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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1902, p. 6

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Candidates Eiectec Constitu A despatch from Thoronto says- lteports show thie CGos-rnaient sustafned by a slighlly reducud mm.- lority. Il went to the country with a nîajorily of eeven, and the ewV Legi slature. according to the figures nt baud aI Ithe lime of wiling, wili conlaiti 51 Lîberals and 46 Conser valives. This loaves Maioulin out. If fInît supports tîse Gvrnetthe iuajonfty of the Governicat will be six, a reduction of four from that with which il went to the cou ntrv' Sliouhl Manitoulhi,î go Oonsensatiîe1 the Govî,ernnen's niajorfty lu the mmiv Legslature wfhl Le *Four. The t.onservati-res gard fourteeni seats and the Libet als gained eloee. This inclubles the new constitoon-cies lu new Ontario. 0f these the Gov- erninent cerniefi fouir and the Opposi-. tion two, Mlanitoulin flot yot Poing honnit frons. Thieqe figures are, of course, subjert lu revision wlien ltse complote returns are recoivefi. 0fi the Lîberals defeatcj the inost prominent are the~ Liberal 'Whips, Ilr. W. .J. AMcI<ees, sîo went down ln .North Esex, unit Dr.i \dcy, whîo was defeâted la South Oxford. Tba loss of Souths Oxford camne rertaln1y as a surprise, il heing the irst tinte this constituoency bas gone Conserva-r tixe sie confederati on. 'hie loss of thse seat lu Ottawva was not unexpecs- ed, and Mr. Iundnsdisappearanco frein btie fouse for tPe present is 115uC15 10be regrtteit. Liet. -Coi. Le- s' defeat fin bondon was due» dulAtleslu lthe thre-3-corrnered con- test conï"qusnt on Mr. Daly. tho Frohibitioaist. tmiig part, the buhk, of is 800 votes bcbng probabiy draiva frons the biboral party.A imarcause pru)bably contributefi to Lieut.-Col. Mutrie's defeat lu South Weh1iiingtorî-. Mr. 1'ardee's de- fouýt iluIWest Lanîbton is a malter of Iîind by a record soin of £20;000 paid lu tDr. Liasadafe, a 1elýoi-od- sîire pliv.sician, for inaculating thie 1' mpress C atherine of itussýia ai-i lier son. lesÂdes tItis ice, a lite î ent -ion o! £500 a y oi' r as graîîted to 1 in the Differen t thse li y man t ir oe akn an ce0on Ithe lx perotr Ft e,'enfck. MaIclhenze ivas fumlons ajtt c foi' bis Pigli lees and for Pis go. erostty itt - le-'tijig peuple for niotbing. Tîsosec Grey ~Who could pay hîad to puy, auJ pay NlddleFex E. Pinice dIFMard wef 1, but artists and literary peéopie, Nipissfng E. Sfirncoe C. aad any infuse ptsrssnote smujll, ho (iiew). Stormoîxl chat gcd inotbing. Nipissfug W. Wentworth N. '1'Prre is no mîore stnîkîug contrast (neîv) than 1 etw ea tPe early and latetr carioga o! a grenl Joctor. Sfr Jamses I'aget, nbose ife, recently CONSEMVATITItS EpXîD îublis500, allrnrtcd so mucli atton- Ad(liniton.. ., ...86 tiot, ws'.taan iostance of llfs. Dur- -Algom-a,.....iiyh........ny ........ ing li e iust fcw years lie scarce Bruce, C ... ... ....C(larkie...small ,t d toubbubybire as Cardweol . . .. ... ,...Little ..0. .. .. g i lrgstinooe a Carleton... ... ... ... .Kfdd ......21 23 1:s. oUntl fie Pad Peon a sur- Duffetini... . .. ,. .Baîrr...... ...600 enfrstOnor insrO- Dundas.......Wiiay 25() ceeded £1 00. Afler 181bis fnoes floham, H......Proton 801rose Soîify 111il îoacled £10,000 Elgî, E........Bruer 112a ye.îr. Tlîleni Le gasýe up opratlng ElginW........?ilrower ...... 