Puflf 130 Pantgiesbeut u ilding is a te bdy.It s llS asimprtat ouanshould te c are in s lengthe pint talteyu paeta you do in selecting the material ta clothe yaur persan.=Paipe- serves tebuilding, an ivsbat tothe buildiug ng '. p tia the labor casts more than the paint. There wil. be a large wZse lé the right paint is not used. THE PAINT Ie made for painting buildings. It is not a low-prîced peint, but It îs cheap because the best. It is made a!fte.'U rest materala-tbat ~Wear the longest. The colora are bright aCd-handome, SOLE AGENTS.1 We guarantee our Lawn Mowers ta give perfect satisfaction. They are easy running and simple in con- struction. Our prices are -10w. Bailders' hardware a specialty. Your carefui inspection invited. Phne 66. _ho One Door West of Post Office. PO\WMANVILLE NOTICE. The anrmal generaij meeting of the Share- holders üi the Port 'DarliDgton IHarbor Comn- pany wil be beld t the office of the Company et Port Darlinogton, l3owmanlville, on Monday, the 2nd day of June, ic,02 t the heur of,4 o'elock p.m. 19-3w Fesident. If a Marn's lni Love That's bis business, IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, That's her busness. IF TIE Y GET MARRIED, That's our business. flBecause we know they are sure to wantLuttrell's JerseyCrearnBrea-.d,1 Alex, Luttrellb Bow~mAN VILLE. 9--3w1 WITELSSTELEGRAPHY IinteAIR and it is in aur* ISCROO0L, The :~~ ~~ D.CN1A USINE88 OLE~., We have just insta!led comi 1peesets of Wireless Telegraphy prepared to ive instruction la tijispaimportant subject, ete *persanal or by Mail. Write for particulars W.t.STw PRINCIPAL.: BOWMAN VILLE ~MARKETS. Corrocted by J.lelMurtry each Tuesday FLoUR, V 100 tbS......1 &80to $2 2) WnIEAT, Fali, bus0. O Oin0O70 'i Sprin g n uO i O70 'i Red P'e . .0 00 0 75 0tGos 0() 65 BARLEY, V bush, No. I..o Ofi1 0O45 il il. Oi40 lO411 il 25 ;: 0 si he canadian Statesnian. MANVILLIE. MAY 21, 19021 JAMES NOT THE MIAN. The editor and'army of anonymous correspondents of the Bawm:anville News are hereb v notified that M. A James is not the Liberal candidate in this Provincial election. Mr. William Rickard of Newcastle la the Liberal candidate and Mr. W. H. Reid of Clarke is the Conservative candidate. Kindly govern yourselves accordingly. as bathgentlemen must naturally feel greatlv slighted. In this connection we desire ta thank the publisher of -lhe News for the 10 or more columns of space devoted ta us the past three weeks. We appreciate the fraternal sprit manif ested and ma*v reciprocate when the eleetion is aver. OUIR BOYS LEAD. 1Once again it is aur privilege and pleasure te record the success of two more West Durham boys, sons a! twa well known Darlingtamn familles. By the results o! the examinatians a f Trinity Médical College, Toronto. an- nounced in ta-dav's Globe, we see that .Mr Edgar W. Allin, son a! Mr. Samuel Allia, Lake Shore west, has won a Silver Medal ia the fellawship examin- ation in his final year and First Clase honora with over 75 par cent. of marks, taking a ig-li standing la al subjects, At the saine University Mr. Russell R Smale, son of Mr. Thos. Smale, ex- Ileeve of Darlington, won the First Scholarship la bis first year, taking First Class bonors and heading the ist with a very high percentage, aitho' he only attended a half term, entering the classes onlv at New Years. Mr Smale is naw ia London, England. CONrEMPTIBLE MEÂNNESS, Desperate indeed must be the situat- ion la West Durham ln the opinion of th,ô political