Stott & jur~y" BoWMANVILLE. Agents for I3eaver Line Steanisbips and Dominion Line Stea usbips. Oroestàsma ,kor'e la le. ýý%ave trouble baek and kId- ey. Run- mingasewing machine, plying the needie ln the neyer ceasing stiteli, stitch, ýstitchu, pressing seams-censtant bending c-Yer-soon tells on the back, makes it ache and pain. Q No wonder these wý-omen often find their health fail. The kidncys get eut of erder, the back pains, and the whele syrstem ges full of poisons whieh the sick kidneys are unable to eliminate. nNe dressmaker sheuld allow lier healIth te slip aivay, and bnckache '%nd kidrey týroube keep. hier in miser>, When sucli ease, ,.oeifort' freox.fromn pai invigeration rd theý 7ystemt banch ohtained by usitg Dr. P'tcher's Backache Kid- AOTED SPLENDIDLY. Mian A. Schwartz, 42 Waterý Street, 0ela Ot., states, ber experience witb Dr. ioe' Backache Kidney Tablets as 1olvs« suffered from baekache and 3ý1dacy trouble for some years, 'wbich I Wir e wï du" te sitting se close and bend- gav e t my work. The trouble ab «mu» wvaa qulte severe, se I got a boutle { WDtPPitchR'sBekache Klidney Tablets .1 Eos'drnstre.Tisey certainly acted endd1y with me, for I had notWlýnished u'ra rl util 1 goS complete eie. I~ ~~~~~-r igtie. 5.abaaaldfisby1 1'XU Dk ZLXk 1.TKa ,,G"Tras personal attention. Harry Cann. Capt W. C King received word last week that he is wanted te be a member of the Bisley Teamn of 1902 and bas accepted the position H1e had previ- ousir taken passage on the Tunisian wnich bas been cancelled. Electors, we are told that vile lies are being circuiated in the nothern sections, where Mr. llickard is nlot known as weil as aiong the front of the Rding, about hiL alieged drinking habits. The stories are absolutely false and are cer- tainlv circuiated with malicieus btent. Be sure you g et the kiîd Sou 'have alwýays had.-Owing te the great popu larity of "The D. & L," Menthol Plaster, unscrupulous makers are putting Uip one like it. For rheuînatism, neuraigia, etc., nothing is botter. Made only by Davii & Lawrence Ce., Ltd. We thiuk we can truthfully say that Tua STÂAESMAN uffluýe waSUever more crowded wîth work than during the past month. Last week we were a day late printing the paper and the prevî- ous week the boys worked ail night to get it eut. The rush is new about over and we hope te keep up with the work in future. A FooD ron BRAIN AND MUSCLE.- Whether it is brain fag, loss of memory, inabiiity toeconcentrate the mnd or bodily weakness and general debility Dr. Chase's Nerva Food wil restore voir oid lime energy, strength and health. Througli the biood auJ nervous systorn, il reaches every pârt of the body and overcomes weakpess, irregularities and disease. When Cobourg base-ballists corne te this towu te plav the returu match with our home team we hope for the credit of the citizens of this town they will re- ceive more courteouï treatrnent than was shown our team lu Cobourg. The Bowmanvilie team iii composed of re- spectableyoung feliows and deserve bottýer treatment than theyV received in Cobo;urg. W S,)mitb, ex -MI.,P., and bisaspport- ers around ColLimbus should bide their beads for ssame airel, Satureday nfight's disgracelul conduct. That the attack on Mayor Fowke by Smith was planned! is unqustioned. as before leaving Osb- awa Mr. Fowke reeeived a teleo'ramn froniWhitby as foilows: "Persoeaplot at Columbus on yeu Be ruady." Wben speaking after Hon. Jno. Dry- den and Dr. Kaiser, Smitf~i s reported te have, ascended the piatform and deait Fowke a blow lu the face, Fowke h&ving read the teiegram and remark- ed that only an arranit coward wouid bc -uilty of such a plot', Smnith said I am the2 man anld-then madie the attac,,k.