a ranil.care for fetcana legs wflo is --- treatiment. t0 us Anle - sparhs, of hfgh eicctroera',e ofor-ce Prnp r er e we ar a-ts"ly Ethel Watts Muniford. inalove, when in the presenice of tih n s fra osier~rigble and aid ergodwlaUicpar- an C as ar s posibe boledand aidto bonis snart and ciever. "lThe Spell of lieioycd olijcct? lyrhrefuse the I)esolation" by Norman Du- The' conversation wns sweetîy i- g la eae esrk rharast. They are particulariy .a te-Yig r ia iaagefi to squceze sraeo aeaf ast i-goi wth peck. Parsaîp fritters teetiilchdiîo ican, is a beautiful story of INew- rhp wideow'sbland uncer the buffalo, fdeteCgxe lcs ~ Ot r ade bymashdgtlxe beiîcd eundhtdlifcon the Ont- tremiy diflicuit tCo1'ass p1) remadalitesle eradComics Back." "The StinT iniiSun- w-cl li wen iewa curtngbe s'ars rmlue teatnf to erubbing ail te a rmeootb mlass, dewn Dccx ," by W iII Lex ington Stiltond whe i as bea eched ilitee. te.A 1trsi cncuinwfl cnledopd ysonusConfort, is a good adi enfure sfory. qufckly. which lie draws is that -if lotsrnet! into beiling, fat. -leeaesiriohrsoies, ail st) Tun a lo no The serices had net yet om se-ni probable that lighitning dis- A Spanisi l ish is niade by adding '""l chosen that they give the ilcfion T rst iecd and terol wece sadn hre pa_'s through regions fa the eliepped and draiined terratees, on- side of Ainslee's foi, this mnnh a aeis ndfmnced arsly te icedvery pleas'îng i ariety. Strcet & Ric'Kr edBooabout under ithe trees ir-,kauts of o.ad nicdpase oecdl' h laîf a & oetalklng of th~e wcather -boileti potafeoes Fry tire petatees SifPiblisihers. New York City. No other rernedy [paî-sley ' Te end stry f w ar l;nt. fil- lls ias ic'finit ara Caixlithewfln theribbos oi alin atpa toani frEi-ft neiltthey aredelicieus. vedefIl" pthaeo hegorc i ci exraxaurgace ant iront1f1fln, Liver, Bowels anid 1Biod to heaithyt and spraag lg tiy te th-17g111ad. burghi a thistie. an vitoius action. If your appetite is peor, rDut nias ho Lch-ailfergettea his feet, ____________________ SU-PUEI, INTS. aaid ihis avile as inuch pttt out. I wreasebtil)0ts Il grwere as gpllles "Planner re i~ ny dear?" lie aslk- your energy gene, your ambition ihcl ytb- tm er s ef coonh Itea fll easr luor, clfid, aii u oclaey ra dead frci ta ctîeterrible comapres~siononte ,i.ntalc- or od lest, B.B.B. willi restere you te the tlIv Laýýd undergene, an-d ahen ho mrpetef a-tafoceIiilro îttilrtea ee rne ie.i fienyent of happy Vigoroul. ilc it I ias en his le-rd i'stedod vet tire, spiot forsoakîttg itothire uldrtrievrseteds if hi fet. Ilis new bea\7er i-en fcem fato nec ier fc; ad liea iltuate s'tisand in nil falirgiogff, it A Broera Test-Whlen liuyiag au1ch age it. ___________________________ lreught v, l_ i t the 'sciýttafh" he np from n kes o atrlrotest if ay î ressing tire edge -Ves," alis red ca. B--- short- lrad piifx dollars fer, a feir days thtsotbon\Vt a littIe agairat Iho'l eoe If nhe sira%1s lY. NET'VER is timne more precieus fLan liefere, te cocea aItae bld spot on ' li t'e ceut aufi I crîfitire liren sat'Ms r i, adPnst irlin soeereber of the famnily is thre top of iis cratini. