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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1902, p. 2

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odfor everything that runs on wheels. Cold Everywh-ero. mater CoimssinosaaryîJt.oopernionuiin Spis-iiuîaily if roull usai ho ediying. expenues, nt fo e-<îied $250 per day. ;tea(ly 1p euapioyunent to good, honest reliable men. No Whea anc scs- tIse svay linîicb p Wxerecel e dfil. Write for fuil particulatsu pioe tIi-M. -uhbacdtl ufrpr'et fixe ThE EnMPIRPeeE EDICINE GO., LGndonOtBiloecnu erac - 1 n l i u-eh s-ooardob fhat book nes lIadiy abapiecl ta fixe popufas- __%4 us e ie tes-pietafiaîî aiflie scrip- cooL OFRSN Strîke the Iron Whilc it's l Is good advice. TaIre Burdock Blood Bitters This Sprillg is 1better advlce. Diuring the veinter, heavy i.ich foods are necessary ta keep the body -warm. When the spring cornes, the system is clogged up witlu heavy sluggish blood ; yoîî feel tired, weary and Iistless and that ail- gone, no-amnbition feeling takes possession of you. If you take Burdook Blood Bitters it will î egulate your systeni, put you into condition and make you feel bright, hiappy and vgru turcs is noftacu esery anc. aithougis fixe assuuinptiaui scenis fa lbc that any, one mxhome fixethealphabetea n u- cîsfassd Isaf ai ansd the Apocalypse.1 Buît cxin tfixeIas-ned have lotie sanie qucer lîfege iritix tuas-e tira books. Tbcy as-emoi-sc--if possille-fixanj Shakespeare miscîsit cames fa stuifi- fying bise comninetatai. The best pi-a is ta bas veîîîouîî fa fuiespecial- isf. They cou ho îoad for inieiicc ftial pions-ue ansd for- moral profit, bat msenA ifcons c t îsaking de- duci ions aboaut doctrinse, as- dresfthc laxînns eonl step mnîily. Lfs lio docs- ho lamy fafiair fie wml -a'- t1ise-*irisusoaiinlividuali iiterpietatioii ino thle sanie hog ai ifliculausîsese lus miicli Mr. ]-uhbai-b aiMilford, Camus., is ioiV iying. -ituman langiage is fuabequte ta express-, ,huraaim npotence ia bhe preseisce afi:six an tppilinig calomn- f ty ns that mlîich bas vsfsitel fthe city o? St. Plerme iiflicIslanid ai Mairtinique fao fiehie tfa cons oy osy measure 0f itituniansympatixy large enouii hta ssct the airlul stiffering bîat nîusf liav e accdaipaixîed if. Sucis a, cafastcoplîo almnost baffles hi-con cui-îeo-iu.We fs-v'ta NOTES AN» COMMIENTS The strange uses to whielî the serîptures may be put and the odd' comibinations thal. can bc made by brealkinig off fragments here anîd there and Iaying those fragnients together are again broughl. to public atteia tion by the antics of an entbuLsiast. This tinie flic enthusiast is frein the East. île lives ia Milford, Conix. i-le is a mis of mneans and, like Sir Hecnry Anithony Gloster, Cao tlxank God ibo t ho can ofrord ta puy for his foibles. Not that his f oible is in this case parficîilarly expensix e. If consists simiply fa wearing on Sun- day a long white or wine-colored robe with a yellow girdle. The f dea is nof at ail that of dress reform., Mr. Iiubbard bas no ami-bition fn that directi on. Ile is isof trying to give the Sunday ehureh parade tihe orig- inality ia style and the diversity in otliearance whicb it now s sach Jacks. His reason is a religions one. M wishes 't be dressed as .iesiîs xWas dressed. Imitation, he says, le tbe greatest of ail possible marks of re- speet. Imitation le ftxe tribate ho wvishes f0 pay the Christ. The