etci illid 1 1 ý ,, c n C 001-0 years OIdý 'et collirlienced to slow into Che ian1iI:,,ý Gliernsey breeders N-Vill be at Blati tock on the first ý ta" are the CL311illýý sigi), 1 -)rOud to Tben the old, of treaSuryý Thon servonts Wero able, 1 liave persisteiitly opposed Lhe seven Monday of each month, nt (1rono 2n,ý woe. ne Sitops ilow ýind theil, ex- fol k S lk i iel prayed th-ý ys' test as boing of littje v'itlue in CO be hired 10 (10 t'le oi tho i -id Mondae all da%, and at Newcastle jSt'ipecting in, hear thf,ý fLtiiiiliý'Lr 1 ý ttic iglit began te, flash syrn- indicating a cow's ý-tbiliLy for a year's illother and sisters. Then the youiig-1 Wednesday frein 2 p in. triails halloo. l'erhaps he reaHzes for the first tinie lie is taking a ci- soit was al)Je to hitvic his s i jtýtLtl1, Fý Crickled through work and also because of the tenden- Iaýç,t . thi, four v-ý7 liari pend- 1 Tliere Che 1 cy tO injure the cow in feeding for ing nioney and drive a liorse and go OrpicÈ:-'l'empoi-aiice St. Bowman- look of farowell. 1 alwfkýs clid thiiil, l 1 two sicjý faLrents stayccl such tests. iwith Cho yoLing scions of the, wealth-, vi",Orear of Hi,-.-lubothams'drug store ithat a bright dog lVa1ý S211ýl'-eer îhý:tjjj Lil- )(til vith God ici, falni!iý>S. 'lheil it %vas easy fer il stupid inan. 1 boy, hini to buy il, throu L and go until i l A CLEAN FA[t-iýr. The farewell words jý',v being , gli ticki- ýti could bear; ist express to t' Elf N T I Said. The father giv,ýs j, bereo C_ 1 by the fý Cheil Ile. fluCtered It is a noticeable fact Chat but fý--e tion. We niust turn our huatis awav iti-v ci siii, i'l'way and wlji- d CO Ille t1ic secret farniers soein to care about the, ap- Y" laSt Col, .1i and 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Tho illot-her is having il jj, YOUI very jý7 1 arfi 111-,ig. My son, will, I)f-larLiiieý,, of Clic Lirais farther Chan i vulsive Clasli. These arc the ,ip- lself sacrifices inay be the ctl 1$e ofi old absoLi necess'ary to illake tho r, yoil not go liniii-? Before the i tinte of tAl& RoN al Collego of . of the, A iiiother lý'ol". volinger cl"'drel"S il folks are du-ad (jo go fionie. L ea ping lictio-il. crops. With soi-fie, 110 effort is put Ch Dental S-urgeons, Ontario. rarely roalizes th. t C a silo you liave 110 riglit to g Tr itlils far country of sin. forth to destroy li, wefýd tinless it is youligest soli pleilcy of litoney ail il UFI,'ICE-Opporite T Bing-iiam's office. on" rocked !il a craille cail grow 1 i ý in the track- of Cho plow. KO l' ]S IL VI FAIA Z ED Alft -r ilil)(ýi-tv to (10 tvrong. It is ilito a ilian. lie, is atways lic -)l'- -Oui SIXTY YEARS fence or a gate kept in any Suddenly the yoLiiiL,,' illan busilloss to know how yolir lebildren EOR OV-Fý'P, farther Clian niay be iiecessary to r' away. Ilo jeaps into the, sýiýddIo. spend thejr ilioney, It is yolir Lility sLr.iiii the stock. A elean fîtrili .'i TT ate The spurs cut cleýýýp. lto kilo,%-,, where your vouliger ;on fnilEônýof mqthers for li phl-bert wh-l,! t only one that hits, a ("Icýat-ed-up teethLg. tiiîbedatý 1ýýittr 1 brokeli o, no la to f lie passes bis iliglits. I friends shout their fareweU L0ir1cktchlUý týrjd ci,3-it appearance, but oiie where C iero is a 'AlIffays H mtomd Tlien they wavc, n'là 110iiIELY HýLU'STRAT1019> il h th Ci il g, etil -ý lit at onee'ai Lî Of ýj il weeds Cht t 1 't a 1) ttle rif Wiu 1oiv, Snothi g Syruli' life and strength froin the grasses thrOw kisses, The old fa', her 'Ilhe fa-r country is the place where rc his face, vigorous hÎll,*e,,'I'ept À,g It will ! eUeVe Llie pool Jy with a han 1 tker- 1 the vouil 1 gel, soli Speill, Ilis all. WC ctiftivated crops, ail ex- oý thýel;no;nitakeaboutit. Iteureebiarriictal ericed farnier. Chief. Ile scolci.9 the ýuervaiits. :He ý ai, ".elcllly picture Lhis yoiing Inal) i _î iate, the ýýomtc l aili earei witu p-i life --IL) This is my motte -Each ý ear as bidsi Client to Le off. fle. does not elle 1 the new Ïmirovements are placed on \,,,allt when ho first left lionie. lje 1j"d ),iieeds will, in tiniii rest tbelil to ýco 1,ý- feelings disappear and ilidolent týon- ýrec- or 'It (ju, ý L s to when this grent restorative is used, and Týýre is no (Joubt ýb,,f th, -Ï, !',e ku, therc ;ýre -s i, r 'disease is ClI ith renewed eiiergy and vigo the overcome, the C.