for Au or everyl gudrtesn Every lhomue as need f pin Bach kind of THE MIER WIN- W ILLIAM:3 lu apetlally isnited te mone home use-c-ither outêlde or inside, itis knaowing the right kind Of Pit9 and Puttin t nS e lh T1ace that makes paiting asuccess. Tell US what yoa want to Paints =,d we'11 tel you the ig1ýt kind tO use. 1 C -- -%ý SOLE & cos,ýGENT- We are showing, an excellent Uine of Sereen Doors,Sereen Windows, Spriug inges, Green Wire Cloth, etc., at rock bottom prices. PHIONE 66. ONE DOOR WEST 0F POST OFFICE. If a Man's In Love The Çalladîall Statesinan. That's lis business. BOMANVILLE. AIAY 28, 1902ý IF A GIIIL'S IN LOVE, That's ber business. IF THEY GET MARRIE D, Tlat's our business. Because we know they are sure te want Luttrell's Jersey CrearnBread, AIaŽC. Luttreli. tBOWMANVILLE. 08 s inl tihe AIR and il is ini our 9b SOHOOL,Then * TORONTO. *k we have just insta'ied cein SpleIe sets cf \iseS Telegraph : instruments, sud we arecn"0 *prepared 10 give instruction in this- important subjeet, eîllier* 4 personai or byv Mail. S W rite for partieulars PRINCIPAL. *Yonge and Gerrard qts, Toronto. Thau Soason' s lNeooissitiosl Camphor BaIls FRESH. NEW LINE. Toiolet Soap NICELY -PERFUMVED Furniture Alsmooth and perfect cream for poiish- ,fng and removing stains from ail kinds offurniture A 15e bottin wilconvince SOLD AT McD ermid' s ,,rug rStore.. BUWMANVILLE. (It PaYs To -Buv, At McDernd's-.) Satisfao t 1ion 19 the experience of ail who have bought Wall Plaper from me. Pal- terns and prices are right.1 have special sample books from the lead- ing tactories for y ou to select from if you want something vcry extra and exclusive. Curtain L'oies, Compîcte, 25C Window Shadee, from 40o Don't drive nails lu your walls, put up mouldng. I have_ a large assortment te suit ail shades of paper. Pieture framing is a speiàlty. A fine assortmeul of Pictures. Croquet Sets snd Express Wagons. A Une of Coronation Stationery just ,Teceived lu boxes, very pretiy, lrm20e up. I lark your Ba!lot on Thsursday next for RICKjARD. - obt. Cowan neyer wroe that le tter. Beware of stories appeahing in the News this week-they are, election roorbacks. A rather funny typographical errer escnped our proofreader's nyn iast week by winch the request "lCasI your vote fer Ross" was' maie 10 read "Cash" your vote. etc. ht may eost $200 and 6 montb-s' impriseumient te "cash" your vote, se dont de ht. "Mr. Whitney lias been lu the lieuse for four teen ynars, and 1 would like to kno w if anybody eau point to a single motion in the journais of the house moved byý him in ail that lime proposing or even suggestinz anv feamible scheme foi- the developmenl of Ontario, uew or eld "-Hon1. G. W. Ross. ln our opinion there li'ave been things doue, lu this politicai campaigu too ehildislh and belitting for men who carry the responsibiiity of citizeuship Think of thp iuconsislancy of a profes- sine- Chri 'stian procurinz by strategyi the endorsement of aneiner man te a letter ho had drafted, designed te blaeken the character aud geod naine of a politicai opponut, A Sabbath school worker guilty of such base con- cnuet shouid retire lu shame to the quiet of bis home and spend bis nights lu studying ile precepts and directions for lFuinari guidance found lu Christ's Sermon on the Mount. The end of the political eontest is ni- most bore. \Vbat excitirg pietures have been paiDted! Wouid-bn Prem- ier WNhitDey oxhïausted the ,vocabiilarv lu iîunîtîîg up colossal deuunciater * hy perbole, and eaeb facile imitator of the leader iu ibis wonderfui poiicy lias endeavored te paraphrase bis rounded perios and oointiess phrases Budd- ing law.yers and journahists bave joined lu the office liungry