_______________________________________________ r. - w' s- 1-7TT FUIIV Twas laid ln the littie G î,n illage r10fTHE IRED] [ROS 01TE II~T(IUi f ingenbani. One da-, a nvll o p eople were gathersed in the lar ge 1,00ooil of the villiage iinn. As the paýr- TFEIR SPLENDID ,WORX IN IvUU I IN tyamrry-making, suddenlv ly D'wel6oped.Bîrain -lVfust Be Ballasted By th1 ot'ld'r wic afosde weeblocidshot ;bislong rmd ton5e an nscerf-h Go aM rlyDe-veloped I{eart. was ptl'l ordfrntth toî;bs Ata glanlce everyone saw thitt the Afrfica s tire outiturst of ni ion- 'terek1 ÊcrtIrg ta Act of tue Pariaimert of poorly front choice. WVirre on tdgwsma.Sîe0 ieen is ic~rt hc conne t Ca-ss arieru OsThusî iie c,-for you nnd Charles.' Wy a eotof'gbudtoe,en Jrry.- But in order that the fil volume ___ds n ,e y 1Wllienm îilof Toronte, at i ci h r Ii ,o ýr th ueoit b, t&?) ae-ad ea îealzdailt lt r dogi Mddg ! Mx , % ,v. iai for which it w as intended, acn tis Ls~amnîcfA~icuice.oîas s ag,adde ey cl alte,"Yet 'rdxe- hp iron tI t i 1 h'Maderchainn sofrah heobjot e Ais ýdespateli from Washington says: fte n ohr eedigf1Shah itwe d t'ta ie ieal tcn o raiigwr t ,l T f~~~-~ i Frank l'e Witt 'lalinage preach- Ime that I wepi. and sobblike,, a ý,karthy bakmihrose. IliN ulrin snesrî'.Thwolfo- ca fi oi the fllowing text: I'slit-I little ehild." it re a, Mrr.so knotted imusicles. ganization is r'epor-tcd in a blue- tiers vi, 24, "Tkhe Lor'd bbtss tiee" 1A gain, I congratuflate yol, youlng "Stand back, aiei iea " ocr icd, ]book on the Coentral :British Ried luti e ' t Pe- i t lur cf IL i5t wcek 1 received an invitatiou' i-gr'acuates,, because, wiile your in- "There isrla îeed)oiy cf ceite man i- Cross Coniiittee lxhich 1iras issued lbt rn front uone of tite large- col- teilect has beentrie and model- 1Ingtp,-e. Ifif ucIcssaIry I t, iiibe tnat recently. It is a fascinating tale of of the. cat. That invitatin d by teheperlt indl f lolee ma. uwhletre ilag lck el arii ~~ ~ et ,;- te ebecause it was sn n felbt., your 7heaLrts Ihi" elrSPir- s'tîlaîd owr îdclutchedl The nmore list cf voluntaryàrgnT o r. f lti old undayant .ile dchiîig'the itkIadog bytio îtroatandiz.aions xvlich caine uiner ý-the con-j StePu~Zndl tn trr IaiW. j a .As 1 heid the square card i iniail tbese years ,,by bbc prayýuers aliI brettest-ggin oat o the to fttscnrlcmtte sb mvbnd ened to -ble starrdirrg he uscorugerueatïl îfldyprns lobt e, lel d peule ade wiidei ig, and iN aIone enoI;ugitt s~aflmsO 's iO'rUain iii the 5acred roontu it atti goorfh peilz-to tthiresape.Tuie nîad dog bried showtieruipctyf thewrki derold Second Fresbytcrian cirtr-ci.tteti satsiti csr for ibis tecth iii ritearas c thc bick- lianfi. IF lst, there were three so-ý tnta - isiit~~ini Pittsbut-g. I could Ce titis la ottrirant to iavemitlb, but -l( ie w oulinrtiligouin- cietis ai hoîtte with the foliowingý young illuit, to itebyr IIEI2tCTION. cil al bis frietîd we-e ai dThen w ork: I -lori ucsei- sîtrs a cfetili fug it mdogno'li r-i,(1) National Society for Aid to i -l