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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 2

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neiver, they cul nessi, Itervous Pt palpiation of th grippe, etc. Price '50C. Per a! ail druggists, of pice by Thse T. eiHE MOý Pî'epared fi CCooA maid where for superior qui tnrtîve prop pouind tins, & Co., Lt Clieinists, L FîREAKi WE WANT NE EVj 1000 MEiN W incla sure, for Pa buu made up iii v iuuaranteed. W, Suits equal to a] mnalta BrinZ' 1 to lie preSm;ed ai We keP saspIý JOHN T. Auci neaniy opposite manvilie. Dr. McGahev', For brokeîi.windei lni tue woîid tliat v but frsa peu matien bali ie -ne bottie i h0C.. Conudition Vu bave îIseft il, tiuuir o! ouiers :-G. Miii, Ifenipuilie; H. i SoId bu- J_ Riggliii Thue Di-. lcGaboy anc Xouîmg & C,, forms o! exu1l w or exesus, Mental bacco. Opium or St o! price, one paceaj r&r t uf!uee. pans1 The Wooe Woud'e Pisospod b, J Higginiietlsat W UtelDeimld, Druý Yom Ma.y1 For Cuts Bua.rns Brulses It is a sure, sfe i 'lhere's ouiy us Rlght lin th'esi Do you ever gt If 0o, do you kr it fa a Backaci A surte sign of1 Dou't negiecti lu If yoe don't, se are sure to fohbow. rure Backacbe, Dropsy and al Troubles. Price 30C, a box ei DOAN KID Torc 400 coile Ireî acte, andul cd henies La yonr. 'I tiseugis yc iag te bring a lier," caid Mu-S. band. -H"e cou replieC lMi-,bkit wuitîs g-i-al n gontidinu ut attack fer a ](D ental, o!flise Palbcs'Hospitallu-,tuNeu r nck flot got it yo i can gtt L b co'ne, andclali.t tigis I mLîsde up imvibusd5t'ponliersor ltiife. Once ',ief sal s suoismnsg cocghis isalirci if taking : it wo ti bii aus' I iinds' at!d spu lOI t d atiegutttise Os are hiiaishOd leai h is lIse aosttii iug tf th.e csu- - 'W uuî't 'ms a -ttthc deoub 0! yilsoepui ftaolIis d.uaes istcuseniflise ura- tmit - iinu" asi'edch i -hcd? ,Tiiig s a 7o-nan's bet friend when wash day cornes bloc o! the disoise, tluuoe te fontur't) Ta -provoe te you tht Dr.arnd it akshe weta oa- àCOa itmentIsnacertau ii t ae h lthes s in ce oun said. uçyenrwe-ego- usûssi-is, dnrnug s iitîsthse ratbotst --lhfoldcîtI n sauooked up withua.o î uefo acîTae friesul Seune te dits- soultl e snh-tetl fu cm otîses' tit- ouick suspicion. -0cf coes-- be and eu-ery- forin o! itchsîsg, Tksonîy flf the tîme and haif the labcsr of Skny e ue Ss-drui, Itue racttîcal isolation cri' cr- Y wkfndl, 'hsuIlnîînu.s sil ficd"itouu,- ii i- - s blueedioa. Jutfolwrdreton n akae mhIdn't muse, tna"igapelnind o!f fnnu '-ci o t n m i n wintzu-, aind i y-ou arc fà-i-vîuug Upeu sus 'u ed Oc geil-1y.'Tom sis ' ,îs Lhe i tise n inlu ie ha!ly preis uandI as yoturneîgh-MaeolyyT-E .K.ARBN CM N, ny as lho snt douicco.s.Tise average ti'ation tofu'o e it don' ttiaL bec wsc the lui SI bels pLiii I cunev idîs'ifsoariî ho atboxwchuit Liset' toston.oSt. Leuisais use 1! sfactiuîîn hie fmsî aC te st iqois fmosusfour 10 s î nsisi' siinyiind tilîlai' t5.igil, ~'1 dee.lcr or ENSiîoiuBATES & o roubo, lsad Sud a isnnete,, o'sTf a hrcl elIis doutrcuterl sou and $r.oo, all druggists. tsi-n I uhosso-sI Id si'prissc IScî.'t s. Sn il.tI ,rCOTîacOWNF, Trcn, and. iketia a Linuclio! datiodils for hl- iaiu ! TP AE y.One complication wth loien ~h used to notice daflodils when he AVHOUg cougli is picuronia, and it is this <~was jest a littie fellow-but tbey're been smnok. 