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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1902, p. 2

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4 *1 bOUtthe te5igning of Peace Not. Always ~ tfl,- Fiish.STIIAI3IEIEUtY ECIPES. Strawberry Sun Preserves -It is The popular conception of the!ten, thousand men by the iMahdi's scientific folk, and model hueie closýe of a war is thie signing of a dervishes at El Obejd, on November that the direct action of tesni Peace protocol; foilowed by fire- 5th, 1883; and its ending - 1 toc srra~dmrestsatr work, joy-lrells, and the immediate september 2nd, 1898, the Khalifa than that 0f any oit-!ii kn eat Cssaftion of hostilities. As a mat- Abdlullah, the Iahi's kinsian and A tradition_ wel konf Vrii ter of fact, nothing is further frorn successor, was eete tOmndur- dCokr ilon 'topreve ta- the actual trut.h. Great conflicts,nman by Geneî'ai Ktchelner. berrnes in the sun in lae0fve wagd by hundreds f tliousands *of 20 1EAIIS' SOUIJAN FIGHTma. the stove. The bernes treaed after armned mon, sldom, if ever, terniîn- the folloxxing rocipe a(re both nri cher ate, as does an oî dinary stage play, Both daites, are, liowýevcr, quite andmr efc hs with the formna] inging down of the wrong. The Slieik Mahomied Alimed, d mue rfect than h oe popr cul tain. of Dongola, afterwards botter known a05socureony tat f con- Th ra i lWrbten teas the Mahidi, raisct the standard of ga io oreol h-._n Thegret CvilWarbeteen thecentrating the heat whule the pecul Norfhcrn and Southera States of revoit agairist the Egyptian G oi--lar purity of fthe swotness comnbinodlî Ainerica, for instance, which cost the erfimont ia July, 1881, and SO oaly with the succulent redness in this liveq of 1,200,000 mon,' and involvod as June, 1882, lie hai gathered teo- sun -cooked preserve givos a suggos- the direct expenditure of more than gether sufficiont follon'ers to sur- tion of somne oriental conserve. The1 $3,000,000,000, was onded (on Pa- round and massacre six thousand re- hernies seecm te be ponnioatod with per) by the surrend'er of the Con-i gular troops commanded by fthe the sun's'sxx'efnoss in additio~n te federafe <ieneral Lee to Grant at brave nnd able Vussuf Pasha, whule thei w, adte yu-eoo Appomatox court lieuse ini Northera the closing scone of the long and nici, Pure and ten. Th ecirini Virginla, on April 9th, 1865. Yet desolating socles of campaigus was nule requiros tife-quartons 0of a on May 8th, nearly a month laf onent oanctod until Januany Ptli, Po und, 0f sugar to a pound of straw- YA e find the Confederato gonoeraî, 1900, on which date the redoubtable bere. Tesgri io l "1iek" Taylor, fliglting moi rily ln Osmian Digna, last and fiercest of the jus e suaten to we tad pt Alaam; ndit ,a not urtli the dervisli inreconcilaùîos, was captured on1 f0 boilý It is to ho takon off 20f h 0f the samene month that the in thel'i bs near TOIkai. beore it thickens mucli and pounod surlondor of General Kirby Smith, Pew campaigus have lad so sndden ovor the strawbennies. Thon the bor- in Texas, mnarked the final cessation on 80 dramnatic a terininationi as that ries are sot in the sua two days,1 Of hos&tilities on land. On sea the which, in 1868, wo ii agod against covcned wifh a Pane of glass. Thocy fighting continucd mnonths aff on- King Theodoro, 0f Abyssinia. It are occasionaîîy stirod. On the ixards. The Confoderate priva- was not until about four la the af- thirdday pour off the synup and houi teor, Shonandoali, alone destroyed, teraeon Of Apnil I 6th that tlic or- it agalo. It xiii ho fouand inachf during July and August, aonme'tfirty den was