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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1902, p. 7

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lat is, 1 teaspoon each of cloves and ii tATIJIl and that whjskey and soda E Scinnamon, 1 nutmeg. Steami thrcee .LJ.U±D PIAGI r fatal te leanness. Eschew these ~A 1,outth: heurs andi serve wltli the following BE and the treatinent will have the sanie -A bo Ut thesauce :-One cup, sugar and 1 egg HOW FAT PEOPLE IVAY RE- good effects upon ail who try it. butter haîf as large as anl egg in 'UE HIRWIGT cup hot wator and add guadually CANNON VERSUJS MAIL. l toteeg and sugar, beating al Piet that Ras Taken Thirty t the timo.Se in a double bolier Pounds Avoirdupois Off a Per- Congress at Lyons Does Not Pro- i eogj d-vson in Six Weeks. laim Its Efficacy.I: TI-EFMEAT LEFTOVERS. lemon aad sve. 2- apbt-c Why buysucl a lrrast ofltoc,-2-3 cup sugar, 1egg,2tn This is the season of the year when The third international congress on beef or- mutton is often a puzzle to spoonscram trta, i easeen iis seme of my goofi neiglibors, ire oda (o heaping teaspoon baikhiig ls may do it with a minimum of Lyons. The delegates includcd ar do'thpîa emaag us s pew,,der), cup warm water, and seif-denial and sacrifice. Some pri- considerable- numnber of scientific mie- do-youknew wve're not ah aiMin i lereiugitvouot at ions are necssary, but in the teorelogists, who prevcnted the con-n this world, anyhow, says LauPra Cream Fiiling-Beil nearly 1 pt.j spririg markiets there are substitutes, gress fcom making any wholesale in- Whittemvr~. IBut. the. f nt leiiains rinIl'k, then stir into At 2 tablesPOon)s for forbidden feods that are net te dorsenient of hall shooting as aa that wheîî the roast cones ne h rstacl, rfleur, moistene 1 Inbc found at etiior times of the year, nîasou dc'ey tee trîs table it is net greeted with a xater or milk, -2 eggs, 1 teadup especiaily in the winter. The reports shiowed 'the largeextent bordnglius sul, adneon sugar. When nieariy donc, add EvLery systeim of reducing ficsh fer- te which cannonading agaiinst hall realsthat "it is beef a l this cup butter, and fiai or te taste. bids lts disciples te eat certain lias spread through Italy, Austriah week.- 1' thiiugs. These are forbidden as rig- and France.P Ia the first place, 1 get ai oastlI uNIS TO HTOUSEKEEPERS. idiy as poison would be te a person Mr. Guinand said that in France I itithout bons-I like a ronîP ruast i pretty woeh. It is possible te eut off If yeu have te buy new-baking who had ne suicidal plans and ivas thirty aiine operators with 834 can- i a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fe ue fsekfrtoîittn o ragt the long, circular ti'ying te keep in good health. Cern- non huad protected about, 60,000 m eai. hce-8 iefs th reakf 0njst, pasforhich ,g rivcipprehiensiiely s"tated the forbiddea ar- acres of xineyards. 1le reported per coke ar.~Xh ieeIl net rst ail round. The crust, hygien- ticles are starches and sugar. Ia vegý fect success in eieî'y place. TIhe gen- can be warmed in the esen iardserv- ists tell us, is the nîest heaithfilel tibles these coier peas, petatoes, oral opinion wats that'ho was alto- f ed a hot reast twice la succession if and nutritious part of the lbai. beets, carrets, squash and lima gether tee eptimistie.f desired. The main thinig is te let it W ater botties and ivases are some- banus. Mr. Suschnig reportedl for Austral remain in. the e\en the second linme timnes clouded by the deposit frem Included inl the list are also ail that la genecal ecy one is satisfiofi jnst barely long enongh te liet the water. To remeîoe it dcy seme kinds of bread, pastry and confec- with the resuits, and no one doubits tlîirou-gli, se ns net te aliow it te egg sheils, break thein up fine, put tiens, and sweets of any kind unless thint systematic shooting lias been dry. Af ter that, the large, thin, thcm liu the liottie with a littie they happen te be made of saccharine effective lan rotecting the vines. r deilate suices of meat that can).Only wnrm wter and shako vigorously iiistead of suigar; and unfortnnately Mc. Konkoly