99 makes it sui dangerou's in ths cs f 1 * elwthrd10. latelv and fedl Il I compication is mostTh tagr ridocbe le. an occasionai U ilI roquent in winter. Il) suniner thse f~ Ilf orfoosi~iifehn twinge of pain' - LM~ nost scrines Complication is (liai. -Youiuiu erswnu te sai,"aeTn inl fee -,roundyourheart? djîhoea. >le a boy again when lie secs lhem. Areayu ho nrt fvMs helr'aeisicn 5o ~b Suppose you tell me thse addres3, and breath, nerves &N ,j&'i9 rb- doubtful svalue in whooping coughi. thnIau pt ouotieigt unhinged, sensa- AL ThK NeOPAY lsre arc eue or two drugs wbi Outsiide tre app île t'ces were b]ack1cîars.", tion of pins and needies May beîtsGd to control thse spasms, an-ivri esnolgi.a ie I'cI take il real kind of yeni," an- 'n '~ goiug through your It shouid bc part of, a womna's re- but the shotild bo gis on under di- aria s an d fi g ers? ligio ritno s m b ucxrla r c i n o hy i i î affodils th t b r or d th lc path s sw ered T oni's uother gratef ni y _ _ __ _ AY tshone faiethingolden. lusideetise ti ofShe pulledaa pieco ofdpaperu fr Botter take a box or two tisat she likes to do-somoething that einess(de more barri than, gond, ne- si ofarly thcodan eit. 1 he g ledand uie ofd p aefroly o! Milburn's Heart and does net. belon- itise caurnial cause they upset tise stonsacli, and à Nerve Pis and get cured bat.Žomle o foii rto soicl bi i, sol i enu se ]ong sînce cisher haut The stranger read it, and ber fa;e. befrethng beore ooinconsistenit a rMay appear to ctisers, hept ini good conitin, ine it is SPOken tisat the last woî ssuodcord serious. lilko din ieories of soi-ne far , Il- That will bie easy to fid,"- sir As a specific for ail ýh hudbsets rîece o io iesrnt oi dlo tant past. When Martha Whippleisa*d. "I ils riglit on tihe car lir, 1 !mg it, wîtholut note or comment. nonrishirsent that the baby must de- broVegeie caiat akPre sop arationforAg- il pt oi 011SIGNATURE 1-iousessork eon with the belpi of pend to carry it tbrougii te i esiËtn te'o nRgua iteL es~t of Modern coasonionces is tuck. tire ns esnent had sonsouîhing start- l very near thse bouse if you tell bini riaiglJoaieua aut toast a grind wliere there is but 11e'e f ,nay be gis on by tihe inla- 1nti t is endfrard js ienme. 'ur,10.ltne~~S1- F \N heart and nerve one pair o! bands te do it, and aîsy tien o! plain or modicatted steam, by preac-y sc cîs l ri'd facst- tk orsaiouî u e nts troubiestheycan- litile diversion whicb canrie made asears e! an ordinary inhaler er a tie i ite iîoasy lilses o! d terinl car." neot be exceiied. A 'te ligliten tise burdon sisould net bie kettîn kept boiling ini the reen iat smiTs i einrs ofsdy; thise___ of asorentcoton -t'sbore i on ie o sv Sme-train had rolied into tise depot. audi true heart tonic, biood a usatter o!firhinsor taken witis a intervals. A lit o!asrbn oUu 'ils bernes lla oae chngeoie b say It DI cruuicer and fiers-e re- souse o! siOl seots, but sisould or sponge placedl on tise spout of tihe tsn e YOU, Mary," silo bogan.;O- hdn cageo iita ra nervousness, sieepiess- lie as mucli a duty as svasiing dishos kottl porinicatos tiae air witîi Mcli "I'Ve set oui 10 de it nîoreo'n once, JSouînd bewildered lier. She Clutcised nîess and RestContains neither rostr~Ilnsmoker's I eart, o ikn sosLai aor rneean rsbn n' ition I'se harked oui. ht's jest tise ilowers anîd leeked with desper- ?Uun,Morphàinc nor rne.ral. S O TI he heurt, after efI of lai m(i iideai tastcs differ, and what arc tise best substan~ces for 'hs pr.Wliat everybody 's sayia'. 