112 andi itfMI1aI once tb £7,000, antd EsseinW... ..... ... .Hedamei.27.. itsso508era'e Essne I,_. ........alao.29 S'ir .aieos btapsots ea-rnied uolbing Fronegar.. .... ..Gage . ... . -40aIt ýsi . Xet when lie iras Ilîirly tPe Grenarlle. ...... ...icc.. . .......500 lietes ivetre illed wilh bis patients, GrenvillC..... .....bIJuytas. . ac... 00 ndslils practie"was worth thoi- Grey, S....... ...Jamiesons...00 ad a yOar 1te ieii. Hamsilton, 1Eý.....Carseallen ...140 ': f 1 nu Iio, Ie fain flasitu I. snie...17 s.n5oilst, iras so Wcil off Ilss Hustingse........... 'earce ...2002,h could speuîd £10,000 on a hobby Hastings, W..... .... Morrison_.,339 jlt i slgo'rCloatasNel huon .......fber.- 73lu IFngland, autd £30.000 on a LamPonW......atîma - charitylike lte nei wiîng auJ chapel Larark, S_-.... ...,ai t. .. 1,000 for tlite Son Iiathing infirmary aI Leeds.............BLttie. 289P Meîigste. Sfr Erasamus Wilson dfed Linicoln... .... ... .. J .'_ 7 13 in 1S..leasing r180,000. Lonidon ... ... .. ....le.k...... 141 S IR AINDREW/ CLARK r Norfolk, :N...... ... ... Smider.....27 is s.îid te Phave 10,000 patllots North umberland E.S','iloighby .. 349 jarins alla , and fa Pis lime bail prac- Ontario, N........... 1ioyle.-183 Ottawam...... .....* -Powell.. .,..483 ttii ...... .. ...lvurpliy.664 Oxford, S ... ... ...Siteln 4 Perth, N.-.... ... .. .Moslelish.....2 bail itSte. Marie .Mfscampliel 275 Siacc.W.....Doit ... .. ... 576 Torornto, YH.......Dyne .. ...888 Torno, N. ý.... .. ...Nosbi t....278 Toronto, S... ...... ...uFy -...1..755 Tornt.o, W... .....Crâwford ... 1,477 Vfctoria. F,.........Carniegie..220 V.ictrbia. W--------....Fox..-....... 110 Waterlou, N-. bu eur ...,...26*2 Waterloo, S ... .....Krib- ...... ..70 Weiingtont, S .. .Bowîey-.244 W ellinigton, W ..... Tucter (hui)1<13 Yodsç, W ..... ...... St. John....535 NIe ulisa-ys tboý lelsir as otîored as a tee, somestii es £500, sonselinios Ino gitrs.le is said to hase once rccimoit£5,0011 ton goiîîg tba patientl t Canneis fruni London. He i ns Jr. Gladstohîe's physici'sn. jGroeat Joctors hatvo a reeugoized tee ut a gsiiieu a mile for travelling' 10 scO patienits oubsfde their usuaf ri lit-o -111- l VO' itsisnogUstl jtunr~ ie rii 10nrerni-~~-~- '- ~7 Z cls ae ftîrfloa o ostpn tvx isil0V1>t 05 iTi rSL -~~-N~sÀ--msxadasipe szoxLrr~-î ni iîtL usY'- C-t.+ k ri or ___ 44~ L5H C ~ ~ f ~ ~ j b ~ M n h ~-enr snr 9zDn-ai be~-n-y, sotzea-p-o-tiiu. '~or-n l. 4se mnItu oLlttU~s ...Jhni sverc aflYSjt Huesen w-n~ I .~5M~tf tiittti51i~. ~t ~ t flitritcdi w'stnr A tîisu Lot ail irenl Couservatiso. LIEF.LALS ELFCTEDý Brant N ...... ....B urt ........... 145 Branit, S ...... ... Preston ....... 370 linockville ..........Graham .. ..400, Bruce, N. ....Bowuîn.......... 275 Bruce, S .......... Truax ..... 42 Dutrham, W.....Rickarit.. 110 Essex, S. Auld .. ..562 FI. W/m. & b. of W. Cauîerua ... 237 Haidimand .........Fleinîes .....161 Grey, N ....... ......McKay ... 10 Haltots ........... - Barber........ 16 Hastlings, E ....... .Russell 100 Vuîron, E.H .. islep........ 350 1-77roîs . ..........Catueron .. . 61 (enit, E b .... ee .......... 250 EKeit, W......... -ardo...........3à8 5 Xingston.......... Pense......157 Latabtut, E. ý, Leuiark, N -....CaldwellI.... 82 Lbrunox.... ... Madohe............. 2 Mitddlesex, E-....Houtledgo 40 MIidesex, N. -..Taylor ..... 0n ......... 513 Mionck ..... Ihsrcourt........... 300 Muskoka ....Brfdglaacl......95 ptipiýsslng, E. James .