is tcer. ol erteTu adi nfiec ki oig uhere the brute wa i îor[aeds hot Sick and Wouaîled ln Wur. ~ ~ lti~, S15? e aiixays lovod to sinîg. tsitcchnij(ogy and acitools cf il et Jisslop and tck a on,stogtin ,- l, ~ i 1 -ni bîticci tu uns oftial- that tugicaaoha oedcîjî.1le rtîotcd nelndt'lpII f l nt (3) Armny Nursing SrieRsre 1 atonIsoliloquizeld: 'low trile tctcto ai oe le ]SIcisa in about 'litfbdyau" tUot rThese bad to vwork litann ~~ ~ tIce ~slip awrty! MLy Sundav school n'ighbily iaidica'pilpddina the race caIabout itteaîr,iil.'heie ocîwlisionoalslti ii out- -vial 5itou a grown in. Wiîîio he h ts uito liTs friensard11d-No nt 1 Africa .Then' thete were titeIre mi î iri bcu chngedto lulat. ,Wyouttg peolifle, wsh tieaniea d n iaat lr, aixiiiai'y iospitais-r1Ther as the Ili, is niou ôger a chld rna-xriytahr aebn ce-bded wabr -hleI ic KopP'-iîIC-essChristiant iîîspitai train, a~ ngIrntce cflie icict inrrg -voilr brain, in ail probab1 t,%IreotfI":echwhe c ia -Lo4hoptiai-isd oirim- iiig e ltilles ecf ftis e î rid oai-t about riorai t 'ailiers, liket io.rNCitrisilaît Ti. t -P , r"î~n oiep forth o ite attrjie Jcfq lte aoatc '-httira liersad ,esIleavýo uili C'ed" SOon proviscd trains. Ttere wcre two foi;Ï i',flý Jeýit" aýftireandawfîrl anTi oxusut of l-,, d1roî,i i l, tosr ibal ships, the Frirîceý%s of G f BONYCSTL~. tii, l) , iote ott >'-ns broisers i .ti, rsrsheu t cal w-litai J r ug . uIe frusalto ly ipt fo ur ia aîI rîdlait a sid, aîîd cotvlos - Oi slier:-Ocor loît, ai71111rlrser .eErîtr'aecr' ytietv iiiy studirooniocliaitocciiaaiaIiiro.Ja'nes lIai lierrosst theehoete otchis - - tItiCV. I xi as alig tinob bt -l'o le'bn pî i îa u b iii lolag i zkîtItit ded I ii obIte I NSTA CnadF \ o riv sar: i innrtenredoi abutcliit tîîl il badii-t ed o Is lie c iiig e ta i rtse re- Lx:I( u il o ità i C i iut.Seîif iis t ie tit rrt iîofgîscI nae asces r, l faitl ore demeen riod te Caix art - I -ie J, ui îtii, i tt . iL utpie~eo, i bi ap' , y sroi'chanrx iîtt. bt'my bo,-ou go ficrs Ct i :i w-;I ý tisuw'o'lc isa l'Ano b a I titýi I ý1Jarn , 1 i yuu i graew t is home, re jrionbs bo t b g ad a e ci sI ct1tsi oi Cr s tre1,se h i I . J. C. ii'FCIIELL,- eartfilî antI hnlierl1 hic lise tise;ste n'ai b tis sick 1r.d w oIadId c s/s rr~~~~~~u o r li,lîys ue ha e ai.catr- Lid:ore (led , sh a ri-te sa agaZias Iprtc cii lcue b if y eti ed t i S lie gr so . hîetdise. irîfriien. 74- re ot ci so d libut ha ie d it <t i -casTh Coiuiiîi'i ioîLIer c t r e i ii th e taiye', ,nuI&ios, t me e e - o r oug the p rig t ant I deîiac b hs wl u d d w gn u" isc iri-riop.r, i-aOitOthrîIrd oae o pabrs b is ccigo fio, anditwatset'jdlias ien go frot coieo- ýI0 Cl<1SlS IL)Pl, Ii ian donotdigra itagrrts ireol f ie, I bld aeidAtsle relbbc cftry c hil ad rrs Metcy e iilatteasî.bluratr. 