1 hope von ato OYes aCross thse crowd. Thoen, b e- jI~~ At TC r ti pr- wof't lay il. up agniust nie hif tll fere ssoe reaiized svbat bail happenoed, STN u O IC 1 would te a bore to somte woînîis a pos'-. box ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u or3bxsfr$.5pncafrane.Litise Lest îoedy o! ahl, accord- yen what's for your own good. lu's br -tn hd Pt cronaca a lor will be sent on receipt pi or s or nse osn eti gi 0gotin ets iie,15f'ssar epfour' years î,ew sisîce Tom wu'nt aid good-bye. Shc had n ri s 4ilurnCa. Lmitd, as a chang e o! work, tise disis-cleti tise Little patient out o! doors cols- uway, an'tisrec since lie uns inar-' a Street car befee, and site rlung te Jj' is oxclsnnged for a bit e! ombreîdery stantiy duritsg -ploasant weathe'r. 'fisciid h'ieaetnse'cre hrn~tesa, le io,!ihoe ae loraile, Ont. or crochet, the four walls o!f lise clild wiiilias e fesser and less violent thoitghleknIws ou't'e n-lookiu' fer sotin itlinos of rigid endurance. L &1dI, .<- b o use f r a race in d o u b le q u ick p a r x s as i sn w h en s iu t nns r ,o h a o nain d o t a d1i o t s crui - i e p"" - STNTRTQU. -time down te tise store or oser to the lieuse. At niglit tIhe sleepingisle ho was lisearedan'tbhat n tgist Fvoaydsfenlt he cexpectd anelli- the nei"hbor's. t'oem sisould lie tiorougisiy s-ouillai- lit lup tise best rooni ais' opened tiseoei lier Off lier firsi feeling was eue o!f T~mtd ' ieso eeubeok ils supel seded by ed, but care takon te as eid fetde si e îogs oa'atotic-dlssrlewsî YStise liteFi magaz-ire by tise weman of drau-ghts. tisai city wtfe o!flbssîîîigist.cerne deîly sise sas tise ntmber tisai sso lesadi >e body, b'st busier nind. iTise diseaso is net suppos-ed te be walkin' upth ie patîli ayuîue ated anîd dartod forssa,-c. She Arecfenedy for' Conihp- W bile to sonie ivomen tise utter fer- infectieus e-tr idnrtng thse spasuss SoîssotilIPS I'o el fairly sagihs' o ver Ua asigiîi iewîis !t' oSu t ahD ao romn the fincst selected getfultîc s of sel! and escrytiits e or W ho-s reuglsing. Tise sisutier or it. Ail tisis tilne you'se iseen a! valise, but she did not knw it. Sise o sovuioeeis- dssrguîsed oes î a ssort sicep is tise greatest r nse o! a cid net affocted shoiild issalcsis'ai' w aitin', an' ynhtrried up tise iigis stotie stops OIdnsandLosïL deîîaey f ~ luxr~.once roser tise bead of I-or char-go b'ase nover set oyes on lilas uer litsl eagerly rang tise bell. I _______ flaor, Tie taie o! a !ew bise eplants is sith is sniusci! pono u- ife lies-baby. New 1 tell yeu wbat Ts elciedtruisteb'sT Sx~eSi.niture of1> ality anud highl iv nu-îo seinse tise mnst int-restiîîg and tisig at Itunld, tei proteci tise ste-e it is: Fu', jesi make up aur ymind if 1 u s u ai. Seplo ____________ 'erti-s. Soit in qu-irtel'- cjoyal le o! tise tligs iloy like to atnd meutis, onu ieariîsg tise chau'ac- iis yen tô e lt it aI o Ttstatin and aata o u errerl I:ibelled JAS. E[ij1 do-iostes, Lns we said li&ore, dilies: tetistie srlsoepiug reusgls, oen ni riglisifer a priesser te woar lirspîf, steaiîg over lier. Site must imake 1 j 'NEW -y() ILCastooa in put up In on~-Is