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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 4

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for Everybody And for evexythlng under the s=n Every home lias eed of paint Y"ach ,klnd of THE SIERWIN- WiWUAIS$ =ud we'll tel you the right kind to use. We ar'e showing an excellent line of Sereen Docrs,Screen Windows, Spring linges, Green Wire Clolli, etc., at rock bottomn price. PHONE 66. OSE DOOR WEST 0F POST OFFICE. if a Man's In Love TSat's his business. IF A GIRL'S INý LOVTEa Tînt 's ber business. IF THEY G!IT MARRIED, That's our businîess. Becailse we know they are sure tb want Luttrell's Jersey CrearnBread, Alex. Luttreli. BOWMANiVILLE. Q.3. BINDER TWINE. Thsis Compa-av has, cetitis pices on twine for tise harvest of 19J2. ANiuTHIRTEEN CENTS. Tise farmers of Canada cati jusi suit Iheniselves as f0 biiying. Our agents are inslruclwl lu only cail once and not asck a man îo buy twice. We coutend fuis is the great Mother Company aiu d thse onlv truly co-operative one lu Can- ada. If na; alono been instrumental for ton ',ears iii settiiîg and conirolling thse price on Binder Twiue. If witis- drawal is forced upion us througis scep- ticisms or indiffereuce our statemeîsb will bc very quickly demonsirated. Trip~ u, pi RsiNDEu TNvsxE CO, * Limited, Joseph Stratford, tirMai Corse : 18-6w. Genil Man . Brantford Ont, in WIRELESS andriSOU1ND TEL*: The canadian Statesinan1 EGRAPIY no basman.v* students Nofingl like it ever BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 4, 1902 *gîsen. Thoe cost is nominal. *_________________ Tise recuits are good. Write fcr* yparticulars. Address RICKARD'S VICTORY. TELEËGRAPHi DEPARTHENŽT, Maority for Riekard 88 IflNDBI OSIE~8 ~t)LE~ETise politicai .otest in West Dnrham ,.,uLaIIUI~ - ~ ended Thursday by tise e'ection of TORONTO. William Riek ard by the unexpected maj - 4Oity of 88, Even tise mosf sanguine W, 4. H~WLibei al dîdunot look for sudh a decided PRINCIPAL.: change The workers figured very closex uey eveny sudivisionutid terof Bhw tisat i .w-athingd sell for. RInekad ut iflgaveiL-is .erindmajoen orl 4 isichasve r goiuR de n Noces îtiosl every sdi,isio irit isereB ~aCdo L aIs arigtonAs hlpedtov, swexeptise - arly llso-Mr.eusel. lugae Mr. eieetis FRESU. t isn idhmaerity f , ut not pcaf- isfied ith oudoaing do, tse eltorr.e S p ng 0 ise sd uortofvMra Riea f0 tisetn ______________Of 345 Hi aptr on ad ouniege con sId erydimortn ise .uCtraserEus ti % asl atterbeîgoise nesuioeatis andtne- Toitet Soapi mo as.tsel formerai mery b Cammhor Balls eonlany 1 oning. ltoethen, Dean FICELY PERFUMED iingfonIdidaveaMdsomely. FRES.the Clnedid mweoi iyao28btisrsne. Mn. Furnit reis u Riekrdhe spp rets r.RClae intseCoun- Ofies5 Cauntiand C elaeton-l A'smoth ad pefectcrea forpoîlidbterhan imorn an teier tow nip. H ~ngandremvin stinsfro ai kidslautes eite re eet kofnwhih spd e o Toritue A Soi wiî onvnc cxeeingyheiforeriss ensouaewort c a N~ot tayt l ot ore v Aolet sCe, Sut NIEYPEFMDlise onserv ativoe joy wreue SOLD A fnom90af048, d linfferens es.r Furn tur Pois i Tise bîggeestse aCal farkes hereun A'smothandperfct rea forpolsh-beless anîlay owerteownesfrhip. e oi uritur. A15bottewillonvic xcengativell ornodisironalsorgav thinsevtimajonities rdcd Thewcagst iage, Mn. Rickfan'swhome ]Rc'merm mnjoni22, ecaordintise ecdisiorluthe __________________________Cinsragig a Conenvatiaon l of inc9aselu 1898ma iSri moity lo 88 iNew02canstlailevr ictrandowe d diiot ngaveotienmantise ndiges iso OOM nVIL c aold havecodn te n h SI atsiT yAt Drid'. mi thn aoudbutisit po getnting tise gnuieTie mD & L."o Sat , à% M nthoi"lis te rd.& L "la stood tise test of years. It cures. Its imitations are impotent. "The D. & L.» la made by tise well known Davis & Is the experience o! ail who have Lawrence Co., Ltd. bought Wall Paper from me. Pat- teruis and prices are right.1 have TYRONE. speial sample books f rom the lead- ing factories for you b t select from ý Annual Union Pienie isere June 21st - .Rev. J. S. MeMullen and J. G. If yon 'want somethîng very extra Browu are aitenditig conference ... and exclusive.