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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1902, p. 8

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S__ ~ M E ~V _ 2WJ. JflI. ~ ~ Inentioned rates and time:- Stations, Adults. Time. SQeiigrWe 3.. ...... $1.60 7.125 a.m. port Perry. .. ...1385 7.45 a. m. Prince Albert...... -... 185 7.50 a.m. ,Manchester.......... -1,85 7.55 a.m- îligli Point .... ...... 1.85' 8.00am. cMrt ............... 125 8 07 am. Brouii.........1258 18a m, 'Wbiby own...... 258.3,) a m Wbitby Junction ....25 8 35 ar. Pickering............ 12() 8 5Jm: Dinbartou .......i-- 2- 0 O --8 F55 m-l Fort Unlin..........- , 1 15 9 OU O-f. Trenton ............. 2 5 O627ýa in. Prighton............. 2,10 6 13 7 a .1n. Coborne ............. 2.05 6.47 a mn G raf ton ..............215 6O57 a m. Cobourg ý............2 e5 )7.15 ar. Pýort Iloun..........i ~ 28 a ni, ?Netonhla.......i7:) 7.40 a.m. Newcastle......1.85; 7. 5 2a. Bowmnvile.......1.5 800 an Darlngtol........1.5 810 a m. Oshwa uncion 1.-25 8,20 a.m Ci-jiLD I ALE FAE Tickýets good going onflv on sica tran ad Zood to return by anytrn Upý toMonday evening, June BO.Jh Ileturn special lea ies Guelph at 6 p. i. Members of the Institutes are urgod to attend andi are asked u u ai-u-toe- Excursion public. p9ýFarmers, arrange OUr woû o th~t yu ad Our famlles Élay onjov and profit bbsttsopportunitv of visitiuîg- theOUntario Agricultural Collego aoc' T~.kta fr ~bvby al GT li. AgentQ Secr'y .O,ÉL Ires tS OïF. 'A. C, 1; AR, RAK AL-J. .ecy W.D.F I. Pre'tW F.j Malt Breakfast Food rich inl Malt, Gluten and Phosphates, predigested and free froni insoluble starcb, le the eue perfect cereal food for the neurieli- ment of the bedy, neives and brein. Ite marveilous building--up virtues bless the y oungarLd old, the trong enid weak. Ask your Grocer for a. package. TYTIONE. Rcv. Austin Patter, -Gcorgetown, --a visiting bis sister M i s. Thos. Creeper... Mr. Robt Lindsay is recevering from in- juries received while assisting te rase the stave factory. . .. Ar. and Mre. S. J. Henry and family returme Sunday froni a pleasant visit witb relatives in Port Hop... MisesC. M. WVerry, vL. Sex- smith and Editbi Hoar 'wcre uof iMrs "'. Bray', BraLîdeEnfýield, Snda.. Recv. J. S. and MmeMcMilc and fam- ily are visiting ber parents neacr Orillia.. .Corne bring your bseahi your friends and omot 1mapy face te the picnic SatUrday ,121st .. .,Mrs, !Stockcon- tinues very iii, ..-Long San.It anniversary was a decîdcidd success. Rev. A. J. H. Strike, Lindsay, lu bis usuai cloquent manner addressed an overflowing bouse mornîng~~~~T f n an ev-ng -1 ona -neei -jtt ,fl-qtÂtLLLSU JU& ft.e îng addlresecre given by Rev. Austin Potter, Georgetown, Rev T. \N. Leggott, Orono, and, Rev. Strike. The ladies in their usuai bourntiftl style served retresli- ments. Procceds $63. A lID OT SAsN.urngth bt eao ho1bod'gts oer uaedt8 Litters prnifc' adicnvi ora ese niversary.lMrs.Wright is very iii egai, osltef oter paraiatic etrke . .Mr ,Tos Gibson , sr., con- tinues vey iii with pueumonia.. . .1*1ev scott Hloward wili preach te the Sons of Engiand next Sunday evening... ,Rev. Jos. Ward, Courtice, occupied the Math- odiet pulpit Sunday evening. and Backache !.r John Guheen, who is in the Fish Business et Port Hope, states :-"In my business 1 do a great deai of driving over bad roads and the constant jar of the rig along with exposure to ail sorts of weather brought on kidney disease. I was in miserable health and suffered a great deal with sharp paIns le my back. 1 heard o! Dr. Chase's Kidney-Lîver Pilla and de- cided to try tbemn. Before 1 had used ehl o! the first box 1 feit better and threa boxes have entire! y cired me. I arn very glad of -an opportunstj tO recomimend Dr. Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pis for I have proven their vsondlerful contrcl over kid- ney disease." it seems unwise ta waste money and run the risk of exparimnentin. with new fangled, untried remedies whenyou know that Dr. Chase's Ki'Jne-Liver POis wil cure, yon. Our. pili a dose, 25c. a box, at al! dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., 'roronto. Kîdneyo- i tver POIS OOINO. Miss Bertha Joues is vi£sIting et Nr. S. S Brooks. Courtice. M ...r. John Carscadden, Mauvers Station. was boe reeently.... Miss M L. Deyman, Owen Sound, la visiting lier sister, Mrs. N. Austin ...Mrs. Briglitweil, Newton- ville, le visiting ber sister, Mrs. John Kiveli .. ,.,Miss Aura Caldwell, Ti rone, yisited et lier uncie's, Mr. Wes. iliornton reentlv ...Mr. Thomas Van Camp,. Darlington, visited et Mm.