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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1902, p. 1

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____________lftitft1 TERMS :-.-$1.6O PER ANNUE. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TRE WOBLX APTIEWARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO), WEDNESDAY, NEW SERIES, M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprîet-or, MAY 28, 1902. VOL.umE, XLVIII No. 2 j Cerets Urtaîns We have neyer shown as fine a stock of ail kinds of-- et sw d o. 4 oo Carpets, from 60o up to 85o SOur best quality 3-ply Carpetsp $1.00 # 4 Tapestry Carpets,- from 40e up to 75e B russeIs Carpets, from 7 bc up to $1025 7A Axminster Carpets, from $1 up to $1.35 G ros sley's very best Velvet, $1.25 4 Wools and Unions in ail sizes. 4 From one yard up to four yards wide, 4~f\NID 4 fundreds of -1ars of Lace Curtains, latest designs, f rom 25ec up to $8.00 4 per pair.4 No Better Value Anywhere, cûreens ail filled ~f SEE THEM A Word About Springs and Mattrasses. AQ We bave on band a very large stock or Springs and Mattresses. We will guarantee o7tr Sprîngs and the Mattresses will speak for themnelves, Prices from 82n'25 to $15 00 for Mattresses and Springs ~Don't I3uy Until--You ieU aC l. D,~l WîIas & Son 4î Undertaking receives prompt and personal attention. BOWMAN VILLE, Nig-ht bell on the do or. BREAKFASTBACON Mîld ClrdSffokod-Roils, ~SiiarCureod Sffokod Hain Hoinïzs Glokire Pickles5 fine fiavor, large bottie 20ets. orseToothCrn FULL IN0FCOIF [U,AMILYGRCRE PROVINCIAL SCEAY THE LATE TROMAS R,. VHOAR. Thomas IRoger Iloar xas boru Jan. llth, 1851, in Darliîîgtoni,ad departed this life May Ist, 1902, from biS k6me near Bethesda. Wb'Ile egaged in pruning hiî orchard Marcî 2i 2nd ho fell fromn a tree so fatally lnu itbs spine that his limbs and loweýr part of his body were paralyzed, ye rea son retain- ed lier throne for six eks during which time lie Inee n ufrddis. pi aying intelligence andthugtfl ness in relation to hjs bsnshsfm ily and numerous friend,- Deceased was early led b-v pirous-par.r ents in the ways of the Lord aeveu as a boy becarne a disciole oï Christ, but fully and forever consecrpted ail[to God- soma 18 years ago in a reviý al conduct ed in Bethesda church by u1v . w alk- er. Since this event the aae of bis beart lias be "I love tby church 0 Ood," and inmeeuce, lv eand efficîency be served the causeod as W. ~ ~ E- M..oes'omnIlle; r tadI UvlIlg irveu ULs gtierLion Uoiig the ne ,, wmii% r. a will of (xod. No wo nd, r that oeeof Mrs. Thoo, Williams, Port Perry; Miss, tbe largesi concoursecf 1ope ee c in L. Blair, Taunton. ... . Mr. W. Ashton the district on such an o(,casion gather - bas had a relapse but is getting strouerg nd te pay lovin2. tribute ebi emr again.Service at tlie bouse was coniducted by ____________ is pasters Beys. J S MMliuand J. G. Brown, and thesewr b signi- ~ ficnt wods cf tlie ioxt "Noue cf us liv- DO NT TIEC fetote C himself,,and nem mp, diet l i e selft," Rom. 14, 7. Broîbhren cf the TRE ITTE ILS 0 TO-AY.Home Cîrcle ffled ln selemui respect ho- THE LTTLEILLS F TODAY'fore lis cashet and max 'bc 1d in order befere bis bier and joiucdIlici beauti- fuI burial-servicetote lai cýf le Methed- The Use of ist churcli as hisrns were laid to reat in picasant Bted cemetery be- Paine's Celery side his 1indred andne le scories cf Comy-toun11e dîed at the noon cef1life wheu bis F ~~sun cf influence laîd mounited igh and Will Eradicabe Prom The Blood wbeu at leastinlu he dricý>,of borne and relatives, day wýou4ld hb£niglit withoutý and System-The Secds bim, a mvystël ery Cfcan et ,understand of Disease. now. Weilinmay vwe eý,ay ia Cie igu ifi- cani lauguage cf oeue, Somnetimes at nooecday 'er ,OL sun a sliadow As grains of sanda maire our lofiy steals, mouatains. dropa cf watcr tbe migbty So f'aiot so far away pnfoifem ne shape reveais oceu, ndas urmasiv buidn.