cas- fumnes worn by most of tee religlous are inappropriafo, ho f hinks, because they are quito nailike tiat which vias warn by their Master. And what was tbat whichi was worn by their Master? One cari easily sec froin two passages from the Bfible. Ffrsf, there is the beginxîbxg of the sixty- thlrd chapter of Isaiah "V-Who Is, fuis that comiefl fronm Fdom, with dycli garnients froni Bozrah? Whiere- fore art thon ced ini thine -apparel and tby ghrmieats liko hlm that freadefl inla the winefat?" This 'shows clearly thot the Chrisf was to wear wine-coloretl lothes. Tluba, in fthe first chapter of ilexelafion, it is saili that f here was "ia the ridst of ftho seven ciiidiestfeks one like uno the Son of Mans, clothedý With a garment dowo ta tbe foot, and girf about the paps wifh a gol- den girdie." Also fa Daiiiel we fiad thaf ftie prophet sair 'a certain mnia clofhed in linon, whiose loins were girded wlfh ino gold of? Uphaz." This is eîîough. If becomneq clear that on Stîndays 011e ought to dress in imitation -of tha Div ie Pei-san who appearcd in these visions. Whaf- ever gaps there may lbe la thfs cea- sonîng aire easily spainned by the looping lires of eiitliusiaýsm. If le fortuanfe, hoirever, thiat not evcry- body is so enixuiisiasti c. IVo nsight hav e gentlemen dressiiag fa imitation aif St. Paul, otiiers ae-t'lite style of Ezekiel, and p)erhaps others cxcii reverfiîîg f0 the costumie of Adami. IVo should have a comiplote biblicali exhibif ex ry Suiday morniîîg. lis- ftorically, this îaigb.t bec -sructivec. jmergcd iritix mnoiten lava, but grasve apprebiensions liow exisf as to the safeft, 0f other ishands fanbbhes icini fty of Martinique. As t]he iolcanic dust is said f0 haie fallea one hua- dred miles ironi fixe eroter, ît is bc- fiovol tîxaf flicpeople ai Doinlanica and Sf. Vineceii haie suflerel eav ily. If noir appears probable that tIhe s olcaîxic cription lias dcsfcoy cd from 40,000 f0 50,000 fixes, if ce- ports are fiinllv 0and full-,confirinect tise deslructioii of Sf. Pierre, wibh ifs ali'fliag bs of Liiian lifvos, wil surpas lnawiîilsuddeiusses ansd con, pfle css ail savo the rmosf dire- fui di-otcrs recorded by Iisfory. If is t.ossîmonlly takecn for granfcd that ftle inicrcased custoins dut ie propased by the Cerinan Imperial Governent fo fixe Reichstag and thse stil iiglier duties demranded by the Agrarian part y represeat simnply?' a desire fa pro teef native inîdustries against fociga coaspetiffois. Sa for as flic agricultural interest is con- cerîîod, tise nesuniption is undoubted- ly irarrafed: flic Agrariaîîs have no other end in îiew but f0 secure a nionapoly af tise homne market foi, naftive farim praduets. There le rea- son to beliese, bowoxer, fixat fisc Gos errauenti l poweifuliy iofilseiced by fthe rocogiiizod necessity ai aug- mneufiig flic publie incoi, and thec fnef bas hitlherto been osilooked that fthe (luties lesinhie nfixe pro- poscd lîlgier scale advocafed by Chsancellor vion Buloi ruse oxpoctol fa yield unan îîuial additioîî albe- fwn i oi-fi ve and fifty îîiilioîx dal- lairs Ioxtfelic iperial srevenue, If xiii be eaoix to show tuai a coîxiderable additions is iiiipei atis ely necled. If iiîight liav e is fosesecîx fliaf te ixo , îîcintl resouîices afixhe Ein- pie andlof ifs conîstituent States ivoul be alecfed by flic s-e reecea- isoîsiecrisis flirouigh wh'ficii C ernay lias beciî posaing, nul fiaiiwiîchix