> Interesting lime at badge social Friday Curtain Foies, complete, 2 5o nigisi....,.Dr. Michell's many fiends, isere moiru lhis departure from Ennis- Window Shades, from 4ae killen ...... 1 Peace declarations". a duly celebrated here. Suuday eveniug Don't drive nails ln your walls, by bell riuging. put up mouiding. I have a large assortmnent f0 suit ail shades o! Chi d re n C ry for paper. Picture fraiuing !s a speciaîty. Ça BK' Ia A fine assortment o! Pictures. C S %l)F Croquet Sets andi Express WYagons. A Une onf Cinro-nanf ya tnerv int Ào a 0%vIF0% F*1* reeiveti in boxes, very pretty, from 20e up. BOWMANVILLE, ÇI4AUIUIA For Infants and Children, The fie. riniefi 110W THE VICTORY CAME. Liberais aud Conservatives in West Durham are alike surprised over the re- slt of Thursday's votiug. 'lsN'hile the former confidcnt'y expected to win, thcy had nu hope of such signal vie tory- Ou the other hand, Couservafîvet were ap- parently quite as sanguine of su ccess, but by a smaliish majority-auywhere fromn 15 to 35 was their close estimate. 'Ne feit sure of Mr. Rie k ard's sucess from the start, for as a man remnarked n-ho has knowu him intim ately from. boy- lsood, William Richard neyer failed in auy enterprise hie under fook to accom- p'isis. He wcut into thïis conflict with a strong determination f0 win and heeisas donc if How was it aecomplished ? This is a question we s hall assay f0 answer. Iu the firet plac e tise candidate was thc unanimous choie e of a large aud represenfative conventi on.- Confidence wvas expressed that if auy man in tise riding could redeem tise constituency tisat man was William Richard. Thus hie eutered upon tise co utest with strong backing and a host of loyal supporters n-ho had faith iu him as a man. No small part in winning tise victory was performed by Mvr. Riekard persoîs aiiy. Prom tise day he accepted tise can- didature 10 tise day of election lie worked to tise limait of his urne and strength No man ever workcd more assiduously- Early and late hie was on tise road and making tise acquaiutssnee of tise electurt, and explaiuîng his views. He sisowed great euergy in tise canvass, and a great deai of practseal common sente. His thorougis earncstness and diligence in tise eauvass was ably supplemented by his practical and instructive speeches wheu hoe addressed lise electors pDublicly. We, believe hoe made votes at every meeting at wisich lie spok e. WVe heard splendid reports from most ot them, Had Mr Rickard hield a dozen more meetings in sehool houses or halls in places wisere he- held noue lis majority wouid have been mucis larger, no doubt. He showed an acqtsaintance with and an intelligent Luowledge of public questions tisaI won tise admiration of his hearers He is a good piatform debater and being of a practical turn of mind usually made his discourses of special interest to lis audi- ence. Hence we dlaim tisai his speeches wou him many votes. Tisorougis organization was another very important factor in seeuring tise as- touishing resuit. With few exceptions tise divisions were capitaily haudled and tise reports Csent into the executive were in most cases found lu be pretty reliable and verv helizful to Mr. Richard in his persinal insterview s where Sie vas not acquaiuted with tise electors Not only was grand work performed by tise ehairmen and mnembers of their commit- tees, but tise members of tise Executive kept well in toucis with tise chaîrmen and directed tise campaigu and atteudcd f0 mucis uecessary detail and routine w ork with a promptnees,tisorongisuess and per- sisteucy knowu ouly f0 themselves and and Mr Rickard. Iu engineering a pol- iteal campaigu in tisese stirring conflîets, there is an amount of work that must Se doue that ordinary laymen know