for Hinngary said thate bcecut off iith a i ecy sharp noue,, until the deosit is disledged. ]the pi eserves, and similar articles the expeimients ini hall sheotlng are rngdeelona ite ae aaa are ntritious foofýI lieparod with saccharine are se ex- there lef t much te bc desirefi and iith sorte bits of green stufi scat- and cenalie enten by those wnP -ilii siî e as te be practically beyond expressefi hiinself withi great reserve toi ed around the edge, te mrake it whem tlie raw fruit disagrees. Tlîey thc nîcans of aniy but thcen ealthy. as te its value. lok ceai pretty. aeseiiync e rafs.T If a person of great fotitude and Mr. Ottaîl foc Piedment, Italy, The warnîiog over stage basnw prepare clip the endis, sit the skius cpblof seif-denial in a hig'h de- said tînt iii nîany cases the shoot- arriied, and te be prep)aredf fr lit Il frem end te end, but de net reonoie, grec, sheuld ibe desîcous of getting îng seenîed te bceieffective, but itr try te keep soîno iice soup stock o and bale fifteon or tweiity -minuîtes, 1tilail a vocy short time, there is fniled ln other cases. Mr. Alpe fore iaiid anti a sopply of bîcad rumbs. T e srve, romoive the sl'lns and!one miethod of filet by which lieor ebcysi heigsain We like it sliced very thin andi thon sprlnkle with a littIe sugar. isue couild de it witheut the least there reported goed cesults, and cas j aced ile plain bot gravy for a few TIe snîall brusiios foi' cleaniiig possible doubt. Tt is sumînef up by of failures wero te believefi te be la minutes. It should acier hoe llowedl îogotables are a nocesslty te tue the physiciaiî wio always prescribes consequence of feeble caninon or te bell, ils tînt tougheos it. Or ivenan ivbe daces for the aptearancel it as "Boofsteak and Spinacb." tardv sheeting. Othor iery consci'- sonietinies I jnst cnt it up ilte littie 0'f lier hanfis. Tiiey atre tee dheap TIE EFFIZCTS 0F THIS DIEI intive reports ivoro renidÏ pieces aînd v.wrn it Itie saine way. j te ho dispenseid with.arsewnrultt tswct FROM SOUTYIERN ITALY. i It çdepeiîds upon wietiier it con bel - w hile to dcsccibe it, ci on tiîough it ttia 'prc îtbt i îîicoly sliced or iot. H0W THE "PIANET" CAME IN. i itetorgdfrteaeae I a eotd ta ohi Anthrîîeeway I find is te cuti 5alti e iiifi h vrg Switzerlanid and Spain re-ather ilîte piocos about tivo luches square Happy Ending te, a Grlm and ia rioa e netk.Pa-shoeting had been tciod onily experi- anf on lch iîlkfcya godGrusone oyae.tleniiy, the oilly foodi telbe takciî for mentally anfi te a small extent aînd bcown in drippings, and bako xery The story of the cescue cf the tiue nîeth or nierostltmeue conthehafi cotributed vecy littele o te slewly in n îightly coveced dlsh, slr -tiuo nln bpPnit ilo ii iei loîîa nite knowieoge of the subjeet. Ma\!Lny ôth- keepiîîg it suppliefi with eîîough scrysrikn oin hpPlnt eetable nentioned. For breakfaste'rprs eepeete rn i watc t co o. Ts ase aks 0af11îîMexico for Queenstoivu, by w-ýý,hon such a ateal 15 likely te bhoun- countries intecestod, soîîîo0f which i ced W. Br'yant, second ma te of tuie sL~ivocy, toast anîd teoro' nlî or if dilodos fonadatien fer a potpie. A semr Cclî,ui F-îao î ain wntsîI~i~ î'm l-iere enthusinstlc erer the res(iîts, liltle breafidelîgli rellofi ont makes s ais owîi nein efntilen cf dheptientceîee nny affeise homtakn.' whie ethers ivere douhtfui. a nice crust ; so édees irnnshed po-plîja, i n he oivnin O iesii-o eia lob ae. Mc. Gastine, fielegate foi' the Min-t tat. B sue i li paticlarMc. Clark Rtussel eould surpnss lu !Saccharine îîînst in any case be sub- istî'y of Agriculture of France, saifi about the seasolng, foc that and iîteiest. The Pliuet, delityed by stitutofi foi' sugar. At the other it is impossible as yet te giîo a the w-ny the cookiîîg is donc are the hoad winds andi hurricanes, was onel-ineals oniy befsteak, spincli, butter defiite opinioen as te the value cf rieeessacy points. Use sait and pop-hunfirod andi sixtx soieni days ont, anfi toastare aliowed. baal slîotiîîg, but le advlsefi that per lîvnys, then na littie ceoery saît, and li' erfod iîad gene bad,- whoii Thîis. diet mnnst ho adherofi te the experiments