chorus, and stili the many voiced publie lias remained un- moved. They heard wisliout excite- ment tbat our Goverument is composed eft hieves, robbers, rogues of every sliade ef purpie, according te the leugîl ef the orator 's tongue, and smile or ap plaud faiîîily any espeeially violent effort. Wbat's the gain? Temorrow wili teil. Mr. Evan H. McLeau lias been viclim of cousiderabie jollying over bis lapsis ýmentia at nomination wheu he arose witli the air, grace and dignity et à Biackslone aud i n faulties rlàetorie negan "Mr.Returning' Officer, it afferds me verv great pleasure te nominale Mr.. William Rickard as a fit aud proper." Cries of Oh-o-o0 fro'i the audience brougîl the iawyer te a reaiizing sense ofbis errer sud"stant- inde nove lin nominated Mr, Reid. Owing te bis extreme modestv co mbined with vouth aud inexperieuce, we charilabiy everloek tle ltin break withoul furîlier comment, except te say tbat that great Mentor withiu (con- science) ofien directs a person lu île riglit wav even when hoe hedlessin determines to pursue the opposite course. Iu West DurlaiaM r Wm Rickard, iex- VVarden of the- Unlied -Counties of Northumnberlaud and Durliam, and his loyal -supporters are putiing up a geod fight and with every inclication of victery. Oulside men who bav-e been lu the rid tng- recentiy think there is geod reason for thn Liberal hope that West Durham will be redeemed and that 15 just wliat Mr. Rickard's frinnds in this ceustituency expeet. In his werk lu the Counties Council before aud atter le was promoted te the Wardeu 's chair, Mr. Rickard showed goed executive ability aud lias given evideuce that hoe is a man of souud business ability aud unimpeachable integrity. In tact hoe is just the kind ef a man needed in our Legiblative halls. We wish aud prediet for hlm success lu the political contesl ou May 29.-Co- bourg Wenld. We highiy appreciate their testimeuy,coming fromt the county towu wliere Mr. Rickard's goed work Is rightiy understood, For Infants and Chîldren. siigntue leu03 We see by aLondon paper tha t a Imeeting ofthîe Methodiet Ministerial au lAssociation, Rev, S. J. Allun, pastor et l~< he Hamilton Road Methodist Churcli, gave an eloquent addrees ou I'Chritiau P. T-REBILG Oft A1 Sceience, False sn ud , hchi BOIWMAÀNVILTE. ithose present. THE NOMINATION Several people came in front the counltry, expecting speeches af ter nomi - nation, as meetings were annoneed lu The Mail sud Mr. C. C. Robinson, To- rente, was hem te sreak fer Mr,. Reid, but -Mr. Reid f ailed te appear and ne meeting was held. Mr. Richard was there ready te face his opponent but apparentiy hoe dared net face the Liberal candidate. Mayor lluycke. Cc bourg, w'ss aise preseut te match Mr. Robinson, but alle f un was spoiled by Mr. Reid's failure te appear. Wm. Richard, f armer, was first naine proposed te Mr. Arthur E McLaughlin, acting returuing offleer. moved by Ex-Reeve Thios 7Pasce, fariner, Dar- lingion. seeonded by Mr A. B. Cryder. man, farmer, Cartwright. Wm. Il. Reid, farmer, Ci arIte. was in île bauds of the bar, being nemiuated by Mr. Evan 11.'MeLeau, lawyer, sud e econded hi' Mr. John K. Galbraith, barrister, Bowmanvitle. Ne farmer wanted le de hlm houer, eh ? Il was a verv lame cermmny. The poiling places are île saine as for the Dominion byn-electien except No. 5. Clarke, whicli is lu WaIter's blacksmith shep DIRECT FROM BOSTON, Ladies, have you seen Qnen Quality shees ? Another large shipmeut of these famous ses arrived at the Parier Shoe Store, compieting stock fer spring sud summer. StylisI elegance and perfect fit are distiîiguisbing features of Quen Quiit *v shoes. Oniv these wlie have worù them knjw what shon luxury > e allv le. They