-...300 Nijpjiong- ...Michaudi....130 NollS. hanitu.....125 ~frIsube'aii.W. Cake ..203 Snta ..o...-Dryden ....100 Ofordq. N -...Pabtullo . 2,087 Sounsd .Caufr......4 .....Smibh ............1.35 Foth 8....Stock......40 Teterboro, 1E..,.Andersonu.....----370 '-erbori, WB. .. .... Stratton ...1,200 Pt. Arthur & RHR Conaiee .. 194 Prescot .... Eanburel .... ...662 l'rinmce Eitwani-. .Cunuie ........ 109 BRenfnew, -N. -...Muaro--------465 iRenfrew, S.b.. atclfOrd .....500 Russelli........ GuiPent.......... 809 Sînicoe, C. ... avidsori.... .... 50 Sjiacoe, E ....Tudhhope ......... 200 Stormont ...-MeCant .....-...395 WIVelland ......Gross .........148 Vîehington, E -....Gibson------500 eutworlb, N. .Tbompson 32 Wruslîrth, S ...Dicteuson ....308 York, E. ..-...... Rcbardson ..195 îYonk, ýN........ ... Davis..........1.84 Fort Willim P eth S. ~tcsinnogUrgstp1m55Oi1~5ynars toTextimavoTnm0e, o î 1 sFnvs]'ur £30U,000. 1lis orditimry tee is ceu- ditrteml tbuq LîePw uys iore is puna-Itisefy moueratoe, 100 guluns fi asL 'îanug tol dropîseitouit, for ais lsioisinal ùPipertion ;batL le randstPt iho-,coseqjuuenty ceuoli'lio,- cati gel lhrouuglî mny opecubfois in dtuco i , sounit trustsbis bolox'oJ ni uoriuîng mbrt Tbfs stugeonlivlies oser iii strict 'lie Burîgermcoister couîd îbsk o! training. i-e gels up about ive no reîseity; non conliu pun-ss the c'cloe.k, aundl orts slearîily bfoure wstrlîiiii. A couieil was ruiýle-I o brealifost mith a scecîetary, t is ielilersie,. aud tise silijert for dis- boots. Ife goos oat'Iy lubhed, anti crIssinuw'ms laid beooe toc uîseetiog. ref ises aishîtosl os oiwsoiafl invita-l At rst protortîsitsilence reigusei. ifon. i-ilstio n rcieatioisis n trfp 10itili.otterof the rnîrisers mu tIhe Switzeu'lamîd. Voltfor n mny ,fuOmrs, 1Co)nnut t'roeandI saili i haieîari or mliile ovriw'hiohîîeith ilidemausds the pussiblihity of nepiacing isuma trous the rdchlieh gaie a large parI Icotis by' arlificill nes; kiditig, thut cf bis tluise t10 mxrk ausbutbIe pour 1tlute, esl of bis belloft Iere iras a cf tIme shunts, goi ng dom 1n0oais Hast nis int13resliLoirwbo iuodrnouk ludo ensd bospftal alususl every day. titis. i-e sait ho rîoui( t iot s ocîs 1Atm income cf £000a year is toc tise Iriithls0fi Ial ie i ait hourd;I isy no0 anias uîiouiikrîior a pneu!, butliec îoslly ParI seutid i mb liýs sirgoon. Sir Astiey Cooper, win la ws the case! A long iiscussiotieou-- bis lirst year enî'ued ise gtiîsea"s anui suori, mii tPte result blinItPe w aIrS- lut lis seconîd;£26, ijdo lan(oe mat s i-us 1 1 10go lu Bresauîlu sitsgle your, V1i i hlaitgot to t15e pet a mîoa set 'otteeth. ln due PeigîtI ut bis fns,£21 ,000, tanita jcoui-se thic r"J stanutumruedl the penecal asoînageori'scieral years ut scell> ir' ub fils ilties pcovidcrl iilithse £15,000. Ho once rreive euodîuî.il'1î Tl nu- fosnoirtg uightI the A PE OF 1,00 UINEAS. Buigerotr'fstps- soýt np t,,harthe re- Thiis tee, h xwirrw s left fanrlie- 1 sîi-it. To I-klstsbouîibnîot Iere iras 110 souu 'l'fie lie wistout Pave got îourî teelli now,"lie 'said, 'w'h-c do yon not wvhist1e as before?" I a (ot,oe f lumilitythie 01(1 rbap rephied; "Yes, I have got o îîrw set of teofi; liut l'lie doctor tolîl nie 1 waIs lu put i bel-il inwiei 0-ver night." 'rTe 1Iloy: It's abiout fîfleen lifun- lutes' w ah1< fî'oini lre." 5Mr. 1Rouie- Seelr:' Fifteeoo rnulotos! 'llie ad- vrtisement savs osilvel" The Boy: "W/cIl, iou km PoelioseInie 0or you kin bOifes, 0 thoe.idvrtisemoent, mis-. ter; but 1 int ,;tr. iii' to seilli ual place!"