i cois bardly expeefta orecaser qui ck lyý On flic aie 1aI, the power o? fthe taxpux ors fa macet exactionis lis been ecîiîpled. n bile, ais the allier. oxving ta the lactlhxatifi tlhe forger and l mdiussi-aqi,-ed foiras iaerL-y fixe fier cctiii.0f the oîper ivssand a-- tfsans have lîcon fliowii out f a? ri and mode dcpeusleît upaîî chiîi, tise govecu ixets of Const1ituenit Stateos, liciudîîîg-notablY Prussia and Wîicfeîibcrg, haxvo been obiiged fa iiiterx ene anîd afioi-d relief. TIlion, ugo isn, the asseîîf 0f the Reichstag fa the buils liras idiîig foi- a colossal ex-I pansionl a? thxe iasy lias iînposeda huxge iadditioasl bîîsdeîu opoi the Fedteral Excliequet- - Thore leisno doub h îin osaine ofiseconstituenit States flic adîsistrato 0f thelo- cal finiances liavc louai- il dilficutf, if nef imnpossiblc, tfa ma'keboth ends To balnce os on the Prtissian bud- get lias heen li a esy tosk,, and iin Saxouiy a heavy deficit le loaked for. ltif l iiihoremieirborol ihat, nIes fixe Constitution aiflice fermnan fi pfire, wlicroei- fixe Iimpeial roevenue falîs short of inîîîeriai oxpcîxîiture-, the delicieiicyleisiado guuod by' su calldniafs-iculai- contiributionxs cx-, acted uoi tise coastitîtent States. ftse proscîxf iime sseeiof15050 States cosaplain tîsaf flîi,- fsnoiiciai trou- bies arc due faefixe cx'-uîco$mg iveig-hf oi the nt ticulai- cont ii-ý flans. If is ti-tie flth Ie imperial revene bas risei fi-oni aboaut $385,- 000,004j iin189)8 99 ta ais stiniafel ainounf of ovec $585,006,000 for flic ipxf fiscal year - The coponditure, haircic, for imîlerial ppuîpasîs hasý m-oce ilion kept pace wiîfl fie in- ci-case o? revoene, and a delicit is an- ficipaied by tise iîîîperiai esthnates for 1902-03. 'If le off1c5a1.iv admit- t cd tisai,unadeî oxisflug condîiions, it mlfiehoimpossible ta require lai-gel- contributions froin the Federol nom plan ai curîog clos ci- Iay. Mc. I1- Gfeiidenning says lie pi-dors ta eut 'The Intfernafional Moiitbly for May clover hoy irien it is inxfulilhbloom, caiitaiîis flic tsual fubiiese 0of can- ai whiei tise biossoin confafos the tcnt,-great theoie, ntcLactf0olIy grcnlesf ainouîît of boîscy. Cnt if a xndled. "The Question of 'Great- the rnsasning alter tue dcxv is off. iess in Lfrnbr, y .Psofe'sur that whicl, is eut iii fthe îorcîîoaa W. P. Trent, of Coliînbia Un)iversity înay boc ràiked np iinedfateiy affer Neir York, is of 9s-ili fiiei-st' as tbe iîoon boni- and pot fin cocks. Tîhe n study ii conmparatfive ifecafure, iixvor siiouid not he rmn laies- fi andîîfoi- ifs implortant deiliutioîs of 4: o'clock p. in,, anîd ail puf loto xvbat "greafiis fa liternauce" actîî- cocks befoce the dciv ialis. Tufs- aliy sxeaîîs. Capi. Alfred T. Mahbt, lîay should ho, put loto fixe bavin next of the United States Nasy,, day,aid ixeli tcaiisped loto fixe the -Motives fa Impemini I-t ucia- non-s. This plan eana h coîtinued tioii,"-O. stcoog article wihis 'Ç,fil freais day fa day until al l is-i ored pso- o f s cixeai iîît,-î adi s-s al fin the baxiis Ameîicaîîs os ireli as fa tise Fng- THRI'TE TIIINGS lisi,mixons if moi-e dnrecttv con- nsîafbc bai-ne iii mid ficuiig boy ce S. Mis. fst. o? Newir osk by flua meîoda: City, writis on "Th-te Siatter ai the [Pics-Do netf ciiithe gcr-s tuti, Play."' There is unepd,îi -r dry fa the nirji g1 sf of fas-cigîseontri-biuions. in SceosîlDo inot allow tfie fresIli ciitmn h ire shoul inclifle aou