are perfect . u every detail. Ladies wanting fine foelwear sheuld net buy until they have seen Qunen Quality. FRED. R. FoLEY, soie agent. PEItSONAL. ýMiss Lo)ule.mcDougall and iri. Norman jolliffe holidayed with Cobourg friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dale vislted bis mother Lirs. W. Bryant, Brooklin, over Sunday. Miss Thompsnn d Miss McWain spent flic holiday with Mrs. Jon. L an e, Port Pcrry. Miss May Houper lcft Friday for a vîsit witb frîends lu Georgetown sud other western towns Miss B. Dean spent Victoria Day with frienfis iu Toronto. Mr$. Wm. Foley visited ber son Mr. Eber G. Fo1ey, Seatorth. Mr. N. E. Gould and danrhtcr Nellie andi Miss Ida Gould visitefi fhcir mother Mrs. R. Gould, Toronto, Mrs. S. Mason, sr , and Mrs. G. Rau-orth have becu gnests of Tornto friends. Mrs. C. Cox snd daugbt&r &ertie spent the holiday wif h Mrs. W. Dickinson, Toronto. Mrs. John Rice 18 visifing bier father at Gaît. Mr%. Rd. Rnckabrand, (nec Maggie Simpson) New YorkçCity, is visitiug Mrs. J ohn Berry and otiier friends herc. Mrs. S. H. Scripture, Colboric, visited ber falher Mr. W. Pinse. Mr, aud Mrs. W. Cols and dauglîtcr Rets vis- itcd Cobourg friends, Mi. and Mrs. W.H. Williams have becu visît- ing her brother, Mr. Gen, Dobson, Gardeudale, Micb. Mrs. Thos. Hoar is visiting her llaughter Mrs. Il. Goodman, Toronto. 11ev. W, J. J oiliffe visifeci lu Toronto Iast weck. 11ev. H. W. Foley, B. A, 18 ai Lind3ay at- tcudiug District meeting. Miss Myrtie Cameron, Hamilton, was recent gucît of Mrs. R Frecland's, Mr. If. C. Dunlop, Gndes-icb, who visited bis cousin Mr,. D. Luttereli, won two golded- ais at thc sohool of Pharmacy, Toronto.,* Mr. andi Mrs. Gen. Tamblinson and Mr. and airs. G. A. Yclîand visited fricnds lu Whitby. Miss Eva Tabb lias been visittng ber sont Mrs. John Bath, Whitby. aMiss Wlnnic Scott Toronto, vieit d zuiss Wînnic Joncs. Orchard Farm. VICTORIA DAY VISITIJRS. Messýrs. H. Graham and W, Fallin. Hamil ton, gucsfs of Mr. Thos. Legge. air. Jos. Knighf, Toronto, and Mr. Frank Knigbi, Woodstoclt, at Mr. Thns. Knight's. Mr. Wllbur Mollon, Toronto, at home. Miss Amauda E. Bond, Oshawa, with bier Sgrandfather, Mr. John James. Mr. and Mrs. S. Il. Jeffcry andi Mr. Fred. Jceffcry, Toronto, with their mother. Miss Alce Shaw, Toronto, with friends. Mr. L. T. Courtice. Toronto, andi Mr. Stark, SLiverpool, Eng., at Mr. J. J. Mason's. Mrs. M. B. Aunis, Torouto, at Mr. John FIe.- ing's. Misss Eva Hauson, Toronto, guest of Miss1 Fraukie Jewel, Mrs. F. A. Hoar and family sud Miss Mill., B. A., Oshawa, at Mr., John Osbornc's, Dr. James Bray and daughters Grace, Mabel and Helen, 288 Gerrard St., Toronto, at Mr., John Fostcr's, Norwood Place, Mrs. W. A. Ranes sud son, Toronto, ai Mr John Babcock's Mrs. Thos. Daucaster, Orono, gns f o ber sons bers. Miss Ethel Stephenson, Osbawa,'guest of Miss Sosie Alln, Mrs. Harvey, Oshawa, guest of Mrs W. J, Jolliffe ai The Parsonage. Mr. M. Lockhart, Columbus, Ohio, guest of bis father Mr. M. Lockhart. 1Mr. Fred. D. Cherry, Schenctady, N. Y., Mr. Robt. Cherry, San Francisco, Cal., sud Miss Carrle Cherry, Toronto, with their moflier 1Mr. and Mrs W. N. Tiiley sud daugliter Do ry, sud Mr. A. N. Mitchell, B. A., Toron- to .fDr W. E. TilIey 's. Mr,. W. H. Raine, Toronto, guest or Mr,. Jas. ,Saunders. Mr. sud Mrs. AI!, TodgmsuMisEel 1- rs1Chas. Hooper sud M ýd i s.sJcItH o e, T fine patriotie sddress Sunday eve îîiug. Chlren Cry for CASTOMROA THE COMING S. S. ANNIVERSARIES. Mt. Vernon, Lun1 Providece, Jun 1 and 2. Ebenezer, June Sý, and 9 Maple Greve, Jmne 15 and 16. Enfilid, June 15 and 16, ïiaydon, june 29, July t. 13OWMANV ILLE MARIKETS., Correctod by J.MoMartiry aci Tuesday FLOuE, ?P 100 l'es........