-E. Hl' Mr. and Mrs. R. Moon ettended the wed ding of their niiece, Miss Ide Elliott, London, lest wûeok and are Visiting- friends lu Lucan, Exeter, and Saints-. bury.. .Mrs. Luxon is visiting lierl brothere,R1ev T. W. and Mr. Mark, Jackson. Woodstock and also 1ev. S. W. Fallis. . . . Mrs. (Dm,) W. W. Andrus and !irtte son Edsoa, with lier sister, Miss Grece ITreland, of Miles City, Montana, cailed on friends hlie à1m. Thos. Carscadden, Tliorn)buryv, visited MUr. Il C. Cot an and MJas. TamblY.. . .Mis ýGertie Fisher 15 s sowlý-y Bicketon dmisn, su:ents1 cf Toiot MedicOaî Coliege, wî in town recenDtlyï' making extensive reppirs to their church.,. -Meiss -M. E G.,Vaddell had spledidsuceasin ber third vear exarn, and MsR i-t addufl in his tirs* year e'n. oh Arts course ...Mrs. MayE Mairk, duhe of Mr. S. ocnPort Huvro)n. and niece of Mr. "d. Hocki, dedat lPort!Huron, May àMiClarenoce V'insonha.ecrdapito inheC T. W. LeggOtt las ba ppoilnted to Nomilnating, Officera fur holdintg the C3ounty Counoil election next January were appeinted. the salary of eacli la te be $20. wbich amount muat cover al expences: COVNTV or D-unnxrm, No. 1 dIvIsion SamI. Purser, Port Hope. No; 2 divIsion Thos. Newton, cavein. No.i 3 divieion Wm. Twigg, Betbany No 4 divlson J. Davey, Lesn- kard. No. ý5 division TFhos. Smnale, Baw- manvllle.- No. 6'. ivision- Wm. Lues,- Biecketoeký CoTJNty or NOitTHumBimRiLÂ<D. Ne 1 divislen Wm. Littîs, Woeher. No, 2 diislon D. J. Lynicl, Camnpbell. ford. NeP. 3 divisiIon Gea. Keys, Col- bornea . 4 division J&8, Roberta, Roseënemt'h. Nýo. 5 division Thcîi. Ras. kyn, r:ftonr. NO. 6 divicion Dai,.-d Ealeae old Spýrlngsý. 0:1eqetof Courn-, Thoio),n and W&lker $100. wa grnted te ort Hope voted -lto lMr, CObse. L>werfor in*serlpg to te sirital antsef he risonevi a'c1 ledI]ents at the goal. On motion oi 0'un. Fc-gusoGn $5. was Rr4uted te the Port Hope Times aud S olnil Sar ~poerafor tep. ri g the At 10 o'cloek th nembers taok the brs et Vito014Ria Hal land w"ir e drý,i von te losec th mGolwhlch M sfuod inaa prey a2aa~ory coot oTbc.y w etewn Mhomç h ii M by Covenor mnd Mrys nairove, '£a ie C"tinued, lied been in bed for menthe, gradualiy getting werse; physiciens conid do notbing for hlm, His case lied ecbed that stage wben his body w'as terribly bloated. H1e was so bow that he bad convulsions, wbich were rapidly growing more frequent. lu the interval between these con- vulsions lie was elmost eutirely unconecions. Ia this extremity the physicians et Iast told-bis-wife one 'eveaing that lie could net live until Inorning. Whiie watching bv bis bedside Mrs. Kent cbanced to pick up a paper con- taining an advertisement ni a cure of Briglit's Disease by Dodd 's Kîdnev Plis, Itwas then midnigbt. and ail the drug stores were elosed, but the devoted wife determined, that even at this extremely late heur sbe would mnake ene more effort te save lier liusband's life. Accordingly she cdespatcbed a. mes~ songer, woke up the nearest druggist'ý ,1 procured. a box of Dodds Kiclney Pti, wbich she commenced te administer at) onice.1 Mm. T(ent did not die that night, uer PUIS be commenced to improve All other treatments and mnedie nes were discarded, and the use of this remned--, carefuiliy continued. Graduaiiy yet sfurel 'y this w-onderful remed(Iv arrested the 'progrress of the dread Bright's ieae 1t took DdsKiduey vPils a ïu. ix or seve,-n ek t rstreMrKent to good healib. Tiiis seven yesl(ýprS go andh be as never blusa dav's; work th.rough iliness since. chiidren, Huntsville, at Mrs. T. B- rows; Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson P, daughter, Janeiville, et Mr. C. N Ruee's; Mr. -F. H. Mason and family, Friendship, N. YE, at Mr. E. Hiasting's;, MIr, J. Wakely and family and Mme. R. Fursev spent Sunday with friends neer Brooklin; Mr. R. Fursey recently viit- ed Prince Albert friende . ... Sorry tef leamu of the death et Oshawa o! Mr. Van Wilcox, a':former resident of thec village, brother of Thomas and lHenry Wiicox.. - .Mm. W. J CI emeils lbt hie diving hoise Iast-week fromýy injuries suppsed to bave been received by coin- ing lu co,,ntact witb a fenice. . . . ýMr. A. H. Stotts lborse was severely injumed ini a barb wire fofnce lest week... . ,Mme. J, Salter and M P, . G. Kersiake spent Sunday at Greenbank. Wi0 ls atof has actually of l Files .. - ii-- 9 rt-m- -t -t --f 1 m 1 ý î 1 1 ýV

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