accoeait ixay ta lie on tise gi-ou iisî seî- nigiu, aofY-Tho Illofs iii Atlîe',ýs - li Pro- expoed t dewor iaiicfesor lýlîfus 1B. ficl, i-'lsu-iî. lrector oxpool f loi ai-coli aiflie Aîneîican Set hiese. "Soin TJIsird if aay ixoy should gef iv se s aifî{oîîse 'ls1ilie ifîuîr-itis wit lirails, let t Ifstandin ithxe ocks, - xusts"t;vo a lliii ainal fiioagbhy dry before iakinig 15a -eqiieafv. iatk i to hebari wirîci fie Frechdi espieially excel. tas tseaos. f GedenigPu ui perliape fixeemoîs îiag essay ai up soine 75 or 80 boas o ai îy i te h "T iuileroIalLfaneilt fis iay, and reports tuatitifcamouic o Th oia ie fAt out f theflicniavin fatbefinesf con- by tbYe coebrated uerologist, Augi sb dIlion leee a.I a sgenForcieic hegcenfosf lis iug authii<i-i îleose sos-.Ifw-s asgreîs nistIse sui4ect, and fixe aubxom- of os when put iaotlîe bn-ri nd thtise lc aîxous irik. 'The Aîsts tif beaxssand hbossoins -ivrsial at Switzeiaîii" f!no ilihoisecoitiniaS taclieui othefic stalks. If appeaieilas anpte fi elerl iebi feat lias bbIof h asiiuiîifsîsîcicouintîrysisni, Pierre Hube T 1 licîtixgns Il ? fxe isie llosarticle, wne amy affir-n i wifhiouf x-1 soinîs ix cie pfîk, 0usd flic ed clox or agrtoi otycmai hlussaixs wirec fsrna pink tea aogîtaî-sa o-lycmaxo piece ta Ma1etecIinclk's "bile oi Bees," figix isbcî calar. If any gi-ont tise lieîory sensation ai the yens-. lient liaI des clopel iii fieinow tfli bleosseraîs xx uld unouhtcly liave becîs of n, ds-k broiro calai- No Aiiisiees for May lias a chees-ini signs aofiionln eexvisible anid fixe bias somy cas es anl content s, at oîîce say iras frc ef-in lest. No sait. výariel andl lîîereating. Tki-'c as-e lime or otiier presersatise iras uiseci. tira dist!inctise. cixasacfem- portraits Tiraaifixhe moire in suiici tise ixay'iIxte nuîssbeî- : Liu Roof, Sec- iras stored ai-e 22-xL5 foot. nis nuli a- i5o"b .A ole aseragce di i3 ce ibo.ob "Ansalia Rus-suer Coudect, These issome aire tigixi floored miix M mi unefýi," by Frank S. Arîseti. double inch boards ovcî- basenient Bath thîse articles arcesicixiy illus-- stable. Anotix1es- aoi is 24x36 t raîed. 'Tue sfudy oifixhe Secs-etas-y feet, wih a depitixofa?îbout 24 feet f a ias- igraphsie, concise and !im- ai11 theo bi- on fixe gîouuîd. pnrtial. Tlio occaîuîsb ai Miss Rues- The ouîfsidcs-, of ail fixe nioxis arc nos- le exceedioigiy realable, las-gcly of nchboads ithut attnsvvih 1becatiso if centainse ibis succesasful cracks betireis fixe boarsaaveragsîsg afie Czarn iýese rax-fida ai uVIa., about thiic'-eighiixs o? an fis-c-b, juieftheiCirn n eCaix .w ifiafeynof i sunIs as are îîsuaily fanal lus i he cn fa l pin il bey -wbei' 'As- ouIinau-y las-n. a olepitd b hr. "e TUE SIBES OF THE MOWS Anicri'nixs Ecaîxomicai ?- by Rut- ciins l-iapgoadl, is a thangixtini aad îxexf fixe Irise iloor ivere opeun. Tixe curiaus article. Thxe antixos-iniahkes lîay mmicixconsistil ai ced closer is-,nt f a o b vitalfy ecanomnical bo- alsike and a littfle tjinobh 'y, ir'as cause sue praîce mucis sailier tison oquxially goal in ail parts aifie sa, e litile. "Love fa April,' by usaiws. Ms-. Gfcîsdcaning says ilsaf Bliss Cainian, is a enie ai spsing lie knoirs of tisee aises- farnisers mho yris-i as-kel by fixe poet's fîîia lixave fallon cd this sysf cm for sev5 echas-us. "The Coing af Spring," eoral yîacs iîf equai success, anti if by Enugoe Wood, is fa kind a prose ivauld seeni wmou macthy aitriial