- Isei uti isand noc ;isar n the skies. ocean, nd as cr massve builings think arrois esauean angel are made cf eue brick plied upon I files, another ; se do tle little ilis cf life con- Se, if a shadew o'er toips uoncf fe Ls seen, trîbute te the building up cf deadly Frown net, wbo kowsperbapi an engel gees dîseasea in the body. Expcericnced medical men dlaim tînt fuily thrce-fouriba ofo! ur men and women enter the summer scason with 11111e illa and symptoa of disease, whidh muai develcp into serious and fatal troubles if net hanislicd ai once. We bear our frienda cornplaining daily o! heumaiic tendencies, sharp and dariing neuralgic pains, dyspepsia, pains in thie ide and lack, nervousue 1sa and aBeepiessuesa ; and we sec with our cwn os-es bbc effecta cf impure hlod in ,.dil hlnh.hp e riflne afld-8 rurs. DEAR Mita. beAR A-ND 'AAIlYý , We, tle members cf tlio Offiial Bourd cf the Tvrce circit lu 9n oatBeli- cada, deaire to place ,ourecr. h ra ceuse cf bs we rail.real -ize lutedal of vour esbecmne(d hsadorllv brother, wowsfermnv'er a re- spccted and -valuable memlber cf this Board. We have alnsenec hescialiiy. prized lis sneitairelied mudl Build Up Ontario. Bv' HELPING TrEMASSES-OS' THE PEOPLE TO BOOmE PnospEROUS AND HAPPY. >NnIWCASvjaum,, May 21st, 1902. E C ORS'PWEST DUREA:- On Thursday nexi, thc 29th instant, the lectors cf West Durham, bogether wibl the electers cf chIer Ridings in Ontario, w-l coose their- representa. tive for bbc next Ontario Legisîn ture, and, as the candidate cf tic Lileral pnrty in West Durham, I sulmit my- self to tle censidemntiien of ry fellew eleciors, and respedtfully solicit your vote and influence lu My faver. My effort las been te cali upon as' many cf. ycu as possible, and as opper. bunitv las eccurrcd, bave endeavored te make know-u my views on the publie questions efthîe day. But in thc limit- ed fimie at my disposai, 1 laye cf course leen able te eacl euly n few of tle electors, and 1 now take tuis mcîhod cf commufficating w-lu yen, sbaiug My views very briely on important quest- ions, and re&pectfully asking yeur sup- port at thse poili on eleciion day. I do net uew appenr before you as an entire stranger, or as eue withoui ex- perieuce lu public affaira, having semved my home division for six years as n member cf île Counties' Council, and durin.- tic past year hld bbe highesi position in Municipal (overnment as WVardeu cf th Ic Uiied Counties cf Northum 'berland anid Durham, in whicis Positions I lave alw-aya egarded rny- self as your public servant, and 1 may perliaps be permitted te ask you te con- aider the services 1 bave rendered as a pledgc or indication as te w-lat you mîgit expedi from me if elected te the larger field of Provincial Legisiation. Permit me te say tînt I arnlu accord w-thItle general policy cillhe Govern- ment cf tise Hon. G. W. ROSa aleng' business, moral aid plulautlropicial ines, and if elected Eu1l accord the continue te ce thse greatest inciustry in our.laud, and realizing the desirahility and necessity for a more iboroug-b tccbnical educatien iu agricultural science, It la pleasing te kuow tbat the policy of the Government bas been approved by sucli leading minds as the Hon Wm. Macdonald and the late H A. Masscy testilied by the gif t cf 8125,000 bY the former and the boqueat cf $10,000 by the latter, te the sciieme adopied te further and hlep fcrward the educatien of the agriculturalisis. Iu Ontarie we have the heat sà stem cf Farmers' matit- Utes lu operation ou the Continent and is doiüg more for the farmers than any otler state. 