hoe coîitiaued. Ile soîn W'ccecerlîic sucenaf toshe sigoalefi the Crewîî Point aîîd sîrictly for at least one nîonth. Thon tegti -c eial htcn îîîato catsnp Lare olten desirable. asked for a toiv.Ilier ci-atie îîîoîe- tueho ,oderi ci ellets will haie begî tinued serel shenîf ieho madie foi' Soniotinios I sellep niet anîd monts lad alccady attractefi atten- te show thens-elves, andf liow great an explaîntiou of the formation of carets. Suice thc carets îery thin tien; sonîthing nas ciearly wreng. [tue efeet ili ho afterw'ard fieponds hailsterms whiei maiglît resait in andd et thc mont loto snll ' thia Mc. Bryant n-as senît aloiu rfilo'and on the leogtiî of time ticefilet is con- clearing up thoefioubts anfi orors1 piecos. Put thoera nîte a iveli btteî- the case expîninefi. A iiaw-sec ias tinuied. rsig fo ouinracofts cd pudding disI, layer upen layer, thonî attachefi, lut it paîbcd with the Jnst now "spinneli anf befstenak" parisig non eriioaneo l sesiigas you preceefi. Mitnfis tai, dils captnin docided florinihue motte of miore îîîen and wo ieeenn Mseaseniîîg srain andOne of the mest impertanttpapers theouolghiy with senp stock. Coier net te try to tcw, if Bryant ivoulfimon tlîaun cici befere. If a Young redna-yPo. a.R lnadn closely andf bale cicr 50 slowly for undertake te sailithe vessel inte voian finds that lier complexion is îneteoclegist of the Observatocy of a long tiîno. A fow moments bef oie port w ith suchli ielp us lir sicli crow hlotcliy, site ny go te a îîotedl skia Puy-de-Peine. Ile saifi tînt nhile seruiog renioxe the celer and' browîî conifi giî-e. specialist. but the chances are teîî it n as net absolntcly impossible thnt slightly. A finely eoppefi ooioîî TIe yoîing manti ionglît hoie ouîlf te one tlîat hoe will sny te lier the the firiîîg of camion iiaay hn- dis- Improies it foi- soeetastes. Cal- de il; it sieulfi liebut a nOok te lmsocos- as,'eesen îdVaef alstcsn n ef afîrni bage, potato, coolef i ne or bread i Queensteîvi. île founfi tlît theo fist spa iIf an man or weîuîaîî is tee thtîntiîlsisos, siace dissipation oc-i1 r-rniilo are aIl suitable to seaiiop lmate lînf alrendy diefi; the seconîd, stcout, accerdhuîg to hils wn or -soîne- ducs very frequnîtly without ilny iti. nmate t'nd the captainiv ere dying. body else's idea, anfi lie or sho gees cannon being I irefi. 1île anialyzef al Xtbeiithece is a cnp or tive of to- 'Ihere ivas ne ncll man cn board, to tic doctor, le n-lu probably sny the evideuco la favor of the tîeocy nînto ift anfi the gravy is ail geîue, anfi sonie nocre suffeiîîg terribly. TIc thle sanie thig-"beefstenLk anfi spin- ndf argnosi tînt the, efficacy of the I afif a littie water anfi stew the tc- îessel belonge ofiteIaiiihnrg, andi of acli." ht is neot only a filet that lis slîoeting is far from being demon-1 mate slowly. Thon I strain t and tle Germnnicr hut eue niait spolie. adapied te the w calest stoinacî, but stratefi.1 season. caî'efully, addlug i table- EliglisI, andi lie eIoploye(l fuis bn-, it 15 ivondecful aise ini ts ponTer of Tic rosuit of the deliberations was spoon butter aînd fleur mnbod te gîage promptly te inforni lis new rcinig fiesh. tîtat the. congress nîeceîy rosolvefi gether. Cooli his untii Ihickelied, offleer iliat'thoî'e ivere otlior fie"s c' There baie beoîî cases la whiih a that pretectîug ngainst hall de- titen afifithe met eut into sîîînil sidosthie scuri y on board-tue sec- rigif afiherence te this flet with a miancis theie mecacaest attention pieces. Lt it lent tuuxeuglî, but oe-I iate's terrier, ivhiehi ginciefi certain anieunt of exorcise lias tnken anfi stndy on the part of science andi fou't bell it one bit, is berth anfi w onîf net beave it, thirty pounfis iithini six ivedls off a tint sntisfactocy cesuits ln amli 0f course, oeeena make inriens lad lîydî'ophebia, witie the îcssel perseîî nIe trief i t. The effeet on sîooting reqalco the, groatest pessi-e cembuintieus f or croquettes, tic nas imîestedl with poisenens "selmali digstionî is la itself wonderful. Thc bic extoiit of stations anti uîifernîity samne ansila scalleîîiug. Aiways afifischoakes -nîlt fot' -tliznt is, scet- French say "suinh 5w00ps the of apîtaratus. A commttce was zp a benten egg, aîîd dp unie egg, tliei pionîs, wihci lf escapefi freîuî the soînî"W ithi rather underdone, polatef ted obcbng togother ahl per-l breafi ccnmbs, andi fry la deep fat. îegn-oed of wihch thie cargo col- beefsteak it forais a comnbinatien sous andi societies latecestef inlatue It oîîiy tales a jîffy te fry ibmr, sisted. whîlelluns i'sulls ila ah cases. Tliat si i nitecl îole'cnrs andi tue mixture eanale pîepnred Anether trouble ivas tuaitue si-kiP's filet is bccoirting pcactically tue oniy suat andeerite.l ntercnrs somo timae belorelanfi. 