- 'Yvou rondoni us ttitli-, aidi Weary 'iille, 'but iliore's. mieO tling we mnuit gel creit for." "Wliaî's that?" "You dun't lîear of us ilu- r,jlîî1o n 0lPnd~uo Br1uce, Ccnre-Malcolm L_.. 2 04 getfier lik-ely that the vo ceds IBrutce, Souith-Truax, L ... ... ... Ace-l turbtinces now going on may result Brýuce, North-Bowman, L.....2C,7, itfie -,cellapse of tue iUandS.who,-'e Cardwell-Little, C.... ... ... ... 4a9 peaks spring itl acdti y. The con- Canleton Iidd, C...... ... ....746 stant eruption of rock, lava atid fluflerin Tlarr, C... ... ... ... ... 569 ashes, you must know moans that a 1lundas--Wbittny, C.... ... ... ...12 6 hoi, as it were, is Ping mnade i lbîrham, West-Reid, C ... ... ...il1,9 the bosons of the earth. '4ben tbis Durham, East-Fallis, C ..... ... 306 ýhole reaclies greai s.t thait. xhicýlî is Elgin, East-Ilrower, C .......29 aboe will be without support and Elgin, West-Macdiarnmid, C 1 thon subsidence mu st foiloir. Essex, North- McKee, L ... ... ... 95 'ibe sudden uischarge in théc pre- Essex, South-Auld, L ... ... ... 677 sent instance would appear to ludi- FrotoacGolah", ..... ... 209 cate that il ivas due to an alasojst Glengarry -Mcl)onald, C ......466 jostantanleous generation of steani. Greinvile-Joynt, c...- .... ... 011, This was probably brouglît about by Gros', (Xntrc-Luras, C_....... 1,091. the infiltration of water. Grey, Nonili Boy d, C.... ... ... 137, "The xolcanLroes of hMartiiuqL.e and Gro, SthJarnieson, C 52St. Vincent and of thesk~oru llaldjinanid-Hiolmis. L ... ... ...1.02 islands of thé Cariiboean are situated lalton-Barber, L.,.... .... ... ...1:23 lu a region of extrenie w eakness of Hlamilton, West-Colquhoun C 278 the eartl's crîîst, uhich blas ils parI Hamnilton, East-Csrscallun, C 880 allel. in the Mediterranean basin, ou Ilaslings, WestMorrison. C .201 Iýhe opposîiteý sioie of the Atlantic. Hastings, North-Allen,C .....252 1"bis Amnerican region of xeakne's Bastings, East-Russe11, 1...L. 19-8 extends wcstwuxd from thé Lesser- Huron, asHlo, L ..... ... 498 Antilles across the Golf of AMe.xico Euron, S<,,th Eili3er. ....159 inmb Seieîo proper, wlîero r lcl Huo.W~tGroL... .......i cd suisse'-)fut111e lofttist solcanreCs 0f l4ot, es PadoL.... ... ... 2"", the",glolto, Popocatapeti anI Oizb anid iaicludiýg Utbe more ýweterly 1;vol- King- ton-1-arty. L ... ... ... ... 290 cdflo of ('oliii, wbic.bus beeu al- Lanilton, East--roitypiees-, L... 40 rMost continuously lu ertiption for Lanibton, Wesi. Pardee. L,.. .500 ten years. Lanarli, Soîuh-Matiioson, C. 797 "The assertion lias bern made that 1.nnark, North- Caldwelff, L.. ...181Itiere bas licou a decreas finlte po- Leeds,,-Petty, C ... ... ... ... ... 458 tentiality of ibeseo solcanoes, butt no Louinox-kykisw orth, L.......46 geologst is iun Ii,position 10 assert Liocoîn-Jessop, C... _.........53 that this1 is actually tbe case, and il LoL.n.ey, ... ... ... ... ... 30J should be 110 surprise to aujy student Mfdilosex, West--Ifuss, Lb..... ...1,51 to have somne of tbouî burst out wiil Aliddiesex. East-Ilodgiais, C... 95 the saine s igor and ilitensity as Middlesex, -Fiorth-Tatylor, L . 2 Mont Felce or tbé Soufriere. MUoncr 32arcourt, 1,... ...'......328 Whther or itot the lust sismie MukoîaBrdgludL... 