givon for the Britishi fo IthinneU by the juide cof thec fruit.f FPedc'ral, morchaîitin (hie of the carry by assault the strong hlii- WMile hoiling droplu a lump of ai- moast valuabie of hier prizos site tow- fortress of Magdala, the Ifing's capi- n the cisc of flic top of your littie cd into Liverpool in triuniph o nla and rosidence; yot _befono ftio fingoýlr. Pour the liot synup ovor tlîe INýovomber 6th, and her commander, nighf tf011 ail was over. Theodore, bennies and sot la the sun agnian un-r Captain Waddoli, was dunîfounded just P non toeflie rush of the storni- dcr glass. The noxt day por ai xhen infornied fliat the war had beon igpnt1hd iefe io O0f into the presonving kot iepand hoil officiaily dectared nt an end saine the gold-brocaded mant le which lie until the bernies plump up. Thon seti sovon nionflîs proviously. had wýorn earlier in-the day, and la the sun again for a day. Thie FRIANCE BLED lIARD. 0tlikraehmnoxt mnorning soai and preserre lai a imark for the rifles of our sharp- snall jares xif h brandied pal"er on Not infrequeatîy it hiappons fhat shootons. Tlhis ho gave to a favor- top. Straxvbonîies prosonved la this hiOStilifies are wll nîgl i idcliiitely ie servant. prolonged, owing to fthc stuliborn- A fexv minuteos Inter the loading annexlentvormollonuferint.,Thei îlesof the defoatefi party. On Sep- files cfflie 3flrd burst open flicllain are excellent, for nolaypudding, 1cr tomber 2nd,-1870, the laf e Enîiporor outrance of tho palace. 1"Ely for serveling fars frsayer cak cs, f0 0f the Frenchi surrondorcd at Sedan our lives!" cricd the uaîiappy mon- soi-vor aif h oads eanfi on h Paf hhrseîf and lis arîny fo lis cao- arcli, nddressIng a fcxv retainers on freay mald. sofl mies, flic Gerniens. -My brother," wîîo lad remained faithful te the Strawberny Presorve. - 1easureu wrofe flie unhappy man f0 flic ing end, "As for nac, 1 wiii nover f all fine large bernies aftcr liulling fehem. f Prssia, "not liaiing ben able into the liands of an eienîy." Thon, To oach quart f brnes alloîv ad te die at thie head of miy froops, 1 drawing his pistol, hoe put flic muz- quart of fine, wvhite sugar. Put the lay my sword at the fot of your zle info lis mnouth, and f011 doad. fruit and fhe sugan lin a presorvinç" AMaiosfy.' ['Seohewar en5d tue ened.kettie ini alternto îayers. Lotthflib Wif h Napoleon there surrenderod A WAR TIIAT ENDED) IN SMILES bernies aind sugai- tanld over niglit. 83,000 officens and mon, f ogethers witli seventy mitrailleuses, 400 field- If sounds qucer to falk about ftho la1 thei morniag cook slowly witlîont pioesand150fofros gas.AnO"hdicrous' toramination 0f a san- stirring unfil the iiquid is dlean andb f hie wns lan addition te 47,000 guînaay sfruggle, yef sucli a wo-d flic fruit soft- Slmm forouglily and. Frencimien whlo were killed, wound- moost aptiy descrihes the closing pack la jars. Ileat the jars by fll-iii edor f aken prisoners during fie scene of flie last Maori War. Firing ing f hem iiflxxator, flion stand flic g figîtig wichprooedd fe napiu-had been-going on intermitteatly ail pan on flic range and lotthfe XVter lation. When the aews of fils un- day, wlîen, fowvorçis dusk, it died lieat slowly. yfl ensaldn parallelefi disaster iras felegraphed aNway, and froni thec nomny's stock- gon of cracing îill ho avoidod. Fll 1 abroad, overybody thouglit fiaf ftho c d "Pali-' flere advaaced a couple of fi o aswf lcpeevsf irar iras at an end; and whon, somne headînen bearing a flag of trace. flie very brimi; tica sccw on the h b ircois afon Mez surodord, -Well, irlaf dIo you wmait?" aieitops lOosoiy '01(llot stand unIt il Cool, ef pie more suref if .. Tis atrms % f" il;i_' îlh i(o n m]d-allncoltîiente-os nistore t aevnmre toniblo bloir wto Franice so sfodpuaincm in a acool ost6 i n onoss e ý(ýtj1i:in w;u f a igdýnc, LnabccJx traced to fthe gnawiing of bro1ken, un.