45-yra- u i sgae ti oml nit rt leosh cte a day O U-lier-r v le rs LL i liOiFIL'i<('iG 50M scee1va asari rîeallonuhegtt daof t) fi Twn bilEttrnityerli t ii > 'fcciî-s r- ty sirhaeîsg. V ,i yurrg get yenî d I sllal yen do ri t, se L a î' fless îsoî dipinînua se g, si, a ac, ue teîp r opposite are11, Slsîd. e, ysîîaandbtell iticti i youlite bled 0foin- telebiderxositsTgeivast iit ,asoi n t lercant qatedeLI cf , i, otutr y ou -o rie cely lekeIl p T A . J tF le-EMSýi,-oI-Mi A fe- 1ttîdy -itiîlire fter îhsai-rd -a i _r - cf Liceensesi-- - int i t ar der', rach i on f o dd 1vpo r t a sl, elîcci 'I fbie e,. c Atbb1rlifif trficsi bte ne (I~rstnîeri tc.s f ri Oi n theailatroacoy itai l-ringircag nlite par , lt;ite a-rite"sby cflieaxoýenofixhreiig-, l 1cesiîy nof t teii, ocorert Resden c: e, ifi tel lrig jiasir arxiî eoea1 -ad'------ t n o o o e s' evice na z-i e n sicit cad w-exstsdedw-s sOf se et , sct;tc oig usJr' nt i io m rll ught tco yc de g5niOatO , diit - O ec T e yushl hnt iineClitell-hial Ilnkig iioliig St o. u-mni 11 n î îîn t i e l coi-ie anBtti si-t îc id t _ýIl I n w sthrni taid î nn e "- t'lnin u t i 0Btk rve ic iir' uenndcci hof ihtti re renîcaîber bite w-As ou en-d ee ne ok;" i iOST Hiii al- cir t ie ocd. Ls cenithaftwtheb astei iiiaineSet îo.rît sYeung' uea yonî reas ots ando gibokofets.1 Yeni'i!Ilaid n at l( . IoTEt sictererîtîig Isan aiian Ellials eev wit liý harse. traslý>IinsIIfrtdb te asýiI coftlicf Bpi~ieoiv-~ a e,,Mne, dnrstadI t uea f c-lti he l ayi -one mi-Ofk ocr piibnnsit ie ini A g--to hic s ter'y s cciil a îl hecsioc ntt A in PeniReomi.110w iirvilie -Mi ireI' - it arn t eneiae sieha Ta-, nd ifyn d -oig Iaes an \ )Ii ho tor ed tii lliedesia I !'i" bbc t hefnrief oi 'cthelinet I uy rist fili luirmnex o, bt nnsotiuw-erh ril reiheferi bnc nMsamgnb',bciejsIcmnnjaiir. l iiiu aie -tl ailiMareliîd1 er-ur ege yti'erea O, eda egn edsp uison hrie hy1;r_300 cisan css 'ccî A. prat ce: "O (loi, lîe~~~~Ip rite lte i-clat sek ite i lchp Icf ha ed ii -1, idutr(atlt uie ltuh e oilltLAn'soc ethe. O his Itrebale1f ie.r ou. Btn i the pgLiite user es cons- j i t L ee abirc tue of eBoute So bite arati011ci70ii1g.asigetitr rîtaeriai hhi b e]1akiok n ce1 fi 2 àirat hiei r sbe ahie l, , ire fteee ta bu>,il h oyrîaw-tltgrlsa. outr a aDIopaSrd-aschey - Bînt bii Itle ïitied ef chtbe Mondr' il atand t Nwcathelath cstccnacd es t ýit oari îitset-nnotAubon uorts ~oeao otfier I fe fecia tie aîlflce aboitesuace t o disposiai I'eîedyfr0F.11 pTa.vc. FoU, s sieIad .DcMEc, artL sigANDWMNd . 1tasrk xtt'- ult rrnai i-Iins iy, ixe w-eu eau atnfotion - -~~~. - iTRc jýnanif1îtol raciatg frontrie cst f ull tccrssme ntise ensetiIIbgi zsaiie is1ceete he s andv, ixrichtloncse uj on a isirer é ont bigiiter1. institut,,tiens titis- w1lîici I steak tee is inOdlife -!and A g:o hi'bire. bn'eoistn' ca at eoiiibt rsrlp flt Jof beane nir ie fnanîolca d bt t cf our lf. iîin lît-eto'tien nrris ae yur- ian' Ofie.truhu SuhArc strgge -hdinunyhae rier Satblfienhaeiiaabod 1tog w-nscaeidrerii .u sicenfithi lie i Tt rrnetsfrts aec sI'Dt1- IJ;ýt Digotîn for iltis ireake n edtio n le .te gl laartdta ti.futtnts 'engnoînlixIict rshd tdeî otvi2i00fficcis a eofyalsrestt C' LJ.