- Rtes pectable Conservatives are disgusted witb Smitbl and this unmanly act it is s.dwill coat Calder many votes, as it shouid portatien et the tour bay herses purchased by bis employer from Lord Minte which were specialiv secured for the Rtoyal carniage used during the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Tbey were brod at the Hackney stock farm of Robert Beth. M. P., Bew- manville. ON MAGNETIC llEALîcsG.-.%IMuch is spokon and written during these limes about thiki mYstorious rnethod of treat- îng disease. The most truly remas-ka hie cases of magnetie healing whichbhave corne under the notice of the writer bave beeu these lu which Dr Chase's Ointînent was used. This preparation seems te have magical pewer in stop- ping the dreadful itching, burning sensation of Sait Rheumn and Eczema, and when used regulariy makes the cure thorough and permanent. On Wednesday afternoon the funerai took pflace of -Corporal Alfred Hobbs, a veteran of the Indian àMutiny cam- paigu, and tor many years janitor ef Bowmanvile Pub'ic School, andwas attended by a detachment of No. 8 Company 46111 BattI, under command of Col. John Hughies and Capt. Augcus Staîker in uniforin, niembers of the Beys Brigade of whiehbeh was some- time instructor, male teachers and boys of the Public seheel and members of Welington Lodge No. 19 Sons of Engiand under whose auspices the obsequies took place. The latter society was marshalled by Bro. Rd Jarvis, Chief of Police. The funeral was iargelyattended by citizens. 11ev. R. Seaborn conducted the cburch services. Health-Culture for May cernes eut iu a new illuminated co, er, and opens witb a very thoughtful paper by Dr. V. English discui!sing the causes that pi-oduco the varions Temporamental Conditions, the writer caiminx that we make our own temperame-nts, and not as is sometimes bupped,- that our temperaments are the contreiing factors in our lives. "The ilyglenie Home Treatment of Rbeumatism?'is taken up by Dr. Felix L. Oswald, from wbicb it is seen Ibis compiaint is quite ea'qilY treated successfully. Editorigllv is considered IlWhat te Do With the Meat Trust," -The Cure of Consumptien" and 'Marriage and Long Life,' te- gether with A very useful ledepartment devoted to the Answers te Correedon- dents. This in itseif must prove Of great valUe te the subscribers te this magazine, wbich is new recognized as tbe autherity on practical hygiene and bodily culture. Issued at Si a vear, or 10 cents a copy, by the Heaitb-Culture C., 483 Fifth Ave.. New York. CIl d ren Cry fo-r CASTO R-lA narrated the circumàstunces by wbich the name was ziven te the lodge, J. R. Brown of Toronto having ýsug-gested it. Mt. A. James, P. G., read socue particu- lars of the nurse's first geod services as nurse, a shepard dog being her first patient; Fred R. Folev read an original essay on Florence Niglîingaie aise a copy of a letter senlt hy order of the lodge te tihe old lady congratuiating her on the event and, equesting an aulegrapb acknowledg-ment. Brief remarks were made bv Bro. F. A. Uaddy, C. A. Jobusten, Gýeorge Immel, Arthur Gay and others, STATUEo0F Ouro, CTy oi, ToLEno,) LucAs CouNTY, 1 FRÂNir J. CHUNET makesoath Ïhat lie is the senior partuer of the irm of P.J. CHENUT & Co., doing business in the City ot Teledo. County and State aforesald. and that said fSrm wilpay the sum of ONE hUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannoS le cureS by the use of HaALS CÂTÂER CURE. FRANK J.'cHRNEY. Sworn to before me and suibseribed in mny presence, ibis 6tb day of