711distiwbarces uhicli "cr0 noticed in Nipissing-Loughif, L....... ...1s Mei r fxico lu January andi in Nýorfolk, Soutb (Carlton, L 41 Guatemiala ini April Pas o any rela- Nol-folk, 5,ontli Carpeater, Ï-'..250 lioin witb lihe outlist in tPe oastern INorth unbrlaud, Hast L[)ouig- 1Antilles rO'tains t10 Pc detenmfued. las, L.... ...... ...... ... .... 412 bu]]Lt foV' teoPreseuif lîey desonstrateý Northuroberland, 4West -j-1îte Condition of greaIt inanssl C'larke, 1,......... ........ ....... 134 Itt egion, wliichLs ad fis firi h Ontario, Nui-i-Iloyle. C ....431 I gfouing noges ugo 1iitiCo breaking Ontario, Soulb.Calde . 96 r1 Joit f Cl'o AndOeain mouatan (ltavna (1) LumiFdcn, 1,... ..... 143l., i anîl tPe foinatn o h uib_ 0-, a (2-oclC...... eumandGolf basins.', correctsves as Pus?]-]Cfun fes auT1 117-tmiWc 11 T7 5ITii meuh gruel, anuitliled itmli. Cois- tPe meuh hottoîi. TPe site(sarelineit stipatirun on Ibme o her battitbmuy i Wltinsfpiie hourds an quarter cf t'olieveo by the use of castor cil, an insch thick !ii a matiter thut, unit by injections oft ina iaertm- l t'ave5suhe insi de oponiug four the wuicb soap lias beois aitied. ýlui ail body, sîsutpeit lite the oit tashionee, canes ut derangemntt iL is snob to tiinnuat foras of coffin. aI omnce lessentihue aisouit utteemloft!At tioheiomîtiIs a wivod(li trame bulli dani unit tuai, tis asLsisting WiCtt w-ii Support a sllng 'of sîrung nabte b o sture tihe diges tire tract, cluthi for a beait rosI. This sliug lu j nui a Little bladjk clotli to ce-mer the ITS PROPER CONDITION. - woodnî part cf tPe hboutl'est will lic At to o thee iiorthsold thetho nmy piececs o! cholli useit, as the AI wo r tsno niomilisoit theowiiernditbuilder rit this structure, foal wifi iepin 10 nilille grain trom' destineit lo lie bis hast bouse, itces the nsother's feoit box, aumdtby the inul blneutti 1hlasve auy rapluîg of bme fItlias reaclieritPe ugeofutfise sfîk r tsalin, on nmîy oblier sort of ou 6 mouLus il slîoulrl lie ncusltod ciotîs itside on- outside ot il. The 10 cal aIl eqs,ns uof foo. 'Tiso ean- fusithe is psiîted a suft sladeofo itîP of the foal shoulit le itono gratl druli Tise ruilsirte is staiuot 10 ap- ualiy anit mets Iflias gmnîwm oud penn like black mraluu. lTle rest- lu ,eatiîîg il shîuld lieconimmedi 1it la inge tîpo ick boar~danditivii hure, loose bo.whPore Ibere is uulbiusg in use opeufug fis il for glass ur atiy- wlirh it emîts ecunu ecuiauigloit nusi miler pat-lose. Tliere are six huuitles led on suit feecr1. h'flidii sholit ut'bronze. tlsealbe put outsdry tocîtanit li eus j Tmishsowr w lsd unirexact lit lielias uaoterate work. As soon as, tlio; secoreit Mnr. Lighît mutunted a chair foui is proporly m eatueit, lie shoulml mhiris slooit hesito the cruiuu. tPe hsave tie rutsof 'n --ofj pastunre, p.'othion day, stepplîcin tto il miIiï tPe IPcîc is no ,f2ecit iitrtissa grs,I agý '.ility cf abîoy umilyd~' i nu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ï7 usoiie 55goi55eers'îeposftiums-ii which lise pcî i trsiai nt sruiiglît. .As teîle its his last sleep. bLoutimîg mw incllet'grusx cudertPe tutti sîoulit ISsssjiltglVý , àc s1erl " 1' ta i Pc put in the stable ltt tigiît und itlgîst ?'Ilu'n ieaJet -Yor sec ted a uitIle outs or Pt-ais. As 'sonj I catinot lie easiîxsstî m ott et ns tPe miter sets is lie sliiitilJd, if plaian tti s." îîussfbic, ]have a loosm' box assit le Ai-. Liguîl, w-ho ýuý is li urhiL'itn- letot ut very dJsy fmoiian houtr otirlc-ksitisre 1853, îî's blinin Hui- tsi oim er i-isc, feertsmsg a litIle lansd. Ho smas ounre srnrussmm-on tPe bra-ntsinasî, n afewir rn-ts oîand