bottles only. 1 ,imited, IlQoetpathte rurma.giog ia tise altic or clcanirg strie disiarice, and ilo hurry tihe1eut se. Tom bear! I'rosentiy la wilîdowvssli~~e~l o odh nk î' Lwayn esl up the celiarscoui te centairi tise hildairai-. Titis ivill oftetu pccs-ot iSilostopped short, stat'itg ailue,' lsîsettiiiface i lue , aythIngelse on the pis% or promise thiat ondon, EngJl iti. element e!frrroation fotr sosie wo tise transuirissiot of! tlisedisoase. ft.lend. Tise utile eld wcrna lad g9r's rlasfaeIIsid oîu iUnr~ijet as gooa alia' ii ansver every po n', en. The opposite terrperairen sst'18'T diet slsould bc cat efuliy ai- nîseis Ce ber foot, trenibîing with ex-' dye nlte Mr.las- ~pois"A S.tatyuge --S---RIA content if allosced tle de abseîutely iended te,anud lit asay lie ucressaî-y rtustt 'X'e ienaiiioswi? h ald Tiywn îa rtothitsg, lanîciiitbuî-bd quiet fer a te pesi tuiie tise iîs!aurt's food for a thir tycars, Martisa Wliool "sbe yesterdny."EXACT COPY OF VIRAPPEmi. litt e ihile. finit te point sic wisls lime that h it av lue easily a S_ said, "but 'f yosu s-sy anolîser werdi Tise old woiaan looked np. Her FASI-SUPPER. tomai)e is tisai wlt' ea is imilated. IO-'eod ibd n15c0'I 5cevr foto ve ou as long as tIshand dreppod freas lise bell. rp rm-tus temporaruient, snrî-eundings or hezuvy, bt tliolt iand ssessisiing, foi' lie. 'Ï guless yen ihautietter ge. 'hlai did yen Say, dosr?" 55e fal- circusmstauces suake pleasureabie and arîy chjld wii lise diseuse. - Iigîess lil, wîului lic saler se. an' bI- iered., "I didn't unurstaîsd. I raîsi restul o lersheshold le alowd ------- 4 -s'ides, I'se gol uensidorable te do te ieo sec Toms. Puriis iether. rERY WEEK DAY. tise undistt-rbed enjoyascut o! il for - It. diînt tell yo e ie - but Th g- ______fae__fend it a bri f perot-led sry (iay-witbeuî l'as goilu' i-lwns te Toni's 10 moi' quick puty. Siso led isuheîrsdow and Iei or Pin 'rance frein auy otisîr crew" rau down tise Stops and across te bia ihat Mrs. IIasweil was in tise1 couldn't understand what mande Mary ;ANTUD to lave tpir ieinte of teii'agic wtisay o Ai] woaMraius hiuyriîisiîingra lier. sen.omA. bei visiinislereso. A ho sous o'eausnsot o' uinafhi ernoer n, il and Winter Sufts te tcmperamcotally lier opposite and indignation, buni tise noirs was too .'I'in 50inober clsAe'said getuToy ver v latest stIll and fit i iis, tuerefere, caai hase ise symi- * suîci for lier. She turued back in "De youir nt ttndersiasd? Ihey've cd iasiily away. baby! It certainly doos faror himi Ve maklteîe' and bois pathy wi'ltier peculiai' fanes. sldssio usznctgene away. I doî't know irben Moîîday was tieasdyo!lr Do cenie in-" myadidis'loerthntheisy'll bie back. Tisoy ceuldn'i tell. imuînîsoeaust. At dayligbî Tneda "'e got somethin' tl tell you nyad nce owrthn The naIl wonk and ne play wemnaîî 11rtise land's sake, wby Od' ik odem u nnhesipe u !liee usuwl isi"si I o ar us ' our wrinkie I clothes seoir beoemes scarcely nuere thars a Y- ayso?" she exolainsoul. "Caa' On'tIoo e!Crn n u(euspedot othe-oue is ier . - said, 'ldeceived yu ndni ik iwni."isu -eamahnetatt iosesoand rosi. You îuust crme. valise uand began tue jeurney lick l liy, Mrh I was mad luecaus os o! cintiî-pri"es rigbt misswiîuout tise wheeîs î-eing gretus- y /'d e cluaet sa9 i r -wea ffI ahnya' hn o 1, tie fastionahie taior, cd i n aLi