~. LN/.1J.SI,.LJJJiri 1.i -lraciicalyo ncole. Iler ni-dtîteePenrte adif îot dolne .niehom cespwo eed e ea' it e oiacInirtheuthe lrte, sontirioyf he catio Grduteo tneRya Cllg o aonng iti ait inw-ho eee ncel btogo 11îîw-or te yord nith naSforgiti t'te cite ieiinn-b. 'as lte atixes hommuccnatns. t dtri at Ilenti Sureons Onta oo. i i tha îay hoi b ,ýiite se cf n rtc nosr a rgeye', rid als tbyor e-'ntw-ee r op, iingiii bite h en uulung crs iaet îa oi cag, fatsc. lenNy av hulduiug Ccd glî rnyst cam ei tp yourcse. us. As o I the osr ad thiegrssbediifg mini- o one isnîtdehcolusanbd ~iFFCE-0po9i0 Ti0ghmrs f 1ie ui scheovcer t lwie ntos etw-es-eae te get1titre gît ote-phesmenîy,vî îeekoî npc ilii savbieeîe n bcrnetoioaalii Vtg CI Il'AnLIZeDatertsIR hiet, on an iigndmce tsii,egit silbo-.Hr yuar t rcdniîibu-nnsisgntteiiadtote 'ein eualuei£30c,00(). subi -_______________ ad oil"Go eeiybecliusle irisa ricit the Su, in tinat er prtncf oue i c it40 oot. A T bnrn e u )cdgois h--neecat ia p cethnis'pehd mint o;h ifI tlt'it(oiem e eriretisarutyio-s ot tuie' ir ie fiedesîctpoud ci ""heTr'TYClive peopleatoîi 1 fO bisgr duet- sbho i rl adre y 50t- elon sflyieg-' avenqipeut,ti e li. l e nr iiny Iiesceitioîrre be tle rsn asout IIn- n-d tp~ cis ad ony wciicnl nenit ttroati. Yen ai gcingisnhie to Cgted antI Icorn ua-d sfo d aer eefer t ise this. u e ci-torati00 in9Ilsihp itrg itndabttis oiiruýe- bn-ribl es. lonsasWe giîsg Pte bmhe dnpees rhsa ardclcn1 g tatmivhdd ofcs o hats o .L he rarer fgeirt0gCrisetehurte lotfnsîics - mai litett iîî ni atthe h £sanie utin t e 'aiter t ite btheun i. l îap c i T h ls 18 INm t I t .- E a c h 1e c asb l I e t r A yyi) 0 A T L i g B u asic e g ru p ni y e en. B urs tn w u i nm a kiîs g a pecrn h i îîiOs e gt e îîg hî D -. is y sîr t eapenn s et 8 ,0 0 , an dtt ry a v e im rx'm ns rlari Pnsds n are y eu nurîn uices n ep- pne ternihv te i tse; eagu me Fatb- Greyirl is e bis-r orrgîi lb ta e e-t gtnia t ios lr e q as o li e n rk t I ai e - ~ m ke il a sp c ai r se n t ieu y t ni- s cf c îlec rs h înni, île n ula st t t ee Ic i yu gu. ren herh a to u t , s i e a hr n . j " - " "-a d' - '-r m ter - point t a pare nu expense nlu eîpphng gVed !ites. ,lnoblîa es o fng tescI îe i i she tb o i uix cerasy wh a oie nu nfs.T rea a g lop aient, cosyfit-hout thrre RE OCieldBoTUE-SIiartàble rny l w ilte beethgodat rn appdi. ani iv n ndsasrnuining ehicl aiigit hte mgu i. al'oielustranue titi s r l ruai. T t he ten, lionery or, ,w-a k l laaS fo1lne ," al iathr od lunes Av suppyuand iit N gradte lS , .tise co lege gad uaot es com hy e l,-'crî1c v-nions sudu ig l't e iebof hoe e , 1 I onn see tit lt e sfdieh- ba n theay tu ce "a it r ispaofai dî'cies aî- k p aM t. Ba vgicnse hom es ani bs dcte n cI j fnr iik t a uai ce-et bnci tean'oetcb - enriin ily, a be , hld a sate tio villa e f 1 ,1Gnin g ot ansdrgestora se se oîng ntu ientheungo en arepre - m ia h rdy c . V mnoy nrc men he top oft hebiti rseupo rt iend stip auinrouh r ci e is Re er ok Tr uîa îin en iîîîîa e ue u tîc -i ng tof bu u- 1 e o t ig se, ixn uchint he sîss