9 I st and for~ a continuation cf tle humane, commendable and correct business methoda cf earing for our poor &nd unfertunate fellow ceings as pro- vide for lu Our bOuses cf Refuge, Abvlumns, Ilospitals, Pieformatories, etc, and especiaiiy for the car-c cf destibute chkildreii; and I am pleased te le able te say thai Ontario lias the vcrv bcdt children's protection laws ou this con- tinent, the two fundamental prinriples of wlidh are. firs,-tle protection cf ever -y chuld frcm cruelty aul neglect ; and second,-the placing of.homcless or- dependeut childrcn ini family bernes iustead cf instituutions. This las heen receguîzed by other Countries as oeeof the moat advanced mensures cf philan thropic legislation on any Stainte bock, 1 stand for legisiatien tlat shall be helpful iu making thc masses cf the people lu tcwn and country prespercus and weti-tc-do, s0 that cvery wcrking man with his wife and famaily mav have net onl all e necessaries cf 111e but also some of thc luxuries. Thec masses of tbe people will thon bc gccd consum- evs' and must effectnally nid and hein .The lîtile ilîs anfi pains cf te-day huild i llOiStue 150wsuom uii îi nie nune aitns tu e p roCeýe rS up th' alarming and fatal diseascta tthîe work cf bc humol,!nd w folwdy n ek elot, peerer lohs epet eas f hic InTu c'jncusion, ict mesany tblît I stand fdilw dys nd eeksof eglct, deparbure frrn ns Wewouidjî seize for tle upboling an:d cootinued ee- Wise and intelligent people Who have ithis opporutLi te ceu 1o te vou d tien cf our beloved Province of Ontario, laooedintothe daims-cf-Paine's Celery veur eerrowiug --famil our dee(p csejthnt shc may continue- ilier preseihi Compounid and followed its rernarkablc cf serrew and loelne î,an our cari- preud position, net ouîy iu regard te i frlaiives,friends and neighbors, est longia n to claire your ir-ýdena, and ber finaLces, havie g a large surffIUS use it tbemsslves ih faith and con- nllow your tears te flov lu bi, fr-L.rows cf cashisnl ler brcasurv, white 1er sister- fidence, te banisl ileir cymptoma cf o f ciO cmasin Provinces are ail more or 16sslit debt, ceminz troubles, te cleause bbc blood, Orha1tsgfml but aise as a mcdiii whici many cf her te re-esiablish nerve force, enerzy aud nOur bans go eut te 'cur ulear familyng lefi witbeut alur enesadnîl'd- eiet mtt eadn bcdily tegl etitbciwl eiaîîmdi epnbîywbl cnd h heiaton cii eduication, agricuiture condition te witbstand the enervating bihmcr,")oJi and otler cepiartments. We dlaim forI cffecta cf tle ccming lot weatlei. r, n urs, ay i '!r aDd your arii, fhue ir-st nnd heat rti' Iu cverv cornmunity wlcre Paiuc's duheaasdpoO -tnsvlishcd Provinceq cf oir fair D. luîî. Àise Celery Ccmnpound las.leen used ai ibis aI ii îl simtîîude--sf a a*ae" -RP1a - cr1, be ': 1 un r,.-_t he ,,'.1e season te banisl disease, it is regamded I h 'î.8,6 najti naLs ertc1îut as a godsend. Workers in offices, chopa, Siudinehf fbcoad aypepe facieries, and wcmy and rundewu wives and meibers in their homnes have thanît- J .M ULN elega eko ia urp ed Heaven for Dr. Phelpa' marvelicus J. G. PîuowNî,>io 1. prescription, because it made thexi Bethesda, May 12, 190J,2e cY'i lll4utadUcm le2 wecl. 