0f course nriediclues-aîîd kBryant hmd te lic proscription which the skia fioctors theporti. eeything mnusi ho ehoppefi îery prcscrilîing plysician as weol as sidl pi-escribe foi' woeon nho lave f ist nge.el lopeimoturse andiînvigator-proî Oi te hoe hlotchy coîîîplexiens ns the wlt a liti îpstckor to meatIl lied inlaGernîan, wicî lie conifi IESLIT0F INDIG-ESTION. QUEEN IRELEN CAM SHOOT'. gî'avy iii whldli lias been ilieted a net uîîdeîstand uer lus ignor'ant la- Witl titis dilet tiiere of cour'se lîttie glatilie, anîd seasoîîing nith terpr'oeî'r translate. otheî' foatuces of livilng te le observ- Beats Rer Rusband at the Target, sage andi sumîmer sas ory, besides'the THE CRO\VN POINT cd. Tîtero siionîf be for instance, Who Is a Good Shot. sali, Popper andi Worcesterslire lad loI t gooti provisionus for a, week, -neonîioig of any kilaf between mnenus. sauce, inises a delicieus loaf, afier but tite slip ivas bocalmefi anti tlcy! ri t shouifi iater le talon iith Qucen Melen of Itaiy is an expert it lias sto soi ral leurs, or ever ran short. iVorse tîana lad of food Inicis. No liquiti anîess it lie a witI rifle andfirevolver, andiblentlher iiight. ivas lad 0of slcep, whldh hie coulfi îit glýass cof ced wvine fer persons iitihnsband's lest target score, al- Eî ecyoe thialis thoy lnow how to le spaîed to taise. Fcom the l1- niionituat agu'ees, shouifi le ai- theugui ho las the ]reputation of le- niaike asI, but reaily there is lasI bols which lio kepi during tuat tCmîtcd if tIe filet is te laie ts full, ing n miglity huînteî'. Ilci record is appetiziuîgand' hinsu otlerwise. i dreadful ferttoglît soîne entries liai e offeet»t. iibetivoon imals. lu the lynîleanus couifinefi te targot prnc- ain ayuptt a geîîeuouis ameunaiof boen pnllislîcd. They îîefi lie totîclicei-se cf tIc hwenty-four heurs, tai ueoeltier. RIen Siî wns Priacess diippings iii île fî'yiîug pan, thon frern auuu roîncer's pen to uîiguten least, twe qutarts of water siteuif le of Montenegro liuniing iras lier fav- put la the hash, dover tightiy andi the pichu-re. druîîk. If mirecena le talion the oulto spor't, andi sIc ad nny excit- let t ent thcongl slowly andi oven- "Fridny. Ca Iiod at 1.30 a, m. te filet is goiîîg te lave se muudîbtter log adi-cnces îvlti big gaie. iy, stiiring oeeasioually -witî n pal- gWhouu îat u -,utu dc lce Veîshe weni le Itnly as riîîcess cite kiafe. Lastiy, I meldit h huetOirst andîffunfi ship stnggeriîg unu- Of course tltoce is n netîefi of any cf Napîles she itussefile' uta a laf hap uîd li hlîcwn icey.der maînveyal nul nceariy a gale of sucli sevei'e dieting mereiy te rodace more than nny other featuro fIi Tlion itcenale tuî'nefi eec lto anvîd hloîviîîg. Tolk in royal, fore- flesiî. Thant amy le donc iithoat girl life. IThe Prince lad targots put piatter, anti put on thc table wtî topgaiiantsnil, îîizzentopmast stay- trouble, iflte- person w-ho is ai tîls, up inithIe gardons at Cape di Meunte som ci a te-le ecegnIze i et-Saili galteps andif eter jili. Snw iorI iili gie up n ion articles cf villa anti sîocting inteles woue hId ole- 0f. 1o-1.t--nt-, r--Cool, fuie- lus stuontîghu elfi out, uîcnevcr, andi To peîsnIe hoare net prepareti to yrepneoua.' hîoncs, repleuisiing the nnter li île port was reaclîctinl safety. TIe go into crcercising on n vecy extenslive "Oh, doctor, is it as lad as tînt?" kettie us ih buis anay. Tle longer rescueci crew, lready cecoî-riug un- scalo nalkl.iug is n groat nid te co- cieti the miotIon; "tlat's a Lilg t coolis the bette', andith îe deerer dccrlis ca'o, thnkefi their exînustoti fuclng tîuir weigît. . Te nenthor slclness foc sudh a aito. Wlntever býrown ih bocomes. 