clos-or 3ritist wssliip Uonmsmaiwlis. le Pus hmuy. Wfils suds cuare ho i iicrime las emsîerî nsssusy uîsefuî -tuols for out li guoit ssape isliste sîng. wiiicli lie lias sersmreit patnts. Hf s Wheisever lb is practirabie tise colt amemîmta .coltirs are gouit anJ lis sisouilit le blins t to altei i lIe rLîsposflions is cboontul. yei a suckliîsg, nîsithtie esirlior ln lite tisis lîroccs 1 comasîcenlc tise asore eas.:i il] bili c cuuiplislborî. Wim1t': "Bt'oinlis f esoy ecosmounl- Iln imxay sortis hoe d lix lie sidoetOfcut.i, iis' lie?" Black: 'Brîteie thse daui i itbrol rliffculty, andmîri nîtisB',, I 1011 xoit. Broune is tli onîce nccuoslmmeul iiibciîsg guiderl by sort of umasn lîo. mileu lic munIs an liselballer, i il mllbc ais o-sy issut- aini. sait lsasm't sîy tsen tby tcr tu lenit iirnai mnwscue. By tfb oe 00, itill 9g o b îrk te iiiale timte lir is ,v,(cutiiedliPe miilI leur! hfîe ne e iy str sftgilteîtiag oît su rork- atis oit Purssu, ausit îitIiise Hie sciesi. couses t ri l h bis itîito Iisrir'ss lic Tls HnIICtuJrtss ii 15etiacteulTb ts sul, It ive Utile trousble; ilu fact lies 11,ois tfîevuiitlia.o, îucîo ul-aybrketi. W Peu ai colt is twoI Lý n eo hI esýd il -ait co-ui years oit,Ilitch Il iiiin d y ",nu etrsaglesmr.o 1 L11E'I1I) nÇC'Oxford, .outh-1 attulIo....i. u,0233 à A nP T1Him u Lffl alongsf de of a ste-,ady. uged Ihorse, IULIILU IV ROSSOxford, Nortb-MNcKay, ..674 .L1il -tfJiffa E Ui.t nd lie aîbeconie accusîonied Porth, Norths-Brown, b... ... ... 160 wuuk. Use hiua b n(I liglît work Perdsl, Soutli-Moscî'ip, b... ... 4 HINTS AS t THEIR PROPER tPe lirst winter andt se prepare hlm 1'arry Sound-Beatty, i --,10 oP. lq lu N. otaîie a sîttreo f tIse spring seed- e I',Ci.1 11 eel-Smitlh, b....... ..... ..292 CR ADFE NGug onieta ri. Always lie cane- I'bterboro, W.-Stratton, b 999 flinot 10 put hlm 10 ibhe hardest Pelet-boro, E.-Blezard, b... 216 The Domainion Live Stock Colls- ssork unîi lie is fully dlevoloped, 4AItd Prescotl-Evanturel, b .... _'icci. aissioner Gives Sonie Val- capable of îaking bis sirie :t any- The Results a' the, Election cv Prince Hdward-4esnpsoy, C__.357 wable Advice. thfng tît is lu Pe donc on a farm, the Whole Very Gratifying. Ilonfbowç, Norîhs White, C'.. .153 Mally ¶îeOple tlsiîîk a mare sIiottînîF W. IIOBSON, ______ enfrew, S6iitliCaitîpboîl, L .... 1,411. r7sI froin wrk foi- ses-oral wîeoîýsl', e- bis-e Stockr Coîniiti-ssoner, Russehl1-Gui bord, b.._.....776 fore foaliiîg. Titis is not so. if a REGRETS LOSSES-GLAD0F GAIN Si-sco C ('tre-Th.iiipsýýu, C... 57-4lood marecfias , naccustoinîto 1 jSE VENTEEN 1YEAR LO CISTS. O,, <xnseîiy .tit.coryïeti em Sinicoe. West-Dufl, C......... 4-5 w orhr util a floir ay.s tafom'e site is OceCopleel saifator Fatrre1-Storm-ont--Mecbaugblin, C4'..-..179 due 10 foal. \IoJîrate work s notis'111Vaniguard oet Use Array Ap- Thaot Nbot e t Cie iister Sias D- Toronto, South-i'oy, C..------405 only ,liarI-nsLss, Put' benieicial su j pears fis Washington. feI dHis Own Sîrjority Lîgr Toronto, North-Marter, C_. ..81, marses irà fual, proî'irlcdpruper roc1Tee'nurf ftegca xyô Toronto, Wes-Crawford, i.ý., bc ie akeii not lu uverlr'ad lteiIl '1bTt siutvofthe gî-e ichrsy(lue ltait Aiîy ho EVer i-tad Tlhree Torýonto, Easl-Pyne, C... .3628 is celaiishil botter thian keepintiIenri svele , al' locusts, wIflî sru Times vrihasto Ail Victoria, West-Fox, C. ... 