$81 80 to $2 20 WHEAT, Eaul, bush.... 00') 0 70 te Sprmg .... 0 00" 070 et Red 1ife ....... 000'le0 75 et Goose ..... O 00 iO065 BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 ... 0 00 et 0 45, il 2 ... 040"il0 43 l8 ... 025 le0831 "Two rowed 040"et0 50 QATS, white" .. O0 0 teO040 RT'E, t. . 0 00"et0 55 BuCKwHiEAT te'...... 0 0il O 55 PuAs, Blackeye, 4f bush.. O0 0 'l 000 t Canadian Beauties 0 70 ilO 0 il Mummey le O 00 Il O00 Il Sinalil il 1O60 et O 65 il Blue let,0 00"l0 65 B3UTrrE, best table, P lb.. O 00 et' O17 BeGs, edoz ....... ..... 000"il0 12 PoTATOEs, P bush,..... ..O 0 mnleO040 HRY.'&ton ............. 800"et9 00 Goodyeaa Veltede joHN HELLyAR Sol* Local Agent BINDER TWINE. This Company has set its prices-,on twine for the liarvest of 1902.% TWELVE A.ND THInlRTEN CENTS. The farmers of Canada eau just suit theniselves as to buying. Our agents are instructed to euly cail once and flot ask a man to buy twicn, We contend tnis Is the great Mothier Company and the only truly co-opcrative one in Can- ada. It has alonie ben instrumental for tnn years in stting and controlling- the pricpe on Birffder Twiue. If witli- drawal le forcedl upon us tlirough scep- ticismo or indifference Our statemelît wiIi be veryquickl1y demnontrated. THnu FATM1RS' BINDER TWVINE CO, Limited, Joseplih tratford, 18-6w, Gen'] Man, Brantford, Ont, BOWNANVILLE TO NEW YORK. The best route to New York and Philadelphia is via Grand Trunk and Lehigli Valley Route of the "Black Diamond Exprebss" Fast trains and ele,-ait service. Pullmans Toronto to New York assengers iended in New York. uàp town near ait flrst eiass IIotds or down town near ail European Steam- ship docks, savrng passengers for Eur3pe a long and expensive transfer, Be sure ,vour tickets read over the Lehigh Valley. SoId at town and tation ticket offices. 15-tf WANTIEDM WOOL 5 000 LBS 1 want 5000 lbs, of Wojol, washcd and unwashed, for which hîghest market price will be paid in cash. Dealer in Hardware, General IGroceries, Provisions, Plour and Feed, Frah and Cured Meats, Garden Seeds. BOWMAISV1ILE (east end.) Ulood IN Wall 500 Ilolls 22 ,icli Gilt Em- bossed Paper,' 10e per roll, with 22 inch Frieze to match. Room Moulding Ail colors, 2 and 3e per foot. BIG 20, Bowmanivill. e. UTOLWanted.-Hia-hesl inarket MISS EDITH FREELAND ?Y piepaid for auy qualîty of wool, LaiSINETyrone. 15- ,Is irepared f:o give music lessous ai her home on ~eecri Avenue. Bowiflpjville. 3745f fIARENTER WANTED-.Atone f. mua ,. -.1 J -1- -,c ~pi - 1- ti. GAY & SONS, CourtiCe, Ont. 19-tf f-1ENRALSTRE ORSALE-At aud Oshawa. Generalý;torf',(chiely groceries) with stock and gond wlll of business, PostOffie in store, goon bouse andi barn with every con- ventenoe. Reason for seiling, giving up busi- ness on accotint of old age. 0. W. Lasv, courtice. 19-tf W OOL WANTED.-"'There is now a great nry and littie wooi" as the Deil said when hie clipt the Sow. Weil, it js truefor as the market stands there is no profit t0 cither buyer or seller. What I want to fell my OUd frieuds 18 that I am SUR1 to bc found at the old reliable stand-the Hampton Wnoollen Mills ohere ar prepared ether to buy their woo or exchange for home-made gonds. Roll carding and spinning attended ta. Hoping to see my oli friends once more. D. TAYLOR, Hampton . 17-3m. GOOD F-ARM TO REINT-165 acres, lots 34 and 35 third con.. Hope Township 9 miles west of Port Hope. First cias anNd, clean anfi in a good state of cultivation. Gond buildings, ample stable ronm, gond water. Weil adapted for both grain sud stock. Oe- cupsed past diftee n years by Mr. John Bright- well wh, s iin aming. A favorable lease wili1 be given fo a gond farmer and reli- able man. Plowling privilege after harvest. Apply to W. J. GRANT,, Street Railway Office, Toronto, 22-4w* XTjOTICE,ýIS HERE13Y given that I k.