1puesri or nulti ree dee-tiroated non is esfîecilly adaptedt t exorcise sinli I de for île chilti?" A Substitute-Stale brenfi e-y le Gertnanu cleeîs as lie left tic sîip. te refuco flesl, as fat persons rendu- "Wash is face, mataie-" epliefi usoti instead Qf gi-ýane fleur lun 'The stery becaîne public tîroughliy got into a perspiration. - if i is the doctor; -"tle diseuse nIEl go off lirowli breafi. Soals about 1 ccp lu tle tostiaîeny necccssnry te afjudi- possible t4i tale violent execicso île withîlhe firt." ti Our inil tuintil seft. cato the salvago, naiiMc. Pryaîut cesuits nIil e nuch btter. "Waslî is face!-wnsl is face, la- Graune Pufid th ulFruit-Tale ,vas tituîlet I bl te BritishBaPont f Tle person rmosi ignoratnt of tic deeti!" excininit li iother. ioslîîg ic ccps gMlunm 1f'leur, il Cap ime-, AdIiirauty, anti pronioteti ly the menus of refiuciuîg flesh focs net 1er tempeî'; "nîntnx, I'd 111e to lao, Ccp eti bttor, wcp ner lIe mlyeilti-1a( hi olic t(-)]li tînt l unusfihlin yon?" butcelli og itasonSOda", efigt fre nigreoî o-cctis ic le noid tI1c piague1 "ns(ycrou.e-da-ns * cp itugSh eclranits, 1 t ai- go.f Itînt ah alet11ihois imore or losfat- yu na"vsîl c eioinder, EIOW CONTAGION SPREADS. FRIENDS BEFORE GOLD. The Way to Avoid île Transmis- Interesting Sketch of Cecil Rhodes sien ef by Dr. Sxuen. Ia these finys ne 'have most 0f us Dr. Mans Saner, - nulio nMi'. learnefi the lessen tînt countagion - Ehodes fer tnenty yenra, anti ln lis CIat is te sny île "eatchlnig" qual- cenîpnny rode mtiny thetîsantis of ity of a diseaso-is in every case a miles ovor tice-vcitt, f urnisheiluuthc niatier of a spocifie microbe or gere- May issue 0f tic Emnpire Reviewn a By seelie s nontt tai acidis- iîîtorosting, sketch 0f the gi-ont nn's uase lias its own microbe, anti one pecsenality. cannet catch the disense except by This ivritor unys lic neî cm met Mr-. receiîing la one nny or anoher that Rhedes' equai as n business mnan. lIe partlcular gerni. coalti as easily lave mnado fifty ns Tliese gere-s have tlîeir own man- five îallions, if îîuouey-geiting was noms antti cstemns, ieans of tcaveilbis ohjeet inIillfe. Put i t ias net. atîd pî'escrlbefi lengtl of ltfc, anti h Money, as5 nuoney, titi utt iateccst is by tue study of these dctallîî tînhiat ii i the least; luc reganiefi bis ne loara itoirte avoifi the htransmuis- fortunue as incerely lîi10 in rutî foc sion of contagions ilînessos. iVe lis cocuntry. luien, foi- instance, iCiat te get ty- "Probnbiy tenonti whe eîor luiý piioi'foi or or cholera tIcenmiccobe lut Souih Afrien bas gi-en aîvay - s0 lias te ho talon ihue the systeni ilu mach anti so tiuiîsteiiiatiously us cuii tle forin cf impure foeiot'o waiec, Ccl Rhodes. lHls purso nus alîrnys anti soe iery yoar one or mlore pre- epenut tebis friends--iiif act, te auy cnuieîs are talon to htave île iva- eue in uîeeti Ehodies once show ef ter supplies Of our ihg cities frenee m large dcawers inluis study froîa containation, anti stricer ai- at Groote Schînrr, full of letters me- ioîutieîu is givon to the pnuity of our contmendîng yeuug mcii frorn lhe Olfi food. An outhuaou0f typheid lever Countrcy, anti I dan saïely sny tînt is rie longer eonseeot, l ic heoid overy case m'ecoivod is couisideration, sease, a "vlsitatiea 0f Providene," anti 90 per ccii. i.s hlp anti assisi- but is recegnizoti as n slîamie anti n aneu.1 refection on iozai coniditions, nIOr- SIMPLE OUTFIT. ever it odeurs. lis lierseuîilexpondîture nas , ai- Consciaptien anti nhooping-cougl, aîlost iemiti-l, andttiis goar nditont- ne linon, are passefi frein coepoison fit nînnys of thc siîîpiest. On the te anotîtol'b3 mieans of the e-spector- Rhiodesinu-ii veldt the Ocdiaary camip nions, anti it is te be hopef tiatin la fce as geeti tîugl fer bhla. île near future ne shail put this IIeî'e is a elacteu-isiic stocy. At linoniofge te botter tise Chan ne.fie Mar'nuîdelhas's nile w alituîg foc dbn ict prosout, anti proetc ourselves by lier, lie camne aecess Li, rggcd olti niuciu more