ehiofhe t e a isoase,beancy at duch pes u n a xcspectsliy sohcited.iheir 0-st iut t ibutalo n tis cl 1liealed iv- te n npprcarlsing tntaies x-' mo- csui aunl-ne einsatr itgunîuug e î aîsnnl ithniesyocia', eu a ctcten Tt st.FS LEG , hrt et titrloicIt nayh- r ites. lf o m hdanIs tlus thtiitrieg nii i ceeu r ec myitho; Twhoe asys1tners ietesîfres cîie ofts' (0I Ii' day a k, of1i1Pai-saiis eanatel iras lîtokingces tNeic a-ýArct bist: "ilta la ies ar I s mkeata ii euîry fohine fithe prefra i e e(f , irs ss gic, ui-s a illî itsi. O r es unr Ie ii awbîha ly w-rng. o e na Cý)I e r eitd at ie adt hin etw r s i en'tu . bu mýo I. An-rd )I i im- ee'yiing ; ant,_i, ultn i l, - tnati s I UFFICË-Oppositeitho 1îim tie' neillt i[: 'Jires s andwacry. I dicneshae ,fhic ta ce-t l, i-t iîlowI i t i îu neCae 'I Éi(ril '1vlo-;nIhs VIP L Z DAM l3IJ-L s h. As I tireri r u i m ue tl eas hetrn raneokox.fr ssy if u -r nioy e iîtuir oiis. A"rr'm !- X TR A C b it roi r are nts iressed i hgo - MrsUI . U N ry U lýCr k Pat U pedo nt, si e, I enlieS, 'Cc !' te my herse coil L y h ove nei i t ofet my par-c l' siaes ;- ' I ave ami kseven a s afeDr. w-,bi (-a, ledIl i ke1 an arruw- Il ,0w-lde jY hiscoren -bo nlesi og b i s as ce i h . L t e y I h a r db e o - C 4i'ê h'e Fgd f o r n4,v(e8 s a n i u eoernihfi- oe ntis ehreit a is d i REIE ES CH À Q, IT HI O R IR J. c in v l îhes . ustanduî a alt a'l i -t frca W n l, R ' ts a o he Stly , soit."ti TATON. CO0~, OM OI1 S A D H ALS I si ipa t ogot a te i ui. e i y, fet ivext- ! at »dQr usie its Ilerlapaoflite nîca voaluaheiliriante Aveid dengerotîs, irritaiisg WIicIt Hazel annontsuitfer' blîrco ycar's nai nue came mtnil,, in10 b1.ve ne w-bicb enciosos "Tise Virgin un prearhis s rMYrsesîe îe'E cn es a" t cîs etis w- HE D OF A-d irT ou. a en ergyoram iten y t tound htlseitt ,o m ingi" le b r ite C todrai i M1gjia. i r nteiEn i a idtas have bitea hy oît- hend's Ex Iract, whicen sareilou ae os îde Ba un en' n m a tntisC hii Ts O Ioftt-iî al.c u.tacîy da i ei s te- b 6 fot, an st s lizantionf r a vs-l iu bt.ai I rnyTseI n e n t e - h i f aou t fald ic h e Di w vin e ak i u - m amn-r t Ilg lSi ri ti an Sie s a 't n it t a m r an I r c t llasM " i se i e nient eitsîg als iof cbele,!es ' sw h« 1 fit dscuagd abu m orurs uti'oan thutiii g e inre ntr oaes ogibt- he noubed at mae -1-ars enmsro ruto rii5 tknaa hs ypos ngvnaen b tu iait aebensnschea h nia amd ADVERTISIG ATES. ysn tesui Ury I r o ' ack my- usuai health ani. vigor, canse. lte gitcf a ricitumsey anti its a Spanisit noblenan abter bus dugis rvoi are asinei ut tlis-nytlun quently I endorse t fîily." 'eitisniabeî value is ]i25,U00. One ber, Esmeralin. Sise belengs lu n TsL CiîAoÂs SÂTsna epubusedevryuibe(ý(r 'antI I dm'ess; buim. no. 5 cnsa1oetaldealers, or Edman etfbte pictuîres cf tbite Vabican ut lino tisa-t liasset, lante natter ob Wednescdaymrinat tlise office 28 SrÂ-zîI bave net veey nnucb nîtunietý111- anti ilson, Bates & Co., Tororito. Boitte l enelosed ha a fralnte studioS shortnrntes-, -an exampie blin otiser .IN B1ocir, Ibitir Strýeet. Bw0ritiOnt., by i ha bnci o got ahcng. M e duo not __ d's il - -o itgit. bcase __w-th jew-eis, su o it-t bite ine cf Linos-are 1hugiaairg bu ieiicw-. 