-- will nothe responsible for any debts con- tracted inl my naine by my wife, shehavingleft my bcd and board wilhout any iust cause or p r o v o c a tio n .,. I H W P E L Y Hampton, May 12, 1902. 20-8w* HOME BY THE LAKE FOR SALE. I offer my brick residence at Port Bowman- ville for sale on easy ternis. Flous. contain- rooms; quarter acre of land wittl gond frit. Situaf e in heart of the llnesf and healthiest sunîmer resort qn Lakte Ontario. Wm. SRAw, Bowmnanville. 17-tf CORN ARRIVED. Car of Seed Corn. Varieties-Mam- moth Southeru Sweet, Leaming, Red Cob and Yeiiow Dent. Aiso in stock Mammoili Cuban and Canadian plant- Ing Varieties, including Canadian Yeilow and White Flini. Ail at iowesi market values. J. B. MIRTYN, Bowmanville. Larer tocki IBUT Reduced Prices.'l We do net want yeu te accept our statement, but eall and examine geods and obtain prices of our Palmerston and Brantford Buggies, Single and Team Harness, Wool iap Rugs, Summer Dusters, Whiffietrees and Neckyokes, also 101 other articles at ~J. S. Rundle's, HIarness, Twine, and Implement LEmporium, opposite T. Tod's store, Bowmanville. YoniAttention à1ýO For a Momlent., If you are building or repairng we eau perlîseheip yen te soive som8 Of the difficultins, incident te the under- takîng. For instance : CEaImrs-We have Battle's Thorold for concrete wails, caIlle stables sud ceilar floore; English Portland for pave. meute and ciserns. BILL 'STIF-P ine sand Hemioek Jeisie, Scaulling snd Boards. rIMBER-Pine s n d Cedar Square Timber sud Sleeper. FLOORIL\G--ROtJ aud White Plue sud White Maple.- CEILING sud W*Àsn~sorN-Painted sud Graiued, Beaded snd V-Joint, SmmN-Beveiedp CoveS hiplapped sud Ciapboardiug, SHiNGLS-Ali grades, Native; Pine 1 ad Cedar anud B. C. Red Cedar. iDoffl-Gilmours'pstent iuinber,hard. woed and plue Doors-,ail grades'aud prices. SAsH 'BLixDs sud, MeULDNs-Gil. meur's sud Raihbun's Manufacture, Sait, Plaster, w oea sud BesI OiCea Screaued Coal-Hard sud Soft. Inspection Iuvited.!IPrices Reasenabie. ')7-6m MOCLELLAN & CO.,, Bowmauville. «Certain, good is better théan uncertain hope." Certaln, value, Up to the Makerst price, stamped on, the sole, $3.50, $5.,00, is pIed- ged i every pair of "The SliaterSh1-oe", Tea A ,-Coffee The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffee, for something good it can't be beat. We have a fcw Specials for this w!cek-«-Pure Mapfle Syrup, Canne Pinepe5 Corn, Pa and Tomatoeýs> the i;erybet Haýive you t£riedour Special Bakirig Pow«ler-, it't be beat Wool Wanted, TELEPHONE 557 BOWMAN VILLE. Gods e-t Luw_ est rice. w Special 50c Dress Goods, In Satin Cloths, Fine Serges and ilenriettas, strictly pure wool, 42 to 46 inches wide in nýavy,E black, cardinal, brown, myrtie, grey, fawn, old rose, cream, pale blue and piîik - shades; the width and quality are here and at small figures. We can save you money on your Linings, New Idea Patterns sold here.. w Special Values -in Lawns and Muslins. SLawnS--4o to 44 inehes in width, finest quality, 10c, 1211c, 15e, 18c, 20c, 22e and 25c. âK India LjllOfls-Extra wide, the finest texture and finish, 18c, 20e, 259, and 30c. SDimity Mus1ins--In plain white and black, 18c, 20e and 25e; also pale blue, pink, canary and Nile green shades at 25e SFigured Mus1i«ns_-In floral and ý,triped designs, newest and daintiest of patterna, 15e up to 50e per yard. SPlain White Organdies--Etra; ei values, 18e, 20e and '25c; also Persian Lawns at The Chicest ofValencienne Laces Just In for Trimming. New Lot of Parasols Just In wîith Choicest of HandIes,- John Mcflurtry, BOWMqANVILLE.