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver poreu o h~sel uti ahireif. Their, aleird: "Ah, lii' attckd y eicdîcner o ay usfal frighlteiiefitire herse-sqhe alasolifi, h;Ilir nrass. glad of that, urry leve. I have suint bessel Itrouble. The doctes' is disi- set urp her head and tail and sitha Stale P,rttt ir If yon think y~our flice ports moulfi cali 'an a4hing anti but if l'ert-y Davis' Palakiller is fratic -fort set off at a reusing It is food, and more titan fîrkra or 1r' ck is- lii eh te spoil, er veifi,'" Sarah. near al danger is soon ended. ,paedean flie rond mitir the iridei od:i elsyu iet'ht0n0ctlgalitesto rtrrse I.X en f ten suifer freni lheadache, -- screaario' ofii clinging te the seat eerfodyo cn er.lal ilieareiter snturafed solu- ýsh e ttrued, la a cwttirrg tone. tien affoodepoif tere. I will 1ef Boik-sdrew hIis chair. up te),tihe Sh:"Dut I would nover ort-v rya ef tirel' rf-Y.y -epcter.Ivinti mnan \vie o mfine foc mny geci The sigt ef bis formier- flause fin M ~ E~E SAMPL, . ~TRY'r CryU t is get'irrg xorse, but tale itliunrcssary nois, ond bos. le: "0f cerrrse ,net, deai'. rîtrtress, ma te nrch for the teii- SCOTT ONt es OOWZrnO, I n-ve teugitof aci athna. dc Larfcf-JeemaurJekia;.50C~e. and $1.00; ail dr-uggists.iii e'e ifs sirectacis, if surf refraýIÎiae frrter tte Pat ,con- chUýl f a jli. ýnis h onc e teor.ciliafni Iýiferihereat e f lire Cy. ed to hold a unique record' among lsne corud eep wflicn sne Iiked. The the beliringers of Fîîgland. Fo, exainred thern very carefu11y, feci sityd e y cars he has never miss- tng ex ery stone, and thon said eringing the New Year at the par- W cl, as 1 like diamonds and tur- ish church. Born in the sane year quolses better titan peaýris, I willl as Queen Victoria, he helpedC to ring keep this." She speaks muaiaiy the merry peals ixhicl i poclairaedl throuigh a neprtr.uts a lier accession, coronation, rmarriage,, erttotl aii el and jubilce. File rang the muffied1 peal at hcr funeral, and v-18 at bis Mrs. IHighni:p: "Vs, 1 advertised post when the Kzing was proclaimcd, for a footlnan. but you kde too and is stili hale and heartv. srnitli. You ivili hardil, do." Appli- Mrs. ilenrietta King i.- known ia cant (bacicing out of the roem>): the Ujnited States as the Cattie "Theft yon didn't realiy Want a foot- Qucon of Texas, Iby vvirtuie of theiai n uta; You wanted asxfo- ct that sh1e ispopfto f ietma. -1 4m f-tIl 7re'hai Ppplnest. of thousaads of p ro iew ngyo ngmen. Bome a de a d i -it il le ait stations of iife-the farin, the office, the wrso h 1u~t, tre trades and thre professions. rvt ObatceSmis We1.s .. sare guaranteed cured by otr PNew Mstltod T vtms r 'y Pay. Yon rue nu risk 2 tur Detroit. Bank eecerity. CIJRED ALES AIE.Iiese sdwlhu altmcset "I ame 33 ears of agr naod mLarrkzd. When youn,ý IYlsd Ia gay Ilfe. Earli'ldiserttoscdltr xessmd tobefrrr 1 ~ Ibecaineweak andnesrvous. M iay eai tfcc e 4 f eared BriglxVs Discase. Marrled Lifewas uilsatigfactory an-i m-eý; Y homeunehappy. 1 trieti ererything-ali f alledtîli to treatreent £roui Dru. lKennedy &i Kergan. Their New tto j butnieS up mnetaly, physicalix and sexsaily. I feel and sct likce a mnati In every respect. flrey tridted me six years ago. Tirsy are hocert, skilfutr andi resp'tnsible finaoclally, so wtry patronize QriaclLa aed 1,akIrs whce u Scael be cured by reliable doctors."-.A.Eitn CIIRE GURIE RRO F!. Consulioio Fro-*o 1051F[ 0 1 si[O ifiX RFr60 for Haoe ROMw~ rs. nne y & rgr i,148 Shelby Strcet, t' C C-Acht 1 ià-l - .-.. -- - - .