by interltude aofs-cal feeling thaf bas oui- fas-nos-s gonccaily. sauna senso as ifs base. "'onxd- Aricongtheaclouae aio: (iq 1) Tho isgs Of a Great City,' by R. E. fixaIofcuî-sîîng coe ae 1)TeMacAiorsîcy, explaine its-ef, andl fieý savlng ai tiasie betwxeceut ting ai-ldphotographe tisaf nccompaay the sioî-iiîg la theharn; (2) fixe faut thaf article hasve a psetty and pathetie ail aif tl ios eausd bitssanîs. irhich ifates-est, l stsies, Ainslee's foi' are fhix nsf valuablo partiaoxaofixhe May is, ricly suppiieU. "Melissa ilait, are-efbt auxrixe hay iinsfeal ai Maya's Special Provideusce,' by Jasý- ieing lest is theefiell as is offenfihe apis C. Lincoln, fa huissorous ausd (ase wien thse ordiinas-y nmasner ai sentimental. "Wheîs a Mans's Fost- euring is fofbIIorel; (3) fixe hay is b y Justus Miles Forman, is a pretfy nnic caner au-id bîigixtor fixais uemidialogue. -Aft fixe Crossiraye," by ens-ellanfixe, aid may. iIarsey J. OHiggiasi, s-cale ix tise F. W. IIOBSON, swinsg ai draina. "The Hloly Fly," bise Sftock Camiissioller. by Franik R. Robinson, is a fs-ne-fa- K ~~*\~ ACTS GENTILY L LI 0 N A' ND .% NiJ.. ' à-,&aieI ...y recrrenc tebounsfisousine conîprehend fixe hlxos of saidmra- as il tocm hit h lu utriel- iusg lu inidocean or oai momeîîand fumntabcames ulule fclic issaf, r,îculas--r ciiflî-oiibciag nuaimel aid sirept otiufin ngs oîgxeuî r ct ES SE ino efes-ify by ka wiuîstos-m. But i nul e scafan inot auseiîtoel. , ToC1EAN ~EFFEÇTUALLY; bcre mas- a iiy ai 3(0,000 b ahabit- 15u tcx nmimoebiecu anis- etîscriel miiolten baina ad mai11 bc iecessn'-y foi- hatrfio fbADouI iipl out f aiexistensce lanftho twiiî- adopiti hby f le Reýichýstag ta aisce VU ' eP5 iag ai on eyo. No vlsifotion la ailfrth'saiprtaixclssaiie thec wide sange of îiabuu-e's phono- bill iiouccl by fixe Govrs-nnui. OVERCOMES menua could ho so ici-cible as tiis. The lîsorîlîsate lufies propos-cl by TP IO The Iîapless fishabifasofaitise tmt isogiwano xfisa bxleeeta.r 14 S ire- îiîeraîîy buied ius oasses aif tho moiiopoy afixeebaînostie iOs-- "ITUAL PECAo"IY fis-o ihat albpcos-elta fafi ir ons fixe Set, moull proxvo pî-a cticaliy praibi- [G ERM MNL sky in luril torrents. TIse ram i of isc, and, canaoequieit, mould cs-i-I1T fise i rn ix vlcao i oniPeeetai, s-tfhec fian exsasîl, flue imper- D smept dama mithi sucix terrifie sud- fXirvite ff tobisfcfi leumîses asl fui-y as-ta gie no iirIsco tiat Chuancllor son Butem 13UY TH E 6ENUIN .'M 'FOB an oporusify a esape Ascasn ilias set luis- face fike &t -ineaut ise jb~ ploie as" fixe destr-uction aI Sodoin Agras-baîsproposaIs, (quite as mach I 1 ý%- i and Gainai-rabiras fixe oblites-atif aisne îecuîse ho soc(s tifixte îmglt ta oi St. Pieul-s-c,. Nofoui-y mas fixe nasdmifouelga ps-oluucis uîîlcr as-i- \ r< "AL' v tomi ai St. iejàrrecopefi nOCtslysndsat eaeaIdties us- lis- SAYhIil<îlTPCL0ctRO1, iùe r aiïroa,-L- s ito r-y. - "TIse -- Fi ffix Ufie," lîy A. A. Paire, is a canslical chas-acf ou- 'tory oa ibIan lifle. "A Dfeas-med Refos-ner,' by lieu-mon Bles-sstefo. is simple. faucbing and eseee. Topics of tise Tixoitre" cloes lic iunber, mitîs ti.e usual coînpiemueîs f atexb andl îctîro. (Street & Smuih, Pniilishes, Noiw Yos-k.) PIEARLS 0F, TRUTI-I. The iiusy base e tuma f fine as-tss.- Byron.- Faïsc e fixe perixînsofai isrole decels.-Socrates. i-fiat irerszy lictaies .beaiausy be- Strong rensouis osake sironig ac- tions.