'li ,,l o A P srety i,î-î - .aswu, tise bý,caraine nearti-y eiaiha f te Echto, lte Aioand te Or.;,r. idal-e181%Y fee ýf .tie , i , i n m phctns'e. Maa Cibhnnticisnîcies siater stiipq cf ber's.Iit ail te fe- tisir-g, leu cnspero, irstfue rtlis- fixe toîno- r te o abie e oget an educaus(imteeinti nreta s reatis rer unïe carlis aubequent insertin. hvCois-is w rae tract r.enappliatio,1 ai olee.1n-y1 wedent naserve Food hvcitrs wutanha rute hn sla nettt smn 1c1j-ý\e c - f grealt lett lha - ersi g. US-27 fi- around. 1 tir » 3Lhe clo" z- sectA; cian Takes cnly lh7lUnLe th . awihaif fie I3bos of So0pï ust fR~ dire~ n c'n."IPare c le opriy b 1T7-. il lî NX(1IAY Wc have sold pî!es 0 f 13oots the 1ast five or six weeks nd have loti to dispose of yet, and verv cheap-first-1ass gools at very smal, i - icos Oui carry a good a-rsortindnt of Ladies' Oxford.cotored and biaQý..at $1-00. Meii's Caif and Cordovan Blins, sewed and rivitte 1, from $11 0 I$2.50, worth $ 2.00 to $3.0. Childradn's 13utton and Bitas 25eý, 50c, 75c, wortb Oc 75c, and $1.00. Mjisses', 1'oy s' anïl Youths' to correspond in1 prices. We wiillfell yon what the stock is in each and every pair. Tho reason we do th.it is because we know. Lateý;t Spring styles now in stock in every line. IThe public is invited to inspect our stoalk; no trouble to show goois -we do it with pleasure. Trunks, i3ags, Satchels; Shaw'i Straps, faae', and plain - Dresaing the very best that eau be bought. Cheàp trash dressing- is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli ed to. I{epairing doue iu ail its branýches in first-class style. Fine work m ade, to order, -sure fit or no sale. Thanking ,mlv cristomerc for past avors and hopîng forl a coitinuance of the Lanie. I3eaver ERock, 1,'owmanville. o e W~4t4t1 PAG E ~ Wl~ This is the PmeFtnadI a eciade of "ae tew io wic'e s Stiong a a econiron wirc. The continunus coil, note wv perucel afor ep aiinasd con traction which le importent owingloCaaden1nrte O"Iltgt Meia e iio~pi ece I and have strenigh of about 500J pounds. If neadýý of leces ,plî -d ,et sých horizonUtal, thetyI waould bave e etrength oc nly about 300 roinr.diL W e sa inae eýs onsnntdenss poultry nett.ing, naîls a"t tans. Thie PnceWii ' re Ca.. !,-',. cM. aliesl s M W Jbtg L3, 0,11 yo le r e îtt' a t sI ,v t 1i1. L3d t tb article in Barclay's Patent Attachmnt elL'OR LIIi. CURIE 0F Badciiig and Kîckçing Horses, W iii ruiitiol any vice' kiiow, to haehrse. Livalualt, fir brc ki gin colts. Cati b" adjiisted i t two mLlnute'-,:t'îi Ucdi titRaoy hgt,es týlelce or iniplernent To 'the ptrogres ive farntei aud horseemAnttis artice is a neceS- vity. Alpiy 10 ROBERT HOOEY, 83.1 vr BL.ACKSTOCK., I guarentee m7 Laicuot b1'Jerhod Treatment to ne a permantent and positive cur'efoir -aiOceleand Strictere, 'aithout eutting, stretctiing