- BERÏ IE-U11L UUJf lightcd matches tlînown int o m astLe QI1~t paper baskets, by rats or miice. A,,- most equally dangerous le the care- lessi habit 0f- dnopplng the burat WITH THIE BOER DELE GATES match before fhliinel enfîreîy ouf AT PRETORIA. of if. Ia addiag flour to gravies, aimnys, A London Correspondent on Their use a flour-dredgen and there wilI bo tiueDrigfi o- no lumps la the gravy.AtiueDr'gheCn When flchen-ýts of cane chairs, ho- feren ce. gin tO Sag, tara them upsdde dom M ont uMgth pca and masli flic xvog or undcrside Mf7. Bne ulilfi pca flc canemii r ,ýtn ong* lai torof Cnr-padn 0 ficLndon Daily I Tlegaph wlo las remained la littIe vinegan. When thoefrc-arouughutlie yn satnafd, pcoffic ioiiueaa aîgri, buit le nomon fthe point 0f set.acie f ll enfetiydry aadf le nturning. ila ý)oof- lis bcffers, dat- sea ml li asilr asuho ýed April 19, descnihos the visit of A~~~~~~~ cortodhesy gi ane lcBoer leaders to, Preoroia for da ho i clea(îd1hynubbing, gentîy, thoin coaference itli Lords Kif clia- mifl la 0fa i cy onion. Set ao n Mlo a-ide for anhoq ntiro. Apply aI The dologates, ho sybofli flic 1 Onango River Coloîîy o1liciais andi clofli met xiifeirai iro, thon; nyimanîediately ly byPressing mifi a icheTransi calons, icone lodgod" in flic saf lion lof unil ry.; capital, la a large, liandsomL1e, gar- Cooîagmif soî-creni s amny1iden--umbomoiod villa, ,rexf Lord a okn life"ihlli" oca s fic nea 1 Kit cheen's officiai residence, and varies se, machl in acidify. Ilaîf alfading flic wel mooded toma park. level foas-poonful of soda dissolved PFrom fi-st f0 mest, vixhle Sclîulk- lna a faspoonful 0f liot mater te a i bunge-.. fl ic le-prosident of tfle cup of dcam is a foin avenage al- Trnsvaal, and flie resf of the Trans-' lowaace; if flie creain le very rour- mai Goveramient, mit h the excep- indroaso flic quanfify of sod,,nnd if t ion of Mr. Redfz, flic Scnctany 0f vory f.Iiick, the aniounit 0f mater. State, ico1re la fai on of peaco on auy Eggs for ivint or use are mnost casi- on no ternms, and Louis Botha shlar- iy kopt la dry sait. Tliey are fully ed flou- micus, Sfeyn, Be Wef, and ns good as the limned oggs, andmuch Bclarey morýe for domanding irm- less trouble f0 fix. possible conditions. The dclogafes ____siomefi littie on no outw'crd sur- TO WASII1 BLANKETS. prise during throir i ailîvay jouny Whenwasingblaket on shuldat ftheo eidones of the resumaptioa Who waiin hinkee oo sonii f industrial pursuits lnanil dliec- use good hoaanesoit soap, i if f me Thc1 xvore polife onougli, but [s possible Io îprocure if, andfi ho evidonit]y silomît anîd distrustfui as your con ho sur fliafifdoos net rd Indian chiefs, of wliom f loy put conf n roa whidli hardons the 131. Burleigm more flan once iii fibres lunivool. Thleis iteucof al1 rmmd. They ixoeefnkl nto flannols-, and s(; a lifttle homnemade soff s'cap shoulfi a1mnys ho kept on A STIRRING POLO MATCHI hanfi durng tho soason wlien tloy in Preoroia, but tliey 1 nid liffle hed, musef be îashed. Ue niier soda to the gai-ne, and passed fhe f ime ion 'pofashin la the at or, for f hey la- forflicre st part ln smoking, talkç- june fianauds alînosf as iiicli as ne-1 ing f0 cccli oflir, and drinkiag. Mi-. sin. If thexae- is biard, soffen if Sfeya secmed in serionsly 111li haf h., nifli ammonia and hrax. Dissiolve The Boers more feated mit h the soap i la ic mate(-r li stead of put- istadied courfosy and