70 lied ip iii lte stablecir îersiiinglr10- 'niIts cutr i i trs Victoria, EasI-Carnegfe, C... 438 lîeni b runaut large iii the' fields aruya'ese i l uilsn lis~uioitr.Victoria, NotP-Lakner, C 65; itb ote1r lîrrses. Ii he former T fangeunds nashumîpdt. the Toronto, May 80.-Dreunier Ross Waterloo, Soulb-Krihs ,'C_ 1091 rase tbey stiffet' trous isunt out xerivo largoe ts are o e ie' receîved Ithe returus cf the olecîmcn is Weland-Get'man, Lb... .........681 cisle, and ioeiltter tlîey'are v iiset.bose11- ao Petit en bis oitnfî the Parlianient buid- Wentlwur'li, Žortli-War-ilil, U' 339 lialfe 10 accidenits frors taciar, Slutes Agniculîus'al Pe l "btt et !ngs. îîe was surroundeit Py lion. Wentwontb, Soulli 1ickiei, nk. 174 playrn-i or' figlitsng wiii one siotîs- ouI 5,000 postai cards 10 thiose J, M. Gibsous, the cis'y otbrr Minis- WeiPng-un, East-Craig. b ...188 cr. ifter 1h' foal is Jropped tPe;piî fIi onlîl nirl 229saue siuud i, se afeurîms , locusts appeared ln 1885, isitît the tocrf ine cils; P b t nbc -s of Welington, W/tI-Tueker, C. 2t1ef r quest tIsat lte wr bis fuunify -nlIa foin personal frieds-. Bell n,4ton. Soui-Mutrie, b... 396'tut oufly for fl-er Vit nkubut fitsei-ltoDpsrtent as soon ne Natutailhy,bhe rosut ias the source York, Easl Iîirbardsou,Lb.....423 thul of tise foai as se. Wlien tis enibo rotheis 0f tPelsîsw,îotd of groat satisfa lion to bita, and York, P esî-Ilill. b... ... ... ... 25 tisîe of j>tuiug approuee teJat irbun solen about Il o'chock hast York, Northi-Davis, b ... .....469 sbouhd bc tusimeit irose lu a largo: S ft'relisaianedset Naesh- tiglil lie exîpressed lihaseîffan tP.5 box stall, ou' iftheIb iraîber lie uild ioniy iroiniAltona, o asd ,ais mioor :-'AlIPou b, sounie of thie ne- SIR JAME S Git ANT PRElSI>ENT fa 'a paddock. Bira tte isreis a 1r vfl,lTerîn, ti ebrue .cfetîlst 0hI tours noce di"sp 011ftsg, the re- valu-beoe iiilepopcie r illo ne, uîî tis îiuspctie iilhis a fei\,îreeks lucusts ixfili axO sîuîts on tlie wliole aie very grabify- Election of Officers of the Royal Society foal ils hoolior for nîtîsLia good Joal uppeared li tiiocparnts uf .'coitsyî- iug. Ve chiotfly regret bhe iuss of! sucb of taiada. o f initest, itilis wxi 011 t-lnIsisoer vna n eJreIcaer moun as 1i. uis,.D Mi-al Torunto, M~ay 30.-Pellows andt dol- 1chusely, as niîîîsy sahuithhe aimîîials,-rlnVrhia etvrii- '. Carpouter, Mn. MKeMr. fil hv111 otwihbya itl,1f fuI. 'ade, n.Britsaîp, r.Mu jegabes of thie -Royal Society motfe ir icslsI fil ya ttieMoaryft hd Vriîsl, WSot t -laoiuia, Mr. ardc, M. Beithup Mr.M l-te Cliet'ical Building ufthIe Uni-rer-: attention ut the ightit nclment asiglît Tennressee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, trie, anditpossibly one ou lwu others siby îast evoting 10 îisîen tb Dr bave licon u veai1 About- lhe best 1'lcfrî uJ îcnf r.lmusIllietoos, Mrehligan, .nd/eforcfnsii, are, bo e xer, lu laeenin rfonit we Jeffrey of the University speak upon 1limefo aln is tlie lutter pasrt utofid()ibl n o, 'Stats. - , forest trcs 0fCanaa. IMay, as tisere is tteis an abuamco I sslymsohr tas Cie arenoew er, totreo~ qinoi ub teUficest ubtreoCnadn a eeu gaiaJ IiIesth mo tomiolnîgfst Howard ofthe I)&DG wilmintaîmn, O îrostforbehetanding yjarhecleiifpartaient of Agriciulture, sai s tb9 cfihe Lgisîanb u. , therystad5If eece duning the day. Sfr ,îames me ttiîsclt tl owl flueusîs wiîî do liGtL ie îîuy» f thctorytenture. ibat ct aMis- 'sGrat ias elected presideul, Col. caretully wîrnercd. Culs s onn is iya.'le r o lgeo,4 fato y ira