nothing 1about. Iu this election this routine w ont was vcry efflcieutly performed. - It may not be out of place to refer su this connection to another matter that counts materially in tise resuit We re- fer 10 tise va'uable assistance given f0 Mr. Richard by tise indepeudent men in tise rsding who having confidence in him gave him their aimos . nanimous sup- port. a confidence hie very gneatly appre- ciates and of whieh lhe hopes to prove w orthy Mr Riekard claims-and îve believe rîghtly enougis-to be an inde- pendent iseîf. At any rate lie is not an extreme parti!,an. 0f course, hie is a LiSerai, which rightly iuîcrpreted allows 1a îvidc seope of liberty and independence Lof thougît and action We are mucis pleasedtf0juin hande with these messof 1isîdependent vicws in suppontiug a worthy man closen as claudidate by the .Lîberal convention, . The confidence posseseed geuerally by >thse electonate iu this eonstituency forPre- mier Ross and hia Administration al'-o rplayed a very important part lu inspiring electors to vote for tise Goverrnent eau- dîdale. . We may Se pardoned alto for claiming .a smnall shane of credif for THuE STATES- [ AN su this contest We have tried f0 keep clear of pensonalîties in our writiug ;and discuss tise candidates in a fair spirit.- Haviug been associafed iutimnately with LMn. Rickard in tise Counfies Council, tise 1writer îvas in good position f0teel our .readers what kind of man tise LiSeraI candidate is and we have not. soughf te misiead them. We have confidence that as tisey learu to know; William Richard .more iutimately tisey wil 1 esteem ii more, as isas been our experience. We have every confidence that hoe will serve West Durhsam faithfully and ably 0f isis oppontent Mn. Reid, we do not .wish f0 say anything to hurt his feelings now fisat he is a defeated candidate He knowledge -of tise Empire. IBurdock Biood Bitters is a purely vegetabie conmbination, tisat lu a eafe and natural manner acts directiy upon tise Bowels, Liver, Kidneys and Blood, purilies, foui humora and obstructions tisat poision tise blood and meate disease. W[ST EO H~8E(LeadÎllg Clothiors.) WS N UE Fitness and Fineness in Men' s Ready-to-wear Suits. MI There is no Clothing in the market to-day that is made up and put togeth- er etr hG he2t enuyUothinz we handie. Take the hinings, the sewings, the fit and sityle about them and the price; is it any wonder that Ready- to-wear Clothiiig is coming to the front so rapidly ? ilLNSPure Wooi, Clay, Worsted Suits in blue, black or grey shades; also somne MENt patterns in tweeds, made up with best of Italian linings, neat trim- migsilk sewed, well carnvassed throughuut, a fit guirned alr price $16, our price $10 M1EN'S Pure Wool, Jmported Black Clay Worsted Suits. (We want_ to draw particular attention Ibo this line as it is great value.) These Suits are made up with good farmer satin linings, silk sewed, niee trimmings, pants ail stayed with linen, cloth shrunk before it is made up. The best Suit value in the country for good fitting garments. Tailor's price $20, ours $12 MEN'S Pure Stock Worsted Trousers, made ap -with a stylish hang to, them, sizes 32-42; people who have bouglit this line before say they are ývery N satisfaetory. Prîce- $3.50 New MýFurnishings Just in. Tooke's, Creseent Brand and W. G. & R. Shirts sold here. New Straw ilats just in, big range 25c to $2.0). 