ard, giîi-gIqîelin l i 1calculate lI1libc geneeabout a jlýepeople werc very geed te lier'liserst ni ttrait frosusB. cause i çvin cioftiseaeuse ra' hcl1sgd SrTSAofi.BiWwa y, loqsiinug much more strolîgîliweok'. Beillg tise sPriîîg o!fliseyear, Sileoianted te go back ilsat rnight, 'ten o'clock se tusat sise iad si-i ral t h iy h os wsa ls had b eigv n in t es p fI can't stay longer, for lures tise and tiey aul to tel11ler ovr and ous ts 0 iait, but sie had knoîn "P Flot as mother was takens SIck oi- gai d(si ut sec to. If you'd feed tise os or thaI tbei-e was nso train isefere tisaI, and unîii tise staîionw-vas oe-sdear hyhdgn hrh casional îueasant nmoments snaîchcd a ur ---'twenldi't do iso îiey couîd nuake lSon understaad, and cd she sait on tlan -platform oasidrai good b ic on. om ol]h gatO-sdid -aîglas sr:lewo 1îstt'-souto ss cssd da. cd anîd be- wiilî steriaipatience.IM'Son tise train cal - b-k o lis edt d r Heave "Cure bThe ilsyonbling certain ; ilus s to1,-but lIl 1leave ia saucer' on thse wildered. So they gave honr a quiet camne, se rode tise foeur Miles back ln, u ms u en y fi lisrmeil. "lise euly inedlicine botter te try o-Ie otet wihbakpescîî, u'yuct u i l l madl iralonte. Foi' heurs te Iloissesburg and tien teek tise Irve boon lii' in bbe bouse ere - r tphae I he a ,litedig wtoltsri hnstîsen." sic caltisere in 1he dank tilg 10stage t tise house. She -inow a since. I tsongisi folks vould ta.k ntccerduuieug str ttew a a'- il an,-u Oidon lier dizzy tiseugisis, and gi-ad- long breath is ashcic îalked agahîsupagainst Tom if tboy kuewir il ai,' accoring 0direction.,$,0eltgetdsieCr, ase isu M j. Ilshe fuadl quite for.goleju uallon da becaîne cuiar tisat ne tise paili boîseln lise dailïodils. bs wasn'i gemn' 10 bave it."l sîand Acute Clagis Powders, 1 fer, tsan te w-ar entiches os,'uus vrksî.hia i e es.l ie etdorau bshe was lookung asisamed, yot de- wernoas, 5e Te elew-boidy'and spirit, inthlti \ b'-,- ler rssrtîssout !islith' keen nolis of!n ns vrko.l a i irwn nte fotdo n ea le, MerricvIlle; 1 tat we luie the powe of enjoylient, thlisenos. 'ji ;esewn slewul anît, ail bons, but people rould siot çusling uptshie sisades aîîd uncoeonng fiat u atawsbin Iernî Iierci, Eigiausd itee tired te cane for r unyîiing LANGLUMAN TUCKED BOS.uitenx a.Ss ekdSiktuîsdurstatsd, anîd tbey would lîlamil ie iuaGoii. hf a ineexpressions. "Foi- tise lansd Medcine C., Kemptville, 0 te iessianthiotgis 111< Tbis hrimaiisg blouse rili devlop w iinsise rc-lscd hà ie doorwav anud esndlsyiui e loba.camenes'vet- isc talk dmuis o!flise sake," sise excli, "o'ob BownianvIlie tIse Worran i tiseHBile, -,bienîoes iii any o!flise sofispring Iatet'iaîs lOe r ncighbý:or good-iight.nth ie moring siie iras pale and cyaîd o Tn's nice neighbors living tisere ail tbe week!" ___________ whersil tis yot IiL-isi"ste 'voL lu cashmere or elstcor chimie oeed-nigiît Il tire eider wouunntIl- but quile bier old solf again. but uitile o! Tom and his faunli. Af- Ye Tgto aFariS and rnk ur o at aoe tiais a yor creporit il c eatii_, ndil, answ~ercd.lur voicodu id u le. lie girl was îcîtgîîîedi tishe change ber lier visiter liad left Sise l,-topdcoriehome tIunough tise Woods. ;70lSPbogphoaIle, dypras 1 oeta a1f- anY Of btso ligitsi iados frosustIse de- itul! frigisieetitcoueini h. and lie,-asd Sait beside lier ai