stringent îulos. CGeuei-ai pcosPecto'. he nîn wasinînhing expectoration is a public offeîîse ai-id a boai of dry breat givon him by the menace, anti shouiile nunmde n pouiah innkbeeper. In is usual jerky nay unniier. lie danger' with expechei'- Mi' Rhodes saidti te îuîî: "Boa't cnt utefi matteri' luthat t. du es und] len tînt Iceaui, coicant ihaie oloner is scatterefi by tic wiad se thnt oee nuh nie." andi ail ainsi talie tic risîs. This Vecy fen people kanwtînt Mc. outrage shoulti ho so lhatdiefi by- all hoties ceultilave possosseti pi- ia author-ity thun at i heo eaî future, ti,,,Iy lthe ncle 0fthe Witnaiou's- the prosont condttiiontof ocur cars ati aidt goldifiolfs lin 1886. Put hie loft sîreets nili scni bile an evilniît ail te nurse a frionti iro nas li ai mare. Kumber-ley, rcmannng forî moîîths uiii Se-urlet foyer and fiplîl bomba are tii i heencutamne. bodygit lv anly bemanasliva aei-îleDr. Sanioc trgot i n te secure op- bcdy osedilby y sihin. 'ue O ionis non north hisudrefia0of mil- son c-un ding foc unenths ndityencs lis. "Iîuustgote-frai" te cîbiles anti teys and buoks, nuaind s il.goodes' piy. exinor- -these tlings shouif nlwnvs le fie- w Mm P. hodW el.Nstion strye ifthy hvecoi ein îon îg M.Rhdsshanteti lv the rmail- tact i if they itkaen iein cn- cat to go 300 mules te Kimberley. tact ul t ue slaeiand adtise i cinselegcams despatchedti teKimlne,y shîoul ho fîabgaeti ati îade seon- i ereduîuse-f. Mur. Rhoecs çnas tifieally clen befoce tlcy ure agala sittiuîg andi nntciing by lthe befiside occuplef. of lis dylng frionti. Tle oppoî-iunity Nctwitisianding nîl our prcnu- nas lest foc cicr. tions there nili ainnys le tiîseasc gocms, but île rmosi vimulent goîrn en do ne lîn uniess it fiuifs its COALING STATIONS. proper soul, anti tiece Is ne nrrnor te compare nulth th resistant poe Lorenze Marques Is te Rave One , el urfeet lenlti.-Yontî's Cee-ipan- 300 Outside of Europe ion. Senho- Albiers, nho is ut the heati of the 1Hacher Commtission ni île GIITTA PERCHA. 'oriuguese port of Lot-enzo Marques lu East Aluica, sfi1ys h is 'intendeti The Gernians Rave Feunti Large tetale thîat pont a gr cat conling Quantities oet h. station. lie Gemna Colonîial Society, une Ia 1898 cotti uas liepi as n cota- years ago, offeret a, cewarti of 3,000 îîuetity fou',p i-chose by steamislips marks foc the fanding of n plant lnatn 23 ports oh ln w nifiouside of any, of île Gemian colonies îvhich Europe, nlicrc eveil'y port is a coal iveult suupply gcuta percha suitalle tiepot. htis1 supposedti lai tue nuni-- for enle purposos. A dospatel fîorn ber of ccaling stin s ontsifie of ei-oaa Newr Guilaca, receivcd nfira Euoe o s ueariy 300, By f ar necîs age, says tînt gutta percha tle lau-gem paît of tuiese sioaîuusiip bas been founti thîcre la lar go qunti- supplies coîute frein. tIe British tics. mines, îvhich are nenu' tucle n'ntcr. This us geeti nons imîfiefi, for lhis is an adi antag nich Euîgianut scarcely nny tropical prefincti 1 more cuijoys, foc ut inakos ut îery cîoup te ndeI. an riting on gutta, percha senuticeaI to suti. She tltetefore e-- a nîlle ago, Major, J. O. Konbey ports about ns nuuuclh cal ns aIl oth- saidti hat île femanti for titis suil- er nationîs together anti a grcat foal stnce uns non about 600 tintes of h is usedti te pleiîisu eoalhuîg sta- greator than tIc sappiy, The coný tiens iii ail parts of the net-id. son for tuis is tînt guita porcha, is ('oalhig statuons are fouîtd lu tIc getting searce, anti it is the oaly su--Me-st Out Of tic nny places. Anuy stncc useori covonlng ocean cables vossol putiing la to little isîanas ulike tînt is net soon fiestîeyeti hy tic NKossi Be ndtt Coînoro lu. île Indian efecet of sait nater. Occan andt Santon anduthe Fiji Is- Tt is Inoîv aît tIc gcuiin pencha lndstinlatIc Patcifie îuuay aln'ays fil tnee tiniis la the Plippines, is buinkers. lhe local inerccatits tieugl it doos net abenit tre luinsoep angoot stupply 0f ceai on hIni great quantitios. One ofthe reports nditipcaticaliy their ouuly custemiers of îlePhiiippiae ecommissionu cacour- îiu theso ti-opiecoglous ni-e passiuîg ageti tue- 10h01 Chtînthîe inuusiry i sssels. tlîceenay