or lues of tine. Il, Varicoc e 1-i t aSs uortis the ibagg ig, or 'aoray condition, equalizes circ ulation, stops pains lo the groins, also' ail drains, thereby gi ring the organs their proper nutrition, vitalizes the parts and re- stores lost powcrs; in Stricture it absorbs the Stricture tisane, stops smnarting.,eýnsition, nervoosness, wealincss, backacte. etc., while In cll prosattio troubles It le the treat- ment par excellence. So positive amn 1 tiaS nîy treatrnent will cure you, you can PAY WHEN CURED You nced pay nothing until you are convinced that a tterough and eomplete cure bas been establishcd. Thtis should convince you that 1 have confildenc'ein My Latest Method Trcatment, otherwisc I could mot asake you titis proposition. It maires nodifference who bas failed to cure you, eall or Write me. Each Timne You Gall You See Me -Personally, Or each time you write IL' receives rny personai attention. Th ise nmber of yeïrs 1 arn egtablished In Detroit, and tise cures 1 acconîplished after gi'rcn Up by other doctors, has placed me as the foret.ost speclalist of thec cuntry. CONSULTATION FREE. Cali or writ'e for blank for biakifor home treatment. Perfect s3iftem of hnetrestment for tises who canot eall. 1100K FRETE. Ail modicines for Osturdian patients stipped trom Windgor, Cen. -AIl dua nd express charges prepaid. Notbiag sent 0. 0O. 1. DR ODBR,2()q WOODWA D vu.r Ot.WILCOX 8Tý MILX ABVEIt'lSr,-ElENT. The oiîpt f bthe Filippinos te hearaIl ergîlsit amoatended-w-ibis ManIy annusinIg m ae. Tse toi- iew-iug incident is saiid aetunhiy te hsave ucrriduu'ing ;acIni,'eb ser- vice itou in hionor of-)sente uthlie titriassoldions: Thie intertor cof ite cittreit bjai beei iedeccd by bte salives in n'edwhite, and bhsie, -tise inatstet'piece ut deconatien beiag a pantei ongle unn asinieii ituag aboî'e Lise image cf oneocf tise saints. On thea banner iriicn streasic bfruma bte eagie's biltw-as titis logeaS: "q-be Ohi Uoiiabhe Ccnieasei Miik." ItU s'eerrs bta-t bthe artist w-ho painici te eagio bai copieul tb, inscniption aid ah, frointhbie label on an ahi' mniii eau, btlieving titat bte banner bore bte Amnerie nsat-ta. TEE ,'LONG CEN "Cas-t oifftnybis fater, he be- carnm-ot ainiseape pain-tee." "Wby ii ie citoose titat w-crk ?" "l1T(,ivauied, to contienue di'axxniig ,the ge . ASLEE1,P ON A BAG 0F GOLBJ. For sente y' \ear iM'-q oera (dis- trict cenulcillos'et'obsîoaCoa ty Viexterd, i- ilinsbensep pe4on'1 luberc, ,a dni uobite matteesa ho- ing for'cei titrougit b 'e-do cf tise iaborer's boute fi w-as tom, anidan-t iropperi asiik itaadkerchsief cuntnhning $1,950 la goli. The money w-as reiunic. Mes. Buguid (mnemter ofthlie So- ciety tonrlte Pu'eiention of Crueity to Ainimas)-' 'liy dean cîhireri, I love ahi animais. I tarer under any cin'euastances hurt one. I even liai a famit ebf pcttonds. I1 lovetobten sc t.imaT Icatch flies bu feei btent." iliesnnnias" arontat ienensnbas linveniner, are besb for thdi cick()OanuIlya- Cuntits unibuerees ieprcsabiy, tb wont, 7-M- il Il