-Shakespeare - Wbate\ ci makos mai.a lav a snefu s houf bis wirs-isaway.-Pope, Tues-e is liii le infltuence irisscfixes-e. is îîai greaf symipaiy.-S. I. Ps-mie. lhaxiius are fixe cauidensu'd gool .......... + ++ + 1JFEW MUJST NOT Engiasds sua irasslomiy scettlîsg 0cr fixe bis s- ar aay, Ffliug allfixe laldsiflibeauty at fixe close ai one s-d aI lo And fixe lasb raya hfsa'd fixe foreý- iîeal ofaiaandmaIden fais-, ie xv il stops s-o sloiw and meakea- ed, sixe miii cuuuny, floafing bais-; lie mix cal, boiel boul uand ibouîghtful, sse mliii ips se col and nwhite, Stmuggiing fa keep bock fixe mur- Mats- Cur-icirmius- t sinîg teo- "Sextaui,' flîssie muwhte lips fui- ieîeI, pailiffng fa tise prsonsaîald, Witli ifs molis s a aik and gloomy- mails s-a Iark andam osp anI col- '-tve a laies-li ixeps-isonu, aomi'l fixis- sosy nigixita odie Af fixe singfng aofixe eus-loi, and mua euîtbly belp us nfgix; Ci-rowelliiln ceaie f111 suosef, aud,-"lber face gi-cm stangely whbite, As sixe spolie in huskýy mîispors, - -CtumfewMmuet nrnes-xg f 0-nighi!" -Bessic," caliy spoke fixe sexton- ex eu-y mai-bpies-ced lher youjng heart biho n thouisaril gieomisg as-s-ais, f ihe a deadly poisanel clast- "bonxg, long yenssVve -uîg bthe cuirfei r rm fixai giaomy sixalom- Exes-y ex eîsng, jus-t ai suîîstt, if lias- talfthoefîviliglit hour - 1 base duse my buty oves-, tu-led ta do if justfanu' riglif, Noir l'asni d I ill Dot miss if girl, fixe cusfeirrings f 0-nigixi h WiiI ber cye and paielerî-featus-es, cf crn aisd wite lher hoîughtful bua w, And mithim iber beast's deepp eneueî, Bessie msade a solemîs soir; Sue bal listenel ulule fixe julges î-end, mithout a fois- ors-igix, "Ai the singfng aifixhe cutfeir-Bal Unlermool miust lie." And lier bs-eatx came fatanad fastes- and bier eyee greir las-go and bigîs- One loir miss-mus-, searcely spohen- -'Cu-feirmuain t0frinsg to-aight 1' She ifhlu ugix step onalelfas- mard, spramsig mithiui fie ofd boit fixe aId mon coming esiamiy paths hbcd tfs-adaa ftbeiouc Net anc moment pausel fixe ussaden, but mifix cheeke and bs-airagfow, Stagges-elUp fixe glonrny tomes-, irb'ere the bell curung ta and fs-o; Then sise cîfusîbel fise slimyv ladIes-, dài-h, mithout aime i-ny of ligixi, UipiriI stii], lies- pale lips sayfîug 1' Cus-fei shah net ring to-abgixf.' Shq lbas reacluel tue topuÀ,st asiider, o'eu-lber hange fixe gi-cafdam-k bell, And flic awful gloorn beneatixlber, il.e fixe pntixmay dama ta bell; Sec, flue pondes-ans tangue is swinsg- iîug, 'fie fixe bous-ai cturiem nom And tise siglif bas ciiliedliues- asoas, stappedlihec bs-enfui an1paledliber brous. Sixail sixe li fring ? No, noeves- hieroyes fbash mlth suldenlilgixi As siso sps-iîgs-and grasps fi irmly- -'Cus-feir ususnsai ring ta nighf!" Ouf slip samng, fac ont, tise cify secisiel a tiny s-peck helaur, Tises-e, 'furixb beovoîs ausl cas-flsus- penbel, as- fie bell swix g ta and And fixe ,hallf-bonisextius singmng (yeaîs lie ixal fot boas-I the heul) Anud he thsought fisc tmiiigbb cus-few raung youig Basiu's funierai kuicl,; Sfl tiifie mai den cliusging birmfy, chxeck oud bsrw opolo and Sfilled ber iigitenedl heaci's uil heafing- -C Curfeir shah not rinug bo-uiglît. - LivErOOL AN)LONDOsNERRY ROYAL IMAIL, From Prom Montreal Qaebec Preto#-!""'..9 a.l m., Mýay 17.... .7 p. m., Ha y i1 Nerni1dian.... l l 24 2i' Ionian '........ si s ]RATES OF PASSAGE Ffrst Cabin, 165 and upwaids; Second Cabgin, $85 te $40; London, $1,50 extra; Third Class, $26 and @26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow andi London. NEW YORiK TO GLASGOW ANDS LoNaoxDitY. Cartliaginian ........ ......... il arn., May 21 Mongolian.......................i î1.m., Il se Flrst Cabin, $45 col upwards; Second Cabi, f3250; Third Ciasq, f26. S. S. Sardialan wil saili from Monti-es] t9 Glaegow direct Wedj'sday May liai, at I ligbIt. earryiug lad cabin passengers oiily. Faise te 0f lasgow $85 00; i eturn 3$66.50. Plirougli Tickets te Southa Africa. For Tickets and every information 'jito M. A. JAMES, AMan Unîe Agent. Boirmaniiie. LAKE ONTARIO NAVIGATION CO,, LIMJTED.e FROM Bowinanville to Toronto, Service into effect Frîday, May 23, 1902, after which date every Tuesday and F riday. Leave NEWCASTLE at 6.30 a. mi. BOWMANVILLE 7.00 a. m., OSHIAWA at 8 00a, m, "WHITBY at 8.45 a. m., Arrive at Toronto at 11.15 a, m. Returning leaves Toronto at 5.00 p. . FARE-ýNeweastle ta Toronto ani roturn 65e, Bowmanviile ta Toronto and return 60c, Oshawa aiu4 Whitby to Toronto anti return 50c, Tickets niay be extendeti for 30 days upon applica- tion to the purser anti pay ment of 25e additional, Staterooni accommotiatioli atreason-: able prices. Freight solicited a n d handleti carefully anti pronsptly. For further information apply ta A. W. HEPBURNx, Gen'i Manager, Picton, Ont. 1-. CANN, Agent, Bewmanviile, Ont. 15 sceesfnly sÉed monthly by over pa.Take ýncotËsOr pq PilMi xture, plns an4 im'itions aredaers.PiNo1,1pe bO'3 N. ; 1 degr6es s ,~,£ pr-box. INo. 1 or 2., maîled or, receept oi price and two 8-cens stamips iinCouR Corpany' Windsor Ont' kA"ýNos. 1 ud 12 soii d ana neconmendedty ail reson1be lrggists in Canada. No61su tî-2 are soil in Bowmnanville hy StotL Jnr'r, J 11I-iinbothan & Son and J W Me15er- mid, druggist!bs. "Go, youir lover tives," cried Crciii' wel "Ourfew sbail nof ring fo-night. -Rose 1lartwsck Thorpe., 50ii55 of iiitiiions-SOir . Mack.U.itoshi. HERBERT FROOR. Gi-caf .i-tirs- i-eseouteokye- jIf uns o'es-f ho heu ceasel eîvaying, Thelies-hemrt iuack develope lisati- solsmulves.hugstisota lîu- and flic maileix steppel ance iuliy iii linon os- calai-elos-f ,hite îî is 0anîy s-casais fixai feacîxce sil- niaie piq1ue. Tiien tain, it lois sWeilinii enc; te ear teteiusus o spek.Ffranfy on fixe damp ouI bIbi-r, ses-go, os- in auîy ai the ligixt1l. mv- enco;fichnr ctre s aelcli hies-e for huaIs-et]ycas-s beo ie eux goals ai sps-iîg. Thxe mile col- Ricixtr. linian foot bal naot licouspiausf 0,1 hic an ths ittie bouble-iuseasted, A .ludidloîm s elpoce is always 1,0f- and mixat sixe tîxis îîight iLad costumse is- is us-osi aftt-actfve fea itys-D tie S-ule kesuhbut uc as oe ture. Tise use aofix 'e ruiffle is ai- îty.De olo. nmukSîsoul h o f01 fi long ybars efii- tfoaîo. Narroir lrail miighft Le used lîlciiese is oîiy thec refuge, o? -ve as fixe rai s'ai seîîfusg Sun ta îecoaae tise collas-andl cutis mifli miîidîs oaId fixe hloiday ai fouis. b igiftithe sky nitîs melaîr bcaufy, gual fabice, or a bas-k sixade of cot- ChesterfieldLagol ci-Os iîith lieidsof ait-he foui, fixe alîfeldand sîual collas- may W asie aif ino fa fixe mssf (xtr a--Tell the cisilireni iiy fixe etuifeirlid he aofiwhifepique fa give a dainty gant anrd eostly ofai al xpeixae. - usa inig f lai anc cat i isglt. foucîx. Tiscoplsuasttus. Quantifies o ai teîiairql fe. The uorîl le full ai hapeful aîsaio- 0cr fixe disatbillis