îbreakfast,ienrface linlier bands. - want yen should tell overirbedy horwi 'Sonir e wuî, ansd il -cie ,fawn and i, sscuit clruile a eyes lwerc fuil e! dissny. bshe gase coaxitiglber toecal, andI flnaliy iOit "h lr S- Iant deu'was'i eaî toisav f e , buyta- ;old and rcmed by at iith h h strtuuger or fniitid dau aîsd more neliatîle simule. Tise iglis efrelief and sîsut tIse oor; te tise tietot srsîhulien andI putlinaysngd'df,"sucrd.'i ngssin Canada. dos l tse lose suî lc tckd tt, sue ook-l , utn bi',anI tseon tise train. UW hotullaie initis er a!- outhn'î li-elue salis cing agbuint I agsec o.Il'lcon le niedicine discos-ered SLgainsinthiblusTous .e tckd e'lslelooecorsue ier adoseri i Ikge garntedtetueol]coaintle bl-ai aytin aastandusecyou te-menî'ow beore li eakness, ail effeets o! abuae - ii rerd-liko: tucîs bIsfot e cnîîing. look was tisaI o! ais exile absoutl l erno h riea lnbn pTl- olnt- lr' Worry, Excessive use of To- DMSI ICPS'Priapa'si-to ush Iwulolicsuie feht advor. ay in lsui tî more, sc puslsed bshe lookod roi- ld and tired as iriti use nil suinîiir. i-'eas m- tnuat.MalledIon receip Mince Pnt.-Wnîîi anti Isil ,inli is td u eîcîe ,lnýn aie wiis ande t h ujg 1laýs,$5 onieffipfeasein the-'î tliOant hoheritud ontI bneatilsd tseshe ivepi feobly about golliug Slp- he sna ik nIlîr' o i oret frctmn drs taissisapea potatees tisaiwillîotn uie st atttractive. Th'e large dlskîsis-11ei. "Isaid ih beoeo1 -Ilsofdeeps content.rri eIsck n lr' o Da CGImpsnYWindsorOn Ont.clw-ou.Pol saisooptok tswfosto!tseillIar f isuuianlsoe '-cgtPegoen'ebla Mfuissil biiîdfoe or. etptdte oncehe fergoto tee sel liseof Ilicie. an'I nînsl go back gow.mui tîstougisa icer, udd- eue-iîd as lireivu selset. I doî'I krow how I cani eltier, with us 'se t train cr11 t-ris 1- icîuigopren tise frontedoors. g b ise ombi- l5secTons, but I wstnied you te kniîo I abecul7 I.'nr îsilcs bofee liat brcd i os ise u-asgnîîg to it SC riI 1îautoa.' uins l sol hI w)rminvii isuch uold siat o! auy kind. Soasen Quatities o! MateiliRtui'dihsng-s allstarting te blolomi sepr'h-, f il eS1)U iggista. w~iilli oIt aîsd butter,,add ho olle 392Luaisd34 bush înuussuitewiil roquiie îsA'Tmnhtre, - - S- 1e ilts1 aom aogAar git.pilsi, cînghli îîik te give a crraasy tw'o and ei--bol!yards o! guueds for- Il osin' we sisnîtld pais cadi otis'-tre, an ___________________ ,~tureotsI5anrars anîd rolînesburtgdwaes1 o wnit A potugi saois ute a risa y fehwdliriii censisu -iucy sand osse bouton ogg. Demi ty-!ouî' inchus wide, sorcîs -e-htbs o n o! newhie 5igeie. But. I'se a nd nt ncrly aIl thro lungitis iodscosiîg tis snieîugingsops up tho "Thesiriug in nied oit.u a ail wihl a sillsuî-ftnk uîtii ligisi and a yard o! faîscy silk antI ote-isal! got tle ge. Folks shaî'î say any aî nirscisdcce- nsum- patiî batioon ietia los astredy I "Tise bayssaae e'yuî i' Need fathor. Buttr la lat bking dsh yad of hite slk fo collr vodug asan, bu w-csbatyeilewa suaenirelbbsisnbi" srns. Traid. sus lings abeut Tom, Las if To uer.i' se bhad acier boon over Ibis Sl okd a oa uie ak i adîiy.l ttmne a i a ighkundhyard ch wisete. ekfe olaraîdcocîld find tis wy.lyoe orsînabseutly, but li'ei-anlfo'w-ard fare &Ilialiglit. mu in d . S ei in tise e se n len g on - 3 6 , 3 8 a n dI 4 0 b u s t s a sunre w ilh - t e e p , s i a g r e l e , a d c a g i i r Y s " s h n w r d T m s  oislcat Ibrougl i, coek tise -egg neqsîî- isnotheeyards o! geodi foty- Wcnmrtgransl salir- ioîe,-poie u'ascs eaîc aug le."es" sio a isod "Tom st, ý, UandI brow-n the rouis ýhsurface sight- Ifoui' ittries wido, sevcui-eigitiss o!f scîtn rt !hem besforeiîg c a s 101she h aîatl f"darnd . 