de s atcdn t aly Omit -traGeO. ILetuisoîs, sice-presideul; 5rnS dums-l iis-huh pi eart, epie re toladilague or 5. tey ans ate tiMys as ret .John Bournîot andt Prof. John Flot- bousddnîgtt aastls sr rsla, andte Ite r diîsslue 111 byas aritezt maferivIen l as er r e-eocei scnetary and breasur- ted greens fecd. Tbrse extra csî'os cnrrmni em a'7g m -. -- 1 cer, re-specieîy .a nsbecto o Ibskn t ing exccýpt Youngînur-serytyices.tan& rit 1 eve h f r, espctvel. ae n ojecion Lothi, knd o isshoots ot mature trots, aet cuntesteit for blie tenbh tisse, adi Chaneilor Bunîvasîs ofVictoria Preeiting. Foi- a romsidersble hieulitdýn _ýr1nmtijr "1 Poelitfor llirty years, mamy ho ne-.IUniversity, wf Lb W. D. bighthalof hoforo fualfng the usure siould bclie iitm u emsamtijr so cepteid as a gratifyfog evidence oU Montreal, ivoeerecoîvoit ns telows. toit on softtfooit, soas 10 fîccp liemr " ie ita thie locuet is emdan- cotnfidence trous tlosc wbo hruow nie Dr. Sauniters, directur o!fIthe E-x- 'bowels cpen and stasîtînte tPe floir'(> bcst. ~~~perfnou ntigv an illusînal- of mulk. Theo foods that have booec rdhycnCislZIoi"sî rf "Alibough. the majority is flot very cd balk on the saistactory resuhîs touami usefut in iiiicroasiug the fSoir 11w nuit."Bis barniu s tousýc(ly alsou large, sîfil, afler lhirty ycars' tVa obtained fis tPe evsîby crossiug a cf mutik n acowwill lias-ve tinotedJee dp coasequenti tire_ o! office, lb is ruprecedented ilu hardy Siberiait apple Wl lb Canadiami S'aune offect uposi the sîare. B lent (destýroeit aiy Jephaplowiu. Maca" the histouy cf gosoroments, ioder apples. 'lIe satisfactory resuls oh-1brani is ç'arttcularly itesirable, fed dusmassdapatsr.t te our constitution, Ihal a Gorernineîtt taineit ly crossiug goosebernies ai aIletnîs0 nah asdrr snt Ieffeioflte Insci n imýouhit have n majority aI al.1 I nacurrauts naitdplunîs iillsand cher- Puy and tcarrots are all gooit, bat ntios anderls fail, I heblabcds flot sbie bu say jus oI 0Wwbnht cir- rf ineeealso uoticeit. Ipleîsty of gouit fresîs gnmss is ruli- tca;ths ad sîrobrslse f teanuted cîmmstances wefghed Most wftishice A receptiem inas given 10 the mens- alîy bIe bost aid t lsealîty and a 1fascal the agpe u tsobrui elc-an s i casting Iboir votes. Iý bers at Gos uniment louse in the a!-j abondant nutrtnlion.,uMr. Iloward ssys that l wiithetb cnsinply bbank my supporters ail ternoots. F011 BOTI-1 MARE AND FOAL. ilrs pordsriteslasuo ovrthe Province, andithIe candi- ITot'ay lbey wilh beave on an ex- I s0 P sgietisimtaeliscustparrsevmore ii eas ss oo dates efecled, as well as those de- cursion lu Niagara Falls, relrnming that te ousng hiorse sPrind tarst noir to knosv that the cicaitas were feateit, ton tbr splendid liglit tbey on Monitu1. ]lif full boulli andi vigor, anti to god tood, bautlshey soon Jlscovercd put op agaitsst nîfsrepresentalioa Py Ibis emnd lie ssoulit very seloni af lt' thultlîhey were andi will beono the the Co'sscralive party ait Py ST VINCET. lifrîl takçe a gouit Jnaughl ut the lookout for Iberi Ibis yens'. thseir orqari. lu Ibis respect bbe cais- colostrum. on firsl mill of lise Jani. 1 The EHiologicai aSociety ol paigis ias unique, anui will, I hopie, Sir B. B. Lleweltyn. GovOrnuor, RePOrtg Colosîrrima bas a purgative ettore Washington msade soaîo oxperniuenîs for al titue b oîone lie, seconsider-----------.-- th..-,-- 11r .,- - -- -- - -- .-., - =T-

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