hospitality b tiug if onrfie ickefs.Wifli fhesO fthe British officiais. They cnld cee precuations eirer 1imot or cold mater uliomseovor f hoy mtsiod on go viiure nay o usd, bt besuref0 nse fey millecin lacompany 0f anr offi- the hlankef s in mwater of flic saine cor. The On1ly undcrstancling mas tealiponatuî-o as flînt in ixhicl tliey f hat fthe delegafes, unlose hy expîress wono waslied. If1,le a good plan f0 cons.ent, should nef diseusis politics vash thoni on a vcr.y mmndy day, for or tire mai- ith their i isif ors. loey are alîvays 1 flufer if suappeni Scores of fomale relatives., and a few int il nearly ry and fis le not of fhe stenr sex, couid ho sien easily donc hy 1ha:nd. ualki1ogL about daily ini fho gardon, Blankefs shiould neve- ho put awey or îoaîîgu-,ng upon the venandalis and Lrty. If f loy anc not hadiy soiled halconies ciîattiîîg ivifli fli Boer liey mnay ho huîng on flic lino for leaders. overci days lu succossion, and thfIs Bolaney lad visite from hie daugli- ecumo d]eansed sýufbeciently for pack- fe, xho resides witli ler hushand la ag. If tliey ai-o nom, and have acf Pneýtonhi, ns eli as from 010 bang- Ceen uscd close foflice body, they lion frioads. Doulit and suspicion aay bce dleansed mit h gasoline; bat ddutflicBoer goneral's mind, as1 in iost cascs tfhey should have n thoy did theseo0f lus coileagues, good mcshîing la soap suds. dsroigfnanknesecand easy inter- course. Ami yef Belarey and flic A BLOW AT CUPID. otiers ucie presGingîy onxious fo "If wne pnetty liard f0 haie flie Lu110irliat flic truc sifuafion of af- onoeyinoon clondýicd be-fore w e ilad fainssn, uliat chance fliere iras ean maýiried tro hours," complaîn- 0f assistance froin abrond, -ild hoir ,d a nemly m- iari iild man. "Fnef is, mach fle Englialiir omld concode louli flc xciei o0f the md- ]le.Ho sad t111y7 mould l nsýisf1 ing-dayf 00k my tIclittfle esO It fii lg lc"iniu, erai Blarey, wmo dserves flie meed of honest me's praise. Ho said: "If the comnmandoos or longIons ac- cept flic Englishli flg, I iii aido by thir verdict, and como in, for I have donc miy dsify. If nof, I will diein lle field, fighig for flic od Governnmot and flie flag.- At last flic voice of flic Boer momncî-or af any rate a majority of tIein-is noir in flic d li h r a io n s . " r o y p o s itio n I cýo U d c s l L re do g aiz o a ll flic d iflore mîf I inin g PERSNALPOITER. eys a frooper, wxvnlg in tfel1, Fîn- PERSNAL OINTRS. pire Revicu. There w oefe t 1,i3- N >t es of Interesf About S rcpouniders on re oppositeo iii ( u Leading People.o ua gunso aPfuned cf Colenu-,j'..ihoe LeaingPeole.Maxime, cd tflicMaxini-_NToîdeti- Som vey lrgeinsranes avefeldf sfliaf cari-y Pound sliils ccd Somoîenylarg Insrancs hae1rfine vanioneIt flue cud ton rountds in bo meii ïof cfed cf L oyd's on tf 1 , K-ing 's life- on e b ein g for £ 20 ,'0 00-- i 4 1 s c e si n ii, a t a m c i n~ v i cu f flic C o o n a fon . T he p-ln ma c O ur p et bu g-bea ,, a uJ ad d is's Sundorfahkon by eigit large la-, many naines. IVe calied if "lic su nla nlce off.'ices u n d on flu e h end p o mi-p o mn , " T o îîm y c lled i fi, th amount to L'400,000. bcand r Suteii Josef H o m n u le m ore fan a and it c otain y le an ofe six c l- Piano playe. He le au expert m- istitufion. And, about tInee miieft chauic and an inventr as moul. He offl, our big naval gune ucere silling lias just ecured cf xW ashington a 1the eoacmy's arflery. L stly flee paftentf iglif for an improveorent on m as the donflmuoue rattfle of flic a starnengle. hisis te scon rifles freux four dife'nent diroafons, pafen omtfat flic young pia ist lai t e auser b ing asiy disting-ufsl- ta