'bat iras me" e rielîso,', ugdot't ynd know s i ot l st ai aîy sneb tbs ly. CGaruci Ai Nsu-b isteast points. iyau-d o!fucy silk, ansd eus-ial! yardfily oen tshe lîe ferlie ait se 1 Isc Llyiaci ithed, ant.I i ,vausîtasugo le. ocida i sgo idks nob osalu a ed 1 Btead mui lie cul 'fia shape beleri'oe!silk for cellai' and Cheisett'le iîe. T'î u ragc irslie !ronguiutuiy andtiser vwe s h sasay Acd bon. isewet ve t i She soed ,moet." frep ostn ýýJio ril addyi uloî'tesiuud her.nd i As 1h grew tIark, too, sise Wiipples. Tenui sut eut uluder tise caîsglut tise ciild uts in a passion o! D ia r r h o e za m u s t b li sa n d l d urithu cuire . F o i' a l i o t dbe'h n l e .t n d r e s er b i h -o i y Ail Bowei varieiy bake luis minscein butiered Cuider kihis but 67 under 20 for Wbriî the singe crne sbo ivaîketI bean ho sluirible on tise road. Sic apphe trcsas lie tîsod tede yeaîstudîns.Hrbgilbswsyc Corplins ppoerpais ndtun ntoa ot-eery 8,000 betîsecu tîe ages o! 70 steuîîiîr tIuuviitise patli bolureen the' bsdthleshutantd test nioru-,and i ore Lugo, but Toun's iuby iras cliuging heekod with sudton seltenîtg osci flatter-, but bc sure te serve hiot. An- land 100. I tait'odùïs. Sbise itoked strýuiolit fcuoiibtle ueuin~the oher wis full0ofilsupleilsaru. uiso- lu yliw baby hgoad.tod sc and quick remedy. otiser wny is teoumiitise egg !nom ahoad, brut lier oid fates-sc e rk-fhIt-retI. ts hsrwu ui !dhois is "ieaî' srgl't o5 ,îe PAIN-KILLER ii uitte oî sîuu na Msiress. 'lý,t wsasc ry nire ing titithi e tleuu-bles- I ru cî '"Wkeisusiefîaiy! lt-la mm I ciua tse goalo,-n~î lig asho'gadeie ssvl; DAvis'. baking disis, suake ihîree or' feur d-'lc u' e ! ofPatricl's olferiuug yoîî iar- seins seenseitei dansce like flickenig racîd iscoue, bse iau'.eî Ci s s11gos ou ae i T h- it," she ,eaid.ily bak i ie 2Can50. Apressions l ishe p andI di-opîan egg Knage, -Mýary Wits-shiahh I say its uc ligiis bc!o,-e ho,- yvs.anoussul tisouigisback uuays anîd felp, tc v, WunI c -o ea , 'lienthe ros- font iicniy aTobe bitu cish. Set ii tise ove ong ens '- ply for yen?" '1 locly w-ss cioe astultriy, "minslesehdntbe en ned hns1 Wi ht ilisi.1 c esîglu te rcook tise disus. Tise rnok 'uats: "Tl'oh bui, muas. if yeîî unseasoîsablu'onue for spritsg. Tise oltI forn u bourtaclu ligbts SuitI boc out ___________________ iriseservs sthis tlis culs it 'idcai- pin o,- htis- rient 1 geti uuy w-lges i-ais- weuî -ilsusit bleliup-ight'boîbie Serinthtie liouses. S'e sheei stiil for!, izetI hsusih" and tI ilmots tlie nainýe. d îîext imonthtis.mi, l'Il lngbc teIais, uldiag So1'ticet l iber îon-î iiiî5iot shn ilt buill anthset- w-ay is te reol il like Save for thie wodding thiigs." hanl. As ibey Ioft lise fresis air ofs T'ho aispie Ircos usoreail i cls on latise IEL~ oGl ï,ST whi o o'wo.~ an Omielot, foltI oker andI garîsiss -.-th- __ ___ imebus tht' ls'at ber_înîo use. rînuslgtad edlidhsgane - suitîs bars o! toat iansd Pansîoy. AMeut bie-gewfalu, a-- d,!ost fi ilduts sii iu uhihe

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