3 pairs Black Cotton Hose for 25e. New Coronation Hats and Ties just in. D. & S. Suspend- ers; big ne-w range, just in with the new nionrusto buekies. New King Quality Shces just arrived. In f aet we were neyer in such good shape to cater to the wants of the gents as at the present time. 2 pairs SBlack Cahmeî'e Sox for 25c. CALL WN. John Mcluqrtry, TheLeadillg Clothier of Bowmanville. Choiee Stock of Groceries, Seed Corn, Dry Goods. The next base bail game cf the Midw land series will bo piayed here Sattîr- daybetween Peterboro aînd tihe home rteam Game called at 3 p. m. Admis- sion 15c; ladies free. A fast. game is expected. Best of Companies, botit stock and mutual. Care and attenetions given o0 thse detailsofyou>ir losurance. Phone 50., llarry Cann, thse lufe Inqurauce Agent, Bowrnanville. COMING S. S. ANNIVERSARIES. Ebenezer, June 8 and 9 Mapie Grove, June 15 and 16. Enfield, June 15 and 16. haydon, June 29, J uiy 1. To be free [rom sick headache, bilions- ness, constipation, etc , use Carter's Little Liver Pis. Strictiy vegpetabie, Thev gentiy îtimuiate tise liver and frese tise stomach from bile, BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.Mclurtry each Tuesday "Lo"" e 100 ltss........ 1 80 to 62 20 WHAI" Fali, bush .. OS"0) O 070 a' Spring......l 10 leO070 u Red eife ....... 0001, 075 'a Goose........ 0 0 il 0 65 BAnLBY, VI bush, No. 1 ... O 00 'i O 45 Il i fi 2 ... 040"il0 43 'ft Il' f 3 ... 025"fi0831 .f ilTwo rowed O 40 'i 0 50 DA", WhÎe ai.............000" 040 RY, il........... 000" 055 BUOKWIEAT fi ......O()00 '0 O55 PEAS, Biackeye, VI bush.. O0i00a'0 00J il Canadian Beauties 0 70 a' O $0 fa Mummey fi O 00 'fiO0 0 Il Small fi O 60 a' O 65 il Blue i'a 0OU00 -< O 6 BUTrrra, best table, P lb.,- O Oo 0 O17 PoTÂrTORS, V bush .......O 080 'a0O35 HAY, I*ton............. 800" 900 This wiil remind vou that the pain of strains, bruises and sprains, common incidents of active outdoor life is drawn from acbin.- bodies by Perry Davis' Painkiller, as'a mn guet draws bits of iron from sand. I' It'no t îost that a frîend gets.»,$ Rather -'gf t1 value 1 A safe poIcflor Maker, ~hobraaàd thefr owrtprkce on&.7 ThSiatefShoJe' 1 ACRES FOR 5ALE-Thatdesi- rable brick housessud 13 acres of land, four acres iseiug youslg rchard; aise goofi out- buildings. Situated ou Liberty St North. Apply to J. G.HENny, on the premises, or Bow- manville P. O., 23 3w' BOWMANVILLE TO NEW YORK. Tihe best, route to New York and Philadeiphia is via Grand Trunk and Lehigh Val!ey Route of thse "Black Diamond Express." Fast trains and ele,-ant service. Pullmans Toronto to New York. Passengers landed'in New York Up town near ail firat <ate Hotteis or down town near ail European Stearn- sbip docks, savîng passengers for Europe a long and expensive transfer. Be sure vour tickets read over the Lehigh Valley. Sold at town and tation ticket offices. 15-tf EXCITORS' SALE -0F- Farm 111 East Wfhitby. The Executors of the late James Sband will offer for sais by anction ai tihe Eotel at Raglan on WEDNDSDA-Y, JUNE 1Sth, 1902, that vaiu- aisle farm cotaining about 175 acres, parts of lots 13 sud 14 lu 7th sud th concessions, Easet Whilby, iu bis lifetime belonging f0 the laie James Shand. Soiligood, Siiuaiedbetween Columbus andi Raglan, aud couvenieut to Myrtie on C. P. R'y sud BR joklij on G. T. R'y Thé sale se made to carry ont tihe directions Yf the Wili sud affords an excellent npportunity tu pur chasers tu obtain a vainaisie property lu a choieeseectiou. For terms sudparileulars sspply to the Ex* ecutors, James A. Barns, Eeq., Raglan, John Sadier, Esq., Columbus, Dow & McGillivray, Wbitisy, Veudors' Solicitors, or Lstvi FAut- BSANKS5, Witiby, Auclioceer,223 TO THE Galladidfl NOrtftlst At the following Return Fares : Winnipez, man-, Arcola, Ass.. Binscaith, MaInElin, Man., Esteven, As@s,, Grand View: Man,, Miniota, Man., Moosomin, Ases-,,Swan River, Man., Waakade, Mau Wawanesa, Main.-$28.00. MOoo&sw, Asms, Regina, Assa., York- Prince Albert. Sask., bMacLeod. Alba., Calgairy, AIba.-$350'O. Red Deer, Aiba., Strathoona, Aibe.-840. Good going J une 3rdjune 24th, and JuIy 15th. Returnlng wthin i0 days fvom date of issue. Wlereto spend th~e Bummner Maskoka Laires, Lake of Baya, Ksw&r- tha Laites, Georgian Bay and the Higbiande of Ontario. The Royal Muakoka Hotel open", June 15, 1902. Tickets, descriptive friders and ail information f rom agents Grand Trunk Railway Syotem. STOTT & JURY, C, P. & T. A, JAs. D, MCDONALD, District Passenger Agent. INSTANT B»LIEF guaaj 2tenlADI sin MILBURN'S STERULINGHED. ACHE POWDEBS. ho depvessi»g afterj W OOL Wanted.