bc lnrgoiy tievelopeti. This At scuch places slip captuinis luy sîeuld le foucie f possibbe, as guita ouly n suticit quaniity te carry porcIn us n very pnying produiet andti i tîcto a port ivîcre ceai is a miore ivoulti afit a groat foal te île nealili gencmally usefi coauîîuofity; for t"ai- of tue ishanfis. ecs wire thorc is litile or ne celi- Unil rcently Great Pnîtain anti potition la île article oftenî char'ge liolînif nocosupposeti te own nllexorblitnit prudes for it. thc gutta pecha bandis ouîisideofitue Excepi in tue Pacifie supplies oh Pilippines. lItnw loks ns tiluguconi are uucn scattereti se nideiy île Ifimiteti States anti Ccrunnny oer île norldti ta uscîaily a îcssei noulti le atideti to tue lnds laviug cesîcires outly n few tinys' slow a large interestiIn this pi-ecut.- stcnîning or sniiing to eaond seme Fratnce aise is souttiug gcîiia percin port nîcre it îîîay rOplenisl its secuiiu114-- liii lCi1ci-icbunkers.s siens, anti grent attention null loi-e- afteî' lepait inluseveral, coutiies te the cliiiatieîu 0f this profuet. A fiscovery iras receeîtly nmade tinteny iaive greni effeet iupon lu- cncasiuîg tue sapply. It las ninnys beca supposedti tt h as aeeessnry toecut downatuietroc laintirer te se- cure tIc niily juice. It is saidthtin ai bast 150,000,000 tnces unie titis beouî destroyef in haeicpast Inif cen- iury. Ih is utoîrassertef tint an mc- thoti of tappingeny bleonupioyeti irlici niilpccserve thîlere se that it hnul proiuîco focre-aay yeacs. MEMORIES or HO0ME. TIc bu rgiar lad cuterofi tielieuse as quietly ns possible, lut lis shuoes noce uîoi pafideti ant i le mande somne noise. Hoe1usd jusi renchoti t 'ho e.,or oh the bctiuoont wna lebarýd !some oe îajoîing l inltibe, ns if îabout te get up, andi ho pauseti. )I socînt of a nomaan's vouco fienteti to lis cars: "if yau foî't taise off yonr boots nion yen ceaie into tlis bouse," t s-ti,, "ilre's gelng te le trouble, andtia ,lot of it. Hioro t's becuî cala- ing for ihrce heurs, anti yen fiai-o te tramap over e-y carpeis nith yonr rnudfiy boots on. Go donn stairs anti talc ilenu off ihis minute." Ho nent fowntstaîrs nithei.tta nord, but le tidn't taIe off Ils boots. Insteati, ho wnt suraight eut into thc. aight agnin. andth îe pal nIe nas naitiag fer hlm san a tom' glistea la lis oye. -I cnn't reb tînt hbuse," le said; "i rerniuuits me of home." 78S,000 eirnsreturn fr-oniAmn- eru1l every ya etheir old homies in Fturope, AN UNO FFî1C 1A L OIDE R. Thommas, teuth Bnci of I)uidoualti, ni lis fenil i ice-adî-niral lu tic Eng- lusI nnavy, tolls lalis "[tuteliegra- pby of n Seainîna"0f ani ncient on1 board'thte IHli, on nliîicii le serveti as mnlidsiPin. lie petot f 'thc siip nas n pai'coi, theniversion of île bonisîrain, nlese nhistle tue hict i icarnedti t iiîtittcte oxactiy. Onue tay a pnnty of ladies paiti us a sisit abearti. Py the usuai uenns of a "niip" on tIc yart aima soioral Inti beeîm heisiteutondeel. îhe dam lînfi tscenfietifoc anoieir. Scnu'ce- hy lînt lis fair freight boen liii cd oui, of thec lent alouîgsitie wnthîe par-1 rot pipoti, "Lot go!" The ordor iras iuîsiantih obcyeti, andtihti unfenitunnie latiy. insteati cf being, comfortnhly scateti on decc, iras, sotuset imn the son. Lnckiiy foi' 1er, tIc mean ere on thie natcî anti quilly puileti ber eut, and ui cîiy fer thte pnrei thc boats- nain n'as oui shore, or tuis unscasen- able assuimptien of tic boatswain's funetiens r.igbi lave enfi t tagleai- ly for the bird. "VIou arc île lartiesie-an te nalo I ovor e-et," saidti tIckiati-leauted citizen, nIe lad aliowed île trae-p te sieep la lis liiehen. "Hou-o I huave boen poling ye n latîe cils for an leur." "Nover paifi ne attention te t," admitted île lotigor. "Ver sec, I amn usedti teiepia' ina n ntlo truck, an' I tuought yer Init ias n ceir's hemn." Fathcr: -1 noaticu' nai maI05 île tiog afrid f ef nie? Ie sînnys bchaves as îIf ho ilugt I nas 9goýi te liile-." Son: "I expee s leetn you nhhppilfg ie." KJFT BINbI!NT ABBLI8IIED CHINESE EDIOT ADVISING' AGAINST THE PRA(LVICE. Anethur le- cilEdiet Fore-us Intere-arriage Between XVan- chus anti Chinese. An Imaportal etilet pubilahet i