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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1902, p. 1

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Clit TERMS :-81.50 PER AaixUM.0ETW N ONY1E1 TEWEDTRAD. M. A. JAMESdio nPrpet. NEW SERI~~~~s. ~BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 2. 1902VOUEXIINo2T *CarpetsD~Cur tains* We have neyer shown as fine a stock of ail kinds of Carpets as we donom: Union Carpets, - from 25e up to 50c. *Wool Carpets, - from 60e up to 85e *Our best quality 3-ply Carpets, $1.00o *TapestryCarpets,- from 40o up to 75o SBrusseis Carpets,- from 7be up to $ 1.25 A -.- l l -mmý -1 1Q1 Q R NEW CLYDESDALE STALLION. Messrs. R. Beith, M. P., Pand Chester Power, Mapte Grove, have bought a splendid pure bred Imported C1ydes- date stallion that is well hiked bIy the farmers who have seen hlmt Bladnock was bred ut Wigtown, Sctland. in 1897, and is a large and beautiful horso of truc Cydesdale quality,' fine stv le and magnificcot ail round action, with the best of foot and legs. Hie is a bay with white stripe on face, rwht pasterfl and hinci legs white lie bas a royal pedigree, bis ancestors for generations back having been the lea, ding prize winners in Scotland. Bladnock, 10698, will be at Mr, Bith's stables, west e')f tbis town, every af ternoon except Fr1- day and ut bis own stabio,MapleGrove. every night cxcept Friday whcn he wili be at Bepnntt's lotel, Newcastle. Terms $15 to insure a foal. See carde for pedigree. DURHAM OLD.80YSe Editor New.s. DEÂR Sin.-Durliag the past four yoara the Dtrrbam Old Boys and Girls oif Toronto have beeu entertained bv DR. J. C. MITCHELL, ENNISKILLEN, JIJNE WEDDINGS. BItITTA9- MYRRs A very qiiet but prettv wedding was cetebra ted ut St G resCturchTo- ronte, Wedne ' by Rcv. Canon Cav- lev, whon i arIes J. Brittain, son offMr Wm 13 itLtain, fornrerly of Bow- Imanville,and :itElhel]Vîvers, daught- er off the e Dr W. M% crs, were mat riGd. %IdHcrbert 1313 tain and Mr. Erniest B Brittain wcre the attený dants. Mr. ani Ilr, Brittain Jeft for ,New York and vx cinity aftd'the ce-,e- rnony, and asUer a.wek or two spent there thev will return to Toromoto, andi will live at 290 Sherbourne street SMAL RSR A quiet wcdding took place Tncsdav afternoon at the resideuc, off thc bride's father, Ilev. R Douglas Fras,-r,Mý,A , off llIom'ewood avenue, Toronto. Tr b e bride w'as Miss Anna Fraser. and the bridegroom w a s Mr. Frit'z Hubert Smalt off Worcester, Mass. The cere- in ony was performeti by Re v. Mir. Fraser, in the presence of the relatives onl. MR. HOAR'S LETTER, No 3. There are many visitors from all the worid over in London tiow I1 took a walk atong the route off intended pro- cession yestcrday and to sec the uumber cf grand standls erected, it is really wonderful. Some ere, 4 snd 5 storeys high, sorine are even erected on house tops. I amn r:r0 esatisIicd than ever that tîn ernount irnenltiotned lin My tast tetter wiil not foot the Iit Shoutd no> serious accicient 'ücur that day, it wiIt be on(- of tuei wondors off London, Sun- dav June 8th thiaulkqgiving services to elebrate theretrinof peace were heuld iu the clîurches throughout the, citv St. Pautl's athedrai was the centre off attraciio on account of that the Kin- and Quce wfre to be pres- cnt. Twro d)ors were opeiîed ouly for those admitted lby ticketý The other doors werc f'>r tlt'e uubl:c generally. Manv wereut those doors fit Sa.m la a space offtime notie ivag posàteri on the barriers . The Chui-Ch rls fi" Thousands were diisalppoitnted. At a quarter past ten the King s nd Qucen arrived sccornpanied bv a long huie of courtiers which space will not admit oa ÀLJ ýîftuftoléftn 1 Ve 10 u

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