heelers o! W. H. Rid. the Canservative candidate, when they re sort ta the disgraceful tricker 'y that bas came ta light in the narthern part o! Darlingtoa and la Cartwright where it is reported letiers ýare circulated wîth the abject of injuring Rickard's persanal character. We cannt helieve that any el ector la West Durham la gaing ta be iafiunced ta vote against Mr. Rick. ard b3' any sncb detestible tacties as this. Mr IIeid's supporters must be driven ta desperatian when they resort ta sucb despicable meanness te injure the character o! bis opPonent. This act is la striking contrast ta Mr. Rîck- ard's course in this campaigu, ha h'iv- îng refused ta say anything wbatever against Mr Reid's persanal character. uotwithstandinz.theunupleasant stor; es la circulation. So far as we can leara Mr. Rickard has every chance of élretion and we shahl ex peet ta fiad elecrors who want a capable inaný, with suuad principles and in every sense a gentleman worthy ta reprosent this gond aid constiÉaencv gîviag hlm their support and influence. * ETXM HOS. (1847-19021)WSTNOHUEE ,wKing Quality Fine FootwearI Has Stood the Test. You run nio risk in buyîng King QuiiyFotwear. The most skilled mechanics are employed byte J ig Co. The fines, flahr spti the King Shoees. There is something about the fit and styles of a King Shoe Sthat cannot fait to please you. Hundreds have been well satistied * around this county, let us try you. We seli the Kîiig Quality Foostwear, also McPherson's UJnion-nmade Shoes, MNe n' s Footwear_1' Ladiles' Pootwear. MENI'S Box Cal! and Dangola Bals, extension soles, Me- LADIES' Dongola Bals, extension soles, very nîïce Phrsn' Uio-ad, er syls ad urb $ 4.00 L shape, King Quality make- 3.00 Z Pheron'sUnin.mae, ery tylali nd urabe - ADIES' Dongola Bals, J. D. King make, a nice neat MEN'S Vilaur Caîf Bals, J.D. King make,light extension- shape, &il sizes, extra value 1 2.00 Z sales, a neat and cool Boot for sunimer 3.50 LADIES' Dongala Bals, wide tae, regular $1.75, for 1.50 MEN<S Dangala Bals, J. D, King' mak e, extension soles, LADIES' Dongola Oxfords, turn soles, self tip, very S a comfortable Boot 3.00 stylish Shoe, fine stock, J. D. King make 2.00 SMEN'S Dongola Bals, made up in fine stock, neat shape, LADIES' Dongola Oxfords or sandal, nice full fitter,_ .best $,1.50 Shoe in town, J. D. King's make 15 you'l ge yor maey'sworh . .50LADIES' Dongala Oxfords or sandal,fiexible sole ,seIf SMEN'S Buif Bals, full fitters, neat shape, very durable 1.75 tip, a good. shoe for the money 1.25 Fine Footw-uear for the Boys or Grs if it is Shoes fLr tbe littie ones we can surely please you.> Our stock was1 neyer in'better' shape. We have many different styles in patent leathers,dongolas or box caîfs, Buy King Shoes and you will get one hundied cents worth of shoe value for every dollar you spend. 6 bs. of Peari Tapioca or 2 CORN-ar ofSeed Corn to hand, fine sample, following varieties-Giant Prolific Sweet Ensilage,, r Yeliow Sweet Ensilage, Early Jmproved Leaming, Cuban Giant, White Cap Yellow, Dent, Red Cob. ýý TURNIP SEED-.AlJ the standard varieties, large stock, prices right. We will pay the highest market price in casits for any quantity of Wool. John Mt---lurtry, BOWMIANVILLE. AUCTION SALES. SATURDAI MAY 24-1Mr. J. B. Mai GIR WNTD-or enra bouse $50.00 ROUN'D TRIP TO CALIFORNIA MISS EDITH FREELAND now.mank ply u s Jhs ogo t epreparéd to give musie ieseans et ber ihome 20-1Wx Chicazo & North-Western R y îramoneehAne.Iwnvi. -t