k-on o t flue ea . che fro m 0cur o ,,-n L e eM cffo d. M e. Theo-Right Hon. Richard "-'ofdom, dopped qulker and quickr, and Neir Zealnd's Premier, irs bora n flth siglt al round mas ghastly. LanashrecaOemgnaed 0 ficPoon old Con. Woodgate mas cliot Antipodes cf the ge of iglifon. tlrougli the eye, and the command Hoe us rought p f0 the frade of de o d on oun oma colonel. Au a m eelanical engineci-. and l e nc- ordeily r iv fro m flice G.O.C. tirly sef-mde ari wh lis i ýcskiag uliaf fliccolonel imîfended do- ie fim e hon hotu i in kçe per and 'i ng,, and received flic ans m r, "I l- abon leader. tend holdingflic position-hoping T h e moob nma nvc hous s io f l i c he fo n- iiforc oient ." F nthyfîe morld me M. Gaston Bordv*-y o o6s gaind courage and hgan ad- appeariing la London. Takinig sev- vaccng upoîî Us, ctually Fliomwing "i-l rcpeafing carhmncs, and stand- tosle.Ti a htw a in g ton yaid e from tflic piano, lie been maiting foi. 'pinys, or, f0 sPeak strict ly, lie PIX BAYONETS AND) FOLLOW.- shoots, n a very brilliaif style, a "Norý complicated scoction froin Caal- owi thon, T.M.I." said Tor7ney- icila I-usticana.", Tle iapno is a- crot, fix bayonets and folloir nie!" m our d" f r its novel xp omi"cuco and ho d slhod ou f o er flic W 4 L, A n n n i n g sto ry 15 n la Ited ofd fthe fo llo med b y flie fe x tiha f m one o fb t . ato Hiu nga i nar statos mnan, IIsz, la that lino, roîh ps tlir fy or for fy iro, xwhen cie, day driing cf th ail tol. Wo linO not gof iry far Hofbug ifli fe iperor, placed a efore fthc terrible fie sfoppd us. large p enn upon ie plate cf dessert. n thnt short timue uc ad 1sf ai- The Enîiperonr rmarked f0 is Min- Most hlcf our umnber, but flhc sur- ister flat cold fruit ff on a hot xr , l i g co n, me t on flung. dinnr ws ijurousto he ige- llooked round f0 500 amy aciglibors, tion, 'iezn replied, "The, stomlachl adi und Pegg off on fice iglt, of a Homîign-ln Premier, y our DIa- and on fhl1ftcf flic samne dis- jsy i bliged o a st ,, ne" tance, Mc Bonmn'o f-anotîr pal. I jesfyis omgodO a si-on one said "Clicer cli !" f0bofli of tiremr, Froni cildhood flic King of Italy' lia e b e c a fa mn ivif E n g li el, ns a n d I fl la ir e iv r o a i p le ns c o te hoe lad an A ngleo-Saxon gox rn ss fo faOd oui-aches c se f ogef le. Vo ,ç%,on, he wa 4,Ply ttah-d. S monoer nom oaly at duoiliîîg distance, uhom lie as shcply rataptitde.asina nd fliccolonelires knceliig up be-, a linguief, and hla ronicient n hn rock fi ring is Miaso pisto, iost of flic laugunges spokon la uhile the iest of us, lying fiat on Europe. 'On a tour flrough flic fle grass, mre makig if hot for Confinent IKimng Vicftor ias'chIc fo iany Boer Who POPPod up is liad. addrsà 11 th peronags whse Tic ret of us," I said, but I mut, lospitality lie njoycd la th ir O ua I l de Pegg. -He k act f0 loaO but languag. an steod up f0 fie-on tiptoe, foo, to The King an Quecui showr their get a botter \iexv f hie mo. "Iva affection for hein horsee in a C- gýot one," lie shoufýed. " Comne aloag, rious may. XVen a favorite dies ifs sir, lt'e ulse flic bayonef s no m." oofs are eut off and polisiced, and Alnmet a fhe sanme momentia buillet the lorse's naine is inscrilicd on ech I ook hlm faim ly befiven thec ye, oof. Tîso are placd la a iou liand lho f011 lu a uncled-up lcap,ý- oi eý of flic larnes-room s cf Sa-, and s t04'ov d the(re. 11 ryly had poc a iaghîa . On fic mai abov cr01 egg go e te is lasf d o at fa SPIDN Kg? A. BEAU1- TBAP ONXE WHO WAS TERE WXUE3 TO THAT EFFE0O'. ranowing, Account of flic Awful Loss in fie Aftempt fo Take il

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