iu tîe Peii Gazette on Feb. i says: "The Cîloose noîaen for île mnosi part have follonoti for a long urne lie custom- cf foet-imîdiugivichius an înjury to thue gooti ordor of ccc- nîlen. Hereaficu lot île officuals anti gentry nîl e'sert ihuonîsobves geumily te persuade andi leadtihe people andi cacuse ilieun au te uaietstaîîd, la île hope htlit ilis olti'custom mîay ho gîoilualiy abolislued." The roigniulg dyuîasiy un China has for cenituries beon -Maucin andtihîe lhanchius haie ne ver licou atddicti te the habit of foot-bintiug. lIceBat- press Ibonager tliereforo la glviag ler influence to nef 0cm itîmtis respect ie net t-cating on the tocs 0f auîy 01 heu' ewn pcople. It is appaliug te ihil tînt hua- trets of tcusanuls cf nwomen lai China are crippieti for bile by the practice of foot-buntiing. Tis eu$- tom dees nîet preî ail aeng the hon- cr chasses. Poor girls neofi te non for a livinîg anti their efficieney nould le ainmest destroyeti if they noe coumpellefi tehbble throughlife oui more stuimps eh foot. It us îhe neai'. tly nd theîel-lito-de tînt subject their dncughters ho tiîs terrible mn- ilton andtihle reasea for fi is tînt tic Chinese are vecy jonieus cf tudrÈ wnien anti very fearful tînt THEY WîLL Go ASTRAY. lie CiÂne se raisslonacy, A. H. Smîithl,-rote anlile ago tint ns soon tsas nCîlueso girl bocomes ef naptcigonblo age sIc Is provcrbinhly a ouumott as "dangemotis as suauggied ý!sait." Wîen once she 15 bemolei Ic s opt f ar more se- cluifeti tînever bof oro. Tic smnanl- est anti e-st innocent circîimstantî? is sufficient te stant vicions anq nualci oleat gossip and ti i s a sociatl axiem tint scaimfa]5 cluster about 86 witow's foor. Accortiingte nîllaccois tîe ovil cul foot comrnpession lut China is e-hi- gated te soine entenit by île fact tint littie or ne pain is assochnted nlti tic pî'ess by niuich the de- fore-ity is caluscd. The foot are .bounti nen the laly is oiiy .a few, tinys oit. The bones arc extreniely soit, île litile foot are scnreely more ln aie mnass. of puip anti compressioni sirnp- ly nrrests deseiopruntt. hcertain-. ly causes sonue discomi ont; bat piy- sicins sny tînt acute pain is net la- ve in thaîe pî'oeess. The Poia Gevecumeat lias aise de- clareti îiseh la favor of antî,,hl'u' '- mancalahe innovationi. For liges there las beca no intecarnciage ho- tneca tle Manchu andtheticCluiuesQ people. The hundretis of millions ef ,Cliese have pernhiti tice-sebvos te bc goiemnoti by île Mancins, thtocig a sharp bine of dee-aîcntioa lus sep- araied tim lie TWO )ISIAÉNCT PEOPLES. lie Irnpeu'ial edict gees on to cx- pilantînt the original reason nly intermarriage betiveen the MatirinS ndt thc Ciueso n-as proihited xHiefl tic Mautchu tiynnsty caei loo cn or, nas tint the customis anti speech of theotwe peoples noee ousideraliy, unlile andti treoco it as thuought lest te leep thucîndistinct. 'Noir, hîeveO," -says tic otiiet, "ciuîstoiîis ni beiefs are nulike, andi more lin 200 ycnrs Iavimg pasucti, ne ought te defer to île geacmal feeling anti reînoî othe 1ut'ciitioni W e, iherefore, commandititît Mamn- dhus anti Clhnese, niother officiahs or people, le alionui ti tentociutrry.ý Lot tioco hic ne bigoti .adlîcreace, te oid cu'teni." Tlîe edici, lonoier, inaIes ut cionum that tue Goveuneat ivishes te avotid tee fac reachttug referais. "At île iîns fer sebectiug girls ,for palace attendants," continiues îhe efiiet, "theo Manehus muist stilil e chosen. lIcu'e must net lie n se- icuion of Cîhioese, lest ne laUi imte île corcuîpi preices of tleiformeîr, Muug tiynasty. We, the'eio' c, a~k ihis restriction eut of dfuî,e te tle feelinîgs of tle Cllnose epc" Tle Euapecor's atte-i:-ndu-s illh tiem'efoce, continuue te le Mnncu'is. It irculdble an innovatuon bid.'d if the palace groundis neme pemntted ito le eccn nhth Ciese. A FEW POINTS. A pssppemy tomper is not a thing te le sîîeczed at. is alt t lef iazoy."amr s acl is auglter-"Oi, apa l In' - biDazyhetOiti e-eahe about 9 Hit's jcsto nly e lntebouitîntý le cani't mnka living.", ' l'ie onk nEi ne nt greniÉnvhigler alItdethn 3,3150 fot t lie fir

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