'fry a bible or two, Ye Whobe rc ntii.Iu ailngandsik; -hi gv yu w-lai . Yor al Fdi' i" yeu meait stand in ncce fb tendàÏ0,LLy Badcen u rgtu .R0 D new life, o3er-ythinZ, but wcnVîw-ash lethea A FINAL WORD. ,' VO TE FOR RIOKARD and Ro ss. To-morrow (Tliursday) every elector cf West Durham and every other con- stitueucy lu this Province will have the privilege cf marking lis ballot for the Ross Administration, unquestionably one cf the best Goveruments this or any other country ever had. Ontario is en- vied by every other Provincoe, being the oniv country baving a surplus cf over two anida-haîf million dollars. No sensible man should ever tlîink cf vot- ing against tbe Ross Government. The man in West Durham 'who is pledged to support the Ross Govern- ment if elected is Mr. William Rîihard. We are very auxions tbat lie shail be elected for this reason. We- believe hie will he electcd, as ieodeserves te be. We do net think it necessary to repeat wbat we have written before about M r. Rickard's claims ou the electors and bis superior qualifications for the office cf M. P. P. We may just say. bowever, that lie was the unanimous choie of a verY large convention, composel cf repre- sentative men from every part cf West Durbam; be waý cousidered the best man available for the position at that time. Nothing lias since transpired te change that decîsion, All things ccit sidered, we kno wcf no better man wbe woulcl accept the responsibility te ho fcund in the countv. Mr. Rickard's long municipal experience, bis exten- sive and successful business career, tbe knowledge gained cf public necessities PUritY in personal and pelilical life. 11e sets a worlbv example to the young mon of ibis couîîfry. Ris prÎvate and public lite will bear thb3 closest seru tiny and every utterance on the public plat1 fcrrn las lîad the right ring--bonesty, puriîy,- bigli thouglit, noble purpose, magnanimitv, anc encouragement to public and private virtues. He is a courageous man, What ho believes te be the right tbiug lie will do regardless cf consequences. He is Dot a trimmer. He has opinions and will asseritbem. Sucl a man ia William Rickard. 11e s far [rom perfect or infallible, but we kaew lhe possesscs the qualities we have stated and they are essential in a m"rn- ber cf Parliament, Gîve hlm a chance to prove bis fltncss for the position. Mr Reid lias bean our member eight years and done practically nothiug but draw bis salary. Let him stand aside for four years te give William Rickiard an opDortunity te show what a live, capable, energeiiic andinufluiential repre- sentatîve can do. No ari bas a divime right te the office. The election is fer four vears. if amember make himsôlf active in prcmeting proper leg- islation and in sccuring all advantages possible for bis constituents and cou- stituency during that peried lhe sliould be bold te "Go away back and sit down" and give a botter man a chance. Fellow electors, is this not correct ia principie ? If se, show the courage cf yeur convictions by voting fer William WE ST DUJRHAM B LECTIONF. How?ý to mark your ballot is indicatedJ by tais form -of the *ballot paper to bû used RFEID- I William Henry I»e Id, lownship of Clarke, Oounty of Durham. ariner. 2 RICKARD â William Ulekarde Vllage fNe)wcaStle, Co«ntgyy of Durham, S'armer. Be Sure te make the X in right pla-ce. POLITICAL NOTES. jVOTE FOR RICKARD and the best Goern ment. On the ballots Reid's name is first, pited in Blue ink; Rickard's la lu Lidink, Make your ,ý: after the red. W hitney lias been 14 years in Parlia- ment and 6 vears leader cf the party and ia empt »v-bandetl as wben lie began 1. Dees Ontcario hant sueh a man for Premier? Vote for Riekard and pro- gres, ive government. Parents who bave sons ready to vota or who wiil soon be votera, a tremend- eus respousibility rests on your con- duct. Direct