caine Cs-ot- Thxe sizo for tir ar~csc i f11equuiîe gies and ixaîds-ome, lubiaus- eggs itou ; lies-le s-awirhm, anad lier- ina andl ix-e-fourmtbc yails- ai caliel possfibiities -Geor-ge Eliof. bs-air, goals t uifs-y-six incixes mile, or one bafoly wmite wftix sickeiig tes-cou-, aîsd anc-haut yards off goals fiity- Fatxcu - 1 spakc fa fixe yaumng glaire iitis sudden. beauty soîr ; fans- incises wide. Thee cisc fotr fouir mxan you urisix io msarî-y o-lay, Aftfixe foot she fol ber sfas-y, yenss ill requis-e tfIxce aunI ojie- Raf c, aud 1 muisti Oseshat i1iras sixowel ber înnîs ail brîuisol and fous-fb yards ai goals iis-fs-six l- usotfiavorably fiapreset.Ile asems taris ches mile, os- ane and blîs-e Ifxutbs itittosly lnckisg ilus xx-i oner!' Rutie: AixI beir sn\eb yoiung face sa Ixag- yards ai gools ffty-fouî- iiiuchca "Tcuc, bhi-lusatlixr lias ciiotnouis gord, mitîx a baloo sol ad asid mile. ivili îîOneî-. iiiil ho is an aîy sous, I ir0i0 uîd iiîsk I 7 f E sL 1! fixe anss- on el li casf mus sullen îtify Tmenfy '-six EnÉilas iIip in tic mnîl"-lit bis cya ix mrisfy figlixi -OS IrS Buy the best made by the Oshawa Wire fence Co., Limite(], Oshawa, Ont. J. Sl. Rundie, 13-tf Agent, Ifowuanville. MRS. 1. STEEVES, Edgetts Land- lng, N.B., writes on Jan. 18, îgom: «IIn the fait, of 1899 1 was trou bled v7itha severe pain in the bËack. I rould scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain ta move about. 1 took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was comip1étely cured. 1 have not been troubled wth ît since." BU BRelîable Ieni every locality through. Bout Canada tu introduce OEur gonds, t:cigu show a"o trees, fences, along roade and al con- dispensable ta flic concluinofocoin- incicial treaties by sx-viiicb alono con i areign arkcefts lie btainel foi- Ger- mnainiaaufattus-os. Even thougix fli expetel defluf lis tht in',pi'rinl Ibud- get is- met mii a boan, an inî-î-cnsed reecne must ho pracai-el, if oîsiy te, 1praxide intereet ansd a sikfiiig fual for flic icceotainid prospectixe addi- tions ta fixe publie uebt. CURING CLOVE2R HAY. A Systens Well Worthy of a Trial by Our Fas-mers. lnaa recccît artie I callel aftfen- flon fa fixe dsiraiîility ai cutfing hay af a compaîatiiely eariy stage of nsatxriiy. la this connettion if îîsay bhof I saineieltcrest fa haxei seinse notes fs-oui f thairell-kaoxvn fainer and Institaf e speaker. Mr.- H-enryGlendenniisg, of Manilin. Ont., in regard to bis expel-lonce wt aj Literary Notes. Tise 'i uff's Comupanisoi -iiO fuis agoa amangul sîstis thaitemustieCa- fes-îsise to usas e fixe piciuu-isuiue caýrouation coreasoîsses ifus igiand Icacîixel fanfits- clusuuîsa by rio less an autisoity tîsasi the Puiko a? Ar- gyii, hIsbasl aiof lîceas- bouise. T ho article afupouis in ftheolon paîsiol's- isatue aifitb y lZlh, andlfa ilfustrafel î iii fie portricats 0f 1Kiig Il wIu os-Iand Quieis Aloxouls ra. Tbjý P le speab,- 0- 50i0o f fixhe t(Plaiuut OuStoîlsspecuilki- fa a Bs-liisj Cereni!attan, and doýsci-ibea fixe cia- borate s-huali ciips-cidre bthe placing af ibe cu-oxuis aisthebie fge heaI hy fthc Auchbishop ai Cantes- bus-y. lb fa sigafficant aif lie feeling of matai i-inlasip bets-cous uhe 155 gseat Esîiglisiu speaing peopiesfixa t the bîoiisec-ba-uai ofI.glaalds Ring shunl ho a -egufar conts-ibuios- ta Anîerica's not represcisfafise fanify papes- z=

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