-Hia-hest mnarket price paid for any quality of wooi, Le"vî SKINNERÎ, Tyrone, 5-f fi ARPENTER XANTED-At once, ~)must be good mechanie, Apply to H. GAv1 & SOINS, Courtice, Ont. 19-tf 22-tf MISS BERTHA L. TAMIBLYN Pupil of Prof. A.SVogt, Toronto Conservatory of Mfusie, will receive pupils lu Piano and Theory of Musie, at Concession St., Bowsna - ville (ENERAL STORE FOR SALE-At G5 Courtice, midway betweeu Bowmanville and Oshawa. Qenerai St' re, (ehiefiy groceries) with stock and good wIll jf business, PostOffice in store, good bouse and barn with every con- venienoe. Reason for seliUng, giving up busi- ness on accomut of old age. 0C.W LNT, Courtice. 19-tf F iARM TO RENT-100 acres being _J!lot 7, con 5, Darlington, this farm 15 isee- ly situated becBg couveneut t o Bethesda church aund school, is iu good etate of cultivat- ion, well watered, well adapted for stock rais. iug, good beariug orchard. Plowing privilege after harveet full posession 1st of April, 1893. R. H. Soucm, Providence, or by post Box 21, Bowmauville. 23-tf W OOL WANTED .-."There is now !Y a great cry and lutile wool" 'es the Del said when he clipi tse Sow. Wdfl, hie truefor as the market staffids there is no profit to sither buyer or seller. What I. wanito tel itsnyold frieuds je ibat I arn stiltto be found aithe old reliable stand-the- Hampton Woolleu Mille where 1 amn prepared either to buy their wool or excisauge for home-made goods. Rol arding aud epinning attended te. Hopingto ecm old frieude once more. D. TAYLOR, Hampton. GODFARM TO RENT-165 acres, los i ad3 bird con. H-ope Township, 9 miles weet of Port Hope. FisNt case land, dleanasudilua good state of ultivation, Good buildings, ample stable room, good water. Weil adaptefi for both grain sud stock. Oc- çupiefi past fiftee n years by M.r. John Bright- wel wbo is giving up farmiug, A favorable lease will be given te a good farmer and reli- able man. Plowing privilege afierhret ApplY to W. J. GRA NT,. Street Ral1lwaY"Oc,r Toronto, 22-4w* HOME BY THE LAKE FOR SALE. I offer my brick residenceai Port Bowman- ville for sais on easy fermes. Honse contains 8 roome; quarter acre of land i wth good fruit. Situate in beant of the finest sud healthiestj sommer resont )n Lake Ontario. WmstSiiAw, Bowmanville. 17 if Loarge;qur Stockl BUT Reduced Prices., We do not want you tb accept Our sîctement, but eaul and examine goods and obtain prices o! our Palmerston and Brantford Buggies, Single and Team Harnees, Wool lap Rugs,Summer Dusters, Whiffietrees and Neckyokes, also 101 Cther articles at J, S. Rundle's, Harnes@, Twine, and Implement Emporium, Opposite T. Tod's store, Bowmanvilie. 1MISS EDITH FREELAND Io preparefi to give mcslc lessous ai ber home osn Bec b Avenue, Bowmanville. 27-tf Youi Attention For a. Iomenti Ifyou are buildingorepingw t&king. For instance:ý CE-Ts-We have Battie's Thorold for concrete wails, cattie stables and cellarfors English Portland for pave- ments and cisterna. BILL STFJP-PîIne a nd Hemlock FLooRîNGî--ReM and White Pine and White Mapie. CEILIN% and WAnscoeIN-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint. SirNîu-Baveied, Coye, Shipiapped and Clapboarding, SamNGIjs-.AII grades, NativeD Pine and Cedar and B, C. Red Cedar. DooRs-Gilmours'patent lumber,hard. wood and pine Dors-ail grades and prices. SAsaý BLINDs and MOULnîNGS-Gil* mour 's and Rathbun's Manufacture. Sait, Plaster, v ooa and Best Ciea Screaned Coal-Hard and Sof t. Inspection Invited. lIPrices Reasonabie. MOCLELLAN &20. Tea 'NCo'0' The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffee, for something good it can't be beat, We have a few Speciais for this week-Pure Maple Syrup, Canned1 Pineapple, Corni, Peas and Tmte the ' ery best. Have you tried our Special Baking Powder, it can't be beat 15o per pound.' Wool Wanted. TELEPHONE 57 'HrEALBRS

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