ý cur sons te vote for & safe mani, a man wîtb ,dcean record, ?, man of sterling- principles, a temperate, man, Taire ne cliarces. Vote for Rickard ilerbaps the chief reason wby elecforýs are se composed ia thattliey look around and sec the country prosperous and contented; evideuces of good gov,_ ernînent cou ail sides. There la uothing te get excitud about. and the calm, bodes fill for -Whitney-it spelis DEFEAT. Mr. Reid must bave found lis posit- ion as political ca~ndidate very emb;r- rassing, baving to mcci intelligent elector% witb the confession cf not hav- inzoue aunnnthiar oenr Weat Dulrham in- paper durîng ttîis campaigu wtien wc> chaAeuged hlm te peint eut eue instance ci abuse or mis represeitationn cf ýMr. Reid and lic could net name eu oe. COui criticima bave been fair and jttstified by the facts There lias beaunoneabus,,e- whatever. lew rmuch more like business itî would have been ai nomination if as isý clone in other places, tle candidates lad been there and afterwards preseut- cd their dlaims for the, cenfldenýe tLiey expect formi eleciors. Mr. Rickard waný there, ready te spcak buxt Mr ReJdý alilo' the Mail-and Empire anouucLI a Meeting lu bis intercat, Tiee cae near. and ne publiceakig as doue. We baye ebaerv ed n--)evàIdIe eef exclme nt in' West Duïlam lici Ls pol-ý itical centesi. Whlahîle reason for this apathy? Wliy do the people thiuB refuse te. rage furiously together? There is but eue explanatieu-ihey juat take it as »'election taik" and don't believe a word cf ih. Thev perliapa de net sav that these hysierical orators are ail liars, but siîuply give thora credit for a great capacity for making mouintains eut cf mole hîuas. Farmers, business mca and maenufac- turers, wlio wisli a ceutinuance efthîe prosperity a t present se universal tîroughout Ontario, maliv te the support cf Mr. Rickard and bcave ne atone un- turned fer securing his cieciien. Show tint you can appreciate gond geveru- ment and boneat effort te ferward the bs-st inieresta cf cur bclovcd Province. A vote for Rickard is a vo-te for Ross; thc statesman and tic patriet., Soe liai ycu get lb lu carîr tcmerrow. ht will be cne of tle lest votes you ever -That iékdlrc to-merrow- We want a man j' worihy cf West Durham nand one W-loIw hodp i con bild bis own wtl liii men from Have you lad lit i vont obler couniies se -tînt -cuir --ccunty-mi os? I' cg u get fair play. lus course in ycur cern- " cul r ogudte tics ceundil shows tlat le w-ll get fer ' - Ianerible hopIand t his consîituency a clame cf w-latxis1upsct thc stornach more , goinzr Were w-e te tell you w-mb le - gving nauseous mnedicineý. bas set lis mmnd on te secure for West ija e b child breathie-in the Darlaîin if sent te Parliament cuir op- soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. ponents weuld aay ai once tint wc ft gees ighbte the spot that's dîis-. w-or-a irying 10 bribe veu te voie for hlm. eased. -Relief is immediate, and in Bu~~~~~~~~ r eke elsi iwsmtigaverv feýw days the cure is comp-lete, lu iatfer thls riding nid belîiev l e a yv can't say blie samne of anyobe cani secure ilteeo, If le tant gel it for treatmcnnt. Fo atina, Cata"rrh5 fis, wvedent xuow w-ho coud. and coids it'seqai good. i Rc- Vapo-Creso1ene fi sold by dugîîesrhr ga w -,o yu tevote forP k-TheVaprizeran dLap iscsaoudin îe orîlsud~ou -iP neyer regret your urne, andt a boitte cf Cresoiene co 5Gei,".5 -ýu výextra spplies cf Cresolene . z osns ancod 0Ce VOTEFOR IG'KRD adlnep Ècdc Fusicn St.,NYr, U.S.A. your eunýtry. Sl à by Stt & Jury, BeýWM a 9 - - 1 1 L. Lt ;4 -L lîà"i -à ý

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