December, A. D. 1886. A . WGLEASON, BEAL INotary Public. Hallsa Catarrli Cure ls taken internally and sets direcily on the blood and mucons surfaces of the system. lienS for testlmonials, free. F. J. CHERRY & CO, Toledo, O. SolS by -Druggists, 75c. Hsli's BFamily Pis are te hast. BORN DILLING-1n Bowman ville', May 25, te wife of Mr. Herli. Dillng, of a son. MARRIED. RILE-ROGERs-In Darllr.gton, May 24tb, by Rev. D. Rogers, Fordwich, 'Dr. Johin A. »fley, Chcago,1 Ii., and Dr.Margaret C., dauglter of Mr. Chas. Rogers, Darlbogton. DIED. HOuas-Tu Bowmanville, May 24th, reliet of the laie Alfred Hobis, aged 71t years. REYNGLDs-At Mt. CswlDarîbugton, 25tb,' Celina Lavinia Bellwood, beloved wU O of Mr. Geo. Reynolds, aged 42 years. MORnEi-Near Zion, Rope township, May 25, Martba Grigg, beloved wlfe of Mr. Jos.Ntorden, aged 51 years. Daugliter of Mr. Thos. Grigg. Pyny-Balsam cures ail, couglis. It seothes, it heals, ît cures quickly and certainiy. Pyny-BaIsam, selis more widely ever.v year. Manufactured by the propritstors cf Perry Davis' Pain- Killer. NEW BLACKSMITI{, l'armers! If you are waniting a good set of Iron llarrows do not failt t cal and see us. Ours are fitted with steel1 teetb and made in eitbher three cor four sections, Wll seilchea-P, Cait Darcb's oid stand, King St, E&ast Bewmanville and see tihem, W.PCAD smallest, weakest1 baby. -Soid at al drug stores, or sent postpaid àt '25. a box by addrPssing The Dr. Williams Medicine (2o., Brockviiiie, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. THE FAMVOUS SHOE FOR WO1VEN. Iost Perfect FÎttillg Shoe Mvade. Millions of deliis-hted women in the Uluited States andi Canada 'estify te the perfect ease and salîsfactory qualities of ibis-o, BOOTS $3.7,5, OXFORDS $3.0O). FRED. R.FOLEY, Parlor Shoe Sýtore.l BOWi-tvMANVL. 3 only,4 Black Hlomespun, sizes 32, 34, 36, regular $12,00, for 9.00 1 on' y, Biue Camel's Haîr CIothi, size 34, regular $12.00, for 9.00 2 only, Navy BI-ie C iosîIk trimmed, sizes -32) 34, reghlIaî $15.00, fir ,o.0 2 only, Fawn Venetians, extra stylilsb, si-ze 34, reg-ular $16.00. for ('3.00 1 only Medium Dark Oxford Cheviot (natty) sîze 36, regular,$20.00,'for 15.00 House 1Furnischinvgç- A f ull assortment of Lace ami Chenille Curtains, Damask and Chenille Table Covers, Floor Oil Cloths, Biinds, Carpets, etc. [SEE OUR GOODS'AND SAVE MONEY, la.W MSN& OU BOWgANVILLE, EXEOUTORS' SALE -OF- Farin aEast Whitby, The Excertors of the bite James Sliand -will offer for sale by auctIon at the flotel at Raglan on \VEDNDSODAY, JUNIf 111h, 190,sthat val..i abie farm containing about _ crs, parts of lots 13 and 14 In îth and 8th concessions, East Whitby, in bis lifetime belonging, to the late James Shanh. Soil good. Situated between Columboi snd Raglan, and convenienit t Myrtie on C. P. R'y and Brooklil on G. T. R'y. The sale is made to carry out the directions of the Wilî and affords au excellent opportunity to purchasers to 0oRa n a valuable lroperty in a. choice section. For tera and partIculars anply to the Ex- eculores James A. Burns', Es4., Raglan, John Sadier,' Esq., Columbus, Dow & MeGllivray, Whitby. Vendors' Solicitors, or LFvi Fkim- BANKis,* hitby, Auctioneer, 22-3w THAT aching head eau lie tnstantly relleved by takînig oneo f MILBURNIÉ STERLII«1 HEADACHE POWDEBS. powder ï5c. 3 for 10C., 10 fer2be. Next door to Standard Bank G-ood Work, Best Materials, Artistic Desig ns, Prices Reasonable, E R. BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT.X MlISS BERTHA L' ABY PUpil of Prof. A.sN eog Toronto ConservatîorF cf Msiec .!illr l' 1po in uPianz u Theory of Music, St Ceson PI.IISt.,Boa vile,