ý-g<r ;Ï týs of the bodv perforn, witil wag, cm their varions é i_-ý jý->-i aiid new Ilesh and tis- for Î! --ý-liv be, pio i ýîý siie are addci ýc7, ý.ents 0, box, at .11 T-l u, dealers, er -înýanson, Batcs & Co,, Toronto. 'q' Vol we have sold Piles Of Boots the last five or six weeks and have low to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very sinall nricet Oui earry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxfordcolored and black at $1.00. Aien's Calf and Cordovan 131ms, sewed and rivitted, froin $1.40 to 62.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blins 25c, 5%, 7711,; ivortii 50c, 75e, and $1.oo. Misses', Poys' and Youths' to correspond in Priceb. We will tell you, what the stock is in eaeh and every pair. The reason we do that is beca-use we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every line. The publie is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fanc.y and plain -, Dreseing, the very best that eau, be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, ît will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repaivîng doue in all its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past avors and hoping for a continuance of the tame. , Beaver Block, Powmanville. POWDERED MILE- Made in Sweden by a rrocess Likely to be of Economic Value. eavy piece of meadow, there is great atisfaction in knowing that there is ot a stick or stone in the wholo 0d to chm* bis work. One of the ardest corners to keep in order is Îti'ni-b-er--àn-d- Dr. Max Elçenberg, of Gothenburg, roken 'rails are kept. These pieces lias iný7ented ail apparatus by ccumulate very rapidly, specially whicli milk can be reduced te powder ,hore rail fences are going out of white possessing all the qualities of Se. Old boards are often Izept and milk in concentratýed for-tu, except, ioved about they are worn ont moisture. This inilk fleur, moreover. Tith travel and weather. 'IL is niuch is completely soluble in -ýI'er, ind , f ter te glý,,(Ideii the heurt of vour can be used for ail Ge ý)î-iijI,)sýc, or -;ie by tuPitilIý_' ail this stuff into which ordiuary milk îs rý)N;(ýwood jwýii L e it, îs solid. The It does not get sour, d,)-ý :ýidds mu,ýh to the neat- ferment and in its dry j>, rut sensitive to chIniges in fhe It can be kept and traiqPoiiýI iri tin cansý barrels or bags. DUCITESS _,IS A !)RUiýDIEIR. The cost of redljctiý". be;-f, (ýstimatcs cholit to Rus- 106 Wý 1,lli2 duchess ofil t, e 1 ý1("'n ýrî;Il]'c irotj ýkii;L gut into the p,-,- 'ýo sold for a'Jout 1ýý cýýjýLý3 poijid, duchess, who is - nnet or acid, oi lýý ýs in of the inost te w>ýiýii ii in th6 king- At 't recent me'-ting of ti, f, oni, and' îs êspec.,qliy interested in Academy of ;ý Agriculture ,',ýsants who make the Scotch berý- exhibited sainples of !À'ý- ýiiik ,-veeds. Forth-- sake of proiliotin.- flour and it was favorably coMý ýieir industry she packed severai oflinented on. In iln'address l,ý '11e er trunks with saniples of the Iligli- Academy-lie said that hc nis md twppfls, and ou arriving in St. invention to bc, of the lti,,,sbiiig spread out lier goods likel portance for the utilization of skiiii -jud ý j , in ý'Oiiimercia1 t""ýveler --tiillr, hitherto largely as ;jr te tLo 14-adingtail-1 a dry forni it could be transported Sý_. Pc1(,,sburýý î,n,] â1oscow to ail over the country without losing ýIIc ny of îts original good qualitipq. 'RY. belim'es of lier jý - - 4-- ýit1 be opeiied für pro- 'l'he ýýw 111,1il who fin-, V- in if gs to "J lit fi6ayûr Blocel!,î saaw 1), a liD A vil %! Se,

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